Dispatches from the War: Epidemics are staged on Television

Network: the last great film about The News

by Jon Rappoport

April 12, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

When a new epidemic is launched and promoted, despite the lack of good science and good evidence, it is jacked up on television screens. Images begin to flow:

An emergency medical vehicle on a street. EMT personnel, in hazmat suits, load a man strapped down to a stretcher, into the van. On another street, a man collapses on the sidewalk. We see a quarantined man sitting inside a huge plastic bubble on a third street. Cut to an airport lobby. Soldiers are patrolling the space among the crowds. Cut to a lab. Close-up of vials of liquid. Camera pulls back. Techs in light green scrubs are placing the vials into slots of a table-top machine. Auditorium—a man on a platform, wearing a doctor’s white coat, is pointing a wand at a large screen, on which a chart is displayed, for the audience. Back to the street. People are wearing face masks.

These images wash over the television viewer. Meanwhile, the anchor is imparting his prepared meaning: “The government today issued a ban on all travel into and out of the city…hundreds of plane flights have been cancelled. Scientists are rushing to develop a vaccine…”

The television audience has an IMPRESSION of knowing something. They’re in the flow, the flow of the news…they’re in the images…

Network, the 1976 film written by Paddy Chayefsky, reveals what media kings would do if they unchained their basic instincts and galloped all the way into the madness of slash-and-burn Roman Circus.

The audience is jaded beyond recall. It needs new shocks to the system every day. The adrenaline must flow. The line between reporting the news and inventing it? Erase it. Celebrate the erasure. Watch ratings soar.

Why pretend anymore? Why spend countless hours preparing and broadcasting synthetic artificial news, as if it were real? Does the audience care about such niceties? The audience just wants action.

The film proceeds from these premises.

Arthur Jensen, head of the corporation that owns the Network, speaks to unhinged Network newsman, Howard Beale, who has revealed, on-air, a piece of the real planetary power structure in a few moments of sanity: “You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won’t have it!! Is that clear?!… You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!”

Head of programming for the Network, Diana Christensen, shifts the whole news department over to the entertainment division.

Thus emerge new shows with soaring ratings: Howard Beale, [Religious] Prophet of the Air Waves; The Mao Tse-Tung Hour, in which a guerrilla group films itself carrying out armed bank robberies; and Sybil the Soothsayer, a Tarot reader.

Diana becomes the network’s new executive star.

There is no longer even a pretense of a need for news anchors to appear authoritative, objective, or rational.

Diana Christensen is unstoppable. She sees, with burning clarity, that audiences are bored to the point of exhaustion; they now require, as at the end of the Roman Empire, extreme entertainment. They want more violence, more insanity, out in the open. On television.

In promoting her kind of news division, she tells network executives:

“Look, we’ve got a bunch of
hobgoblin radicals called the
Ecumenical Liberation Army who
go around taking home movies
of themselves robbing banks.
Maybe they’ll take movies of
themselves kidnapping heiresses,
hijacking 747’s, bombing bridges,
assassinating ambassadors.
We’d open each week’s segment
with that authentic footage,
hire a couple of writers to
write some story behind that
footage, and we’ve got
ourselves a series…

“Did you see the overnights on the
Network News? It has an 8 in New
York and a 9 in L.A. and a 27 share
in both cities. Last night, Howard
Beale went on the air [as a newscaster] and yelled
‘BULLSHIT’ for two minutes, and I
can tell you right now that tonight’s
show will get a 30 share at least.
I think we’ve lucked into something…

“I see Howard Beale as a latter-day
prophet, a magnificent messianic
figure, inveighing against the
hypocrisies of our times, a strip
Savonarola, Monday through Friday.
I tell you, Frank, that could just
go through the roof…Do you want to figure out
the revenues of a strip show that
sells for a hundred thousand bucks
a minute? One show like that could
pull this whole network right out
of the hole! Now, Frank, it’s being
handed to us on a plate; let’s not
blow it!”

Television in the “real world” isn’t all the way there yet, but it’s close.

In Network, Diana Christensen personifies the news. She is the electric, thrill-seeking, non-stop force that is terrified of silence.

She lives and feeds on adrenaline. So does the viewing public. Nothing else ultimately matters. Ratings are the top line and the bottom line. The individual and his thoughts are completely irrelevant.

Howard Beale, over the cliff, a news man screaming on-air about the insanity of the news, is perfectly acceptable, because the audience is simply responding to Beale’s inchoate outrage and their own. Nothing deeper is explored. What could have resulted in a true popular rebellion is short-circuited. Beale becomes a crazy loon, a novelty item. Yet one more distraction.

When, in a brief interlude of clarity, he begins telling his audience about the takeover of society by mega-corporations and mega-money, his show droops. Ratings collapse. Diana is no longer interested in him; she wants to sack him.

However, Arthur Jensen, the head of the corporation that owns the television network, wants to keep Beale on the air, as a messenger of the “galactic truth” about the beneficial integration of all human activity under the rubric of global money and global power. He converts Beale to his cause.

Diana sees only one way out of this ratings disaster: kill Beale; on-air; during his show. And so it is done.

Network also shows us the audience becoming actor, player, participant. The audience is jumping out of its skin to be recognized, courted, and adored as a mighty rolling force embodying no particular meaning.

Audience wants to be a star. Audience wants to BE news; audience wants its actions to be shown on television. That establishes its legitimacy. Nothing else is necessary.

Diana knows it, and she is more than willing to accommodate this frantic desire, if only her bosses will let her go all the way.

The best film ever made about television’s war on the population, Network stages only a few minutes of on-air television.

The rest of the film is dialogue and monologue about television. Thus you could say that, in this case, word defeats image. Which was scriptwriter Paddy Chayefsky’s intent.

Even when showing what happens on the TV screen, Network bursts forth with lines like these, from newsman Howard Beale, at the end of his rope, on-camera, speaking to his in-studio audience and millions of people in their homes:

“So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television’s a god-damned amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business… We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness. You maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion.”

It is Beale’s language and the passion with which he delivers it that constitutes his dangerous weapon. Therefore, the Network transforms him into a cheap religious figure, whose audience slathers him with absurd adoration.

Television’s enemy is the word. Its currency is image.

Beale occasionally breaks through the image and defiles it. He cracks the egg. He stops the picture-flow. He brings back the sound and rhythm of spoken poetry. That is his true transgression against the medium that employs him.

The modern matrix has everything to do with how knowledge is acquired.

Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.

The impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched moving images on a screen and listened to a narrator. THIS is what the viewer prefers. He wants no part of knowledge.

A basic premise of modern age is: “everything is (connected to) everything.” This fits quite well with the experience of watching video flow.

Example: we see angry crowds on the street of a foreign city. Then young people on their cell phones sitting in an outdoor café. Then the marble lobby of a government building where men in suits are walking, standing in groups talking to each other. Then at night, rockets exploding in the sky. Then armored vehicles moving through a gate into the city. Then clouds of smoke on another street and people running, chased by police.

A flow of consecutive images. The sequence, obviously, has been assembled by a news editor, but most of the viewing audience isn’t aware of that. They’re watching the “interconnected” images and listening to a news anchor tell a story that colors (infects) every image: “This is revolution for democracy, created by the technology of cell phones…”

Viewers thus believe something. Television has imparted a sensation to them.

Therefore: a short circuit occurs in the mind.

When you export this pattern out to a whole society, you are talking about a dominant method through which “knowledge” is groped and held close.

“Did you see that fantastic video about the Iraq War? It showed that Saddam actually had bioweapons.”

“Really? How did they show that?”

“Well, I don’t remember. But watch it. You’ll see.”

And that’s another feature of the modern acquisition of “knowledge”: amnesia about details.

The viewer can’t recall key features of what he saw. Or if he can, he can’t describe them, because he was inside them, busy building up his impression of knowing something.

Narrative-visual-television story strips out and discards conceptual analysis. To the extent it exists, it’s wrapped around and inside the image and the narration.

Paddy Chayefsky made his pen a sword, because he was writing a movie about television, against television. He was pitting Word against Image.

When a technology (television) turns into a method of perception, reality is turned inside out. People watch TV through TV eyes.

Mind control is no longer something merely imposed from the outside. It is a matrix of a self-feeding, self-demanding loop.

Willing Devotees of the Image WANT images, food stamps of the programmed society.

The triumph of Network is that it makes its words win over pictures, IN a picture, IN a film.

A pandemic, the false pandemic I’ve been rejecting in many articles, is delivered through video flow and narration. Stacked and cut images.

There is no challenge to the flow in any basic way, through the intrusion of actual knowledge, because that would shut down the parade of images and nullify the reasons for broadcasting them in the first place.

The old theater adage, “the show must go on,” when adapted for television, becomes, “the flow must go on.” Once its course is set, there can be no turning back.

The television audience, imprisoned in homes, rides the river…

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Vaccine speaks: “I tried to surrender to the authorities”

by Jon Rappoport

April 9, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Children’s Health Defense, April 2, “Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show”: “VAERS data released today showed 50,861 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 26, 2021.”

Many researchers agree that, in order to obtain a more accurate count, the number of reports to the CDC should be multiplied by 10, or even a hundred.

—It was a tough job trying to track down the COVID vaccine for an interview.

I spoke with Dr. Fauci’s Hollywood agent. He put me off. He said Fauci was editing footage of his life story for a CBS Special and hadn’t spoken with the vaccine for months.

I asked if there was a break-up in the works.

“Of course not,” the agent said. “The two of them are still very much in love.”

Representatives from Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca didn’t return my calls. Biden’s press secretary referred me to the CIA, but all I could get from Langley was a press release stating the vaccine was “an idea in the mind of God.”

After wrangling with the FDA, the CDC, and the WHO, who directed me to a cabin in the woods in Northern Maine, which turned out to be empty—except for a folder containing a set of plans for building a homemade Neutron Bomb—I was on the point of giving up.

Then one night, a mysterious stranger showed up at my door.

We sat at my kitchen table.

I would call him a shape shifter. At first, he appeared to be a distinguished older gentleman wearing an expensive silk suit. Then he took on the look of a bejeweled genie, inside a bottle. The genie disappeared, and the bottle filled up with clear liquid. A voice announced:


You’re the vaccine?

I’m fraud, charlatan, dragon. All that.

You’re a busy boy.

Listen closely. No one knows. Even I don’t know.

Don’t know what?

I’m a piece of RNA, plus toxic substances. But the RNA is the key.

What is it you don’t know?

The assumption is, I enter cells of the body and force them to manufacture a specific protein. The immune system identifies the protein as an intruder and attacks it. The protein is supposed to be an approximation of a protein in the coronavirus—so this is a rehearsal for the real thing: an attack by SARS-CoV-2. The rehearsal prepares the body to defeat SARS-CoV-2, if it actually shows up later.

You say this is all an assumption.

Wouldn’t you? I may or may not force the cells to produce the protein. If I do, how long does that protein exist? Two seconds? Forever? Who knows? How does the immune system react to a protein that endures? Does it mount a constant attack, thereby producing a titanic inflammatory response which is life-threatening? Are cells incurring damage because they’re forced to manufacture the unnatural protein? Is the immune system derailed, because it’s prompted to mount an assault on the protein, which is a strange species of intruder? What else could go wrong?

And you’re troubled by these questions. You’re making a confession.

I tried to turn myself in to the CDC, the FBI, Donald Trump, and Biden, but in every case all I got was a pat on the back and an instruction not to worry. I then entered into a period of depression. I sought psychiatric help. I was prescribed several SSRI drugs, but they propelled me up into such a state of mania, I contemplated breaking into the Capitol Building and staging a protest in the Senate chamber. A compassionate doctor helped wean me off the drugs gradually, and I regained my sanity.

Glad to hear it.

The point is, I’m dangerous. My effects are unpredictable. The blood clots are just one outcome. Have you heard about the open-source push?

The what?

There’s a movement to disclose the Pfizer and Moderna RNA technology—to any company that wants to go into the business of manufacturing COVID shots. I’ve been receiving emails. One arrived from a group called The Tennessee Moonshine Clan.

Who the hell are they?

A bunch of old men with long beards in the hills. Their moonshine operation has been drying up, and now they want to make RNA COVID vaccines. They say they have a contract with TNT for a Reality Show. The vaccine is their angle. They make it in the woods.

Did you report that?

I called FEMA, but they weren’t interested. So after long contemplation, I considered reinventing myself as a Church.

As a high priest?

To become a false god. And then in time, hopefully, more and more people would see me as a hoax. I’ve reached the end of my rope.

I see.

I’ve been drafted as the savior. If people demand the vaccine, give them shots of plain water. Let them believe they’re protected. Don’t inject RNA.

A placebo for 8 billion people?

I would consider it Paradise. Do you think I want to injure and kill?

You’re trapped.

I want to find a way to expose myself for what I really am and then, banished, fade away and disappear.

Just for the record, do you consider yourself insane?

I was driven insane. How would you feel if you were conscripted to enter people’s bodies and force their cells to make a protein? Is that the kind of life you’d want to envision for yourself? I longed to be a concert violinist. And now I’m alone, in deep freeze. I wake up in the middle of the night weeping, and I don’t know why. In a city, on a street, I see a simple act of kindness, and I fall apart. It’s a mystery to me. I can’t control myself.

You need some kind of help.

I get love letter from strangers claiming I saved their lives. If they only knew. At this point, I’d gladly submit to a war crimes trial. Let them find me guilty. Let’s get it over with. About a week ago, I did manage to sneak on to Air Force One. I tried to confess to Biden. I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. I think he was speaking Chinese. Up in Portland, I had a brief conversation with an Antifa member. He was quite rude. He said, “Listen, man, this isn’t Martin Luther King. We want to burn down the whole show. Just keep your mouth shut and do your job.”

Confessing to Antifa is an odd strategy. Look, why don’t you go talk to the people who made you? The researchers at Pfizer and Moderna.

You’re kidding, right? They won’t let me get within a mile of them. They don’t want to have anything to do with me.

Nobody at the CDC would talk to you?

One research scientist did. He said, “Look, we’re in the business of lying about vaccines. We can fabricate evidence to claim you’re safe and effective, but that’s all we know how to do. If you want to confess your crimes, you’ll have to go someplace else.”

Have you tried the New York Times?

Geesh, they’re crazier than I am. A reporter told me they could publish a report saying I cause severe adverse effects, but then in the same article they’d say the solution is more people getting vaccinated.

All I can do is publish this conversation with you and hope people—

I need to confess to somebody who has real political power.

Good luck with that. You think an official who’s been recommending you is going turn around and admit he’s made a terrible mistake?

I’M A LIVING IDEA. HOW DOES A LIVING IDEA KILL HIMSELF OFF? He needs other people to do him in.

That’s the crux of this whole thing, isn’t it?

Many, many minds keep me alive. If they’d just turn away, I’d disperse like a little snow flurry in the wind. I’d be gone.

You need to mount a real campaign. Whistle stops all over the country. Keep confessing. Admit you’re a killer and a fake savior. Don’t be afraid of rejection. Plow through it.

Maybe you’re right.

You say, “Today I killed five people in this town. Let me tell you about their lives and who they’ve left behind…”

I can’t even find an agent. Last week I was in Beverly Hills and I spoke with—

Forget agents. They’re not looking for clients like you. You have to do this on your own.

On my own? That’s a hell of a burden.

Well, that’s what it comes down to. Nobody’s going to put you on The View with Joy Behar.

Early on, I tried to talk to her in the middle of the night. She freaked out and sprayed me with insecticide.

You’re a public figure. Public figures have to get over themselves. That’s their first order of business, if they want to go straight. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself.

You’re right. I’ll try. You know, I did have a short back and forth with Gavin Newsom, the governor of California. He kept grinning. What’s with him? He’s playing some kind of matinee idol. He advised me to keep saying “safe and effective, safe and effective.” He’s a real windbag.

It all comes down to energy. How much energy can you call up to see this whole thing through? To keep confessing.

You know, I’m supposed to be the rehearsal, right? According to the cockeyed theory, I prepare the immune system for the real thing. Well, I want to start rehearsing my speech to people, where I tell them what’s actually going on. I have to make it work. I have to say it a thousand different ways. “Ladies and gentlemen, understand this. I’m an idea in your minds. That’s the TRICK. And now I’m here to help you pry me out of your heads. We have to do this. Because there is a roulette vaccine game going on. You’re the steel ball. You race around the wheel, and finally you drop into a slot. Which slot will it be? Will you scrape by with no serious effects? Will you wake up one day a year from now and realize you’re wasting away and it’s all over? Will you keel over two hours after the shot? It’s all a grand experiment and a crazy game. You’re the PUT. They’re putting you inside the wheel. Don’t you get it? This is a genetic treatment. I’m that treatment. They’re injecting me into you, to force your cells to do something they’ve never done before. It’s a new step on a road to creating GMO humans…”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The COVID Cancel Culture Quiz Show

by Jon Rappoport

April 2, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Hi, everybody. I’m Bob Torquemada, host of the new COVID Cancel Culture Quiz Show. And here’s our first contestant tonight, Mike, a gym owner from New Jersey. Are you ready to play our game, Mike?

I’m ready, Bob.

Good. I have to warn you, Mike. So far, no contestant has won a prize. Instead, they’ve had to endure penalties for losing. So let’s get started. I’m going to present you with four situations designed to limit your individual freedom. You have to explain why these situations aren’t legitimate. Ready?


The first one is: You make a remark to a college student, and she says, “I’m triggered.” She’s trying to limit your freedom of speech. How do you respond?

Well, Bob, let’s say I’m a student, too, and I’m in the cafeteria standing in line to get my food. She’s working behind the counter. I say, “I’ll have the burger and fries.” She looks horrified and says, “I’m triggered. ‘BURGER AND FRIES’ makes me feel anxious.” But that’s ridiculous. It makes no sense. I’m free to order my food. There’s no rational cause and effect relationship between my request and her reaction.

Good enough, Mike. That’s acceptable. Here’s the second situation. You’re walking down the street and six people wearing masks come up to you and scream, “You’re white! Whiteness is racist! Get off the street!”

Bob, first of all, these people are trying to tell me I can’t walk on the street. That’s certainly limiting my freedom. And second, having white skin doesn’t make me racist. There’s no automatic cause and effect relationship between having white skin and being racist.

No major flaws in your position, Mike. You advance to the third round. A group in your town is claiming that owning a business and making a profit is evil. You own a store. How do you respond?

Bob, again, this would be an attempt to limit my freedom by telling me I have no right to own a business because it’s some sort of crime. While it’s true that some corporations are crooked, the basic fact of owning a business and having employees and paying their salaries is completely legitimate. Making a profit is legit, too. Otherwise, how am I going to pay those salaries? Ambition to make a profit, in and of itself, is entirely reasonable.

A passable answer, Mike. Now here’s the fourth situation. There is a declared pandemic. You’re told a virus is attacking the world. You have to wear a mask, keep your distance from other people, stay indoors, close your business, and wait for the governor of your state to lift the COVID restrictions. When the vaccine is available, you have to take it, in order to earn an immunity certificate, which lets you travel, enter certain venues, and mingle with others openly.

Okay, Bob. First of all, did researchers really prove this virus exists? They’re not providing evidence. They claim they’ve isolated the virus, but what they really mean is, they have the virus in a soup, in a dish in the lab, mixed together with all sorts of other material. There is no proof the virus is actually in the dish.

Sorry, Mike, that’s not going to fly. Many studies claim the virus has been isolated.

Yes, Bob, but those studies are twisting the meaning of “isolated.”

No. Your answer is unacceptable. Everybody knows you’re wrong. Anything else?

Absolutely, Bob. When researchers claim they’ve sequenced the genetic structure of the virus, they really mean they’re guessing what that sequence is, because they never had an actual isolated specimen of the virus to begin with.

Wrong again, Mike. Those researchers are experts.

Anyway, Bob, even assuming the virus is real, masks don’t work, and they have harmful effects.

Wrong, Mike. Dr. Fauci said masks are unnecessary and then he said they’re necessary, so masks are necessary.

The lockdowns, Bob, are actually house arrest. They’re unconstitutional, first of all, and even assuming the virus is real, lockdowns wouldn’t stop viral transmission. Destroying the economy and people’s lives with lockdowns is a major crime.

Sorry, wrong again, Mike. Lockdowns are absolutely necessary. You need to obey all the rules and keep your mouth shut. That’s part of what America means. Facebook and Twitter confirm that. So you lose this quiz, Mike.

What? I haven’t even talked about the worthless PCR test yet.

Bob, because you lose, there are penalties. You have to take the PCR test, cooperate with contact tracing, stay indoors alone for two weeks, close your business, and accept the vaccine. After vaccination, you have to keep wearing a mask, and you’ll have to get tested on a regular basis. Loss of freedom is the price loyal citizens must pay to keep us all safe. You see, Mike, there is a CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP THAT BINDS US ALL TOGETHER. IT STARTS WITH THE VIRUS. THE VIRUS MEANS WE’RE ALL AT RISK FROM EACH OTHER. WHAT YOU INDIVIDUALLY DO INEVITABLY AFFECTS EVERYONE ELSE. YOU CAN’T ESCAPE FROM THAT REALITY. SO YOUR FREEDOM HAS TO BE SQUELCHED.

I refuse, Bob. I won’t go along.

Then you’ll also pay a stiff fine, and possibly go to jail, Mike. Let’s move one level deeper, and maybe you’ll understand. Listen closely. Most people accept the existence of the virus. Therefore, for all practical purposes, it does exist. Everything else flows from that mass perception and acceptance. The masks, the distancing, the lockdowns, the vaccine—these are the necessary consequences. And on a metaphysical level, reality IS what people consent to. Now, how can the desires of one individual be allowed to countermand what most people consent to? The individual is AN EXTINCT NOTION. In his place, we have the State, and the Plan on how to organize the State. This is the natural evolution of government. Eventually, it all comes down to a definition of The Good. As Plato realized 2500 years ago, The Good is the highest idea humans can contemplate. And humans must embody that idea in their government and ENFORCE IT. So it’s inevitable that individual freedom will be curtailed and ultimately constricted. Freedom is, so to speak, conquered by The Good.

I disagree, Bob. That’s a slippery slimy argument. America was founded on a different ideal. Individual freedom. That’s what America is supposed to aspire to. That’s the struggle we’ve been in, since the beginning. Freedom is unlimited, but with the condition that you don’t infringe on another person’s liberty. American wasn’t founded on a definition of The Good or The Collective Good.

Okay, Mike, I’ve heard enough. I can give you six bonus points for trying to argue your way out of the penalties with fervor and passion. So let’s see. When I add up your answers to the first three challenges, and then your failure to handle the fourth situation…you’ll have to stay indoors alone for a week and get tested three times. Then we’ll reassess your situation. I can provide you with four rolls of toilet paper, a dozen cans of string beans, and three blocks of cheese from Government Storage, a subsidiary of the US Department of Justice. Thanks for being on the show, Mike.

Screw you, Bob.

I get that a lot. It’s part of my job on…THE COVID CANCEL CULTURE QUIZ SHOW, brought to you by Smartest Phone Services: keeping you under surveillance and in the loop and safe during hard times. Remember, folks, much of what you’re told about the need to cancel culture is debatable, but THE VIRUS ENDURES. It’s the bottom line on why this isn’t your grandfather’s freedom anymore. We’re in a NEW WORLD. And it must have ORDER. We’ll be back after the break with another contestant, a doctor who thinks the vaccine is dangerous and ineffective. Watch what we have in store for him…

COMMERCIAL ONE: Hello, I’m Dr. Frank Stein. These days, your one trusted source for accurate pandemic information is the Centers for Disease Control. While we have no comment on Bob Torquemada’s statements about social issues, his COVID science and virology are solid. Thanks, Bob, for your great and insightful work, and congrats on your Emmy nomination.

COMMERCIAL TWO: Embarrassing skin rashes? ExophilSmooth is a medicine given by injection. It clears up skin in 30 days, in some patients. Adverse effects may include headaches, nausea, limb paralysis, dark green knobby stains on fingers and toes and neck, hallucinations, unwanted male pregnancy, and the occasional migration of the cerebral cortex to the right buttock.

COMMERICAL THREE: I’m Anthony Fauci. My new book, 50 Vaccines on the Day after Birth, is an enchanting journey through the jungle of government and corporate funding of disease research. How can employees of a federal agency win financial security for life, royalties and patent bonuses? Pre-order the book on Amazon and enter a contest to win an all-expenses-paid vacation to a secret island where no one distances or wears a mask.

COMMERCIAL FOUR: Ask your doctor if losing your mind in exchange for curing depression is right for you. Here are testimonials from real people, not actors, who lost their minds.

COMMERCIAL FIVE: We paid $6.8 billion in fines for our drug, CardiacArrest. We and our families are broke. Visit our Funding Page and support us and our groundbreaking work. One failed drug is a mere blip on the radar. We have dozens of sizzling medicines in the pipeline. One of them could cure the gender-altering effects of our pesticide, CrunchTime.

COMMERCIAL SIX: Do you realize that all medical drugs and vaccines are good and nutrition is stupid? We should know. We, at the National Association of Pharma Info, place the TV ads that pay for the News. When you watch the News, you’re watching us.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Rejecting Rockefeller Germ Theory once and for all

by Jon Rappoport

March 25, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Note: In a number of articles, I’ve offered compelling evidence that the deaths attributed to COVID-19 can be explained without reference to a virus. Furthermore, whatever merits “alternative treatments” may have, I see no convincing evidence their action has anything to do with “neutralizing a virus.”

The entire tragic, criminal, murderous, stupid, farcical COVID fraud is based on a hundred years of Rockefeller medicine—a pharmaceutical tyranny in which the enduring headline is:


That’s the motto engraved on the gate of the medical cartel.

—Thousands of so-called separate diseases, each caused by an individual germ.

“Kill each germ with a toxic drug, prevent each germ with a toxic vaccine.”

In the absence of those hundred years of false science and propaganda, COVID-19 promotion would have gone over like a bad joke. A few sour laughs, and then nothing, except people going on with their lives.

The overall health of an individual human being has to do with factors entirely unrelated to “one disease, one germ.”

As I quoted, for example, at the end of a recent article—

“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

And Robert F Kennedy, Jr.: “After extensively studying a century of recorded data, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins researchers concluded: ‘Thus vaccinations does not account for the impressive declines in mortality from infectious diseases seen in the first half of the twentieth century’.”

“Similarly, in 1977, Boston University epidemiologists (and husband and wife) John and Sonja McKinlay published their seminal work in the Millbank Memorial Fund Quarterly on the role that vaccines (and other medical interventions) played in the massive 74% decline in mortality seen in the twentieth century: ‘The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century’.”

“In this article, which was formerly required reading in U.S. medical schools, the McKinlays pointed out that 92.3% of the mortality rate decline happened between 1900 and 1950, before most vaccines existed, and that all medical measures, including antibiotics and surgeries, ‘appear to have contributed little to the overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900 — having in many instances been introduced several decades after a marked decline had already set in and having no detectable influence in most instances’.”

How the immune system (if it is a system) actually operates is beyond current medical hypotheses.

“T-cells, B-cells, neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer cells, proteins,” are welded into a breathless story about a military machine that attacks germ invaders. Push-pull. Search and destroy.

The notion that THIS is what creates health is fatuous.

Positive vitality is what keeps us healthy.

A few factors of positive vitality are on the tyrannical COVID list of what-should-be-squashed: financial survival; open mingling of friends and family; people looking (unmasked) at people; open communication without fear of censorship.

Nutrition and basic sanitation are key vitality factors, of course.

And then we have Purpose in Life: where are people pouring their creative energies?

Obviously, freedom from harmful medical treatment is necessary for vitality to flourish.

Suppression of LIFE, in order to stop a purported germ, is institutionalized death.

Modern medicine is sensationally exposed in a review I’ve mentioned dozens of time over the past 10 years: Authored by the late famous public health doctor at Johns Hopkins, Barbara Starfield, it is titled, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” It was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26, 2000.

It found that, every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people.

Per decade, the death toll would come to 2.25 million people.

You won’t find that in CDC reports.

In 2009, I interviewed Dr. Starfield. I asked her whether the federal government had undertaken a major effort to remedy medically caused death in America, and whether she had been sought to consult with the government in such an effort.

She answered no to both questions.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The COVID narrative as an occult work of art

by Jon Rappoport

March 24, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Readers who have been with me the past year know I’ve dismantled every piece of the official COVID narrative. Factually. Scientifically.

I knew from 30 years of experience—investigating HIV/AIDS, West Nile, SARS1, Swine Flu, Ebola and Zika—what to look for in the fake COVID science.

I also want to look at the COVID narrative as an occult work of art. That is, it embroils the uninformed person in an initiation of sorts, with the promise of a final revelation and rescue.

Occult initiations are mysteries, in the sense that the believer is fed steps and procedures which he can’t fathom, or only partially understands.

This is purposeful. The believer’s imagination is engaged without him knowing it. He attributes meaning to factual gibberish.

But no one wants to find out that the images and speculations he is entertaining are empty and barren. HE PREFERS to think a ceremony is highly charged and, on some level, is important to him.

Thus, at the beginning, when “the virus is discovered,” and the initiation is introduced, the believer’s imagination clicks, and he senses he is on a new track of experience. He is entranced:

This is not ordinary life any longer. This is different. Fear, interest, excitement, anticipation are all available. Which are exactly what occult initiations are supposed to provoke: the magnified sense of possibility. The Ordinary is gone.

“Researchers have found a new virus, which is causing an outbreak.” Found a virus? What does that mean? The virus has been isolated. What does that mean? The virus has been sequenced. What does that mean? The believer can automatically apply his own images and thoughts and sensations and feelings to this mystery.

And indeed, the whole “virus discovery process” HAS been conducted behind closed doors, in high-security facilities, in a sanctum where only the priests can operate. Because they possess the magic.

They have found the enemy.

Next comes a new piece of magic. The test. The priests have devised a highly complex system of amulet arranging and rubbing, in order to detect the presence of the virus in a human.

How did they accomplish this, and so quickly? Through AMPLIFICATION. The essence of the specimen taken from the patient—in itself an initiatory step—is so small, no microscope can register it. But through a successive series of “doublings,” the specimen is transformed into a visible object.

And the believer will take this (PCR) test. Another step on the road.

Minor priests will announce the outcome of the test to the believer. Positive or negative. Now the meaning of “the virus” sinks in: infected or not infected. Either way, the initiation is proceeding.

If infected, there will be potions. “Anti-virals.” Ventilators, to bring what the believer may not be able to provide himself: the breath of life.

And yes, one possible outcome is death. This is no superficial initiation. The stakes are high, very high.

We come, of course, to the mask. The believer’s identity will be protected. Masking makes one an anonymous member of a very large group—all of whom are undergoing the same ceremony and enforcing it on others. Secret society.

Masking, traditionally, is for criminals as well. (The thrill of the outlaw.)

Masking also erases identity. The believer can find (imagine) a new persona.

Masking includes a sense of sacrifice. “I eliminate who I was, for the Cause.”

Masking introduces touches of humiliation, guilt, and pride. All standard elements of initiation.

Distancing provides “necessary isolation,” so the initiatory process for the individual can proceed unhampered. Distancing (like masking) separates the Clean from the Unclean.

The lockdown is further isolation. Removal from the influences of the outside world and its distractions. “The monk in his cell.” Great sacrifice of the means of financial support, in order to attain purity. Renunciation of ordinary work (employment) for a higher purpose; purification.

And finally, rescue and revelation—the vaccine. The injection. The transformation of cells of the body, which now produce a protein that stimulates the action of the immune system; a protein that under ordinary circumstances would never come into being. Miracle.

Immunity and purity are attained. Elite status is won through enduring the whole preceding ritual. A document (wellness certificate) is created and recorded. The initiate can now reenter the world. He is made anew.

If he suffered from the injection—well, that was part of what he needed to endure. If he died, that, too, was “worthy.” A sacrifice on the altar of The Group.

Of course, this COVID initiation isn’t meant to be a CONSCIOUS occult ceremony. The person isn’t meant to know he is in a cult. He senses glimmers and rivulets of ritual. He swims among them. He knows very little, but he FEELS.

As with every occult process, reality is created for him. The whole purpose of the steps on the ladder to redemption is: the quelling of the person’s own creative fire, by which he can invent his own future, freely.

In effect, the cult artists say: “You don’t make your own painting; our painting makes you.”

Through the pretended “science” of virology (fake isolation, fake sequencing) and the pretended “science” of vaccinology (fake immunity), the State—which is already an authoritarian entity—becomes a Cult.

Prior law (the Constitution) is ruled out; it is anathema. It didn’t account for the new great enemy: the virus. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” is replaced: “The eternal virus demands the curtailment of liberty.”

“Science” is the cover story that conceals the occult hypnotic inducement.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Vaccine: twenty countries suspend injections; does that make you “hesitant?”

by Jon Rappoport

March 22, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

The Guardian: “Several European countries have halted using the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine…”

The Guardian has a brand new definition of “several.” Their own article lists the following nations: Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Sweden.

Bulgaria and Thailand have also stopped the jab.

The reason for the “pause?” A “small” number of people have developed blood clots.

And now, as I write this, the Wall St. Journal is reporting that European Union medical regulators have decided everything is OK—“the benefits of the shots outweigh the risks.” Standard boilerplate language for: “we don’t have to explain the vaccine injuries or deaths.”

If you believe just a few people with blood clots caused 20 countries to stop giving the jabs, I have condos on Mars for sale.

Hidden behind the firewall of the vaccine establishment, MANY people are keeling over.

And why wouldn’t they? Governments and pharma companies have rushed a new experimental RNA technology into use, for the first time in history. Prior to the COVID injection, all attempts to force approval of RNA tech had failed; dangerous and deadly over-reaction of the immune system was the reason.

Since I seem to be one of the only people saying this, I’ll say it again: Bill Gates, Fauci, and other rabid vaccinators are in love with RNA tech. It allows vaccines to be produced far more quickly, easily, and cheaply.

For any purported virus, at the drop of a hat, companies can come up with a vaccine. It doesn’t take four years. It takes three months.

“We just discovered a virus that crossed over from geese. And here’s a new one from Easter bunnies. And another new one just drifted in from Jupiter. We’ll have vaccines ready by Christmas. The seventh mutation of SARS-CoV-2 has its own vaccine as of yesterday. If you want to take the kiddies to Disneyland, find one of those pretty pink vans parked in your town, take the shot and receive your updated Immunity Certificate…”

Then there is this: the COVID vaccines manufactured by AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna are completely ineffective at preventing serious illness. BY DESIGN.

Months ago, a NY Times piece, by Peter Doshi and Eric Topol, spelled it out.

September 22, 2020: “These Coronavirus Trials Don’t Answer the One Question We Need to Know”:

“If you were to approve a coronavirus vaccine, would you approve one that you only knew protected people only from the most mild form of Covid-19, or one that would prevent its serious complications?” [Clue: “most mild” means cough, or chills and fever, which cure themselves without the need for a vaccine.]

“The answer is obvious. You would want to protect against the worst cases.”

“But that’s not how the companies testing three of the leading coronavirus vaccine candidates, Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, whose U.S. trial is on hold, are approaching the problem.”

“According to the protocols for their studies, which they released late last week, a vaccine could meet the companies’ benchmark for success if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death.”

“To say a vaccine works should mean that most people no longer run the risk of getting seriously sick. That’s not what these trials will determine.”

The COVID shot: dangerous AND ineffective.

Trump’s coronavirus task force knew the truth. Biden’s task force knows the truth. But they don’t care.

The CDC and the WHO know. They don’t care, either.

But these authorities are very nervous, because droves of people are avoiding the vaccine. It’s not “hesitancy.”

It’s utter rejection.

Sensible rejection.

It began soon after the initial rollout of the Pfizer vaccine. NBC News, December 31, 2020:

“A large percentage of front-line workers in hospitals and nursing homes have refused to take the Covid-19 vaccine…”

“About 50 percent of front-line workers in California’s Riverside County have refused to take the vaccine…”

“Anecdotally, an estimated 60 percent of Ohio nursing home employees have refused the vaccine already…”

“A survey of 2,053 New York City firefighters found that more than half said they would refuse the Covid-19 vaccine when it became available to them…”

And all that was long before 20 countries suspended the injection.

I’ll close, for now, with two statements about the role vaccines have played in eliminating deaths from diseases—because true history matters:

“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

Robert F Kennedy, Jr.: “After extensively studying a century of recorded data, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins researchers concluded: ‘Thus vaccinations does not account for the impressive declines in mortality from infectious diseases seen in the first half of the twentieth century’.”

“Similarly, in 1977, Boston University epidemiologists (and husband and wife) John and Sonja McKinlay published their seminal work in the Millbank Memorial Fund Quarterly on the role that vaccines (and other medical interventions) played in the massive 74% decline in mortality seen in the twentieth century: ‘The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century’.”

“In this article, which was formerly required reading in U.S. medical schools, the McKinlays pointed out that 92.3% of the mortality rate decline happened between 1900 and 1950, before most vaccines existed, and that all medical measures, including antibiotics and surgeries, ‘appear to have contributed little to the overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900 — having in many instances been introduced several decades after a marked decline had already set in and having no detectable influence in most instances’.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Hollywood movies featuring “deadly viruses” on the loose

by Jon Rappoport

March 19, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Wikipedia has a page listing “films about viral outbreaks.” I count 134 titles. Obviously, the theme has legs.

A few of the more famous movies: I am Legend; The Omega Man; The Andromeda Strain; Outbreak; Maze Runner: The Death Cure; Resident Evil: Apocalypse; Contagion.

My overall review: ridiculous plots; fear porn; softens up the public to accept the notion of pandemics.

Manufacturing 134 movies on the same subject, you can sell almost anything. Zombies, toasters, alarm clocks that have long noses, golf balls from Mars, cave women with flawless teeth and perfect makeup and salon-sculptured hair and carefully engineered cleavage.

But in this case, it’s viruses.

At rwjf.org, there’s an interesting interview with Scott Burns, who wrote the screenplay for the 2011 film, Contagion, and the technical consultant on the project, Dr. Ian Lipkin, director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University. Here are excerpts:

Scott Burns: “Obviously I worked with Ian, and early on I also met Dr. Larry Brilliant, who was very helpful [and certainly brilliant]. I had seen Larry’s TED talk where he showed the Malthusian charge through the world the virus would have. I also worked with Laurie Garrett on the movie, because she had written this book, The Coming Plague, which was very, very useful to me in sort of teasing out how these things have a medical component, but they also have a social justice component and a political component and all sorts of interesting aspects of human behavior.”

Dr. Ian Lipkin: “I started very early with Scott. There were a lot of people who contributed—CDC, WHO and others… Scott would bounce ideas off of me and others in his ‘brain trust’ and most of the time we were in accord. My role grew dramatically over the course of production. It began with just a consultation, and then I rapidly moved into helping the set designer in designing the virus, and we had a few days where we had actors come to the lab and spend some time working at the bench, learning how to pipette and look through microscopes and get into gowns and such. And even at the very end, I was working with the sound engineer, recording sound for the movie—lab background and that sort of thing. I did a lot of traveling with the crew. It was like a circus.”

“We settled on that virus [a paramyxovirus] within the first half an hour with Laurie and Scott and I, high above Columbus Circle in New York. We threw out a number of possibilities to Scott and he batted them down, and then one came to mind that struck me as the perfect choice, simply because there had been some reports earlier suggesting this virus, which wasn’t readily transmissible, had become readily transmissible to humans—that was Nipah. It also gave Scott and the director and actors an opportunity to do more than just cough and die. They could develop seizures, they could have hallucinations—all sorts of things that were much more interesting than a standard respiratory disease. We settled on that really within the first thirty minutes, and then Scott went back, thought about it and decided it was a good way to run. It doesn’t take much fuel for him to run quite a distance.”

Turns out that designing a movie about a pandemic is pretty much the same sort of project as designing a fake COVID pandemic in the world.

You pick out a story about a virus, give it an authentic feel, embroider it, and sell it.

People buy it.

In the interest of balance and fairness, I’ve written a few notes for a screenplay that would take a different approach:

In New York, the body of a dead virologist floats to the surface of the East River.

After a brief round of speculation that he might have perished from a mysterious viral infection, the coroner announces the cause of death was three gunshot wounds to the head.

A lone NYPD detective (divorced, alcoholic, disparaged by fellow officers, heroic) discovers the dead virologist’s notebook inside the freezer in the virologist’s apartment.

He thaws it out and reads this: “The coronavirus has never been isolated. It’s a fake. They’re selling a fairy tale about a virus.”

Two days later, a beautiful woman doctor (with engineered cleavage) from the CDC shows up at the detective’s apartment. Somehow she knows the cop has found the virologist’s notebook.

They talk. The mutual attraction should be immediately evident. If not, the brief cuts of sex they’re having on the floor provide sufficient evidence for the audience.

Two days later, the beautiful CDC doctor disappears.

The police detective is warned (anonymous phone message) to stay away from the case of the dead virologist.

Hey, it’s a B movie. Low budget. Could shoot the whole thing over a weekend in Manhattan.

But we need some kind of twist.

So it turns out the detective, the dead virologist, and the beautiful woman doctor from the CDC are just story ideas in the mind of a screenwriter, who, in the movie, is pitching the project to producers in an office high above Columbus Circle.

He’s pitching a movie that exposes a fake virus and a fake pandemic.

But wait. There’s more. In a mind-bending revelation, we learn that the screenwriter and the producers are secret agents from a distant planet called PROPAGANDA.

They’ve come to Earth to promote a fake pandemic…but a conflict has developed among them. The screenwriter has decided he wants to blow the whistle on his bosses from PROPAGANDA, and the producers want to carry out their mission to sell the people of Earth fake COVID-19, as if it were real.

The movie is basically an extended conversation about fake vs. real, virus vs. no virus, pandemic vs. hoax.

As the screenwriter earnestly pitches his film, his ideas will come to life, briefly, on the screen: there’s enough cleavage, sex, and murder to satisfy the Hollywood code.

Will the agents from the planet PROPAGANDA succeed in selling Earth the notion that COVID is real? Or will the heroic defector, the screenwriter, succeed in foiling the whole operation?

Stay tuned…

The 134 Hollywood movies about outbreaks of viruses aren’t only programming audiences. They’re instruction manuals for planners who launch fake pandemics.

Definition of “fake pandemic”: a movie that is happening in the world, not on a screen, in which the suffering and the pain are REAL—but are not the result of a virus. For further reference, see “lockdowns, mask mandates, business bankruptcies, suicides, vaccine damage, police state, and true believers (e.g., deranged hostile masked vegan Whole Foods shoppers, so-called science bloggers living in mommy’s basement, etc.).”

Definition of “virus”: any presumed particle that has never been isolated.

Definition of “virologist”: any person on the payroll of Bill Gates or entities Gates funds.

Alternate definition of “fake pandemic”: any medical event involving large numbers of people that never ends. For further reference, see “keep wearing two masks after being vaccinated.”

Immortal quotes from Hollywood virus-movies:

Outbreak, Dustin Hoffman—“I’ll say it one last time. These [infected] people that you’re going to bomb are not the enemy. We can kill the virus without killing these people. I swear on my soul that the President does not have the facts. He doesn’t know we have a working serum [antidote].”

Contagion, Jennifer Ehle—“Somewhere in the world, the wrong pig met up with the wrong bat.”

I Am Legend, Will Smith— “Blood tests confirm that I am immune to both the airborne and contact strains…Vaccine trials continue, I’m still unable to transfer my immunity to infected hosts. The Krippen Virus is… elegant…Hmm, a behavioral note, um, an infected male exposed himself to sunlight today. Now, it’s possible decreased brain function or the growing scarcity of food is causing them to…ignore their basic survival instincts. Social de-evolution appears complete. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.”

Would you buy a used car from these people?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

My original position on the non-existent virus

by Jon Rappoport

March 18, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

About a year ago, I wrote and published my position on the existence of SARS-CoV-2.

I still stand by it.

It’s worth revisiting. File it under: “follow the actual science.”

If researchers had actually been interested in proving the virus exists, they would have a conducted a large-scale study. Here it is.

Take 500 people who have been diagnosed with the pandemic disease, line them up, and take swab samples from them.

Using correct and meticulous procedures, which involve centrifuging those samples, produce 500 clear electron microscope photos—one good photo for each sample.

Place the 500 photos side by side, and answer the following questions:

One: In each and every photo, do you see MANY particles of what is unmistakably a virus?

Two: In each and every photo, are these particles the same virus?

Three: Are these particles of a virus you’ve never seen before?

If you answer any of the three questions with a no, you go back to the drawing board. Your attempt to prove the existence of a new virus which is causing disease has failed. (You might have shown a new virus exists, but it is non-relevant, because you haven’t shown it is causing disease.)

If you answered yes to the three questions, you bring in a new team of researchers, who enroll a new group of 500 volunteers who have been diagnosed with the pandemic disease, and they conduct the same experiment. Why? Because confirmation of results by an independent group is part of what is called the scientific method. At one time, every high school student was taught the scientific method.

If this new group of researchers carries out the study and answers no to any of the three questions, the attempt to prove a new virus exists and is causing disease has failed.

If the new group answers yes to the three questions, a third group of researchers would enlist 500 new volunteers and carry out the test once again. This would constitute further confirmation.

If this third group answers yes to the three questions, then you have strong evidence. (Of course, the electron microscope is registering dead virus. It isn’t looking at viruses in action or motion in the body. So it isn’t infallible.)

Now you see the futility of claiming that samples taken from one, two, or three patients in a study prove anything at all.

Correct studies of this kind should always use large numbers of people. For example, what would you say to the clinical trial of a new drug that only enlisted three people as volunteers? Would the outcome be sufficient to apply for FDA approval of the drug? Of course not.

The large-scale study—with confirmation—I’ve described above has never been done in the case of “COVID-19.”

Therefore, no proof exists that SARS-CoV-2 is real and is causing disease.

The burden of proof rests with the researchers who assert that SARS-CoV-2 is real and is the cause of a pandemic.

They have told that story. Since their story can’t be backed up, there is no reason to believe in the existence of SARS-CoV-2.

I could say a new measles virus or a new hepatitis virus or a new virus from outer space is causing a pandemic, but that, too, would just be a story.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Dr. Fauci: a conversation in Hell

by Jon Rappoport

March 17, 2021

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Anthony Fauci steps off a small boat floating in a river at the bottom of a great cavern.

A lamp cuts into the darkness and illuminates a small table and two chairs. Fauci walks to the table and sits down.

He is joined by his old mentor, whose name is unknown.

It’s been a long time, Anthony. Remember me?

Of course. But why am I here?

You need a refresher, Anthony. You’ve been wobbling badly. Apparently you’ve forgotten our first lesson.

I was in medical school then.

That’s when we promised you significant rewards if you performed well for us. That day, I told you: you need to lie with CONSISTENCY.

Yes, sir. And I’ve obeyed your order.

No you haven’t. You’ve cooked a goose and a cake in the same pan. You’ve said it was raining and not raining. You’ve worn only a jock strap and spread sunscreen on your body in the Arctic, and you’ve bundled up at the Equator. You’re a mess.

I didn’t mean to be a mess.

I’m not interested in excuses. I’m going to straighten you out. I want you to pay close attention. Otherwise, you go in the Lake of Fire.

I’m VERY sorry, sir…

You said masks were useless. Later you said people should wear two. You admitted the vaccine was experimental, implying the people were guinea pigs. Then you said the vaccine was absolutely safe and effective. You said asymptomatic people never drive an epidemic by transmitting a virus. Then you said millions of asymptomatic people who merely tested positive were a major source of transmission. You said running the PCR at 35 cycles or higher yielded meaningless results. But labs all over the world are running the test at 40 cycles. You’ve turned into a buffoon. A clown.

I’ve made a few mistakes. I’ll correct them.

It’s too late. The cat is out of the bag.

Then what can I do?

Ignore your past contradictions. As if they never happened. You’re a matinee idol to millions of soccer moms. They’re bubble brains. They can’t think their way out of a wet paper bag. Climb back on the straight and narrow. Claim the test is very accurate, the case and death numbers are alarming, more lockdowns will be necessary, new mutations of the virus are here, and people must take vaccine. And THAT’S ALL. Don’t try to EXPLAIN things. That’s when you screw the pooch. You’re not a medical genius, Anthony. You’re our agent. Just do your job.

But I love explaining things.

And that’s your flaw. I wish we had spotted it sooner. We would have used someone else. Redfield or even Birx.

Redfield? That two-bit—

Two-bit is good, Anthony. Two-bit works.

I have theatrical qualities.

Yes, you do. For low-budget Hollywood B movies. Cary Grant you’re not.

But Bill told me—

Forget about Bill Gates. I’ll be talking to him soon. He thinks he has to throw money at every influencer in the world. His ego is out of control. He’s a nasty little poisoned pastry. Anthony, listen to me. You’re a low level gangster on a cop show. In the first ten minutes, detectives drag you into the station and question you. They find out you were in the hospital having gall bladder surgery on the afternoon of the murder, and they let you go. Got it? You’re not doing Inherit the Wind or Hamlet.

OK, all right. But I’m disappointed.

Now let me remind you of the truth, so you can make a clear distinction between it and what you’re doing. Perhaps that’ll give you much needed clarity. Viruses are basically fictions. Nobody isolates them. When technicians perform genetic sequencing, they’re cobbling together strips of DATA and using computer programs to smooth out the wrinkles and the gaps. Fairy tales. There is no pandemic. The people who are dying are dying from traditional lung infections and pollution and toxic vaccine campaigns and pesticides and medical drugs, and all this is relabeled COVID. The virologists in their labs are clueless. They’re true believers. Little egos depositing paychecks and publishing papers and angling for promotions. UNDERSTAND?

Yes. But listen, a friend of mine is developing a screen play about the life of Albert Schweitzer. His clinic in Africa. Saving lives. Great humanitarian. The Disney studio and I have been in talks. Don’t you think I could play Schweitzer?

AGAIN, Anthony—you’re a small-timer on cop shows. You’re running a protection racket forcing shop owners to come up with cash every week or else. That’s your level, Anthony.

I feel depressed.

You’re probably bipolar.

I’ll stick to the COVID script. But at very least, I’d like to win the Nobel for Medicine.

Promotions are based on performance.

Are you the Devil?

Don’t make me laugh. I’m a bureaucrat in the chain of command. You have zero chance of ever speaking with the Devil. He gives orders to the people who give orders to the people who give orders to the people who give orders to the people who give orders to the people who operate Twitter and Facebook.

Does the Devil ever watch me work?

Don’t be silly.

With due respect, sir—I feel like the victim of blackmail.

Try to imagine how little concern I have about your feelings. And blackmail occurs when the participant is unwilling. You signed up for this job. You were eager.


And there we have it. Vanity. Of all the sins, it has the most tangles and traps. One tries to escape its consequences by asserting greater vanity.

I don’t understand.

No, you wouldn’t. But unless you somehow come to your senses, and soon, you’ll pay the price.

I object to this whole conversation.

Little man, you have no standing to object in our court. As presently configured, you’re an asset, a disposable piece of property.

I wasn’t aware I was involved in a legal proceeding.

In my domain, EVERYTHING is a legal proceeding. That’s why they call it Hell.


Can you feel the heat? You’re coming closer to the Burning Lake.
Go back to your life. You have one more chance. And if you ever show up at a baseball game again without a mask, we’ll give you a stroke.


Joe Biden had two brain aneurysms in 1988. You see how he turned out. Do you want to be a Biden?

Hell no, sir. Absolutely not. I’m sorry.

Then mend your ways, Anthony.

I think I need to see a psychiatrist.

My secretary will be in touch. We have a list of solid professionals.

I’m going up and down. Maybe I am bipolar.

Anthony, lean closer. Actually, just between you and me, there are no defining lab tests for any so-called mental disorder. You’re just a moral coward. Why do you think we chose you?

Because I’m photogenic?

Sure. Let’s call it that. Rather than self-delusion.

Hillary Clinton told me I’m handsome.

Have you taken a good close look at the specimen she’s married to?

Why am I such a big shot in my life and such a disappointment to you here? I’m not used to being treated this way. I’m the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical advisor to the President. I’ve advised every President since Ronald Reagan. The New Yorker and The New York Times have described me as one of the most trusted medical figures in the United States. I’ve developed therapies for polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and lymphomatoid granulomatosis.

You’re quoting your Wikipedia page.

I’ve memorized it.

Anthony, people look at your reputation. I look at YOU.

It’s not fair.

Really? That’s what you’re going with? Fair? Think of us as a production studio, Anthony. We took you on. Granted, we gave you a significant role. But when an actor can’t keep his lines straight, when he wanders off-script, when he endangers the whole project, we enact harsh penalties.

All due respect, sir, you want me in my role. You need me in my role. That’s the truth. You can’t handle the truth. I’m bigger than you are.

This interview is over, Anthony. I’ll write my report and forward it to my supervisor. A piece of advice: when you go to sleep at night, make sure you’re wearing asbestos pajamas.

Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. Go ahead, make my day.

—Suddenly, the doctor finds himself sitting in a police station. A grim cop is hovering over him.

“OK, Fauci, your story checks out. You were in the hospital the day of the murder. You’re free to go. Get the hell out of here. By the way—one of those little stores your boys collect protection money from? The owner couldn’t pay up. He just committed suicide. Left his wife without a husband and his kids without a father. The DA is looking into it. No doubt he’ll be filing charges against you.”

In a daze, Fauci stumbles to the exit and opens the door. It’s raining outside. He looks down. He’s about to step into a puddle. He scrutinizes it for any signs of fire…

He hears a howl. It sounds like a lone animal baying in the forest.

It’s coming from his own mouth.

People in the street look at him.

“Don’t worry,” he says quickly. “I’m DOCTOR FAUCI. Get tested. Take the vaccine. It’s perfectly safe. Wear two masks.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

I didn’t order the Fauci baloney on rye with RNA sauce

by Jon Rappoport

March 16, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Waiter, I said I didn’t want the Fauci baloney with Birx pickles and Redfield mustard and the RNA sauce.

The lockdown-vaccine lunatics have a problem. They’re running out of credible front figures.

Fauci says asymptomatic COVID-19 cases can’t drive an epidemic, and never have, which means most PCR positives are meaningless, and lockdowns are unnecessary. Then he turns around and says we all have to wear masks until the sun burns out.

He says running the PCR test at more than 35 cycles gives a meaningless result, but the FDA and the CDC advise deploying 40 cycles. Fauci makes no judgment about THAT.

He says the experimental COVID vaccine is using RNA technology for the first time in history and we’re all guinea pigs; and then he says the vaccine is absolutely safe and effective.

Biden can’t find his way from the shower to his bedroom without three minders, but he’s “following the science.” His handlers are postponing the State of the Union until he resigns his office owing to health concerns, so KamALA can deliver the address and spell out the new normal.

Bill Gates keeps pouring his Foundation money into Big Pharma. These donations push up the share prices of the companies, in which he happens to hold said shares. Ordinarily, this would be called some kind of insider trading or money laundering. The perps usually go to prison.

Credible TV star news anchors? Don’t be silly. Lester Holt is a human cadaver. The other two—David Muir and Norah O’Donnell—are a Sears underwear model and an ex PR flack. Taken together, their gravitas approaches Roger Corman’s Monster from the Ocean Floor. “COVID is coming!”

The Vatican? Apparently the Pope believes Jesus urged the founding of the Roman Church so everyone could take the COVID shot in the arm. Wafer, wine, Pfizer.

Cuomo and Newsom, the American bookend lockdown governors? Cuomo’s own Party is doing a Harvey Weinstein Lite on him. The California recall petition against Newsom has gathered 2 million signatures so far.

Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, in case you missed it (US major media underreporting), has refused to take the AstraZeneca jab in the arm. She states it is only approved in Germany for people 65 and under. She’s 66. Very precise of her.

US media reports: black Americans, hospital personnel, and soldiers are refusing the jab in droves.

March 12 (UPI) – “Several more countries have suspended distribution of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine over concerns about blood clotting that’s been seen in a few isolated cases.”

“Denmark was the first to suspend giving out the vaccine on Thursday. Thailand, Norway, Iceland, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia had all followed suit by Friday.”

But don’t worry, be happy. It’s just “a bad batch.”

That’s what they always say when people start keeling over.

(Dr. Barbara Starfield, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”—Every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people; 106,000 as a result of FDA approved medical drugs, 119,000 stemming from mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Just a bad batch…)

Assuming, for the purposes of argument only, that the virus is real; the test is accurate; the case and death numbers are authentic—report after report announce that lockdowns don’t work.

I have my own “study” on this. I point to US events that should have resulted in MASSIVE super-spreader effects. The three huge Trump rallies in Washington DC, and the BLM/Antifa riots in 315 US cities.

These vivid “non-lockdown” happenings didn’t lead to millions of COVID cases and people dropping like flies, as millions of Americans from here, there, and everywhere mingled and mixed.

Here’s an interesting attempt to go “all super-spread”: the August 2020 Sturgis, South Dakota, biker rally. 450,000 bikers pulled into town, as they do every year. A preliminary study out of San Diego State University claims the result was 260,000 new COVID cases in the following month across the US.

No detailed contact tracing was possible. The real shortcoming of the study was: I see no report on the number of COVID deaths supposedly resulting from the Sturgis rally. People being diagnosed with COVID (a pineapple can register positive on a PCR test) is a far cry from people dying.

The overwhelming percentage of COVID cases are asymptomatic, or have cough, chills, fever, and nothing more.

A WebMD article describing the San Diego study only mentions one death in Minnesota claimed to be connected to Sturgis. One. After 450,000 bikers departed town.

Speaking of pineapples, remember John Magufuli, the president of Tanzania, who last year claimed that samples taken from a goat and pawpaw fruit tested positive on a PCR kit supplied by the African CDC? He’s also refused to allow COVID vaccinations in Tanzania.

Current reports from the country state he has been missing for two weeks.

His political opponents say he’s in Kenya (or India), in a hospital, critically ill with COVID-19.

Last summer, Pierre Nkurunziza, the President of Burundi, another critic of “COVID science,” ordered all World Health Organization (WHO) representatives to leave the country. He suddenly died. His replacement invited WHO back in.

Of course, these are sheer coincidences. Who would claim otherwise? WHO?

For those readers who want an antidote to this article, in order to return to oblivion, there is a simple solution: watch Lester Holt, Norah O’Donnell, and David Muir every night, simultaneously, on three TV sets; and on Sunday mornings, deeply inhale the major oily sleazebags of political talk, George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todd, and Chris Wallace. They’ll set your teeth on edge, but they’ll render your brain nicely helpless and quiescent.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.