CIA – Jon Rappoport's Blog Thu, 01 Jul 2021 12:56:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A President Meets the CIA Machine Thu, 01 Jul 2021 12:52:10 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 1, 2021

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President John X retired to the White House residence for the night.

Asleep, he went all the way out, floating above thousands of tiny mirrors in an ocean of surveillance.

He plunged into cloud layers.


He was suddenly sitting in the cabin of a private jet. On a table, he saw a team of small glass angels, a silver cup, and a framed photo of Al Capone sitting on the toilet in his Palm Springs suite.

And then identity shattered into a thousand pieces. The lights of an enormous city loomed up under him, pulling the fragments down into liquor stores, newspaper racks, alleys, hotel rooms.

A news screen stood out in the black sky. A local anchor, her eyes bright with contempt, relayed the story of a man who had just died falling from an escarpment above the Chicago Loop while attempting to set up a sniper’s nest and kill shoppers in the indoor-outdoor Langland Mall.

A boyish blonde field reporter, standing in front of a McDonald’s, was interviewing a witness, an old man who was sitting in a wheelchair and foaming at the mouth and spitting. He doubled over and a siren went off. A security guard appeared with a riot baton and sent a fork of electricity into his crotch, quieting him.

The news screen disappeared.

Identity now a quiet snowstorm in a deserted wood, falling, falling, falling on the hard earth.

He was back in the cabin of the jet. Burnished lights set high in the walls.

A flight attendant entered with a drink.

She was six feet tall and blonde. That made her a target.

Wealthy and powerful men would seek her out.

Her body was sleek. He examined her left leg from wizardly articulated ankle to thigh, through the slit of her sheath skirt. She strode in heels, one foot placed precisely in front of the other.

She set down the drink on the arm of his chair and looked at her watch.

“We can’t have sex now,” she said. “We’re east of the Rockies.”

“I didn’t realize they had a law,” he said.

“Two hours from now,” she said, “we can negotiate a price.”

“I’m the President,” he said.

She pulled a half-sheet out of her jacket pocket and handed it to him.

“Standard,” she said. “Read and sign.”

It stated: “…I am not attempting to elicit information pursuant to an investigation, case, or sentencing option…”

He signed.

“Just out of curiosity,” he said, “how much protection do you have?”

“Well,” she said, “the LA Mayor has a local contract. He supplies private soldiers when I’m in the city.”

“Have they ever had to go on attack?”

“A Belivar prince once tried to have his men kidnap me between the airport and my hotel. My mercs burned them to the ground on Century Boulevard.”


“You’re John X,” she said. “I know. The President. I’m Carol.”

She held out her hand. He looked at her long fingers. Her nails were short. No polish. He shook her hand. It was cool. It immediately became warm, as if she could make it happen.

She sat down next to him on the arm of his chair.

“Defendant in a federal trafficking case,” she said. “He claims his cartel, Zuma, struck a prior immunity deal with the CIA. No upper limit on protection.”

“What do you want from me?”

“Are there documents granting that immunity?” she said.

“You think they put that kind of thing in writing?”

“Here it is,” she said. Make the deal with the cartel. The defendants in the Chicago case, their lieutenants, plead guilty and keep their mouths shut. No trial. No testimony. Nothing links the cartel to us. Chicago stays open as a distribution hub. We give the cartel immunity, in exchange for actionable intel on other major traffickers.”

“You’re CIA?”

“Another thing, John. No more cases against scientists for transferring technology to the Chinese. Shut that door.”

She put her hand on his forehead. “NOW WATCH THE MOVIE,” she said.

Bobby Thoms came to him. 25 years ago. The Swan, a bar in the Loop.

The place was jammed with lawyers eating lunch. He sat at a back table, a cup of coffee in front of him. Bobby Thoms. Sitting next to him. In dark soiled clothes, as if he’d stripped them from a corpse in an alley. Pinched face, sunken cheeks. A lawyer’s runner, go-between. Supplier of information.

Bobby moved in close. “Sal Mosca’s bumping his appointment with city treasurer for you. He’ll be here in a minute.”

X reached into his pocket and pulled out a tight roll of bills. Bobby fielded it and slipped it into his pocket.

“There are national security implications in this case, John X. If the shit hits the fan, a lot of people could go down. You have a way out. You, me, Sal, Morris Gold. We can all get well. Permanently.”

John X turned to his left and Sal was sitting next to him. Bull’s-head, dressed in his tan suit. Big chest, big belly, tired face. He’d been swaddled in the bullrushes of Lake Michigan. Dirty feet running on stones, foster homes, small-time collector/protection money, law school at night, muscled his way into city government as a private conduit between prosecutors and defense lawyers on major felonies.

Mosca frowned. “Your case has tricks, John X. As you know, the defendant isn’t just a Congressman’s aide. His family is in banking.

“Immunity,” X said.

“Sky-high,” Mosca said. “And not just in this country. Morris has the details. They’re formidable. You’re prosecuting a young man who’s bulletproof.”

“I’m going to say four witnesses who saw him stab a man he was having sex with in the back room of a bathhouse are blind?”

“We can piece off those witnesses. The victim is recovering. He owns two properties that are underwater. He needs help. The defendant has a wife and a young child. They need a clean future.”

“Morris is on board with this?”

“He would be grateful for your cooperation, John. A few years from now, he’s going to be running for mayor of this fine city. You make the right move now, and we all have bright prospects. Years and decades. This is a moment. Careers can be made.”

“Let’s talk about a higher level, Sal. Who is immune?”

Sal leaned back and grinned.

“Well, X, we are. We could be. There’s no legal market for the kind of protection I’m talking about.”

Then Mosca was standing next to X. He took his arm and walked him into the kitchen. They exited from a side door and climbed a flight of steps. Mosca opened another door on to the roof.

“The shed,” he said.

In the middle of the roof was a wooden structure.

The padlock was open and hanging from a chain. They stepped inside and Mosca turned on a light. X shut the door. Tools were arranged on shelves. An open cabinet was stacked with brooms and shovels and an old shotgun. They sat down on two rickety chairs.

“John X,” he said, “immunity is an Atlas holding up the world. And now he’s watching and spying, to make sure it stays intact. If he’s your friend, the political highway you’re thinking about for yourself is wide open.”

“On the other hand, if I decline to prosecute this case, I’m committing multiple felonies, and I’m owned forever.”

A sheet of slow lightning swam up X’s legs and infiltrated his spine. It nuzzled and burned each bone on the way up.

John X was standing in a courtroom open to the sky. He was behind the prosecutor’s table.

And there was a giant standing before him.

Atlas. His head was barely visible, an imprint. He was radiating nothing. He was a no one.

X waited. He stood and waited.

The silent depersonalized giant standing before him…

Nobody. Nobody at all. Just a clock wound up to monitor and eat time.

…X was back in the cabin of the jet. With Carol.

She was still sitting on the edge of his chair.

“So, John X,” she said. “A point. Are you in transit right now because you died, or are you dreaming?”

“Maybe this is what I did on my summer vacation.”

She smiled.

“All right,” she said. “Let’s negotiate a price.”

“I won the election,” X said. “I’ve already been paid.”

“Don’t you remember, John? I’m your wife,” she said. “We’re on Air Force One.”

He looked out the window. They were passing over Washington. The Monument and the Capitol Dome and the White House were lit up.

“How long can I play this out?” he said.

She shrugged. “Two terms in the Oval. Follow the playbook and you’re golden. Fairways and greens.”

“I AM the President.”

He woke up in the residence.

She wasn’t in bed next to him. He heard the shower running. He turned on the night light.

A few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom wrapped in a white robe.

“You’re up,” she said. “Everything all right?”

“Let me ask you something,” he said. “Suppose I refuse to be part of THEIR story. What happens then?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she said.

“I cancel my order. I shut down Chicago as a trafficking hub. The cartel defendants in the case go to trial. All the CIA arrangements are made public. No payoffs. No deals.”


“I wouldn’t do that, John. You’d be destroying your Presidency. Even if you wanted to, COULD you do it?”

“I’d probably be dead by next week. I just had a crazy dream. You were in it.”

“What was I doing?”

“Turning the screws on me.”


“Reminding me of my obligations.”

“Well,” she said, “that’s legitimate. When we moved into the White House, I had a conversation with Alice. She was packing a few things here in the residence. She told me her husband now and then went into a bit of shock and awe over the power he had. A few wild ideas occurred to him during his Presidency. She had to bring him back to Earth. Part of her job, she said.”

“What made you choose me, Carol? You could have had any man in the world.”

She laughed. “That’s a tired line from an old movie. Because I loved you. And besides, look where it landed me. In bed with the President. A girl doesn’t get that every day. I’d say I was a pretty good judge of character.”

“You were on the money.”

“John, we’ve got a few hours before you have to go downstairs and keep the world from falling apart today. How about we fool around?”

“That’s exactly where I was heading with this conversation.”

“You took a roundabout route.”

“I bore myself easily. I have to vary my lines.”

“Keep people guessing. I’ve learned that from you, Mr. President.”

“Come on. You were born knowing that.”

She took off her robe and stood before him.

“With you, every day is my birthday,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” she said. “It is. You’re reborn in your dream of me. That’s what marriage should be.”

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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One cheese glob, indivisible, with deception and takeover for all Wed, 31 Mar 2021 14:06:27 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

March 31, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

SF Weekly, 3/14/2012: “[During the Cold War] The L-shaped [CIA] apartment boasted sweeping waterfront views, and was just a short trip up the hill from North Beach’s rowdy saloons. Inside, prostitutes paid by the government to lure clients to the apartment served up acid-laced [LSD] cocktails to unsuspecting johns, while martini-swilling secret agents observed their every move from behind a two-way mirror. Recording devices were installed, some disguised as electrical outlets.”

The CIA comes to town.

The Senate Committee for Public Trust held a secret hearing, to determine whether the White House and, indeed, the Congress, had violated the separation-of-powers principle enshrined in the Constitution.

Had the traditional walls between the states and the federal government been violated beyond repair?

Late in the afternoon, the Chairman of the Committee introduced a surprise witness, James Williams, a CIA executive.

—Mr. Williams, you understand we’re focusing on a bill currently before the House, which would increase federal COVID assistance and economic stimulus. Several trillion dollars are at stake.

Yes, Mr. Chairman. I’ve read the bill.

Since the CIA plays no role in this issue, please explain why you’re here today.

I received an order from the Director to engage with this Committee.

Again, why?

Because my Agency would like a piece of the action. We feel we’re underrepresented.

Piece of the action?

Yes. This bill before Congress is a landmark operation. It gives federal money to the states at levels no one has ever contemplated before. Money for COVID testing and vaccination, for education, for highway construction, bridges, tunnels, for paying off state debts, including giant budget deficits and pension fund shortfalls. There is money in the bill for colleges and universities, churches, foster homes, prisons. There is money that would allow poverty-stricken families to buy homes. There is money for sports teams, clubs, non-profits, farmers. Money for expanding Welfare so it applies to every citizen. Money for medical research institutes, for libraries, animal rescue facilities, insurance companies, data processing corporations.

We get the idea, Mr. Williams. You can stop now.

And the amounts of money are staggering. The federal government is pouring a Niagara of cash and credit into all 50 states.

Yes? And?

It’s clearly an effort to federalize the states. To bring them into the fold of the central government. To erase what’s left of their independence, once and for all. It’s a gigantic bribe, a payoff, under the cover of parading as a COVID relief and stimulus package.

Well, I wouldn’t exactly—

But we at the CIA are getting NOTHING. You see, Mr. Chairman, we’ve operated, since 1948, as an independent Agency. We’ve ignored subpoenas from the Department of Justice. We’ve refused to appear in federal court on charges. We’ve trampled and traipsed all over the world, doing exactly what we wanted to do with no federal monitor on our actions—and we’ve screwed up badly on dozens of occasions. Frankly, we’re a failure. We take most of our intel from public sources, like newspapers. Now we want to be swallowed up by the federal government just like the states. We want you to take us over. We’re looking for money to seal the deal.

That’s absurd.


First of all, your budget is enormous, and most of it is secret. Congress has no idea how you spend the money. Second, we’re not running a peace treaty conference here. This bill is about funding for the STATES. The CIA is not a state.

You want to eat and digest the states with enormous forced bribes, so they don’t exist anymore. There’s a provision in the bill that would force the states to submit to federal control of all elections—how they’re run, who runs them, who counts the votes, who can vote, mail-in and Internet ballots…the whole nine yards.

We want to ensure vote integrity.

Don’t kid a kidder, Mr. Chairman. Anyway, I’m empowered to offer the Congress full access to the CIA’s books and records. The details of every operation we’ve conducted since our inception. You can do anything you want to with those records. Expose them, hide them, burn them, blackmail people with them. The Agency SURRENDERS to the federal government. We’re total screw-ups. We want in. We want the kind of money you’re giving the states. We want to be Welfare recipients. Big-time.

You’re telling this Committee the CIA wants to get down on its knees and lick our boots and humiliate itself for money?


How much money?

We want three trillion dollars up front and another three when our surrender is complete.

Plus you offer a full secret statement admitting the CIA has done far more harm than good for the past 80 years?

Yes. Not a problem.

Did you kill JFK?

Allen Dulles handled that individually. It was his op.

What about RFK?

We used cutouts. They screwed up, and we covered for them. We leaned on the LAPD, who were investigating the murder, and they cooked the evidence.

All right, listen. Yes, this bill before Congress IS, in fact, an effort to erase the states. We shower them with so much money they give in and go along with every single federal program we saddle them with. We unify the country. Nebraska does exactly what New Hampshire does. Kansas does exactly what New York does. Florida does exactly what California does.

That’s what the so-called pandemic was FOR. Right, Mr. Chairman?

Financially speaking, yes. The country had to be brought to its knees before we could get this bill passed. The economic picture had to be so dire, the states would cave in and trade what was left of their independence, in return for major money. Money the likes of which they’ve never seen before. This bill isn’t COVID relief. It’s a mob payoff. Only in this case, we’re the mob and we’re making the payment. No skin off our nose. The money is invented out of thin air. As usual.

Well, Mr. Chairman, that’s what we, at the Agency, thought. We were blown away when we realized it. You’re pulling off the kind of operation we could only dream of. You make us look like pikers. Amateurs.

Coming from a man like you, Mr. Williams, that’s high praise.

Not really, sir. I could tell you lots and lots of stories about our failed ops. Blown covers. Agents we thought were ours who turned out to be doubling. If we had anything to recommend us, it was our enthusiasm. We enjoyed subverting governments and staging revolutions and assassinating enemies. It was fun. But we were always short on smarts. And after the Cold War was over, we were screwed. All dressed up and nowhere to go.

The CIA is already part of the federal government, of course. So what would this takeover look like, Mr. Williams?

As far as the public is concerned, nothing would change. But under the surface, we would take our marching orders from Congress, from a special committee that tasks us with specific operations inside the US. For example, as you erase the 50 states, we’ll pitch in. We’ll help bring their legislatures to heel. We’ll infiltrate the governors’ offices and make sure they’re toeing the federal line. The money you’re laying on them is the key, but a lot of details will have to be worked out. State officials aren’t all going to fold up overnight.

I don’t know, Mr. Williams. The FBI and the Justice Department aren’t going to jump for joy when they see CIA people carrying out domestic ops from Alaska to Florida.

That’s the thing, Mr. Chairman. We see what you’re doing as part of a larger merger.

Meaning what?

Look at all these federal agencies. How many are there? Does anyone know? They cooperate with each other in some ways, but they also compete and protect their turf. They’re very inefficient. The whole federal government should be merged, like a giant cheese glob. From the top. From the White House and Congress.

Don’t just eradicate the states. Combine all the federal agencies as well.

Exactly. We could help there. We have dossiers on hundreds, if not thousands of federal officials. We could apply pressure.

What about the news media?

Mr. Chairman, we’re already very well positioned inside the news business. But with your backing, we could tighten up that sector, too. Make their relationship with the federal government even closer.

Big, big picture? You’re talking about something on the order of a 20-year plan, Mr. Williams. This is a complete overhaul of the nation.

Yes, sir. That’s how we see it.

You want to climb on our bus and ride it all the way with us.


It’s quite a vision.

Thank you.

Just out of curiosity, who at the Agency came up with this idea?

A Russian defector we’ve been keeping under lock and key for 50 years.


He has a lot of time on his hands.

There’s another way to go, Mr. Williams. We could just surrender to China. They’re much better at organizing than we are.

We thought of that, but we don’t believe their methods would be acceptable to the American people. They come down all at once on the population with tremendous force. And they’ve been holding a grudge against the West since the Opium Wars.

The first problem I see, Mr. Williams, is the Pentagon. They fancy themselves as a separate Empire.

Sure. But you’re already making great progress there. You’ve got them installing so many social justice programs their heads are spinning. It wouldn’t surprise me to see them build a transgender Special Forces outfit based in San Francisco.

We could increase their budget, with strings attached.

Absolutely, Mr. Chairman. Double it, on the condition they merge with CIA, NSA, and the State Department. I admit, it would be tricky, but over time, with the right people in place, wonders can be achieved.

Now you’ve got MY head spinning. The federal government is so large. Trying to reconstruct it as one massive integrated unit…I don’t know. I wouldn’t want this to degenerate into some kind of clown show.

We believe the key is the Department of Justice, Mr. Chairman. That’s where the overall plan would go. Into creating Justice for All. By our definition. With the right slant on propaganda, we could bring every social justice program under that roof.

“The federal government is all about securing real justice for every man, woman, child, and the other genders.”

Correct. All federal roads lead into and out of the Department of Justice.

A new dawn.

Fifty years from now, Mr. Chairman, no one will be able to recognize the America we’re experiencing right now. This America will be gone. In its place, a much different operation. What you and I would consider the absurd upper reaches of preposterous propaganda about WHAT PEOPLE DESERVE AND WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THEM TO HAVE…that will be par for the course, like having a stove or a TV set.

Mr. Williams, something in me rebels against what we’re envisioning. It DOES seem as if we’re clowns describing our new circus.

Believe me, at the CIA we know all about clowns. We’ve cooked up and launched operations you couldn’t imagine. From a distance they were so crazy, you’d think we were living and working in an insane asylum. And yet…some of those operations succeeded. And when they did, they transformed governments and people’s states of mind. That’s the key. CAN YOU CHANGE PEOPLE’S MINDS SO THEY ACCEPT LUNACY AS NORMAL?

Well, can you?

Look at America these days. It’s happening under our noses. Government officials and news outlets are saying and doing things that, 15 years ago, would have been laughed at and ignored, as the ravings and psychotic outbreaks of madmen.

I guess that’s reassuring. Or very disturbing. I’m not sure which. Just the other day, I read an article about a court backing a six-year-old child’s “reasoned decision” to take puberty blockers…

Actually, Mr. Chairman, you could trace that all the way back to the 1960s. We had an op we called CK. Crazy Kid. It was a long-term program based on the premise that children were wisdom creatures, the most intelligent members of society. What kids saw and wanted was what adults should follow and provide. Let me lay out the general pattern for you. You get various groups to believe they need all sorts of rights and rewards—the weirder and more outrageous, the better. It’s clear that only one entity can provide these rewards—which are characterized as necessities. And that entity is the government. The government is positioned as the leading edge of a multi-front social revolution. And we’re back at JUSTICE. That’s what everyone wants and demands. So you give it to them. But you convince them that the specifics of Justice are completely foreign and bizarre, contrasted against traditional norms. This is how you create a new society. And it IS a clown show. It’s designed that way.

That’s frightening, Mr. Williams.

It looks frightening until you’re in the middle of it for a while. Then it seems normal, like the latest fashion, or form of music. Which takes us into another old propaganda op called Cultural Relativity: There is no single standard. Every culture or group has its own practices, and we must respect them. That was one of the first modern clown shows. People call it Marxist, but it’s really TAKEOVER. That’s all. Doesn’t matter what you call it. Somebody’s got to run things, Mr. Chairman. May as well be us.

Now I’m suddenly feeling confused. Listening to you, Mr. Williams…I don’t know…I’m torn…maybe we should vote DOWN the bill before Congress, and instead preserve what’s left of the independence of the states.

Why would you want to do that, Mr. Chairman?

I’m not sure I want my children and grandchildren to have a president who says he’s three different genders at once.

But, as I say, your grandchildren will believe that’s NORMAL.

Then I have an obligation, now, to try to protect them.

That would be a losing proposition, Mr. Chairman. You’d be fighting against the tide of history. And by history I mean propaganda.

This vision of yours, Mr. Williams. Remind me? Why would we follow it?

For the same reason you’re trying to erase independent states. CONTROL. Control over the population.

And we achieve that by—

By controlling minds. By planting in minds the idea that all sorts of rights and all sorts of forms of justice are absolutely essential. Bizarre forms, to be sure. Group A has the right to bring their miniature genetically engineered pet zebras to work every day, because in their native country, zebras are sacred. Group B has the right to obtain, free of charge, a surgical procedure that places an ornamental third eye in the middle of their forehead—because they came to America from a country where the third eye is the religious symbol of wisdom and the god Ooblahdee.

Mr. Williams, I’m leaning the other way. I think you’re arguing against yourself. You’ve gone over the edge. We should reject your offer of CIA surrender. You’re terrifying. Controlling people and their minds—there must be a limit on that.

Me. Chairman, I think you’re too late.

Why do you say that?

Because, if the world is to be made over into a New Normal, you can’t have one highly visible nation that still has significant freedoms and values which elevate THE INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL. Especially not America. We have to drive all Americans crazy.

And who is this WE?

The CIA. And its associated partners. That’s why I’m here today, Mr. Chairman. To tell you that you should go along with our plan…

A plan to produce sheer widespread insanity.

Insanity that, in time, will look entirely average.

Mr. Williams, if Congress erases the 50 states and brings them under total federal control, and if people like you are the leading edge of federal government, then I would want to leave all the states to their own devices—in the hope that they will somehow preserve the America envisioned in the Constitution.

Well, Mr. Chairman, in that case, this is a war. A culture war. So my question to you is: how much money—or other inducement—is it going to take to bring you over to our side?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Antifa/BLM should be protesting against drug cartels and banks Tue, 09 Mar 2021 14:25:11 +0000 If the CIA admitted the truth about the destruction of society

by Jon Rappoport

March 9, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

This is a work of fiction, in the form of an interview. It presents a thesis about the protection of high-level criminals.

I lay out the thesis in this fashion, because it’s the fastest and clearest way to get to the heart of the matter.

A reporter interviews a former CIA executive who is fed up and decides to spill many beans.

REPORTER: I recently read a report about an elite elementary school in California. Nine-year-old children were being taught to “explore different aspects of their identity”—especially pertaining to privilege…how their place in society gives them an inherent advantage over “disenfranchised children.”

CIA EXECUTIVE: I’m familiar with the situation. In that case, it was Asian kids who supposedly had the privilege. Their higher levels of performance in school were characterized as some kind of “systemic crime.” Usually, this theory is pushed to describe the difference between black and white children. It’s a dead end.

Q: What do you mean?

A: Well, under that theory, you would have to reshape all of society to finally see disenfranchised children rise to their true level. It’s impossible. You would have to brainwash and reprogram everyone. It’s CIA MKULTRA in a new form. Worse, you remove all responsibility from the lower-performing children themselves, their families, their teachers, and their communities. You absolutely refuse to look at what’s actually going on.

Q: What is actually going on?

A: That’s a long story. Let’s take a couple of issues. What is happening in black communities in major cities…police brutality is far from the main problem. Very high up on the list would be GANGS, their violence, their crimes, their shootings, their sale of life-destroying drugs, their recruiting of young children. Gangs make it very difficult for significant investments to come into the economies of those communities. Gangs make neighborhoods and communities into war zones, where people can’t walk down streets without fear. I would advise—don’t talk to men about this. Don’t talk to the men who live in those places. Talk to the mothers who are raising children on their own. Get those mothers to tell you what they REALLY think about the gangs and their effect on people’s lives. Do you ever see that on the news? Many mothers really telling that story as they see it and experience it every day?

Q: How do you solve THAT situation? The gangs.

A: Have you ever wondered why more criminal cases aren’t brought against these gangs? I’m not talking about the prosecution of individuals. I’m talking about big cases.

Q: Such as?

A: RICO cases, which were made against New York mafia families. Cases filed on the basis of “continuing criminal enterprises.” That’s what RICO is. That’s what it’s for.

Q: You’re saying RICO charges could work against gangs? As a wholesale strategy? As a way of breaking them up, imprisoning significant numbers of members and leaders?

A: With enough effort, absolutely. It would be revolutionary, in a good sense. Then you would see tremendous positive change in those neighborhoods.

Q: So why aren’t RICO cases being made?

A: How do gangs make their money?

Q: Selling drugs.

A: Where do the drugs come from? Mexico. Other places. Now we’re talking about drug cartels. Some of these American inner-city gangs are distributors for the cartels. For instance, in Chicago, which has been a major junction for shipping drugs all over the US.

Q: And? So?

A: The Mexican cartels have to launder their cash. Billions and billions of dollars. Maybe trillions, all told. For that, they need banks. Now we’re talking about very high-level criminals. The banks. Also, major corporations that are strapped for cash. Drug money is available to these corporations. Their stock prices depend on that cash.

Q: You’re saying inner-city gangs are protected from RICO prosecutions, because they’re part of the overall drug empire.

A: Yes.

Q: So BLM and Antifa should be protesting against drug cartels and banks.

A: You’re damn right they should. Why aren’t they? Because the money behind BLM and Antifa, and their political connections, are tied into the drug empire. Tied in close enough so it’s “hands off,” leave the gangs alone. Instead, focus everything on protests against the cops.

Q: Antifa and BLM are fronts for the drug empire?

A: Not on the ground level. Antifa and BLM are “diversionary ops.” They’re pushed out there to deflect attention from the biggest problem that’s destroying inner-city black communities: the gangs. And the gangs are left untouched, because they’re part of the massive global drug trade.

Q: We started out talking about the reprogramming of society, on the premise that brainwashing everybody would somehow elevate the performance of “disenfranchised children” and wipe out “privilege.”

A: Right. That’s more than just a diversionary op, but it does serve that purpose. It does deflect attention away from what is literally destroying black communities: gangs.

Q: If you’re right about this, the destruction of inner cities is really an elite program.

A: Well, it is. Of course, the gangs aren’t victims in this plot. It would be a gross mistake to think of them that way. They’re very pro-active. They’re criminal cultures. They aren’t any different from other criminal organizations and mafias.

Q: It’s hard to imagine so many people, including celebrities, are taking BLM and Antifa at face value. No questions asked.

A: Now you’re getting into deeper water. Now you’re getting into a more fundamental level of reshaping society. I’m referring to the overall culture of victimhood. People are programmed to elevate supposed victims into automatic heroes. This means: find a victim and then blame the wrong group for the victim’s plight. Remove every single shred of responsibility from the victim himself. In that way, cripple him. Make him think he can’t rise, he can’t advance, until his oppressors take their hands off his neck. That’s a dead end. Look at the whole college system of education these days. Where is it headed? Every student is programmed to believe he is either a victim or an oppressor.

Q: This would be a new level and scope of the CIA’s MKULTRA program. The mind control program.

A: Yes. Instead of trying to reprogram the thought processes of one individual, do it all at once. For huge numbers of people. It’s based on the premise that you can get many people to feel guilty about SOMETHING, if you harass them long enough. And you can get many people feeling good about being oppressed, if you tell them the oppression is the sole source of their problems. The one thing you leave out is: any individual or group can rise up through their own efforts. Once you go there, the whole mind control program begins to fall apart.

Q: Suppose BLM and Antifa really did begin to protest against drug cartels and banks?

A: Their money would dry up, that’s for sure. It would have to be a bootstrap operation. Very little press coverage. Celebrity supporters would get nervous. And if you brought China into it, and their business of selling opioids to the West, those celebrities would claim total ignorance and run for the hills.

Q: So the oppression of these inner cities, by the gangs and the drug cartels and the banks is very real.

A: Of course it is. But at the same time, you need the premise that any person or group can and must rise through their own efforts. You correctly nail the real criminals who are doing the bulk of the oppression, AND you also teach people that the way out of their great troubles is through their own efforts.

Q: The role of gangs in the drug empire, and the failure to prosecute them through RICO cases…the CIA is aware of this?

A: For a long time, clandestine units of the CIA have facilitated drug trafficking. But many players are aware. In one way or another, they feed at the money trough. They view inner cities as profitable breeding grounds for drug-cartel foot-soldiers. Gangs.

Q: This overall re-programming of society you mention. The cult of victimhood. This is a CIA op?

A: It’s much, much wider than that. As just one example, the entire education system of the country has been enlisted in this op. Think “big government.” After all, who is portrayed as the “rescuer of all the victims?” Government. Right now, in the COVID fraud, who is positioned as the savior of the entire “victimized population?” Government. We’re looking at a long-term power grab, by the government which, by its sheer size and power, has gone light years past what the Constitution permits. And then you look at government, and you see where it’s heading. Toward a global management system. The usual players are involved. World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller forces, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, major banks, Big Tech, etc. But their plans depend on their ability to sell the victim-oppressor model, especially in America. That model debilitates the natural human impulse to live and work on the basis of individual freedom.

Q: And the black and Hispanic communities?

A: Designated pawns in this lethal game. Starting with Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, in 1966, those communities have gradually been portrayed as victim-heroes, in order to expand the re-programming of society. In order to turn everything upside down. But again, it does no good to look at one’s self solely as a pawn. People and communities have to rise up through that. Another function of Antifa/BLM: to keep victimhood front and center…

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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CIA Memories, Part Four—Conclusion Thu, 18 Jul 2019 04:05:16 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 18, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)


As I mentioned in earlier installments of this series, a patient presently confined to the Sleight Center psychiatric facility believes he is the current director of the CIA. He also believes he is living in the year 2053. He is writing CIA memos to “his own top people.”

Dear All,

I have now changed my title. I am still the director of the CIA, but I am The Director in Exile. The Agency itself, in 2053, has dissolved into a trillion-dollar wounded dragon. It is thrashing around, trying to feel its own shape, and failing.

If we control the world but cannot control ourselves, then what is the sitrep?

If you build a house and let it go its own way, it eventually decays and falls into terminal disrepair. I do not believe that is the fate of Earth, but I know we have done great harm. Nevertheless, we continue to play our games.

We exist, as an Agency, in our own space and time. We thrash, and we float.

Our principal task, mind control, has encountered unexpected resistance from many quarters. To cite just one case, the disappearing of nations into easier-to-manage larger regions (our agenda) has given birth to hundreds of counter-outbreaks of decentralization. Our own vaunted map makers have fallen hopelessly behind in their efforts to compile and maintain a planetary picture. Our favored propaganda term, “citizen of the world,” has been rendered meaningless.

My new psychiatrist turns out to be an infiltrator from Free New England, which has broken off relations with Washington. He is trying to enlist me in “the movement.” It’s not my cup of tea.

Freedom is still an idea that energizes me, even after all this time. I’m not sure I know what it looks like. But it must be centered on the individual.

For a century, we have treated the world as a mere caricature we could manipulate at will. But it turns out we are the caricature.

Before I was confined to this facility, I was working on a secret draft of surrender. We would, as an ancient president once stated, “break up the CIA into a million pieces.”

I leave it to you to imagine the domino effect.

Of course, we would have to protect our agents. I was also working out a plan for that massive operation.

I am of the opinion that, if the specific CIA had never been created, something very much like it would have come into being. Another organization with our goals and operations would have emerged. It was embedded in the psychology of humans. I think that fact and that day have passed into oblivion. We may not have experienced the very worst our species has to offer, but we have come close enough to taste defeat and turn away. We’ve begun to stir from our trance and rise a short distance above our base impulses.

So, after all this time, I find myself making a plea for sanity.

While confined to a psychiatric institution.

—The “director’s” memo cuts off at this point. Or perhaps he ended it there. A year later, he was gone; escaped from the facility.

Myths, legends, and no doubt, intentional cover stories have proliferated around him. Some people actually believe he was the director of the CIA. We have the usual reports of sightings across the country. One wild story is interesting: he is now living in an undisclosed location in Chicago, from which he secretly advises the president. The president, according to the tale, is indeed plotting the break-up of the CIA. But this is only one aspect of his agenda; he intends to split the entire federal government into much smaller units, each of which will act independently as decentralized organizations. Their exact roles are, thus far, unclear. Supposedly, the trigger for the revolution will be the return of 40 trillion dollars, which have been stolen from national budgets over the past century. The money will be placed in the hands of several thousand local community “leadership groups,” who will use it to finance “projects of benefit to the people.” This account gains some credibility, owing to the mood of the nation; small communities are emerging across the land. They are aiming for self-sufficiency. Recent discoveries in energy technology, beyond the reach of traditional energy companies, have made it possible to power local enterprises in any environment, at shockingly low costs. The desire for freedom beyond the reach of central government is deepening. Along with these thousands of new communities, we are seeing the rise of private currencies. Recent reports of “defecting police units and military groups” are adding fuel to the fire.

One night not long ago, a man appeared as a last-minute guest on a small Web radio show. Here is an excerpt from his remarks:

“I am the Director in Exile of the CIA, an organization which hopefully will soon take its last collective breath, and then disappear below the waves of a new epoch. As you might suppose, I am on the move. Certain people want to ask me certain questions I’m not prepared to answer at this time. I’ve seen my path, I’ve chosen it, I’ve stepped on to it, and I’m walking it. The air is cleaner for me these days. This “place” we live in has been described in thousands of myths down through the centuries. I see it as one dimension among others. It has its charms, as does any popular stage play. We tend to be far too serious when we should be light-hearted, and light-hearted when we should be serious. My experience as the director has taught me that humans can be trained to commit almost any action, thinking it is for the greater good. The CIA is an awesome center of deception. Our people are taught to lie as the first order of business. Once we fasten on to a piece of data, we lie about it. Reflexively. Domination is our goal. Shaping the minds of the population is our prime strategy. We are admired teachers who inevitably give students the wrong answers to their questions. For us, truth is what a silver bullet is to the werewolf. Extinction. The size and scope of our organization has been underestimated. With our global connections to major corporations, banks, foundations, secret societies, governments, criminal groups, and organized religions, we are a behemoth. As I’ve written, we have lost our way. We no longer have control over many of our own operations. My chief assistant once jokingly remarked to me, “We’re so big, we cover so much ground, we must be run from some extraterrestrial center.” For a century, we’ve proceeded from the assumption that all reality is invented. Therefore, we took the lead in inventing it for billions of people. Each one of them was capable of birthing his own reality, but he had abdicated the job and the joy of being an Artist. That cleared the ground for us, and we moved in…”

Since that night, on the radio, the director has not been heard from.

But since that night, by my own count, 274 men have “stepped forward,” in one fashion or another, while maintaining their anonymity, to claim they are the Director. They each have stories to tell, most of which are interesting and contain details of damning truth about past CIA operations. This leads me to believe that at least some of these men are current or former employees of the Agency.

Thus, a trickle grows toward a Niagara of exposure…

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Social media censorship—here are the deep basics Mon, 20 Aug 2018 11:32:44 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

August 20, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Orchestrated un-creation of the fabric of free speech—this is what we’re seeing.

Several of the biggest “conservative/libertarian” figures on the Net—Alex Jones, Dennis Prager, Stefan Molyneux, among others—have recently been banned/censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies.

When you ask why this is happening, one obvious answer pops up right away:

These social media corporations are fulfilling desperate pleas from major news outlets, who have been losing audience, in massive chunks, to the likes of Jones, Prager, and Molyneaux.

The newspapers and TV news networks came to end of their rope. They had no solutions to their problem—so they went to Google, Facebook, and others, and said, HELP US. Meaning: Censor our competition.

On one level, understanding censorship is that simple.

But then you have to ask yourself this question: Why would Google, Facebook, and other social media giants bend to the needs of mainstream news outlets?

These social media operations are richer and bigger than mainstream news. They could easily have said: “No, we like open forums and a wide variety of opinion, and we think people should be able to deal with ideas they don’t like. We stand for an open society, and we vigorously defend the 1st Amendment.”

But they didn’t say that. Instead, they’re enacting bans and censorship. Why?

The obvious answer staring us in the face is: Google and Facebook and You Tube, for example, the largest social media corporations, are not “free companies.”

They’ve been in bed with the intelligence community for a long time, and they favor wall to wall surveillance of the population. They favor the “liberal” version of a policed State, where correct opinions are let in the door and incorrect opinions are shut down.

Let’s quickly review a bit of Facebook history:

The big infusion of cash that sent Mark Zuckerberg and his fledgling college enterprise on their way came from Accel Partners, in 2004.

Jim Breyer, head of Accel, attached a $13 million rocket to Facebook, and nothing has ever been the same.

Earlier that same year, a man named Gilman Louie joined the board of the National Venture Capital Association of America (NVCA). The chairman of NVCA? Jim Breyer. Gilman Louie happened to be the first CEO of the important CIA start-up, In-Q-Tel.

In-Q-Tel was founded in 1999, with the express purpose of funding companies that could develop technology the CIA would use to “gather data.”

That’s not the only connection between Jim Breyer and the CIA’s man, Gilman Louie. In 2004, Louie went to work for BBN Technologies, headed up by Breyer. Dr. Anita Jones also joined BBN at that time. Jones had worked for In-Q-Tel and was an adviser to DARPA, the Pentagon’s technology department that helped develop the Internet.

With these CIA/DARPA connections, it’s no surprise that Jim Breyer’s jackpot investment in Facebook is not part of the popular mythology of Mark Zuckerberg. Better to omit it. Who could fail to realize that Facebook, with its endless stream of personal data, and its tracking capability, is an ideal CIA asset?

What about Google?

Read Nafeez Ahmed’s (twitter) excellent multi-part series at, “How the CIA made Google”:

“INSURGE INTELLIGENCE (twitter) can now reveal the vast extent to which the US intelligence community is implicated in nurturing the web platforms we know today…The lynchpin of this story is the corporation that in many ways defines the 21st century with its unobtrusive omnipresence: Google.”

“Google styles itself as a friendly, funky, user-friendly tech firm that rose to prominence through a combination of skill, luck, and genuine innovation. This is true. But it is a mere fragment of the story. In reality, Google is a smokescreen behind which lurks the US military-industrial complex.”

“The inside story of Google’s rise, revealed here for the first time, opens a can of worms that goes far beyond Google, unexpectedly shining a light on the existence of a parasitical network driving the evolution of the US national security apparatus, and profiting obscenely from its operation…”

In other words, social media aren’t banning and censoring “conservatives/libertarians” merely as a favor to their kissing cousins who run major news outlets—no, this goes much deeper.

This is the intelligence and Pentagon communities, with their attendant neo-cons and military contractors, defending their version of the “new world.”

Anyone with a large online audience, who has strong opinions which resist and run counter to this new world vision, is considered an obstacle, and a target for censorship.

The intelligence/Pentagon vision? Endless wars; endless waves of migration engendering chaos; multinational corporations free to roam the planet, set up shop in hellholes, produce their goods for relative pennies, sell those goods anywhere with no tariffs, thus undermining local economies and centralizing economic power in fewer hands; the vast expansion of surveillance and censorship (which go hand in hand); widening poverty, which makes more and more people dependent on government…

Social media censorship isn’t merely a bunch of knee-jerk liberals trying to stop ideas they don’t like. It is that, but it’s much, much, much more.

Google and Facebook are nurtured creatures of the national security state.

Here are links to go to, to listen to the Alex Jones show:

Live stream: 9am to Noon ET:

Live stream: Noon to 4pm ET:

Live stream: 4pm to 7pm ET:

Additionally, here:

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Washington Post-CIA connections: back to basics Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:08:11 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 26, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

There are now hundreds of supposed “facts” which prove Russia influenced the 2016 US election. I thought I’d go back to a few basics…

“The CIA says” is never a great way to start a sentence. But that’s one basis of the charge that Russia “hacked” the US presidential election.

Members of Congress were secretly briefed by the CIA on “the Russian affair,” and media, led by the Washington Post, ran with the story that Russia influenced the US election on the side of Trump.

Major media outlets are happy to cite the CIA as an authority—conveniently ignoring the fact that people in the intelligence field are taught to lie. It’s their stock in trade.

You might remember the Washington Post’s role in defaming and destroying Gary Webb, who, in 1996, published a series of articles in the Mercury News about the CIA seeding black Los Angeles neighborhoods with crack cocaine. The Post basically asked the CIA whether the charge was true, and when the Agency denied it, the Post attacked Webb as a “fake news” reporter. The same Washington Post led the campaign to tie the Russian government to Hillary Clinton’s defeat. And the Post, once again, used unproven statements from the CIA to back up their claim.

I could go on and on about the Post and its historic CIA ties. But now, right now, the owner of the Post is Jeff Bezos, who also owns Amazon. And Amazon has a $600 million contract to provide the CIA cloud computing services.


Ordinarily, that would be called a fatal conflict of interest, whenever the Post opens up its yap about the CIA in any context.

However, mainstream news outlets, the very big ones, don’t go around criticizing each other’s ownerships; so the Bezos-CIA relationship is conveniently ignored.

An honest lead paragraph on Russia-CIA-Trump allegations in the Post, however, would start this way:

“Our paper is owned by Jeff Bezos, and Jeff is making $600 million to provide the CIA with computing services, so take everything below with a grain of salt the size of Langley.”

Going one step further, Amazon and the CIA are both in the data-collecting business. What are the chances that Amazon, in the interest of “national security,” has been sharing its massive customer data with the CIA and other US intelligence agencies?

This should lead to another conflict-of-interest statement from the Washington Post: “As you read any article in our paper, keep in mind that our owner may be data-mining you and passing the information to the CIA. Have a nice day.”

Am I being too hard on Amazon? Do they have the basic guts to stand up to the intelligence community and resist its demands? Here is what author Norman Solomon had to say about that in 2014 (Huffington Post):

“Amazon’s trajectory into the CIA’s spooky arms may be a bit more than just corporate eagerness to land a lucrative contract. In late 2010 — amid intense public interest in documents that WikiLeaks was posting to illuminate U.S. actions overseas — Amazon took a notable step. As the Guardian reported at the time, Amazon ‘pulled the plug on hosting the whistleblowing website in reaction to heavy political pressure.’

“It didn’t take much for Amazon to cave. ‘The company announced it was cutting WikiLeaks off … only 24 hours after being contacted by the staff of Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate’s committee on homeland security,’ the Guardian noted.”

Let’s see. In 2010, Amazon cuts off WikiLeaks, proving its willingness to cave to the intelligence community.

In 2013, Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, buys the Washington Post.

In 2016, during the presidential campaign, WikiLeaks releases tons of email data exposing Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and associated players.

In 2016, after Clinton loses, the CIA—now Amazon’s business partner, and by extension, the Washington Post’s business partner—tells the Post that Russia influenced the election on behalf of Trump, and also implies/asserts that Russian hackers supplied WikiLeaks with those tons of email data…

And the Washington Post accepts what its business partner, the CIA, is saying at face value and then leads the charge to blame Russia for handing the election to Trump.

The Post doubles down and absurdly accuses numerous sites and blogs of being a) “fake” and b) conscious or unconscious dupes of the Russian government.

A nice neat package.

Who exactly is the fake news outlet?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Say hello to the FBI mole inside the Trump campaign Mon, 21 May 2018 16:58:31 +0000 Say hello to the FBI mole inside the Trump campaign

by Jon Rappoport

May 21, 2018

Well, you see, the mole wasn’t a spy, he was an informant. Aha. Let’s use a microscope to tell the difference.

The mole: Stefan Halper, a Cambridge professor.

Supposedly, Halper was gathering information for the FBI about a suspected Trump-Russia connection.

Well, what else has Halper done? At The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald reports: “Four decades ago, Halper was responsible for a long-forgotten spying scandal involving the 1980 election, in which the Reagan campaign – using CIA officials managed by Halper, reportedly under the direction of former CIA Director and then-Vice-Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush – got caught running a spying operation from inside the Carter administration. The plot involved CIA operatives passing classified information about Carter’s foreign policy to Reagan campaign officials in order to ensure the Reagan campaign knew of any foreign policy decisions that Carter was considering.”

Oops. That doesn’t smell good. CIA operatives, managed by Halper, infiltrated the presidential campaign, spied on Jimmy Carter and his advisors, and relayed information about Carter’s foreign policy to Reagan’s team.

But we’re supposed to believe, without evidence, that in 2016 Halper was only trying to dig up information on a Trump-Russia connection.

What more do we know about Stefan Halper, the mole for hire? Breitbart: “Halper…served as an assistant to all three of President Gerald Ford’s Chief of Staffs — Alexander Haig, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney…” Quite a trio of politicians. I don’t think you’d want to list them on your resume, if you were applying for a job with an organization that showed a shred of ethics.

And then there is this: In 1984, Halper was the chairman of the Palmer National Bank. Breitbart: “White House official Oliver North wired loaned funds from the Palmer National Bank to a Swiss bank account, which were later used to aid the [Nicaraguan] contras.” The contras, backed by the CIA, were trying to derail the Sandinista government, and in the process, reportedly carried out over 1000 terrorist attacks. Transferring funds from the US to the contras was illegal.

Glenn Greenwald: “…the CIA operative and FBI informant [Stefan Halper] used to gather information on the Trump campaign in the 2016 campaign has, for weeks, been falsely depicted as a sensitive intelligence asset rather than what he actually is: a long-time CIA operative with extensive links to the Bush family who was responsible for a dirty and likely illegal spying operation in the 1980 presidential election.”

But don’t worry. Nothing untoward is going on here. The FBI merely needed a man on the inside of the Trump campaign, to make sure Russia wasn’t exercising undue influence on the 2016 presidential election. Nothing more. No problem. Just ask the FBI. They’ll confirm this. The FBI high echelon is squeaky clean. They never lie.

One other thing. Stefan Halper’s father-in-law was Ray Cline, an infamous CIA agent. From Wikispooks: “Cline has been an outspoken proponent of disinformation and direct manipulation of the press by the CIA. In testimony before the House Select Committee on Intelligence, Cline defended the use of such covert devices as black propaganda and the funding of journalists, arguing that ‘the First Amendment is only an amendment’.”

“He [Cline] later became director of the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (1969-73), where he helped coordinate the CIA’s destabilization and eventual overthrow of the Allende government in Chile.”

But again, no problem. Why would we even suspect Halper was engaged in anything illegal during his time as a mole inside the Trump campaign?

The FBI is pure as the driven snow. So is the CIA. All is well.

If you buy that, I have condos for sale on the dark side of the moon.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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COMPROMISED: Sex-abuser Congressmen are open to massive blackmail Thu, 23 Nov 2017 14:21:32 +0000 COMPROMISED: Sex-abuser Congressmen are open to massive blackmail

by Jon Rappoport

November 23, 2017

Most people are naïve about how intelligence operations are run. Holding damaging secrets on public figures equals the opportunity for blackmail. This strategy was probably discovered by cave men.

—Sex-abuse claims filed against members of Congress—beyond Al Franken and John Conyers—

Where are all the names of these Congressmen? We’re now told that, in the past 10 years, $17 million has been paid out to accusers in small sums. An unknown part of that money was compensation for explicitly sexual offenses.

There are more cases where the accusers simply gave up and refused to pursue claims. They’re potentially waiting in the wings.

Not only are the Congressmen guilty, they’re open to blackmail. As they vote on bills; as they decide which lobbyists to favor; as they decide what advice to follow from intelligence agencies; as they decide whether to take meetings with agents from other countries; they’re always looking over their shoulders, wondering: HOW MUCH DO THESE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT ME? WHAT SHOULD I DO TO STAY SAFE?

And in some hotel room, late at night, when a person slips them a folder with details of their sexual misdemeanors or felonies, what are they going to do? How are they going to resist whatever is being asked for?


This is the political elephant in the room the mainstream press isn’t talking about.

What about the NSA and the CIA and other spying agencies in the US (and other countries)? How much devastating information about sexual abuse have they gathered on these Congressmen?

How much covert control have the agencies chosen to exercise?


The levels of complexity can be dizzying. Suppose a guilty Congressman learns actual secrets about another politician? His impulse is to blow the whistle. But can he? What will he bring down on his own head?

Suppose he knows vital secrets about Monsanto, Dow, Exxon, Eli Lilly?



An awareness, over the years, spreads through Congress: “Many of us are guilty and we need to protect each other.”

Because it isn’t just the sexual secrets anymore. It’s the subsequent immoral actions taken and not taken, based on being compromised. Based on being controlled.

“Appreciate your committee vote to kill the bill yesterday, Senator. I assure you that thing in Miami last summer…”

“When does our deal end? When are we even? This is worse than prison.”

“It’s not worse. And it never ends. But don’t worry, be happy. Keep playing the game. It’s no skin off your nose.”

“What about honor?”

“Please. You gave that away a long time ago. In Miami. But we also know about the hotel rooms in New York, Washington, Chicago, LA…”

The Congressman can’t believe the bind he’s in. He’s having the above conversation with a man from the CIA. He and the CIA are supposed to be on the same team. And they are, if he’ll understand who is higher in the pecking order, who gives the commands.

One day, he’ll wake up and realize that, among the four women he abused, three were innocent, but one was sent in by the Agency with the task of seducing him. If necessary, at a later date, she could use their night together as blackmail. (For a rough variation on this theme, see numerous accounts of NY Governor Eliot Spitzer’s 2008 hooker scandal, which caused his resignation from office. Spitzer was attacking Wall Street and Big Pharma.)

Then we come to the issue of reporters, who themselves could be compromised, because they’re secretly guilty of sexual abuse.

For example, long-time political reporter, Glenn Thrush (Politico, NY Times, MSNBC), has just been accused of kissing and groping four women. The Times has suspended him from his position covering the White House.

If Thrush, at any time, has been aware of politicians’ misdeeds, did he cover them and expose them fully—or was he “under the gun” to play ball because of his own secrets?

One could reasonably ask this question about Thrush’s relations with the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign.

Case in point. WikiLeaks (October 2016) released an email from Thrush to John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign manager. Thrush was writing an article that referred to Podesta. He emailed Podesta part of the draft, asking him to “fact-check” it. Astonishingly, Thrush remarked in the email:

“No worries Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u. Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this. Tell me if I fucked up anything.”

Podesta replied: “no problems here.”

Politico’s vice president of communications, Brad Dayspring, made an impassioned and transparently moronic defense of his reporter:

“Glenn is one of the top political reporters in the country [!], in no small part because he understands that it is his job to get inside information, not appear perfect when someone illegally hacks email [!]…I can speak with firsthand knowledge and experience that Glenn checks the validity of often complex reporting with everybody, on both sides of the aisle.”

So who is Brad Dayspring, the ardent defender of his “top political reporter?”

Years earlier, on October 25, 2011, while Dayspring was working as Communications Director for House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor, ADWEEK reported (link here):

“Turns out Dayspring’s personal Twitter feed, @BDayspring… follows 1,007 accounts, one of which is SexyTwitPics… Description: ‘We RT [retweet] only the HOTTEST Pics DIRECTLY from Sexy Ladies’ Twitter Accts! (No random girls, xxx, guys) Ladies Mention us w your pics! 18+’”

Maybe it’s a stretch, but I’d say the level of intelligence Dayspring exhibited in defending Glenn Thrush is matched by his interest in SexyTwitPics.

One of the elephants in the room is, of course, Bill Clinton. For several decades, people having been writing about his sexual predations. It’s assumed that he and his allies (including his wife) have been able to avoid final excommunication from politics because of their power—but it would be foolish to assume he has been free from blackmail.

We wouldn’t be talking about some reporter with a damning file on Bill Clinton. We would be talking about an agency like the CIA and their file. No one who is a serial abuser simply shrugs off the CIA and blithely walks away.

In other words, the Clintons may have nine lives precisely BECAUSE they made a deal with the devil…

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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The CIA documented long-range planning for a drugged and debilitated society: OPIOIDS ARE A PERFECT FIT Tue, 21 Nov 2017 15:43:21 +0000 The CIA documented long-range planning for a drugged and debilitated society: OPIOIDS ARE A PERFECT FIT

by Jon Rappoport

November 21, 2017

Note: I’m reprinting a piece I wrote about a year ago. In it, you’ll see a CIA mind-control document that calls for drugs fulfilling certain specific requirements.


“Long ago, I interviewed John Marks, author of ‘Search for the Manchurian Candidate’, the book that exposed the CIA’s MKULTRA mind-control program. He told me that in 1962, when MKULTRA supposedly ended, the CIA actually transferred the program to its Office of Research and Development, where it went completely dark. A CIA representative told Marks there were a hundred boxes of material on the ‘new’ MKULTRA, and he, Marks, would never see any of it, no matter how many FOIA requests he made.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

“Plans for guiding the world can be formed and launched a long, long time before we see the results. Don’t assume cause and effect are merely and only short-term. That’s an unwarranted idea.” (The Underground)

Drugs to transform individuals…and even, by implication, society.

Drug research going far beyond the usual brief descriptions of MKULTRA.

The intention is there, in the record.

A CIA document was included in the transcript of the 1977 US Senate Hearings on MKULTRA, the CIA’s mind-control program.

The document is found in Appendix C, starting on page 166. It’s simply labeled “Draft,” dated 5 May 1955.

It begins: “A portion of the Research and Development Program of [CIA’s] TSS/Chemical Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods:”

What followed was a list of hoped-for drugs and their uses.

I’m printing, below, the list of the 1955 intentions of the CIA regarding their own drug research. The range of those intentions is stunning. All statements are direct quotes from the “Draft” document.

Some of my comments gleaned from studying the list:

The CIA wanted to find substances which would “promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness.” Serious consideration should be given to the idea that psychiatric medications, food additives, pesticides, and industrial chemicals (like fluorides) would eventually satisfy that requirement. [OPIOIDS WORK FOR PART OF THIS AGENDA]

The CIA wanted to find chemicals that “would produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way.” This suggests many possibilities—among them the use of drugs to fabricate diseases and thereby give the false impression of germ-caused epidemics.

The CIA wanted to find drugs that would “produce amnesia.” Ideal for discrediting whistleblowers, dissidents, certain political candidates, and other investigators. (Scopolamine, for example.) [OPIOIDS CAN DO THIS]

The CIA wanted to discover drugs which would produce “paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.” A way to make people decline in health as if from diseases.

The CIA wanted to develop drugs that would “alter personality structure” and thus induce a person’s dependence on another person. How about dependence in general? For instance, dependence on institutions, governments? [OPIOIDS ARE A PERFECT FIT]

The CIA wanted to discover chemicals that would “lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men.” Sounds like a general description of the devolution of society. [OPIOIDS ARE A PERFECT FIT]

As you read the list yourself, you’ll see more implications/possibilities.

Here, from 1955, quoted verbatim from the Agency document, are the types of drugs the MKULTRA men at the CIA were looking for:

* Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public. [OPIOIDS PROMOTE ILLOGICAL THINKING]

* Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception.

* Materials which will prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

* Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

* Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.

* Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness. [OPIOIDS ARE PERFECT FOR THIS PURPOSE]

* Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called “brain-washing”.

* Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use. [OPIOIDS ARE USEFUL FOR CREATING AMNESIA]

* Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use. [OPIOIDS PRODUCE CONFUSION]

* Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.

* Substances which will produce “pure” euphoria with no subsequent let-down.

* Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced. [OPIOIDS ARE PERFECT]

* A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning. [OPIOIDS POSSIBLY USEFUL]

* Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts. [OPIOIDS PERFECT BUT RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN]

* Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects.

* A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis. [HIGH DOSE OPIOIDS]

* A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a man to perform any physical activity whatsoever. [OPIOIDS OUT IN THE OPEN, IN HIGH DOSE]

That’s the list.

If you examine the full range of psychiatric drugs developed since 1955 [plus opioids], you’ll see that a number of them fit the CIA’s agenda. Speed-type chemicals, which addle the brain over the long term, to treat so-called ADHD. Anti-psychotic drugs, to render patients more and more dependent on others (and government) as they sink into profound disability and incur motor brain damage. And of course, the SSRI antidepressants, like Prozac and Paxil and Zoloft, which produce extreme and debilitating highs and lows—and also push people over the edge into committing violence.

These drugs drag the whole society down into lower and lower levels of consciousness and action.

If that’s the goal of a very powerful and clandestine government agency…it’s succeeding.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Opioids are mind-control drugs; MKULTRA is alive and well Tue, 21 Nov 2017 13:15:31 +0000 Opioids are mind-control drugs: MKULTRA is alive and well

by Jon Rappoport

November 21, 2017

Wikipedia: “[MKULTRA was] the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects, at times illegal, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control…MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals…”

A worldwide population enslaved to mind-control drugs—this is a dream that exceeds the fantasies of the old CIA MKULTRA warriors. And it’s here.

A few “adverse effects” of opioids: sedation, psychological dependence, physical addiction, hallucinations, delirium, brain fog, lowered level of consciousness, and thus, increased suggestibility.

Opioid effects may not be as overtly dramatic as those of MKULTRA LSD, but the overall impact on the mind is just as severe.

As I’ve shown in past articles, a major pipeline for opioids starts at the top of the food chain: pharma manufacturers like Purdue and Insys, who are traffickers. (note to reader: Opioid archive here.)

This follows the pattern of LSD, which in the 1960s was manufactured by Sandoz (and then obtained in large quantities by the CIA for MKULTRA). However, now, there is no need for the CIA. Huge shipments of opioids go directly to rogue pharmacies and pain clinics, who are lower level dealers, and then on to addicts.

Mind control has gone public in a huge way—far beyond the reach of LSD in the 1960s and 70s.

In fact, Congress and former President Barack Obama have played a major role in protection of the pharmaceutical traffickers. This assist occurred in April of 2016, when a new law was passed and signed by Obama: Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act of 2016.

The whole thrust of that law was to create a much higher barrier, blocking the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) from freezing pharma’s huge opioid shipments to lower level traffickers.

The Washington Post, which did a long piece on that law, reached out to Obama and his then Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, but both of them declined to comment. Well, enablers of the raging opioid epidemic would opt for silence, wouldn’t they?

Member of Congress, who are now bloviating about the need to curtail opioid trafficking, voted for the heinous law. They would now need to repeal it—but the horse is out of the barn.

The Guardian reports that “More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year, most involving a prescription painkiller or an illicit opioid like heroin.”

Millions and millions of opioid addicts from every level of society are looking for their next fix in countries around the world.

In the US, AP states, “The White House says the true cost of the opioid drug epidemic in 2015 was $504bn, or roughly half a trillion dollars. In an analysis…the Council of Economic Advisers says the figure is more than six times larger than the most recent estimate.”

Half a trillion dollars.

More than 80 years ago, the largest pharmaceutical and chemical cartel in the world, IG Farben, brought the Nazi regime into power in Germany. Farben’s ghastly medical experiments on prisoners during World War 2 set the tone for the future of the medical drug industry. We are now seeing that pattern playing out on the world stage with opioids.

I recently looked up the number of different opioid medical drugs on the market. I stopped counting at 50. This is outrageous. With morphine and two or three more powerful opioids, all the legitimate needs of patients in severe pain could be met. In fact, it is the proliferation of various opioids that laid the groundwork for the current addiction and death crisis. There is no way to control the distribution of so many drugs.

Roughly 10 years into its MKULTRA mind control program (circa 1960), the CIA discovered the following: drugs like LSD and more powerful spinoffs were not reliable for controlling minds. The effort to program people to commit certain acts (e.g., thefts and assassinations) and then forget what they had done was unpredictable. There might be some successes, but there were many failures.

However, a different picture emerged. The drugs were effective in creating mind CHAOS.

Yes, the drugs could make the brain resemble scrambled eggs. That was no major technical feat. It was easily accomplished.

—“Control” the mind in the sense of rendering it hopelessly confused, and making it a broadcaster of errant and useless signals. Making it, in later stages, deeply passive.

Enter what we call Globalism today. In essence, this international Rockefeller movement (Rockefeller interests held huge power in the pharmaceutical arena) was aiming for governance of the global population.

What was needed, to accomplish this goal, was a way to repress, derail, confuse, debilitate, and cancel the clarity of minds on a mass basis, in every country of the world.

A silent war. A long-term successful war, in order to erase resistance to a takeover.

Mind control in the sense of mind chaos.

This is the wider version of MKULTRA.

No better example exists than the current opioid epidemic.

Any conspiracy has several levels of “who benefits.” It’s easy to say pharma’s plots are all about money and profit and nothing else. But at the highest level, control over populations is the key. The money is taken for granted.

When a combine like the Rockefeller cartel has all the money it can hope for, it’s aiming for something else.

It wants the world.

And drugs are one of its greatest weapons.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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