NAFTA – Jon Rappoport's Blog Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:40:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Destroy Trump for opposing NAFTA Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:40:19 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

September 3, 2018

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NAFTA…The North American Free Trade Agreement…born on January 1, 1994…it’s a deal among the governments of the U S, Mexico and Canada.

One group has stated:

“Negotiated behind closed doors with hundreds of official corporate advisors, NAFTA was radically different than past trade deals that focused on traditional trade matters, like cutting border taxes. Instead, most of NAFTA’s provisions grant new powers and privileges to multinational corporations.”

So Trump recently spoke out decisively against NAFTA—and as in any situation where he speaks at all, he’s attacked by the press.

Here is a pop quiz. Here are three statements about NAFTA. You decide who uttered them.

ONE: “…most of NAFTA’s provisions grant new powers and privileges to multinational corporations. These new powers make it easier for corporations to outsource jobs…NAFTA’s ‘investor protections’ create incentives for corporations to relocate production and jobs elsewhere. Indeed, the U.S. has lost more than 950,000 American jobs due to NAFTA, according to the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) database.”

“Plus, NAFTA guts the Buy American policies that require the government to buy American-made goods when spending our tax dollars. This outsources our tax dollars rather than investing them to create jobs here.”

“NAFTA has also lowered U.S. wages, increased inequality, and hurt U.S. manufacturing and agriculture in all 50 states. At the same time, it has decimated the Mexican economy, driving millions from their homes.”

TWO: “I will fundamentally rewrite NAFTA, other trade agreements…Not only did I oppose permanent normal trade relations with China, I stood with Steel workers and united electrical workers in opposition to it…Normalized trade with China cost us 3.2 million jobs including over 120,000 here in Pennsylvania.”

THREE: “Remember, NAFTA was one of the WORST Trade Deals ever made. The U.S. lost thousands of businesses and millions of jobs. We were far better off before NAFTA – should never have been signed. Even the Vat Tax was not accounted for. We make new deal or go back to pre-NAFTA!”

OK? Ready with your answers? Yes, you guessed correctly from recognizing the rhetoric—statement 3 was written by President Trump (an additional part to that statement was also tweeted here).

Statement 1 was written by Lori Wallach, who works for Ralph Nader’s group, Public Citizen, which is decidedly on the political Left. And statement number 2 was made by none other than presidential candidate and avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders.

What’s the main difference between these three characters? Wallach and Sanders can say anything they want to, and the amount of heat coming their way is relatively minor. No matter what Trump says, he gets heat. And yet…

On this MAJOR issue, NAFTA, and free-trade treaties in general, Wallach, Sanders, and Trump are in agreement. They all see the insanity and criminality. A socialist, a far-left activist, and a bull capitalist.

Thus demonstrating that, for the press, it matters not what you say, it only matters who they decide you are.

And they decide who you are according to an agenda. Whose agenda? Simple: Rockefeller Globalists, who love free trade treaties, who have spent decades crafting them and foisting them on the public, who see President Trump as a wild card unpredictable swaggering cowboy…

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Vital: The real Dreamers are elite corporations Mon, 18 Sep 2017 13:07:19 +0000 Vital: The real Dreamers are elite corporations

And the unknown trade deal that cost the US a hundred thousand jobs

by Jon Rappoport

September 17, 2017

This isn’t one of the big trade deals everybody knows about.

This one was launched during the glorious Obama years:

The (South) Korea Free Trade Agreement.

Signed, sealed, and delivered by Obama in 2011 with his assurance that it would create 70,000 American jobs.

His assurance was on the level of his promise that, under Obamacare, you would be able to choose your own doctor.

Four years later, in 2016, this was the outcome of the Globalist Korea Free Trade Agreement, as reported by Public Citizen:

“…the loss of more than 102,554 American jobs.”

Oops. Slight miscalculation.

“U.S. goods exports to Korea have dropped 10 percent, or $4.5 billion…”

Sorry about that.

“U.S. imports of goods from Korea have increased 18 percent, or $10.8 billion…”

Sorry about that, too.

How could this have happened? I’ll tell you how. It’s simple. Despite claims, these trade deals are written and calculated to torpedo economies. That’s what Globalists do.


Because an ultimate top-down takeover of populations is easier that way.

Here’s another example: NAFTA. Remember that trade treaty? It enabled, among other consequences, the export of very cheap corn—massive amounts—from the US to Mexico. Result? 1.5 million Mexican corn farmers were thrown out of business. Boom. Many of them decided to come across the border to the US.

Does that sound like an all-around economy-building scenario?

Globalism: the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

No more countries—only elite corporations in control, making markets wherever they can find them…

There’s just one problem. As these corporations and their Globalist leaders play economic game with countries and their people, the net effect is decreasing the number of customers who can afford to buy the corporations’ products.

You can’t just shift the beneficiaries of trade deals from one nation to another, in an unending shuffle and reshuffle of the deck. Sooner or later, you wind up with more sellers than buyers.

You create more overall chaotic conditions.

Elite corporations don’t want to think about this.

They’re counting on governments to bail them out with, for example, some form of “universal income” for citizens, which means expanded welfare. That isn’t going to cut it. Piddling “new money” isn’t going to invent, magically, a billion or two new customers for cars and cell phones and houses.

Basically, these corporations are playing Musical Chairs among themselves. Which companies will survive, and which will fall?

The corporations are dreaming about a controlled future in which they are more powerful kings. It isn’t going to work out. Even mergers and acquisitions won’t win the day.

Robust economies depend on many, many small and large businesses operating in relative freedom, in stable nations.

The fantasy of one global economy is intrinsically a hoax.

When you eliminate tariffs (the goal of all trade treaties), you accentuate the differences between various labor forces. Giant corporations shut down factories in countries where labor is expensive and laws against gross polluting are “obstructing profits,” and they open up those factories in places where labor is dirt cheap and you can pollute night and day.

That isn’t free enterprise. That’s ongoing crime.

Someone eventually pays the piper.

Corporations believe they can, with their Globalist partners, keep postponing a day of reckoning indefinitely.

They’re wrong. The bottom line is the corporations’ bottom line: fewer buyers for their products. They can’t wriggle out of that one.

Free enterprise is the last thing on Globalists’ minds. They want a single worldwide planned economy, with central points for production and distribution of goods and services.

They want a tighter Surveillance State. They want a single toxic medical cartel to dominate citizens’ lives. They want to install many features that add up to massive top-down control.

In this atmosphere, elite corporations are going to thrive?

The truth is, Globalists are USING corporations, temporarily, to forward their aims.

Those corporations don’t want to see this. They want to remain blind. They want to dream their dreams.

These titans, with all their skills, turn out to be the masters of self-delusion.

Stable and separate nations, not Globalism, is the solution staring them in the face.

But they keep their eyes closed.

—Look at Europe. Under the aegis of the Globalist European Union (EU), it is the canary in the coal mine. And the canary is bringing back devastating messages.

Nations are being disrupted and torn by the EU’s forced immigration policy of open borders. Widespread crime, crushing budgets to support the wave of migration, massive unrest.

In this atmosphere, European mega-corporations are going to flourish and grow? New customers are going to appear out of nowhere?

Dream on.

Recall the old term “double cross?” A person allied with one side in a deal secretly betrays the deal and the ally. That’s what Globalist elites are doing to giant corporations.

They’re going back on their promise.

They’re creating an atmosphere in which corporations can’t function beyond a certain point. And worse, they’re creating a forced planetary economy in which the corporations will become mere government appendages—functionaries in a slave-based system.

These deluded corporations…it only takes a few of them to wake up and see the real game.

And then rebel.

How about it, boys?

Who’ll be the first?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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