Comments on: The Virus speaks: an exclusive interview Tue, 10 Aug 2021 08:00:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Bean Tue, 10 Aug 2021 08:00:04 +0000 There was never a vaccine? Its not a virus either.

By: Me Tue, 10 Aug 2021 07:00:11 +0000 ‘I was definitely an idea, but I couldn’t trace my source, my inception.’

Hey CoV 11, picture Fauci, Gates & Herr Straub going the triangle, while an ice cream licking tripper sniffs their hair.

WHO’s your mommy and daddy.

By: Larry C Tue, 10 Aug 2021 04:12:46 +0000 It just occurred to me: *Pandemic* could be a contraction of ‘panic’ and ‘epidemic’.

By: hyden Tue, 10 Aug 2021 00:36:36 +0000

looks like Health ranger Mike Adams has had change of mind…

By: Marilyn Shepherd Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:28:29 +0000 No, they were invented without any virus

By: Jim S Smith Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:27:02 +0000 @”Helena”:

If you REALLY want to dig deep into the history of the infamous “Black Plague”, You may find something interesting – that is * IF * you can find the info, that –

1. The Bubonic Plague hit hardest in the crowded cities, rather than in the country (which is usual for most ANY “plague”).

2. Being that the “agent” generally associated with Bubonic Plague is the bacterium: Yersinia pestus, almost sounds to be similarly found where Bacillus tetani and other microorganisms are often found in putrefaction, IE: Decaying protein-rich flesh and carcasses!

3. Possible, old eye-witness reports of certain folks being spotted dumping “something” into the public water wells (where most of the public’s water came from – to include drinking water) shortly before the “outbreaks” of the then-not-yet-known/mysterious illnesses.


The old “narrative” of Bubonic Plague being spread by Black Rats (supposedly infested with plague-carrier Fleas) would be a bit of a stretch for the imagination. If THIS was indeed the case, then would this not ALSO have heavily affected the remote farming areas too, being that rats and mice would be very common in the more-open spaces of those communities? ? ? [And therefore, just as prone to the large-scale lethality of this “plague”?]


A few of the “particulars” mentioned in a few of these early accounts had it that: What was being dumped or “sprinkled” into these public water wells – was perhaps dried, powdered putrefied flesh. Hmmm? ? ?

It seems that some of us who have taken great pains to educate ourselves on the “other possible sides” of any and all of these issues – get demonized, brushed off, and perhaps – even threatened – if we persist in talking about these alternate theories!

Methinks that there definitely IS another side to each and every one of these “historic plagues and epidemics/pandemics”, but our “court historians” will viciously defend the establishment-approved version of events.

– Just my two cents. Take and spend them as you may.

– Jim S.

By: Jim S Smith Mon, 09 Aug 2021 22:10:03 +0000 When the Truth is there,
You can not rationally deny it forever.
It WILL eventually see light, and its OWN light be seen.


Once I found its source, I was highly surprised too!

Early last year, when Mike was bashing ALL the patriots who were trying to expose the whole SHAM – even when they cited demonstrable proof and evidence as their basis, I had lost all the respect for him that I had built up over YEARS of recommending his articles to friends and others.

Just goes to show, that over time – even some of the most stubborn are capable of finally “seeing the Light”!

I call this a victory for truth, and towards a victory for humanity!

Time to repair all the bridges I guess?

By: Doug Mon, 09 Aug 2021 21:27:57 +0000 You were the first person to consistently claim this entire virus fear mongering had zero facts attached.

Jon, You nailed it first.

By: Helena Mon, 09 Aug 2021 20:35:24 +0000 You’re right…there always appears to be a link between nutrition and sanitation. I remember seeing a documentary where they excavated some bodies from the Black plague period while tunneling for a subway, and they determined that these individuals were severely malnurished and suffered from lack of vitamin D. They also mentioned that that particular ‘plague’ still exists in Madagascar, yet doesn’t manifest itself because the people are healthy.

By: Opie Poik Mon, 09 Aug 2021 20:15:45 +0000 Good point. Speaking of misused PCR and ruses by rukers:

Here’s just the latest variant (lie) of the CORONAHOAX narrative, as attested by Canadian coquette, WhatsHerFace: – OR –

Yep, they ain’t quittin’ – it’s still up to us to defend ourselves against the greatest criminals ever to organize and attack. NOTHING they say or do is true. Nothing. Pure evil.
