Comments on: Vaccine Woman Sun, 01 Aug 2021 07:33:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandra Sun, 01 Aug 2021 07:33:17 +0000 That was beautiful, Jon. Thank you for expressing what so many of us have experienced.

By: Corinne Coster Thu, 29 Jul 2021 06:28:04 +0000 If you have an autistic child, I feel for you. Though you should know there are ways to help them recuperate some cognitive functions. For this you have to look into the GAPs diet. Part of the issue for autism is an overload of toxitcity in the brain due to great harm done in the gut system. If you can help your child to heal his/her gut slowly with No carb diet (for the healing process) following the Gaps nutritional plan–Gut and Psychology Syndrom–and help them with a protocol to detox (like Coffee enemas which help the liver to open its detox pathways blocked by chemicals), plus you may have to add high anti-oxydant (high dose vitamin C) to buffer inflammation, then slowly your child’s brain being less toxic may regain some functions. Check Dr. Natasha Campbell for the GAPS protocol, she treated her child from autism I think, and Dr Nicholas Gonzalez (who cured cancer) with enzymes, supplements and coffee enemas. May You Be Well and Happy!

By: Saeger Wed, 28 Jul 2021 10:52:18 +0000 Have to disagree on claim in first paragraph denying others right to judge, it’s not anyone’s position to dictate someone else not judge. I am me, you are you. I have a mind exactly so that I discriminate and judge. It is what separates me from a bag of rocks. Even ants and slugs judge. The govrmnt and media also claim to be me or dictate to me but they are not me. It’s important to separate ourselves and judge for ourselves. Nanu nanu.

By: Mac Wed, 28 Jul 2021 10:37:33 +0000 Mac

The choice of cognitive dissonance metaphor is off imo, at base the person reproduced when it shouldn’t have. The propaganda has been distraction, now look at the tyranny, and more lockdowns coming. The cognitive dissonance challenge isn’t to continue focus on propaganda, it’s to focus on creating a future where we are alive and control our lives ourselves. Sharing info about poluted earth, protest masks and vaxs, end the fed reserve, protest gmos, protest graphene, plenty of places to focus energy where it matters. We should do what we can to create the future before they come to stab us with GRAPHENE.

Btw if something reasonates in my post can make note, pen paper better than copy paste.

A reminder thought to share, tuna in lettuce or romaine leaves, or egg salad, less heavy than bread. Also peanut butter and bannana. Trick on peanut butter, drain off peanut oil because is inflammatory, pour in olive instead, use light/mild.

By: Mac Wed, 28 Jul 2021 10:29:46 +0000 Could yet point out there are applies in bigger sense, twenty four years, every person reproducing then or since knew milions of acres were being turned into gmo ‘patented’ phood and poison corporate farms, and before that, enron, also iran contra during reagan, who also did a -new world order speech, then during bush one the first false attack iraq war, then false money system being futher pushed by repeal of glass steagal during clinton along with republicuns, phony mortgages which later per plan went to 07-09′ fraud ‘bailouts’, which made things worse, and many other schemes, nine-eleven on and on. You say rage but are you doing anything to stop what’s going on in the sky. When you say -not all parents, the few exceptions who make actual sacrifice effort on situations wouldn’t be offended by Arthur’s post. The only thing that counts it’s what people do or fail to do, and;

Something would add is the point isn’t only record or current facts on time, and resulting tyranny, though time is limited because of the slide the last twenty years, anyone can get off the psycho bus and change their energy. For instance some people didn’t realize the false ‘wars’ were/are wrong because no one said it to them plainly. Then people can be embarassed because they didn’t see it themselves but it’s silly because that’s how we know things, by sharing, point is to brush that aside and change energy. The pharma crazies are trying to jam us full of graphene beside everything else. Anybody can shift, and it’s better to be creating. The main point Jon writes about focus on individual.

By: senorenapeepers Tue, 27 Jul 2021 19:46:39 +0000 Here’s a challenge for cognitive dissonance: Consider mothers historically as the scapegoat for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that goes awry…like the young, frightened, confused, barely women unwittingly convinced to give away their newborns to infertile couples who swear that they are better suited to raise another woman’s flesh and blood, while the (incubator) mother is going to suffer the consequences for the rest of her life for the benefit of all that profit from this inhumane and cruel business: adoption agencies, lawyers, churches, hospitals, doctors, social workers and all others with blood on their hands. Open your eyes as you can be one of them.

By: Patrick Shaw Tue, 27 Jul 2021 16:01:22 +0000 Actually, the real Truth is far more insidious than you could ever imagine. You won’t believe me but I’m going to write it as a matter of record. Firstly, Mothers are fiercely protective of their children and in good faith try and make the best choices that they can. Let no one cast a judgment over a Mothers Love for their child.

Secondly, you are all being duped regarding the real causes of Autism.

Sure, the MMR jab contains adjuvants which are harmful to a child’s physiology but the true cause of the actual autism comes from elsewhere.

“The degree of exposure from the tiny amount of mercury compounds present in this preservative when distributed throughout the body are truly inconsequential in causing any potential harm to the infant. This has been looked at extensively with due consideration to known toxicological profiles of mercury-containing compounds and is inconceivable from a scientific perspective, and we concur. It is a red herring and an intuitive link only, to the real culprit being mercury, but this is administered exogenously by extraterrestrials during alien abductions and not via vaccine administration”

The above description is taken from and as incredible as it sounds happens to be true.

Please follow my Twitter account if you wish to keep abreast of this and other related topics

Best regards to all who read this.

By: Build Back Botter Tue, 27 Jul 2021 13:13:58 +0000 I hope people who are dealing with autism in their families and communities are aware of the work of Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet. He was curing autism, until his sudden controversial death. Thankfully, his work lives on.

By: ReluctantWarrior Tue, 27 Jul 2021 12:44:41 +0000 Kayle:

Thanks for your kind words. They mean a lot to me because I really do put my heart and soul into my writing and it is always gratifying to me if others find my poems to be inspirational…that is the best reward of all.

By: Sean Tue, 27 Jul 2021 05:52:22 +0000 Rut row saith the spider.
