Freedom – Jon Rappoport's Blog Tue, 20 Jul 2021 12:41:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ayn Rand: a creative vision hated and adored by millions Mon, 19 Jul 2021 13:01:27 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 19, 2021

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Here I’m republishing my 2014 article because, these days, beyond the manipulation of people and agendas, a few questions are still burned on the sky:

What is freedom?

What is freedom for?

What is justice?

These are not questions for people who believe they already know everything worth knowing.

“Why carry the burden of creating something and then having to stand behind it and be proud of it? Why think and imagine and create your own way into the future of your most profound vision? Why bother? And why, therefore, allow others to do so for themselves and cause disordered, disharmonious ripples in the great silent lake of humanity? Pull them down. Make them equal. Make them empty.” (my notes for The Underground)

The one glaring problem in Ayn Rand’s work is the overall effect of her hammering mercilessly on behalf of freedom and the individual—after 400 pages, her prose takes on a programmatic aspect. It grips the reader with iron. The moral imperative to be free replaces the exhilaration of being free.

On the other hand, she obviously wrote her two great novels in the middle of a feverish exaltation. Every page burned. Most characters went down in flames. A few rose into the sky. She knew she was up against the most powerful forces of society, and she was not going to compromise or relent one inch. She fully intended to destroy collectivism at its root. On the basis of that decision, she refused to suspend her attack, even for a moment.

Most people who brush up against her work can’t stop to consider the depth of her admiration for the independent and powerful and creative individual, or the nature of her aversion to the collectivist who can only borrow from such individuals, and then distort and undermine what they have misappropriated.

She means to be extreme. It is no accident. With no apologies, she splits the world down the middle. In her own way, she is an ultimate riverboat gambler. She shoves in all her chips on the self-appointed task of illuminating the great dichotomy of human history and modern life: the I versus the WE.

On a personal level, she possessed enormous ambition, and she wrote her two novels to achieve deserved recognition. Again, no apologies. She knew she and her work would be attacked by numerous critics who didn’t themselves own a tiny fragment of her talent. So be it.

To say she revealed “a thorny personality” in her relationships would constitute a vast understatement. In her later years, she no doubt contributed to bringing the house down on her head. But by then, her work was over. She stood behind it. She had achieved what she set out to create.

And every cultural messenger of her time reviled her.

“…nearly perfect in its immorality.”
Gore Vidal, reviewing Rand’s Atlas Shrugged

“…shot through with hatred.”
The Saturday Review, on Atlas Shrugged

“…can be called a novel only by devaluing the term.”
The National Review, on Atlas Shrugged

“[The] creative faculty cannot be given or received, shared or borrowed. It belongs to single, individual men.”
Howard Roark, the protagonist of The Fountainhead

When people perceive their society is being infiltrated and taken over by collectivism, how should they respond? What is their ultimate fuel in the battle for liberty?

What do they resurrect as the ideal that is being scorched by collectivism?

Yes the Constitution, yes the Bill of Rights, yes the Republic. But what were those documents and that form of government there for in the first place? What WAS the great ideal that lay behind them?

And if very few people can recall the ideal or understand it, what then?

The ideal was and is THE INDIVIDUAL.

But not just the individual.


But not just the free individual.


Which is why I’m writing about Ayn Rand.

To grasp her Promethean effort and accomplishment, you have to read her books at least several times, because your own reactions and responses will change. She was attempting to dig a whole civilization out from its smug certainty about the limits of freedom, from its compulsion to borrow and steal worn-out ideas.

I write this because the matrix of modern life has no solution without a frontal exposure of the meaning and reality and sensation and emotion and mind and imagination of INDIVIDUAL POWER.

Ayn Rand, in her unique way, climbed the mountain of power and told about the vista that was then in her sights. She exercised no caution. She knew the consequences would be extraordinary.

The characters she creates who embody power are electric. You experience them beyond mere fiddle-faddle with symbols.

Rand wrote two novels that still reverberate in the minds of millions of people: The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

The books have inspired unalloyed adoration and hatred. They are received as a magnificent tonic or a dose of poison.

Readers who hate Rand’s work hate her for daring to present the power of an individual in full force.

Rand’s major heroes, Howard Roark and John Galt, are artists. Creators. They bow before no one and nothing. They invent. They decide. They imagine. They refuse to compromise. They leave the group and the committee and the bureaucracy and the collective behind them in the dust.

Society is ever more, over time, a mass concept. Society’s leaders, through illegal dictum, deception, and force, define a space in which all life is supposed to occur. That is the “safe zone.” Within it, a person may act with impunity. Outside that space, protection is removed. The protection racket no long applies.

Once a controller owns a space in which others live, he can alter it. He can make it smaller and smaller. He can flood it with caterwauling about “the greatest good for the greatest number,” the slogan of the mob. He can pretend to elevate the mob to the status of a legitimate “democratic majority” who are running things. He can con whole populations.

On the other hand, we are supposed to believe that individual power is a taboo because men like Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Attila, and Alexander once lived. That is the proof. We are supposed to believe individual power is always and everywhere the expression of dominance over others and nothing more.

If we only take into consideration “what is best for everybody,” we will see our way out of the morass. That’s what we’re told.

Civilizations are being made more puerile because it is children who are most vulnerable to the “greatest good for all” maxim. It is children who can be suckered into that ideal overnight. And those adults who buy the maxim do, in fact, revert back in the direction of being children.

At this late date, significant numbers of people are waking up to the fact that “greatest good” is being managed and manipulated by new Stalins and Hitlers, who care about humanity in the same way that a bulldozer cares about the side of a building.

Ayn Rand, after growing up in the USSR, knew something about the paradise of the common man. She saw it play out. She could eventually look back and see, with certainty, that writing her two novels in the Soviet Union would have cost her her life.

She was acutely aware of the nature of compromisers. Such characters, brilliantly and mercilessly drawn, are there in her novels, in the full bloom of decay. Golden boy Peter Keating, the pathetic and agonized architect-hack; Guy Francon, Keating’s boss, a socially connected panderer and promoter of hacks; Jim Taggart, moral coward in extremis; Ellsworth Toohey, prime philosopher of the mob impulse; Robert Sadler, the scientist who sold his soul.

Around us today, we see growing numbers of these very types, peddling their phony idealism over and over. Among them, Barack Obama, promoting class warfare, dependence on government as the source of survival, generalized pretended hatred of the rich, and a phony empty “we are all together” sing-song collective mysticism.

Again, keep in mind that Rand’s two major heroes, Howard Roark and John Galt, were artists. This was no accident. This was the thrust of her main assault. The artist is always, by example, showing the lie of the collective. The artist begins with the assumption that consensus reality is not final. The artist is not satisfied to accommodate himself to What Already Exists.

The dark opposite of that was once told to me by a retired propaganda operative, Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym), who freelanced for several elite non-profit foundations:

“What do you think my colleagues and I were doing all those years? What was our purpose? To repudiate the singular in favor of the general. And what does that boil down to? Eradicating the concept of the individual human being. Replacing it with the mass. The mass doesn’t think. There is no such thing as mass thought. There is only mass impulse. And we could administer that. We could move it around like a piece on a board. You see, you don’t hypnotize a person into some deeper region of himself. You hypnotize him OUT of himself into a fiction called The Group…”

Rand was attacking a mass and a collective that had burrowed its way into every corner of life on the planet. If you were going to go to war against THAT, you needed to be fully armed. And she was.

Rand was also prepared to elucidate the physical, mental, and emotional DEPTH of her heroes’ commitment to their own choices, their own work, their own creations. She wasn’t merely dipping her toe in the water of that ocean.

Howard Roark, her protagonist of The Fountainhead, remarks:

“And here man faces his basic alternative: he can survive in only one of two ways—by the independent work of his own mind or as a parasite fed by the minds of others. The creator originates. The parasite borrows…”

Parasites don’t want anyone to stand out from the group, the swamp. The presence of someone who is so separate from them could trigger alarm bells and confirm their deepest fear:

An individual with power and his own singular creative vision can exist.

Parasites want you to believe you’re just a drop of water in the great ocean, and once you attain “higher consciousness” you’ll give in and float in the sea, and you’ll offload that oh-so primitive concept of yourself as Self. You’ll be One with all the other undifferentiated drops of water.

In their ritual of joining, people are awarded a mantrum: “I’M NOT VERY MUCH.”

Just that little phrase can open the door into the collective.

In The Fountainhead, architect Peter Keating utilized a second assertion as well:


Keating, the social grasper, finds acceptance from people of influence. They welcome him and reward him with architectural commissions because, well, they think they are supposed to; after all, his name has been bandied about by “those who should know Quality.”

It’s a world in which no standards apply except the opinions of people who carry weight.

And Peter is conventionally handsome, he’s the golden boy, he’s quick, he can design buildings that look like other buildings, he can work with others, he can look like he’s enjoying life, he’s good at parties, he’s congenial.

On what other basis should rewards be handed out? What else exists?

Unfortunately and fatally, Keating knows the real answer to that question, since he’s the boyhood friend of Howard Roark, the architect who does have a singular and astonishing vision, who stands beyond the crowd without trying.

Keating returns to Roark time after time; to insult Roark, to beg him for help, to be in the presence of a Force and breathe clean air.

Not determined enough to be himself, but still possessed of a shred of conscience, Keating is caught in the middle, between the man of vision and power (Roark) and new friends who offer him “the glittering world”—and the grips of this vise are unrelenting.

Adulation, money, success, fame, acceptance…Keating is given all these things, and still he destroys himself.

Here is why The Fountainhead provoked such rage from the self-styled elite: they’re committed to live on an insider’s rotting feast of mutual admiration and support, and in Keating they see themselves reflected with a clarity they’d assumed was impossible to construct. But there it is.

The very people who launched attack after attack at Rand, for “pawning off such preposterous characters as real,” were boiling inside, as they viewed themselves on the screen of her imagination: characters riddled with compromise, bloated with pretension, bereft of integrity.

Keating is eventually reduced to an abject yearning: would that his life had been lived differently, better—yet at the same time he maintains a dedication to hating that better life he might have had. He’s consumed by the contradiction. He sees his own career fall apart, while Roark’s ascends. The tables are turned. Keating has administered a toxin to his own psyche, and the results are all too visibly repellent.

The Keatings of this world carry water for their masters, who in turn find bigger and better manipulators to serve. It’s a cacophony of madness, envy, and immolation posing as success.

The world does not want to watch itself through the eyes of Ayn Rand. It does not want to see the juggernaut of the drama playing out, because, as with Keating, it is too revealing. And yet Rand has been accused, over and over, of being an author of cartoon personae!

She elevates characters and destroys other characters. She picks and chooses according to her own standards and ideals. She never wavers. She passes judgment. She differentiates vividly between the forces and decisions that advance life and those that squash it.

Again and again, she comes back to the fulcrum: the featureless consensus versus unique individual creative power.

Creative power isn’t a shared or borrowed quality. One person doesn’t live in the shadow of another. The creator finds his own way, and if that weren’t the case, there would be no basis for life.

We are supposed to think existence by committee is a viable concept. This is a surpassing fairy tale that assumes the proportions of a cosmic joke.

For those whose minds are already weak, in disarray, unformed, the substitution of the collective for the individual is acceptable. It’s, in fact, rather interesting. It has the kick of novelty. And the strength of hypnotic trance.

The strategy is obliquely described in The Fountainhead by Ellsworth Toohey, a newspaper columnist and philosopher of the collective, a little man who is covertly and diabolically assembling a massive following:

“…if I sold them the idea that you [an ordinary playwright] are just as great as Ibsen—pretty soon they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference…then it wouldn’t matter what they went to see at all. Then nothing would matter—neither the writers nor those for whom they write.”

Reduction to absurdity. An overall grayness called equality.

If the public is told the owner of a business didn’t create that business, but instead the public sector, the collective did, and if this theme is pushed and emphasized by others, eventually the absurd notion will take hold. Then it won’t matter what is done to the independent individual, because he was never really there at all in the first place. He was just an invisible nonentity.

Contrast this treatment of the individual with the stand that Howard Roark takes during his climactic courtroom trial, at the end of The Fountainhead:

“But the mind is an attribute of the individual. There is no such thing as a collective brain. There is no such thing as a collective thought.”

“We inherit the products of the thoughts of other men. We inherit the wheel. We make the cart. The cart becomes an automobile. The automobile becomes an airplane…The moving force is the creative faculty which takes product as material, uses it and originates the next step. This creative faculty cannot be given or received, shared or borrowed. It belongs to single, individual men. That which it creates is the property of the creator.”

“Yet we are taught to admire the second-hander who dispenses gifts he has not produced above the man who made the gifts possible.”

We are now in an age where EVERYTHING BELONGS TO EVERYBODY.

Obama is the latest in a line of demagogues who fully intend to reverse the course of history. That timeline shows us the heroic struggle to replace WE with I.

From the earliest days of our planet, since its habitation by humans, the tribe and the clan and the priest class and the monarchy, all claiming divine right, have enforced the WE. Finally, the I, which was always there, emerged fully enough to overthrow criminals and murderers who were restraining the individual.

But now we are being pulled back into the primitive swamp of the past, through the systematic application of a pseudo-philosophy. The I is turning back into the WE.

To people who carry advanced technological devices around with them wherever they go, which give them the capability to communicate instantaneously with anyone on the planet, this prospect seems harmless or ridiculous or irrelevant or comfortable.

The “I turning back into WE” is happening because IDEAS are slipping away as useful and necessary instruments of survival.

New generations are being raised and schooled in a sulfurous atmosphere of slogans designed to dead-end, from a number of directions, in a foggy “share and care” terminal, where “everything for everybody” and other so-called humanitarian banners wave in the rafters above secular leaders, who speak like priests and assure us that, very soon, the world will be a better place because we, as individuals, are absolving ourselves of the need to think of ourselves as individuals.

O yes, thank God, we are melting down. We are becoming One with All. Why carry the burden of creating something and then having to stand for it and be proud of it? Why think and imagine and create your own way into the future of your best and most profound vision? Why bother? And why, therefore, allow others to do so and cause disordered, disharmonious ripples in the great silent lake of humanity? Pull them down. Make them equal. Make them empty.

Let us, as ancient Greek vandals once did, chop away our most sacred statues, the ones that represent the I, and then let us watch as WE is reinstalled at the entrance to every public building.

Within the WE, individuals can hide and escape and postpone and delay, and imbibe the drug of forgetfulness, and listen to the chimes of paradise.

Roark continues to mount his courtroom speech: “An architect uses steel, glass, and concrete, produced by others. But the materials remain just so much steel, glass, and concrete until he touches them. What he does with them is his individual product and his individual property.”

Obama: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Roark: “Rulers of men…create nothing. They exist entirely through the persons of others. Their goal is in their subjects, in the activity of enslaving.”

Obama: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Roark: “When the first creator invented the wheel, the first second-hander invented altruism.”

Obama: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Roark: “The love of a man for the integrity of his work and his right to preserve it are now considered a vague intangible and an inessential.”

Obama: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Ayn Rand could be viewed as a tragic figure, but she would deny it, even in her darkest hour, just as her character, Howard Roark, would deny it.

She not only knew where she stood, she fleshed out, to an extraordinary degree, that position, in two astonishing and unique novels. Bolts from the blue.

She and her books were hated and adored, as no other author and no other works of the 20th century.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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It’s the poets who destroy the old order of mechanical consciousness Tue, 06 Jul 2021 12:52:24 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 6, 2021

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“The greatest sum is no sum at all. It isn’t the addition of facts or numbers. There are mythic qualities in existence that come from us…myths greater than machines…and in order to give voice to the myths we need to go where poets go. We need to go there badly. For our own sake, we have to put that peculiar precision that splits a tiny particle into smaller and smaller pieces on the shelf…” (The Magician Awakes)

These days, people are rightly concerned about spying, snooping, tracking, hacking, profiling. The battle of privacy versus intrusion. The systems that look at other systems.

What kind of language is involved in computer spying and counter-spying and protection? You don’t have to be an expert to see it’s the language of the machine. It’s delineated in fine, very fine, and extra-fine shavings of detail. The Trojan Horse is now algorithmic.

The people who enter and work in that universe are committed to a meticulous process of move and counter-move. Programs above other programs. Look-ins which are processing the strategies of other look-ins.

The past, present, and future of language is involved. A civilization, to a significant extent, rides on what happens to words—not as detached entities, but as the expression of what we invent ourselves to be.

“It does not need that a poem should be long. Every word was once a poem.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

If freedom is placed in a modern context of privacy vs. no-privacy, the war is going to embroil us in a language of the machine. We’re going to touch that language, rub up against it in one way or another, use it, oppose some piece of it with another piece of it.

Children are going to grow up learning it and swimming in it and its effects.

In that way, the creeks and streams and rivers and oceans of machine interaction are going to power human thinking.

“…it is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there…” (William Carlos Williams)

Here’s a strange example. People will take a paragraph out of an author’s novel, extract every key word, and track down their possible references—and then try to reconstitute the paragraph as if it were lines of secret code. They’ll rebuild it by welding together those references.

Because mathematics consists of symbol-manipulation, and the symbols have very specific and tight meanings, there is a growing tendency to assume all language works this way.

It doesn’t.

Poetry doesn’t. But the poet, who was already on the far edge of credibility, is reintroduced as a symbol maker, a mathematician slipping a coded revolution into the matrix.

That might make an entertaining science fiction novel, but it has nothing to do with the energy or intent of a poem.

Poets may be unearthing hidden treasure, but the spoils of their war are everything mathematics isn’t. Every great poet destroys the old order. It’s for the reader to discover and see that, if he can.

The old order, which is always and forever fascism dressed up as “greatest good,” keeps resurfacing in the same pool of decay.

It’s the poets who know how to climb down into the muck and also fly above it, waking the dead parts of the psyche.

Whoever rules the dead, and with what royal purpose, remains constant: he rejects poetic consciousness that can fully restore the human being to life.

Poetry does more than reorder reality. It creates it from the beginning, from the first line on the page of the future.

Society, as it has been shaped, is the sum of illusions that prevent the individual from hearing the first line, even as it echoes in his mind.

This repression is a cooperative exchange in the marketplace. The individual agrees to deafen himself, in order to placate his inner forces.

“Time let me hail and climb, Golden in the heydays of his eyes. And honoured among wagons, I was prince of the apple towns, And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves Trail with daisies and barley Down the rivers of the windfall light.”

“Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table…”

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis…”

These aren’t instructions or code or habits to be performed, or political improvements. They’re grand intrusions on the commonplace labyrinth. They come in and explode.

As the consciousness of these things dwindles in the era of the machine and all its complications, as the matrix expands to include language-calculations designed to describe what the individual is and isn’t, a sea of metrics forms the illusion of progress.

Caught in nests of symbolic relation, we wait, “till human voices wake us and we drown.”

To the extent the poet is merely taken to be crazy, doom is settling like a shroud around our shoulders.

“…the willingness to give the response to the heroic…gets weaker and weaker in every democracy, as time goes on. Then men turn against the heroic appeal, with a sort of venom. They will only listen to the call of mediocrity wielding the insentient bullying power of mediocrity: which is evil.” (DH Lawrence)

But poets always come. They see doom and they use it as fuel for a new fire that ends one epoch and begins another. Who hears them? That is always the open question. We are already living in a new time, if we would recognize it.

“Poetry is the mother tongue of the human race.” (Johann Georg Hamann)

“[Poetry:] Thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.” (Thomas Gray)

Imagine there were a million new and unknown languages waiting to be discovered. These tongues wouldn’t make things simpler. They wouldn’t make machines run more smoothly. They would lead us into worlds that had remained in the shadows because we had no way to express our perception of them. They would light up whole geographies of consciousness that had been dormant. Every compromise with reality would be exposed as a blatant enormous lie.

Every “thought-machine” would crumble. The absurdity of building bigger and bigger organizations as the grand solution to conflict would reveal itself so clearly, even android-humans would see it and wake up from their trance.

Here’s an excerpt from my unfinished manuscript, The Magician Awakes:

You sit there and tell me about your life, but after a while it occurs to you you’re talking in a blind language. You’re moving below other words you don’t give voice to.

You vaguely think, from time to time, the other words might be in Nature. But Nature is just one part of that expression. There are thousands of other Natures. And each one has a language that unlocks it and spreads it out in a different space and time.

Would you rather pull back in and settle on the words you use every day? Would you rather become an expert in those words, a king of those words, a ruler in that small place? Is that the beginning and end of what you want and where you’re going?

Because if it is, then we can end this discussion and all discussions. We can please ourselves with what we have. We can dodge and duck. We can inject ourselves with a satisfaction-drug and say there’s nothing else to do.

This is how a circumscribed life happens: through a story a person tells himself.

There is really only one universal solvent that will wash away that story: imagination.

The ultimate basis of all mind control is: whatever it takes to deny the true power of imagination.

The exact same thing can be said about the ultimate aim of political repression.

To understand, to get an idea about what imagination is capable of, you need to go to ART.

The creative center of the world.

“After the final no there comes a yes and on that yes the future of the world hangs.” Wallace Stevens

What would happen if the world were enveloped by art? And if we were the artists? And if we owed nothing to any hierarchy or external authority?

Art is a word that should be oceanic. It should shake and blow apart the boredom of the soul.

Art is what the individual invents when he is on fire and doesn’t care about concealing it. It’s what the individual does when he has thrown off the false front that is slowly strangling him.

Art is the end of mindless postponement. It’s what happens when you burn up the pretty and petty little obsessions. It emerges from the empty suit and empty machine of society that goes around and around and sucks away the vital bloodstream.

Art destroys the old order and the new order and the present order, with a glance.

Art spears the old apple on the point of a glittering sword and opens up the whole rotting crust that has attached itself to the tree of life.

It shrugs off the fake harmony of the living dead.

Fueled by liberated imagination, it is the revolution the psyche has been asking for.

Art unchained becomes titanic.

There are artists like Stravinsky, like Gaudi, like the composer Edgar Varese, like the often-reviled American writer Henry Miller, like Walt Whitman (who has been grotesquely co-opted into a Norman Rockwell-like prefect), like the several great Mexican muralists—Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros—all of whom transmit the oceanic quality.

As in, The Flood.

There is a fear that, if such artists were unleashed to produce their work on a grand scale, they would indeed take over the world.

Our world, contrary to all consensus, is meant to be revolutionized by art, by imagination, right down to its core.

That this has not happened is no sign that the process is irrelevant. It is only a testament to the collective resistance.

Who knows how many such revolutions have been shunted aside and rejected, in favor of the consensus-shape we now think of as central and eternal?

We are living in a default structure, the one that has been left over after all the prior revolutions have been put to sleep.

But creation is not neutral.

It flows out into the atmosphere with all its subjective force.

It is the transformation we have been unconsciously hoping for, the revolution that would relentlessly make society over, that would eventually shatter the influence of all cartels and monopolies of physical and emotional and mental and spiritual experience.

Not because we wished it were so, but because we made it happen.

Prometheus, the artist who unchained humanity…

Through what mirror are we looking at ourselves in these ancient tales?

The Prometheus story makes absolutely no sense unless we acknowledge there is a reason for rebellion. But not just any rebellion. One man assaulting the supernatural mountain of the Olympians to steal fire, escape, and bring it back to man is more than audacious, if the Greek poets invented the pantheon of gods and their aerie in the first place.

In that case, the theft of fire is an acknowledgment that power is returned home.

“We invented the gods. Now we re-invent ourselves.”

Religion is frozen poetry. The poets began by writing outside the boundaries of the tribe, and the priests appointed themselves the sacking editors.

They hammered and cut and polished the wild free poems into tablets and catechisms and manuals of stern disapproval. They gathered up workers to build the temples where the new laws would be preached and taught. They established the penalties for defection. They staked an exclusive claim to revelation.

They established the false and synthetic universal centrality of myth disguised as revelation, and they sold it, and they enforced it, and they prepared a list of enemies who were threatening the Law of Laws.

And all that raw material, which they stole? It came from the poets. It came from the free and boundless creation of artists.

So Prometheus was setting the record straight. He was cracking the system like an egg. He was bringing imagination back where it belonged.

Of course, in the ancient myth, he paid a high price for his actions. But that’s merely more propaganda. The high priests write that retribution-ending on every story springing from freedom. They call the punishment by various names, and they naturally claim it is brought down by hammer from the Highest Authority. They work this angle with desperate devotion.

Prometheus was the liberator. He was the Chinese painters of the Dun Huang, the Yoruba bead artists, the Michelangelo of David, the Piero della Francesca of Legend of the True Cross, the Velazquez of The Maids of Honour, the Van Gogh of Irises and lamp-lit Arles, the Yeats of Song of the Wandering Aengus, the Dylan Thomas of Fern Hill, the Walt Whitman of The Open Road, the Henry Miller of Remember to Remember, the Orson Welles of Citizen Kane, the Lawrence Durrell of The Alexandria Quartet, the de Kooning of Gotham News.

He was Tesla and Rife.

Wherever individual human imagination was launched as the fire, Prometheus was there.

Of course, he wasn’t. He was the story we told ourselves about what we could do. That story is meant to remind us that all collective vision is a fraud. It may not begin that way, but sooner or later, it becomes a gargantuan slippage into narcosis of the soul.

Prometheus is the story we tell ourselves to remember the line between what the individual can learn and what he can create, and how many horses have been pulled up to that line and refuse to cross it and drink from the wells of imagination.

Prometheus is the story of a recapture of what we are. We may have buried the understanding deep in our psyches, but it is there. How many ways we try to refuse it!

We huddle in groups and pretend all progress flows from the mass. We diddle and fiddle with this limit and that limit. We adjust and make more room for the Average. We build machines to think at a higher level than we can. We watch theatrical spectacles of “new hybrid humans.” We proclaim healing virtues and forget about what the healing of the spirit might actually entail, what revolution, what vital energies, what leaps of imagination, what assertions of our inherent power.

We keep thinking of peace, when peace means, as defined by the “wise ones,” a death. Their peace is what is left over after the war of the creative human has been surrendered.

Their peace is syrup. Their peace is submission to some Glob of “universal consciousness.” Their peace is a column of grinning idiots guarding a self-appointed tower of learning. Their peace is the survival and organization of damaged goods. Their peace is: “if it is meant to happen, it will.” Their peace is: the universe decides, we oblige. Their peace is a cosmic junk-heap.

From this mob of castrati, Prometheus emerged, untangling himself from wet strands of delusion, resignation, and fear. He soared. He advanced. He took back our basic and vital character. He breathed crackling energy into bloodstreams.

From the Promethean perspective, Reality is waiting for imagination to revolutionize it down to its core.

Beyond systems. Beyond structures.

Energies churn in subterranean caverns. Where will those rivers run for the next thousand years or thousand incarnations?

What would create an internal revolution?

What would start the water wheels spinning and the torrents surfacing?

How would creation begin?

On that Promethean question rests the fate of every civilization, past, present, and future.

Every thread, atom, quark, and wavicle of this Reality is posturing, is imbued with the impression that “what already exists” is superior to what the individual can now invent. The causal chains of history seem to produce the present and the present seems to produce the future.

These are the grand deceptions. These are the illusions…

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Freedom vs. The Machine; geneticists and their weapons Thu, 24 Jun 2021 12:52:58 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

June 24, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Genetic determinism: the belief that an individual’s character, thoughts, and actions are the result of his genes.

Freedom means: being free from, and outside of, ironclad cause and effect.

Which side of the argument will win? Nothing is riding on this…except the future of the human race.

For the past 150 years, genetics has been emerging and taking center stage as the pre-eminent philosophy of life on planet Earth.

For most people, philosophy is of zero concern. They refuse to believe it can influence their lives in any way.

However, we currently have the RNA COVID genetic treatments called vaccines, targeting billions of people. According to the bought-off experts, these destructive treatments are working, in machine-like fashion, to protect us from a phantom virus.

The genetics on which the vaccines are based occupy a distinct philosophic position: our thoughts and actions are the effects of our genes; scientists can interfere with that structure and replace it with another genetic framework, which in turn will impose new all-consuming actions, thoughts, and biological alterations upon us.

One new machine taking over from an older machine.

But there has never been a genetic cure for any disease. All attempts to prove that a disease stems from genes have failed. In this sense, genetics is a long con, both scientifically and philosophically.

Of course, the scientists will never admit this. They’re dedicated to tinkering and experimenting, “until they get it right.”

Veteran journalist Celia Farber describes one such experiment: “Jesse Gelsinger was 18 years old when he volunteered for a clinical trial at Penn State to test the effect on GT [gene therapy] on a rare metabolic disorder called OTC Deficiency. Within hours of being infused with ‘corrective genes’ encased in weakened adeno-virus, Jesse suffered multiple organ failure, and days later, his blood almost totally coagulated, swollen beyond recognition, and brain dead—he was taken off life support.” [1]

Just another day at the office for the funders and researchers. They’re working with billions of dollars and a vision of the future. Nothing must stand in their way.

Here is one of those visions, expressed by Gregory Stock [2], former director of the program in Medicine, Technology, and Society at the UCLA School of Medicine:

“Even if half the world’s species were lost [during genetic experiments], enormous diversity would still remain. When those in the distant future look back on this period of history, they will likely see it not as the era when the natural environment was impoverished, but as the age when a plethora of new forms—some biological, some technological, some a combination of the two—burst onto the scene…” [2a]

You need to understand that behind all this “envisioning” and experimenting, there is the solid conviction that freedom and free will are illusions that don’t exist. Therefore, all experiments are permitted, since they simply substitute one determinism for another, one machine for another. Life itself is viewed as nothing more than a pattern, a structure.

Huxley’s Brave New World wasn’t really a radical departure from the emerging genetic science of his time. It was a description of “better genetic programming,” carried to a logical conclusion. Humans would be fully outfitted with a biology that made them content and satisfied with their designated positions in life.

There was the thunder AND the lightning. Humans genetically conditioned for specific roles; and also conditioned to accept those roles beyond the possibility of rebellion.

What about the centuries of struggle and war and blood to establish political freedom? What about the Magna Carta and the Declaration of independence and the Constitution and its Amendments?

For the genetic philosophers, all that history is waste and meaningless garbage, since freedom does not exist.

I’m not talking about a small bunch of crazy philosophers closeted in a cellar and spinning fantasies. These people are carrying banners of the new world among the most elite Globalists.

The entire fake pandemic narrative, starting with the lie that researchers discovered a new virus, was launched in order to open a door for RNA genetic technology.

Yes, there were other reasons, but gene tech was central. Coming up, we will see new genetic treatments called vaccines. And drugs based on that tech.

Behind that—programs to make deeper and deeper genetic changes in humans.

The cover story for genetic research and experimentation is: we’re trying to cure disease.

The truth: machine minds are trying to convert other minds into machines.

What do contemporary philosophers have in their arsenal to combat this assault? Here is an example from Thomas Nagel [3], a professor at New York University:

“Even if determinism [the inevitable chain of cause and effect] isn’t true for everything that happens — even if some things just happen without being determined by causes that were there in advance — it would still be very significant if everything we did were determined before we did it. However free you might feel when choosing between fruit and cake, or between two candidates in an election, you would really be able to make only one choice in those circumstances—though if the circumstances or your desires had been different, you would have chosen differently.” [3a]

Really? That’s it?

Professor Nagel somehow KNOWS there is no such thing as free will?

Well, if that’s the case, he wrote those words because he had to, because of the very determinism he describes; he had no choice; and people reading those words of his think about them in a way that is also predetermined. The whole business is a puppet show and means absolutely nothing.

The “philosophy” of determinism is, when you scratch the surface, a philosophy of nihilism. Nothing means anything.

And its perpetrators aren’t bothered in the least. They’re quite content to stand on their absurd pretensions, while hard scientists inject populations with genes.

So much for academia as “the guardians of civilization.”

Most of them are weak sisters. I wouldn’t give a nickel for a gaggle of them.

Each one us makes free choices every day of his life. Taking freedom into your mind implies working on a canvas as big and grand as you want to make it.

I’ll take the flaming poetry of Thomas Paine; December 23, 1776:

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

Finally, for now—in America, a country founded on the idea of freedom, a country that fought a devastating Civil War over slavery, can you find one college or university that, between the ratification of the Constitution and now…

Has taught a year-long course, year after year…


This would be a course in which the history of the struggle for freedom is covered; philosophic and scientific writings about freedom are covered; and, most importantly, the students actively participate, in order to shape their own concepts of freedom that will endure for the rest of their lives.

Can you point to one such course—INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM—regularly taught, at one college?

I can’t.

What does this tell you?

Since the beginning of America, powerful forces have been at work to deny, refute, reject, and collapse the very premise on which the nation was based.

Has any student in America ever been awarded a PhD in Individual Freedom? I can’t find one.

“I see you’ve just founded a Space Travel Group. I’d be very interested in joining. I assume you cover all aspects of space travel. Rockets, ships, navigation, elements of survival during long voyages, colonization on distant planets, the fantastic marvels of these adventures…”

“Actually, no. We study the habits and tasks of ants. Their nests, hierarchy, division of labor, the biology of communal sharing, the ant genome, the virtues of overall genetic programming in achieving day-to-day goals of the colony…”

“I see. So you’re quite insane.”

“No. We know exactly what we’re doing and why.”







The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Fauci defends the Crown, descends the evolutionary ladder Thu, 06 May 2021 12:25:14 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

May 6, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Anthony Fauci woke up in the middle of the night.

In the dark room, he saw a man sitting in a chair and reached for his masks on the night table.

“It’s all right, Anthony,” the man said. “I know you don’t wear them apart from public occasions.”

“Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?”

“It doesn’t matter, Little Anthony. Would you like a banana?”


“You’re descending the evolutionary ladder. You’re turning into an ape. You’re losing it.”

“Losing what?”

“The knowledge of freedom, of course, Little Anthony. What it is. How it came to be.”

Fauci stood up, found his bathrobe, put it on, and sat on the edge of his bed looking at the man in the chair.

Recently, Anthony, you expressed annoyance at people questioning you about liberty. You said liberty was not the issue. The issue was public safety and health.

Well, it is. Safety. Freedom from lockdowns is CONDITIONAL. WE, the professionals, decide…

Are you sure you don’t want a banana, Anthony? Maybe a nice peach. They’re coming into season. I think I have a bag of peanuts in my car.

Stop that with the fruit. No one can be free until the virus is under control.

Anthony, remember John Adams? “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”

That was in the 18th century. We didn’t have a PCR test then.

How about a bag of grapes or a melon? Adams also wrote, “…mighty struggles and numberless sacrifices made by our ancestors in defense of freedom.” Anthony, you toss aside freedom with a casual shrug—you have no knowledge of the ten thousand years of war fought to achieve even the BEGINNING of liberty—spilled blood, courage…

I’m a scientist.

And that excuses you? Little Anthony, little ape, there is a line that can’t be crossed. You can’t take away people’s Constitutional freedom FOR ANY REASON. You can’t take it away because of floods, earthquakes, volcanos, war, disease, terror attacks.

We did. We did take it away. We imprisoned millions in their homes.

Yes. And you have great confidence as you swing from branch to branch in the trees. But freedom and liberty are on the move again.

I know which side I’m betting on.

You’ve always been on the side of power for its own sake, Little Anthony. Hubris. It delivers blowback.

I don’t think so. America is a nation of cowards and fools. They’re more than willing to surrender what’s left of their so-called liberty.

The ghosts are gathering, Anthony. They’re coming back. The souls who fought for what you want to take away. “Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” —Consent of the governed. The people give it, and they can remove it.

Nonsense. We’re locked into a system.

You would believe that, because you’re so shortsighted. You believe you can call Liberty counterfeit money and take it out of circulation. The Jesuits at Regis High School and Holy Cross College taught you well. Strategy, advantage, deception. You traded your soul for underground skills. And now you’re gradually slipping back into the monarchy of apes.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Of course you do. Your old teachers would be disappointed in you, Anthony. You’ve been contradicting yourself in public—about masks, the test, the vaccine. The Jesuits taught you Aristotle. You’ve been violating his logic.

I’m the preferred authority. That’s the overriding factor.

Among the other apes. But among humans, rebellion arrives.

This is always the gamble, isn’t it? I’m shoving in all my chips on slavery.

As I said, Anthony, we spirits are coming back. We don’t like what we’re seeing. We can still disturb the sleepers.

I doubt it.

I woke you from your dream of ape glory.

By the way, have you been tested?

I’m immune. To you.

Even if you have no symptoms and are completely healthy, you could be a COVID-19 case.

Remember, Little Anthony, when you said asymptomatic people never ever drive an epidemic through transmission of a virus?

Well, it turns out I misspoke then.

You mean you let the cat out of the bag. Remember when you said masks are useless? And then you said everyone should wear one, then two, then three, and now one again? Remember when you said the PCR test, when performed at high sensitivity, turns out meaningless results—but neglected to mention that all laboratories do in fact perform the test at high sensitivity? Remember when you said the vaccine was the light at the end of the tunnel? And now you’re saying people have to wear masks after they’re vaccinated, and they have avoid large gatherings?

The people don’t understand these issues. They just accept what I tell them to accept.

You’re doing evil things, Anthony. And like all major criminals, you redefine freedom in the process. You make it into a protection racket.

Well that’s what it is. What else do people want?

You’re living proof that devolution of the species is possible. The land crawlers go back into the sea. The many-celled organism retreats into a single cell. The human opts for apehood.

I want to go back to sleep now. I have to give a speech in the morning.

I could take you on a tour of your past crimes, Anthony. It would be a long trip. But I’ll just let those crimes nag at you. Not because you feel guilt. You know your devious actions were necessary to maintain the structure you’re standing on. And the structure, although it looks firm, is unbalanced. The architecture is all wrong. That’s what keeps you up at night.

Nothing is perfect. Every position carries risks. Only the daring succeed.

You’re an ape with homilies.

The virus has many strains and mutations.

There is no virus, Anthony. You know it. I know it. There is a STORY about a virus. Your ape masters have appointed you salesman of the story. You’re a cheap hustler selling a used car.

I’m the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Presidential coronavirus advisor.

Funny thing, Anthony. I called over there, to NIAID and the White House, and they said they’d never heard of you. I asked several people.

Don’t be ridiculous.

I’m serious. One person said, after a search, that a research lab connected to NIAID has a monkey in a cage in a lab. They call him “Fauci,” but no one seems to know why.


—For the second time that night, Fauci woke up in bed. He suppressed a howl and grabbed his phone and pressed a name.

A sleepy voice answered. “Who the f—k is this?”

“Hillary, it’s me, Tony. Tell me I’m the head of NIAID. I’m Biden’s coronavirus advisor. Please.”

“Jesus, Tony, having that dream again? Yes, you’re all that. You’re a big shot. We all love you blah-blah. You’re good-looking, sexy, a goddamn matinee idol. Now f—k off and go back to sleep before I have Bill put you in the psych ward at Walter Reed.”

“Bill wouldn’t do that to me.”

“Not my husband, you idiot. Bill Gates.”

“Shit, don’t tell BILL. Please.”

“You’re our boy. Now go back to sleep.”


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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The essence of The Great Reset Tue, 06 Apr 2021 14:03:31 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

April 6, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Wikipedia: “John Dewey (October 20, 1859 – June 1, 1952) was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. He was one of the most prominent American scholars in the first half of the twentieth century…Dewey was one of the primary figures associated with the philosophy of pragmatism and is considered one of the fathers of functional psychology.”

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and other genders. I am Field Marshal Hermann Mao Octavio Pinochet Dulles, Chairman of the Joint Philosopher’s Committee of the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and the CDC/WHO.

You are distinguished financiers, professors, scholars, heads of government, attorneys, judges, journalists, doctors, social media CEOs, and pharmaceutical princes.

Tonight, I will be interviewing a hologram of the late John Dewey, the foremost educator of the 20th century, philosopher, and leader of the still-vital Pragmatist movement.

We will take up the thorny problem of free speech. And deeper still, the meaning of meaning.

This event is sponsored by Snacker Cracker Whacker, a weight-loss munch between meals for the quasi-active lifestyle.

And now, please turn on John Dewey.

Hello, Hermann. Thanks for having me.

Hello, John. Delighted to see you. Were you able to peruse the documents I had my secretary send you?

Suffice to say, Hermann, I believe I’m caught up on the blizzard of developments since my departure.

Good, John. We need you more than ever.

I can’t disagree, Herm. The Prime Directive is ORGANIZE. And that Directive is being violated from Nome to Tierra del Fuego.

Sad but true. Let’s jump right in. What about censorship, John? People are breaking out into opposing camps on the issue.

Blanket censorship, Herm, is a necessary pause, in order to allow us to study hesitancy.

What sort of hesitancy, John?

The reluctance to define and describe OCI.

What is OCI?

The Organization of Categories of Information.


Indeed, Herm. Every piece of information that has ever been produced, and is being produced, must be collected, and placed into distinct categories—which are then evaluated on the pragmatic principle of instrumentality.

John, remind our audience what that principle is.

Of course. The meaning of any statement—aka piece of information—is nothing more than the practical use to which it can be put. That is what meaning IS. Period.

And therefore, we must ask, “Who is in charge of deciding ‘practical use’?”

Herm, many possible practical uses exist. Someone has to determine which use is paramount. For example, consider the statement, “Vaccines are life-saving.” The factual accuracy or inaccuracy of that statement is entirely beside the point. What matters is, who is deciding how to use that statement. Let us say it is the CDC. In that case, the statement, “Vaccines are life-saving,” means, “Everyone must get vaccinated.”

And, John, we WOULD want the CDC to be in charge of deciding PRACTICAL USE in this instance.

Yes. I can certainly see that you would. What I’m talking about here is a complete restructuring of language itself, of what language MEANS.

We’ll explore that in a moment, John. But first, what happens to the people who are claiming that “Vaccines are life-saving” is a gross lie?

They would be censored, of course. Because they’re trying to assert their power to decide the practical use of the statement about vaccines. Their practical use is: don’t get vaccinated.

I see. Censor them.

Otherwise, meaning itself collapses into a muddle of competing interests.

Right, John. Yes.

Restructuring language involves redefining the meaning of meaning. Anyone should be able to see that. The meaning of any given statement or piece of information is: the practical and pragmatic use to which it will be put. A statement has no other meaning.

Truth and falsity are outmoded concepts, John.

That’s correct. They’re a waste of time and effort.

John, your analysis strips things down nicely.

During my life, I had many enemies. They opposed instrumentality. They preferred their own slovenly models of meaning.

We’re in a position to correct that now, John.

I hope so.

If the State takes over language itself, John, we have a chance to revolutionize the process of thought.

Herm, that is indeed a solution. And after careful consideration, I believe it is necessary. We would start with the courts.


Yes. All verdicts would hinge on the practical use to which criminals can be put. A thief, if he proves he can stir up enough trouble, would automatically be defined as innocent.

In that instance, John, the thief becomes an instrument of chaos?

Yes, chaos—the breaking down of traditional order—permits new forms to enter the scene. New forms of thought and definition and language. The meaning of JUSTICE undergoes a complete transformation. Henceforth, justice is defined as an action which adds to State power by seeming to promote equality.

We must ponder that last sentence deeply.

Herm, JUSTICE must be taught in schools from a very early age. It is defined as “equality of outcome.” Every person is granted the same benefits and penalties in life, regardless of his talents, ambitions, skill, discipline, dedication, imagination, creative impulses.

However, John, we must make it seem we are bringing the oppressed peoples up to the level of everyone else.

Yes, Herm. It’s a bait and switch. Every word in the language becomes an instrument for executing that bait and switch.

We have much, much work to do.

Herm, words are instruments. People are instruments. There is no such thing as “an individual.” A person is an opportunity to advance an agenda.

If I’m catching your drift, John, you’re suggesting we have two basic classifications of language. One is for us. We know how words are actually used and what they mean. The other classification is for the masses. They’re taught meanings that appear to equip them to gain equality and power—but in the end, they obtain no power.

Correct. If they did gain power, they would use it in disorganized ways. As I said at the outset, what is sadly missing from civilization now is ORGANIZATION. It must be overall and very specific. Every word and item and person must be folded into a coherent and coordinated and unified structure.

And, as you say, John, it all starts with language. The meaning of meaning. I’m not sure I’ve understood everything you’ve said today, but I’m trying.

Good, Herm. Remember, free speech really means the right and duty to use words as instruments, for the purposes designed by those who run things.


Imagine this, Herm. Every child, in kindergarten, is taught the definition of the word “I.” Every child memorizes that definition and recites it over and over. “I am an instrument. I am useful. I serve a purpose. I disappear into that purpose.”

But a very young child will have no idea what he’s saying. John.

It doesn’t matter. As he repeats it over and over, from one grade to the next, he will get glimpses. Those glimpses will become clearer. He will see a new reality taking shape. What does CAT mean? It means “how you can use a cat.” What does BOOK mean? It means “how you can use a book.” Herm, we have to replace things with words, and replace the meanings of words with new utilitarian meanings.

This goes very deep, John.

Thank you, Herm. Down through history, all the truly great philosophers have wanted to remake the world.

One question, John. If all of us here today had been indoctrinated in the new and improved version of language, would the conversation you and I are having now have the same shape?

Of course not, Herm. It would be stripped down and streamlined. You and I would be uttering brief phrases, more or less like the old telegrams of the past. You would utter three words, I would utter four words, rapid fire, and we would grasp the instrumentality of our mutual meaning. BUT for us, Herm, that day will never come. We will continue to speak and think as we do now. This restructuring program is for everyone else, for the masses. THEY are ones who need complete reeducation. Think of those of us who are gathered here today, and our trusted colleagues, as the meta-people. We hover above the rest of the population, modulating their style of comprehension. We are injecting them with the vaccine of new language, in order to prevent DISORGANIZATION.

Could you provide an example of a word or a phrase, as the masses would use it, and then as you and I would use it?

Of course, Herm. The word VIRUS. To the masses, that word is already pregnant with instrumental meanings. VIRUS equals threat, fear, danger, infection, contagion, need for masks and distancing and lockdowns and business closures and economic wreckage and government bailout and testing and tracing and vaccination. You see? That’s what VIRUS MEANS. But to you and me, it means an imaginary construct never proven to exist, never isolated or actually sequenced, which is USED to accomplish a manner of social destruction which will then lead to the imposition of greater ORGANIZATION.

Yes, John, now I’m really beginning to understand the principle of instrumentality.

Freedom is the enemy of organization.

John, what you’re saying is illuminating our understanding of technocracy.

Herm, technocracy began as a movement led by engineers. For them, instrumentality was the core of life. They were builders. Equations, methods, materials, ideas—the engineers accepted science ONLY in so far as it helped them build structures. Practical use. Pragmatic purpose. So naturally, they applied that point of view to government, the economy, politics…

The engineers were already pragmatists.

Yes, Herm. They saw the vision of a better world. A world in which every human would be used and controlled as an instrument for constructing civilization as a leak-proof system.

And that, John, is what we are doing. Every human fitted into a designated slot. That is the essence of the Great Reset.


It occurs to me, John, that in the years since your departure from Earth, you’ve come to new insights about freedom. In your earlier days, you were a proponent of the wide sharing of ideas among all people.

Herm, those of us in responsible positions are always wrestling with the concept of freedom. It’s the wild card in the deck. A system is a system. You can’t define it fully if you want to retain that wild card. Freedom doesn’t fit anywhere. It isn’t a slot. Worse, it leads to…it multiplies the number of unpredictable events. Freedom is a corrosive acid that eats into perfection.

What you just said, John, applies to you yourself. You’re a hologram. You were designed by AI. That design had to make you into a system with no leaks. Correct?

Interesting point, Herm. People like to claim that AI creations have freedom and choices, but is that really true? As a hologram, I have options WITHIN A PRE-PROGRAMMED FRAMEWORK. And each one of those options is governed by my practical and instrumental use. And somebody decided what that use was.

Therefore, John—

Therefore, I’m an instrument. I fulfill the meaning of what an individual IS. In the future, we want all individuals to be similar instruments.

Yes, John, that’s my point. You, the hologram, give us the model for future humans.

Well, Herm, that brings up a question. If humans are programmed in the same way I am, will they be content, will they be happy? I’ll answer my own question. We must consider happiness itself an instrumental function. That is to say, we must program humans to believe happiness is what they already have. Happiness is whatever state of mind they’re IN. Do you see?

I do see, John. I think that’s an excellent place to leave our conversation for now. Thank you so much for being with us.

Thanks for having me, Herm.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Writers, of all people, are now censors Wed, 20 Jan 2021 17:15:42 +0000 They should never call themselves writers again

by Jon Rappoport

January 20, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

It had to happen.

People who call themselves WRITERS are signing a letter pressuring publishers to ban Trump, and anyone who has worked for him:

Do not publish a Trump memoir. Stay away from him.

The letter was penned by Barry Lyga. Who?

LA Times, January 15 [1]: “More than 250 authors, editors, agents, professors and others in the American literary community signed an open letter this week opposing any publisher that signs book deals with President Donald Trump or members of his administration.”

“Former DC Comics president Paul Levitz, journalist Sarah Weinman and ‘Little Fires Everywhere’ author Celeste Ng are among signatories to the letter, written by novelist Barry Lyga and titled ‘No Book Deals for Traitors’.”

“’We all love book publishing, but we have to be honest — our country is where it is in part because publishing has chased the money and notoriety of some pretty sketchy people, and has granted those same people both the imprimatur of respectability and a lot of money through sweetheart book deals,’ the letter read. ‘We affirm that participation in the administration of Donald Trump must be considered a uniquely mitigating criterion for publishing houses when considering book deals’.”

“’Consequently, we believe: No participant in an administration that caged children, performed involuntary surgeries on captive women, and scoffed at science as millions were infected with a deadly virus should be enriched by the almost rote largesse of a big book deal. And no one who incited, suborned, instigated, or otherwise supported the January 6, 2021 coup attempt should have their philosophies remunerated and disseminated through our beloved publishing houses’.”

Beloved publishing houses? I’m sure no writer, in the last ten thousand years, has ever used that phrase.

Are the author, and the signers of this letter, down on their knees, looking for their own book deals?

Since the invention of language, writers have fought to win the freedom to WRITE without interference. In the process, they’ve been arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered. That’s the history of the war.

And now this little venal band of scum—writers—wants censorship.

Here’s a chapter from that history; Giordano Bruno, 16th century Dominican friar, poet, and philosopher. For teaching a theory of reincarnation, for stating the universe was infinite, for discussing the possibility of life on other planets, on February 17, 1600 in the Campo de’ Fiori Square, “field of flowers,” the Roman Church burned him at the stake.

Yes, this happened. It wasn’t a Netflix movie. It was one stop along the way in the war for freedom.

But all right. These contemporary buffoons want to cancel Trump. Fine. Who’s next?

What about beloved Obama? I have evidence to support retroactive censorship against him. All his books, wherever they can be found, should be assembled in a great pile, in Freedom Plaza, and burned.

His publishers should demand the return of all advances and royalties, and if Obama can’t come up with the cash, a court should empower the publishers to take over his homes and sell them off.

The evidence?

The Guardian, January 9, 2017, “America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama’s reign,” by Medea Benjamin [2]:

“…in 2016 alone, the Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day.”

“While most of these air attacks were in Syria and Iraq, US bombs also rained down on people in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. That’s seven majority-Muslim countries.”

“One bombing technique that President Obama championed is drone strikes. As drone-warrior-in-chief, he spread the use of drones outside the declared battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, mainly to Pakistan and Yemen. Obama authorized over 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, and automatically painted all males of military age in these regions as combatants, making them fair game for remote controlled killing.”

“President Obama has claimed that his overseas military adventures are legal under the 2001 and 2003 authorizations for the use of military force passed by Congress to go after al-Qaida. But today’s wars have little or nothing to do with those who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001.”

“Given that drones account for only a small portion of the munitions dropped in the past eight years, the numbers of civilians killed by Obama’s bombs could be in the thousands. But we can’t know for sure as the administration, and the mainstream media, has been virtually silent about the civilian toll of the administration’s failed interventions.”

“In May 2013, I interrupted President Obama during his foreign policy address at the National Defense University. I had just returned from visiting the families of innocent people killed by US drone attacks in Yemen and Pakistan, including the Rehman children who saw their grandmother blown to bits while in the field picking okra.”

“Speaking out on behalf of grieving families whose losses have never been acknowledged by the US government, I asked President Obama to apologize to them. As I was being dragged out, President Obama said: ‘The voice of that woman is worth paying attention to’.”

“Too bad he never did.”

If you petty little band of censors—who call yourselves writers—want to shut down Trump, then you have to go after Obama.

And then GW Bush, and Clinton, and so on. Don’t stop there.

There are lots of American politicians you can assail, going back to the 17th century.

You’re every censor who ever existed. You think you’ve got a special case in Trump. You don’t have a clue.

You don’t know anything about the history of writers.

I wouldn’t trade three dried-out yak turds for one of your books.

But those books won’t be censored. That’s how generous and consoling freedom is. I could say you should try freedom yourselves, but I know better than that.

I see who you are.

Miniature gargoyles, peddling your virtue-signaling inquisition.




The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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To the people of lockdown California: it’s jailbreak time Thu, 07 Jan 2021 11:28:55 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

January 7, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

First, a bit of background.

Your governor, Gavin Newsom, is a predator, but within the context of a failed state.

For decades, the government of California has been underwater. As of five or six years ago, it was on the hook for future unfunded liabilities of a quarter of trillion dollars.

That debt was handled by issuing bonds. That’s always the response. Who underwrites those bonds? NY investment houses like Goldman Sachs. They’re satisfied as long as California keeps pulling in taxes and paying down the interest on those bond loans.

But now the tax base of California is rapidly shrinking, owing to the lockdowns, and businesses packing up and leaving the state.

So Newsom is in the position of a small grocery store owner who, failing to pay his protection money to the mafia, is forced to give his store to the mob and work for them…

That’s a bit of context. Newsom is in prison and he wants everyone else to be in prison, too.

Now let’s dig in—

In case you hadn’t noticed, Governor’s Newsom’s brutal lockdowns have done nothing to stem the raging tide of COVID case numbers.

Of course, those numbers are fake, owing to intentionally rigged flaws in the PCR test, but we’ll leave that aside for now.

The point is, lockdowns are meaningless—except they devastate your lives.

Newsom is seeing the handwriting on the wall. He’s never going to become president of the United States. That was his cherished goal. He’s spent years developing his image and persona as “the open, honest, articulate, caring junior JFK in the making.” That’s all gone.

He’s now the punisher who steps out on his own lockdowns and has dinner indoors at a high-priced eatery, unmasked, with a dozen friends.

He follows in the footsteps of other Democrats who thought they could play JFK: Gary Hart, John Kerry, Ed Markey, Jerry Brown. They all went down.

But Newsom isn’t going to back off his COVID lockdowns.

The whole state of California is dry tinder, on the verge of exploding. I’m not talking about forest fires. I’m referring to millions of you who are ready to step outside your homes and re-open the economy, no matter what.

The knowledge is seeping in: if enough of you rebel against the governor’s imprisonment dictates, there is nothing he can do about it.

He’ll look like the fool and the deranged fascist he is, behind his carefully crafted disguise.

And I’m here to reassure you the COVID fear porn is just that; it’s not real; never was; never will be. But you’ve already figured that out, right? You’re in jail because Newsom and the layers of Globalist operators behind him want you in jail. It’s simple.

So admit what you know to be true. Face up to it.

Stop worshiping the preposterous virus.

I lived in California for 50 years. I know the liberal mindset forwards and backwards. I’ve seen all the variations of virtue signaling. I understand how those fetishes stand up as long as the money holds out. But when the money vanishes and the business vanishes, and whole economy is wrecked and lying in ruins, you start to come to your senses.

Supporting BLM, Antifa, riots and looting, open borders? New Age jive? The hell with all that. You’re secretly looking to rough and ready bar owners, who are defying the cops and trying to stay open. You’re looking at your own dwindling bank accounts. You’re measuring martyrdom against rebellion.

You’re part of the dry tinder, ready to explode.


The history of California is a history of war and crime. Once upon a time, Spanish conquistadors smashed the indigenous people of Mexico and extended their reach into California. VERY wealthy Spanish families owned huge swaths of land from Tijuana all the way to Santa Barbara and beyond. They also owned off-shore islands.

Gradually, the criminal California and federal governments moved in on these criminal Spanish families, and in partnership with criminal American financiers and developers, took over that land.

Eventually, a movement arose to open the California-Mexico border. This wasn’t meant as a compensation to the indigenous Mexican people. It was an entry corridor for the descendants of the Spanish conquistadores.

And, of course, for major drug cartels. Hollywood, the entertainment industry, was an open target for laundering cocaine and heroin cash. Production companies and movie studios on the brink of collapse suddenly got well.

I sketch out these bits of hidden history to show you that California is far from a share-and-care liberal fortress. California has always been a long con and long hustle and a long war.

And now, that war has come home to you.

So fight it.

Offload the dream that your governor and you are partners in an unprecedented liberal revolution for The Good. Newsom is just another player in a long line of players who have sold what remained of their souls to bigger money bosses.

The Good is not dead. You just have to rethink it. You have to put FREEDOM at the top of the page, and realize what that struggle of centuries means. You’re now in unique position to understand, because you’re under house arrest, at the whim of your leader.

It’s jailbreak time for you.


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Rebellion rising; the people have had enough Fri, 27 Nov 2020 14:49:02 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

November 27, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Signs of the times—

Large anti-lockdown protests are sweeping across Europe. Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the UK, Poland. The media are trying to put a lid on coverage of these momentous events.

In Southern California, five sheriffs of populous counties (17 million people) are refusing to enforce Governor Newsom’s new curfew order. A petition to recall the governor is gaining steam.

In New York, members of the Chasidic sect held a wedding attended by several thousand people, sitting closely packed without masks.

In a more intimate setting, up close and powerfully personal, gym members and owners in Buffalo, New York, shouted down cops and a public health officer, who had entered the gym because the gathering exceeded the prescribed limit. The gym personnel drove out the cops and followed them, to make sure they left the property.

In Buffalo, protestors came to the house of Erie County Executive, Mark Poloncarz, to express their anger at new lockdown restrictions. The protest was also aimed at New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Sheriffs in Fulton and Erie Counties (New York) are refusing to enforce Thanksgiving lockdowns which limit the number of people in private homes.

In various areas of England, police have warned government officials they’re “sitting on a time bomb,” because lockdown rules make it illegal for two or more families to gather together for Christmas—and law-enforcement personnel are permitted to invade homes where violations are occurring. The time bomb is, of course, huge numbers of outraged citizens.

In Australia, Qantas airline CEO Alan Joyce announced that travelers will be able to fly only after receiving the COVID vaccine, once it is approved. Soon afterwards, Joyce stood at a podium at an event to give a speech, and a grizzled Aussie walked up to him and shoved a pie in his face.

Two women saw New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy eating dinner at a restaurant with his family. He was maskless. “You’re such a dick!” one woman told him. Murphy has just extended his state’s lockdown, the ninth time he has done so since March. At his dinner table, Murphy tried to remain calm. He put on his mask.

Andrew Kudrick, the police chief of Howell Township in New Jersey, says he won’t enforce the governor’s “draconian” limit of 10 people for Thanksgiving dinners.

The CDC has told Americans to stay home for Thanksgiving. Last weekend, two million Americans boarded flights.

In a form of silent protest, 300,000 residents of New York have left the city since pandemic restrictions began.

It should be noted that, among the several hundred thousand (or more) Trump supporters who gathered in Washington DC, at a Stop The Steal rally, few people wore masks, and no one paid attention to social distancing regulations.

Across America, without fanfare, pockets of the economy are wide open—no masks, no distancing, no one is paying attention to government regulations.

The walls of lockdown fascism are cracking, in large ways and small. Actually, there is no small. Every act inspired by the fire of freedom counts.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Trump/Biden: two bombshell breaking stories Thu, 29 Oct 2020 14:07:51 +0000 And, why Trump must win

by Jon Rappoport

October 29, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

ONE: Tucker Carlson announced, on his highly popular FOX broadcast, that a trove of Biden documents implicating Biden in illegal business relationships with China, the Ukraine, and other countries has gone missing. [1]

The documents were shipped through a major commercial courier, from Manhattan to Carlson by FOX staff, and somewhere along the route, the envelope was found open by courier employees—and the contents were gone.

The courier did an extensive investigation of the route and found no evidence to indicate how this happened.

Questions: Did no one at FOX make a copy of these documents? There was only one set? The docs couldn’t have been sent to Tucker electronically? Tucker should consider the possibility that someone at FOX was the culprit.

TWO: “Executive Order on Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service.” Sounds meaningless, right? It’s not. [2]

President Trump has just released a new executive order which gives him the power to fire a wide range of bureaucratic federal employees who resist implementing White House policies.

The executive order strips these bureaucrats of all sorts of built-in job protections.

It’s no secret that, since taking office, Trump has been receiving huge pushback from federal agencies, all of which are part of the Federal Branch, under his command.

If Trump wins the election, his order will stay intact. If Biden wins, he’ll cancel the order and go back to federal business as usual.

For decades, these alphabet agencies have been exceeding their legal powers by essentially making law. They do this by taking newly passed Congressional legislation and fashioning enforcement-regulations that “fit” the legislation.

Except, in practice, the agencies interpret the laws to their liking. They pervert the meaning of laws.

The American Thinker quotes the Washington Post [3]: “The directive [executive order], issued late Wednesday, strips long-held civil service protections from employees whose work involves policymaking, allowing them to be dismissed with little cause or recourse, much like the political appointees who come and go with each administration.”

“Federal scientists, attorneys, regulators, public health experts and many others in senior roles would lose rights to due process and in some cases, union representation, at agencies across the government. The White House declined to say how many jobs would be swept into a class of employees with fewer civil service rights, but civil service experts and union leaders estimated anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in a workforce of 2.1 million.”

There is major upside and downside to this executive order.

On the one hand, the president can fire bureaucrats who resist his policies because they want to undermine him. He can also fire bureaucrats who fashion regulations that pervert Congressional legislation.

On the other hand, the president can also fire bureaucrats who are simply doing an honest job which happens to get in the way of the president’s corrupt practices.

For example, the president wants a new class of dangerous pesticides green-lighted by the EPA. The EPA refuses to knuckle under. But under threats of being fired, EPA executives “reconsider.”

Of course, big-time corporations and other actors already exert corrupt influence over these federal agencies.

On the plus side, Trump might be able to fire Tony Fauci from his long-held throne at the National Institutes of Health.

Here are two backgrounders…

ONE: Why Trump must win.

For people who want to live free lives, who know what freedom is, it’s time to acknowledge that we’re living in a new age of tyranny.

It’s not coming, it’s already here.

Developments over the past nine months have shown this. On the back of a false pandemic, states have been locked down; over a million businesses have been closed; thus, millions of lives have been destroyed or taken to the brink of destruction; large cities have been decimated.

If that isn’t tyranny, I don’t know what is.

And it’s not over. Not by a long shot. At the drop of a hat, new lockdowns can be imposed.

But understand—-human society does pass through these episodes and periods of tyranny. We are in one now. We are not immune.

So at this point, there are questions about what to do, and these questions are strategic. They are asked from the basis of realizing what we are IN and UNDER. Rule by force. Rule through deception.

The last nine months were presided over by Donald Trump. There is no escaping that fact. He gave in. He stood aside. He was grievously and criminally derelict in his duty to freedom and liberty and the Constitution. He failed to keep America open.

He will never admit it, and neither will his most ardent supporters, who weave tales of imminent Trump-rescue by “citing” his unparalleled genius and his brilliant secret plans.

Popular leaders always have legions of true believers. This is nothing new. Don’t you think, in centuries past, when kings claimed to rule by Divine Right, that their followers concocted and believed extraordinary myths justifying their kings’ monumental acts of oppression?

But from where we stand now, and the questions of STRATEGY we are facing, in this new age of tyranny, we’re looking at two men who are vying for the presidency.

Who would be worse, Trump or Biden?

Trump passively gave in. He opened the door to a coup and then stood aside.

Biden is a complete puppet of the coup. He wants to take the tyranny to a whole new level, as his masters have commanded.

Biden doesn’t require his followers to make excuses for his criminal acts—as in the case of Trump. Biden’s followers WANT those criminal acts. They want more lockdowns. They want national mask mandates. They want forced tracing, testing, and vaccination, ORDERED FROM THE FEDERAL LEVEL, wiping out any resistance from brave governors, however few they may be.

Biden’s followers want climate change to move to the top tier of the federal agenda, in the form of reduced energy-output quotas for all companies. More destruction.

Biden’s followers want more riots in cities, and widespread defunding of the police. They truly believe “social justice” movements will effect beneficial change—when, in fact, these movements are funded by the super-wealthy, on behalf of socialism, which IS an illusion of share-and-care, a covert operation leading to even greater government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. Because treacherous billionaires will end up owning all the means of production. If you need an education along these lines, start with Gary Allen’s 1971 classic, None Dare Call It Conspiracy.

For those who think Trump is an inveterate liar through and through, Biden is easily his equal.

Periods of tyranny come from the Right and they come from the Left. This one is coming mainly from the Left with its delusional Marxist utopian fantasies. But when all is said and done, all tyrannies, no matter their disguise, no matter their brand of rhetoric, come from power at the top. And power at the top has no political ideology. Ideology is merely a tool for propaganda and mind control.

Liberty and freedom are not ideological, either. They are the outcome of thousands of years of struggle. Their adherents know individual responsibility is a key corollary. The individual is free to live his life in any way he wants to, as long as he doesn’t encroach on another’s freedom.

Trump, even in his addled and manic state, understands some part of this. Biden has given up any pretense of understanding. He now comes from the school of, “Since we know what is best for you, we’ll impose it.” And that’s assuming Biden is mentally coherent, even on his best day.

On the medical front, Trump has shown some willingness to challenge the dictates of Fauci and the CDC. Biden is solidly in the camp of, “I’ll consult the experts and follow their advice.” That is a lethal position. For example, expect him, if elected, to push for a FEDERAL mandate to impose a toxic COVID vaccine.

If enough of the public demands freedom from lockdowns and masks and distancing, Trump will go along, at least part of the way. Biden will try to crack down.

Before his brain aneurysm and pulmonary thrombosis, in 1988, Biden was a highly intelligent political operator. His brand of globalism was similar to Bill Clinton’s, but without Clinton’s self-confident flair and big bullshit front. Since 1988, Biden has gradually deteriorated. If elected, there is every chance he won’t be able to finish his term, and the dangerously corrupt hatchet woman, Kamala Harris, would take over the Oval Office.

Trump modulates his failures by maintaining a relentlessly upbeat attitude. He covers his COVID betrayal (refusing to keep the economy open) with this super-salesman’s con and shuck and jive.

All in all, we are looking at a choice of opponents in the war for freedom. Trump and Biden. Strategically speaking, the choice is clear.

Trump is the lesser foe. With a large enough outpouring of public sentiment and demand on behalf of freedom, he could become, in certain but not all respects, an ally. Don’t trust him. Try to force his hand.

In a new age of tyranny, that’s enough for now.

Presidents are not messiahs.

BACKGROUNDER TWO: The Biden agenda.

I wrote this article several years ago. It spells out one of the central ruses of our time, and it is a ruse the puppet Biden prefers, because the men who control his strings prefer it…

There are “people’s” groups all over the world who advocate the overthrow of the Oligarchs who control nations.

These people’s groups want to install socialism as the answer to Oligarchy.

That’s preposterous.

The Oligarchs—bankers, mega-corporate CEOs, financiers, government leaders, intelligence agencies—collude to cut out competition so they can stand alone at the summit of the mountain. And they call this arrangement SOCIALISM. They PROMOTE socialism. They’ve staked out OWNERSHIP of socialism worldwide.

In other words, the “people’s” groups, who claim to be battling for a better world, are doing the Oligarchs’ bidding. Unconsciously, or on purpose.

Useful idiots.

Socialism has never been about toppling power-hungry leaders. Its pretension of equality and share-and-care is a cover for totalitarianism by the few, for the few.

Karl Marx, while predicting a coming utopia on Earth, expressed the absolute need for a “transition” phase called the “dictatorship of the proletariat.”

Of course, that was a partial misnomer. The “dictatorship” part was correct, but the proletariat would never run it. They would labor for it. They would look up from ground level at the leaders who were supposedly their friends and guardians—and soon realize they’d been taken in by a long con. There was no transition government. There was just the same old Oligarchy under another name, that’s all.

From Gary Allen’s classic, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, published 50 years ago:

“We are being socialized in America and everybody knows it. If we had a chance to sit down and have a cup of coffee with the man in the street…he might say: ‘You know, the one thing I can never figure out is why all these very, very wealthy people like the Kennedys, the Fords, the Rockefellers and others are for socialism. Why are the super-rich for socialism? Don’t they have the most to lose…?’ In reality, there is a vast difference between what the promoters define as socialism and what it is in actual practice. The idea that socialism is a share-the-wealth program is strictly a confidence game to get the people to surrender their freedom to an all-powerful collectivist government. While the insiders [Oligarchs] tell us we are building a paradise on earth, we are actually constructing a jail for ourselves.”

When a mega-corporate CEO, whose company is in deep financial trouble, magically secures a giant loan through a crony, and when that corporation continues to pollute the land and destroy lives, and while the government agency that should be hauling off the CEO to prison sits on its hands, that’s socialism in practice. That’s the real thing.

The government may not officially own such corporations, as in the classical definition of socialism, but at the top, the government and the biggest corporations are cooperating, as one. It’s a distinction without a difference.

Why don’t more people understand all this?

Because their minds are clouded with propaganda and feel-good New Age oatmeal. Because they’re convinced that believing in something that sounds good on the surface (“a better and more just world for all”) is enough, is a pinnacle of achievement for them. And since they’re told this belief is socialism, they’re for it.

They will fall for any program on that basis. If pernicious medical experts assure them that mandated mass vaccination will protect the planet from disease, they will snap up that vision in a minute. “A healthy Earth for everyone.” It must be true. It feels right.

Here is an astonishing statement from the Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio [4]: “What’s been hardest is the way our legal system is structured to favor private property. I think people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, what the rent will be. I think there’s a socialistic impulse, which I hear every day, in every kind of community, that they would like things to be planned in accordance to their needs. And I would, too…Look, if I had my druthers, the city government would determine every single plot of land, how development would proceed. And there would be very stringent requirements around income levels and rents. That’s a world I’d love to see, and I think what we have, in this city at least, are people who would love to have the New Deal back, on one level. They’d love to have a very, very powerful government, including a federal government, involved in directly addressing their day-to-day reality.”

The control of private property, from above, is of course one of the tenets of socialism.

Oligarchs, who promote their brand of socialism, who are also Globalists (no nations; no borders; global governance), want to sweeten their pot through floods of immigrants. No, they’re not thinking about “doing good.” They have propaganda operatives who spout that line.

They’re thinking about how they can blur and erase all sorts of distinctions surrounding private ownership of private property—and instead, disruptively resettle immigrants, make them dependent on the State, sink property values, and induce more and more citizens to accept the idea that “everything belongs to everybody.”

This gibberish phrase actually means: the Oligarchs own it all.

This is their premise and their goal.

They mean business, literally and figuratively.

On a much lower level, scratch the surface of any self-proclaimed socialist who happens own a home, and watch what happens when you demand he turn that home over to “the people.” He suddenly becomes a raw naked capitalist. He rails against the State…

The State—to whom, when the pressure is off, he claims every citizen should swear allegiance, so that money and property and services and goods and energy and every necessity and luxury of life can be managed, for the benefit of all.

This article illustrates the Biden agenda, stripped of pretense.

Echoing across 50 years, here is another excerpt from Gary Allen’s, “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”:

“What we are witnessing is the Communist tactic of pressure from above and pressure from below, described by Communist historian Jan Kozak as the device used by the Reds to capture control of Czecho-Slovakia. The pressure from above comes from secret, ostensibly respectable Comrades in the government and Establishment, forming, with the radicalized mobs in the streets below, a giant pincer around middle-class society. The street rioters are pawns, shills, puppets, and dupes for an oligarchy of elitist conspirators working above to turn America’s limited government into an unlimited government with total control over our lives and property.”

“The American middle class is being squeezed to death by a vise…In the streets we have avowed revolutionary groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (which was started by the League for Industrial Democracy, a group with strong C.F.R. ties), the Black Panthers, the Yippies, the Young Socialist Alliance. These groups chant that if we don’t ‘change’ America, we will lose it. ‘Change’ is a word we hear over and over. By ‘change’ these groups mean Socialism. Virtually all members of these groups sincerely believe that they are fighting the Establishment. In reality they are an indispensable ally of the Establishment in fastening Socialism on all of us. The naive radicals think that under Socialism the ‘people’ will run everything. Actually, it will be a clique of Insiders in total control, consolidating and controlling all wealth. That is why these schoolboy Lenins and teenage Trotskys are allowed to roam free and are practically never arrested or prosecuted. They are protected. If the Establishment wanted the revolutionaries stopped, how long do you think they would be tolerated?”

“Instead, we find that most of these radicals are the recipients of largesse from major foundations or are receiving money from the government through the War on Poverty. The Rothschild-Rockefeller-C.F.R. [Council on Foreign Relations] Insiders at the top ‘surrender to the demands’ for Socialism from the mobs below. The radicals are doing the work of those whom they hate the most.”

Does that excerpt from “None Dare Call It Conspiracy,” written in 1971, sound familiar today? Of course it does. It reflects the same old strategy of pressure applied from both the top and bottom. The squeeze play.

The super-rich monopolists pretend to “bow to the socialist wishes” of the underclass and the protestors and the rioters.

It’s a straight con.

Don’t get caught in the word game which confuses Communism, Socialism, the Corporate State, Fascism, and Crony Capitalism.

When you put all these terms through the wash, they come out looking the same. They mean power at the top, disguised to appear as popular movements.

This is what lies beneath the “I have a plan” statements of Joe Biden.






The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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The virus-story: breaking the chains of medical civilization Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:47:13 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

October 28, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

In the same way the CIA invented foreign enemies which required us to go to war, there are people who have invented stories of fearful germs that demand medical treatment and prevention. The story tellers know that among the public, many people WANT the germ, need it, and even love it. Yes, love it, after enough conditioning has helped them along the path of surrender.

The COVID operation aims to engulf all of civilization in a preposterous and fake medical nightmare.

The operation has its roots in “modifying” citizens to accept medical dictates.

There are many kinds of such dictates, and it would take volumes to explore them all. Here I present a set of numbers from the US National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the CDC, covering the year 2018:

Percent of adults who had contact with a health care professional: 84.3%.

Percent of children who had contact with a health care professional: 93.6%.

Number of physician office visits (2016): 883.7 million.

Here is another related estimate: according to the US National Alliance on Mental Illness, in a recent year, “More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition…”

Try to grasp how this unprecedented rate of exposure to doctors shapes the minds of Americans. Appointments, tests, diagnoses, advice, orders, prescriptions, drugs and vaccines, follow-ups, referrals to specialists.

These factors alone—never mind the toxic effects of treatments, or wall to wall medical ads and other propaganda—add up to a medical civilization.

Given this reality, how do you think people are going to respond when they are told there is a pandemic and they must follow orders?

After a hundred years of Rockefeller Medicine…new normal? We’ve been living under the new normal for a long time.

How many drug prescriptions do you think are written in the US every year? According to, “It is estimated that in 2019, 4.38 billion retail prescriptions will be filled throughout the United States.”

Many, many people accept the ubiquitous medical civilization without thought or pause. It’s “just the way things are.”

Pretended pandemics are an arm of medical civilization. But now we’ve reached a point where The Medical is a gateway into a technocratic Brave New World.

This attempted transition is launched from the foundation of lifelong conditioning of the public to doctors and everything those doctors order and represent.

Mind control par excellence.

Two important groups of people—politicians and journalists—are operating from bias in their decisions, because they, too, have been trained to place themselves under the care of doctors on an ongoing basis. Are they going to rip out that hard wiring of their own experience when the rubber meets the road, when they’re faced with professional questions about medical credibility? No. They’re going to side with the CDC and WHO and university experts.

What I’m describing in this article goes beyond the acceptance of “Science” as the dominant paradigm. This conditioning is deeply personal and deeply seated in the minds of people who have been trudging along the bleak path of medical care since early childhood. Medical care for every so-called “symptom.”

I have spent many hours exposing the actual death and maiming effects of medicines on the population. Again, here I’m simply discussing the up-close connection between eternal patient and doctor.

In that sense, telling a dedicated person to take off his mask is telling him to destroy what he believes is a deep lifeline, without which he might very well drown.

Medical civilization’s leaders want us to bow down to the germ. They want us to drool like Pavlov’s dogs, when they ring the bell signaling the presence of a “new virus.” Our anticipated food, in this case, is supposed to be treatment. Treatment and containment measures.

Surely, a Declaration of Medical Independence is needed. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the medical bands which have connected them with some Health Authority…whenever any Form of Medicine becomes destructive…it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Medicine, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

Under the heading of “such principles,” one statement would make it clear that every person has the natural right to reject false faith in the germ, in its power, and in its very existence.

Let those who fear the germ, or want it, cling to it like an idol, if they must, if they refuse to be dissuaded. The rest of us will go our way, secure in our freedom from the idolatry, knowing that medicalized civilization is a tyrant, built without our consent.

Keeping freedom is now the great challenge.

The global lockdowns, present and future; the business closures; the bankruptcies; the resultant family breakups and suicides and drug addictions; the expansion of poverty, hunger, starvation; the desolation of once-great cities—on what basis has all this destruction been launched?

A story about a virus.

So pardon me if I keep attacking that story. If I keep pointing out gaping holes in that story. My basic position is this: I reject the cultish rhetoric coming out of labs. It is divorced from the world of human beings. It aims to claim ownership over our bodies, minds, and souls. Through one abstraction piled on another, its proponents have staked out a cause that is anti-life. With the data they derive and invent from their serums and sequencing, they set up a prison in which we are supposed to be biological machines that merely react to the stimuli of microbes.

Reject that lunatic non-reality.

The set-up and the con are clear: “We say there is a deadly virus on the loose. We describe it and promote it. We run the game and make the rules. We say you are unprotected unless we protect you with treatment and containment measures. We can quibble about which treatments. We can quibble about how much containment, where and when, and under what circumstances, since we define the circumstances; and we can loosen and tighten the rules at our discretion. But in the end, we are the sellers and you are the buyers. You buy our story. We are a protection racket. You give us your lives or we close you down. And guess what? Either one of those choices produces the same result. Get it?”

So when I hear someone say, in effect, THIS containment measure is necessary and effective, but THAT one is minimally effective, and THIS country did well by adopting a LESS RESTRICTIVE MODEL, and SMART CONTAINMENT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS, I know that person has bought enough of the story to keep the basic con going; and the elite planners are winning.

The war is long. They must not win.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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