Inside the FBI: agents’ outrage at Hillary email decision

Inside the FBI: agents’ outrage at Hillary email decision

by Jon Rappoport

July 13, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

—You’re an FBI agent. You sit and watch television night after night, as a Presidential candidate who should have been brought up on felony charges, and thereby disqualified and scuttled, moves through the land and makes promises about what she’ll do as the next leader of the nation. You sit and watch, deepening your grasp on how the system actually works—

How much blood is boiling among FBI agents?

Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS News investigative reporter, has the story:

“Many people at the FBI are outraged, but cannot speak out,” one insider told me,” Attkisson writes.

We’re talking about FBI Director James Comey’s recommendation that Hillary Clinton not be prosecuted in her email scandal. This, after thousands of hours of FBI work scouring the emails connected to Hillary’s illegal private server.

Here are several other comments FBI professionals made, off the record, to Attkisson, with my remarks in parentheses ():

“It appears to me they made a deal not to record [the key FBI-Hillary] interview.”

(This failure, as I wrote, means the interview is lost forever. No stenographic transcript was executed, either. FBI agents’ notes on the interview are useless. They can never be used against Hillary as ironclad evidence in a court of law.)

“Director Comey seems to have taken on responsibilities far beyond the FBI’s purview—he assumed the duties of the Agent, US Attorney and Grand Jury.”

(Indeed he did. He functioned as FBI Director, Grand Jury, Attorney General, and appellate judge. In this last role, he knowingly misinterpreted the Federal Penal Code, which clearly states that gross negligence in the handling of classified material is a crime, regardless of intent. Hillary was, at the very least, grossly negligent. FBI Director Comey acknowledged this.)

“It appears no Grand Jury was empaneled for this investigation. This is absurd, Grand Juries are used in nearly all criminal investigations.”

“Even in the most straightforward of cases, the time span between a target interview [of Hillary] and prosecution opinion [on whether to file charges] takes weeks, not days. If a good interview were conducted [with Clinton] on Saturday, there would have been leads or other new pieces of information to verify or investigate prior to any conclusion to the case.”

(In other words, the fix was already in.)

Attkisson: “During his Congressional testimony, Comey indicated he didn’t look into Clinton’s false statements. He said he needed an additional ‘referral’ or formal request [from Congress] for the FBI to investigate whether she committed perjury under oath to Congress. ‘This makes no sense,’ said a career agent. ‘It is normal practice that if you came upon evidence of a crime different than the one you were originally investigating, it was fair game.’”

(There is no need to wait for a request to investigate from Congress.)

You can bet many people at the FBI are boiling over after Director Comey’s recommendation that Hillary not be charged and prosecuted.

Level of Bureau morale now? Too low to measure.

How would you feel, if you’d spent months uncovering multiple breaches of the law, all of which your boss admitted were quite real—and then he turned around and said the suspect—a Presidential candidate—was innocent?

It’s your job to prove serious violations occurred, and you did, in a case that would have been the highlight of your career, to say nothing of supporting a little item called justice; but then your work was flushed down the drain.

The next time a case even vaguely approaching the magnitude of this one is tossed in your lap, how much commitment are you going to be able to marshal? You’ll know your facts and findings could well be deemed irrelevant, because the person at the top of your food chain is doing politics, not law. He’s essentially working for players who aren’t in your agency. He’s breaking the law, but you can’t touch him.

Your paycheck feeds your family and pays the rent. You want to do the right thing, but you’re trapped. You joined up for honor, but that ideal is off the table.

Your colleagues at work, who feel their own outrage, advise you to keep your mouth shut and move straight ahead, if you want to hold on to your job and grab a promotion somewhere out in the future. That’s what they’re doing.

So you’re living in a culture of corruption.

How does that sit with you?

You’re not naïve. For years you’ve known government is riddled with corruption and lies. But this time, it hits you. Personally. You’re paying the price. You did something honest and important, and suddenly it was transformed into nothing, and you have to pretend all is well.

You’re an FBI agent. You sit and watch television night after night, as a Presidential candidate who should have been brought up on a felony charge, and thereby disqualified and scuttled, moves through the land and makes promises about what she’ll do as the next leader of the nation. You sit and watch, deepening your personal knowledge of how the system actually works.

You’re a federal agent, and once upon a time you thought you had signed on to work for the good of the Republic.

You’re learning, when the chips are down, you’re actually laboring for an extended crime family.

How does that sit? How does it feel?

Are you going to decide you were an idiot for believing in a ideal above and beyond gross personal advantage?

Are you now going to go over to the dark side, and look for ways to grease the wheels of your career?

Or are you, against long odds, somehow going to find a way to stick to your derided principles?

As you sit and watch the news of this Presidential campaign, night after night, that’s the question you ponder, trying to see a way through the darkness.

Where is the dawn?

power outside the matrix

Of course, you and a few of your colleagues, who were intimately involved in the Clinton investigation, could decide to go public. On the record. You could find a media outlet somewhere that would listen to you. You could turn over your notes of the Hillary interview, and you could swear on a stack of bibles that those notes are an accurate reflection of the proceeding. You could explain your other findings. Perhaps, in all her emails, you found criminal connections between Hillary’s State Department and the infamous Clinton Foundation. You could tell the whole truth. You could take that giant step. You could cause a national uproar. You could make your own federal case.

This, too, is going through your mind as you sit in the darkness.

Looking for a way out.

People have told you that, in life, some choices are hard.

But you didn’t really believe these choices would be yours.

Now they are.

You’re sitting in the dark, you’re flying solo.

Looking for that way out.

“I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

At the end of your academy training, at your graduation ceremony, you took that oath, and as at every graduation, by long-standing tradition, the oath was personally administered by, of all people…

The Director of the FBI.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

FBI-Hillary interview lost; and the silence of the lambs

FBI-Hillary interview lost; and the silence of the lambs

One more clue that the fix is in

by Jon Rappoport

July 11, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

It’s unthinkable—but not surprising—that the FBI didn’t record their interview with Hillary Clinton.

We’re told the FBI has a policy, in most cases, of not recording interviews with suspects. If true, this case and this suspect should have been vital exceptions.

Among other matters, the Presidency of the United States is at stake.

Numerous press reports reveal that the FBI’s interview of Hillary Clinton was not recorded.

The interview took place just prior to FBI Director Comey recommending no prosecution for Hillary in the email scandal.

The New York Times: “Mr. Comey said he did not take part in the interview of Mrs. Clinton last Saturday. Five or six agents carried it out and provided a summary to him. She was not under oath, but he quickly noted that ‘it’s still a crime to lie to the F.B.I.’ There was no transcript.”

There was no transcript of the Hillary-FBI interview.

There was no recording.

FBI agents merely took notes.

These notes are typically boiled down and summarized later in 302 Forms. Of course, we don’t know what was contained in the notes or the 302s. And we’ll never know, because the FBI will never release them.

FBI Director Comey wasn’t even there during the Hillary interview; he simply read the 302 Forms. Then he made his decision not to recommend prosecution.

It’s impossible that the 302 forms provided Comey with a detailed analysis of all the complex questions and answers required in this investigation.

In other words, the FBI Director, in making his recommendation not to prosecute Hillary, was flying blind. It was his choice—he decided to fly blind. And he decided not to be present at the interview. He wanted to maintain personal distance and deniability.

But it gets worse. In any possible follow-up investigation of this email scandal, Hillary Clinton’s own words, from her interview, will be gone. Gone forever.

Therefore, she would be able to challenge every note taken by every FBI interviewer and every Form 302 by saying, “That was a misinterpretation of what I said.” As we know, the Clintons are experts in wheedling and parsing and evading—otherwise known as lying.

Everything I’ve written so far in this article was well understood by the FBI Director, his investigators, and interviewers—before the interview with Hillary ever took place. None of it was a mystery.

Therefore, there was conscious FBI intent to eradicate/omit the interview. It was no accident, no slip-up.

There was intent to demolish the entire interview by failing to record it or make a stenographic transcript.

That intent to destroy evidence—and then destroying it by omitting it, should be a crime, a felony.

Testifying in front of Congress the day after he recommended no-prosecution, Director Comey was adamant in insisting the FBI investigation was carried out in-house, and there was no collusion with any other person or department outside the Bureau. Even if that’s true, Comey is blowing smoke, because under his supervision, the most crucial moments of the investigation—the Hillary interview—were left to blow away in the wind.

Any lies Hillary told, any obfuscations, any evasions, any refusals to answer—gone forever.

She was the target of the investigation, the suspect. Of all the people FBI agents interviewed, she would be the one whose exact words should be preserved. And they weren’t.

The FBI’s purpose in omitting the whole interview is clear: Hillary Clinton had to escape prosecution. She had to be protected from incriminating herself.

In Comey’s testimony before Congress, he admitted there were at least four lies Hillary told at some point in the investigation. Taken together, as anyone can see, they constitute a prosecutable crime:

* When Hillary said she didn’t use her personal server to send or receive emails marked “classified,” she lied.

* When Hillary said she didn’t send classified material, she lied.

* When Hillary said she used only one device that was connected to her personal server, she lied. She used four.

* When Hillary said she returned all work-related emails from her personal storage to the State Department, she lied. She didn’t return thousands of emails.

In the FBI interview, did Hillary admit to any of these lies?

Did she try to squirm out of them, and in the process obviously reveal her guilt?

Did she bluntly refuse to answer questions about those lies?

Did she bluster and bloviate, in an effort to hide those lies?

Were the FBI interviewers overly polite? Did they grant her absurdly wide latitude and permit her to mouth vague generalities? Did they fail to press her for precise answers? Did they treat her with fawning respect and deference? Did they rig the whole interview to let her off the hook?

We’ll never know—courtesy of the FBI. On purpose.

If Comey had insisted the Hillary interview would be recorded, then, if Hillary had refused to sit down and submit to questioning, Comey could have used the refusal to announce it was a tacit admission of guilt on her part. He could have done what any honest law-enforcement officer would do. But he avoided that whole prospect, and therefore he was actually the person making a tacit admission:

His job was to exonerate Hillary and free her to continue her run for the Presidency.

That’s what he did.

power outside the matrix

It’s worth remembering that Hillary’s husband Bill was impeached, in part, because he lied under oath about an extramarital affair. In that instance, his false statements were on the record.

But not this time. Not with this Clinton.

This time, there was no record, no oath, no independent prosecutor, and the FBI and the Department of Justice were on her side, backing her up.

Hillary hit the sweet spot.

Unabated, her pursuit of her dream job now moves on.

Her dream, the country’s nightmare.

A gift from the FBI.

Silently condoned from above, by the number-one law-enforcement official in the land, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

And from the work-a-day Congress and mainstream reporters, we get nothing. No serious attempt to go after Comey on the failure to make a record of her FBI interview. No attempt to show what that failure really implies.

We only get the silence of the lambs.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Orlando shooter: deeper hidden ties to the FBI?

Orlando shooter: deeper hidden ties to the FBI?

by Jon Rappoport

June 13, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

“…Michael German, a former F.B.I. agent who researches national security law at New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice, told the Times, ‘They’re [the FBI] manufacturing terrorism cases.’” (The New Yorker, June 10, 2016, “Do FBI Stings help fight against ISIS?” by Evan Osnos)

The website Cryptogon has pieced together some interesting facts, and a quite odd “coincidence.” I’m bolstering their work.

First of all, the Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, changed his name in 2006. As NBC News notes: “Records also show that he had filed a petition for a name change in 2006 from Omar Mir Seddique to Omar Mir Seddique Mateen.”

Why is that important? Why is his original last name, Seddique, also spelled Siddiqui, significant? Because of a previous terrorism case in Florida, in which the FBI informant’s name was Siddiqui. And because that previous case may have been one of those FBI prop-jobs, where the informant was used to falsely accuse a suspect of a terrorist act. The New Yorker (cited above) has details:

“This is not the first time that the F.B.I. has attracted criticism from national-security experts and civil-liberties groups for generating terrorism cases through sting operations and confidential informants. In ‘The Imam’s Curse,’ published in September, I reported on a Florida family that was accused of providing ‘material support’ to terrorists. In that case, a father, Hafiz Khan, and two of his sons were arrested. The charges against the sons were eventually dropped, but Hafiz Khan was convicted and sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. At Khan’s trial, his lawyer, Khurrum Wahid, questioned the reliability of the key [FBI] informant in the case, David Mahmood Siddiqui. Wahid accused Siddiqui, who’d had periods of unemployment, of lying to authorities because his work as a confidential informant was lucrative. For his role in the case, Siddiqui had received a hundred and twenty-six thousand dollars, plus expenses. But in a subsequent interview with the Associated Press, Siddiqui stood by his testimony and motives: ‘I did it for the love of my country, not for money.’”

The website Cryptogon, which pieced this whole story together, comments: “What are the odds that an FBI informant in a [previous] Florida terrorist case shares the same last name as the perpetrator of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history—also in Florida—[Omar Mateen] a lone wolf cop poser with multiple acknowledged contacts with the FBI, who was formerly listed on the terrorist watch list and associated with a suicide bomber… while holding a valid security guard license?”


And in case you think Siddiqui is a common last name, here is a statement from Mooseroots:

“Siddiqui is an uncommon surname in the United States. When the United States Census was taken in 2000, there were about 4,994 individuals with the last name “Siddiqui,” ranking it number 6,281 for all surnames. Historically, the name has been most prevalent in the Southwest, though the name is actually most common in Hawaii. Siddiqui is least common in the southeastern states.”

If for some reason the name Siddiqui throws you off, suppose the last name was, let me make something up, Graposco? A few years ago, an FBI informant in Florida, Graposco, appeared to have falsely accused a man of terrorist acts—and in 2016, another Graposco, who changed that last name to something else, killed 50 people in a Florida nightclub shooting—after having been investigated twice by the FBI? Might that coincidence grab your attention?

Again—the 2016 Orlando shooter had extensive contact with the FBI in 2013 and 2014. The FBI investigated him twice and dropped the investigations. The FBI used an informant in a previous Florida case, and that informant had the same last name as the Orlando shooter. It’s quite possible the previous informant was told to give a false statement which incriminated a man for terrorist acts.

You can say this is a coincidence. Maybe it is. But it seems more than odd. Are the two Siddiqui men connected?

Was the Orlando shooter involved in some kind of FBI plan to mount a terror op that was supposed to be stopped before it went ahead, but wasn’t? Was the Orlando shooter “helped” over the edge from having “radical ideas” to committing mass murder?

I could cite a number of precedents. Here is one I reported on in 2014:

There seems to be a rule: if a terror attack takes place and the FBI investigates it, things are never what they seem.

Federal attorney Andrew C McCarthy prosecuted the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing case. A review of his book, Willful Blindness, states:

“For the first time, McCarthy intimately reveals the real story behind the FBI’s inability to stop the first World Trade Center bombing even though the bureau had an undercover informant in the operation—the jihadists’ supposed bombmaker.

“In the first sentence of his hard-hitting account, the author sums up the lawyerly—but staggeringly incomprehensive—reason why the FBI pulled its informant out of the terrorist group even as plans were coming to a head on a major attack:

“’Think of the liability!’

“The first rule for government attorneys in counterintelligence in the 1990s was, McCarthy tells us, ‘Avoid accountable failure.’ Thus, when the situation demanded action, the feds copped a CYA posture, the first refuge of the bureaucrat.”

That’s a titanic accusation, coming from a former federal prosecutor.

Yes, the FBI had an informant inside the group that was planning the 1993 WTC bombing that eventually, on February 26, killed 6 people and injured 1042.

His name is Emad Salem, a former Egyptian Army officer. Present whereabouts unknown. Yanking Salem out of the group planning the Bombing was a devastating criminal act on the part of the FBI.

But there is more to the story.

On October 28, 1993, Ralph Blumenthal wrote a piece about Emad Salem for the New York Times: “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast.” It began:

“Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer [Emad Salem] said after the blast.”

Continuing: “The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer [Emad] said.”

The FBI called the “plan” off, but left the planners to their own devices. No “harmless powder.” Instead, real explosives.

The Times article goes on: “The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as in a far better position than previously known to foil the Feb. 26 bombing of New York City’s tallest towers.”

This is a shockingly strong opening for an article in the NY Times. It focuses on the testimony of the informant; it seems to take his side.

Several years after reporter Blumenthal wrote the above piece, I spoke with him and expressed my amazement at the revelations about the FBI—and wondered whether the Times had continued to investigate the scandal.

Blumenthal wasn’t pleased, to say the least. He said I misunderstood the article.

I mentioned the fact that Emad Salem wasn’t called as a prosecution witness in the 1993 WTC Bombing trial.

Of course, why would the Dept. of Justice bring Salem to the stand? Would they want him to blame the FBI for abetting the Bombing?

Again, Blumenthal told me I “didn’t understand.” He became angry and that was the end of the conversation.

I remember thinking: letting the bomb plot go forward…what else do you need for a criminal prosecution of the FBI?

Here is an excerpt from one of those tapes Emad Salem made when he was secretly bugging his own FBI handlers. On this phone call, he talks to his Bureau friend John. Others have claimed this is an agent named John Anticev. The conversation is taking place at some point after the 1993 WTC Bombing. The main topic is Salem’s fees for services rendered as an informant. He apparently wants more money. He also wants to make sure the Bureau will pay him what they’ve agreed to. During the conversation, Salem suddenly talks about the bomb. His English is broken, but his meaning is clear enough. When he finishes, his Bureau handler John just moves on without directly responding.

Salem: “…we was start already building the bomb which is went off in the World Trade Center. It was built by supervising supervision from the Bureau and the DA and we was all informed about it and we know that the bomb start to be built. By who? By your confidential informant. What a wonderful great case!”

According to Salem, there was a bomb, it was built under FBI and “DA” supervision, Salem himself built it, and it exploded.

Questions remain. Did Salem literally mean he built the bomb? Or was he claiming he successfully convinced others to build it? As a provocative agent for the FBI, did Salem foment the whole idea of the WTC attack and entrap those who were eventually convicted of the Bombing? Without his presence, would they have planned and carried out the assault? Was the truck bomb set off under the North Tower the only weapon? Were there other bombs? If so, who planted them?

But the role of the FBI seems to be clear enough. They aided and abetted, and at the very least, permitted the 1993 attack on the Trade Towers.

power outside the matrix

What about Omar Mateen in 2016, in Orlando?

As the LA Times, reports, the FBI investigated him on two occasions (LA Times, June 13, “Orlando terror attack live updates…”):

“While working as a courthouse guard in 2013, Mateen made ‘inflammatory and contradictory’ statements to co-workers about having relatives in Al Qaeda, the radical Sunni terrorist group, [FBI Director] Comey said. Mateen also claimed to be a member of Hezbollah, Lebanon’s Shiite militia, and his remarks drew an 11-month FBI investigation, Comey said. Both groups oppose Islamic State.

“Comey said the FBI also briefly investigated Mateen in 2014 for allegedly watching videos by Al Qaeda propagandist Anwar Awlaki and attending the same mosque as an American who would later become a suicide bomber for Al Nusra Front in Syria — another Al Qaeda affiliate opposed to Islamic State.

“Both investigations were closed without charges.”

Did the FBI just investigate the Orlando shooter? Or did they in some way enlist him in an operation?

Is it merely a terrible mistake that enabled the shooter to work nine years for G4S, the world’s “biggest guarding company” and one of the biggest contractors to the DHS, as Bloomberg News states? Is it merely a terrible mistake that G4S was aware the FBI was investigating the shooter in 2013 and did nothing about it?

Or did some federal group intervene and tell all parties to leave the shooter alone and in place—because he was part of an operation?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

FBI terrorists among us: the 1993 WTC Bombing

FBI terrorists among us: 1993 WTC Bombing

The mind-boggling role of the Bureau

by Jon Rappoport

July 29, 2014

There seems to be a rule: if a terror attack takes place and the FBI investigates it, things are never what they seem.

Federal attorney Andrew C McCarthy prosecuted the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing case. A review of his book, Willful Blindness, states:

“For the first time, McCarthy intimately reveals the real story behind the FBI’s inability to stop the first World Trade Center bombing even though the bureau had an undercover informant in the operation — the jihadists’ supposed bombmaker.

“In the first sentence of his hard-hitting account, the author sums up the lawyerly — but staggeringly incomprehensive — reason why the FBI pulled its informant out of the terrorist group even as plans were coming to a head on a major attack:

“’Think of the liability!’

“The first rule for government attorneys in counterintelligence in the 1990s was, McCarthy tells us, ‘Avoid accountable failure.’ Thus, when the situation demanded action, the feds copped a CYA posture, the first refuge of the bureaucrat.”

That’s a titanic accusation, coming from a former federal prosecutor.

Yes, the FBI had an informant inside the group that was planning the 1993 WTC bombing that eventually, on February 26, killed 6 people and injured 1042.

His name is Emad Salem, a former Egyptian Army officer. Present whereabouts unknown. Yanking Salem out of the group planning the Bombing was a devastating criminal act on the part of the FBI.

But there is more to the story.

On October 28, 1993, Ralph Blumenthal wrote a piece about Emad Salem for the New York Times: “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast.” It began:

“Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer [Emad Salem] said after the blast.”

Continuing: “The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer [Emad] said.”

The FBI called the “plan” off, but left the planners to their own devices. No “harmless powder.” Instead, real explosives.

The Times article goes on: “The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as in a far better position than previously known to foil the Feb. 26 bombing of New York City’s tallest towers.”

This is a shockingly strong opening for an article in the NY Times. It focuses on the testimony of the informant; it seems to take his side.

Several years after reporter Blumenthal wrote the above piece, I spoke with him and expressed my amazement at the revelations about the FBI—and wondered whether the Times had continued to investigate the scandal.

Blumenthal wasn’t pleased, to say the least. He said I misunderstood the article.

I mentioned the fact that Emad Salem wasn’t called as a prosecution witness in the 1993 WTC Bombing trial.

Of course, why would the Dept. of Justice bring Salem to the stand? Would they want him to blame the FBI for letting/abetting the Bombing?

Again, Blumenthal told me I “didn’t understand.” He became angry and that was the end of the conversation.

I remember thinking: Is there anything under the sun the FBI can be held accountable for…because letting the bomb plot go forward…what else do you need for a criminal prosecution of the Bureau?

Here is an excerpt from one of those tapes Emad Salem made when he was secretly bugging his own FBI handlers. On this phone call, he talks to his Bureau friend John. Others have claimed this is an agent named John Anticev. The conversation is taking place at some point after the 1993 WTC Bombing. The main topic is Salem’s fees for services rendered as an informant. He apparently wants more money. He also wants to make sure the Bureau will pay him what they’ve agreed to. During the conversation, Salem suddenly talks about the bomb. His English is broken, but his meaning is clear enough. When he finishes, his Bureau handler John just moves on without directly responding.

Salem: “…we was start already building the bomb which is went off in the World Trade Center. It was built by supervising supervision from the Bureau and the DA and we was all informed about it and we know that the bomb start to be built. By who? By your confidential informant. What a wonderful great case!”

According to Salem, there was a bomb, it was built under FBI and “DA” supervision, Salem himself built it, and it exploded.

Questions remain. Did Salem literally mean he built the bomb? Or was he claiming he successfully convinced others to build it? As a provocative agent for the FBI, did Salem foment the whole idea of the WTC attack and entrap those who were eventually convicted of the Bombing? Without his presence, would they have planned and carried out the assault? Was the truck bomb set off under the North Tower the only weapon? Were there other bombs? If so, who planted them?

But the role of the FBI is clear enough. They aided and abetted, and at the very least, permitted the 1993 attack on the Trade Towers.

The 1993, 1995 (Oklahoma), and 2001 bombings in the US were used to expand and justify the coercive power of the State over the population.

Needless to say, we are living with that legacy.

As well, we are living with a government which claims that people who question official scenarios are themselves potential terrorists.

As further evidence that terror attacks which the FBI investigates are not what they seem, the only accused bomber who got away in 1993 was Abdul Rahman Yasin.

A May 31, 2002, CBS News article comments on the fact that one of its “60 Minutes” stars, Lesley Stahl, had just interviewed Yasin in an Iraqi “facility.”

The article states, “Yasin was picked up by the FBI a few days after the [1993 WTC] bombing in an apartment in Jersey City, N.J., that he was sharing with his mother. He was so helpful and cooperative, giving the FBI names and addresses, that they released him…Yasin says he was even driven back home in an FBI car.”

Yasin flew to Iraq, lived for a year without interference, but then was placed in one of Saddam Hussein’s prisons.

The FBI released Yasin outright in the wake of the devastating WTC attack because he was so helpful?

If so, quite possibly, like Emad Salem, he was already on their payroll.

Finally, to complete the surreal picture, consider that Ralph Blumenthal’s shocking 1993 article in the NY Times about Salem, harmless powder, real explosives, the FBI pulling Salem out of the bomb plot and thus allowing it go forward…none of this prompted any major news outlet in America to launch its own investigation of these matters.

They simply parroted Blumenthal’s findings for a brief day, stepped back, and forgot about the whole business.

They moved on to other stories, other headlines, other distractions.

They let the FBI off the hook.

And the Department of Justice? They prosecuted no one at the FBI.

power outside the matrix

Pressing forward with an investigation, the NY Times could have made Watergate, by comparison, seem like a Sunday Boy Scout picnic. Over a period of months, they could have pried dozens of rats out of hiding places and gotten them to talk.

They could have expanded the scandal to tsunami proportions, and in the process, sold hundreds of millions newspapers.

But success, in those terms, isn’t part of the Times’ equation, or the equation of any major press outlet. They would rather shrink and drown in a sea of red ink.

They’re on the government and corporate team. They’re playing that game. Ultimately, they’re the “us” and everyone else is the “them”.

In this case, they had to stop the exposure, after letting Blumenthal off his leash for a day or two. They had to pull back and pretend nothing had happened.

The FBI wasn’t really guilty. Of course not, because if they were, the whole federal colossus might start to unravel, disintegrate, and fall into the Potomac.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

FBI tells America: believe us and no one else

FBI tells America: believe us and no one else

by Jon Rappoport

April 19, 2013

The implication is clear: there is official truth and then there is everything else. How many times has that assertion put America in the dumper?

As I write this, one suspect in the Marathon bombings is dead, and the other suspect is apparently surrounded in a house in Watertown, Massachsetts. (6:55AM, Pacific) The city of Boston is locked down.

Once events reach this point, an overwhelming number of people believe the authorities. They accept what is happening. The FBI must have it right. Reject all other possibilities.

That’s always a dangerous assumption.

Yesterday, at a heralded press conference, seen by millions around the world, Richard DesLauriers, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Boston division, produced photos and video of two suspects in the Marathon bombing.

He stated: “…these images should be the only ones, I emphasize, the only ones that the public should view to assist us. Other photos should not be deemed credible, and they unnecessarily divert the public’s attention in the wrong direction, and create undo work for vital law-enforcement resources.”

Translation: Ignore all the images uncovered by independent researchers, citizen reporters, bloggers. Forget, for example, about photos of those men who appear to work for Craft International, a private security contractor, who were standing at the finish line of the Marathon. We, the FBI, are running this show. We’re the pros, we deal, you behave.

NBC’s Brian Williams, the Unctuous One, in his lead-in to the press conference, said: “It’s been twenty-four hours of fits and starts, and false reports on people who have been pursued in this investigation, including folks who have been identified through photography, but this will be the word from the FBI.”

Translation: The guessing is over. Drum roll. The F B I has the real goods. Those other photos aren’t officially certified by law-enforcement, or by us, the fawning water carriers for the Bureau and DHS. And that unfortunate and cruel detention of the Saudi lad, who was misidentified as a suspect, but later released, his travel visa now revoked, his deportation back to Saudi Arabia underway, after an unscheduled meeting between Obama and the Saudi foreign minister? Means nothing. We were informed by reliable sources that it means nothing. We decide what’s relevant, we give it to you and you take it.

Richard DesLauriers, who starred in the FBI press conference, made his bones at the Bureau by engineering the exchange of 10 Russian sleeper agents in the US for four CIA agents who were in prison in Russia. That was his big career move.

The Russian sleeper agents had been operating under the nose of the FBI in the US, who, in typical fashion, weren’t making any arrests. They were just tracking these Russian spies and watching them, for more than 10 years, as the spies passed across intelligence to their Russian controls.

This was a very delicate exchange, mainly because FBI field agents a) didn’t want to let the Russians go back home and escape prosecution and b) because the FBI and the CIA hate each other, and the FBI people weren’t all that enthused about the value of the deal. Bring home four CIA people in return for releasing 10 Russian sleeper agents? Nothing to celebrate there.

So now Richard DesLauriers is telling the American people: look at the photos of the two men on the FBI’s radar and nobody else. Ignore all other photos and all other information.

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

Harken back, if you will, to another bombing incident. Oklahoma City, in 1995. The Murrah Federal Building. Remember? Tim McVeigh? The FBI was cooking the books on that one all the way.

Just one example: A secret Department of Justice report on the bombing was presented to a very select audience. This DOJ report wasn’t undertaken voluntarily. No. FBI whistleblower Frederic Whitehurst had forced it to happen, because he’d gone public and said the FBI lab had fabricated evidence in the McVeigh case.

Serious evidence. It turned out there was no reason to believe ammonium nitrate (fertilizer) had been the main explosive used to blow apart the Federal Building on the morning of April 19, 1995. A FBI lab supervisor named David Williams had decided ammonium nitrate was the substance because defendant Terry Nichols possessed a receipt for its purchase.

So Williams made the lab evidence look like it confirmed ammonium nitrate. But it didn’t.

The DOJ report detailing all this was so damning, the judge in the McVeigh trial ran away from it like a wild horse. He refused to allow the report into evidence. He forbade it from being discussed at all.

Why was this so crucial? Because independent bomb experts had gone on the record with a quite different scenario. I interviewed three of them. They agreed that an ammonium nitrate bomb, in the Ryder truck at the curb, parked in front of the Federal Building, could not have caused the profile of damage sustained by the building. Impossible.

Therefore, McVeigh, whatever he was guilty or not guilty of, had accomplices. Professionals, who had wired charges into the columns of the structure. These charges had wrought the real destruction.

But the FBI did everything in its power to focus on McVeigh and and the amateur Nichols only. They ruled out every other lead, and there were plenty of them.

The FBI essentially said, “These are the two suspects. Don’t look for anybody else. Pay no attention to anyone who says there are other perpetrators. They’re crazies. We know the truth.”

Just like now.

In 1995, Americans completely bought into the false FBI evidence and story.

Once the FBI rolls and the news media back up the FBI, it’s a fait accompli. The public automatically follows suit. How could things be any different? How could so many resources be devoted to anything but the truth?

The FBI killed one terrorist. Now they have his brother, the other bomber, surrounded. This is it. This is the only story. Everything else is nonsense.”

Yes, no, and maybe are reduced to yes.

The FBI would never have come this far with the case if they didn’t have things right.”

Yes, that was exactly the mindset in Oklahoma City in 1995. Until it wasn’t. Until independent researchers uncovered miles of undiscovered information about other suspects and FBI lies.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at