Comments on: “If there is no virus, why are all these people dying?” Tue, 10 Aug 2021 01:52:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lyn P Tue, 10 Aug 2021 01:52:02 +0000 Thank you – so poignant. Non-jabbed but I fear I may have a life-altering heart condition that completely did not exist prior to 2021 and came on in accelerating inflammatory fashion like a reaction to something… I.e. – shedded spike proteins (toxins). Can’t prove this but can’t come up with any better etiology.

Regarding Dr. Ardis, do you refer to his interview with Reiner Fullmich? One of the most important I think Reiner has done. It is worth the time to find and watch. I viewed it as a post on bitchute – VladTepesBlog channel, 7.30.21

By: Rob Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:45:05 +0000 If you have the link to this, please share. Thanks I’m advance

By: Lyn P Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:08:09 +0000 Don’t know if you will come back and see this but what works for me is:

– No virus causes disease. Never proven.

– People have reactions, widely variable, from toxicities. I am sure you have seen discussions of this

– High “Viral load” means extra body effort to get well, NOT a super proliferation of bad virii !
– Vaccines are a sure source of toxicity, one theme in 2020 was that the 2019 flu vax resulted in higher likelihood of illness later! Again, toxicity not viiirus…

– Useful drugs affect and treat various bodily processes and can help they body in a supportive fashion to recover. In no way are they fighting a virus or illness from a virus.

By: Helena Mon, 09 Aug 2021 21:09:56 +0000 Thanks for sharing. It’s amazing how Joe was all over this several years ago. I don’t know if you’ve seen Dana Ashlie’s video from March 2020, but she put together some amazing research on the direct connection between outbreaks and activation of 5G. It is my belief that they knew 100% that this rollout would create illness and Covid is just a manufactured red herring to take attention off of microwave radiation sickness. There are over 10,000 studies that speak to this, most of them government studies.

By: Kelly Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:49:03 +0000 Me too. From the beginning of all this, I’ve never liked seeing masks on people’s faces. Its affected me greatly.

By: Kelly Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:29:43 +0000 Actually our annual death rate for 2020 was slightly lower I thought, than previous years. The lower number can probably be attributed to staying home, washing hands more and the like. I think all the covid deaths were just flu deaths, since the flu all but vanished during 2020.

By: Geo Martin Mon, 09 Aug 2021 13:01:05 +0000 Word. You’re on the right track.

By: Geo Martin Mon, 09 Aug 2021 12:58:30 +0000 There no doubt in my mind this is their biggest experiments to date, aided by mostly everyone holding an internet connected device in their hands at all times.

I believe from a statistical and observational standpoint that there are different types of ‘vaccines’. No matter the brand, some may contain graphene or other conductor type nano particules, some may contain a regular flu vaccine or the lie, while others are placebos.

This explains the variety of reactions and reports. But of course everyone reacts slightly differently to foreign substance exposure in their systems.
So, it’s a huge data gathering operation never seen before.

By: Geo Martin Mon, 09 Aug 2021 12:43:51 +0000 Poor diet and pesticide ridden food. Air pollution in overcrowded cities. Overuse of medications and other drugs. Alcohol and tobacco abuse. Stress, fear, worry and emotional problems. Poverty and squalor. Multiple vaccinations. Sugars overconsumption. Over exposure to chemical from disinfectants, house repairs, cleaning products, fire retardant fabrics. Etc.

Nah, forget all that. It must be a virus that causes all illnesses.

By: Geo Martin Mon, 09 Aug 2021 12:25:08 +0000 This reveals how many people were already in a dark place in their hearts.

I believe they are demon possessed in one degree or another, this has been documented throughout history in every culture so it’s not only a Christian belief.

The most cunning trick of late is to have made people think these things don’t exist, that’s how evil can get away with so much today.
