Comments on: Pfizer document describes vaccine “shedding” from person to person Tue, 10 Aug 2021 04:14:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: sm Tue, 10 Aug 2021 04:14:35 +0000 Helena,

That would be too transparent. If they should announce a date, it would probably be mis-information, a ploy to divert their true intentions.

The truth here, is another failed empire, based on a fiat currency printed into worthlessness. History repeats.

Learn the historical truth of the KJV BIBLE, both old and new testaments and you will unlock the truths of the last 130 years of LIES

By: Researcher Tue, 10 Aug 2021 02:32:12 +0000 Yes. The injected are more likely to be emitting radiation. There’s no chance they can shed a spike protein. Even if they could, it wouldn’t affect anyone. Foreign proteins can’t harm or infect others.

However, terrain theory is not based on transmission of microbes at all, rather that the microbes are all created internally. They’re pleomorphic and change shape and type, based upon the health of the terrain.

So there’s no contagion or transmission in terrain theory.

There’s a combination of terrain and germ theory being pushed where the allopathic medical community are trying to claim that it’s one’s terrain or immune system that determines if the germ makes one susceptible but there’s zero evidence for that being the case.

By: Researcher Tue, 10 Aug 2021 02:19:04 +0000 Zac Bush is dead wrong. There are no viruses. There is nothing that is exogenous to our cells. Everything is internal.

And illnesses are not “updates” they are expressions of toxins and cellular debris being excreted through our lymphatic system, our mucosal linings, our lungs, skin, bowels and stomach, liver and kidneys.

That’s been proven time and time again. No contagion. No transmission. No particles ever isolated.

By: Researcher Tue, 10 Aug 2021 02:02:57 +0000 Yeah. What can you do about ignorance?

People want to believe stories that fit in with their fears or beliefs instead of searching for the more obvious truth.

By: Researcher Tue, 10 Aug 2021 01:56:56 +0000 It’s fraud. They lie constantly. It’s Pfizer. A criminal organization.

What contagion?

It’s a magnetic/radiation effect. *If* anything at all. Where the injected could act as an EMF antenna.

But as soon as the uninjected are removed from the proximity of the injected, any symptoms will vanish.

So it’s not contagion. It can only be a bio-resonance field created by the neural lace shot.

Breast feeding mothers could excrete PEGylated NLPs, graphene oxide and other toxins that may be in the injectables.

But that’s toxin excretion. Not shedding.

By: Bri 3D Mon, 09 Aug 2021 23:19:34 +0000 Hi Helena,

It’s been very hard. She was the love of my life and my best friend.

6 of the 8 were at a pool party on 6/27.

None of us were near the other 2.

I don’t know how I would know if we were exposed to 5G but it is one of the theories I subscribe to. I don’t buy the virus non sense at all. Catherine Austin Fitts is calling this the great poisoning. I don’t know the answer but I believe whatever it is, it’s not a virus.
If you go back on this blog to 8/2 there is an article called covid 19 is the murder of old people. Scroll near the bottom of the comments for my Bri 3D post and read the reply from Nicole. Basically she says don’t let them ct scan you while you are having this issue. She called it a lethal dose.

My unqualified opinion from my experience, stay away from the ER, If you have issues try Ivermectin, D3, Zinc, C and for sure take nano silver with a nebulizer.

I also highly recommend looking into MMS health recovery guidebook.

I’ll keep this link for awhile in case you have anymore comments. No one is probably reading an article this old anymore anyway. If you want to discuss stuff with the folks on this blog, it seems like you have to catch them on the 1st day of the post.

I highly recommend reading that comment by Nicole though on the other article.

By: Helena Mon, 09 Aug 2021 20:54:38 +0000 I wish they would post the exact day it is being turned on in August.

By: Helena Mon, 09 Aug 2021 20:50:33 +0000 Are you familiar with Arthur Firstenberg’s book The Invisible Rainbow. He has postulated that “flu” is an electrical disease..which is why it occurs spontaneously in humans.

By: Helena Mon, 09 Aug 2021 20:47:25 +0000 Bri 3D,
First of all..WOW, I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling right now, and I really appreciate you sharing your story and experience.
Can I ask, were the 8 of you getting together for a special occassion somewhere, or do you just normally hang out together?
Were you exposed to 5G that you know of?

By: Miguel Mon, 09 Aug 2021 15:28:14 +0000 ¿En qué página del documento de 146 pp. viene lo del posible contagio de la vacuna?

On which page of the 146 pages does it come from the possible contagion of the vaccine?
