Comments on: Turning flu cases into COVID through manipulation—easy as pie Mon, 09 Aug 2021 18:01:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Helena Mon, 09 Aug 2021 18:01:27 +0000 I used to follow Jon on Twitter, before I quit social media, and he was very interested in 5G and non-ionizing radiation. Not sure what happened..

Last year, at the start of this plandemic, my husband, like every other person working in corporate, was told he needed to work remote. Our wifi at home was only at a speed of 20 mbps, which did not accomodate his work computer, so we had to increase it to 100 mbps. The minute the increase went into effect, a switch went on in my body and I could feel the radiation for the first time. It felt like a constant electrical burn all over…kind of like when you were a kid and would put your tongue on a 9 volt battery to feel the charge. Imagine that all over your body, all the time. We bought a meter to measure the radiation, and I was shocked when we placed the meter next to the router and got a reading of 568.0000 mW/m2. Anything above 1.0000 mW/m2 is a biological concern. At first, we created a faraday cage to put over the router to help minimize the radiation output, which helped slightly, but the pain was still there..coupled with itching and then hives.

I only got relief when we turned off the router at night. I immediately went into research mode, which was painful because even touching my phone or computer sent burning pain through my hands and arms. We knew we had to hardwire, so I contacted our cable company and asked them if they could hardwire us and they were completely perplexed by my request, and they said it was something they did not do. Eventually, while watching a YT video we figured it out on our own and hardiwired everything we could, discovering that certain Apple products are not ethernet friendly, and getting cables that actually work is a problem.

Eventually we had to move out of our subdivision that we lived in for 22 years because even hardwiring was not enough, as we were sandwiched between two homes with powerful wifi and smart-meters, and 5G was just getting installed on our main road just outside our subdivision.

We now live in the country on 5 acres, which has been great, but I just heard they were putting in a cell tower only a 1/4 mile from our home. It seems like you can’t get away from this poison, no matter where you go. Ironically, we even went to Green Bank, WV last year after my sensitivity “turned on” to see if we could live there, but the area was very depressing and there was no sense of community there.
I don’t know what’s going to happen with our planet, but Arthur Firstenberg (author of The Invisible Rainbow) suspects that when the satellites are officially out of beta testing and turned on we will have a serious problem on our hands. I guarantee you, as you stated above, we will see even more radiation sickness..which will become another ‘variant’ to further strong-arm vaccination on the masses.

By: Jamie Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:33:17 +0000 Can I ask in all honesty… what now though after reading all this and believing it and and and…

Where to now?

This is my main question now. I can know the politician is corrupt but where to now… for an example… thanks…

By: Jamie Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:31:29 +0000 Could you say more ‘how you cured covid’… I don’t understand!

By: Researcher Sun, 08 Aug 2021 18:05:34 +0000 Flu is just another word for detoxification. That’s why it’s seasonal. We detox all the time, 24-7. And supplementing with D eliminates flus and colds. Hence, it’s nutritional and toxin related and not psychosomatic.

GNM is only relevant to illness that can’t be explained by toxin exposure and nutritional deficiencies.

Flu symptoms that aren’t seasonal, are precipitated by increased radiation such as EMF, smart meters etc.

Over the course of a year, all the toxins our body collects accumulate and when we do not get enough D in winter, we launch a cell mediated immune response which elicits cytokines and heat shock proteins to remove debris and toxins from the body.

The fever and sweating eliminates the toxins through the skin. The runny nose, congested lungs and coughing, through the mucous membranes. Diarrhea and vomiting – through the bowels, stomach and intestines expelling toxic buildup.

A cold is just a milder version of the same kind of detoxification. Where only the mucosal response is necessary.

By: Invisible Man Sun, 08 Aug 2021 13:04:01 +0000 Dani, please research the science of German New Medicine. Everything we are seeing – all the odd symptoms, are perfectly explicable from a GNM perspective:

Here are two websites devoted to exhaustively explaining GNM:

A GNM explanation for “Covid” symptoms – really caused by the media-instigated madness of the past 18 months – can be found here:

If you do a deep dive into GNM it becomes very clear that mainstream Germ Theory is wrong and symptoms of all diseases, including the unreal new disease of Covid, are biological emergency responses initiated in the body due to the specific emergency situation a person finds herself in.

By: Jamie Sun, 08 Aug 2021 08:41:40 +0000 Quote: They contain a spike protein that we can survive but kills the aliens.

So playing Devil’s advocate here, you can take the vaccine yourself and if you die we all know you were an Alien? That is what you are proposing here.

Do you have links to all this research that I can check out please.

By: Tom Sun, 08 Aug 2021 00:34:53 +0000 Nope, he didn’t misunderstand anything. When he said he “lost” the case, he meant he still had to pay the fine handed to him based on stupid Covid laws. But the fact remains that the Alberta/Canadian government couldn’t give him what he (and WE) demanded, i.e. the evidence that the virus has been purified & isolated i.e. proven to exist.

By: thelibcommie Sat, 07 Aug 2021 19:56:48 +0000 👏 Unfortunately it seems like most people are completely unable (unwilling?) to break the indoctrination and brainwashing they received over the course of their lives. They'd rather believe that the media tells the truth and the government cares about them (therefore they must be acting in their best interest), because living in an illusion is more comfortable than admitting the truth: the people who control all of these governments think there's too many of us so they've devised plans to cull the herd... and worse yet, they want to have total control (think "assimilation into the Borg" or "hive mind") over the few who are left. The truth is scary, the lies are familiar and comfortable. I'd like to believe there's hope, but I'm worried we might be doomed.]]> Fantastic comment! 👏👏 Unfortunately it seems like most people are completely unable (unwilling?) to break the indoctrination and brainwashing they received over the course of their lives. They’d rather believe that the media tells the truth and the government cares about them (therefore they must be acting in their best interest), because living in an illusion is more comfortable than admitting the truth: the people who control all of these governments think there’s too many of us so they’ve devised plans to cull the herd… and worse yet, they want to have total control (think “assimilation into the Borg” or “hive mind”) over the few who are left. The truth is scary, the lies are familiar and comfortable. I’d like to believe there’s hope, but I’m worried we might be doomed.

By: Dutch Sat, 07 Aug 2021 14:27:02 +0000 All true. When people started questioning the PCR ‘false positives’ I belly laughed. The bellwether of the whole sham was that there were NEGATIVE test results. The standard for the test is human RNA. All it was doing was testing that you were human. And 20+% of people were failing this test. LMFAO! That’s how bad it is. What a shocker it is the even the WHO has walked it back so far to the point of saying it basically tells us nothing. Well thanks Captain Obvious. In other news the sky is blue.

As a PCR expert for over 10 years the only thing that would kinda make sense is this. What if they really were testing to see if you were human? Like if some alien species disguised as humans were infiltrating us but they didn’t want to sound the alarms. So they gave us a ‘human test’ then ‘quarantined’ anyone who failed it for elimination. Maybe the vaccines are the same thing. They contain a spike protein that we can survive but kills the aliens. And all those reported deaths from the vaccine were the aliens and the whole thing really did save the world. Yes of course I know this sounds crazy. But given the whole of the facts we know, it actually fits the evidence more than the ridiculous story we’ve been told. There is no virus. They were testing the vaccine by the time the case numbers really started inflating. Each trial had 30-50k subjects scattered around the world shedding spike protein. This was how it was made to look like a rapidly spreading pandemic. They claim they’ve made over 2 billion doses in 7 months. 2 billion seconds is 62 years. Clearly they were making the vaccine before this ‘pandemic’ even broke. Is it not clear that the vaccine was the endgame all along. Does this full court press from media, politicians and even McDonalds, superseding laws, treaties, human rights, constitutions, etc suggest anything else? Come on man!

By: Dutch Sat, 07 Aug 2021 14:06:38 +0000 That question is far too vague to draw any conclusions from. What is the comparative state of health of those 2 people? Is one or the other obese? Does one jog 5 miles while the other eats Doritos by the bag? There is no one size fits all. The difference in symptoms is expected and could be the result of about anything. The unvaccinated friend may have received shed spike protein from the vaccinated friend. This may have been their first exposure and this caused the stronger reaction. Did the vaccinated friend have any reaction to the vaccine when he got it? Did you witness it such that you could explain it from observation in proper proportion to what you are describing now? This sounds a lot like the kind of vague trap questions they ask on CNN. Zinc depletion will cause Beriberi, and loss of taste and smell. Low zinc levels can be the result of many things that you haven’t spoken to with your question. The spike protein thrives in a low zinc environment. BTW 80% of taste is actually smell so it’s a convoluted point. Can you taste anything when you have a stuffy nose, allergies or after smokinmg a cigarette? Does either friend have allergies or smoke? What are you really asking and what result are you looking for. You really wanted to emphasize those symptoms the TV told us about didn’t you? All caps for effect. Noice! Maybe go troll somewhere else
