Trump won’t prosecute Hillary: politics in the Matrix

Politics in the Matrix: Trump won’t prosecute Hillary Clinton

by Jon Rappoport

November 22, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

“If Donald Trump can help her [Hillary] heal, then perhaps that’s a good thing to do.” —Kellyanne Conway, former Trump campaign manager

Donald Trump achieved two great things in his presidential campaign: he stopped Hillary Clinton from occupying the White House, and he ran against the media by attacking them mercilessly.

Everything else is up for grabs. We will see.

Already, he has made some “errors.” The appointment of Mike Pompeo as CIA director is a bad move. Pompeo, as a congressman, introduced the Dark Act, which now prevents the states from requiring GMO labels on food. And he favors the death sentence for Edward Snowden.

Multiple media outlets are reporting that Trump will not attempt to prosecute Hillary Clinton. This is on the level of lowering the window shades for a vampire as dawn breaks. Hillary was certainly guilty in the email case, and the Clinton Foundation is a pay-for-play money laundering operation of global proportions—a private and parallel State Department, in which cash is the only standard for “diplomacy.” And these charges are mere low-hanging fruit on the Clinton crime family tree.

Pursuing justice is supposed to be a Trump hallmark.

Politics in the Matrix is a tap dance and a shuffle. Deals and compromises are made all the way along the line. Washington and its media allies suck their very life juices from those deals. Like some fungus, they thrive in the dark every-day corruption of This traded for That. In many ways, Trump exclaimed he was above the game. The deals he was going to make would all be on the side of benefiting America—so he has a price to pay for asserting he was most definitely a different character on the political scene.

That unbridled assertion was what drove huge numbers of people to show up at his rallies all over the country. They wanted an outsider who had a serious ax to grind with Washington and the media. They wanted him to be angry and outraged—because they were, too. They didn’t want a great healer, because justice comes before healing.

Many of them had felt the effects of Globalism and its grotesque trade treaties. They were out of work, and he was going to bring back jobs. But that wasn’t their only motivation. They knew their jobs had been stolen by anti-American elites, and they wanted the sword of justice to fall on those elites. They knew Hillary Clinton was an arch-Globalist.

For these millions of Trump supporters, forgiving and forgetting and moving on isn’t presidential. It smells bad. They were never part of the glazed-over New Age crowd, and they aren’t now. The cheese-glob “coming together” isn’t in their lexicon. They don’t view anger as a character defect or a “compensatory” response that traces back into early childhood. They want bad people to pay for their crimes.

Hillary Clinton would be at the top of their list. Helping her heal is a sick joke. They want her in prison where she belongs. They know her constant vapid calls for “national unity” during the campaign were a straight-out con, a cover for her lust for power.

They see nothing redeeming about her. It’s simple: she fights the good and embraces evil. Therefore, she should be punished.

Doing so would set an example and a course for the Trump administration: we don’t back away, we don’t back down. We aren’t separating “campaign talk” from presidential action. We’re not trying to make that phony distinction.

If Trump prosecuted Hillary to the full extent of the law, then of course the owls would come out hooting: he’s vengeful; he can’t let go; he’s mean; he’s spiteful; he’s a cruel sadist; this goes beyond any civilized sense of propriety befitting a real leader.

Yes? And? So?

So what?

The Matrix Revealed

Is Trump the same man now that he was when he was campaigning?

Even asking that question seems naïve, because of course we know all politicians rearrange themselves after they win a victory. But Trump portrayed himself as very, very different. He stood on that difference. He celebrated it. He reveled in it. He took great pleasure in it.

Now, he has to pay the price.

His supporters don’t want to hear some garbled nonsense about how prosecuting Hillary would create a giant distraction from the job of leading the country. Trump’s whole campaign was a distraction from politics as usual. That’s what gave him strength.

Prosecuting Hillary Clinton now would be counter-intuitive and outrageous, and therefore it would be the most Trumpian thing Trump could do.

It would give him more support from his millions of people.

And it would be right and correct and it would deliver justice where justice has been needed for a very long time.

And when the whole host of sordid details about Hillary’s crimes came spilling out into the light, people who pride themselves on being in the camp of the “beautiful and virtuous” would realize who they have been defending.

It would provide a valuable lesson, and the price of admittance to that show would trump the decades of waiting America has endured in the case of The People vs. Hillary Clinton.

This case has now been canceled.

Donald Trump achieved two great things in his presidential campaign: he stopped Hillary Clinton from occupying the White House, and he ran against the media by attacking them mercilessly. Failing to prosecute Hillary is not a great thing. It is a very bad thing.

Coda: I sense there may be a little side-op here. Trump’s special advisor and inside man, innovator, media-attacker, and Breitbart editor, Steve Bannon, most certainly opposes the move to let Hillary off the hook. Is this a signal that Steve is out of the loop, or out altogether? He’s the most dangerous threat to the big media oligarchy.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump destroys media stars face to face in his golden tower

Trump destroys media stars face to face in his golden tower

by Jon Rappoport

November 22, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

It was instant legend.

Trump met yesterday with the rancid cream of media in his golden tower. They were there thinking it was all about creating a structure for access to the next president. Little did they know.

Charlie Rose was there. Wolf Blitzer. Jeff Zucker, head of CNN. Martha “I weep for Hillary” Raddatz. Gayle King. Lester “the weasel-king of interrupters” Holt. Chuck Todd. George “property of the Clintons” Stephanopoulos.

Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake.

The whole gang.

The NY Post has the story:

“It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.

“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.

“…he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who [also] hosted a [presidential] debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”

So…You can hate Trump, but if you can’t find joy in this story, you’re in need of a blood transfusion.

Way back at the beginning of the presidential campaign, I said that if Trump does nothing but run against the media he’ll be doing the country a great service, because they’re all snakes and cover-up artists and liars and they’ve been hypnotizing the population for as long as they’ve been around. Trump went on to exceed my expectations in that regard.

If you can’t stand Trump, you can fantasize about some other theoretical president who might have carried off his attacks on fake news as well, and with the same effect, but this is the man who did it. And yesterday was a landmark event in history.

Understand that these grifters—because that’s what they are—believe they own the news and the truth, even as they’re making it up by the ton. They and their masters—six companies that control 90% of big media—dispense fake reality to the populace 24/7. And now…

They’re lost inside their own bubble. They’ve never felt this kind of fury from a president. They don’t know what to do.

They’ve got money, they’ve got arrogance, and they’ve got the airwaves, and it’s not enough.

Of course they’re outraged, and of course they’ll continue doing whatever they can to undermine Trump, but they know he couldn’t care less that they’re deeply, deeply offended. Their little trick—“how dare you insult us”—won’t work. In fact, it’ll make things worse for them. Not long ago, one survey placed the public’s trust in media at 6%, which is about on the same level as the trust in public bathrooms in scuzzy bars by the railroad tracks next to mining camps in the 19th century.

These media honkers can stand in front of their mirrors and keep combing their hair and they can bring in new make-up people, and adjust the studio lighting and build new desks, and they can laugh and smile at cocktail parties and pretend they’re still in the ascendance, but they’re rapidly turning into laughingstocks, and the derision keeps building. If you feel sorry for them, your sympathy is grossly misplaced.

Exit From the Matrix

The final straw here is Steve Bannon, Trump’s new chief strategist and special counselor. The editor of Breitbart, Bannon recently stated in an interview: “The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what’s wrong with this country. It’s just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what’s going on. If The New York Times didn’t exist, CNN and MSNBC would be a test pattern. The Huffington Post and everything else is predicated on The New York Times. It’s a closed circle of information from which Hillary Clinton got all her information — and her confidence. That was our opening.”

Trump is carrying out a sustained war against big media. He hasn’t stopped. There is no sign he will stop. He knows, and Bannon knows, that the public is fed up with mainstream media.

The unchallenged authority of The News has been cracked like an egg.

Yesterday, Trump doubled and tripled down.

Wake up and smell the singed hair and the sagging plastic surgery. The media stars are fading in their fake sky.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

My second open letter to Steve Bannon, Trump’s inside man

by Jon Rappoport

November 21, 2016

Yesterday, I published my first open letter to Steve Bannon: Trump’s chief strategist, special counselor, and, yes, avowed enemy of major media and their fake news bubbles.

Here is a follow-up. Like the first, this one involves solutions aimed at improving life in America.

And believe me, I understand that Progressive vampires and their allied subalterns are very nervous about workable solutions, especially as they empower people to succeed beyond permanent dependence on government, The Universal Teat and Provider. So be it.


Again, I remind you, there are millions and millions of people out there who aren’t polled or counted or factored into the algorithms of political calculations. Some of them voted for your man, some didn’t vote at all. All of them want a role in the political process, and if sufficiently motivated and encouraged, they will suddenly show up and support you with an energy that will knock you off your chair.

They are against the multitude of lies big government has been feeding them for decades—lies that come back to the basic issue of HEALTH.

Here is an introductory list of what these millions of Americans are burning about:

GMOs in the food supply (never proven to be safe, never proven to increase crop yields). Toxic pesticides drenching the food supply. The lacing of our water with toxic fluorides (forced medical treatment with no informed consent). Harmful vaccine after vaccine injected into our children, and the cooked studies that claim these substances are universally safe and effective (watch the film Vaxxed (trailer) for a window into the fraud). The pharmaceutical assault on the population with toxic and unnecessary drugs (killing, at minimum, 106,000 Americans every year, a million Americans per decade—see Starfield, JAMA, July 26, 2000).

Let’s start with those. There are more.

I assure you, Steve, people with stacks of evidence, beyond official pronouncements, could come forward and make a case for the destructive toxicity of these substances. They already have. The crazies in this situation are actually the corporate and media front men, who are parroting what sold-out scientists at the FDA, CDC, and other agencies are feeding them.

Ridding the country of poisons, to put it frankly, would certainly rank as a solution. Healthier adults and children, filled with energy, alert and alive? Isn’t this a fundamental?

Of course, I’m showing you a tall hill to climb here, given the ubiquitous special interests who have been squeezing America for so long. But I would point out that you and others have been taking the fight to the proponents of global warming and exposing them for the frauds they are. That’s a big hill, too.

The toxic items I listed above are on the same hill.

Part of the solution? Serious DOJ prosecutions against FDA and CDC personnel for fraud, reckless endangerment, and waste of enormous federal funds.

You want to see a massive silent majority explode in support of your administration? Carry out those prosecutions. Extend them to pharmaceutical executives who have knowingly foisted their highly destructive drugs on the population.

At this point you’ll be thinking you can’t go that far. It’s too much to take on. Well, you took on climate change because you saw the agenda involved torpedoing the economy. What I’m giving you here (massive and unending toxicity in various forms) torpedoes the right to life itself.

This isn’t some wild-eyed appeal from the fringe, Steve. As an independent reporter (one of many) who has been covering these issues for more than 30 years, I assure you there is a whole library of evidence to support the points I’ve sketched out here.

You’re an expert on corrupt media. I guarantee there is no greater media corruption than in the area of health and medicine. Those boys and girls are locked up tight. If they aren’t lying, they aren’t living. From what I can see, you take great pleasure in overturning apple carts. Here is the big one. Flip it over, and you’ll watch some of the weirdest and slimiest creatures on this green Earth come crawling out.

You want a real revolution? It’s there.

Talk to the mother of a child whose brain has been hit and damaged with a vaccine. Listen to her. Look in her eyes. This is the fire of truth no liar can contradict. This is devastation.

It’s time to do something about it, come hell or high water.

Whether it’s your time, Steve, is up to you.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

PS: I attach a letter about the fluoridation of our water supplies. It’s self-explanatory. It’s a bombshell.

Here is what the EPA Union of Scientists (!) had to say about fluoridation:

Quoting from a May 1, 1999, statement— “Why EPA’s Headquarters Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation” —written by William Hirzy, PhD, [Union of Scientists] Senior Vice-President, Chapter 280:

“…our opposition to drinking water fluoridation has grown, based on the scientific literature documenting the increasingly out-of-control exposures to fluoride, the lack of benefit to dental health from ingestion of fluoride and the hazards to human health from such ingestion. These hazards include acute toxic hazard, such as to people with impaired kidney function, as well as chronic toxic hazards of gene mutations, cancer, reproductive effects, neurotoxicity, bone pathology and dental fluorosis.”

“In support of this concern are results from two epidemiology studies from China that show decreases in I.Q. in children who get more fluoride than the control groups of children in each study. These decreases are about 5 to 10 I.Q. points in children aged 8 to 13 years.”

“Another troubling brain effect has recently surfaced: fluoride’s interference with the function of the brain’s pineal gland. The pineal gland produces melatonin which, among other roles, mediates the body’s internal clock, doing such things as governing the onset of puberty. Jennifer Luke has shown that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and inhibits its production of melatonin. She showed in test animals that this inhibition causes an earlier onset of sexual maturity, an effect reported in humans as well in 1956…”

“EPA fired the Office of Drinking Water’s chief toxicologist, Dr. William Marcus, who also was our local union’s treasurer at the time, for refusing to remain silent on the cancer risk issue. The judge who heard the lawsuit he [Marcus] brought against EPA over the firing made that finding—that EPA fired him over his fluoride work and not for the phony reason put forward by EPA management at his dismissal. Dr. Marcus won his lawsuit and is again at work at EPA.”

“…data showing increases in osteosarcomas in young men in New Jersey, Washington and Iowa based on their drinking fluoridated water. It was his [Dr. Marcus’] analysis, repeated statements about all these and other incriminating cancer data, and his requests for an independent, unbiased evaluation of them that got Dr. Marcus fired.”

“Regarding the effectiveness of fluoride in reducing dental cavities, there has not been any double-blind study of fluoride’s effectiveness as a caries preventative. There have been many, many small scale, selective publications on this issue that proponents cite to justify fluoridation, but the largest and most comprehensive study, one done by dentists trained by the National Institute of Dental Research, on over 39,000 school children aged 5-17 years, shows no significant differences (in terms of decayed, missing and filled teeth) among caries [cavities] incidences in fluoridated, non-fluoridated and partially fluoridated communities. The latest publication on the fifty-year fluoridation experiment in two New York cities, Newburgh and Kingston, shows the same thing. The only significant difference in dental health between the two communities as a whole is that fluoridated Newburgh, N.Y. shows about twice the incidence of dental fluorosis (the first, visible sign of fluoride chronic toxicity) as seen in non-fluoridated Kingston.”

“John Colquhoun’s publication on this point of efficacy is especially important. Dr. Colquhoun was Principal Dental Officer for Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand, and a staunch supporter of fluoridation—until he was given the task of looking at the world-wide data on fluoridation’s effectiveness in preventing cavities. The paper is titled, ‘Why I changed My Mind About Water Fluoridation.’ In it Colquhoun provides details on how data were manipulated to support fluoridation in English speaking countries, especially the U.S. and New Zealand. This paper explains why an ethical public health professional was compelled to do a 180 degree turn on fluoridation.”

“…mutation studies…show that fluoride can cause gene mutations in mammalian and lower order tissues at fluoride concentrations estimated to be present in the mouth from fluoridated tooth paste. Further, there were tumors of the oral cavity seen in the NTP cancer study…further strengthening concern over the toxicity of topically applied fluoride.”

“So, in addition to our concern over the toxicity of fluoride, we note the uncontrolled — and apparently uncontrollable — exposures to fluoride that are occurring nationwide via drinking water, processed foods, fluoride pesticide residues and dental care products…For governmental and other organizations to continue to push for more exposure in the face of current levels of over-exposure coupled with an increasing crescendo of adverse toxicity findings is irrational and irresponsible at best.”

“We have also taken a direct step to protect the [EPA] employees we represent from the risks of drinking fluoridated water…the union filed a grievance, asking that EPA provide un-fluoridated drinking water to its employees.”

“The implication for the general public of these calculations is clear. Recent, peer-reviewed toxicity data, when applied to EPA’s standard method for controlling risks from toxic chemicals, require an immediate halt to the use of the nation’s drinking water reservoirs as disposal sites for the toxic waste of the phosphate fertilizer industry.”

Steve, does that make you pause?

This is just one piece of evidence in a vast library, pertaining to every American’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Free from disastrous toxicity that is, at this very moment, undermining that right.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump succeeding as president would be equivalent to: forcing Progressive vampires to walk through Death Valley at high noon

Trump succeeding as president would be equivalent to: forcing Progressive vampires to walk through Death Valley at high noon

by Jon Rappoport

November 21, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

If Trump, as president, revived the economy by bringing jobs back to America—if he achieved that one goal—out of their coffins, out of the darkness, forced into blinding light, progressive Leftist vampires would fill the air from coast to coast with hideous screams and death rattles.

No free everything? Actual jobs? Work? What? And he, the Trump, made that happen? Trump, the enemy of enemies? Aieeeeeeeeeee!

To make things even worse, suppose, just suppose, Trump brought back manufacturing work for…black people? And for immigrants who were living legally in America?

Surely, that would be a sign of the end of the world.

Progressive vampires, at that point—those that managed to survive—would storm the offices of giant media networks and accuse them of failing to cover up the skyrocketing jobs figures. They would suck the blood and marrow from the bodies of television anchors and reporters. Traitors all!

Little quasi-vampires living in Mommy’s cellar would, in a state of extreme paranoia, barricade themselves against what they imagined were armies of approaching head hunters from agencies offering them steady work.

Never! Where is the socialist state I was promised!

Suburban Democrat Witches would hold special ceremonies devised to recreate a beloved national blanket of Unemployment.

Remember the good old days when we could chat with a PhD serving us caramel lattes at that café on the beach? Even the dishwasher had a Masters in math. Now they’re buying houses! It’s grotesque!

Whether Trump will or won’t create tons of new jobs…the point is clear. Progressives see a thriving market economy as intrinsically satanic. It must be. It can’t be real. Marx proved that. Only the government can legitimately and morally invent work and jobs. Only then can people feel safe.

Exit From the Matrix

And in the institutions where learning and ideas are supposed to be of the highest caliber, reinvigorating the nation, most academics agree: Government as universal provider is the prime ideal.

They’re operating in that Progressive bubble, too. If they keep their noses clean and their eyes shut, and if they stick to the party line, they can play out the string all the way to a pension.

Don’t mess with my freebies! I’m a professor! Capitalism? Making a real living? How dare you! I’m above all that. Now excuse me, my makeup person is coming. I’m going on CNN to explain why the TPP must be ratified. Ford isn’t moving their plant to Mexico. Apple is talking about manufacturing phones in America. The end is near! I have to head off Armageddon!

Trump, no Trump, genuine economic prosperity here at home would be the equivalent of waving a silver cross at Dracula. The Progressives would be having visions of townsfolk with flaming torches storming their castles.

O the horror. The terrible horror.

People are going back to work.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

An open letter to Steve Bannon, Trump’s inside man

Out of the box

Bannon: originator of policy, projects, challenging ideas, come hell or high water

by Jon Rappoport

November 18, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

(Second Open Letter, here.)

Steve Bannon, Trump’s inside man, his chief strategist and senior counselor, is different. No question about that. What he creates for Trump and the American people remains to be seen. But when was the last time you saw an anti-mainstream-media man, a virulent ridiculer of major media, a high-profile figure in independent media (Breitbart) sit this close to the president of the United States?

Bannon, talking to reporter Michael Wolff of the Hollywood Reporter the other day:

“The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what’s wrong with this country. It’s just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what’s going on. If The New York Times didn’t exist, CNN and MSNBC would be a test pattern. The Huffington Post and everything else is predicated on The New York Times. It’s a closed circle of information from which Hillary Clinton got all her information — and her confidence. That was our opening.”


Since you say you’re going to push programs and projects to dig the country out of the economic hole it’s been in for years now, I have a few ideas, based on 30-plus years of working as a freelance independent reporter. Thirty years starts to put a few new ideas into your head. Solutions. Because you can’t keep reporting on what’s screwed up for that long without seeing there are ways out of the horror show. Exits. My ideas aren’t filmy fantasies. They’re gained from looking straight at continuing disasters that have been unfolding across America.

ONE: On a search engine, type in “urban farms Chicago.” You’ll see there is actually a directory of such operations. They’re happening. Local people are growing and eating their own food. Some of this food can also be sold for profit.

—There should be many, many urban farms in every city in America. Plots of land where local residents grow and trade and eat their own fresh, clean, nutritious food. It is a revolutionary act.

Initiate 5,000 of these farms in inner cities. The government provides initial funding in the form of loans. The residents themselves will expand their operations into profit-making ventures; they’ll sell the excess food.

I’m estimating that for less than $50 million, the whole national program can be launched—as opposed to the trillions of dollars that have been poured down rat holes for the past 50 years in the “war on poverty.”

The residents of inner cities will now have a real economic stake in their own survival and success, and they’ll escalate the power of their demands for safe neighborhoods—safe from gangs and thugs and drugs.

TWO: With federal encouragement, let’s have one state (pick one) in which the following unimpeachable rule applies: any health practitioner of any stripe can practice freely, as long as he doesn’t offer remedies which are more toxic than the standard medical remedies for the condition he’s treating. Do you see the outcome? That state, overnight, becomes a destination of choice for huge numbers of people who highly value the freedom to manage their own health. The economy of the state blossoms like a million roses. The state becomes an example for every other state in the union. They quickly follow suit.

Background: In case you think I’m talking about an inconsequential segment of the population, during the Health Freedom movement of the early 1990s, when the FDA was raiding the offices of alternative health practitioners and threatening to cut off the public’s access to a wide range of nutritional supplements, the Congress received millions of letters protesting these moves—more letters than had ever been received on any issue in the nation’s history. These people are still out there. Some of them came to Trump’s side during the campaign. Some didn’t. They are a potent force. And they spend billions on natural health solutions every year.

THREE: Deploy the cutting edge of new media—live streaming video on the Web—to make a large populist movement into a huge populist movement. Trump (and perhaps you) do several broadcasts a week directly to the people, bypassing the tired old media networks and putting them further in the dumpster where they belong. The substance of these broadcasts (to the whole world)? A blow-by-blow description of life-lifting programs your administration is putting in place—the ground-and-pound specifics, not the usual high-flying generalities—featuring, of course, comments on the people who are opposing you (by name) and exactly what they’re doing to stop the people’s will. This would be a new kind of reporting and speech-making from the president.

FOUR: More live-streaming on the Web—on-site coverage and interviews from the places where the actual work of rebuilding the nation’s infra-structure is taking place. Day after day. And to boot, the same on-site coverage where factories are being re-opened and Americans are reclaiming their jobs. Show all this to the country and the world (if it’s really happening). And while you’re at it, why not stream exactly, and in great detail, what’s actually going on at the US southern border? I’m sure Americans would be interested, to say the least.

Exit From the Matrix

If all this suggests the creation of a president’s broadcast network, straight out of his Office of Communications, why not? As long as false PR doesn’t take it over…

Well, Steve, that’s it for starters. There’s more. Hope this stimulates your imagination.

There are untold numbers of independent and citizen reporters online. We’re watching. If real, not fake change is in the offing, let’s see it come out of the box.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Monsanto’s ally Pompeo to head the CIA: bad move, Donald

by Jon Rappoport

November 18, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Trump has tapped Congressman Mike Pompeo to head the CIA.

In April of 2014, Pompeo introduced the bill that would become The Dark Act, banning states from passing laws mandating GMO labeling on food. Instead, The Dark Act introduces very weak and confusing federal GMO labels. Few people will pay attention to them or even realize they’re there.

I’m sure Monsanto execs are popping a few champagne corks right now. “Hey, remember Mike Pompeo? Can you believe it? He’s the new director of the CIA. If we need an extra helping hand taking over the world’s food supply, why can’t we call on good old Mike? Ha-ha…”

Mike is also a heavy supporter of the NSA’s surveillance programs: “Congress should pass a law re-establishing collection of all metadata, and combining it with publicly available financial and lifestyle information into a comprehensive, searchable database. Legal and bureaucratic impediments to surveillance should be removed.” (The Atlantic, 11/18/16)

Here’s what Mike had to say about Edward Snowden: “[He] should be brought back from Russia and given due process, and I think the proper outcome would be that he would be given a death sentence.” (Washington Examiner, 2/11/16)

Very bad move, Donald.

Exit From the Matrix

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Trump wins: coloring-book and Play-Doh therapy for college kids

Trump wins: coloring-book and Play-Doh therapy for college kids

by Jon Rappoport

November 11, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Wall Street Journal: “Colleges try to comfort students upset by Trump victory…despair over Clinton’s loss prompts ‘cry-in’ at Cornell; Play-Doh for the distraught…Dozens of students at Cornell University gathered on a major campus thoroughfare for a ‘cry-in’ to mourn the results of the 2016 election Wednesday, with school staff providing tissues and hot chocolate.”

I can hear some low-level staffer at Cornell saying, “Let’s get out there, Millie. These kids are crying. They need tissues!”

PJ Media: “…the University of Kansas reminded students via social media of the therapy dogs available for comfort every other Wednesday…’People are frustrated, people are just really sad and shocked,’ said Trey Boynton, the director of multi-ethnic student affairs at the University of Michigan…There was a steady flow of students entering Ms. Boynton’s office Wednesday. They spent the day sprawled around the center, playing with Play-Doh and coloring in coloring books, as they sought comfort and distraction.”

Tufts, Cornell, the University of Michigan—schools for high-performing students. Or they were. I don’t know what they are now. Daycare centers for toddlers? Obviously, regression to an earlier stage of development is a mind-control op favored by these institutions.

Maybe a Michigan alumnus with deep pockets could lay out some serious cash to build a giant dome shaped like a womb, where the kids could gather and curl up during cloudy days.

“You went to the U of Michigan? Great football school.”

“I wouldn’t know. I was in utero for four years.”

The Matrix Revealed

Perhaps this is a clue: “…a national survey by the American Institutes for Research (AIR)” has discovered that “[t]wenty percent of U.S. college students completing four-year degrees—and 30 percent of students earning two-year degrees…are unable to estimate if their car has enough gasoline to get to the next gas station or calculate the total cost of ordering office supplies…[or] compare ticket prices or calculate the cost of a sandwich and a salad from a menu.”

How do these geniuses graduate?

“Hold up ten fingers. Very good. Here’s your diploma.”

“What do I do now?”

“Pay back your student loan.”

“I can’t tell how much I owe.”

“Don’t worry. That’s probably a good thing.”

Arrested intellectual development goes hand in hand with arrested emotional development.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Will Donald Trump keep his promises?

What David Rockefeller would now tell The Donald, if David were being honest.

In eye of CFR, TC, Davos, Bilderberg storm.

by Jon Rappoport

November 11, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

All right. Hillary and Bill are gone. They’re back in their coffins and their supplies of blood are running low. That’s a good thing. That is a major outcome of the election.

But will Donald Trump now keep his promises?

I’ve framed this piece as a letter David Rockefeller, arch-Globalist-in-charge, might write to President-elect Trump. The updated “payoff” is in the last paragraph.

If Rockefeller were being honest, this is what he would write:


I won’t waste time congratulating you. We both know you and America are in for a rough ride. That plucky little demon, George Soros, is already funding and orchestrating thuggish riots in American cities. They do induce a bit of chaos, and I take a certain delight in chaos.

The machinery of Washington DC is ready to chew you up, Donald. There are spies everywhere, and at least a few of them will infiltrate your Presidency at influential levels—if you yourself don’t bring them in because you believe you need them.

I represent and lead an international order, as you know. Our basic plan is to eliminate sovereign nations and erase borders. We must do this, so we can usher in our own global system. We are winning. Surely, you see this.

On the issue of borders and immigration, we want none in the first case and no limit on immigrants in the second case. We want to overwhelm infra-structure and communities with the greatest possible number of people who refuse to assimilate and yet demand special treatment and consideration. We want people who utterly reject America and yet insist on taking whatever they can get from America. Do you really think you or anyone else can stop this wave?

I bring this up, because it represents just one, out of a whole host of strategies, by which we aim to undermine and reduce the country and bring it into our system, absent the precious freedom so many people talk about endlessly.

In other words, Donald, if you are more than a self-serving narcissist who has found a way to stir up the masses in your favor—if you really intend to “restore American values”—you are going to have to give something in order to take something. You’re going to have to make deals. You, of all people, should understand this.

So the question is: what are you willing to give? Where are you willing to back down? Think about it.

Consider a few items on your long laundry list:

Close the southern border. Cancel NAFTA. Get rid of Obamacare. Induce corporations to close their factories in Third World hell holes and come back home. Lay on tariffs. Outlaw special-interest lobbyists. Reform the tax system. Set term limits on Congress. Take people in inner cities off Welfare by giving them good jobs. Root out terrorists at home and abroad. Refrain from making foreign wars. Somehow fire all federal employees who are useless and just taking up space. End Common Core. Build a wall.

Naturally, all these changes you want to make…I want to stop. Why? Because continued corruption is good for my business, and my business is Control. I want to foster the worst in people, so I can enact the time-honored strategy of imposing A Better Order. I want to prove that humans are badly programmed and need correction.

I want one Planet, without liberty and justice for all.

On the outside chance you are more than just another self-seeking politician who has an instinct for the jugular, you will most certainly see you need to start making deals and compromises.

We knew, from the beginning, there was a chance you would win the election. Hillary Clinton, despite all the favorable press she received from our dupes and pawns, was basically a weak candidate. Aside from mouthing the same empty sentiments over and over, she offered little. We prepared for the possibility of your victory. For us and our agenda, your strongest asset was your innate ability to divide the country—or to be more precise, we could characterize you as a great divider. Doing this, for us, is child’s play. Using the idiot youth and the badly misinformed inner city populations, we could paint you as the worst possible threat to America. We like that tactic because, again, we intend to bring down America into a sewer. We want conflict. Racial conflict, for example, is very good for us. We can play that tattered card again and again. We can roll out some very obnoxious characters, when we need them to stir up trouble.

So here you are, about to move into the White House. We can push a plan to make life miserable for you, or we can do business. It’s up to you.

Would you like to see what a sudden economic collapse looks like? Would you like to see…well, I’ll let you imagine the possibilities.

I’ll quote myself here. This is from my 2003 Memoirs: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

—I’m just reminding you where I stand, Donald. And why don’t I also quote my intellectual lackey, Mr. Brzezinski, while I’m at it. He wrote this in 1969, and yet people still don’t seem to realize where we’re going: “The nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

You see, we speak and write out in the open, and the fools don’t get the message.

The Matrix Revealed

Donald, hundreds of thousands of influential press people and academics have sold out to us and our Globalist agenda. They did so long ago. I confess, I despise them. They’re weak cowards of the first order. But we use them, and they constitute, all together, a formidable army. They love the pittance they earn, and they love the small degree of status they’re given. Pathetic fools. But if you try to go up against them, it’s rather like swinging at clouds. What can you achieve? And then they descend on your head and make it rain. It’s amusing.

Have you been reading the editorial pages of the New York Times lately? A contingent of the paper’s little grotesque turtles has been characterizing your election as a disaster for the nation. They pick away at you, they imply the gates of hell await. They’re busy, in their own way, stirring up revolt. NBC News is also predicting doom and encouraging the perception that you are standing on a shore at which minorities can never arrive, and a revolt is necessary. And this is just the beginning, Donald.

In the coming days, I’ll be sending one of my representatives to talk to you. Pay attention to what he says. He’ll have specific “gives and takes” for you to ponder. All your life, you’ve done business. At times, you’ve dealt from what you thought was the bottom of the deck. You have no idea how far down that bottom actually goes. You’re in the major leagues now.

In case you’re wondering, we’ve contacted and worked with every President for decades. Many decades. Things operate best that way.

Meanwhile, watch your back, as they say. I’d hate to have to work with that dim bulb vice-president of yours. You’re a lively fellow. I think we would enjoy each other’s company.


David Rockefeller

PS—A note on mind control, a subject with which you may not be familiar. Or should I call it mind chaos? Our people exercise a great of control over the medical system, including the psychiatric arena. They specialize in diagnosing and treating non-existent mental disorders with highly toxic drugs. In the process, they consign millions of people to an existence of confusion, despair, and debilitation. We are rotting out the country from the inside. Our other medical drugs are just as harmful. And then there are the vaccines and the gross neurological damage they cause. We cover the waterfront, Donald. Will somebody go up against us? Are you that person? If so, my advice is: go all in. Risk your life. Or: let’s make a deal. It’s the smarter business move.

PPS—Update: It appears you’re opting for “the gracious Trump” rather than “the attack-dog Trump.” I take this as a good sign. You’re getting the message. If I’m reading you correctly, you’re going to leave the Clintons alone and let them fade into the twilight. You’re going to appoint Washington insiders to important posts. You’re going to revise Obamacare and still give Big Pharma (that’s me) pretty much everything they want. You’re going to go soft on deporting illegals. You’re not going to build a wall. You’ll induce a few corporations to come back home from foreign lands, but on the whole the Globalist framework (that’s me) will remain intact. As President, you’re going to back off your vicious attacks against major media (that’s also me). Am I correct in these predictions? If so, you’re going to need some very competent propagandists to run interference for you, because the millions of people who voted for you will rise up in outrage. I can help you out there. I have some of the best minds of this generation on my payroll. As Barack Obama famously said, “We’re all in this together.” Well, not all of us. Just the ones who count. Do you want to count, Donald? Or…do you want to be a hero? It’s an interesting quandary. Wouldn’t you agree?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Trump declared the winner

Trump declared the winner

by Jon Rappoport

November 9, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Before the polls are closed in the states. And already…

The networks are tuning up viewers to expect a few key states to swing the election, as if they already know how the other states are likely to go. This is a story. This is a script…


The script has been shattered.

Trump wins.

And now, without pause, it’s time to hold his feet to the fire.

Because the people who voted for him expect action to:

* Turn back the grotesque job-sucking Globalist trade treaties.

* Secure the borders against a migrant wave (Globalist op) that has been destabilizing the country. Vet potential terrorists.

* Bring back jobs.

* Prosecute Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and thereby drive a stake through the hearts of the dynamic duo of corruption.

* Keep torpedoing the sold-out media.

* Refrain from making any “bridge-building moves” that turn into bad compromises.

* Especially refrain from appointing Washington insiders to important posts—this is where Trump could really go off the rails.

The victory, as I’ve kept saying on radio interviews, is about the MOVEMENT that has coalesced around Trump. The people who are waking up to the scourge of Globalism and its agenda for destruction. THAT is what must stay alive. The movement.

Exit From the Matrix

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Election fraud: beware of early network projections next Tuesday

by Jon Rappoport

November 2, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

Bev Harris’ revelations about election fraud are exploding across the Web. At, she has exposed GEMS, a vote-tabulating system used in 25% of the US vote. Intentional back doors are installed in GEMS, allowing manipulation on a massive scale.

But keep in mind that major news networks always make their projections of the winners on election night. This is another vector for gross fraud. The projections are estimates. But once they are announced, the game is over in most cases. In other words, declaring the winner is a media event, owned and operated by the networks. (See also here and here)

How are these projections put together?

Here is a compilation, slightly revised, of the most-read articles I’ve ever written. They were about the California vote on Prop 37, which tried and failed to mandate GMO labeling on food. The articles explain a great deal about early projections:

November 8, 2012: “Did Prop 37 Really Lose Or Was It Vote Fraud?”

Hold your horses.

On election night, not long after the polls closed in California, the media announcement came: Prop 37 was losing. A little while later, it was all over. Projection: 37 had gone down to defeat.

But is that the whole story? No.

As of 2:30PM today, Thursday, November 8th, two days after the election, many votes in California remain uncounted.

I tried to find out how many.

It turns out that the Secretary of State of CA, responsible for elections in the state, doesn’t know.

I was told all counties in California have been asked, not ordered, to report in with those figures. It’s voluntary.

So I picked out a few of the biggest counties and called their voter registrar offices. Here are the boggling results:

* Santa Clara County: 180,000 votes remain uncounted.

* Orange County: 241,336 votes remain uncounted.

* San Diego County: 475,000 votes remain uncounted.

* LA County: 782,658 votes remain uncounted.

In just those four counties, 1.6 million votes remain uncounted.

The California Secretary of State’s website indicates that Prop 37 is behind by 559,776 votes.

So in the four counties I looked into, there are roughly three times as many uncounted votes as the margin of Prop 37’s defeat.

And as I say, I checked the numbers in only four counties. There are 54 other counties in the state. Who knows how many votes they still need to process?

So why is anyone saying Prop 37 lost?

People will respond, “Well, it’s all about projections. There are experts. They know what they’re doing. They made a prediction…”

Really? Who are those experts?

For big elections, the television networks often rely on a consortium called the National Election Pool (NEP). NEP does projections and predictions. Did NEP make the premature call on Prop 37?

NEP makes some calls for the television networks, but NEP is composed of CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, and AP. It could hardly be called an independent source of information for those networks.

NEP has AP (Associated Press) do the actual vote tabulating, and NEP also contracts work out to Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International to do exit polls and projections based on those polls.

Edison Media Research did the exit polls in the state of Washington for this Election Day. How? They surveyed 1493 people by phone. Based on that, I assume they made all the projections for elections in that state, even though there is no in-person voting in Washington, and voters can submit their ballots by mail, postmarked no later than Election Tuesday. So how could Edison know anything worth knowing or projecting about mail-in ballots on election night?

Both Edison Research and Mitofsky were involved in the 2004 election scandal (Kerry-Bush), in which their exit polls confounded network news anchors, because the poll results were so far off from the incoming vote-counts. Edison/Mitofsky are favorite go-to people at CNN.

So if NEP did the premature Prop 37 projections that handed Prop 37 a resounding loss, there is little reason to accept their word.

We’re faced with a scandal here. An early unwarranted projection against Prop 37 was made, when so many votes were still uncounted.

Those votes are still uncounted.

Why should we believe anything that comes next?

—end article—

Then, a month later, on December 10, 2012, I wrote this:

Food Democracy Now is weighing in on Prop 37 vote fraud, having discovered that the California Secretary of State, in charge of all elections in CA, has stopped posting updates on the ongoing vote count.

From November 6 all the way to up to December 4, these updates were posted daily on the Secretary of State’s website. Then…blackout. No more updates.

Maybe it has something to do with this: On December 4, YES ON 37 votes climbed over the six-million mark: 6,004,628. Food Democracy Now reported it. Then, suddenly, the YES ON 37 votes reversed!

That’s right. They went back to the previously reported number: 5,986,652.

This is apparently a new wrinkle in vote counting. You can not only add votes, you can go backwards. You can lose 18,000 votes with the flick of a wrist or the blink of a digital operation.

Now you see 18,000 Yes votes, now you don’t.

The latest Food Democracy Now article on vote fraud mentions a team of independent statisticians, who have found “statistical anomalies” in the largest voting precincts of nine CA counties, including LA, San Francisco, San Diego, Alameda, and Orange.

Also worth noting: I previously wrote about the Secretary of State’s “top-to-bottom” review (2007) of all electronic voting systems then in use in CA. This review discovered fatal flaws in all four systems…but then three of those systems were re-approved for use, after being disqualified. I see no clear evidence that the flaws were fixed.

The top-down review mentioned that Alameda County (one of the counties the team of statisticians is now studying for fraud) had purchased voting machines that turned out to be counterfeits. They had been advertised as legitimate, but they weren’t.

I’m told the Yes on 37 campaign is alert to Food Democracy Now’s charges of fraud, and they are considering a petition for a recount. We’ll see.

Of course, no recount will expose electronic fraud unless very talented experts can examine the full range of electronic systems now in use in CA.

—end of December 2012 article—

Finally, late in 2012, I wrote this:

I tracked the early media projection against Prop 37, on election night, to its most probable source, the Associated Press (AP).

AP, the giant wire service, is officially a non-profit owned by 1400 member newspapers, who use its services and also contribute articles. So AP is major media personified. Again, hardly a trusted source.

And as everyone knows, the newspaper business in America is dying. Its bottom line is sitting in a lake of red ink, and the lake is sitting in an ocean of red ink.

That means these newspapers, and the corporations who own them, have been re-financing their very existence with loans, and loans to pay off earlier loans. That means banks.

Now you’re getting into the oligarchy that owns this country, and what that oligarchy wants; what they want to win, and who they want to win…

—end of Prop 37 articles—

power outside the matrix

Back to the present, 2016. You see how this works. Media organizations are relying on other media organizations, to which they’re intimately connected, to make the early projections on election night. It’s all a shell game, created to give the impression that “independent organizations” are “objectively” analyzing the early vote returns and coming up with “scientific projections.”


One media hand is washing the other media hand, and both hands belong to the same body.

Don’t accept projections.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.