Monsanto – Jon Rappoport's Blog Wed, 24 Mar 2021 18:13:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Monsanto: science and fraud are the same thing Mon, 25 Nov 2019 15:11:37 +0000 Especially when the media agree

by Jon Rappoport

November 25, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

Lately I’ve been posting articles on fraudulent science. Here, I’m reaching back several years for a piece I wrote about Monsanto, before the company was swallowed up by Bayer, and while TV news anchor Brian Williams was still the golden boy at NBC.

The underlying theme: most people automatically buy official pronouncements about science as true science. It never occurs to them that a political agenda is the real punch line.

Imagine this. A killer is put on trial, and the jury, in a surprise verdict, finds him not guilty. Afterwards, reporters interview this killer. He says, “The jury freed me. It’s up to them. They decide. That’s what justice is all about.”

Then the press moves along to members of the jury, who say: Well, we had to take the defendant’s word. He said he was innocent, so that’s what we ruled.

That’s an exact description of the FDA and Monsanto partnership.

When you cut through the verbiage that surrounded the introduction of GMO food into America, you arrive at two key statements. One from Monsanto and one from the FDA, the agency responsible for overseeing, licensing, and certifying new food varieties as safe.

ONE: Quoted in the New York Times Magazine (October 25, 1998, “Playing God in the Garden”), Philip Angell, Monsanto’s director of corporate communications, famously stated: “Monsanto shouldn’t have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.”

TWO: From the Federal Register, Volume 57, No.104, “Statement of [FDA] Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties,” here is what the FDA had to say on this matter: “Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety.”

The direct and irreconcilable clash of these two statements is no accident. It’s not a sign of incompetence or sloppy work or a mistake or a miscommunication. It’s a clear signal that the fix was in.

No real science. No convincing evidence of safety. Passing the buck back and forth was the chilling and arrogant strategy through which Pandora’s Box was pried opened and GMO food was let into the US food supply.

In order for this titanic scam to work, the media had to cooperate. Reporters had to be a) idiots and b) sell-outs.

Reporters and their editors let the story die. No sane principled journalist would have cut bait, but who said mainstream reporters are sane or principled?

Underneath the Monsanto-FDA buck-passing act, there was a conscious deal to give a free pass to GMO crops. This had nothing to do with science or health or “feeding the world.” It was about profits. It was also about establishing a new monopoly on food.

Not only would big agribusiness dominate the planet’s food supply as never before, it would strengthen its stranglehold through patents on novel types of seeds which were engineered.

It’s very much like saying, “A cob of corn is not a plant, it’s a machine, and we own the rights to every one of those yellow machines.”

How was Monsanto able to gather so much clout?

There was one reason and one reason only. Putting the world’s food supply into fewer hands was, and is, a major item on the Globalist agenda. If it weren’t, the FDA-Monsanto approval scam would have been exposed in a matter of weeks.

Major newspapers and television networks would have attacked the obvious con job like packs of wild dogs and torn it to pieces.

But once the scam had been given a free pass, the primary corporate-government tactic was to accomplish a fait accompli, a series of events that was irreversible.

In this case, it was about gene drift. From the beginning, it was well known that GMO plants release genes that blow in the wind and spread and INSERT from plant to plant, crop to crop, and field to field. There is no stopping it.

Along with convincing enough farmers to lock themselves into GMO-seed contracts, Monsanto bought up food-seed companies in order to engineer the seeds…and the gene-drift factor was the ace in the hole. Drift makes non-GMO crops into GMO crops.

Sell enough GMO seeds, plant enough GMO crops, and you flood the world’s food crops with Monsanto genes.

Back in the 1990s, the prince of darkness, Michael Taylor, who had moved through the revolving door between the FDA and Monsanto several times, and then became the czar of food safety at the FDA—Taylor said, with great conviction, that the GMO revolution was unstoppable; within a decade or two, an overwhelming percentage of food grown on planet Earth would be GMO.

Taylor and others knew. They knew about gene drift, and they also knew that ownership of the world’s food, by a few companies, was a prime focus for Globalist kings.

Control food and water, and you hold the world in your hand.

Here is evidence that, even in earlier days, Monsanto knew about and pushed for the Globalist agenda. Quoted by J. Flint, in his 1998 “Agricultural Giants Moving Towards Genetic Monopolism,” Robert Fraley, head of Monsanto’s agri-division, stated: “What you are seeing is not just a consolidation of [Monsanto-purchased] seed companies. It’s really a consolidation of the entire food chain.”

And as for the power of the propaganda in that time period, I can think of no better statement than the one made on January 25th, 2001, by the outgoing US Secretary of Agriculture, Dan Glickman. As reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Glickman said:

“What I saw generically on the pro-biotech [GMO] side was the attitude that the technology was good and that it was almost immoral to say that it wasn’t good, because it was going to solve the problems of the human race and feed the hungry and clothe the naked. And there was a lot of money that had been invested in this, and if you’re against it, you’re Luddites, you’re stupid. There was rhetoric like that even here in this department [USDA]. You felt like you were almost an alien, disloyal, by trying to present an open-minded view on some of these issues being raised. So I pretty much spouted the rhetoric that everybody else around here spouted; it was written into my speeches.”

Glickman reveals several things in these remarks: he was spineless; people at the Dept. of Agriculture were madly buying into the Monsanto cover story about feeding the world; and there had to be a significant degree of infiltration at his Agency.

The last point is key. This wasn’t left to chance. You don’t get a vocal majority of Dept. of Agriculture personnel spouting Monsanto propaganda merely because the fairy tale about feeding the world sounds so good. No, there are people working on the inside to promote the “social cause” and make pariahs out of dissenters.

You need special background and training to pull that off. It isn’t an automatic walk in the park. This is professional psyop and intelligence work.

It isn’t rinky-dink stuff. To tune up bureaucrats and scientists, you have to have a background in manipulation. You have to know what you’re doing. You have to be able to build and sustain support, without giving your game away.

Psyop specialists are hired to help make overarching and planet-wide agendas come true, as populations are brought under sophisticated and pathological elites who care about feeding the world as much as a collector cares about paralyzing and pinning butterflies on a panel in a glass case.

For an overarching view of the main Globalist operation, here is David Rockefeller, writing in his 2003 Memoirs:

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

The Globalists play for keeps.

Owning the food of the world is part of their strike-force action plan, and Monsanto is a technocratic arm of that plan.

Meanwhile, the controlled press treats the whole sordid Monsanto/FDA story—“GMO crops are approved as safe and effective”—with its time-honored policy of “he said-he said.” This policy dictates that stories merely present both sides of a conflict without drawing conclusions. “Some people claim GMO crops are a danger, others say they’re perfectly safe. Period. Bye bye. What’s next?”

Monsanto’s lies and crimes and cover-ups are everywhere. You could wear sunglasses and find them in the dark.

The NY Times and the Washington Post could sell millions more papers on the back of Monsanto stories. It would be a bonanza for them. But no. They don’t care. They’d rather keep declining and losing readers. They’d rather die.

Normally, a business doesn’t commit suicide, especially when it sees exactly how to resuscitate itself. But here we are dealing with an agenda which can’t be disturbed. Globalism, and its agri-techno partner, Monsanto, are creating a planetary future. Major media are part and parcel of that op. They are selling it.

Again, we aren’t talking about sloppy reporting or accidental omissions of fact or boggling incompetence or ignorance about science. We are talking about conscious intent to deceive.

Yes, now and then the controlled media will release a troubling piece about Monsanto. But placement and frequency are everything. How often do these stories run? Do they run as the lead or do we find them on page 3? Are reporters assigned to keep pounding on a basic story and reveal more and more felonies? Does the basic story gather steam over the course of weeks and months?

These are the decisions that make or break a story. In the case of Monsanto and the FDA, the decisions were made a long time ago.

Part of every reporter’s training in how the real world works, if he has any ideals at all, is marching into his editor’s office with his hair on fire demanding to be given an assignment to expose a crime. The editor, knowing the true agenda of his newspaper or television network, tells the reporter:

“We’ve already covered that.”

“It’s old news.”

“People aren’t interested in it.”

“It’s too complicated.”

“The evidence you’re showing me is thin.”

“You’ll never get to the bottom of it.”

“The people involved won’t talk to you.”

And if none of those lies work, the editor might say, “If you keep pushing this, it would be bad for your career. You’ll lose access to other stories. You’ll be thought of as weird…”

This is how the game works at ground level. But make no mistake about it, the hidden agenda is about protecting an elite’s op from exposure.

If NBC, for example, gave its golden boy, Brian Williams, the green light, he would become an expert on Monsanto in three days. He’d become a tiger. He’d affect a whole set of morally outraged poses and send Monsanto down into Hell.

Don’t misunderstand. Brian hasn’t been waiting to move in for the kill. But wind him up and point to a target and he’ll go there.

However, no one at NBC in the executive offices will point him at Monsanto or the FDA.

All the major reporters at news outlets and all the elite television anchors are really psyop specialists. It’s just that most of them don’t know it.

One outraged major reporter who woke up and got out of the business put it to me this way: “When I was in the game, I looked at the news as a big public restroom. My one guiding principle was: don’t piss on your shoes. That meant: don’t cover a story that’s considered out of bounds. If I talked to the boss about one of those stories, he’d look me up and down and say, ‘Hey, you pissed on your shoes. Get out of here.’”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Bayer and Monsanto are facing the music Mon, 29 Apr 2019 14:46:16 +0000 But, Bayer intends to re-write history

by Jon Rappoport

April 29, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

As most of you know, Bayer now owns Monsanto. To make it happen, it forked out $66 billion in 2018. Among the new parent’s problems? Lawsuits against Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Roundup.

Catch this, from “Recently, in a key bellwether trial, a U.S. federal jury in San Francisco found Bayer liable for plaintiff Edwin Hardeman’s non-Hodgkin lymphoma [caused by Monsanto’s Roundup] and awarded him $80 million in damages. Bayer said it plans to appeal, as it is doing with a [similar] California state suit that awarded the plaintiff $78 million. Still, there are more than 11,200 other similar suits [against Roundup], according to Bayer’s last tally.”

Therefore, key Bayer shareholders are angry at Bayer’s board for greenlighting the 2018 buyout of Monsanto. Bayer intends to eradicate the name “Monsanto,” and do business under a fully merged single name, its own. But for now, that hasn’t stopped the flood of lawsuits against Bayer aimed at its adopted child, Monsanto/Roundup.

What about sales of Roundup? As early as 2016, for several reasons, a sharp decline had already set in. One reason: in 2015, the World Health Organization had declared glyphosate, the prime ingredient in Roundup “a probably carcinogen.” Monsanto moved to cut 16% of its work force.

Bayer appears to be “taking one for the team.” It certainly bought Monsanto knowing full well that Roundup was going to be a big problem. It knew Monsanto had garnered a horrendous reputation from one end of the planet to the other—owing in part to Roundup, and also the disastrous pioneering of GMO crops. But big daddy Bayer didn’t flinch. After all, it has territory to defend—it’s in the same basic business as Monsanto was: genetic manipulation. To protect and sanitize that Brave New World territory, long-term, Bayer aims to swallow Monsanto whole, no matter how much penalty-money that costs, thus making Monsanto disappear for future generations.

“Monsanto? Oh yes. Wasn’t that some kind of farming company? Or a music group?”

That’s the game here. A handful of giant biotech companies (and their shadowy backers) intend to OWN the future, via various forms of radical gene-alteration, in plants, animals, and humans. They want nothing to hinder that agenda. Monsanto was a stain. It brought down heavy attacks on the whole “genetic community.” Therefore, it had to go. The only question was: who would come up with the huge buyout cash and make the sacrifice?


Once the core of the infamous Nazi cartel, IG Farben, Bayer had a history of re-writing history. Long term, it would know how to make Monsanto vanish, as if it had never existed.

That operation is now underway.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Zika? Monsanto’s Roundup associated with smaller heads Sun, 31 Jan 2016 18:47:36 +0000 Zika? Monsanto’s Roundup associated with smaller heads

by Jon Rappoport

January 31, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

This is my fourth article on the Zika scam. A virus is being blamed for destruction that actually comes from other forces.

In a previous piece, I listed the top six causes for what is happening in the center of the storm, Brazil, where babies are being born with smaller heads (microcephaly) and brain damage. One of those causes is pesticides/herbicides.

Here I’m presenting information from an animal study that implicates glyphosate, the central ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup, in microcephaly and cranial malformations.

One of authors of this study is the late Argentine researcher, Andres Carrasco, who was subjected to scientific censorship and threats during his career.

The study was published on May 20, 2010 (Chem. Res. Toxicol.). It is titled: “Glyphosate-Based Herbicides (GBH) Produce Teratogenic Effects on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signalling.” The study provoked a highly critical response from Monsanto, to which author Carrasco replied in kind, remarking that agenda-driven corporate-dominated research blankets the landscape, whereas truly independent inquiry gets short shrift.

The researchers in the study used xenopus laevis (frog) and chicken embryos. Administering glyphosate to chicken embryos produced “reduction of optic vesicles” and “microcephaly,” which is the key deformation in the so-called “Zika virus outbreak.”

The authors write, “The direct effect of glyphosate [on the embryos]… opens concerns about the clinical findings from human offspring in populations exposed to GBH [glyphosate-based herbicides] in agricultural fields.”

And if there is any doubt that the authors are talking about the birth defects now being (falsely) attributed to the Zika virus, they follow up with this comment: “There is growing evidence raising concerns about the effects of GBH [glyphosate-based herbicides] on people living in areas where herbicides are intensely used. Women exposed during pregnancy to herbicides delivered offspring with congenital malformations, including microcephaly [small heads], anencephaly [missing major parts of brain and skull in embryos], and cranial malformations.”

power outside the matrix

As I keep pointing out—and this is based on 30 years of investigation into phony epidemics—“the virus” is the best false cover story in the world. When researchers and government officials announce that so-and-so virus is loose, causing maiming and death, people automatically stand up and salute.

The cover story is used to obscure what is actually causing great harm, and when the cause is a major, major corporation, the propaganda effort to distract the population swings into high gear.

Monsanto knows how to protect itself. But the veneer is peeling from their operation. Millions upon millions of people now know what the company has been doing all these years.

In March 2015, the World Health Organization announced that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, is a probable human carcinogen. A Swiss group, the International Society of Doctors for the Environment, sent out a demand “to immediately and permanently ban, with no exceptions, the production, trade and use in all the EU territory of glyphosate-based herbicides.” And nearly two years ago, Brazil’s Federal Public Prosecutor asked for a ban on all glyphosate use in the country.

Now we have the birth-defect horror in Brazil.

That nation uses more pesticides than any country in the world. Soy is planted on more acres than any other crop—a testament to the strength of Monsanto’s operation. Soy means Roundup use.

Roundup means destruction.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Why I keep writing about Monsanto vs. Maui Thu, 16 Apr 2015 16:56:02 +0000 Why I keep writing about Maui vs. Monsanto

Tearing away the curtain

by Jon Rappoport

April 16, 2015

First, an important development in the case I’ve just become aware of. There has been virtually no discovery process.

Meaning: The people of Maui want to know specific details of Monsanto’s years of experiments with unapproved pesticides and GMOs in their county. They want records, files, internal communications; the whole nine yards.

They’re getting nothing.

Monsanto’s history of unbridled human experimentation is still obscured in a cloud of mystery. And danger.

And this is five months after the people of Maui voted in favor of putting a temporary ban on all such experimentation.

That vote has been suspended in a void, while Monsanto and its allies have been suing Maui.

I keep writing about this case because, for one, the people of Maui voted for something far stronger than labeling GMOs. They voted to ban Monsanto’s experiments, until a complete independent investigation could be done that would unearth the range of those ongoing pesticide/GMO experiments, thus assessing the danger and the harm.

The vote last Election Day was a victory. It wasn’t an “almost.” It wasn’t “we’re getting there and we’ll do better the next time,” it was: We Won.

And because Monsanto sued immediately and hung up the case in federal court, the result of the legitimate vote was not implemented.

I keep writing about Maui vs. Monsanto because the people of Maui are acutely aware they’re the targets of Monsanto experiments, and they did something about it, against all odds.

I keep writing about the case because Maui County, the Big Island, and Kauai are very important Monsanto research centers, and a blow against those centers is a blow against the whole GMO empire.

I write about this case because the old tradition in Hawaii is respect and love for the land. In a half-sane world, that land would never have been taken by force, in the first place, from the native people who made it their home.

A monstrosity of a corporation, Monsanto, backed up by the US federal government, has seen fit to spray toxic chemicals and deploy experimental GMOs in Hawaii, for its own profit, with no benefits for anyone anywhere.

This is a case with enormous implications. It isn’t about labeling poisons and health hazards; it’s about banning them and opening up Monsanto’s secret records and finding out exactly what they’ve been doing.

Time is of the essence, because Monsanto is undoubtedly shredding and transferring its documents, just in case it loses this legal battle.

International pressure is necessary. International outrage is necessary.

The result of the Maui vote is on the record. That vote established new law. The vote has been denied—and the County Government of Maui has joined the case on the side of Monsanto, thus betraying its own people.

From a simple journalistic perspective, if this isn’t a “lead paragraph,” nothing is.

Sometimes, the future hangs by a thin thread. What will happen and what won’t happen depends on what people become aware of, and what they do about it.

Mainstream reporters, if they are paying any attention at all, cover the case as a puzzle of complexities stemming from arguments on both sides. They stand back and paint a thin veneer on the whole proceeding. They invoke their tradition of “well, we’ll see what happens next.”

Of course, striking a deep blow against Monsanto is forbidden because, after all, the world of biotech intersects with the world of media corporations.

In the Monsanto vs. Maui case, there is a great deal of gibberish about “jurisdiction.” Which government entity—county, state, federal—controls the regulations on agriculture.

The answer to that question is simple: jurisdiction is in the hands of the people on the ground who are harmed.

The other answer is: this is not a case about agriculture and farming at all. It’s about massive human experimentation with unapproved non-commercial GMOs and chemical pesticides. With no informed consent.

If you lived in a neighborhood where a giant corporation was spraying chemicals whose names you didn’t even know, you wouldn’t be delighted to let the experts diddle each other over the fine points.

You would want action. A ban. An independent and full investigation. A prosecution of crimes. If you could vote for all that, you would.

The people of Maui did.

That’s exactly what they did.

And they’ve been denied.

Simple enough?

power outside the matrix

Anyone with a nose for news understands that Monsanto is holding, in Hawaii, vast secret records on its experiments—records that, if released, in the open, could blow the doors off Monsanto’s global operations.

Some people still remember that, during the Vietnam War, Monsanto manufactured Agent Orange, a highly toxic substance (cancer, birth defects) that was sprayed all over Vietnam.

Agent Orange was a plant killer, an herbicide. So is Monsanto’s Roundup, which the World Health Organization has just declared a probable carcinogen. Roundup is the most popular herbicide in the world.

The unknown experimental chemicals Monsanto has been spraying on Hawaii for years are herbicides.

And the people of Maui are being sued because they voted to find out what those chemicals are?

That lawsuit is itself a crime; the court case, dragging on and on, is a crime; the two federal judges in the case, Barry Kurren and Susan Oki Mollway, are abetting a crime.

Where are the human rights organizations? Why aren’t they descending on the scene and holding press conferences and demanding justice?

Where are the groups who promote decentralization of political power away from the federal government and toward local communities? Here is a clear-cut illustration of local people winning a vote and winding up in federal court to defend themselves and their vote.

Where are the groups who defend victims of human experimentation?

Where are the groups who attack the monolithic power of the Corporate State?

Where are the websites who promote the right of people to control their own health?

Where are the so-called libertarians?

Where are the groups who ceaselessly investigate how big government hides its secrets? This is a case in which the federal government is backing the right of a giant favored corporation, Monsanto, to conceal all its data re chemical and genetic experimentation affecting a population.

Where are magazines once thought of as “dissident,” who could be sending reporters to Maui to dig into this case and come up with the grotesque details?

Where are the groups who relentlessly defend the rights of indigenous peoples all over the world—but ignore Hawaii?

Where are the thousands and thousands of environmental groups who attack anyone who dares to interrupt the life cycle of a fish or an insect?

Where are the vociferous critics of chemtrails, when there, in Hawaii, is a clear-cut, government-supported case of years and years of Monsanto spraying unapproved chemicals into the air, on the population?

Where are the GMO labelers, when in Maui County, the vote to put a temporary ban on GMO/pesticide experiments actually won?

And without the massive support of all these groups, what are the chances that one man or woman who works behind the fortress walls of Monsanto will leak the secret records of experimentation, chapter and verse, and let the world know what is going on?

I guarantee that such a man or woman, stepping out into the light of day with a trove of Monsanto documents, would face a storm the likes of which would make the pressure on Edward Snowden seem like a Sunday picnic.

That’s a fact to ponder.

It revels the priorities of the establishment, the status quo, the government, the State, the Globalists, the mega-corporate colossus, the Reality Manufacturing Company in their actual and correct sequence.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

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Monsanto is the Dept. of Homeland Security for food Mon, 13 Apr 2015 17:25:33 +0000 Monsanto is the Dept. of Homeland Security for food

by Jon Rappoport

April 13, 2015

“Whenever people encounter a crazy idea, a high-flying absurd notion, they reject it out of hand. That’s the first impulse. ‘No, no one would believe that. It’s ridiculous.’ But as time passes, and this crazy idea is repeated over and over again, people make adjustments to their own minds. ‘Well, maybe it’s true, a lot of important authorities accept it, so maybe I should accept it. I guess it does make sense.’ This is the process of buying a cover story, buying an egregious lie meant to obscure a hidden truth.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Being the US government means being on permanent wartime status.

Wherever it is possible to fantasize enemies, enemies are there. They must be conquered. They must be stopped.

It’s a vast cover story that, among other benefits, provides enormous profits to the military industrial complex.

Here’s an addition to the cover story: to accomplish this war on everything that moves, advanced technology must be deployed—and those who resist the omnipresence and domination of the technology are considered potential terrorists.

Even a small organic American farmer on an acre of land can qualify as a threat, because he appears to oppose the technology of genetic engineering, as it applies to food crops.

As bizarre as this might seem, it is an aspect of the corporate/government war on healthy organic food.

As my readers know, I have been piecing together the levels of corruption that are permeating the Monsanto vs. Maui lawsuit. (See also my #GMOwar archive.)

As I assemble the elements, it’s becoming clear that Monsanto is a key figure in “national security” concerns—protecting Monsanto at any cost equals protecting national security.

That’s why the people of Maui—who voted to ban Monsanto’s local GMO/pesticide experiments, pending a deep and independent investigation of everything Monsanto is doing in Maui County—have been encountering legal land-mines at every step.

The entire military-intelligence-agricultural complex has been arrayed against the people of Maui.

I’ll now quote a very important article Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote on September 17, 2012, “Organic Foods are safer and healthier than conventional…true or false?”

“…the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has taken the position that organic farming, such as free-ranging chickens and cows and non-GM seeds that you can’t ‘control’ are potential biosecurity threats. USDA has even begun putting, in writing, directives on how they want organic farming ‘contained’ – which resembles turning organic farms into nothing more than factory farms.”

Organic farms represent a bio-security threat to the United States? What kind of insanity is this?

Dr, Mercola continues:

“The ultimate goal for global biosecurity is to have seeds and plants that theoretically can’t be attacked because they’ve been bio-engineered to resist pathogens that would be used to destroy crops. This is discussed in a 2002 biosecurity whitepaper by the American Phytopathological Society [“Biosecurity Issues Affecting Agricultural Crops & Communities: Genomics, Biotechnology, & Infrastructure”]:

“‘Investments in basic research are needed to open new directions for applied research, including greater use of plant biotechnology and plant and microbial genomics for detection, forensics, prevention, or recovery from a bioterrrorist attack on a U.S. crop or food produced from crops.’”

power outside the matrix

In other words, according to the new catechism (cover story), any food plant that can’t withstand a bio-attack from an enemy is a potential weapon that can be used against America—and Monsanto is at the forefront, along with other biotech giants, in engineering food crops that will, in fact, repel bio-attacks launched with plant pathogens, fungi, viruses, etc.

“Monsanto will ensure the protection of America.”

This incredible fantasy takes on new Trojan-Horse meaning with the recent announcement, by the World Health Organization, that Monsanto’s number-one herbicide, Roundup, is a probable cause of cancer.

Protect Americans by killing them?

Of course, diminishing the perception of safety and value of organic food crops, in any way possible, expands Monsanto’s bottom line: money. Profit.

Profit, domination of the food supply, and bio-security are now joined at the hip. Add to that the obsession to make anything natural into something synthetic, and you’re looking directly at Monsanto.

Using the premise of “bio-attacks from anywhere and everywhere,” Monsanto and the federal government are collaborating to make GMO food the universal food, the food that protects America from bioterrorism.

Monsanto. The Pentagon. The war machine. Lunatic brothers in consciousness.

“That organic food (and unmodified food)) you thought was so good for you? It isn’t. It’s vulnerable food. It can be attacked from anywhere on the planet by our enemies. They can deploy microorganisms to attack this food and destroy it and force us to starve. But not to worry. We’ll genetically engineer all food so it’s protected from these attacks. We have advanced technology. We’re deploying it. Just get out of the way and let us do our jobs. All will be well. We’ll control the food supply, lock it down, and make it safe. This is a national security issue. It supersedes all laws. Stand down. Back away. Homeland Security is here.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

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What is Monsanto hiding in secret documents? Sun, 12 Apr 2015 15:33:28 +0000 What is Monsanto hiding in secret documents?

A scientist offers shocking comments.

by Jon Rappoport

April 12, 2015

“Let’s have a federal court where the judge pretends the lawyers for the defense are fully informed about the facts of the case. The plaintiff, a giant corporation, pretends it’s concerned about the safety of the public. The press pretends it’s covering the court case. Activists for the public who live more than a hundred miles away from the courthouse pretend they care about what happens. The overwhelming number of federal employees don’t even know there is a case. The defendants, who are being poisoned by the giant corporation, at one time lived on their land in an undisturbed way—until outsiders, whose descendants now control the court, took away the land by force. Perfect justice, correct? Absolutely no problem.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Two days ago, I reported on a scandal occurring in the Monsanto vs. Maui court case:

Namely, heavily redacted documents, which Monsanto has offered to the court in defense of its position that it should be allowed to continue toxic pesticide and GMO experiments in Maui County.

Federal Judge, Susan Oki Mollway, who will decide the case, has read the full unredacted versions of these Monsanto documents—but the lawyers representing the people of Maui have not. And they can’t. The blacked-out information is off-limits to them.

This means they can’t argue their case with full knowledge. They’re hamstrung. To conclude this situation is unfair and illegitimate is a vast understatement.

A scientist familiar with this court case has commented to me about the current situation.

Dr. Lorrin Pang’s CV reads in part: retired US Army Medical Corps, former consultant to the World Health Organization for 20 years, currently advisor to the US Congress for medical research. Americas Best Doctors listing.

Dr. Pang offers his important assessment of what might sit underneath all those Monsanto blacked-out lines:

“There are two worries I have about the redacted lines which only Monsanto and the judge sees. What if…[the redacted lines] reference a Monsanto…chemical similar to toxaphene (banned for toxicity and spreading hundreds of miles). Can she [Judge Mollway] tell us what [Monsanto] chemicals are similar enough to toxaphene to be worrisome? Can she recognize the chemical structure of toxaphene (from multiple choice diagrams)? What if it is toxaphene itself? Furthermore…the [Monsanto legal] argument depends intimately on untested combinations [of Monsanto chemical pesticides]……I need to know the number of chemicals used AND the amounts used to see their potential for [toxic] overlap. I feel I am competent to make these assessments.

“I don’t have access to the [un]redacted versions of Monsanto documents]. Only two other parties do. 1) Monsanto is grossly biased and 2) the Judge who is not scientifically qualified. If she brings in a third party “independent” (say UH) to assess for her, they have to be both non-biased and scientifically qualified. I am not even convinced she can recognize the scientific qualifications of her own advisers. For example, ask them their opinion on the recent ruling of WHO on glyphosate risk of cancer [glyphosate is the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s pesticide Roundup]. On the mutational potential of glyphosate for human pathogens related to antibiotic resistance. On the gene toxicity (same mechanism as cancer) relationship [of glyphosate] to birth defects (widely published, even before the cancer risk publications).

“If [the Monsanto] info is redacted because of threat of vandalism [at their secret facility locations on Maui]—that is a police issue to be resolved if it occurs, not a court decision.”

Dr. Pang is raising vital issues that obliterate any rationale for Monsanto and the federal court to heavily censor Monsanto documents.

How in the world can Judge Mollway evaluate what Monsanto is saying about its pesticide/GMO experiments in Maui County—namely that there are no health problems, the work is safe, and no one is threatened?

What experts will the Judge rely on? Who are they? What bias do they bring? The Judge has no way of evaluating scientists.

Indeed, the case is already stacked in favor of Monsanto and against the people of Maui, and the likely scientific experts on tap will support Monsanto’s position.

This court case is a poorly staged charade, the objective of which is to exonerate Monsanto and permit it to continue to use the “open-air laboratory” of Maui as a testing ground for unapproved toxic pesticides and GMOs.

power outside the matrix

I continue to be astonished by the lack of coverage this case is getting in the alternative press. Maui is ground-zero in the battle against Monsanto, because the corporation has established its primary experimental premises there.

On Election Day, the people of Maui legitimately voted to place a temporary ban on all Monsanto/Dow experimentation in the County. Not a label, a ban.

They voted to order a deep and independent investigation of all Monsanto/Dow experiments in the County.

That vote has been suspended and suppressed and neutralized and stepped on by Monsanto and Dow’s court filings.

Now, Dr. Pang has come forward and correctly expressed his refusal to believe that the Judge in the case, Susan Mollway, is even remotely competent to rule.

What else do we need to know?

This is a rig-job. A legitimate vote by citizens has been obliterated.

The “science” favoring Monsanto has been cooked.

A corporation is running a federal court.

Why not just say, “A Monsanto Federal Court has ruled that Monsanto is innocent. Don’t worry, be happy.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

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Revealed: a secret Monsanto document in the Maui GMO case Fri, 10 Apr 2015 23:54:12 +0000 A exclusive—Revealed: a secret Monsanto document in the Maui GMO case

Justice withheld: justice denied

A scandal that needs to come to light now

by Jon Rappoport

April 10, 2015

Imagine you are a lawyer arguing a case before a judge. There is no jury. The judge will decide the outcome.

The judge tells you, “Look, the other side, your opponents in this case, have filed documents with me. These documents are at the heart of their argument. I can’t allow you to read the documents. I can only give you access to heavily redacted versions. You’ll have to do the best you can. I have read the full documents. Your opponents, of course, know every word of those documents. But you don’t. And you won’t. Good luck. Limp along as well as you can.”

That’s what we’re talking about here.

(The link to the redacted document is located at the bottom of this article.)

(4/23/2015 update: NoMoreFakeNews Exclusive: lawyers’ emails revealed in the Monsanto vs. Maui lawsuit. Monsanto/Dow still refuse to open up secret court documents.)

Last Election Day, the people of Maui County voted to halt all local GMO and pesticide experimentation being carried out by Monsanto and Dow.

During the temporary halt, a complete independent investigation would be done, to find out exactly how harmful the pesticides and GMOs were.

But the legal and binding vote was suspended, because Monsanto and Dow immediately sued.

The case is now hung up in Federal Court.

I’ve just learned that Monsanto filed documents “under seal,” to make its case in the proceeding now before Federal Judge Susan Oki Mollway.

Monsanto requested the court make the documents secret, and the previous Judge, Barry Kurren, agreed to it.

Here, in legalese, is Kurren’s decision:

‘IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Plaintiffs’ ex parte application is GRANTED. Accordingly, the subject declarations shall be filed by the Court under seal, and redacted versions may be filed with the Plaintiffs’ Motion.'”

That means the lawyers for the voters of Maui can’t see those Monsanto documents. Not in full. They can only read redacted versions of Monsanto making its case for continued GMO/pesticide experiments on Maui—contravening the demands of Maui voters.

What kind of court is this?

Judge Mollway, who will decide the case, can read everything Monsanto offers in its defense, but the lawyers against Monsanto have no full access and, therefore, can’t argue their side from full knowledge.

This echoes of cases where prosecutors claim “national security” as an issue. In those instances, documents are either excluded as evidence, or only redacted versions are allowed in.

Is this what we’re dealing with here? Monsanto’s concerns have become, in a federal court, a matter of national security?

Below, you will see a link to one such redacted Monsanto document. You will see the many blacked out lines.

One section (no.7) states: “…Monsanto currently owns or leases approximately 784 acres of farmland on the island. Certain specific locations on Maui are uniquely suitable to multi-season/cycle breeding and research.” The next 14 lines of the section are blacked out.

It’s not much of a stretch to infer those 14 lines are blacked out to conceal Maui locations of Monsanto facilities. You mean the addresses and names of Monsanto stations and growing fields on Maui are a secret?

Suppose, in your city, in your region, a major corporation was carrying out, on a regular basis, experiments with new, non-commercial, toxic pesticide chemicals and genetically altered organic materials. And suppose you were told that the permanent facilities of that corporation in your region were located at secret sites. How would you feel about it?

Wouldn’t that raise significant suspicions in your mind? Wouldn’t you want to know exactly what was going on at each and every one of those facilities? And if you were denied that information, as well as the names and addresses of the locations, wouldn’t you infer the secrecy was covering up something harmful to you?

Whole sections of the Monsanto court document are blacked out (e.g., no. 8 and 9). What do they say? Only the Judge and Monsanto know. The lawyers representing the voters of Maui don’t have a clue.

Section 10 states: “The current [Monsanto] workforce in the County [of Maui] has been trained over many years at the precise pollination techniques required and to perform other specialized tasks.” The next two lines are blacked out. Why? Because Monsanto considers further explanation of what these workers do to be proprietary secrets? This is what the Maui voters want to know about, because they, the people of Maui, are on the receiving end of the secret wind-blown pesticide and GMO experiments.

Section 11 of the court document is quite strange. It states: “And the US Department of Agriculture [USDA] sets requirements for how regulated field trials of new GE [genetically engineered] crops must be conducted.” The next 12 lines are blacked out. Why? Are the USDA regulations themselves a secret? Is there something about these regulations Monsanto doesn’t want the public to know? The “field trials” are at the heart of what the people of Maui are objecting to. How toxic are the secret experimental pesticides? How dangerous to health are the secret experimental GMOs?

Section 13 mentions a corn-crop disease called Goss’s Wilt. Then, six lines are blacked out. Why? What is Monsanto hiding from the people of Maui?

power outside the matrix

How in the world can the lawyers representing the voters of Maui argue their case in federal court when all this information is being withheld from them? The answer: they can’t.

Is some of Monsanto’s federally funded biowarfare research (contracted by the US National Institutes of Health)—the details of which Monsanto won’t disclose—taking place on Maui?

The lawyers representing the people of Maui should be filing new motions to declare this case an impossible travesty. Until the lawyers can read every word of the documents Monsanto has filed with the court, there is no case, there is no proceeding, there is only a con job, with Monsanto the preordained winner by default.

And until the alternative media covers the Monsanto-Maui case and blows it up into the scandal it is, there will be no chance of justice.

Here is a link to the Monsanto court document I’ve been referring to (Case 1:14-cv-00511-SOM-BMK Document 5-3 Filed 11/13/14: Declaration of Sam Eathington [Vice President of Global Plant Breeding, Monsanto]):

Declaration of Sam Eathington, Vice President of Global Plant Breeding, Monsanto

Declaration of Sam Eathington, Vice President of Global Plant Breeding, Monsanto

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

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