The NY Times recalls an outbreak of PCR lies

by Jon Rappoport

February 19, 2021

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This article is part of a current series of pieces [1] I’m posting—with the purpose of exposing the PCR fraud.

The war against humanity relies on this test. If the test falls, the whole official COVID narrative dissolves in front of our eyes.

You can perform a valuable service by spreading this information far and wide.

NY Times, January 22, 2007, “Faith in Quick [PCR] Tests Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.” [2] [3]

“Dr. Brooke Herndon, an internist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, could not stop coughing…By late April, other health care workers at the hospital were coughing…”

“For months, nearly everyone involved thought the medical center had had a huge whooping cough outbreak, with extensive ramifications. Nearly 1,000 health care workers at the hospital in Lebanon, N.H., were given a preliminary test and furloughed from work until their results were in; 142 people, including Dr. Herndon, were told they appeared to have the disease; and thousands were given antibiotics and a vaccine for protection. Hospital beds were taken out of commission, including some in intensive care.”

“Then, about eight months later, health care workers were dumbfounded to receive an e-mail message from the hospital administration informing them that the whole thing was a false alarm.”

“Now, as they look back on the episode, epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists say the problem was that they placed too much faith in a quick and highly sensitive molecular test [PCR] that led them astray.”

“There are no national data on pseudo-epidemics caused by an overreliance on such molecular tests, said Dr. Trish M. Perl, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins and past president of the Society of Health Care Epidemiologists of America. But, she said, pseudo-epidemics happen all the time. The Dartmouth case may have been one the largest, but it was by no means an exception, she said.”

“Many of the new molecular [PCR] tests are quick but technically demanding, and each laboratory may do them in its own way. These tests, called ‘home brews,’ are not commercially available, and there are no good estimates of their error rates. But their very sensitivity makes false positives likely, and when hundreds or thousands of people are tested, as occurred at Dartmouth, false positives can make it seem like there is an epidemic.”

“’You’re in a little bit of no man’s land,’ with the new molecular [PCR] tests, said Dr. Mark Perkins, an infectious disease specialist and chief scientific officer at the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, a nonprofit foundation supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. ‘All bets are off on exact performance’.”

“With pertussis, she [Dr. Kretsinger, CDC] said, ‘there are probably 100 different P.C.R. protocols and methods being used throughout the country,’ and it is unclear how often any of them are accurate. ‘We have had a number of outbreaks where we believe that despite the presence of P.C.R.-positive results, the disease was not pertussis,’ Dr. Kretsinger added.”

“Dr. Cathy A. Petti, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Utah, said the story had one clear lesson.”

“’The big message is that every lab is vulnerable to having false positives,’ Dr. Petti said. ‘No single test result is absolute and that is even more important with a test result based on P.C.R’.”

TAKEAWAY FROM THE TIMES: No large study validating the uniformity of PCR results, from lab to lab, has ever been done. At least a dozen very large studies should have checked for uniform results, before unleashing the PCR on the public; but no, this was not the case. It is still not the case. Also, the extreme sensitivity of the test causes MANY false-positives.

Now imagine the scandalous information in this NY Times article appearing everywhere—on social media, blogs, websites, etc. It would be terrible for Bill Gates, Fauci, and other great leaders in the Holy Church of Biological Mysticism.

Political leaders and public health experts would have, on their hands, a major refutation of their whole narrative about the “deadly pandemic.”

Do something. Spread this information.





The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Yes, the NY Times exposed the PCR test

by Jon Rappoport

February 18, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

As I’ve been telling readers for many months, even if you assume SARS-CoV-2 is real, the test is useful, and the case and death numbers are meaningful, there are vast and crippling internal contradictions within the official portrait of COVID-19.

Currently, I’m focusing on the PCR test and its fatal flaws.

The test is a MAJOR weak point in the enemy’s attack on humanity. If the test falls, the case and death numbers are shown to be wildly false, and the whole pandemic narrative collapses.

I urge readers to spread this information far and wide.

On August 29, 2020, the New York Times published a long article headlined, “Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn’t be.” [1] [2]

Its main message? “The standard [COVID PCR] tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus…Most of these people are not likely to be contagious…”

“In three sets of testing data…compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.”

“On Thursday, the United States recorded 45,604 new coronavirus cases, according to a database maintained by The Times. If the rates of contagiousness in Massachusetts and New York were to apply nationwide, then perhaps only 4,500 of those people may actually need to isolate and submit to contact tracing.”

TAKEAWAY FROM THE Times: Up to 90% of ALL people who have been labeled “COVID cases” are not COVID cases. This fact would downgrade the pandemic to “just another flu season.” And there would be no reason for lockdowns.

Of course, the Times goes on to say the solution to this problem is MORE TESTING. Only a moron would accept that notion.

The enduring message of their article still stands: the PCR test apparatus is a fraud, through and through. It enables the recording of monumentally false case numbers, which are used to declare unnecessary lockdowns and wall-to-wall economic destruction.

Make the truth known.




The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

COVID: The predatory testing labs are complicit in the crime

by Jon Rappoport

February 17, 2021

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Test lab: “This specimen tests positive. The patient is infected with SARS-CoV-2.”

Patient: “Wait. How did you run the test? With how many cycles?”

Test lab: “That information is proprietary. You have no right to know.”

Patient: “Really? The number of cycles can determine the outcome. Change that number, and ‘infected’ becomes ‘healthy’.”

Test lab: “We know what we’re doing.”

Patient: “I’m sure you do. You’re ruining people’s lives and jacking up case numbers.”

Test lab: “You have no right to question our methods. This is bordering on harassment.”

Patient: “No, this is bordering on the truth.”

Test lab: “We’re official. You’re unofficial.”

I’ve written about this issue before, several times.

Now, I’m suggesting a solution.

If you, or someone close to you, is being pressured to take the COVID PCR test, ask the clinic or the doctor’s office how many cycles the test will deploy.

Chances are high they’ll tell you they don’t know, and only the testing lab has that information. Ask for the name of the lab.

Call the lab and ask them. Chances are high they won’t tell you. Inform them that the number of cycles affects the outcome of the test. Make them aware you know this.

Except in Florida [1] [2], US labs are under no obligation to inform the patient or the doctor how many cycles the PCR test deploys. They never inform doctor or patient.

Why? Because a crime is underway. The positive or negative result of any given PCR test is hanging in the balance, depending on the number of cycles.

A cycle is a quantum leap in magnification of the swab sample taken from the patient.

As even Fauci has asserted, at 35 cycles and above, the test result is useless. [3] [4]

Worse, at 35 cycles and above, the tendency of the test is to spit out false-positives.

Yet, as I’ve detailed, the CDC and FDA recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles; and therefore, most if not all labs will follow that guideline. [5; See pdf page 38 (doc page 37)] [6]

This is a disaster for the patient, and it results in a flagrant inflation of COVID case numbers, which in turn provide a rationale for the lockdowns.

People at testing labs who have a few active brain cells to rub together know all this. They keep their mouths shut. They’re complicit in the crime.

They’re part of a silent bureaucracy that is there to rule The People.

Here is a further variation on a strategy. If you or anyone close to you is under pressure to take the PCR test, obtain the services of a good lawyer. Have the lawyer demand, before the test, a sworn affidavit from the lab stating how many cycles they’re using.

If necessary, explain why.

If necessary, go to court.

If necessary, sue.

It’s long past the time when labs should be allowed to stay secretive and pose as neutral.

History is littered with examples of faceless bureaucracies that have enabled leaders to commit crimes against humanity. Nazi Germany, the USSR, post-World War 2 East Germany. These days, China.

And now, every other country where rulers are declaring brutal lockdowns.

If a small handful of people who are told to get tested—three or four hundred—demand to know, from the labs, what is going on—how many cycles they’re using—and legal and personal pressure is exerted—the truth will come tumbling out, into the open.

This target of attack will expose a gaping vulnerability in the enemy’s position.

Test lab: “All right, you want to know? We run our tests at 40 cycles.”

Lawyer: “Very good. We are prepared, with a mountain of evidence, to show that you’re violating universally agreed upon science. Your lab is spitting out false-positives like a fire hose. You’re ruining lives and falsely inflating case numbers…”

Test lab: “We’re just following orders from the FDA and the CDC.”

Lawyer: “I’M JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS. Where have I heard that before? Oh yes, during the Nuremberg trials, after World War Two. That’s what the Nazi bureaucrats kept saying. It didn’t fly then, and it won’t fly now.”








The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

“They didn’t isolate the virus,”

Chief Chinese epidemiologist tells NBC News—referring to samples taken from the Wuhan market a year ago

by Jon Rappoport

February 16, 2021

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The Chinese scientist’s name is Dr. Wu Zunyou. He is the chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. NBC News reporter, Janis Mackey Frayer, conducted a brief interview with Dr. Zunyou on January 23, 2021.

Frayer mentioned that “samples” were taken, a year ago, at the beginning of the “outbreak,” from the infamous Huanan market in Wuhan. She then asked Dr. Zunyou, “Why has the data not been shared?”

He answered, “They didn’t isolate the virus.” He was referring to tissue samples taken from animals sold at the market.

That’s an interesting answer. Why have researchers and scientists claimed SARS-CoV-2 crossed species from animals to humans at that market, when no one ever isolated the virus from samples taken at the market?

The next, and far bigger question, is: When Dr. Zunyou says, “They didn’t isolate the virus,” is he ONLY referring to tissue samples taken from animals at the market? Or does his answer also apply to the first 40 human cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, which were claimed to result from a newly discovered coronavirus?

I’ve queried Dr. Zunyou. We’ll see if he replies.

I’ve spent the last year demonstrating that no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists. I’ve also explained why people are dying, why the PCR test is meaningless and useless and deceptive, why the case and death numbers are meaningless, and why the con is being foisted on the global population.

Since the early days of the “pandemic,” many scientists authoring papers have claimed they isolated the virus. However, I’ve explained how, in Orwellian fashion, they torture and twist and reverse the meaning of the word, “isolate,” so it signifies the opposite of what it ACTUALLY means.

I’ve also explained that the so-called genetic sequencing of the virus is another con. It isn’t the result of looking through some sort of cosmic microscope at genes lined up like cars in a supermarket parking lot. It’s a process using a computer program to stitch together DATA— PRESUMED pieces of a virus—based on speculation, bias, pretension, and sheer hype. Rather than science.

Based on no evidence of a new virus, the Chinese regime locked down 50 million citizens. Fairly soon, they lifted the lockdowns and pushed their economy into high gear again.

They provided the model of lockdowns to the West, where elite players—Bill Gates, the CDC, the World Health Organization, the United Nations—praised the Chinese regime and adopted their lockdown strategy; thus wrecking national economies and hundreds of millions of lives.

This is called a COVERT OPERATION. It had nothing to do with science. The operation was based on selling A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS.

For literate people, the word “isolate” indicates: a thing is separated from all other material surrounding it. Very simple. However, for virologists, the word means: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab.” UN-ISOLATED.

Virologists state: The soup consists of the virus, plus human and animal cells, plus (toxic) drugs and chemicals, plus all sorts of other genetic material.

They know the virus is in the soup, because some of the cells are dying. The virus must be killing the cells.

WRONG. The toxic drugs and chemicals could certainly be killing the cells. The cells are also being starved of vital nutrients, and that fact alone could account for cell-death.

There is no isolation. There is no proof a virus is in the soup. There is no proof a virus is killing cells. There is no proof the virus exists.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

COVID Airlines Solves the Great Racial Divide

by Jon Rappoport

February 15, 2021

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Hello, this is COVID Airlines, how can I help you?

I want to book a ticket from New York to Paris.

Have you had your COVID vaccine?

Not yet.

An immunity passport is required for all our passengers. You must take the shot.

Yes, I understand. I recently read you may be making an exception for people of color.

True. Certain minority communities are understandably suspicious of government. We don’t want to drive them further away by demanding they take the vaccine. They’re exempt from vaccination. They can fly with us.

I see. Well, I identify as black.

What color is your skin?

Pinkish white.

We do have a category called “racial preference.” Let me ask you a few questions. When did you first identify as black?


Are you making the assertion you’re black just so you can book a flight with us?

Certainly not. I’ve been an avid supporter of Black Lives Matter and Antifa for several years. During that time, it occurred to me that I should “cross over,” instead of remaining white and supporting my black brothers and sisters from a distance.

Have you marched in BLM/Antifa protests?

Of course. I’m firmly against white privilege.

What does your family think of your position on race?

My wife divorced me and ran off with a cop. Can you believe it?

At the time, were you already identifying as black?

Not yet, but that whole situation pushed me closer to the edge.

Final question: What is your position on African-American NBA players who sided with China in the scandal involving shoe contracts and Hong Kong protestors?

Well, that’s a delicate matter. We have free speech, but we also have to watch what we say. Even though the shoes are being assembled in China by slaves, the NBA players have to protect their shoe contracts and their cash.

I think we can sell you a ticket.

You know, I subscribed to one of those online genealogical searches. They found that, eight generations ago, I had a male ancestor who was either from Central Africa or Norway. The analysis was ambiguous.

Will you be flying First Class or Coach?


Upon arrival in Paris, a Black Lives Matter/Antifa representative will interview you. If you pass scrutiny, you’ll be permitted to leave the airport and enter the city. During your stay, if there are any BLM protests, you’ll be required to attend and destroy at least one physical object.

What qualifies as a physical object?

I have a list. I’ll forward it to you by email. It contains a range of items, from an ashtray in a hotel lobby, to a plate glass window, to a building.

Does my flight serve food?

No. You’ll be flying in a small prop plane with other white passengers who identify as minorities. There is no cabin. You’ll sit on a metal floor and hold a strap attached to the hull.

You said I could fly Coach or First Class. What’s First Class?

A bag of nuts.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

COVID: Patient Grills Doctor; Off the Record

by Jon Rappoport

February 12, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Good to see you again. It’s been a while. You’re here because your employer wants you to get tested?

That’s right, Doctor. It’s more or less an order. If I don’t comply, I can’t work for the company. I lose my job.

And you don’t want to get tested?

I have problems with the test.

What problems?

The number of cycles.

Excuse me?

Doctor, you’re aware they run the PCR test in cycles?

Sorry, never heard of that. What are you talking about?

Well, they take a swab sample from me. Then they amplify a tiny, tiny part of the sample many times. That’s what the test does. Each leap in amplification is called a cycle.


The number of cycles determines the outcome. If they run the test at 36 cycles or higher, the result is meaningless. But at those high levels, there are many, many false positives. So I could easily register as “infected by the virus,” if the lab uses too many cycles.

Where are you getting all this information?

From a number of sources.

Name one.

Anthony Fauci.


Yes, Doctor. Let me read you a statement he made. July 16, 2020. “…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-competent [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…”

Hmm. And how many of these cycles are labs using when they run the test?

The FDA and the CDC recommend up to 40 cycles, to look for evidence of the virus.

You’re sure you’re not overthinking all this?

No, Doctor, I’m not. It’s very straightforward.

The reason I ask—if what you’re saying is true, then millions of people have been wrongly diagnosed with COVID-19. Do you realize that?

I do. But right now, I’m worried about what’s going to happen to me if I take the test.

I’m not sure what you want me to do.

Well, I was hoping to get a note from you saying that I shouldn’t take the test. That there is a good chance of a false positive result.

I couldn’t do that.

Why not?

Because I would be making a blanket statement against the test, by implication.

And then?

The state medical board could yank my license to practice medicine.

Does the truth matter? Do facts matter?

Let me be frank. I think you’re misinterpreting what you’ve been reading.

Why do you say that?

Because if you’re right, the medical experts would all be wrong. And I don’t think they are. The test is valid.

How do you know?

Because they wouldn’t make such a gigantic mistake.

People do make mistakes. Even experts. Would you like to see my documentation?

That’s not necessary. You might be caught up in medical disinformation. It’s rampant these days. You should follow the guidelines. Go ahead, take the test. That would be my recommendation.

If the result is a false positive, I’d have to self-isolate for a week or two. Other people would have to move out of my home. They would have to get tested, too. And if I come down with a cough, or chills and fever, there would be a lot of pressure on me to get treated. You know, with toxic drugs, like remdesivir. When, actually, all I have is a common cold.

You’re jumping to all sorts of conclusions. I think you should speak with a COVID counselor. And maybe, a short course of therapy would help, too.

You mean psychological therapy?

I could refer you to a good person.

You think I’m a little nuts?

Just off-kilter. It happens. People with uninformed opinions can be persuasive. Perhaps you’re “under their influence.”

Or maybe you are, Doctor. Many so-called experts are uninformed.

I resent that. I spend every day helping people to the best of my ability. It’s not easy these days, believe me. I use every bit of my knowledge and experience to make a difference.

Well, then, you know how I feel when you suggest I’ve become mentally unbalanced.

There’s a difference. I’m offering a professional opinion. In this area, you’re not a professional.

I’m offering to show you evidence, documents. You don’t want to look at them. They might upset your apple cart.

They won’t.

How do you know?

Because I follow the highest authorities. The FDA, the CDC, the World Health Organization. I’m on very solid scientific and legal ground.

Legal ground? Are you suggesting I might sue you? Rest assured, I would never waste my time and energy. You’re golden. You’re protected. But that doesn’t mean you have your facts right.

You know, your wife and sister called the office. They said they want me to talk you out of your misguided opinions. They’re worried about you.

Here’s something else you can add to my pile of ideas. Testing labs never tell the patient or the doctor how many cycles they’re using in the PCR test. You can check with your staff. You won’t find that number on any of the lab reports.

We use an excellent lab. I don’t have any doubts about their work.

So you’ve got things buttoned up. You’re perfect.

I’m sad to say this is our last appointment. I won’t be seeing you anymore as a patient. When you find a new physician, let our office know, and we’ll forward your medical files to him or her.

Very good, Doctor. You pass.

What…? What are you talking about?

I’m now working as a contact tracer. I was asked to come in and ask you some questions and feel you out on the testing issue. The state medical board received a complaint from one of your patients, a John Jones.

I WAS CLEARED BY THE BOARD ON THAT MATTER MONTHS AGO. Mr. Jones came to my house at 4AM on a Sunday morning. He was hysterical. He’d heard that while he’d been sitting in my waiting room one afternoon, there was another patient there who subsequently tested positive for the virus. Mr. Jones was afraid he might have caught COVID from that patient. But you see, that other patient never tested positive. It was all a rumor. And my wife and I were out of town the weekend Mr. Jones came to my house. We were out of cell phone range. My service should have picked up his call, but for some reason they didn’t.

Yes, Doctor, we know all that. Nevertheless, we wanted to check up on you. Just to make sure.

I don’t appreciate this. We’re not living in a police state.

Actually, in some respects, we are. It’s necessary.

All that information you’ve just been feeding me about the test, the cycles, Fauci, the labs, and so on—

It’s all true. But we have to ignore it.


This is a State of Emergency. And in this situation, we need to follow orders. If we don’t, the whole system falls apart, and we’d be swimming in chaos.


Don’t worry, Doctor. As I said, you’re golden. You’re protected. Unless you’re upset by what I just confided to you.

No…no…I’m fine. I was shocked to find out you’re operating undercover, so to speak. Since you’ve been a patient of mine.

I understand. All you need to do is stay on the straight and narrow. You back us up, we back you up.

Of course…thank you.

No problem. I’ll be going now. We’re all in the new normal these days. You never know who’s going to walk in your door. If you ever feel you’re experiencing onset symptoms of paranoia, I suggest you see a psychiatrist. I could recommend a very good man…

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Super Bowl CNN Karen calls cops on maskless people in Tampa

by Jon Rappoport

February 11, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Hello, this is 911, Tampa police.

O the horror!


This is CNN Karen. I’m a reporter covering the Super Bowl. I’m near the stadium and people are sitting in cafes without masks! The horror!

Not wearing masks?

Dozens of them. Hundreds. I’m filming them, so you can hunt them down.

Are you wearing a mask, Karen?

I’m wearing two! To protect myself.

Try three.


If two are better than one, three are better than two.

Is that a wisecrack? Because if it is, my network has connections all the way into the White House.

You mean Joe Biden will come down here and personally arrest me?

There are people standing in the street with drinks in their hands, and they aren’t wearing masks!

Are you aware the governor has issued an order against fining people for mask-less-ness?


It’s true. You should do a little background research for your report. I understand it helps.

Who the hell is this?

I’m not permitted to give out my name, Karen. Rest assured, I’m a member of the Tampa police.

Did you vote for Trump?

I voted for the man in the moon, on a write-in ballot. I’m a registered independent. Let me ask you, Karen, are you in any physical danger at the moment?

No one has approached me yet, but it could happen.

Why do you say that?

Because I’m a reporter.

We don’t automatically hate reporters in Florida. The state, in fact, has a number of newspapers. To say nothing of television channels. I believe CNN broadcasts to Floridians.

I’m going to skewer you.

I’m trembling, Karen.

We’re in the middle of a pandemic!

And you’re doing your duty as a snitch. Let me ask you another question, Karen. Do you have a family?

I don’t identify in that way.

Excuse me? We’re having a GENDER conversation now? How DO you identify, Karen?

None of your business!

Let’s see…I have your bio page on my screen. You’re 36, you live in Greenwich, Connecticut. Married, two children. Your husband is an investment banker. He’s probably looking for good deals for his clients. You know, distressed properties. Businesses that have been destroyed by the lockdowns. I’m sure he’s doing quite well.

How dare you!

I just like to know who I’m dealing with. Wait. Here’s a photo of you at a restaurant with friends. What do you know, you’re not wearing a mask.

That was just the one time! I had a cold. I was having trouble breathing.

All those people you’re telling me about right now? In the cafes, in the streets, without masks? I’m sure they’ve been having trouble breathing…and working, too, and earning a living, because their businesses have been destroyed. They’re trying to have a little fun.

I’m going to report you to your superiors.

That’s it? Come on. Include me in your story. I want to be heard in my own words. I’ll send you a recording of this call.

I need police assistance!

Well, I’m looking further…yes, I thought I remembered you. You did several stories on defunding the police. It was pretty clear you were on the side of the people who demanded defunding. But now you want my help. I find that odd, to say the least.

There are extraordinary moments when we all need the police.

You’re saying that now, when you’re afraid, but when you’re with your friends and colleagues, you want to put us out of business. You’d like to see me out on the street without a job. You don’t care that some poor bastard is having his home invaded or his store burned down and he can’t get help.

Look, I’m just trying to say people are out here right now spreading the virus. That’s all.

No, that’s not all. Have you checked the official number of flu cases, Karen? Has it ever occurred to you that people with ordinary flu are being re-labeled COVID-19? Of course not. Why would it occur to you?

Did I really reach 911? Is it possible my phone is being hijacked, and this call was rerouted to someone who works for Tucker Carlson?

Bingo. You caught me, Karen. Tucker has a vast network of spies, more than 500,000 people. We’re everywhere, and we’re all connected. We roam the landscape and expose people like you. I’m actually in a suite at the Four Seasons. Three grand a night, and Tucker is personally paying for it. He owns oil wells in Saudi Arabia.

I’m starting to sniffle. I feel feverish. I think I just caught the virus.

I don’t doubt it. You see, we have special weapons that shoot the virus, and we pinpoint our enemies. It’s all commanded remotely, from our headquarters in Moonshine, Tennessee. We’re the bitter clingers, with our guns and religion. We never went to school, but we have a native craftiness. We built these virus-shooting weapons from simple tubing and gunpowder.

Get an ambulance over here. I feel faint.

It must be the MUTANT STRAIN. It originally comes from Mars. Did you know that, Karen? CNN has access to Fauci. Get him on camera and grill him. He’ll admit it. You see, Karen, there are basically two groups of people in America. There are YOUR PEOPLE, and then there are OURS, and all of us are QAnon. That’s right. Those three huge Trump rallies in Washington DC? ALL of us—the three million people—are sworn members of the official Q Group. ALL three million of us planned the Capitol break-in. The brainstorming took place in the Arizona desert months and months ago. We were ALL there for a week. We lived on canned Spam, cactus juice, and hope. That goofy schmuck wearing fur with the Viking helmet and horns? He’s our leader. He’s actually a genius. He works with Tucker. Out there in the desert, we all took a vote and decided to break into the Capitol and kidnap Nancy Pelosi and take her to the backroom of a deli in Brooklyn. We’d exchange her for a new law declaring that Trump would be appointed Commander General of the United States for Life. That was the operation. We bribed the Capitol Police with six hundred cans of Spam, so they would let us in. But at the last minute, Trump backed down. In his speech, he was supposed to say, SPAM FAKE NEWS DRAIN SWAMP ATTACK NOW OVERTHROW CREEPY JOE, but he never gave the signal. So the whole op collapsed. I’m giving you the inside scoop, Karen. Report it. CNN’s ratings will go through the roof.

I think I’m passing out.

Courage, Karen. You’re a JOURNALIST. Don’t fade. You’ve got the story of the century. You’ll be an instant star.

A star?…You swear you’re telling me the truth about all this?

Scout’s honor. It’s pure gold.

I can say “a source inside the Tampa Police confirmed…”?

Yes. That’s the ticket. Hit it hard. Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, Karen. Report THE NEWS.

I think I feel a little better.

Of course you do. You’ve got a sacred mission now.

…Is it really GO time?

Launch, baby, launch…

“Hello…HELLOHELLOHELLO, red alert, this is CNN Karen, live, and I’m standing on the streets of Tampa, Florida, where people who are part of a vast conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States are partying like there’s no tomorrow. Buckle up. An unimpeachable law-enforcement source has just handed me the bottom line on a story that will shake the foundations of this nation. I’m going to remove my masks because I want to make sure you receive my message with unmistakable clarity. Three million sworn blood-oath QAnon members almost killed America, and here’s how it happened. It all started on a cloudless day in the Arizona desert. A day of Spam, cactus juice, and hope…”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

“Never-before-seen strange COVID symptoms”? Try using logic

by Jon Rappoport

February 10, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

UPDATE: one of the “strange and unique” COVID symptoms, cited to prove “the virus must be the cause,” is loss of the sense of smell. Try this. On a search engine, type in, “Mayo Clinic, loss of smell, causes.” You’ll find a long list of conventional explanations. [1] Nothing new or unique…

Recently, I published an article explaining why people are dying without the presence of a virus. It’s the great COVID re-labeling scam. [2]

All sorts of traditional lung problems are re-packaged as “COVID.”

Of course, I’ve also been writing many articles showing that SARS-CoV-2 has never been proven to exist. [3]

I’ve made it clear that in every so-called epidemic, there are “outlier cases.” People with unusual symptoms. Commenters pick up on these outliers and weave all sorts of stories around them.

COVID is no different in this respect. The stories begin with reports that “some patients” have extreme shortness of breath, or their chest X-rays reveal “ground glass” lung patterns.

Therefore, the stories go, SARS-CoV-2 must exist, or another massive and singular cause is creating these highly unusual symptoms.

First of all, in the reports, we don’t know HOW MANY patients have the unusual symptoms. Is it 10? 50? 500? And are they all from the same city or town? We’re fed a generality.

And second, no one bothers to look for prosaic causes of these “strange symptoms.” Of course not. That would be too obvious. Too simple. Less interesting.

Let me give you an example. Extreme shortness of breath. Hypoxia. Low oxygen levels in the blood. That’s one of the “strange symptoms.”

Patients in New York have mystified ER doctors because they show up with this condition.

But WebMD lists a number of obvious causes for hypoxia: asthma attack; trauma (injury); COPD; emphysema; bronchitis; pain medicines, “and other drugs that hold back breathing”; heart problems; anemia, “a low number of red blood cells, which carry oxygen.” [4]

Among the drugs that can cause the oxygen deprivation known as hypoxia? From “…opiate [opioid] drugs also slow your breathing…and in case of an overdose, your breathing is slowed to a virtually non-existent and lethal level.” [5]

Is anyone looking into THAT, in New York?

More from “In the U.S., a whopping 44 people die each and every day as a result of respiratory arrest brought on by prescription opioid overdose. The opioids depress your breathing, bring on heavy sedation and make it impossible to wake up. What’s more, the opioids found in painkillers are the same ones found in heroin, which caused over 8,000 overdose deaths in 2013.”

2018 estimate of deaths from opioid overdoses in New York: 3000. Many more people in the New York area are addicted to these drugs. In New York State, in 2017, the number of people discharged from hospitals, after treatment for opioid overdose or dependency: 25,000. [6]

In 2020, people who have developed opioid hypoxia are misdiagnosed with “COVID-19 lung problems.” Some of these people would be sedated further, put on ventilators—ignoring the need to deal with their overdose, their addiction, their withdrawal—and they die. [7] [8]

New York City, opioids, heroin, severe breathing problems, hypoxia, ventilators with sedation, death.

None of this requires the existence or transmission of a purported coronavirus.

And hypoxia can be alleviated with oxygen delivered through means other than ventilators.

So…it turns out that extreme shortness of breath is not unusual. It has a number of causes. None of them requires the existence of a virus.

Now let’s consider the so-called “ground glass” phenomenon. From MEDPAGE Today: “The term [ground glass] refers to the hazy, white-flecked pattern seen on lung CT scans, indicative of increased density.” [9]

“Chest radiologists adopted it [the term] in the 1980s, with a first appearance in the Fleischner Society Glossary of Terms for Thoracic Radiology in 1984.”

“’We see [ground-glass opacities] so often in chest imaging,’ Guo [‘Henry Guo, MD, PhD, of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California’] told MedPage Today. “They come in different shapes, sizes, quantities, and locations, and they can indicate many different underlying pathologies — including other viral infections, chronic lung disease, fibrosis, other inflammatory conditions, and cancers.”

So there’s nothing new or highly strange about the ground glass phenomenon.

But wait. There’s more. “Adam Bernheim, MD, of the Mount Sinai system in New York City, authored one of the early papers on chest CT findings in COVID-19. He and his colleagues studied images captured from 121 patients at four centers in China mostly in late January [2020].”

“’There are a lot of diseases that can cause ground-glass opacities, but in COVID-19, there’s a distinct distribution, a preference for certain parts of the lung,’ chiefly in the lower lobes and periphery, and it appears multifocally and bilaterally, Bernheim said.”

“COVID-related ground-glass opacities also have a very round shape that’s ‘really unusual compared with other ground-glass opacities,’ he said.”

Aha. So maybe COVID patients ARE exhibiting an outlier pattern of ground glass.

Alas, there are several problems with that assertion:

First of all, how do we define a “COVID patient?” Through a PCR test for a virus that has never been proved to exist.

The second problem with the doctor’s statement in the MEDPAGE article? All the patients came from China, and they were diagnosed very early, at the beginning of the “outbreak.” How were they diagnosed?

“Guess what? We have 20 patients with unusual CT lung scans. We’re going to call them ‘pandemic victims of a new virus.’ Why? Because they have unusual CT lung scans.” This is called circular reasoning. It’s a chapter in a subject called logic, which used to be taught in schools, before “I’m triggered” and “I want to cancel everything” became major courses on the way to a PhD in Grunge. [10]

The other problem has to do with deadly pollution, and what lung X-ray patterns it can cause. In China, for example, above large cities like Wuhan, there is a unique mixture of early industrial and modern industrial pollutants—never before seen in human history. [11]

The synergistic effects of these individually toxic compounds have never been studied. Therefore, it’s quite possible that the outlier ground glass patterns are the result of this new and different air pollution mixture.

What I’m reporting, in this article, needs to be understood, before making bald claims that a new virus, or some other esoteric cause, is responsible for “ground glass in COVID patients” or “low oxygen levels.”

Getting the picture?

Going off on tangents—claiming that “some COVID patients” are showing astounding symptoms—makes for shocking stories, but it doesn’t take into account far more likely explanations.

People with a propensity for launching shocking stories will never be satisfied with ordinary answers. They’ll keep driving their tales forward. They’ll keep claiming patients are showing symptoms that have never been seen before.

Some shocking stories are true. Some aren’t. I suggest using a degree of rationality and logic, to differentiate between what is merely bizarre for its own sake, and what is strange AND true.













The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Pandemic Planners: Conversations in the Dark

by Jon Rappoport

February 9, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)


Do we have a launch date set for the pandemic?

Looks like December of 2019, or January 2020.

I’m still confused about the virus.

There is no virus.

Why not?

If our people could actually create one—highly doubtful—they would have no idea what it would do. All viruses mutate rapidly. You never end up with what you started with. But selling A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS—that’s a winner. That’s all we need.

How do we sell it? Won’t people catch on right away?

Are you kidding? Our people will develop a diagnostic test for the virus. How they build that test determines the outcome. It’ll register positive much of the time, along with some negatives. And here’s the important point: the technical details involved in constructing the PCR test are very dense. Even many professionals don’t understand them. It’s like speaking Icelandic to a South American tribe in the rain forest. Don’t worry, we’ll get away with it.

And the lockdowns? The quarantines?

They’ll come, trust me. The Chinese will start the ball rolling. They have the force to pull it off. They’ll lock down a few cities right away. Wuhan, for example. Maybe 60 million people. Overnight. It’ll be a startling development. The UN and the WHO will climb on board quickly and praise China for its handling of the crisis. China will become THE MODEL for the rest of the world. Other countries will follow suit.

Who is going to step forward in the West? Italy?

Yes. They’re next in line for big lockdowns. The Chinese regime has enormous clout with the Italian government. So Italy will become the first beachhead in the attack on the West.

America is the key. If they join the club, we’re in. How do we convince Trump to play along?

He’ll cave. We’ll feed him a computer projection of deaths in America. Something huge, like two million. Trump isn’t good with details. He’ll buy in.

But the lockdowns will decimate the US economy. Trump’s whole presidency rests on economic success.

He’ll give in to Fauci and Gates.


Because he doesn’t have the stomach for this battle. He won’t go up against the medical experts. He’s bold in some respects, but on this issue, he’s a wobbler. That’s our calculation.

The news media are ready?

With wall to wall messaging, 24/7. PANDEMIC. Cases. Deaths. There are no dissenters among them. We’ve got that all sewed up. Medical experts pontificating on-air. Fear.

I’m nervous about this. Will it really sell? I mean, how can they construct a PCR test if they don’t have a virus, if there is no virus?

It’s easy, trust me. We’ve done it before. Anyway, your part of the operation comes after the lockdowns. You’ve made a few hundred million doing business with China. You’ll be able to make a few BILLION soon, buying up distressed properties after the lockdowns gain traction.

I’m going to bankroll social justice movements. You know, protests, riots, burning, looting, assault, in major cities across America. It’s a terrific issue, and it’ll be a major distraction from the lockdowns.

I know all about that. I’m copied in on every aspect of the operation. Just make sure all those riots are focused on racism and police brutality. We don’t want any leakage about inner city gangs and drug cartels and banks.

No problem. The gangs distribute drugs for the cartels, the cartels wash their money through banks. It’s a tight fit. Nobody is going to prosecute the gangs as continuing criminal enterprises. That’s off the table completely. The protests will have no mention of gangs as a problem. We’ve got the foot soldiers all sewed up. Hell, some of them ARE gang members. Are you sure the 2020 presidential election is in the bag?

Absolutely. Trump has no chance. By the time we’re through with him, he’ll be persona non grata. Biden is our man. We need someone with SEVERE cognitive deficits in the Oval Office. Only a completely dim bulb, mentally speaking, would sign some of the orders we’re going to put in front of him. Harris is being prepped to step in if Biden has to resign for health reasons. She knows enough of the score. She won’t try to go off on her own. Give her a whiff of the presidency and she’ll do somersaults for us.

Here’s the thing. Forget about Trump. The real danger is all the people who support him. The millions of deplorables out there. They still think the American Republic and freedom are on the table.

I agree. They’re a problem. But there are solutions. We’re going to put a label on all their heads. ‘They’re very bad people. They all want to destroy the government.’ That’s how we’re going to paint them. Our modelers believe there are enough Americans who are beholden to the federal government…they’ll view Trumpers as a serious threat. Very serious. We’ll have that issue covered.

Is the QAnon op going to keep going?

We’ll keep it going forever. After Trump leaves the White House, we’ll have people saying he’s still president and he’s arresting every high-level evil person in the world.


The lights come back up.

Wow, THAT was a hell of a dream—who are you?

Agent Jones. Federal Domestic Terrorism Task Force.

What are you doing in my bedroom?

I’ve been recording your dream.


We have it all. Two pandemic planners. Why were you dreaming about them?

I have no idea. Who—

It reflects a certain state of mind. A dangerous mindset. Why weren’t you dreaming about a television show or a garden in the forest? Have you been reading conspiracy literature?

I read newspapers. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

Something in you must have triggered this dream. A psychological predisposition. A latent dissatisfaction.

I’m not dissatisfied.

That was not the dream of a normal man. Thoughts and dreams lead to conclusions, and conclusions lead to action.

I once had a dream about jumping off a building. I haven’t jumped.

Not yet.

Why are you here?

Checking up on a potential defector.

A defector from what?

What the rest of us know.

I’m like everybody else.

Everybody else doesn’t dream about a plan to make billions of dollars buying up distressed properties.

Is that a joke? I wouldn’t know where to start, even if I had that ambition. Which I don’t.

You start from where you are. A man with his thoughts. We need to explore your life thoroughly. You may have connections you’re unaware of. A distant relative. A casual acquaintance. Something may have slipped through the cracks.

I have to be at the office in a few hours. And I want to speak with a lawyer.

About your dream?

About you. This situation. Am I being charged with a crime?


Then I’m free to—

You’re not free. Your status is “suspended, depending on outcome.”

What status?

Who told you Kamala Harris would cooperate in a plot to subvert the government?

No one.

Where did you get the idea that Biden is disabled?

Nowhere. It was a just a statement a man in my dream made. I wasn’t speaking at all. I was watching and listening.

I wouldn’t advise trying to deny responsibility. I didn’t have the dream. Your neighbor didn’t. You did.

Do you dream?



The kind of dream you had was aberrant. What makes you think there’s going to be a pandemic and it’s some sort of plan?

Why do you care about my dream?

Because some fantasies are dangerous.

And some are meaningless.

The key is the content. You were constructing a conspiracy scenario. Do you have an opinion about viruses?


I’m going to leave now. By tomorrow, you’ll wonder whether this conversation actually took place. If you reject me, think of this event as a warning from your subconscious.

What are you going to do?

You’re on a list.

Meaning what?

A more thorough background investigation. Increased surveillance.

Even while I’m asleep?

Listen carefully, sir. You’re always asleep. In the dream, you woke up for a minute or two.


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Vatican Vaccine Hotline, How Can I Help You?

by Jon Rappoport

February 8, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Hello, this is the confidential Vatican Vaccine Hotline for Opus Dei members, I’m Bishop Capone. How can I help you?

Yes, this is XXXXXX. I want to verify that the Pope is advising his flock to take the COVID vaccine.

He is.

And the Pope is infallible, correct?

Well, yes. In this case, however, he is expressing his personal opinion.

But that opinion couldn’t contradict God’s wishes.

True. How can I help you, sir?

I plan to receive the vaccine. I know all vaccines carry a risk. Suppose, after I get the shot, I die? How should my family interpret my death?

That’s a complex matter.

I’m a devout family man. I would like my family to believe my death is part of God’s plan. They would take comfort from that. You see, if the Pope wants me to take the shot, and the Pope always speaks in accordance with God’s point of view, then my death would be a positive detail in God’s overall Design.

Yes, I see where you’re going with this. However—

I would be willing to make a sizeable donation to the Church.

Sir, you’re talking about an Indulgence. That practice has been outlawed for centuries. A person can’t buy his way into Heaven.

I’m talking about $150,000.

How much?

Excuse me, I misspoke. I meant $1,500,000.

How much?

Again, I mixed up the numbers. I meant ten million.

That’s very generous, sir.

Bishop Capone, I fully understand that money does not buy a man entry into Heaven. I would intend my gift merely as a sign of my loyalty to God’s Church. And to the Pope.

I understand.

All I’m asking for is a promise that, if I die from the vaccine, the Pope will write a note to my family, assuring them that my death was part of God’s plan, and they should take comfort in that knowledge.

I will make an inquiry, sir. Of course, we’ll need a few details from you. Verification of your identity, recent bank statements, tax returns, that sort of thing.

No problem, Bishop. My secretary can forward all that information to you. While I have you on the line, I wanted to ask you about another matter.

What other matter?

I know the Church is major landholder. I assume you’re tracking property values across the planet. In this time of the lockdowns, those values are dropping precipitously. My companies are interested in purchasing what we call distressed assets. Especially, land. It would help us considerably if we had access to a comprehensive list of potential acquisitions. We would appreciate any assistance you could give us.

How much did you say you’re willing to donate to the Church?

We can arrange the gift in several ways. For example, suppose from your list of prime distressed assets, we purchase a hundred items. We lay out seven billion dollars in all. I would be prepared to donate 4.56 percent of that to the Church.

4.56 seems rather low. I’d be thinking more in the area of 12 percent.

I could go 6.2.


Eight. Anything more than eight would constitute an unconscionable burden. And for that eight, we would expect the Church to provide assistance. Recommendations to the sellers of distressed land to give us special consideration.

Let’s call it nine percent.

All right. Because it’s the Church, nine.

I’ll kick your proposal upstairs, sir. See how it flies. Meanwhile, I’m going to put you on hold and transfer this call to our Security and Banking Division. They’ll take your information and do a quick preliminary background check. By the way, our construction companies are operating at full strength. It’s possible we can negotiate a deal to build out structures on the properties you purchase.

Interesting. What sorts of structures?

We’re very much into warehouses these days. Storage and shipping areas for all sorts of products that can be ordered online. With the lockdowns, more and more people are buying what they need without having to venture outdoors.

I like it. I’m planning to take the vaccine next week.

Let me ask—are you in good health?

Excellent health. I run four miles every day. And I swim. I had a complete physical a couple of months ago. Passed with flying colors.

Glad to hear it. We would want our partners to remain strong. You might want to check out the official COVID death rates for healthy men in your age group. I have your Opus Dei file in front of me. You’re 46. The death rates are absurdly low. Miniscule.

Are you suggesting I should forget about taking the vaccine?

I’m not a doctor. But do you think God set up the world so that, one day, scientists would EXPERIMENTALLY inject a piece of RNA into eight billion people, on the hypothesis that this RNA would force cells of the body to manufacture a protein that RESEMBLED a protein from SARS-CoV-2…and then the immune system would swing into action and produce a response to THAT mimicking protein…thus preparing the body if and when SARS-CoV-2 actually came along? And the one person on the planet who was most passionate about this whole program was someone named Bill Gates? THIS was God’s Design from the Beginning?

I take your point, Bishop Capone. Thank you.

I word to the wise, pal. And now I’ll transfer your call.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.