Comments on: COVID-19 is the murder of old people Thu, 05 Aug 2021 19:32:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: srg Thu, 05 Aug 2021 19:32:37 +0000 In case you missed it, the Germans started invading their neighbors to get treasure and land, resulting in the deaths of millions.

By: Bri 3D Thu, 05 Aug 2021 01:44:37 +0000 She was at Orlando Health in Longwood. Not native american. Born in texas with some mexican ancestry 64 years old.

With her O2 in the 70’s, was her life not in serious danger. Mine was also low but I went home and recovered. I will always wonder if She had come home could she have recovered.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 04 Aug 2021 16:28:14 +0000 Have you also visited: ???

These folks really spell out what Graphene can be used for!

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 04 Aug 2021 16:23:48 +0000 That’s because the PCR was not designed to detect viruses. Using these PCR’s as diagnostics tests is misuse!

At best,

PCR can only match what protein base-pair sequences it was calibrate to. Usually, these are mere protein fragments – which may or may NOT be unique to the organism that is being sought.

The so-called “Spike protein” is but a “micro-protein” that is really more common in Nature and NOT specific to any “virus”. This was an absolute misrepresentation of a “scientific process” that is a mad-sham of a process.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 04 Aug 2021 16:15:45 +0000 There have been instances of people living to around or more than one-hundred-twenty years.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 04 Aug 2021 16:13:31 +0000 Dig a little deeper, towards 1897.

“They” had the answers then, because “they” were the ones who fleshed out the structure – to eventually become their “new world order”.

It’s all there.

All others, are simply “following the global plan”.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 04 Aug 2021 16:02:33 +0000 I get the exact same reactions from many people too.

They simply don’t WANT to know, and don’t WANT to do their own research!


Their “day” will come, and they will be none the wiser – until it is too late for them!

Hang in there, buddy. Just live your life as honestly as you can, and keep resisting the pressures.

It’s trying, I know. I have written off many “friends” because they could not grasp the fact that, I chose to NOT live my life in fear – all because all these “EGG-spurts” tell us to!

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:56:32 +0000 Jon has been consistently one of the very few who has pointed us to the deep truths behind all of these worldwide scams!

Even now, with the re-posting of this very detailed article, most of the “alt-media” are tills preaching the dogma of “the escaped-from-Wuhan” virus story, and many are still calling these new shots “vaccines”!

Pretty bad when you see the signs that even mush of the “alt-media” are controlled and used against the People, by misleading them into “dark alleys” and otherwise, force-feeding them “red herrings” for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Just one thing is all that is needed to put to rest this entire SHAM:

– “Show me the proof! Show me the science!

To this day,

NONE of the vaunted “experts” have been able to, or willing to show us the proof of their outrageous claims!

All we are given, are more excuses, more “expert opinions”, and whatever similar false, dead end arguments to support their claims that “we need to this . . ., we need to that . . .“.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:48:08 +0000 There is a LOOOONG history of “vaccination failures” and the associated tragedies.

IF we are supposedly the most-vaccinated nation, THEN by “their logic”, we should be the healthiest nation, with the world’s longest life-spans.

As history has turned out, along with all of the statistics:

1. Our national health is an utter joke,

2. We have the world’s HIGHEST infant-mortality rate (even over-shadows those of the “Less-Developed Countries”),

3. We have some of the world’s highest cancer case counts,

4. We have some of the world’s highest numbers of other chronic illnesses,

5. We also have some of the world’s most obese people,

6. AND – We have a rapidly deteriorating fertility rate in both men and women,

7. Our children are no longer as mentally-functional as the rest of the world’s children,

* * *

This has all been a gradually-increasing set of problems over the last century, that parallels the increasing reliance on “vaccines” and other toxic, petroleum-based drugs – and less on good nutrition.

“Rockefeller medicine” has been a curse upon We The People, but a huge boon for the private interests.

By: Jim S Smith Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:40:35 +0000 The ONLY real fix for MOST of our “dis-eases” is by correcting the flawed diet, and getting ALL of the poisons OUT of our food, water, and air.
