The significance of a forgotten CIA document: MKULTRA

The significance of a forgotten CIA document: MKULTRA

by Jon Rappoport

July 23, 2014

This June 27, 1994, document is stored at the National Security Archive at The George Washington University.

It was written by a CIA advisory committee, and forwarded to the Presidential Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, which was preparing public hearings at the time.

The document has many interesting implications. In this article, I want to focus on two. The first point concerns the CIA mind control program, MKULTRA.

Here is a key quote:

“In the 1950s and 60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experimentation [MKULTRA], using drugs, psychological, and other means, in search of techniques to control human behavior for counterintelligence and covert action purposes… Most of the MKULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1973 by the order of then DCI Richard Helms, who waived the internal CIA regulation (CSI-7O-l0) governing retirement of inactive records… Helms testified that he agreed to destroy the records because ‘there had been relationships with outsiders in government agencies and other organizations and that these would be sensitive in this kind of a thing but that since the program was over and finished and done with, we thought we would just get rid of files as well, so that anybody who assisted us in the past would not be subject to follow-up questions, embarrassment, if you will.’”

Helms was not only admitting he destroyed the records, he was stating that the MKULTRA program deployed, through contracts, “outsiders” to carry out mind control experiments. He was determined to protect them, to keep their identity and work secret. He was also dedicated to prevent these people from exposing the nature of their mind-control work. And finally, Helms knew that some of these outside researchers had no idea they were involved in MKULTRA—in other words, the CIA had tricked them into thinking their work was designed for other purposes.

Subsequently, some of these “outsiders” have been revealed. But no one really knows how deep, far, and wide the CIA penetrated into academic and research communities to enable MKULTRA.

The second point I want to cover is made clear by this quote from the 1994 CIA document: “The Church Committee [investigating the CIA] reports that one of the three principal functions of the Special Operations Division (SOD) of the U.S. Army Biological Center at Camp Detrick, Maryland was to conduct ‘biological research for the CIA.’ Church Committee, Book I, at 395. In early 1952, SOD agreed ‘to assist CIA in developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery systems. By this agreement, CIA acquired the knowledge, skill, and facilities of the Army to develop biological weapons suited for CIA use.’”

In other words, biowarfare research wasn’t limited to the Army and the Pentagon. The CIA actually became a second center for developing biological agents they could use for covert actions.

The Matrix Revealed

It’s important to note that the assumed termination point of MKULTRA, 1962, is false. In or around that year, the CIA shifted its entire mind control operation to its Office of Research and Development.

John Marks, who wrote the breakthrough book on MKULTRA, “The Search for the Manchurian Candidate,” told me that his access to CIA documents was abruptly cut off after the publication of his book. A CIA employee told him he’d never see another document, from a cache of 100 boxes, that described MKULTRA projects when they went super-dark after 1962.

The 1994 document I’m quoting in this article was part of preparation for 1995 Presidential hearings on secret human radiation experiments. The CIA stated that, after extensive searching of its files, it found no evidence that radiation was used in MKULTRA projects.

However, at the 1995 hearings, two women, Claudia Mullin and Chris De Nicola, testified that, indeed radiation had been used on them (as torture), in a wide-ranging program of mind control to which they were subjected, starting when they were young children.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

A normal citizen receives a shock to the system

The normal citizen receives a shock to the system

by Jon Rappoport

July 16, 2014

John Q Jones had a nice job, a nice family, a nice house, and a nice yard. Everything was nice.

Then one day, he was walking down the street near his office and a soft explosion went off in his head.

He looked around and saw a young woman sitting in a parked car. She was reading a newspaper. And he realized he was reading her mind.

She was thinking about a vacation, a trip to Alaska, a boat ride, a book, a boyfriend. He was reading her thoughts and the sensation of doing it was exquisite, quite lucid, quite simple.

He was thrilled beyond measure. For a moment, he thought he would take off and fly.

A few hours later, he left work and went to see his psychiatrist.

“I have a problem,” he said. “Today, I read a person’s mind. And it was wonderful.”

“Hmm,” the doctor said, “I have a diagnosis for that. Paranoid schizophrenia. Possibly Bipolar.”

“Good,” Jones said. “I need a diagnosis right away, and drugs.”

“I’m the man with the drugs,” the psychiatrist said. “Let’s start you off with a sedative for sleeping and a bit of Haldol for your psychosis.”

“Sounds good,” Jones said, “but what if it doesn’t work? What if tomorrow, out of the blue, I read someone else’s mind?”

“Then come back and see me,” the psychiatrist said, “and I’ll up the dosage. Don’t worry.”

“The feeling of wonderful will go away?” Jones asked.

“Do you want it to?” the psychiatrist said.

“You bet I do. It’s the hook. I could yearn after it, and who knows what I might do then?”

“Pleasure is a tough one,” the psychiatrist said. “We pursue it, sometimes to our own detriment. I favor neutrality in all things.”

“So did I,” Jones said, “until today. Now I have a…what would you call it…a desire. And it’s scaring me.”

“Desire is the beginning of all suffering,” the psychiatrist said. “I read that somewhere.”

“The worst part,” Jones said, “is that I’m becoming aware of a different space and time.”

“Dangerous,” the psychiatrist agreed. “I’m a member of a committee formed to look into other spaces and times. We’re hoping to draft legislation that outlaws them.”

“I hope you succeed,” Jones said. “Suppose I couldn’t come back to my nice house and my nice life without feeling odd? That would be terrible. I’m a round peg in a round hole and I want to stay that way. You know, we go to church every Sunday. The Church of Statistical Average. The congregation is growing. It’s perfect for us. We love it.”

“I understand,” the psychiatrist said.

All this time, he had been reading Jones’ mind, and Jones had been reading his. They both saw a profound yearning and a profound sadness in the other.

“Perhaps I should consider a lobotomy,” Jones said.

“I wouldn’t rush into that,” the psychiatrist said.

Jones saw that the psychiatrist a) wanted a lobotomy and b) wished for the courage to go through with it.

The psychiatrist saw that Jones wanted to read minds all the time and experience the intense pleasure of leaving ordinary space and time. That was perfectly understandable. Who, having known the sensation, wouldn’t desire it again?

Jones saw that the psychiatrist longed to swim in the ocean of telepathic communication.

The psychiatrist saw that Jones wanted to become unconscious and float like a space-rock in the galaxy, with no consciousness whatsoever.

“How is your wife?” the psychiatrist said.

“Fine,” Jones said. “And your family?”

“Very well, fine,” the psychiatrist said. “Are you still sailing on weekends?”

“Now and then,” Jones said. “The weather’s been cold lately.”

“Yes, it has been.”

“Are you still playing bridge at the club?”

“Most Friday nights.”

Jones reached out and placed a thought in the consciousness of the psychiatrist: “Help me.”

Silently, the psychiatrist answered: “I need help, too.”

The walls and ceiling of the psychiatrist’s office fell away and exposed a great dark warm space.

The two men began to weep.

“We’re alone,” they thought.

Then Jones said, out loud, “Suppose everyone is like us?”

Faintly, they heard band music, and then people appeared, whispering among themselves and quietly playing instruments, or perhaps the whispering was coming from the instruments.

“I think we just died,” Jones said.

“No,” the psychiatrist said. “This is a womb filled with friends. We’re being born. They’re waiting for us to emerge.”

“Emerge into what?”


“The happiness of being ourselves?” Jones said.

“It appears so,” the psychiatrist said. “We were in a play.”

“What kind of play?”

“I don’t know,” the psychiatrist said, “but it’s closing. It had a good run, but ticket sales are declining, and the producers are resigned. They’ve given the order to strike the sets.”

“The producers?”

“They designed everything we thought we were.”

Jones laughed.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed at anything. He thought he was going to jump out of his skin. He tried to bring himself under control.

He laughed harder and that led to weeping.

He smelled fire.

“Something’s burning,” he said.

“No,” the psychiatrist said. “Some one. I’m burning. Can’t you see it?”

Jones strained at the darkness. He saw an object rising like a rocket.

“Don’t leave me,” he said.

The psychiatrist shouted over a roar, “I can’t wait anymore!”

Jones took off, too. He rose above his station, and felt the heat.

And then, suddenly, they were back in the psychiatrist’s office, sitting, facing each other.

“Your wife is still pursuing a graduate degree?” the psychiatrist was saying.

“Why yes,” Jones said. “Two evenings a week, and weekends. Her advisor tells her she’s an exceptional student.”

“I’m sure that pleases her.”

“It does, yes.”

“We’re almost out of time,” the psychiatrist said. “Anything else in our remaining moments?”

“Yes,” Jones said. “One thing. Have you ever felt you were in a commercial promoting the very thing you were doing at the moment?”

The psychiatrist smiled.

“Almost every day.”

He stood up. Jones stood up. They shook hands and Jones left the office.

On the street, as he walked back to his office, he said to himself, “I’m normal, I’m average, I’m normal, I’m average…”

His eyelids were heavy. Fatigue spread through his body. He staggered into an alley and sat down on the pavement next to a dumpster. He fell asleep.

Sometime later, his memories foggy, he was stretched out on the grass in a park near the river.

Lights were shining in his eyes. He blinked and looked up. He saw a cameraman and a woman in a pink suit holding a microphone.

“We’re doing a story on the homeless,” she said. “I’m from KGR News. How did you end up here, sir? Would you tell us?”

Jones tried to shake off his intense weariness.

He stood up, scratched at the stubble of his beard, and grabbed the microphone from the newswoman.

“Hey!” she said.

“Would you tell me,” Jones said, “how you ended up in the stage play called Your Life?”

He threw the microphone down and lumbered away across the park lawn.

He walked several miles, entered the Grand Hotel, took out his credit card, and walked up to the check-in counter.

The clerk looked at him and frowned.

“I know,” Jones said. “I’m a mess. I’m in actor in a play in town. We just closed our run and I didn’t bother changing my costume. I’d like your best room for a day. I want to clean up and get some sleep.”

The clerk gingerly took Jones’ credit card and ran it. He was surprised to find it had a hundred-thousand-dollar limit.

“Of course, sir,” he said. “I understand.”

An hour later, showered and shaved, Jones called room service and had them send up a meal.

After devouring a steak and mashed potatoes, he called his tailor and asked for a rush job on a new suit. He spoke to the hotel concierge and put in an order for underwear, socks, a shirt, and a tie from a local department store.

Four hours later, he looked in the mirror in the bathroom and saw himself as he was: businessman, husband, father, pillar of the community.

He was about to call his wife and assure her he was fine, when he glanced at the sliding glass door and saw his psychiatrist sitting out on the balcony calmly smoking a cigarette.

Jones walked over to the door, opened it, and sat down across from the doctor.

“How did you get here?” Jones said.

“Never mind that,” the psychiatrist said. “For the past few days, I’ve been tuning into high-level conversations. First, it was the mayor. Then the governor. Then the president. Then, bankers in Brussels. Finally, a small group of men in Geneva. In Geneva, they were talking about a company called Reality Manufacturing, Inc.

“Never heard of it,” Jones said.

“You should. They said you were a key figure in it.”

He stared at Jones.

“Wait a minute,” Jones said. “That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”

“They seemed very certain.”

“I’m in a company that makes Reality?”

“Apparently so.”

“What about you?” Jones said.

“My name didn’t come up.”

“What the hell’s going on?” Jones said.

The psychiatrist shrugged. “Seems like we’ve gone through a wormhole or something.”

“A what?”

“Take it easy, Jones” the psychiatrist said. “We’ll sort this out. I have a theory. You’re the most normal man in the world. You’re the epitome of normal. That must be a clue.”

“A clue to what? That I’m going insane?”

“No. Your extreme normality is a perfect cover story. Who would suspect that you’re hiding an enormous secret? I believe mysterious forces have hijacked your subconscious and are using it to hide a…system for manufacturing reality as we know it. You’re an agent. You just don’t know it.”


“And,” the psychiatrist continued, “I reason that if you die, reality will vanish.”

He stood up, took a step forward, and grabbed Jones by the shoulders.

“I’m going to throw you off the balcony,” the psychiatrist said, “and test my hypothesis.”

power outside the matrix

At that moment, policemen burst through the door to the hotel room and rushed out on to the balcony. They separated the two men and put them in handcuffs.

“What’s the charge, Officers?” the psychiatrist said.

“Sniffing at the edges,” a tall policeman said. “Meddling with the grid.”

“Care to explain that further?” the psychiatrist said.

“No,” the policeman said. “You’ll be taken to a facility for reprocessing. After that, you won’t need any explanations.”

Two days later, Jones was reunited with his wife at a local hospital. A doctor told Mrs. Jones that her husband had gone on a bender and blacked out in a park.

She nodded. “I always thought he was too normal. Something had to be wrong with him. I understand now. He’s been hiding his drinking from me.”

The psychiatrist was never heard from again.

On nights when his wife is out with her friends, Jones goes down to his basement and sits on an old battered couch and tries to remember. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for, but he knows it’s there, in his mind.

Occasionally, a wall disappears for a few seconds and then reconstitutes itself. He hears faint music. He senses that the people who are making the music are waiting for him. They know what he needs to know. They want him to break through.

He calls them his “other friends.” He can almost make out their faces. Faces in darkness, hovering in shadows.

One day, after work, he passes a coffee shop and sees, in the window, the woman who was in the car reading the newspaper, the woman whose thoughts he’d read, the woman who’d started the whole thing.

She glances his way and smiles.

Hearing the faint music, he walks into the shop and sits down across from her.

He says, “I wasn’t reading your thoughts. You were sending them to me.”

She nods.

“But why?” he says. “Why me?”

“Because,” she says, “you were absolutely normal. Therefore, you were so close to the edge. Just a little push and you would fall off.”

He smiles.

“Falling off,” he says, “is quite an understatement to describe what I went through.”

“Yes,” she says. “I know. Have patience. The grid is collapsing, bit by bit. Your assistance is appreciated.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Singular realities, multiple realities

Singular realities, multiple realities

by Jon Rappoport

July 9, 2014

“When Georges Braque and Picasso invented what came to be called Cubism, they were not only painting new hybrid objects, they were building multiple spaces and viewpoints on a single canvas. For a moment, the Singular was gone. A book or a guitar had undergone a kind of geometric alchemy that also affected space and time.” — Jon Rappoport, The Underground

I want to connect this article to my previous two (here and here) on the hoax called psychiatry.

On the ground, this is what we have. A person moves through life. He experiences some joy, some happiness, some sadness, some despair—and one day he feels he’s at a dead-end, he feels blocked, desperate.

He goes to a psychiatrist, or someone sends him to a psychiatrist, who makes a pronouncement: “You have a condition. It’s called X.”

A particular mental disorder. Of course, this ex-cathedra pronouncement has nothing to do with science, because none of the 300 officially certified mental disorders has any physical and defining diagnostic test to back it up. None.

How this patient feels (sad, despondent, up and down, weird, crazy) could be the result of many factors. Severe nutritional deficiency, environmental poisoning, horrendous home life, threats to his safety, hormone imbalances, etc.

But the psychiatrist does a clever thing. He announces a single condition and he gives it a name, a label.

He says to the patient: “This is what you have.”

It’s not, of course. The label and the condition are a fiction. As fictional as the realness of what the patient is experiencing in his life.

However, the patient now feels a little better. His severe troubles have suddenly been coalesced for him, into a name, the name of a supposed thing.

And if he asks the psychiatrist where this thing comes from, the psychiatrist will hand him another gift: “chemical imbalance in the brain.”

Aha. Yes.

Of course, this is sheer nonsense, too. No one has ever proven that mental disorders spring from some wellspring of chemical imbalances. No one has ever established a “normal chemical baseline” for the brain, against which a comparison can be made.

But no matter. Again, the patient feels relief. He has a another single thing in his hands: chemical imbalance. Right. This is why he is suffering.

Singular reality. People yearn for one. They want one. They want it as a diagnosis for their troubles, and they want it for an explanation of what happens to them after they die. They want a singular reality to define which piece of the entirely phony political spectrum they should inhabit.

In every area of life, they want a singular reality to point the way.

They want to wear a garland of flowers on a string around their necks, each flower a singular reality.

And in each case, the flower is given to them. They don’t want to experience a full-blown act of choosing.

This whole process, taken to the extreme, suggests that the world, the cosmos, the mind, perception, consciousness are tuned to singular realities that lie there, waiting to be picked up—and education is a procedure through which a student discovers what singular realities exist and which ones fit him.

Existence is vast flower shop, and under the expert guidance of the salesman, the customer buys his garland and puts it around his neck.

At this point, one might say, “Yes, but of course if this person could do some serious investigating on his own, he would discover that, behind these singular realities, there are other realities which are much deeper, which reveal far more about ‘what’s actually going on.’”

And this is certainly true. This is certainly a legitimate point.

But now, suppose we take a sharp detour. Suppose, first, we say that whether a person is dealing with superficial singular realities or deeper realities, they are each, in a significant sense, singular.

And second, perhaps there is another way to perceive. Suppose, for example, we look at Reality Y and we suddenly realize that it represents or embodies more than one thing. It embodies five things, or ten, or a hundred.

What does that mean?

It means that if you walk into the Frick Museum in New York and look at the Vermeer called Officer and Laughing Girl (c. 1657), you will see one reality on Monday and another on Tuesday, and another on Wednesday. And perhaps on Thursday, you’ll see ten or twelve “different paintings” in that one.

The single painting becomes multiple realities.

There is a whole other way of seeing, by which “the garland” of singular realities recedes into the far background.

Exit From the Matrix

In 1987, my late friend and colleague, the brilliant hypnotherapist, Jack True, told me: “If I take a patient to the point where he can see one thing in a hundred different ways, when he ‘comes back’ to this comparatively simplistic world, he finds he can deal with it far better than he could before. It’s more accessible. It‘s less problematical…”

To extend Alfred Korzybski’s famous line, “The map is not the territory,” most of the time the map is not the map. It’s a series of singular realities which are fictions.

There are certainly instances and areas in which one wants to get to the point, the conclusion, the singular reality, and assess the reasoning process (logic) by which others have arrived at that Singular.

But there are unbounded areas where perception is confounded and held in check by searching for the Singular.

Perception can open itself up and discover, with great delight, Multiples. This is called art, or more generally, imagination.

It sees “the universe in a grain of sand.” Many universes.

No civilization can endure that cuts itself off from this opening. It can only regress into singular fascism. It will always devolve into overwhelming central authority, no matter what it calls itself. And those many people who seek singular realities will accept the fascism, because they see no other possibility.

Metaphorically and literally, they want a psychiatrist (or a priest or a president) to tell them, “This is the condition of your mind. And this is what you have to do about it.”

In the multiple universes of imagination, there are no presidents.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Babies on psychiatric drugs: crime with no punishment

Babies on psychiatric drugs: crime with no punishment

by Jon Rappoport

July 8, 2014

Here is typical, circumspect, utter bullshit reporting from the mainstream:

“For the most vulnerable foster children, those less than 1 year old, foster children were nearly twice as likely to be prescribed a psychiatric drug compared to non-foster children.” (ABC News, November 30, 2011)

“Experts are also beginning to question the accuracy of diagnoses such as bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses in children, especially in foster children who may not always have access to comprehensive mental health services.” (ABC News, November 30, 2011)

The truth is, one baby, one child on psychiatric drugs is a crime.

There are no defining diagnostic tests for any of the 300 so-called mental disorders. Psychiatry isn’t science. It’s fraud, from beginning to end.

And then…babies on highly toxic psychiatric drugs…

…prescribed by doctors…

…who actually make eyeball diagnoses of clinical depression, bipolar, ADHD…

…in babies 0 to 1 years old…

The magnitude of this could only be gauged, to a partial degree, by locking up the doctors for the rest of their lives.

I and others have cited the massive toxic effects of the drugs. All the drugs. If you’re new to the subject, start by reading Dr. Peter Breggin’s breakthrough book, Toxic Psychiatry.

Babies. Poisoning the brains and nervous systems of babies. Claiming to know babies have a mental disorder. Babies. 0-1 years old.

Reporter Kelly O’Meara, who for years has investigated psychiatry, cites statistics in her article at Children In Shadow. In the US, babies 0-1 years old are ingesting psychiatric drugs at these rates (for the year 2013):

Anti-anxiety drugs (e.g., Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan)—249,669 babies.

Antidepressants (e.g., Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil)—26,406 babies.

ADHD drugs (e.g., Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta)—1,422 babies.

Anti-psychotic drugs (e.g., Risperdal, Seroquel, Zyprexa)—654 babies.

Meanwhile, major media outlets waffle and wobble about the crime, experts in journals debate the crime, no one in the mainstream calls it a crime, the Department of Justice does nothing, and the pharmaceutical companies make billions.

power outside the matrix

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Another giant nail in the coffin of psychiatry

Another giant nail in the coffin of psychiatry

by Jon Rappoport

July 8, 2014

As my readers know, I’ve assembled a wide-ranging case against psychiatry.

It isn’t a science. It isn’t even close. It’s a hoax.

The bible of the profession, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM), lists some 300 separate and distinct mental disorders.

However, none of the 300 has a defining physical test for diagnosis. No blood test, no urine test, no hair test, no brain scan, no genetic assay.

Here’s another huge nail in the coffin. It was hammered by exactly the kind of establishment honcho people like to quote when they defend the establishment. Only this time…

On April 29, 2013, at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, Director Thomas Insel, the highest ranking federal mental-health official in the US, published a blog commentary: “Transforming Diagnosis.” Insel wrote:

“In a few weeks, the American Psychiatric Association will release its new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)…

“The strength of each of the editions of DSM has been ‘reliability’ – each edition has ensured that clinicians use the same terms in the same ways. The weakness is its lack of validity. Unlike our definitions of ischemic heart disease, lymphoma, or AIDS, the DSM diagnoses are based on a consensus about clusters of clinical symptoms, not any objective laboratory measure.”

See: http:// www. nimh.nih .gov /about/director/2013/transforming-diagnosis.shtml

Not any objective laboratory measure.

That’s called a death sentence.

If anyone paid attention to it.

power outside the matrix

It’s on the order of the US Attorney General holding a press conference and admitting that every one of its criminal prosecutions, going back 70 years, was based on fraudulent cooked evidence.

If you or your child is ever in the presence of a psychiatrist who gets up on his high horse, makes a diagnosis, and tries to foist drugs on you, you might pay attention to Thomas Insel’s statement, tell the shrink who Insel is, and read his statement out loud, in the sober and somber style of a mortician.

Ditto if you’re dealing with a teacher, school counselor, psychologist, or principal who thinks he knows anything at all about “mental health.”

We must help educate the misinformed, mustn’t we? Isn’t it our civic duty to lift up professional idiots and set them straight?

Psychiatry. Not a science.

It pretends to be.

By any definition, that makes it a hoax.

Imagine this: “Mrs. Jones, your son has a heart-valve problem. How do I know? A few colleagues and I looked at his eyebrows, got together over drinks, and decided we should wheel him into surgery right away. Diagnostic tests? Why no. We don’t test. We chew the fat. We concur. We collude.”

In the arena of “mental health,” that’s the method of psychiatry.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Psychiatry: the NSA with toxic drugs

Psychiatry: the NSA with toxic drugs

by Jon Rappoport

June 13, 2014

This piece follows on from my previous one, “2 new smoking guns: Psychiatry is a complete fraud.” That article refuted the whole scientific basis of the profession.

Here are quotes from a work-in-progress, The Underground:

“Psychiatry is a system of arbitrary definitions. When you get past all the pseudo-technical nonsense, you’re looking at mind control—the attempt to make people believe consciousness is composed of about 300 disorders.”

“Psychiatry is a state-of-mind prison for society. You can have this state of mind or that one, and after we treat you, you can have a normal state of mind.

“But, actually, consciousness is up for grabs. You can have any state of mind you want to. No labels. Does that sound frightening? You’re supposed to feel frightened and crawl back into a little hole. That’s the game.”

“Psychiatry is just another organized religion. Instead of a wafer and a sip of wine, they have drugs. Lots of drugs. Their cosmology is a picture they paint, the subject of which is Normal. Sane. Average. By their average definitions.”

“Psychiatry would like to be known as some kind of ultimate information theory. Information theory is what the loser in a poker game is left with. It’s all he’s got, so he has to go out on the street and try to sell it, hypnotize people with it. Pure scrubbed data, as empty and dead as the face of an old politician.”

“Today’s psychiatrists are playing around with brain signals. They have no idea what the mind is. No idea what consciousness is. No idea what freedom is. They have no idea how different individuals would be from one another if they broke out of the collective prison of The Normal.”

“The Wizard of Psychiatry is a hustler from way back. His job is to make Normal plausible.”

“Everything a human being is starts to come into view when he gets rid of Normal.”

“Psychiatry and its government, media, and intelligence-agency allies are saying, ‘See that crazy killer over there? Anybody could turn into that. Even you. So we have to treat the whole population before somebody starts spraying bullets in your neighborhood. We have to sculpt everybody into a good citizen, an average person.’”

“Psychiatry is the Surveillance Society of the brain. The NSA with toxic drugs.”

Exit From the Matrix

“Psychiatry is State control of emotion and thought. And its poor cousin, psychology, has become sentimental hokum for the rubes. Slop. The universe and life are much crazier than that. Crazy good. Crazy open.”

“At the bottom of his titanic pile of bullshit, the Wizard of Psychiatry is saying, ‘You’re not free.’ But you are.”

“Sixty years ago, a hundred years ago, there was an idea in America. The Open Road. Travel the open road. Adventure. Psychiatry is one of the disciplines that’s tried to shut it down.”

“Since there are no definitive physical tests for any of the 300 officially certified mental disorders—no blood tests, no urine tests, no brain scans, no genetic assays—what we’re left with is a phantasm-map of Nowhere Land, a philosophy of limitation. A translation of human problems and suffering into a professional liar’s language, a made-up nonsensical technical gibberish. And the federal government licenses this as a monopoly, in line with its made-up version of the Constitution.”

“There never was, and never will be, a science of consciousness, because by its very nature, consciousness is free and unpredictable. Many people find this hard to swallow, because they fear freedom and hate it. They know they’ve lost it somewhere, and they don’t want anyone else to have it.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

2 new smoking guns: Psychiatry is a complete fraud

2 new smoking guns: Psychiatry is a complete fraud

by Jon Rappoport

June 12, 2014

I’ve published much information revealing psychiatry is a scientific fraud. Now, courtesy of Dr. Fred Baughman (, I have two more smoking guns.

The first is a letter, dated November 10, 2008, sent from Supriya Sharma, MD, a director general of Health Canada, to a private citizen (name withheld).

Health Canada is the equivalent of the FDA in America.

Dr. Sharma is “responding on the Minister’s behalf”—the Health Minister of Canada, a post roughly comparable to the US Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Here is Dr. Sharma’s key passage:

“For mental/psychiatric disorders in general, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and ADHD, there are no confirmatory gross, microscopic or chemical abnormalities that have been validated for objective physical diagnosis.”

Dr. Sharma is readily admitting that the diagnosis of mental disorders has no basis in actual science.

There are no defining diagnostic tests.

That means: no blood tests, no urine tests, no hair tests, no brain scans, no genetic assays. Nothing.

The second smoking gun is an email sent from the FDA, dated March 12, 2009, to Dr. Baughman. It was written by Donald Dobbs, Consumer Safety Officer, Division of Drug Information, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. It refers back to Health Canada and smoking gun #1:

“I consulted with the FDA new drug review division responsible for approving psychiatric drug products and they concurred with the response you [Dr. Baughman] enclosed from Health Canada.

“Psychiatric disorders (as Health Canada refers) are diagnosed based on a patient’s presentation of symptoms that the larger psychiatric community has come to accept as real and responsive to treatment.”

Could there be a better description of unscientific consensus?

There are roughly 300 officially certified and distinct mental disorders, named and published in the American Psychiatric Association’s bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM). There are no defining physical tests to diagnose ANY of them. It’s all fraud. It’s that simple and stark.

Psychiatrists can tap dance all they want to about “remarkable progress,” “new breakthroughs,” “the need for more research money,” “chemical imbalances,” but they’re just blowing smoke.

Perhaps psychiatry qualifies for status as a speculative hypothesis, on the level of “Jesus studied healing in Atlantis”— but in what universe does the profession deserve the unqualified backing of the federal government; the ability, under certain conditions, to have citizens placed in psych-ward lockdowns; and the indulgence of courts to hear testimony from “experts” about the mental state of defendants?

Yes, there are certainly people with severe problems. They show all sorts of signs of these problems. But the causes can stem from a variety of circumstances, and any health practitioner worthy of the name would approach each unique patient to find out what is relevant.

A deep nutritional deficit? A toxic drug or environmental chemical? Physical abuse? Extreme poverty? An ongoing threat to safety? Isolation? Confusion about the future? A disastrously poor education? Hormone imbalance? A praiseworthy refusal to accept cultural norms and the consensus of friends? Unemployment? Etc.

No need to invent 300 so-called mental disorders.

power outside the matrix

Here are two more pieces of information that attest to the unconscionable fraud that is psychiatry.

Dr. Ronald Pies, the editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times, laid the chemical-imbalance theory of mental disorders to rest in the July 11, 2011, issue of the Times — in Psychiatry’s New Brain-Mind and the Legend of the “Chemical Imbalance” (behind pay wall) — with this staggering admission:

“In truth, the ‘chemical imbalance’ notion was always a kind of urban legend — never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists.”

For decades, the whole basis of psychiatric drug research, drug prescription, and drug sales has been: “we’re correcting a chemical imbalance in the brain.”

The problem was, researchers had never established a normal baseline for chemical balance. So they were shooting in the dark. Worse, they were faking a theory. Pretending they knew something when they didn’t. That’s still the case.

In his 2011 piece in Psychiatric Times, Dr. Pies tries to cover his colleagues in the psychiatric profession with this fatuous remark:

“In the past 30 years, I don’t believe I have ever heard a knowledgeable, well-trained psychiatrist make such a preposterous claim [about chemical imbalance in the brain], except perhaps to mock it…the ‘chemical imbalance’ image has been vigorously promoted by some pharmaceutical companies, often to the detriment of our patients’ understanding.”

Absurd. First of all, many psychiatrists have explained and do explain to their patients that the drugs are there to correct a chemical imbalance.

And second, if all well-trained psychiatrists have known, all along, that the chemical-imbalance theory is a fraud…

…then why on earth have they been prescribing tons of drugs to their patients…

…since those drugs are developed on the false premise that they correct an imbalance?

Here’s another nail in the coffin: It’s a statement made by a prominent psychiatrist on an episode of PBS’ Frontline series. The episode was: “Does ADHD Exist?”

PBS Frontline Interviewer: Skeptics say that there’s no biological marker—that it [ADHD] is the one condition out there where there is no blood test, and that no one knows what causes it.

Barkley: (Dr. Russell Barkley, professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center): That’s tremendously naïve, and it shows a great deal of illiteracy about science and about the mental health professions. A disorder doesn’t have to have a blood test to be valid. If that were the case, all mental disorders would be invalid…There is no lab test for any mental disorder right now in our science. That doesn’t make them invalid.

Rarely will you hear a scientist make as bold and definitive a statement against his own interests as that one. And Barkley was so egregiously ignorant about what science is that he spoke with blithe confidence.

The Matrix Revealed

Science, as opposed to a preferred special interest, demands confirmation of its assertions. That means physical tests. Definitive tests. You claim a disorder exists in the brain, you present a physical test that confirms it.

You can search the entire DSM, the bible of psychiatry, and try to find one such defining test for a diagnosis of any of the 300 so-called mental disorders, including the old standby, schizophrenia, and you’ll go begging. You’ll come up empty.

Think of the range and influence and power of psychiatry. Think about its partnership with central governments and pharmaceutical companies. Think about its ability to pronounce people insane or mentally ill, and what it can then coercively visit on such persons.

Think about all the politicians and pundits who blithely refer society’s problems to the “need for more psychiatric treatment” and “earlier intervention” (with toxic drugs).

You’re interested in staged events? The entire profession of psychiatry, from top to bottom, is a staged event.

It claims that millions and millions of people, including very young children, are suffering from disorders that have never been proven to exist.

As disturbing as this fact may be to some people, there it is.

Of course, many will respond with disbelief. “A total fraud? That couldn’t be because there are professionals who know science and they say…”

I don’t care what they say. I don’t care what the consensus is. You want to play the game called science? You play by the rules of the scientific method. Otherwise, get out and play another game. Read tea leaves in restaurants. Buy a Ouija board. Interpret the wrinkles on an elephant.

Or just admit you’re doing preliminary research and haven’t found your way.

But don’t push people around with the claim that you’re engaged in science. You’re peddling snake oil, and anyone with a few active brain cells to rub together can see it.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Psst, kid, want drugs? I’m a psychiatrist.

Psst, kid, want drugs? I’m a psychiatrist.

by Jon Rappoport

June 10, 2014

Look at it this way. The kid doesn’t have to pay for drugs out of his pocket. He gets them in a shrink’s office. Insurance covers it.

His parents may be able to work a Social Security disability claim and receive $$ and other free medical treatments.

The kid’s school cashes in. They’re now teaching a disabled child. Government aid.

No wonder Health Day News (4/24/14) reports that 1 in 13 American children are now on at least one psychiatric medication.

In 2012, the Archives of General Psychiatry reported a 7-fold increase in psychiatrists prescribing (powerful and toxic) antipsychotic meds to children, based on an analysis of office visits. (see also this.)

Then we have this: 13 December, 2009,, author Evelyn Pringle: from 1996-2006, US child prescriptions for psychiatric drugs up 50%; in 2006, more money was spent ($8.9 billion) on treatment for child mental disorders in the US than for any other medical condition in kids.

The legal drug traffickers (pharmaceutical companies) are banking on the obvious: rope in a child, get him on psychiatric meds, and you may well have a customer for life.

Mass shootings reportedly involving children? A Pharma bonanza. “We have to catch the mental disorder early and treat (drug) it, to avoid more such tragedies.” Obama announces a program to build community mental health centers (pushers) across America.

Never mind that the SSRI antidepressants (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, et al) can and do produce violent behavior. Suicide, homicide. See work of Peter Breggin, SSRI Stories, and David Healy.

power outside the matrix

In 2012, I reported this:

It’s the latest thing. Psychiatrists are now giving children in poor neighborhoods Adderall, a dangerous stimulant, by making false diagnoses of ADHD, or no diagnoses at all. Their aim? To “promote social justice,” to improve academic performance in school.

The rationale is, the drugged kids will now be able to compete with children from wealthier families who attend better schools.

Leading the way is Dr. Michael Anderson, a pediatrician in the Atlanta area. Incredibly, Anderson told the New York Times his diagnoses of ADHD are “made up,” “an excuse” to hand out the drugs.

“We’ve decided as a society that it’s too expensive to modify the kid’s environment. So we have to modify the kid,” Anderson said.

A researcher at Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Ramesh Raghavan, goes even further with this chilling comment: “We are effectively forcing local community psychiatrists to use the only tool at their disposal [to “level the playing field” in low-income neighborhoods], which is psychotropic medicine.”

So pressure is being brought to bear on psychiatrists to launch a heinous behavior modification program, using drugs, against children in inner cities.

It’s important to realize that all psychotropic stimulants, like Adderal and Ritalin, can cause aggressive behavior, violent behavior.

What we’re seeing here is a direct parallel to the old CIA program, exposed by the late journalist, Gary Webb, who detailed the importing of crack cocaine (another kind of stimulant) into South Central Los Angeles, which went a long way toward destroying that community.

Deploying the ADHD drugs creates symptoms which may then be treated with compounds like Risperdal, a powerful anti-psychotic, which can cause motor brain damage.

All this, in service of “social justice” for the poor.

And what about the claim that ADHD drugs can enhance school performance?

The following pronouncement makes a number of things clear: The 1994 Textbook of Psychiatry, published by the American Psychiatric Press, contains this review (Popper and Steingard):”Stimulants [given for ADHD] do not produce lasting improvements in aggressivity, conduct disorder, criminality, education achievement, job functioning, marital relationships, or long-term adjustment.”

So the whole basis for this “social justice” program in low-income communities—that the ADHD drugs will improve school performance of kids and “level the playing field,” so they can compete academically with children from wealthier families—this whole program is based on a lie to begin with.

Meddling with the brains of children via these chemicals constitutes criminal assault, and it’s time it was recognized for what it is.

In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published a most important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called “An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)” [v.21(7), pp. 837-841]. Adderall and other ADHD medications are all in the same basic class; they are stimulants, amphetamine-type substances.

Scarnati listed a large number of adverse affects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.

For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:
• Paranoid delusions
• Paranoid psychosis
• Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis
• Activation of psychotic symptoms
• Toxic psychosis
• Visual hallucinations
• Auditory hallucinations
• Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences
• Effects pathological thought processes
• Extreme withdrawal
• Terrified affect
• Started screaming
• Aggressiveness
• Insomnia
• Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects
• Psychic dependence
• High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug
• Decreased REM sleep
• When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia
• Convulsions
• Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.

In what sense are the ADHD drugs “social justice?” The reality is, they are chemical warfare. Licensed predators are preying on the poor.

You know the old saw, “Children are our future.” Yes, well, this means a future populated by millions of adults who grew up with government-approved brain-addling drugs and, chances are, they’re still taking them.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Alert: imperial psychiatric empire is invading the mind

Alert: imperial psychiatric empire is invading the mind

by Jon Rappoport

May 14, 2014

A federal bill, HR 3717 (Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2013), is being refined in the hope of gaining big support from both sides of the political aisle.

Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) is the key point man for the American Psychiatric Association.

This bill is playing off of Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, and other recent “mass events.”

The propaganda hook is: catch mental illness early, prevent tragedy.

The strategy is: expand mental health services into every cranny and nook of the society, starting with children.

Translation: diagnose mental disorders and drug patients with toxic compounds.

As I’ve demonstrated in many past articles, none of the 300 officially certified mental disorders has any defining diagnostic test. No blood test, no urine test, no brain scan, no genetic assay.

The names and descriptions of all the disorders are outright frauds, packaged to sell harmful drugs.

But that doesn’t stop the juggernaut.

HR 3717 is designed to do the following, as described in a recent article in Psychiatric News, “Comprehensive Mental Health Bill Introduced in House”:

“Among the bill’s provisions is the creation of a new assistant secretary position in the Department of Health and Human Services to coordinate activities within the agency on prevention and treatment of mental health and substance abuse.”

That means far greater clout for the feds in foisting psychiatric treatment on the public.

“…increase funding for crisis-intervention team training for police officers and firefighters…”

This adds a psychiatric component in instances of “crises,” wherein suspects, witnesses and even government workers will receive “mental health” evals and counseling (and drug prescriptions). It’ll be SOP for anyone within shouting distance of a police raid, for example, to experience a brush with the psychiatric system, whenever possible.

“…permit disclosure of information about individuals with mental illness to caregivers or immediate family members under certain circumstances.”

There goes privacy and confidentiality…one leak and cross-reference after another.

“…$40 million a year for the National Institute of Mental Health to fund the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative…or other ‘research on the determinants of self- and other-directed violence in mental illness, including studies directed at reducing the risk of self-harm, suicide, and interpersonal violence.’”

More $$ to study how to control the brain. More fraudulent research aimed at blaming “chemical imbalances” as the cause of crime, which again results in more mental-disorder diagnoses and drugging. Keep in mind that increasing numbers of people are being driven over the edge into committing violence, because psychiatric drugs, such as the SSRI antidepressants, are scrambling their neurotransmitters. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“…adopt a ‘need-for-treatment’ standard for assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), he [Rep. Murphy] said, adding that the current legal standard requiring ‘dangerousness to self or others’ to permit involuntary evaluation and treatment was a bar set too high.”

This means the government can order more people to receive psychiatric care and forced drugging, erasing the previous restriction.

Jeffrey Lieberman, president of the American Psychiatric Association: “We need a public-health initiative for mental health care that moves out of clinical settings into the community, whether it’s in primary care, education, the workplace, or faith-based organizations.”

Meaning: tons of new propaganda about the need for psychiatric treatment; the building of community psychiatric centers all across the country; pressure to submit to treatment applied in ordinary doctors’ offices, in schools, in private companies, in churches.

This is a diabolical legislative package.

power outside the matrix

If it’s fully implemented, you’ll witness a sea-change in society, in the coming decade. Diagnoses of mental disorders and consequent drugging, already widely in effect, will become as common and ordinary as people eating at fast food restaurants.

And the population will eventually forget things were ever different.

“Hey, can I borrow your Valproate? My son took my bottle because he ran out.”

Look for schools to set up monitoring systems, so they can be sure students are taking their psychiatric meds at the proper times during the day.

On their wireless devices, all children will have ID packages that allow them to check into any pharmacy and pick up a prescription refill.

And esoteric concepts like “consciousness?” They’ll fade from view, because “states of mind” will be defined by mental-disorder labels.

This is about more than Pharma profits. It’s also about putting a ceiling on how human beings view themselves.

As exemplified by this bill before Congress, the federal government has set itself up as a legal partner and enforcer of a monopoly of the mind.

Understand that. There are a million ways to explore and understand the inner life of a person. Psychiatry is just one of those. It’s a pseudoscience and a con and a hustle.

But it has the unflinching support of all three branches of government.

Which is why the freedom to refuse treatment must be protected, against any and all attacks.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The James Holmes Batman-murder psychiatric circus

The James Holmes Batman-murder psychiatric circus

by Jon Rappoport

April 28, 2014

This article is not about all the contradictions and inconsistencies in the official story of “the Batman murders” at the Aurora Theater. This article is about the use of psychiatry in the judicial system.

Judge Carlos Samour has ordered James Holmes to undergo a second sanity review. Holmes’ lawyers are appealing that order, so once again, everything is on hold.

Holmes has already entered a plea of insanity, meaning he committed the murders but was crazy at the time. And he’s already had one sanity review in a hospital. But the Judge didn’t like that review, and neither did the prosecution. Why? No one is permitted to say, but it’s obvious the prosecution is upset because the first review concluded that Holmes was/is insane….unable to tell right from wrong.

The prosecution wants the case to end up with a guilty verdict and the death penalty, not with an insane Holmes assigned to a prison hospital as a psychotic.

The Judge wants the second sanity review to focus tightly on whether Holmes was sane or insane on the night he “killed people in the theater.”

So how do psychiatrists decide that question?

In order to do so, they have to go through Holmes himself.

Is Holmes now sane? Can he look back and provide an accurate account of his state of mind then?

“Well, I’m quite sane now, and I can see I knew right from wrong then.”


If Holmes is sane now (whatever that means), why should he admit he was sane then and risk dying at the hands of the State? If he’s sane now, he’ll say, “I was crazy that night. I couldn’t tell right from wrong.”

How do the psychiatrists navigate through that?

If Holmes is insane now, whatever he remembers about that night in the theater should be automatically discounted and ignored.

But psychiatrists, with their pseudoscience, have a reputation to uphold. They have to make it seem as if they know what they’re doing. They have to pretend their word games and their diagnoses are connected to the reality of the mind.

That isn’t the case, of course. No official diagnosis of any so-called mental disorder has a defining test to back it up. It’s all a hoax.

Eventually, after their second sanity review, psychiatrists will enter an opinion with the court. They’ll claim that some sort of objective analysis was done on Holmes, bypassing his fractured mental state. They’ll sell their snake oil to the Judge.

And he’ll buy it, because psychiatric reviews are part and parcel of the modern judicial system.

The bottom line? Aided by the sold-out political establishment, the men who really want to control the destiny of this country are using psychiatry and the “mental health” system to create a Police State.

“Everybody has a mental disorder, and must be treated.”

UPI is now reporting that 1 out of every 13 schoolchildren between the ages of 6 and 17 is on a prescription psychiatric drug. These drugs, all of them, are toxic. They sedate the brain. They initiate out-of-control hyper-manic states. They scramble neurotransmitters. The SSRI antidepressants, in particular, push people over the edge into violence; suicide, homicide. Holmes himself was under psychiatric care prior to Aurora.

These drugs are chemical warfare, eating out the population from the inside.

James Holmes is a poster boy for the mental-health system.

“If only his disorder had been caught sooner, if only he were treated, we could have avoided the tragedy in Aurora.”

Therefore, children must be screened and monitored from an early age, diagnosed, and dosed with drugs.

Whether Holmes’ second sanity review comes back with the finding that he was insane in Aurora, the story-line has already been set in concrete: he was suffering from a mental disorder. That fits the overall agenda. That promotes the necessity of psychiatry judging and running the minds of every person.

Freedom dictates the opposite.

power outside the matrix

Some of you may be wondering about my statement that psychiatry is a pseudoscience based on nothing more than arbitrary fantasies.

Here is just a bit of the evidence for that assertion:

Under the radar, one of the great psychiatric stars, who has been out in front inventing mental disorders, went public. He blew the whistle on himself and his colleagues. And for 3 years, almost no one noticed.

His name is Dr. Allen Frances, and he made VERY interesting statements to Gary Greenberg, author of a Wired article: “Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness.” (Dec.27, 2010).

Major media never picked up on the interview in any serious way. It never became a scandal.

Dr. Allen Frances is the man who, in 1994, headed up the project to write the latest edition of the psychiatric bible, the DSM-IV. This tome defines and labels and describes every official mental disorder. The DSM-IV eventually listed 297 of them.

Long after the DSM-IV had been put into print, Dr. Frances talked to Wired’s Greenberg and said the following:

“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.”


That’s on the order of the designer of the Hindenburg, looking at the burned rubble on the ground, remarking, “Well, I knew there would be a problem.”

After a suitable pause, Dr. Frances remarked to Greenberg, “These concepts [of distinct mental disorders] are virtually impossible to define precisely with bright lines at the borders.”

Frances might have been referring to the fact that his baby, the DSM-IV, had rearranged earlier definitions of ADHD and Bipolar to permit many MORE diagnoses, leading to a vast acceleration of drug-dosing with highly powerful and toxic compounds.

Finally, at the end of the Wired interview, Frances flew off into a bizarre sojourn:

“Diagnosis [as spelled out in the DSM-IV] is part of the magic…you know those medieval maps? In the places where they didn’t know what was going on, they wrote ‘Dragons live here’…we have a dragon’s world here. But you wouldn’t want to be without the map.”

Translation: Patients need hope for the healing of their troubles; so even if we psychiatrists are shooting blanks and pretending to know one kind of mental disorder from another, even if we’re inventing these mental-disorder definitions based on no biological or chemical diagnostic tests—it’s a good thing, because patients will then believe and have hope; they’ll believe because psychiatrists place a name on their problems…

Needless to say, this has nothing to do with science. Or healing.

Here is a smoking-gun statement made by another prominent psychiatrist, on an episode of PBS’ Frontline series. The episode was: “Does ADHD Exist?”

PBS FRONTLINE INTERVIEWER: Skeptics say that there’s no biological marker—that it [ADHD] is the one condition out there where there is no blood test, and that no one knows what causes it.

BARKLEY (Dr. Russell Barkley, professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center): That’s tremendously naïve, and it shows a great deal of illiteracy about science and about the mental health professions. A disorder doesn’t have to have a blood test to be valid. If that were the case, all mental disorders would be invalid…There is no lab test for any mental disorder right now in our science. That doesn’t make them invalid. [Emphasis added]

Without intending to, Dr. Barkley blows the whistle on his own profession.
So let’s take Dr. Barkley to school. Medical science, and disease-research in particular, rests on the notion that you can make a diagnosis backed up by lab tests. If you can’t produce lab tests, you’re spinning fantasies.

These fantasies might be hopeful, they might be “educated guesses,” they might be launched from traditional centers of learning, they might be backed up by billions of dollars of grant money…but they’re still fantasies.

Dr. Barkley employs a corrupted version of logic in his statement to the PBS Frontline interviewer. Barkley is essentially saying, “There is no lab test for any mental disorder. If a test were the standard of proof, we wouldn’t have psychiatry at all, our whole profession would rest on nothing—and that is patently absurd, so therefore a test doesn’t matter.”

That logic is no logic at all. Barkley is proving the case against himself. He just doesn’t want to admit it.

Psychiatry is a pseudoscience. A fake.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at