Comments on: The Vaccine War: who really has the upper hand? Sun, 08 Aug 2021 23:21:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lotfi Sun, 08 Aug 2021 23:21:01 +0000 yes it is true of France and Germany, in France, for the 3rd Saturday in a row, a revolution is going on, in all the cities millions are taking to the streets, Marseille, Nice, Montpelier, Paris and many more places in France, they say that we will continue to take to the streets until the Covid passport is abolished and Macron is taken to court, and they will succeed knowing the French.

By: Karen Ronan Sun, 08 Aug 2021 21:28:02 +0000 They (the UK pop.) DON’T see the protests because the BBC doesn’t report them. Except to say that a hundred (!) turned up and were violent and abusive (and obvious nutters!)

By: Jess Sun, 08 Aug 2021 05:13:21 +0000 Your spot on,

By: Richard Raymond Sat, 07 Aug 2021 23:52:24 +0000

By: Victor Sat, 07 Aug 2021 21:00:37 +0000 I’m afraid it won’t be over until it’s too late. People will have to die before this is taken seriously; either from these medical experiments, or from war. Before there were the Nuremberg Trials there was a world war… Governments all over the world are drunk on totalitarian powers bolstered by big tech. “Vaccine” uptake has stalled and what has happened? Military deployed in Australia, vax passports in France, UK, Canada, and more lockdowns coming in USA. They can’t force anyone to take these injections yet only because they don’t have enough troops and police to do so. If it continues they will simply release anthrax or smallpox and then declare martial law. That’s a bit harder to cover up, but easier if the internet and cell phones shut down for a few months.

By: JK Fri, 06 Aug 2021 14:44:22 +0000 Wow how am I just finding this site? Good read and you are 110% correct. I know four people now injured from the vaccine and one friend of a friend who lost a brother the same night he got the jab, he was 48 years old. Called his sister and asked her to come over cause his head hurt so bad since the shot. When she arrived he was slumped over his computer dead. He was researching (googling)”bad covid 19 vaccine reactions”. Of the injured, two of them are over 60 one of which can no longer speak correctly the other just “doesn’t feel right” since his first and only shot. Third was a good friend’s wife giving birth almost a month early to a still born baby 3 days after the vaccine. Fourth is a friends kid 19 years old and is losing feeling in his right arm on and off and its still happening and he got injected over 3 months ago. I know ONE person that got covid. They are alive and healthy and smart enough to know they they don’t need the vaccine cause they have the best immunity known to man. The natural kind. Stay informed people we are under attack.

By: mirko Fri, 06 Aug 2021 13:30:49 +0000 Well, French people know it is war. Their president repeated the word 6 or 7 times during his speech in March 2020. “Nous sommes en guerre”. The war against the people, that was probably the true meaning.

Now they go in the street every Saturday. Last Saturday, in the whole country, they were more than 2 millions in the streets. Event jabbed people, who don’t want “vaccine” passports.

The number of injured people from shots is absolutely frightening.

By: Bronwen Fri, 06 Aug 2021 08:29:24 +0000 ‘The Jabs’ are not homogeneous. The Chinese are using two vaccines that are the sort of vaccines that most of us would recognise – inactivated virus with an adjuvant. (The adjuvant is alum, which always gives rise for concern, but rather the Devil you know than the Devil you don’t.)

These vaccines are not so successful in percentage terms, but perhaps they won’t kill the patient, as the experimental gene-therapy injections seem increasingly to do. And we know nothing whatever about future outcomes. The fact that the Western ‘vaccines’ target the ovaries and testes and the lining of the uterus should be a reason to stop them all immediately.

Wait, and watch the outcomes, and if the Chinese vaccinations seem safe, demand one of those if you are threatened beyond endurance.

By: Benjamin Martin Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:15:33 +0000 Yes…

I mean, if they were really so confident of their numbers in every direction, why not just go ahead and make the lockdowns only for the unvaccinated while the vaccinated can roam about? For it’s not as though the government/s would lack the motivation to do so if there were to be genuine benefits.

For what it may be worth, my personal roundup of what I really think of all this…

By: Infor Fri, 06 Aug 2021 02:40:54 +0000 Bravo!
