Rappoport: this is a crime that could sink Hillary

This is a crime that could sink Hillary—I mean it

The Clintons: how Putin grabbed a fifth of all US uranium

by Jon Rappoport

October 11, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

No. It couldn’t be. It’s unbelievable. It’s too insane. Nobody could get away with a crime like this.

But it’s true. And the Clintons have gotten away with it.

She’s staggering toward her goal, the US Presidency.

He already was the President.

So…what is the uranium scandal?

The what??

Before I quote a NY Times piece, understand this: the Clintons have been running a parallel operation to the government, in the form of a Foundation that is taking in cash from people who want political favors. Just suppose a few donors who are ponying up those $$ want to sell a company to the Russians. But because this company deals in a very, very sensitive product, and that product happens to come out of the ground in the US, agencies of the US government have to approve the sale. And one of those agencies that does approve the sale happens to be headed up by Hillary. And this sensitive American product, well, the last person you’d want to control it is the head of a place called Russia—he can sit in Moscow and have complete dominion over this product that exists on US soil…and nobody thinks this is a problem. It’s a yawn. It was a big story for a day or two, and then it sank below memory and everybody moved on. Forget about it. Who cares?

Memory is short. On April 23, 2015, the NY Times ran a story under the headline: “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal”.

The bare bones of the story: a Canadian company called Uranium One controls a great deal of uranium production in the US. It was sold to Russia (meaning Putin and his minions).

So Putin now controls 20% of US uranium production!

From the Times:

“…the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.”

From the Times:

“The [Pravda] article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company [Uranium One] with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

“But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

“At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One. [Uranium One controlled 20% of US uranium.]

Frank Giustra…a mining financier, has donated $31.3 million to the foundation run by former President Bill Clinton…”

“Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal [to sell Uranium One to Putin] had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

“And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

“At the time, both Rosatom [the Russian energy agency] and the United States government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. Those promises have been repeatedly broken, records show.

“…the episode underscores the special ethical challenges presented by the Clinton Foundation, headed by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential to benefit the foundation’s donors.”

—The US State Dept. had to sign off on the deal giving Putin control over US uranium. Hillary headed up the State Dept. Much money from Canadian mining executives, who owned the US uranium, who obviously wanted the deal to go through, found its way into the Clinton Foundation. The Foundation concealed these donations.

If you’re Putin and you’re sitting in Moscow, and the uranium deal has just dropped this bonanza into your lap, what’s your reaction—after you stop laughing and popping champagne corks? Or maybe you never really stop laughing. Maybe this is a joke that keeps on giving. You wake up in the middle of the night with a big grin plastered on your face, and you can’t figure out why…and then you remember, oh yeah, the uranium deal. The US uranium. Who’s running the show in America? Ha-ha-ha. Some egregious dolt? Maybe he’s a sleeper agent we forgot about and he reactivated himself. And this Foundation—how can the Clintons get away with that? And she’s going to be the next President? Can we give her a medal? Can we put up a statue of her in a park? Does Bill need any more hookers?

You shake your head and go back to sleep. You see a parade of little boats carrying uranium from the US to Russia. A pretty line of putt-putt boats. You chuckle. Row, row, row your boat…merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…life is but a dream.

Good times.

power outside the matrix

But not good times for America. Good CRIMES for the Clintons.

Can’t this story get enough legs to sink the Clinton’s ship? It’s right out there in the open.

Hillary’s blaming Russia for the hack of her emails and everybody else’s emails. She’s blaming the Russians for the debacle in Syria. She’s “talking tough” to the Russians.

But meanwhile—she gave Russia the biggest present they could have asked for. Why? Because her Foundation pocketed millions in cash, in return.

With the Clintons, money talks. It’s orgasmic. It lights up their eyeballs.

I repeat: can’t this story get enough legs to sink Hillary and Bill?


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

October is October Surprise Month

October is October Surprise Month

by Jon Rappoport

October 3, 2016

What dirty tricks do you think the Clintons, their surrogates, and the Globalists will try to pull this month in the run up to the general election on November 8th? Sound off in the comments below.

Game on…

* Historic live coverage: Wikileaks’ Hillary October Surprise: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2:00AM CT (8:00AM GMT). Click here.

* Hillary killed Libya peace deal over personal vendetta, claims whistleblower. Gaddafi agreed to hold free elections, but Clinton’s refusal led to ISIS takeover, thousands of deaths, international migrant crisis. Click here.

* Bill Clinton’s prostitute love child demands DNA test. Man alleging to be Bill Clinton’s son. Click here and here.

Update: Wikileaks’ Assange trolls the public:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbRsWJaT4Go&w=560&h=315]

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Breaking: Bayer buys Monsanto: the Empire strikes back

by Jon Rappoport

September 16, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

This is the largest corporate cash buyout in history.

Mega-giant Bayer put $66 billion on the table, and mega-giant Monsanto said yes.

Think GMOs, crop seeds, pesticides, medical drugs.

Keep in mind that one of the consultants on the European side of this deal is the Rothschild Group.

But that’s not all. Dow and DuPont are planning to merge. Recently, another biotech giant, Syngenta, was swallowed up by the state-owned ChemChina. And this just in: two major Canadian fertilizer manufacturers, Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Inc. and Agrium Inc. are merging.

Consolidation, monopoly. The Empire strikes back.

The global rebellion against GMOs and pesticides, particularly Monsanto’s Roundup, is one of the reasons for these deals. But lurking in the background is another factor, exemplified by the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty.

If the TPP passes, corporate tribunals will take over the adjudication of disputes in which a nation rejects importing toxic pesticides, medical drugs, or GMOs. These tribunals will decide whether that nation is permitted to refuse importation.

Of course, the tribunals will favor mega-corporate interests. But now, with the mergers involving Bayer, Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta, and ChemChina, the devastating clout of the tribunals will be that much more powerful.

The ability to shove toxic products down the throats of populations will elevate.

The Matrix Revealed

This is the corporate face of Globalism.

This is a giant step in the direction of controlling the world’s food supply.

You can draw another arrow connecting these corporations to Bill Gates, whose foundation avidly supports their efforts.

If Gates and George Soros still own the Monsanto stock they bought in 2010— 900,000 and 500,000 shares, respectively—they just received a nice chunk of pocket change from the Bayer buyout. As part of the deal, every Monsanto share will suddenly be worth $22 more than yesterday’s price.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Message to Colin Kaepernick: the real disaster of inner cities

by Jon Rappoport

September 4, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

Mr. Kaepernick:

As you keep sitting down or kneeling during the National Anthem, you keep focusing on police brutality.

Many people now see incidents of this brutality as THE face of what is ruining life in the inner cities of America.

They’re wrong.

When people buy the wrong problem, they’ll never find the right solution.

Police brutality is not what is ruining life in the inner cities of America.

I offer you a different perspective, in an article I wrote recently:

“The gift that keeps on giving: inner cities, violence, poverty, gangs, drugs, BLM, shaming, guilt, Globalism”


The President of the United States, seized with some unexplainable attack of conscience, stood up in front of television cameras and spoke to the nation and the world about…

The real web that entangles and holds inner cities hostage.

Suppose the President suddenly said:

“My fellow Americans, the first thing you have to know is that, since 1966, when the federal government declared a War on Poverty, it has spent some two trillion dollars, much of it earmarked for the inner cities of America. And now, today, those areas are worse off than ever.

“For various reasons, including the massive diversion of funds, this War is a total failure.

“Second, the elite march toward Globalism—the control of the planet exercised by a few powerful groups—has purposely sent manufacturing jobs out of America, and out of inner cities, to Third World countries—and one effect has been the massive loss of jobs here.

“Poverty, already a fact of life in inner cities, has spread like wildfire.

“On top of all this, we have seen the expansion of criminal gangs in poverty-stricken urban communities. Violence and fear there is a way of life. And there has never been a comprehensive federal strategy for ridding our cities of this abominable scourge.

“Do you want to know why? Well, here is one reason. Gangs cooperate with Mexican cartels to distribute street drugs across America. Gangs have been vital cogs in that machine. And certain players attached to government, above and behind government—bankers, for example—profit greatly from this industry.

“Wiping out the American gang scourge would put a crimp in the permitted drug business.

“We, the government, pretend these gangs are little more than ‘disadvantaged youth’ who need an opportunity to fulfill themselves. We do everything in our power to frame the problem in terms of sociological causes—and we purposely avoid the stark fact that these boys and men commit terrible crimes and hold inner cities hostage by creating and sustaining a climate of fear and danger and drug addiction.

“In truth, police brutality accounts for a very small fraction of lives lost in inner city communities.

“Meanwhile, the relatively few citizens of inner cities who do manage, against heavy odds, to launch successful local businesses, are never deployed to spearhead and teach their neighbors how to achieve that kind of remarkable success. We may pin on a badge, or present a plaque, or stage a photo op, but we never deploy federal money to make these authentic business leaders into long-term instructors in the art they have mastered. That is tragic.

“Do you want to talk about cooperation? In several American inner cities, local heroes have created urban farms. Residents of all ages learn to grow their own food. Their own fresh, clean food. What a magnificent achievement. With an infinitesimal fraction of the federal money we have wastefully dumped into the War on Poverty, we could have these pioneers start up a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand expansive urban farms across America. —Food grown by the people who will eat it. This project alone would revolutionize life in those places. Why aren’t we doing it? Why can’t government find these private citizens who are already tremendous problem solvers and empower them to solve more problem, instead of backing tired old race-baiting blowhards?

“I’ll tell you why. The government is a jealous master. It wants to define, control, and solve problems. It doesn’t really matter whether the problems are overcome, as long as government is in charge. That is a hideous fact of life, and we have to change it. Our wasteful, incompetent, and in some cases, criminal federal programs have to be sidetracked and stopped. They are runaway trains, and they must be led to terminals and parked.

“The protests against the police we are seeing now, even if they were successful in some respects, wouldn’t change any of the basic facts that ruin life in our inner cities. That may be hard to swallow, but it’s true.

“Shall I also detail for you how shameful and vicious loan practices have destroyed lives, how home mortgages have been rigged to make home buyers fail and lose their very place of shelter? Shall I detail how street-drug economies have taken over? Shall I describe how fervently most citizens in poverty-blighted cities actually want the police to wipe out gangs? Shall I bring up the devastating effect on many children who are raised without fathers?

“Black lives matter? All lives matter? Are we really going to spend time arguing about what to say and how to say it? I’m telling you, when it comes to life in inner cities, I’m describing the raw barriers that prevent it from flourishing—and if anyone cares to win this struggle, attention must be paid.

“Oh yes, and finally…I hate to say this, but the creation and maintenance of a permanent government-dependent underclass, in our cities, is an intentional act. It isn’t an accident, and it isn’t just a strategy for winning votes in election seasons. It’s a way of pulling the whole country down, sucking it into an ever-widening vortex of poverty, conflict, division, and useless guilt. There is no strong federal-government intention to help this underclass help itself. If there were, it might lead to a genuine renewal.

“Can we right the ship…?”

Exit From the Matrix

—Mr. Kaepernick, I suggest you think about these things. I suggest that people who are on your side, including reporters, also think about them.

Focusing on police brutality as the number-one overriding issue will never solve the real problems of inner cities.

Certain people want you to think it will. They want all of us to think it will. Why? Isn’t it obvious? They don’t want a solution.

And that is what racism looks like.

That’s exactly what it looks like.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Globalism: a psychological GPS system for the masses

Globalism: a psychological GPS system for the masses

by Jon Rappoport

August 15, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Globalism presents a conception of space, in which billions of people fit into their “best slots.” That’s the theme.

That’s the construct.

Of course, its proponents and bosses sell it as if the world couldn’t exist in any other form.

All isms operate in this fashion. Once the definition is laid down, the fictional field is laid out, and people are urged to navigate to their places.

“If you don’t, dire things will happen.”

People aren’t generally aware of fictional spaces and their psychological impact. Therefore, they go along.

This is why a museum can be so instructive. A thousand paintings, each with its own area. I’m not talking about a place on a wall, I’m talking about interior space, which the artist invents and shapes on the canvas.

With Globalism, the space is all about establishing control and distribution points for goods and services. It’s about erasing borders and nations. It’s about co-opting the notion of a unified planet, in order to broadcast fake cheesy messages of universal “share and care.” It’s about every individual “having his place.”

When I began painting in 1962, one of the first things I noticed was the abundance of space—on each canvas. Waiting to be shaped. The psychological carry-over was enormous. The notion of “fitting into a position in life” disintegrated. It made no sense and had no impact.

Globalism is a hustle in a long, long line of planetary hustles. It erects a space and claims it is the future for all. It’s a minor, minor painting by a group of minor artists, hardly worthy of a spot on the wall of a second-rate museum.

If we were living in a reasonably aware society, many people would be asking themselves: “What space do I want to invent, and for what purpose?”

Which of course takes things back to the individual and his inner resources. And away from overarching ideologies with their perverse themes.

If you were a painter, what would you paint? That question is a lot like asking: if you could invent your future and all the space that comes with it, what would you do?

To come up with an answer, you don’t need any of the GPS reference points of Globalism. They would only be a hindrance.

They would be delusions, masking your power.

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003

The man who wrote those words represents a family that has dominated banking, oil, modern medicine, behind-the-scenes politics, and powerhouses of Globalism (e.g., the Council on Foreign Relations) for a century.

Globalism asserts that no nation can be independent from “the family” of other nations, as if it were a matter of fact beyond dispute. A nation claiming its sovereignty thus becomes a lunatic traitor to the natural order of things.

What really binds nations to one another is propaganda, and treaties which are based on the same propaganda, resulting in engorged super-profits for mega-corporations.

Globalism is a secular piece of messianic hype. A Disneyesque altruism is the prow of the ship. Spend 10 minutes educating any street hustler on Globalist principles, and he would recognize it as a standard con.

Obama’s warning to the Brits, that their withdrawing from the Globalist European Union would put them at the back of the line in negotiating a separate trade treaty with the United States, was sheer fiction.

Britain, or any nation, that has goods to sell and a desire to buy will find trade partners. An agreement could be scratched out on a napkin over dinner.

Impending trade deals like the TPP and TTIP are thousands of pages and take so long to negotiate, because the heavy hitters at the table are looking for new ingenious ways to cut and paste the world into larger profits for themselves.

Globalism, hiding behind thousands of academic analyses, picks up jobs from one nation, where wages are reasonable and working conditions are tolerable, and dumps them in hell holes where wages are nearly invisible and conditions are poisonous. It’s that simple, and any moron could see how the job-exporting nations would suffer…if by nations we meant people.

Instead of criminal corporations and criminal investors.

But all this is layered over with “share and care” sop.

The United States government could repeal the NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT trade treaties tomorrow, and throw current TPP and TTIP negotiating documents out the window…and all would be well. Better.

Much better.

For instance, without NAFTA, US producers wouldn’t have been able to flood Mexico with cheap corn, throwing 1.5 million Mexican corn farmers into bankruptcy, leading many of them to cross the border and come to the US to find work.

No US President since Nixon has disturbed the march of Globalist “free trade.” All Presidents since then have been on board with the Rockefeller plan. And the US economy—which is to say, jobs—has thus faltered. The 2008 financial crash was only one factor in the decline. The promise of cheap imports for sale in the US—the justification for free trade—doesn’t work when people here have no jobs and no purchasing power.

Major media, fronting for free-trade, have panicked over Donald Trump’s claim that he’ll reject Globalism. They would have panicked over Bernie Sander’s similar promise, if they thought he had any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. The media have their orders from on high—the deck is stacked, the cards were dealt long ago.

Hillary Clinton mouths pathetic and empty generalities about creating jobs. Small tax breaks for small businesses that “share profits with employees,” the “removal of government red tape,” “funding breakthroughs in scientific and medical research,” “expanding job training opportunities”—the truth is, her basic method for stimulating the economy has always been: find a war, any war, and fight it.

—Now, let us consider The Individual. Is he just a tiny force pitted against a colossus?

No. Unless he sees himself that way.

But what can he do?

First: find the thing within himself that defies the odds, supersedes the “normal response,” casts aside all ordinary formulations of what he is.

That thing, that power is imagination.

Imagination has the ability to come up with solutions and strategies—on both a personal and planetary level—that have never been considered before. Imagination is the wild card.

Imagination belongs to The Individual.

—The individual is not the group.

“Exercises and techniques for accessing and deploying imagination…these would be essential. Exercises that allow the individual to reinstate his basic creative position in life. Exercises that allow the individual to use his imagination in many different ways. Ramping up power.” (Preliminary notes for Exit From the Matrix, Jon Rappoport)

What does the individual have to offer? He has everything he is capable of doing, when he liberates himself from petty ideas and limitations about what he is. That journey of liberation is his own. It isn’t anybody else’s.

It is, as I’ve pointed out many times, a journey of imagination.

Imagination lets a person know what could exist but doesn’t now exist. Imagination lets a person know what he could invent. Imagination lets a person know that, despite claims to the contrary, the future is open and unwritten.

Imagination lets a person know that he can think thoughts that have never been thought before.

The journey of individual liberation is, therefore, much more than discovering what already exists in one’s own mind.

The world as it is, things as they are, Globalism as it is, collectivism, the group—this is the sensation of depleted imagination.

Of course, imagination never diminishes, it just waits. For you.

The deployment of imagination unlocks hidden energies. A power, sought after and never found in other endeavors, appears.

Imagination is larger than any universe. It needs no sanction from the world. It is not some secret form of physics. It is not religion. It is not cosmology. It is not any one picture of anything. It’s what you invent.

The Collective does not have imagination. It poaches on individuals with imagination.

The Collective is a graveyard where imagination has been downgraded and forgotten.

Imagination soars. It is the individual at the edge of his own exploration.

Imagination was the source for the building of modern civilization. But then civilization became dedicated to itself AS THE GROUP.

The individual never goes away, and neither does his imagination.

Imagination can light up a room, a house, a city, a nation, a planet, a galaxy, a universe.

—So what will the individual do about Globalism?

The challenge isn’t going to be resolved by taking mere traditional approaches. It isn’t going to be solved by thinking along traditional lines.

People tend to ask for answers—but what if the ordinary answers don’t work? What if something else has to happen?

What if many individuals have to wake up to the range and scope and power of their own imaginations…and come up with new answers?

What if that’s the case?

What if that’s the exit from the situation in which we find ourselves?

It IS the exit.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The gift that keeps on giving: inner cities, violence, poverty, drugs

by Jon Rappoport

July 15, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

Suppose, instead of meeting for three hours with Black Lives Matter leaders…

The President of the United States, seized with some unexplainable attack of conscience, or a drug-induced revelation, stood up in front of television cameras and spoke to the nation and the world about…

The real web that entangles and holds inner cities hostage.

Suppose the President suddenly said:

“My fellow Americans, the first thing you have to know is that, since 1966, when the federal government declared a War on Poverty, it has spent some two trillion dollars, much of it earmarked for the inner cities of America. And now, today, those areas are worse off than ever.

“For various reasons, including massive theft of funds, this War is a total failure.

“Second, the elite march toward Globalism—the control of the planet exercised by a few powerful groups—has purposely sent manufacturing jobs out of America, and out of inner cities, to Third World countries—and one effect has been the massive loss of jobs here.

“Poverty, already a fact of life in inner cities, has spread like wildfire.

“On top of all this, we have seen the expansion of criminal gangs in poverty-stricken urban communities. Violence and fear there is a way of life. And there has never been a comprehensive federal strategy for ridding our cities of this abominable scourge.

“Do you want to know why? Because gangs cooperate with Mexican cartels to distribute street drugs across America. Gangs have been vital cogs in that machine. And the federal government is in the drug business. I should say, certain players in the government, attached to government, above and behind government—bankers, for example—profit greatly from this industry.

“For instance, federal agencies struck a deal with the Sinaloa Cartel years ago, marking out free and open routes between our southern border and several US hub cities. Sinaloa does uninterrupted trafficking along those routes. No significant arrests are made. No interventions occur.

“In return for this accommodation, Sinaloa passes along actionable intelligence on its rival cartels, and our federal agencies can and do make arrests and seizures in those cases.

“Wiping out the American gang scourge would put a crimp in the permitted drug business, and therefore, those groups are left in place. We, the government, pretend these gangs are little more than ‘disadvantaged youth’ who need an opportunity to fulfill themselves. We do everything in our power to frame the problem in terms of sociological causes—and we purposely avoid the stark fact that these boys and men commit terrible crimes and hold inner cities hostage by creating and sustaining a climate of fear and danger and drug addiction.

“In truth, police brutality accounts for a very small fraction of lives lost in those inner city communities.

“Meanwhile, the relatively few citizens of inner cities who do manage, against heavy odds, to launch successful local businesses, are never deployed to spearhead and teach their neighbors how to achieve that kind of remarkable success. We may pin on a badge, or present a plaque, or stage a photo op, but we never deploy federal money to make these authentic business leaders into long-term instructors in the art they have mastered. That is tragic.

“Do you want to talk about cooperation? In several American inner cities, local heroes have created urban farms. Residents of all ages learn to grow their own food. Their own fresh, clean food. What a magnificent achievement. With an infinitesimal fraction of the federal money we have wastefully dumped into the War on Poverty, we could have these pioneers start up a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand expansive urban farms across America. —Food grown by the people who will eat it. This project alone would revolutionize life in those places. Why aren’t we doing it? Why can’t government find these private citizens who are already tremendous problem solvers and empower them to solve more problem, instead of backing tired old race-baiting blowhards?

“I’ll tell you why. The government is a jealous master. It wants to define, control, and solve problems. It doesn’t really matter whether the problems are overcome, as long as government is in charge. That is a hideous fact of life, and we have to change it. Our wasteful, incompetent, and in some cases, criminal federal programs have to be sidetracked and stopped. They are runaway trains, and they must be led to terminals and parked.

“The protests against the police we are seeing now, even if they were successful in some respects, wouldn’t change any of the basic facts that ruin life in our inner cities. That may be hard to swallow, but it’s true.

“Do you know something? Some of the people protesting are doing it as if it’s a job, as if they’re bringing home a paycheck—when what they really need is an actual job, an actual economy in their neighborhood.

“Shall I detail for you how shameful and vicious loan practices have destroyed lives, how home mortgages have been rigged to make home buyers fail and lose their very place of shelter? Shall I detail how street-drug economies have taken over?

“Shall I describe how fervently most citizens in poverty-blighted cities actually want the police to wipe out gangs?

“I’ve discovered, late in the game, that basic truths, such as the ones I’ve just laid out, seem to make answers harder. Mountains to climb are suddenly higher. But it serves no purpose to pretend and deflect and lie and cover up and kill hope while appearing to encourage it. Vital facts need to be brought out into the light.

“What good, for instance, does it do to promise and inflate and fabricate, when it comes to employment numbers? We, the government, can’t directly create jobs, unless we want everyone to work for the State. But I’ve just indicated how we could help others to reverse the trend of horrendous unemployment. This should have been done decades ago.

“Black lives matter? All lives matter? Are we really going to spend time arguing about what to say and how to say it? I’m telling you, when it comes to life in inner cities, I’ve just described the raw barriers that prevent it from flourishing—and if anyone cares to win this struggle, attention must be paid.

“I’m aware, as you are, that the State has done much to grind down The Individual, no matter who he or she is.

“At the same time, the State has coddled and exonerated individuals who have committed terrible crimes, and calling those crimes by other names doesn’t make them go away, in case you haven’t noticed.

Exit From the Matrix

“Oh yes, and another thing. I hate to say this, but the creation and maintenance of a permanent government-dependent underclass, in our cities, is a purposeful act. It isn’t an accident, and it isn’t just a strategy for winning votes in election seasons. It’s a way of pulling the whole country down, sucking it into an ever-widening vortex of poverty, conflict, division, and useless guilt. It’s a political, economic, and psychological operation. There is no strong motive to help this underclass help itself. If there were, it might lead to a genuine renewal. But renewal isn’t in the cards. The men who are behind this underclass-operation intend to sink America. I should know. I’ve been working for them. Until now.

“Can we right the ship?

“—Did the networks just cut off my feed? I was just getting started. I was about to talk about the militarization and federalization of police forces, and the expanding Surveillance State. We have to curtail all that…Hello? Are we still on the air? Who’s running things here…I need to talk to the person in charge…Who’s in charge?”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump vs. the Globalists: gunfight at OK Corral

Trump vs. the Globalists: gunfight at OK Corral

by Jon Rappoport

June 29, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

In his recent speech in Pennsylvania, Trump clarified and intensified his anti-Globalist position. The Associated Press reports:

“’This wave of globalization has wiped out totally, totally our middle class,’ said Trump.”

“Trump…criticized [Hillary Clinton’s] past support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP trade deal], which he described as ‘the deathblow for American manufacturing.’”

“He vowed to renegotiate North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA] to get a better deal ‘by a lot, not just a little,’ for American workers – and threatened to withdraw the U.S. from the deal if his proposals aren’t agreed [to].”

“Trump has vowed to bring back [US] manufacturing jobs, in part, by slapping tariffs on goods produced by [American] companies that move manufacturing jobs offshore.”

“He said the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was signed by Bill Clinton, was a ‘disaster’…”

Trump didn’t leave much room for doubt on his anti-Globalist stance.

There are many people who have yearned to hear this rhetoric from a major Presidential candidate…but absolutely don’t want to hear it (or anything else) from Trump.

To them, he’s a fast-talking cowboy, a hustler, a bullshitter of the first order, a rank egotist, a narcissist, a racist.


Well, we had another candidate who was a mad dog for attacking Globalism, although he didn’t go quite as far. We had Bernie Sanders. He’s gone. He’s voting for Hillary.

Too little, too late, Bernie just wrote an editorial in the New York Times. His subject: Globalism. Here’s an excerpt:

“In the last 15 years, nearly 60,000 factories in this country have closed, and more than 4.8 million well-paid manufacturing jobs have disappeared. Much of this is related to disastrous [Globalist] trade agreements that encourage corporations to move to low-wage countries…”

“We need to fundamentally reject our ‘free trade’ policies and move to fair trade. Americans should not have to compete against workers in low-wage countries who earn pennies an hour. We must defeat the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP].”

Sounds pretty much like Trump.

Of course, Bernie points out that this new revolution must NOT be headed by Donald Trump. It must be led by Hillary Clinton. Bernie doesn’t actually mention Hillary by name. He uses the phrase, “a new Democratic President.”

That’s because, as he well knows, the idea that Hillary will overturn free trade treaties and slam back the force of Globalism is so absurd it’s laughable. Bernie knows Hillary is the last person in America who would try to torpedo these trade deals. So he just bites his lip and writes “a new Democratic president.”

But Bernie is a straight shooter. He’s not a bullshitter. Heavens, no.

I wonder which new Democratic President Bernie has in mind? Perhaps it’s Moses coming down from the mountain with ten strategies to create jobs in America.

In past months and years, we’ve had other candidates who’ve come out strongly against Globalism—Rand Paul (didn’t have the intensity); Ron Paul (lacked intensity of delivery, and the media/GOP cut him out of debates and withdrew coverage); Ralph Nader (never had a prayer).

So, for all those people who can admit Trump is saying the right things about Globalism and making all the right promises—but hate him for various reasons—we obviously need someone else who will say what Trump is saying, get it across, attract huge crowds, and garner widespread support. Who is that? Where is he? Where is she?


Therefore, let’s all vote for Hillary, right? Because at least she isn’t a bullshitter or a wild cowboy, and she can maintain stability here at home while US forces launch a few dozen wars under her guidance. No? No good? Hillary’s a…what? A demented vulture? Really?


Is it possible to perform some kind of surgery on Trump’s brain, so he emerges saying the same things about Globalism, but actually means them, minus the ego and the narcissism? Could his brain be shifted over from that of a hustler to a man of the people? No? No such surgery exists?

Too bad, eh? Because this real estate gunslinger is actually talking about canceling NAFTA and refusing to ratify the TPP, two cornerstones of the Globalist agenda. He’s talking about punishing US companies who shift manufacturing jobs overseas, by laying on tariffs when they export their products back to US customers.

Maybe brain-dead indoctrinated college students don’t understand what all this means, but US workers who’ve been thrown out of their jobs sure as hell do.

Trump actually makes a distinction between Globalism and what’s good for America. He doesn’t pull back from doing that. Because, after all, if you bring the lost US jobs home from the clutches of Globalists, that is, in fact, good for the people of the US, right? And therefore, it’s good for America.

But of course Trump is completely insane and he’s a major league liar, so he’s out.

How about this? A mind-control experiment in which everything Trump has been saying about Globalism is automatically transferred into the brain of LeBron James. Then LeBron shows up at the Democratic National Convention, announces his candidacy, throws down a few thundering dunks, and steals the nomination from Hillary.

Can we pull that off?


Oh well. It’s only 4.8 million lost US jobs (and more coming). It’s only 60,000 US factories closed down (and more coming).

So where are we? Let’s look at the leaderboard.

On one side, we have Hillary Clinton. She’s in the pocket of Big Pharma, she’s dedicated to the advance of Globalism on every possible front (“it takes a village”), she can’t sleep at night unless US planes are bombing some helpless population.

On the other side, we have Donald Trump, who’s saying all the right things about Globalism’s attack on America, but he just happened on this rhetoric by accident, he doesn’t mean any of it, he’s lying all day and all night, he wants to change the name of the White House to Trump Tower II. We know he’s lying because Bill Maher and John Oliver say so.

Exit From the Matrix

I have an idea. Finally. Let’s all pledge our allegiance to HUMANITY without describing what the word means. Let’s just go with the generality. Let’s feel good about it. We’re pledged to The Human Family and The Future. Just leave it hanging out there. No need to get specific. That’s how we’ll ID ourselves. “We’re for humanity, we’re for everybody else.” See, isn’t that better?

Then we can say, “Hillary is also devoted to Humanity. She says so every chance she gets, so it’s a perfect match. Let’s give the political leadership of the country to her. And then, whatever she does, we can assert it’s because she cares. And so do we. We all care. It makes us virtuous.

And that’s all that important: giving the appearance of being virtuous.

All those factories that have closed down and all those people who are out of jobs? Screw them. They’re impediments to a much higher cause.

What are they complaining about? The government will take care of them. Right?

The government will take of everybody. That’s what caring means. Right?

We and Hillary are on the same page.

I knew it would work out.

I knew it would.

It always does.

The Presidency is a character issue. Hillary pretends she has character. Trump doesn’t. That’s all we need to know or ever will need to know.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Brexit and the Matrix

Brexit and the Matrix

Elites: “how horribly stupid Brexit people are”

by Jon Rappoport

June 26, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

The EU and its associated financial institutions were built on the premise that no one would escape. That’s the long and short of it.

But of course, nations could get out if they decided to.

Which is what just happened in Britain.

And now that it has, elites and their fear-mongering press outlets are moaning and shouting and whining: “You fools, do you have any idea what you’ve just done? You’ve thrown a wrench into the structure. Are you crazy?”

Translation: “We’re in charge. We’re the lords in the castles. You’re the peasants in the fields.”

Of course, all along, the cover story has been: the EU is a step toward paradise; it bestows grace and beauty on humanity; it erases ugly borders; it makes people One; it fosters share and care; it smooths out conflicts; it makes us brothers and sisters.

Sure it does. That’s what all huge faceless bureaucracies accomplish.

When they’re exposed, all that fake goodness suddenly goes away. They spew hate. And they scream in anguish.

What’s occurring at the moment is very much like an old horror movie, where the humanoid villain is backed up against the wall, and someone tears his face away and exposes…machinery. Nothing but little wheels and cogs and wires and tubes. The truth is out.

What a monstrous joke it is that the young, in Britain, voted to remain in the EU. The EU is a right arm of Globalist forces. The same young people yammer and protest against Globalism, but because they’re absolutely clueless, they want to stay in the EU. The young: turned into hypnotic products of the education system.

There was a day, not so long ago, when the phrase “decentralization of power” meant something. It’s not used anymore. The press has it on their no-fly list.

Governments, major media, large foundations have worked the phrase out of existence. Instead, they’ve helped create every kind of special interest group under the sun—they’ve taken people who might actually want decentralization and shoved them into various groups, according to gender, race, religion, needs, and so on…and promised them “equality” and special help…as long as they go along with big government…thereby strengthening Control Central.

(And they’ve taken people who already want decentralization and propagandized them as outliers, criminals, psychiatric patients, terrorists, and racists.)

That’s the psyop game.

“We’re talking to you helpless masses now. You might want to decentralize government power? No, no, no, no. You’re looking at things the wrong way. First of all, who are you? What’s your religion, race, gender, disability? We have the right group for you. You can achieve all your aims that way, because we help groups. You see? We’re on your side. We, the government, are rebels, too. But we need our power to make change happen. Revolutionary change. Don’t rebel against us. Don’t try to diminish our strength. Join us. Benefits are waiting for you. Lots and lots. Get it?”

For a moment in time, a lot of people in Britain didn’t get it. They went the other way. They peeled off one layer of centralized control over their lives.

This now sets up a classic dialectic situation. Two opposing forces in conflict. And not just in England. The same sort of reaction is peaking in other European countries who want to test the waters of defection from the EU; and of course, in the US, Trump vs. Hillary represents a “perfect polarization.” Whether or not these oppositions were covertly built in the first place behind the scenes, their existence now makes them ripe for overarching manipulation.

What shape would that manipulation take?

Among other maneuvers, such as “new reports” of increasing unemployment, trading-market chaos and downward trends, we would see an escalation of riots, protests, clashes.

And the “solution, for sake of the population,” would be “restoration of order.” Translation: even more centralized power.

However, plans don’t always work. Don’t imagine that control from above is always flawless and god-like.

Defection from centralized power can take many forms, exposing many cracks in the foundation. Pillars can fall.

Major media are already on oxygen life-support. The Vatican and other crusty mainstay institutions are also sucking some of that oxygen. Because of the Web, untold numbers of people are waking up, in ways too numerous and varied to catalog. Even a few minor whiffs of freedom have their own power, and individual freedom is contagious beyond any kind of political drug or vaccine developed to stop it.

The game is afoot.

Even the most cynical interpretation of Brexit—that it was set up from behind the curtain as a way to flush out rebellion, which would then be squashed—doesn’t fully explain what just happened in Britain.

People can decide they’ve had enough of tyranny. They can take their suspicion of their leaders to a level where palliatives don’t work anymore. They can see the shape of the future that is being created for them, and they can toughen their refusal. They can push away from the table loaded with goodies and freebies, feeling sick, feeling patronized, feeling diminished. They can turn off the talking heads that preach Official Messages. They can discover further ways their freedom is being stolen from them, and they can rebel more deeply.

Eventually, they can come to a place where they rediscover their own existence as individuals, inviolate, alive, absent of the need for a bloated super-structure of “support.”

As this rediscovery happens, you won’t see it reflected in charts of trending stories. Newly awakened individuals will be thinking and creating and muscling their way through the decaying anatomy of the Deep State, making futures that cut away the tissues of connections that formerly bound them.

But bind them no more.

No more.

The Matrix Revealed

The grotesque creatures who’ve made their living, for decades, promoting and hustling Globalism as the grand solution, have failed to answer the fatal question: who is supposed to be in charge of imposing utopia on the world? Who are the messiahs of management bringing us all good things for our own good? After all, if gods are descending from the mountaintop to install paradise, shouldn’t we have a look at them, at their faces, at their robes, at their bona fides?

If not, if they must remain invisible, something very much like Brexit is going to happen, as it just did. People are going to leave those messianic fronts, like the EU, in the dust, at the side of the road.

O great gods of Globalism, at the top of the food chain, show us your faces, tell us your stories, answer all our questions, submit yourselves to our extensive interrogation.

Otherwise, bye bye.

Your outpost in Europe, the EU, had its moment in the sun. It lied. That’s all it knew how to do.

Now it stands in a wasteland, winds blowing through its exposed skeleton.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Brexit, and goals and ops of the Deep State

Brexit, and goals and ops of the Deep State

by Jon Rappoport

June 24, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

We have to start with Brexit, which scored a victory last night. Britain leaves the EU. Bang. Other European countries are ready to put the same referendum up for vote. And George Soros is making money from having invested in gold earlier in the month. Naturally. The vulture never sleeps.

Speaking of money making money, the “hysterical aftershocks” in trading markets, right after the Brexit victory was projected, are all synthetic and artificial manipulations, laid on to prove a point: see what happens when a country defects from the New Order? Meanwhile, the people who had real jobs yesterday still have them today. Life goes on. Britain will still be able to engage in trade with other countries, despite Obama’s warning that they’ll have to stand in the back of the line to make deals with the US. Nonsense. Blather. Obama is failing in his job as front man for Rockefeller Globalists. If he can’t get Senate ratification on the TPP and the TTIP deals now, he’ll be the CFR’s failure of the decade. Hillary, who came out against Brexit, is looking like a clown with egg on her face.

So…what is Britain leaving when it leaves the EU? It’s departing a giant robot, a structure of untold numbers of sub-androids, bureaucrats who have been making life miserable for Europe. Higher debt, unlimited migration, blizzards of regulations, grim political correctness. All in the service of a coming utopia, of course.

The real job of the EU is dehumanizing people, for the sake of humanity. That’s how faceless robot-bureaucrats operate.

The EU is an illusion of authority, in the sense that it pretends to be in exclusive possession of knowledge that will make life better for all of Europe.

The EU built itself as a machine, a structure so maze-like, so complex that “it must be valuable.” It resembles a super-computer. “We have trillions of pieces of vital data. We can plan the future more competently than any smaller entity. Leave the details to us.”

The EU is in all these ways a copy of the Deep Global State, of which it is a part. And now we come to the second section of this article, which I wrote first, as I was becoming aware of the result of the Brexit vote. Consider it background. The Deep State has, of course, not gone away. A much greater degree of dismantling is necessary. Technocracy itself has to be understood and defeated, because it is the leading edge of the new Globalist society…

The State is now involved in making people into robots and robots into people.

Behind all the technological promises and heraldry, this is what’s happening. People are already beginning to feel a fierce unshakable loyalty to machines—and a religious adoration. Up the road, robots will be wise counselors and guides and priests. This is civilization’s version of magic.

Technocracy and theocracy are the same op. They are ruled by fictional figures. And the knowledge supposedly possessed by these figures doesn’t exist.

Whether a person or a machine can dispense three pieces of information or three trillion, and whether the dispensing takes a year or a microsecond, the “authority” surrounding the dispensing is window dressing. It doesn’t have any inherent power. It’s laid on in the same way a movie set is built (or a green screen is deployed) to confer authenticity.

The following two statements are remarkably similar: the Pope is infallible; super-computer XYZ is infallible. The latter statement is a modern substitution for the former. It wouldn’t be a great surprise, at some point, to witness the election of a Pope that is a computer. The College of Cardinals might discuss whether to present him as a robot wearing the official costume of office. They might even decide this robot should ride in the Bubble Mobile with its protections, to avoid damage. Vatican technicians would assure the Pope uttered, from time to time, humanitarian messages in a credibly human voice.

On the other side of the op, as humans are fitted into tighter slots in the New Planetary Order, they would, more and more, resemble machines in thought and action. Losing their individuality, through sacrifice for the greater good, they would naturally seek out signs and signals of what they no longer had—and they would find those human traits in robot-computers, which would be built with great care to deliver an imitation of life.

Sit a very young child down in front of a crude robot called a television set, and show her an animated cartoon of Cinderella dancing in the hall of a great palace, and the child experiences trance-like ecstasy. Why, up the road, wouldn’t a sufficiently “mechanized” adult find the same joy, viewing an animated hologram of a remarkably convincing robot that hands out ideological imperatives on the oneness of all creatures on Earth?

—On the subject of taking individuality from humans and placing it into robots:

“Every one of our androids is different. Our company believes in imbuing each of our ‘messengers’ with a unique set of characteristics. This isn’t a sales technique. We’re dedicated to the mission of diversity. Personality isn’t something to be buried under a surface of sameness and conformity. It should be front and center. After all, our robots are conscious.”

They aren’t, but who pauses to notice? Wave after wave of fictional propaganda is launched to make the case that machines are alive. The major target of the campaign is the educated class.

“It is now an established fact that evolution took place through higher and higher orders of information-processing functions. Indeed, the complexity of processing is the definition of consciousness.” Gibberish.

The Matrix Revealed

In this technological and pragmatic civilization, many humans already consider themselves, first and foremost, problem solvers. However, recognizing their skills are lacking, especially when it comes to personal issues, people are more than willing to surrender the job to machines. Computers will provide undeniable answers and advice. Of course, to make this system work, the problems and the people will have to be reduced down to manageable proportions—flattened, short-circuited, cartoon-ized. People will need to see themselves as biological machines with only a handful of basic needs. And some historian will one day write:

“Humans were operating on flawed self-destructive programs. The best of them realized this. And so, out of need and desperation, they invented machines that could guide them and work around those errors. This was the patch that was laid on, until we could precisely identify both the programs and the flaws, flush them out of the system, and install new software in the brain.”

This is the future.

Unless individuals, with the power they actually do have, reclaim what is theirs, and dump the whole ridiculous apparatus.

The EU—that machine—is one small part of the whole op.

It is a machine, whose purpose is turning humans into robots and robots into humans.

That’s the bottom line of highly centralized authority in the modern age.

Coda: warning: the BBC is reporting that the British Parliament must ratify the referendum result. And the UK withdrawal from the EU will take place “within two years.” It’s a withdrawal negotiated between the British government and the EU. So various conditions and side-deals could be slipped into the equation.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Pope Francis speaks with God

Pope Francis speaks with God: conversation highlights

by Jon Rappoport

May 23, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The Pope was sitting in his Popemobile bubble outside the UN. He was eating a Twix and looking over his speech notes when the phone rang. He picked up.

Pope: Yes?

God: It’s God, Francis. What’s happening down there?

Pope: What, no hello, how are you doing?

God: Cut the crap. Is the UN buying your end-poverty-hunger-global warming pitch?

Pope: Of course. The UN, Obama, and I are on the same page. That’s why I’m here in New York. You think I’d visit this place otherwise? Looks like they won’t even let me go see the Mets.

God: No blowback so far? What you’re selling is very thin, you know. High-flying rhetoric, no specifics.

Pope: High-flying rhetoric is what I do. We’ve talked about this before.

God: Yeah, but if you were really serious about poverty, you’d offer a plan, a pilot project for one African country, a test case. Nobody is pointing that out? Clean up the contaminated water supplies, give back stolen farm land to the people?

Pope: Not a peep about it.

God: Nothing on the Internet?

Pope: I don’t read the Internet.

God: What about Obama? What are your impressions?

Pope: On the surface, he seems clueless. But he’s on board.

God: On board with what?

Pope: Rockefeller, Brzezinski.

God: I spoke with David R last night. He seemed a little worried. When he’s worried, so am I.

Pope: Look, G, we’re good. Jobs have been leaving the industrialized countries for decades. It’s nothing new. You know, open up new factories in Third World hellholes, pay the workers three cents an hour, dispense with environmental regs. Millions of jobs lost back at home. It’s SOP.

God: And nobody is saying the whole Globalist operation is a cause of poverty?

Pope: Nobody cares about poverty or unemployment in industrialized countries. The story line is all about poverty in Africa and Asia. Again, we’ve talked this through before.

God: That quote of yours is getting more play these days.

Pope: Which one? I’m a quote machine.

God: “I want a poor church for the poor.”

Pope: Not a problem.

God: No? The church has assets worth, what, a few hundred trillion dollars? And collection plates keep filling up.

Pope: People expect rich leaders to talk about ending poverty. It’s perfectly acceptable. You know: “I made it and now I’m going to give back.”

God: Yeah. Well, the history of how the church “made it” is pretty damning.

Pope: Where have you been, G? History is passe.

God: What year is it down there?

Pope: You’re kidding, right?

God: I’ve got a lot on my plate. It’s easy to lose track.

Pope: Take a guess.

God: 1975.

Pope: You’re hilarious. Try 2016.

God: I wasn’t that far off. A century down there is like a minute up here.

Pope: Yeah, sure. This is me you’re talking to, G. Don’t give me that space-time continuum jive.

God: Anyway, I’ve got pressure on me from the Corporate Board. They want more poverty and hunger and chaos.

Pope: Patience. Things are working out.

God: In case you’ve forgotten, the Church does best when times are worst. That’s the whole thrust of the current op. Drive the world back into the Middle Ages. Disease, pestilence, poverty, rampant crime, famine, war, all the usual horrors. That’s the greatness of the Church. It knows how to make hay in that environment. Better than anyone else.

Pope: I’m well aware, G. I’m a Jesuit, remember? Who thought up this whole op centuries ago? Listen, are you okay?

God: Nothing I can’t handle.

Pope: Because it sounds like you’re slipping.

God: The Corporate Board is worried about blowback on the Church. See, this isn’t the Middle Ages. It was one thing to introduce rampant chaos when all the people had were bows and arrows and stones and catapults. But now…I was just reading a weapons catalog the other day. Wow. It’s ridiculous. The firepower. Some of these crazies—

Pope: I get the point. We’re covered. Are you still seeing your shrink?

God: He put me on Lithium for Bipolar. I’ve gained thirty pounds.

Pope: I see. And you were pretty heavy to begin with.

God: I’m roly-poly now. It’s not a good image. I just started on Valproate. I get these blinding headaches.

Pope: You want a suggestion? Find a good psychiatrist and have him slowly withdraw you from the drugs. Don’t stop them all at once, whatever you do. It could be catastrophic. Then, when you’re clean, get a medical card and switch to pot.

God: Hmm. Wouldn’t want that story to get out.

Pope: Did you see my speech to the US Congress the other day? 130 Representatives and Senators are Catholics.

God: I watched a few minutes. Your accent is thick. I had trouble understanding you. What did Obama say about it?

Pope: He was happy. You know, he’s a devout Christian…

God: Yeah. And I’m a Zoroastrian.

Pope: If we can put this carbon tax piece together with the global warming piece and the poverty and hunger piece, we could hit pay dirt. Create all kinds of planetary disruption.

God: Promises, promises.

Pope: Slow and steady. America is the biggest obstacle. That’s why I’m here. And you know Hillary is waiting in the wings. She’ll pick up from where Obama left off.

God: I talked to Hillary last week.

Pope: What did she say?

God: She called me honey. Can you believe it?

Pope: I hear she has health problems.

God: Put it this way. If she knew she was going to drop dead her first day in office, she’d still run for President. The woman’s a wolverine.

Pope: If Obama has any concerns, they’re about these upcoming Globalist trade treaties he’s pushing. The TPP, the TTIP. People might start catching on that he’s ushering in deeper poverty. Which, of course, he is.

God: He’s got his marching orders. He knows why he was put in as President. He can’t turn back.

Pope: He doesn’t want to turn back. He’s just skittish about exposure.

God: All he has to do is keeping saying the treaties are a great deal for everyone. He’s good at saying the same thing over and over. Broad brush strokes, empty homilies.

Pope: We’ve got a high wall at Vatican City.

God: I was going to talk to you about that. Not a good look for you. Your immigration policy comes off like zero tolerance.

Pope: We may have to let in a couple of migrant families and showcase their sympathetic stories. Of course, we’d vet them to make sure they’re docile.

God: Don’t mess it up. What’s new on the pedophile priest front?

Pope: More hush money to victims. Priest relocations. We sent one guy to a little chapel in the north of Alaska. He’s locked down. The whole pedophile thing is a disaster, of course, but, traditionally, proximity to young boys has been a strong selling point to applicants for the priesthood.

God: I don’t want any connection made between pedo-priests and other pedo-networks.

Pope: We’re on it.

God: All in all, Francis, I can’t say I’m happy so far with your term in office. It’s shaky. You’re vulnerable.

Pope: Do I need to remind you that you’re getting a considerable cut of our action? You don’t have to lift a finger. The money keeps rolling in.

God: About that, Francis. For the past three years, my gross has been declining significantly.

Pope: Our 1.2 billion members are the exclusive result of our promotional work. Without us, you might be living in a small condo.

God: You work for me.

Pope: So you claim. In case you’ve forgotten, Church members can only approach you indirectly, through our priests. We own the pipeline.

God: Another conversation for another time.

Pope: That’s what a cartel does. It builds and maintains a pipeline.

God: Stay safe, Francis.

Pope: What’s that supposed to mean?

God: Whatever you want it to mean. You’re the Pope, right? I’m just a figurehead.

Pope: That’s not what I said.

power outside the matrix

God: I know what you said. I see exorcisms are on the rise these days. You never know who’s going to get expelled next.

Pope: Easy, big G. Easy.

God: There’s the easy way and the hard way. I’m practiced at both. I’ve been at this for a long time.

Pope: If you want a war…

God: You think you’re ready for that? I talk to lots of major people down there all the time. People with big names. People behind those people. People who have no names anyone has ever heard of. We’re pals.

Pope: You’re breaking up. I’m losing signal.

God: As Obama loves to say, “We’re all in this together.” Keep that in mind. We’ve had a good thing going for a long time. I mean the Church and I. You’re the latest “infallible one.” Don’t kid a kidder, Francis. Do your job. Work the basic op. The Corporate Board is watching.

Pope: I can’t hear you.

God: I’m reading from the basic instruction manual now: “Reality is manufactured. Its purpose is to provide a space and time into which every person fits. Reality is a waking dream we design for the masses.” Keep it that way, Francis.

Pope: All I’m getting is static. I’m hanging up.

God: We’ve got a new machine here. It can put a voice directly into your head. No phone necessary. Sleep warm, kid.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.