Drugs, steel, and MKULTRA: engineering the super-soldier

Drugs, steel, and MKULTRA: engineering the super-soldier

by Jon Rappoport

August 22, 2013


The reference here is a January 2013 report funded by the Greenwall Foundation titled: “Enhanced Warfighters: Risk, Ethics, and Policy.”

The report utilized military consultants, and reflects what the National Security State is promoting as “the wave of the future.”

Of course, this is a done deal. Enhancement is already an overall experiment.

Here is a key quote from the report: “…cognitive and physical enhancements aim to create a super-soldier from a biomedical direction, such as with drugs and bionics.”

This indicates pharmaceutical attempts to increase endurance, focus, and pain threshold, but also to alter states of mind: mood, emotional range (restricted), attitude (controlled, stepped up aggression).

Whatever mad chemists can fantasize about—for instance, the boosting of leadership traits—they’ll try to induce it in the lab.

Bionics, of course, means the replacement of body parts with machines. This would function as repair, in the case of wounds, but robotic devices would be installed simply because they work better than flesh. In which case, we can look forward to replacement as a general strategy—without the prior need for wounds.

Listen, soldier, if we give you a new eye, you’ll be able to spot an enemy combatant at five hundred yards…and this miniaturized transmitter can be joined to your brain so you can receive commands directly from headquarters.”

With utter frankness, the Greenwall report continues: “For battle, we want our soft organic bodies to perform more like machines.”

This statement leaves no doubts about intentions. It also suggests that the number of bionic replacements per soldier isn’t limited. The goal is effective performance, come hell or high water, whatever it takes.

There’s more: “Somewhere in between robotics and biomedical research, we might arrive at the perfect future warfighter: one that is part machine and part human, striking a formidable balance between technology and our frailties.”

Why not call these soldiers human drones? Launched from command central, mission orders stored in their brains, operated remotely, their capabilities completely understood as elements of a program, the soldiers would fulfill the military meaning of war: complete victory as a function of underlying algorithms, regardless of the human cost.

This is the eternal wet dream of the war-makers.

It also happens to be the environment of video games. Therefore, volunteers should be plentiful.

You’re only giving me one new arm and an enhanced ear? I was hoping for more. What about my brain? What can you do for me there?”

The Matrix Revealed

For those who still wonder whether the famed CIA MKULTRA mind control program of the 1950s continued after the announced cut-off date, your question is answered. Coerced brain and behavioral conditioning is at the core of creating the super-soldier.

Think about the money. The military can’t afford to risk trillions of dollars on pharmaceutical enhancement and body-part replacement, without also controlling the thoughts, responses, and actions of its high-priced personnel.

Technocrats are surely lining up, at the Pentagon, to provide this all-important MKULTRA element of warfare.

Hi Mom. I’m home from the theater of operations. Don’t worry, I may look different with all these new enhancements, but I’m still your son. By the way, the girls love the new parts! And the Army spent $30 million on me! I’m very valuable! Oh…one little thing. If while we’re talking, I suddenly shut down or begin talking to someone who isn’t in the room, it’s okay. It’s business. What’s for supper?”

Finally, consider this. An all-out operation to transhumanize the military could not take place unless there is absolute dedication to fighting wars without end.

You don’t re-build humans for a future of skirmishes or peace treaties.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

James Holmes, and how the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind-control program

James Holmes, and how the CIA hid the MKULTRA mind-control program

by Jon Rappoport

March 20, 2013


Back in the early 1990s, I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate. This was the book that exposed the existence of the infamous CIA MKULTRA program.

I bring up this interview now, because James Holmes may well be on the receiving end of MKULTRA, as his lawyers try to navigate an insanity plea in the Aurora massacre case.

Holmes will be given “truth drugs” to “refresh his memory” about his state of mind at the time of the killings. If that sounds absurd, it is. I wrote a piece the other day detailing how such drugs are often given to produce extreme terror in patients. In other words, the drugs don’t elicit the truth. They’re used as threats to force the patient/suspect to confess to whatever his torturers want him to confess to.

John Marks related the following facts to me. He had filed many Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests to the CIA for documents relating to their mind-control program. He got nothing back.

Finally, as if to play a joke on him, someone at the CIA sent Marks 10 boxes of financial and accounting records. The attitude was, “Here, see what you can do with this.”

I’ve seen some of those records. They’re very boring reading.

But Marks went through them, and lo and behold, he found he could piece together MKULTRA projects, based on the funding data.

Eventually, he assembled enough information to begin naming names. He conducted interviews. The shape of MKULTRA swam into view. And so he wrote his book, Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

He told me that three important books had been written about MKULTRA, and they all stemmed from those 10 boxes of CIA financial records. There was his own book; Operation Mind Control by Walter Bowart; and The Mind Manipulators by Alan Scheflin and Edward Opton.

Marks continued to press the CIA for more MKULTRA information. He explained to me what then happened. A CIA official told him the following: in 1962, after ten years of mind-control experiments, the whole program had been shifted over to another internal CIA department, the Office of Research and Development (ORD).

The ORD had a hundred boxes of information on their MKULTRA work, and there was no way under the sun, Marks was told, that he was ever going to get his hands on any of that. It was over. It didn’t matter how many FOIA requests Marks filed. He was done. The door was shut. Goodbye.

The CIA went darker than it ever had before. No leaks of any kind would be permitted.

In case there is any doubt about it, the idea of relying on the CIA to admit what it has done in the mind-control area, what it is doing, and what it will do should be put to bed by John Mark’s statements. The CIA always has been, and will continue to be, a rogue agency beyond the reach of the law.

Since it is the agency with the most experience using “truth drugs,” when James Holmes is put on ice at a Colorado mental hospital, to go through what the judge has permitted—a “narcoanalytic review” to test Holmes’ state of mind—it’s probable that CIA people will be on hand to advise.

The Colorado in-house psychiatrists know nothing about the use of truth drugs. They especially don’t know how to employ those drugs to produce just enough terror in the patient to get him to admit to Anything.

To give you an idea of how far the CIA, the US military, and its allied academics will go in MKULTRA “research,” here is what I wrote in 1995 about several human experiments. My information was based on the three key books I mentioned above, as well as Martin Lee’s classic, Acid Dreams:

Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University, as early as 1955, working for the Army, gave patients LSD while he had electrodes implanted deep inside their brains.”

In the mid-1950’s, Paul Hoch, M.D., a man who would become Commissioner of Mental Hygiene for the State of New York, then a laborer in the field for the CIA, gave a ‘pseudoneurotic schizophrenic’ patient mescaline. The patient had a not-unfamiliar heaven-and-hell journey on the compound. But Hoch followed this up with a transorbital leucotomy [aka lobotomy]… Hoch also gave a patient LSD, and a local anesthetic, and then proceeded to remove pieces of cerebral cortex, asking at various moments whether the patient’s perceptions were changing.”

People need to understand how the history of mind control and psychiatry are interwoven, and how the madmen and murderers within these “professions” are content to use torture “in the name of science.”

The Matrix Revealed

One of the two bonuses in THE MATRIX REVEALED is my complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.

From a current naturalnews article by Dr. Peter Breggin (“Never again! The real history of psychiatry”) we get insight into one aspect of that history:

[Before World War 2, in America], organized psychiatry had been sterilizing tens of thousands of Americans. For a time in California, you couldn’t be discharged from a state hospital unless you were sterilized. In Virginia the retarded were targeted. American advocates of sterilization went to Berlin to help the Nazis plan their sterilization program. These Americans reassured the Germans that they would meet no opposition from America in sterilizing their mentally and physically ‘unfit’ citizens.

“While the murder of mental patients was going full swing in Germany, knowledgeable American psychiatrists and neurologists didn’t want to be left out. In 1942, the American Psychiatric Association held a debate about whether to sterilize or to murder low IQ ‘retarded’ children when they reached the age of five. Those were the only two alternatives in the debate: sterilization or death.

“After the debate, the official journal of the American Psychiatric Association published an editorial in which it chose sides in favor of murder (‘Euthanasia’ in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 1942, volume 99, pp. 141-143). It said psychiatrists would have to muster their psychological skills to keep parents from feeling guilty about agreeing to have their children killed.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

The CIA, James Holmes, MKULTRA, and truth-serum torture

The CIA, James Holmes, MKULTRA, and truth-serum torture

By Jon Rappoport

March 18, 2013


In 2002, author Martin Lee wrote an article for Common Dreams: “Truth Serum and Torture.”

It could have been written yesterday, because now a Colorado judge has stated that, if James Holmes pleads not guilty by reason of insanity to the Aurora murders, state psychiatrists can subject him to drugs that will “help him remember his state of mind” at the time of the shootings. The drugging will reveal whether he really was insane that night last summer at the Aurora theater.

Well, when it comes to so-called truth drugs like sodium pentothal, sodium amatyl, scopolamine, mescaline, LSD, and hypnotic benzodiazepines, where are the pros with real experience?

At run-of-the-mill psychiatric wards? No. Those hacks in the Colorado state hospital system have rarely if ever tried out the drugs for the purpose of getting at the truth.

But the CIA has up-to-date interrogators around, and thousands of pages of MKULTRA (mind control) literature, that constitute the best experience in this dark art.

Therefore, it’s highly probable the CIA or their independent contractors will be sitting in on James Holmes’ drug-induced sessions, supervising them, giving advice. It’s the Ghostbusters motto: “Who ya gonna call?”

Martin Lee points out that, even before the CIA was created, its forerunner, the OSS, tried out a cannabis extract as a truth serum. This was back in the 1940s. Lee goes on to trace US intelligence-agency and military “leadership” in truth-drug testing.

In 1947, the US Navy Project Chatter, borrowing from Nazi studies, moved on to experiments with mescaline as a truth drug.

Shortly after its inception, in the late 1940s, the CIA used drugging with sedatives, plus hypnosis, to extract secrets from agents. This method, and barbiturates alternated with amphetamines, were soon rolled up into the infamous and overarching MKULTRA mind-control program, with its hundreds of sub-projects. MKULTRA was all about developing chemical means of eliciting truth from prisoners, along with creating unconscious assassins.

In the 1950s, the CIA employed LSD in Operation Artichoke. People don’t know or forget that, while LSD failed to qualify as a reliable truth serum, its use in very high doses produced extreme terror in people being interrogated. It was this effect, as straight-out torture, the CIA capitalized on. The idea was simple. Demand the truth and threaten with extreme-dose LSD as the alternative.

We shouldn’t discount the possibility that James Holmes, once he enters an insanity plea, and is sent away to a secure hospital for psychiatric eval, will be given drugs that produce the kind of mad panic that will convince him to say, in court, exactly what his handlers want him to say.

Back in 2002, Martin Lee wrote that William Webster, former head of the CIA and FBI, was recommending the use of truth drugs on terrorism suspects under US detention. This statement spurred a significant amount of media coverage at the time.

But in the ensuing years, very few people have bothered to ask the key question: Why should we assume that waterboarding and isolation tanks and sleep deprivation are the only torture methods the CIA/military are employing on these prisoners? What about the drugs?

In particular—because no drug has ever been found to reliably elicit the truth—what about the use of drugs to produce panic and wild terror, as a way to force people to tell what they know, or confess to what they’re told to.

It’s obvious, given the history, that US interrogators have, in fact, been using these drugs on detained terrorism suspects.

Lee ends his prescient article with a chilling quote from former CIA chief of counterterrorism, Vince Cannistraro, that reflects directly the James Holmes situation in 2013:

Once you’ve used [truth drugs] for national security cases, then it becomes a standard. Sodium pentathol is not that effective, and so you have to use something stronger, It’s a short skip and a hop to LSD, or something worse.”

These drugs are certainly being used in national security cases. Therefore, as Cannistraro predicts, they are now entering the mainstream as the standard. The astonishing statement from the court judge in the James Holmes case, ordering his truth-drug interrogation, couldn’t be a clearer signal:

full-speed ahead in chemically inducing a suspect to give up his right not to incriminate himself;

forget the fact that such truth-drug interrogations are notoriously unreliable;

forget the damage suspects can incur from the effects of the drugs;

and most of all, forget the fact that, although truth drugs don’t work reliably, they can be used to create such terror that the suspect will do or say anything to escape more dosing.

Many people have observed that James Holmes already looks like a man who has been heavily drugged, while in custody.

Whatever Holmes knows about what happened last summer at the Aurora theater; whatever he doesn’t know; whatever role he played or didn’t play; whether he was in the theater doing the shooting or was the patsy set up by professionals to take the fall for the murders…

All of this can be twisted, on strong enough drugs, to cause him to say anything his handlers want him to say in court.

The psychiatrists who are working on Holmes will need advice on methods. They’ll go to, or be approached by, the people who have the track record, the history, the experience: the CIA.

And once that move is made, it will be very much like saying the Holmes case has national-security implications.

In so far as the Aurora murders have been used to try to snuff out the 2nd Amendment, the case is definitely the gun-grabbers’ version of national security. They want no mistakes in Holmes’ performance.

They want him to enter a plea of non-guilty by reason of insanity. Then they want him, after his stay in a mental hospital for “testing and observation,” to come back to court, and state that is now aware he killed and wounded many people. Then the State will dispose of him one way or another and he will never again see the light of day.

The Matrix Revealed

One of the two bonuses in THE MATRIX REVEALED is my complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.

Naïve people place false barriers between the practice of psychiatry, institutional confinement, coerced admissions of guilt, torture, brain-twisting drugs, and the CIA’s MKULTRA. They swim together in the same stream far more often than Americans want to admit, or want to know about.

This horrendous stream flows through the James Holmes case.

Other than using drugs to force him to follow orders, what possible value can this “narcoanalytic review” have in a court of law? Think about it. If Holmes enters an insanity plea, thus triggering the ensuing truth-drug interrogation, he’ll already be stating he is crazy. So the drugs will be administered to a crazy man, on the premise that can he recall correctly, or reveal correctly, his state of mind at the time he committed murders.

Is there any defense lawyer in the country who couldn’t cast doubt on the reliability of such evidence?

No, the Holmes case is now being used to put straight-out drug-torture of defendants, in order to gain confessions, into the mainstream of American legal practice.

There is one more long-shot factor here. It’s nearly unthinkable, but it should be mentioned. Many people have found evidence that the Aurora murders were staged. Without recounting the details, suppose there is one more piece of stagework left: the truth drugs used on Holmes are shown to have created brain damage.

If Holmes’ lawyers claim that the prosecution irreparably destroyed their client, they can move for a mistrial.

Can you imagine the uproar, chaos, and destabilization that would result from a declaration of a mistrial, a no-verdict in the case, and Holmes walking out of prison? Or his remand to a psychiatric facility as a permanently damaged person—but without a guilty verdict?

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com




By Jon Rappoport

July 29, 2012



There is evidence for each of these possibilities. That’s why each one has to be followed down. People have their intuitive preferences, but that doesn’t make them automatically right.


The evidence for a staged event in Aurora at the theater is significant. Holmes’ particular role in that scenario is still an open question.


Whether he was programmed to kill; or didn’t kill and was just left holding the bag at the end of the horrific night; or was set off to commit murder by the action of a prescribed psychiatric drug that induces violence…all of these need to be explored. This is exactly what I’ve been doing in a number of articles.


Two points:


There is a video of Holmes’ early “mentor,” John Jacobson, asserting that a psycho-physicist can alter and reverse a person’s perception of time sequence. This statement matches Holmes’ claim, made when he was 18 years old, that he was studying temporal illusion, the idea that one can change the past. Does this mean that Holmes, at some point, was subjected to a form of mind-and-time-scrambling control? It certainly doesn’t nail it down. It’s perhaps a clue.


The fact that Holmes’ father, Robert, who comes out of a military family, works for a company that was partnering with DARPA, the house of illusion for the Pentagon, makes one wonder how Robert fits into the total story.


There is a claim that Robert is due to testify in front of a senate panel on the Libor banking scandal, and the massacre in Aurora might convince him to go into seclusion and forget about blowing the lid off Libor and implicating all sorts of power players.


I have been following down that claim, and so far I see no credible citation confirming that Robert is, in fact, on the senate panel’s list of witnesses. I would very much like to see such a citation, if it exists. The fact that this claim has been picked up and repeated by a few hundred thousand sites and blogs doesn’t make it true.


I don’t know where this story started. I traced it, as far as I could, to Christopher King, who has several blogs. I sent him an email. It was kicked back to me as undeliverable. I tried to call his office number. The number was disconnected. I am not criticizing Mr. King. He may hold the key to this part of the story. He may have the goods. I can’t find him so far.


During the past 20 years or so, I’ve done a large amount of research into the CIA’s MKULTRA mind-control program. When I interviewed John Marks, author of The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences, he told me he obtained his initial information, from the CIA, in 10 boxes of material released on a FOIA request.


Thee boxes were records of accounting and funding for various CIA subprojects. They were offered to Marks as a coal in his Christmas sock, of no importance or interest to anyone. But Marks triumphed. He was able to use the files and piece together a skeleton of MKULTRA subprojects and expand his knowledge base from there.


Marks also told me those 10 boxes formed the foundation for three classic books on MKULTRA: his own, Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control, and Alan Scheflin’s The Mind Manipulators. I recommend all three books.


Marks told me that the official CIA MKULTRA program ended in 1962. From that point on, the work was quietly shifted to another CIA department, its Office of Research and Development. In trying to obtain some of those files, Marks was told by a CIA employee that there were a hundred more boxes of material and he would never, ever get his hands on those.


The original MKULTRA program (1952-62) was crude. It employed drugs, hypnosis, duress, torture, and disorientation to program its human subjects. All in all, from what I can glean, it was a failure in its efforts to reliably erase memory or program assassins. It’s my opinion that the operation since 1962 has mounted far more sophisticated methods.


In this regard, one can find patents filed on mind-control methods. For example, the use of electromagnetic transmissions to record brain activity and impose brain activity. Keep in mind, however, that the mere filing and granting of a patent doesn’t mean the ensuing experiments on humans were successful.


Nevertheless, it’s my conclusion that, with absolutely criminal and callous disregard for human life, as with the Auschwitz medical experiments, the mind manipulators have achieved successes. Not one for one. But successes among the failures.


In 1995, the White House decided to hold Congressional hearings to expose, and apologize for, past government radiation experiments on unwitting volunteers. These experiments, many of them carried out on cancer patients, were designed to gauge (or lie about) harmful versus non-harmful radiation levels. The whole point was to “prove” that atomic-bomb testing didn’t pose a health risk.


Somehow, through gross oversight on the 1995 committee’s part, a New Orleans therapist, Valerie Wolf, and two of her patients, Claudia Mullin and Chris De Nicola, were permitted to testify.


Claudia and Chris acknowledged that, indeed, they had received radiation…but this, they said, was part of a CIA/military torture program that was actually all about mind control.


Additionally, Valerie filed about 80 pages of material with the committee, which pages were accepted and placed into the official record. They were statements from therapy patients and therapists—some made anonymously—explaining first-hand MKULTRA experiences, or experiences in treating patients who had MKULTRA histories.


After speaking with Valerie Wolf several times and interviewing her two patients, I spoke with XXX, who seemed to be a quite sane individual, who told me of personal experiences as a subject in MKULTRA. Essentially, this person said that some of the original and more crude experiments done on children used kids from Latin American countries—and these children were considered expendable, in the service of developing better MK methods and strategies.


Then later, more refined methods were employed “on the best and brightest” American children, who were not considered expendable.


I speculated that these latter children were used to program future leaders in American society.


You can read the transcript of a talk I gave on aspects of MKULTRA in the mid-1990s, in Santa Monica, at the Deep River bookstore.




And here is an article I wrote on the subject in 1995, for Perceptions Magazine.




Was James Holmes a bona fide mind-control pawn? There is more to learn.


Speaking of altering time and the past, as Holmes once did, here is an excerpt from Glenn Krawczyk’s article, Mind Control and New World Order, published in March, 1993, in Nexus. The excerpt cites the work of Santa Clara University Law Professor Alan Scheflin, whom I’ve found to be exceptionally reliable in his painstaking research. The article also refers to researcher Harlan Girard. Some of Girard’s statements seem to cast doubt on his objectivity, but I interviewed him twice in the 1990s and found his document-based findings extremely precise.


You can read the whole article at:




“One series of CIA experiments searching for a method to induce amnesia found that pulsed microwaves could be used to over stimulate the production of acetycoline in the brain, a neurotransmitter associated with the storage of memory. This process is known as EDOM or Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Whilst a person is subjected to the signal they literally cannot store any memories, and are left instead with a period of amnesia or ‘missing time.’ They can even be influenced to have amnesia about their amnesia. According to the book, The Mind Manipulators, by Alan W. Scheflin and Edward M. Opton Jr, published in 1978, ‘The E.D.O.M. alters time senses by emitting radiowaves and ultra-sonic signal tones, which in turn act upon memory storage chemicals in the brain.’ It has been claimed that this process is used to ‘wipe’ specific memories from the minds of individuals who have been exposed to highly classified information and are leaving the employ of government agencies who deal with sensitive information.”

Glenn Krawczyk’s article mentions several other EM techniques of mind control.

Here is an excerpt from a talk by Alan Scheflin, in which he links MKULTRA experiments to “temporal illusion and changing the past,” through actually regressing people into the past, into an infantile state:


A frank word of advice: in those years when I pursued MK research much more intensely, I ran across many people who, basically, USED the whole subject to explain their “lot in life.” In other words, they denied the possibility that their own freedom, their own vision, their own imagination, energy, and commitment could carry them, with work, to a future they wanted. They were, in effect, mind-control victims by proxy. They had never been experimented on, but they behaved as if they had been made destitute and disabled by “the power of the mind controllers.”

I reject this formulation completely.

Granting it any assistance is antithetical to the core of my work, which is about the free individual and his power.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

