James Comey stars in another bad movie

James Comey stars in another bad movie

by Jon Rappoport

June 9, 2017

Where was the devastating revelation about Trump’s crimes during James Comey’s Congressional testimony yesterday?

“Who produced this stinker? Find out and fire him. I thought I was the head of a movie studio. Apparently, I’m marketing sleeping pills. I conked out after watching five minutes of Comey…”

If James Comey’s testimony before Congress yesterday were a Hollywood movie, and if the press weren’t obliged to make a very big deal out of it, the studio that produced it would have shut it down and eaten the box office losses. The movie theaters would have been empty, except for a few stragglers getting out of the rain.

We did learn that Comey leaked his “memo” of a conversation with Trump (about the Michael Flynn investigation) to the press. So the FBI director is a leaker. And we only have Comey’s word that his “memo” notes were correct and accurate.

Then Comey stated that Attorney General Loretta Lynch told him to call his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server a “matter,” not an investigation. So the former Attorney General was a partisan Hillary supporter.

Comey asserted that Trump “pressured” him to cease investigating Michael Flynn. Trump didn’t order Comey to stop that probe. And Trump could have, because the president, in the chain of command, is over and above the Justice Department and the FBI. Oops. That’s right.

Attorney Alan Dershowitz : “Comey confirmed that under our Constitution, the president has the authority to direct the FBI to stop investigating any individual. I paraphrase, because the transcript is not yet available: the president can, in theory, decide who to investigate, who to stop investigating, who to prosecute and who not to prosecute. The president is the head of the unified executive branch of government, and the Justice Department and the FBI work under him and he may order them to do what he wishes.”

“As a matter of law, Comey is 100 percent correct. As I have long argued, and as Comey confirmed in his written statement, our history shows that many presidents—from Adams to Jefferson, to Lincoln, to Roosevelt, to Kennedy, to Bush 1, and to Obama—have directed the Justice Department with regard to ongoing investigations. The history is clear, the precedents are clear, the constitutional structure is clear, and common sense is clear.”

Was Comey investigating Trump’s “Russia connections?” Business Insider: “President Donald Trump’s private attorney, Marc Kasowitz, on Wednesday said his client felt ‘completely and totally vindicated’ by James Comey’s prepared opening statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee.”

“Comey’s remarks, released Wednesday in advance of Thursday’s Senate hearing, confirmed previous statements by Trump that Comey had told him three times that he was not personally being investigated amid the FBI’s wide-ranging inquiry into Russian meddling in the election and the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia.”

So…where were Comey’s revelations yesterday? Nowhere. Where were his explosive charges about Trump’s crimes? Nowhere.

Comey should really take a long vacation. He should disappear from public life for quite some time. He’s embarrassing himself.

Recall the last bad movie Comey starred in. The Hillary email server scandal. The FBI probe was off, it was on, it was off. Early in this fiasco, Comey delivered a televised press conference. FBI directors don’t hold press conferences, but Comey did. He simultaneously played the role of FBI head, grand jury, Attorney General, and Constitutional jurist. He only held one of those jobs, but that didn’t stop him. He laid out, end to end, Hillary Clinton’s violations of federal law governing the handling of classified materials. He failed to note that “hostile intent” is no part of that law. He failed to note that negligence is the only standard for prosecution. He said that since Hillary (who was surely negligent) didn’t intend to cause harm to the nation, he wasn’t recommending prosecution. Now THAT should have been the subject of a Congressional hearing. But it wasn’t.

Before that, Comey starred in a little known movie called HSBC.

In 2013, before his appointment as FBI director, Comey was brought in by the scandal-ridden HSBC Bank, to oversee efforts to clean up its act—in particular, money laundering for drug cartels.

Comey was positioned as the face of honesty and competence for HSBC.

How well did he do, before he exited his position? How much crime and how many criminals did he leave behind?

Three years later, after Comey had departed, The NY Times wrote: “HSBC Bank Executives Face Charges in $3.5 Billion Currency [Fraud] Case … Traders Use Front-Running to Profit From Client Orders…”

I guess Comey didn’t clean up the HSBC mess. There were a few things he didn’t notice while he was there. A few thing he left behind. A few billion things.

I guess that uniquely qualified him for appointment as FBI director.

So here is my memo. It’s directed to Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and assorted Hollywood studios: “Before you sign Tom Hanks, Alec Baldwin, Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore, or Caitlyn Jenner to star as James Comey in a heroic biopic, ‘Don’t Cry for Me, America,’ check your brains. It’s a loser.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Historic: Trump rejects Paris climate treaty

by Jon Rappoport

June 1, 2017

(To join our email list, click here.)

June 1, 2017, a day that will live in infamy for the liars, thieves, and killers of the new international economic order. They will see it as infamy, because their plan to sink the economy of America into a final death rattle has been rejected by Trump.

Fake climate science has been the lynch pin, justifying orders to cut CO2 emissions—but make no mistake about it, cutting emissions means cutting energy production in almost all countries of the world. THAT’S THE GLOBALIST TARGET. ENERGY PRODUCTION.

Get that one straight. The Globalist “utopia” isn’t a trillion solar collectors or a trillion windmills—it’s lights going out all over the world.


That’s the monster hiding in the closet. That’s the outcome arch-Globalists are determined to foist on the planet, because that’s the society they want to control—poverty-stricken, abject, shuffling along a bleak path to nowhere.

Trump just stuck a knife in that scheme.

Yes, I fully understand the devil is in the details, but it is up to people everywhere, who have active brain cells and can see through the climate hoax, to take this opportunity to reject, publicly, the whole climate agenda.

CO2 is not the enemy.

Do the research yourself and see if there is any way these so-called scientists can assess, now or in the past, THE TEMPERATURE OF THE WHOLE PLANET.

The science is settled? There is no room for argument?

Freeman Dyson, physicist and mathematician, professor emeritus at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, Fellow of the Royal Society, winner of the Lorentz Medal, the Max Planck Medal, the Fermi Award: “What has happened in the past 10 years is that the discrepancies [in climate change models] between what’s observed and what’s predicted have become much stronger. It’s clear now the [climate change] models are wrong, but it wasn’t so clear 10 years ago… I’m 100 per cent Democrat myself, and I like Obama. But he took the wrong side on this [climate change] issue, and the Republicans took the right side…” (The Register, October 11, 2015)

Dr. Ivar Giaever, Nobel-prize winner in Physics (1973), reported by Climate Depot, July 8, 2015: “Global warming is a non-problem…I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong.”

Green Guru James Lovelock, who once predicted imminent destruction of the planet via global warming: “The computer models just weren’t reliable. In fact, I’m not sure the whole thing isn’t crazy, this climate change.” (The Guardian, September 30, 2016)

And these are but a tiny fraction of the statements made by dissident scientists who reject manmade global warming.

But regardless, never lose sight of agenda based on this “settled science.”


And at the same time, truly viable forms of energy production (e.g., water turbines, hydrogen), that could be brought online with but a fraction of previously chiseled government subsidies for oil and nuclear, are sitting on the shelf gathering dust—BECAUSE THE MODEL OF SCARCITY FOR THE PLANET IS WHAT THE GLOBALIST EMPIRE DESIRES.

Until such time as that model is destroyed, Earth needs energy, all the energy it can produce.

The climate criminals, working for Globalism Central, staged their Paris “Treaty” to try to torpedo that production. Obama signed on in Paris, knowing full well he was committing a criminally unconstitutional act by disregarding the vote of the US senate, a vote that was needed to confer legitimacy to the agreement.

There is nothing binding about the Paris “Treaty.” Nothing.

And today, Trump squashed it.

Might he re-enter negotiations and give away some of what he’s just taken back for America? Anything’s possible. But for now, the Paris Accord is a dead duck here in the US.

Trump is going to catch a new version of Hell for what he’s just done. But if enough Americans, and people around the world, realize the true implication of this historic day, and proclaim it, they’ll win. We’ll win. Each one of us.

Don’t give up. Don’t give in.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Suppose Trump had Hillary’s incredible Russian connection?

Suppose Trump had Hillary’s incredible Russian connection?

by Jon Rappoport

May 31, 2017

If Trump had Hillary’s Russian connection…

Trump would be curled up in a ball in a bunker a few hundred feet under the White House. And that’s on his best day.

The newspapers and television news would be citing nothing less than treason as the cause for his impeachment. They would claim he was, in fact, helping Putin win World War 3 against the US. A nuclear war.

Forget “Putin influenced the election on behalf of Trump.” Instead, mainstream attack dogs would be claiming Trump was a conscious agent who had been turned, years ago, against his home country. The dogs would be making up stories about how this happened.

“It was on a business trip that the world changed for a desperate real estate mogul named Donald Trump. Mr. Trump was on his way to Moscow, ostensibly to meet with several Russian oligarchs about a casino project he was hoping to launch. Instead, he huddled with a representative and close friend of Vladimir Putin at the Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, and that friend offered Mr. Trump a different kind of deal, one that would change his life forever and alter the future of America…”

This is what we would be seeing and hearing if Donald Trump had been involved in the 2013 Clinton business deal with Russia that everyone knows about—but no one is willing to prosecute or even cover (anymore) in the mainstream press.

I have written about the Clinton deal before, but it’s worth reviewing again, given the kind of heat Trump is dealing with for Phone Conversations. Conversations several of his people have had with Russians; even business deals that could have been consummated during those discussions.

So…here it is again. Imagine Hillary and Bill Clinton were not the wheelers and dealers. Imagine Trump was. Try to conceive what would be happening to him now vs. what is happening to Bill and Hillary: i.e., nothing.

I’ll go one step further. Wherever Bill or Hillary’s name, or the name of their Foundation, appears in the NY Times story I’m about to quote, I’ll substitute a Trump name (in CAPS), so you get the full effect:

Consider this plot line. Follow the bouncing ball.

Putin wants 20% of uranium on US soil. That 20% is owned by a Canadian mining company.

The Canadian executives want to sell it to Putin.

But because uranium is a US “national security” product, various US federal agencies have to OK the deal. One of those agencies is the US State Department.

The State Department is headed up by MELANIA TRUMP. Her Department says yes to the uranium deal.

The kicker? Those Canadian mining executives, who wanted the sale to Putin to go through, donated millions to the TRUMP FAMILY FOUNDATION.

Memory is short. On April 23, 2015, the NY Times ran a story under the headline: Cash Flowed to TRUMP Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal.

The bare bones of the story: a Canadian company called Uranium One controlled a great deal of uranium production in the US. It was sold to Russia (meaning Putin and his minions). So Putin now controls 20% of US uranium production.

From the Times: “…the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.”

From the Times: “The [Pravda] article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company [Uranium One] with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.”

“At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of DONALD TRUMP and his family. Members of that [mining] group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.”

“Frank Giustra…a mining financier, has donated $31.3 million to the foundation run by DONALD TRUMP…”

“Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal [to sell Uranium One to Putin] had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. TRUMP’S wife, MELANIA TRUMP.”

“As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the TRUMP Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the TRUMPS, despite an agreement Mrs. TRUMP had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”

“And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. TRUMP received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.”

Got the picture?

Circumstantial case, you say?

Well, imagine the case applied to Donald Trump and his wife.

Where would we be now?

What hell would be unleashed from the press corps?

What venom would be spewed from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego?


And that headline would run on a mild slow news day.

But Hillary and Bill Clinton, the actual players in the Russia/Putin/uranium deal…

Roam free.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Peace through mutual blackmail: is that what’s happening in Washington?

Peace through mutual blackmail: is that what’s happening in Washington?

by Jon Rappoport

May 25, 2017

In the last few days, the campaign to impeach Donald Trump has quieted down. We’ll see what happens; but is this breathing space and pause the result of a stalemate? Do both sides have “control files” on each other? Is the underlying proposition, “I won’t spill your secrets if you won’t spill mine”?

I now refer to an article about Trump and his enemies that has been circulating online. I don’t know who the author is. His views and opinions make an interesting circumstantial case. Here is an excerpt:

“James Comey is a poisonous snake of the highest order… a deep-water Swamp Denizen who has been highly paid to deliberately provide cover for high-level corruption by the Clintons and Obama. He is has been central to trying to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration from the start. He is as dirty as they come in DC. He had highest-level cover (the FBI no less) and was deep into an effort to eliminate Trump. Trump had to move hard, fast, and at exactly the right time to cut the head off the snake without getting bitten by the snake or being finished by the other swamp denizens.”

“Begin by noticing how the President fired Comey when Comey was 3,000 miles away from his office, that Comey had no inkling he was being cut, that all his files, computers, and everything in his office were seized by his boss Sessions and the justice department. This was not a violation of protocol, it was tactical. Notice how Prez Trump compartmentalized the strike and did not inform any of his White House ‘staff’ to prevent leaks. Notice how he emasculated Comey and the swamp denizens by letting them know in a tweet that the Attorney General got information (surveillance ‘tapes’ from the seizure of Comey’s office) to let Comey and his handlers know that Trump’s DOJ has the goods on them. This was a brilliant, strategic and totally imperative move at exactly the right time against horrible, evil and corrupt powers infesting our government.”

“The swamp is on notice that the President is on to them, they are sweating bullets because their criminal games of corruption are being pursued and they know it. They are screaming and ranting because they are desperate denizens of the swamp who are beginning to realize they are roadkill.”

The article goes on to describe the purported depths of Comey’s corrupt connections to the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation, as their agent.

In the author’s view, Trump and Attorney General Sessions have the goods on the Clintons now, and also have damning evidence of crimes committed by other key players in the DC swamp.

There is another possibility.

Given Donald Trump’s history as a real estate hustler from way back, his acrobatic financial dealings with money men, his projects’ bankruptcies, his celebrity status, his impulsive proclivities, his extraordinary self-promotion, it’s obvious his enemies have compiled a “control file” on him. They have the sort of information they believe they can use as serious blackmail.

In that case, we could now be looking at a stalemate of sorts. Both sides have the goods on each other.

This is no guarantee of a permanent peace based on Mutually Assured Destruction; but MAD could form the basis of a truce. And the truce could extend into the future.

“I have your secrets, you have mine. Now let’s do business.”

Of course, we have to remember that Washington is a tinderbox at all times. It’s a dry forest waiting for a match to be struck and a spark to fly.

We will see whether Trump drains the swamp, the swamp drains him, or nobody drains anybody.

The present war in Washington isn’t for the faint of heart, or the nice people who want everybody to get along, or the suburbanites who want all participants to be awarded trophies. Washington is Crime Central and the knives are out in full view. It’s a fashion parade in the devil’s cave. To paraphrase Harry Truman, if you can’t stand the overflowing toilets, get out of the bathroom.

Washington is a land of insanity, psychosis, spying, panic, and excrement-throwing.

When you try to connect the dots, you see they have blood and lies and hatred and coup-plotting and impeachment and even the ghost of David Rockefeller embedded in them, as opening and closing little clams and sharks and crawling worms and blobs of unidentifiable species try to take Donald Trump down. And he, of course, wants to take them down…

It would be no surprise if the people who hold each other’s secrets are staring at a “nuclear freeze” pact on the bargaining table: “you can’t blow me up without me blowing you up.”

Also consider players within the US intelligence community. Both the CIA and NSA have been spying on officials in Washington and other prominent Americans for a long time. These agencies hold secrets as well.

And then there is the organization whose members and alumni Trump has surrounded himself with:

Goldman Sachs. Through his key appointees from the “vampire squid” firm, Trump is working an audacious angle. He knows that if the stock market takes a long and horrendous dive, the pressure on him is going to be enormous. The “business community” will blame him. The media will claim the economy is collapsing under his watch. Goldman can make many moves to keep the stock market up. What does the firm want in return? That’s the magic question. Threats of war, and war, in order to keep contract money flowing to the military industrial complex? Special and undetectable favors? Protection from prosecution for ongoing financial crimes? And what does Goldman Sachs know about Trump? What would they be willing to reveal, if he backs away from any part of the agreement he has struck with them?

The mutually assured destruction pact has more than two sides. Holding together a multi-faceted truce isn’t the easiest job in the world.

Everyone involved has something to gain and something to lose. Calculating upside vs. downside is a delicate proposition.

And, in the midst of this, crazy people can show up who go off on the spur of the moment. They blow their corks, and all bets are off.

For now, cooler heads are prevailing.

For now.

Blackmail, extortion. It’s not the only game in town, but it’s the big one. It lurks around every corner, it sits in every conference room, it weaves its way through legislation, policy, and judicial decision.

It’s the other branch of government.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump: the man vs. his ideas

Trump: the man vs. his ideas

by Jon Rappoport

April 23, 2017

“Well, my hero failed to live up to his promises. He has feet of clay. So why should I care about his ideas? They’re unimportant. All I really wanted in the first place was a hero. That was the only dream that mattered.”

In past articles, I’ve praised Trump and criticized him. Here I want to make a few remarks about his best effects and the ripples that have spread from his words—but not necessarily from his present and future actions.

Why do I make that distinction?

Because I’m far more interested in the millions of people who decided to support Trump than I am in Trump himself. Those millions will carry freight in the years to come, here in the US and in other countries. If they turn passive, the so-called populist movement will die on the vine.

Trump has raised the issue of Globalism as no other modern president has. Specifically, he’s spoken about the horrendous consequences of: shipping jobs overseas, throwing huge numbers of willing domestic workers on to unemployment lines; and failing to lay on tariffs when corporations who have gone overseas send their products back here for sale.

He’s pointed to Globalist trade treaties as the source of this calamity, and he has killed the TPP treaty.

More generally, he’s spoken about Globalism vs. Nationalism; i.e., solving problems at home vs. trying to incorporate America into an international framework of governance.

His words have helped stimulate, confirm, and support the Brexit decision in the UK, and the rise of pro-nationalism anti-EU movements in Europe.

Trump has attacked the prime source of fake news, major media, as no other president ever has. Time and time again, he has gone after these scurrilous creatures as liars and purveyors of false realities. In this effort, he has lent a considerable hand to the expansion of independent media.

From the inception of major media here in America and other countries, their news has functioned as the eyes, ears, mouths, and brains for the public. How can authentic change for the better occur as long as this preposterous proxy-condition persists?

Trump has planted seeds for a revolutionary shift in foreign policy, based on non-interference in the affairs of other nations. Regardless of how far he moves in the opposite direction (e.g., Syria, Russia), his initial position on non-interference acknowledged untold numbers of people in many countries who have been waiting to hear that message.

To say, because Trump abandoned that stance, his proclamation against Empire-building was wrong is a fool’s errand. In the same way, people have claimed that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are meaningless because some of the Framers owned slaves.

Failing to distinguish between ideas and the people who espouse them is a sign of the lowest possible level of intelligence.

The mainstream press displays that level every day.

Trump has pointed out, over and over, that an open borders immigration policy is madness. The financial burden it imposes; the open invitation it offers to immigrants, to take advantage of free government services (never before the intent of any US immigration program); the seeding of communities with immigrants who have no intention of becoming part of American society; the indifference toward crimes and terrorist acts that result from non-vetting; these and other factors demand a change of approach.

For the so-called political Left, a sense of idealism implies there will never be a ceiling on immigration. It is unlimited and forever. Separate nations are a fiction. The world is One Nation. These sentiments are, in fact, Globalism’s wet dream, which by the way has nothing to do with kindness and sharing. It has to do with top-down control of civilization, from one end of the planet to the other.

Trump has built strong pillars with his words.

He has confirmed what untold numbers of people in many nations believe and want.

There is every danger that, if Trump fails to live up to what he has said, these people, many of them, will decide his words mean nothing. His ideas mean nothing.

Again, that is because they can’t distinguish between ideas and the individuals who espouse them. They have neither the capacity nor the desire. They’re trapped along a fault-line of their own cynicism; they’re looking for a reason to say destiny is doom.

This attitude has plagued humanity since the beginning. Those who championed freedom and the individual have fought against it.

“Well, my hero failed to live up to his promises. He has feet of clay. So why should I care about his ideas? They’re unimportant. All I really wanted in the first place was a hero. That was the only dream that mattered.”


Those are the words of a disappointed child.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Want to understand the Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State

Want to understand Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State

by Jon Rappoport

April 13, 2017

Men behind the curtain?

Men who control the government and its policies from the outside?

Men who have immunity from prosecution?

Men who tell presidents what to do?

Men who can hide in plain sight? Men who don’t need to be elected to public office? Men who can laugh at their critics and call them conspiracy theorists and purveyors of fake news? Men who can determine financial and banking policy? Men who can set up corporate tribunals that nullify national courts? Men who can set virtually any national policy agenda they want to?

If an honest press existed, all this would be out in the open by now.

If, as many people are now saying, the CIA and NSA and neocons are the unelected Deep State, then the people I’m talking about would be the Deep, Deep State.

Read on.

Many people think the Trilateral Commission (TC), created in 1973 by David Rockefeller, is a relic of an older time.

Think again.

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.” Knowing that you have to break eggs to make an omelet, consider how the following TC members, in key Obama posts, could have helped engender further national chaos; erase our sovereign national borders; and install binding international agreements that will envelop our economy and money in a deeper global collective: a new world order:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;

James Jones, National Security Advisor;

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.

All Trilateralists.

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

In Europe, the financially embattled nations of Greece and Italy brought in Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti as prime ministers. Both men are Trilateral members, and Monti is the former European chairman of the Trilateral Commission.

In the US, since 1973, author Wood counts eight out of 10 US Trade Representative appointments, and six out of eight World Bank presidents, as American Trilateral members.

Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote, four years before birthing the TC in 1973, with his godfather, David Rockefeller: “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George HW Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. The first three men helped sink the US further into debt by fomenting wars abroad; and Gore’s cap and trade blueprint would destroy industrial economies, while vastly increasing the numbers of people in Third World countries who have no access to modern sources of energy.

Does all this offer a clue as to why the US economy has failed to recover from the Wall Street debacle of 2008, why the federal bailout was a handout to super-rich criminals, and why Obama took no actions which would have brought about an authentic recovery?

A closer look at Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s circle of economic advisers reveals the chilling Trilateral effect: Paul Volker; Alan Greenspan; E. Gerald Corrigan (director, Goldman Sachs); and Peter G Peterson (former CEO, Lehman Brothers, former chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations). These men are all Trilateral members.

How many foxes in the hen house do we need, before we realize their Trilateral agenda is controlling the direction of our economy?

The TC has no interest in building up the American economy. They want to torpedo it, as part of the end-game of creating a de facto Globalist management system for the whole planet.

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003): “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Even in what many people mistakenly think of as the TC’s heyday, the 1970s, there were few who realized its overarching power.

Here is a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment from out of the past. It’s a through-the-looking-glass secret—in the form of a conversation between a reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took place in 1978. It concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

SOURCE: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

Of course, although Kaiser and Cooper claimed everything being manipulated by the Trilateral Commission committee was already out in the open, it wasn’t.

Their interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried. It didn’t become a scandal on the level of, say, Watergate, although its essence was far larger than Watergate.

US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission—the Commission had been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who would become Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.

Shortly after Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.” Lost—because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force.

Deep State.

Trump, who squashed the Globalist TPP treaty as soon as he was inaugurated, has nevertheless appointed a significant Trilateral member to a major post. Patrick Wood writes (2/6/17):

“According to a White House press release, the first member of the Trilateral Commission has entered the Trump administration as the Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs, where he will sit on the National Security Council [as deputy director]:

“’Kenneth I. Juster will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs. He will coordinate the Administration’s international economic policy and integrate it with national security and foreign policy. He will also be the President’s representative and lead U.S. negotiator (“Sherpa”) for the annual G-7, G-20, and APEC Summits’.”

Juster’s duties will take him into the heart of high-level negotiations with foreign governments on economic policy.

Note: In this article, I’m not listing Trump appointees who are members of another Rockefeller deep-state organization, the Council on Foreign Relations. Suffice to say, the CFR is a brother of the Trilateral Commission, and, when push comes to shove, the lesser brother. And finally, Goldman Sachs, whose people Trump has surrounded himself with, is a corporate member of the CFR…

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Syria attack: Is Trump listening to his followers anymore?

Syria attack: is Trump listening to his followers anymore?

by Jon Rappoport

April 9, 2017

Trump was going to be the president of peace and non-interference. No foreign wars. No reason for the US to be policeman for the world.

This was not a minor message. Many Americans who had blown through the prison gates of the US political system when Ron Paul ran for president backed Trump, hoping for sanity.

Now what?

On top of the Syria missile attack itself, there are several reasons to believe the sarin nerve gas incident, which provoked the missile strike, was a false flag or an accident, and Syrian President Assad was blameless. But Trump said GO NOW.

It appeared President Assad, with the help of Russia and the US, was moving closer to victory against the various terrorist groups in Syria. That outcome is now in doubt.

Is it possible Trump and Putin are secretly working toward the installation of an actual democracy in Syria? If true, the missile attack was a Trump strategy to gain political support from US lawmakers, neocons, and other assorted US military-industrial complex goblins. But I’m not betting on some secret US-Russia plan.

The demotion of Trump’s special counselor Steve Bannon in recent days could have been a move to get him out of the way, before the discussion about launching the missile strike took place—because Bannon might have voiced deep opposition.

Another “benefit” from the attack on Syria: with Democrats, war-hawk Republicans, media pundits, and other assorted Beltway adrenaline junkies suddenly piling praise on Trump, the passage of an inflated federal budget for the military is quite likely. That’s a plus for defense contractors.

Arch Rockefeller Globalists, including Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission players are now breathing a tentative sigh of relief. Trump seems to have come into their fold. He’s operating “on their turf, doing the right thing.”

All of which leaves millions of Trump supporters—the people who elected him—out in the cold. They didn’t sign on for this. The missile attack was just the sort of move Hillary Clinton would have made.

Trump surely understands this. He’s made the calculation that it doesn’t matter. Apparently, he believes he can win his supporters back.

He also understands that the US intelligence assessment of the sarin attack in Syria could have been cooked, fixed, dreamed up, based on an intentionally staged event. But he’s chosen to ignore that.

And unless he and Putin are playing a secret game in concert, having decided to install a new and improved anti-jihad secular government in Syria, Trump has pushed Putin away from any reasonable negotiating table. Here too Trump gains support from his opponents in the US, who have been shouting about Demon Russia and insisting that Putin and Trump together fixed the 2016 US election. Finally, Trump “sees the light” about Russia. Finally, he sees that Russia is backing the wrong horse in Syria. He sees that Russia is the eternal enemy of America. It’s all nonsense, of course, but Trump felt he had to get the screaming press and the majority of Congress off his back.

If so, he has miscalculated. His domestic enemies will never let up. They aim to take him down. They are dedicated to pushing him out of the White House, or at the very least, neutralizing every one of his policies during the next four years.

And again, Trump’s strength—his supporters who voted for him, who were hoping against hope that his administration would turn America in a new direction—Nationalism, not Globalism—his ultimate strength has taken a blow.

He has distanced himself from the power of those who put him in office.

A populist leader who does that is playing with fire.

He may temporarily win praise from the media echo chamber, but those echoes fade fast, and then he’ll realize he is isolated—which is exactly the position in which his opponents want him. On a mountain top, alone, his only option to embrace those he was campaigning against.

Is Trump smarter than that? Does he have hole cards no one has yet seen?

Or did he just make a fatal move, a mere 75 days after taking office?

I could spend another 5000 words detailing the people Trump has surrounded himself with, but the point is, most of them want to block him from thinking about, and talking to, the people who elected him. They want to keep him pinned to the “Washington conversation,” which is always and forever elitist. In their view, “presidential” means deaf, dumb, and blind to the wishes of the people. It’s the way politics works. That’s what sells. It sells to the media. It sells to the intelligence establishment. It sells to the briefers who tell Trump what the “inside game” is every day. It sells to people of every political persuasion, except those who want basic Nationalism.

We KNOW Trump is blind and dumb when it comes to certain aspects of life in the US. In his desire to make business the overwhelming business of America, he is willing, for example, to ignore ACTUAL environmental destruction in exactly the way George W Bush was willing. (Trump’s new EPA chief has already taken a ban of highly poisonous pesticides, Lorsban and Dursban, off the table.) We KNOW Trump is clueless when it comes to the FDA approving highly toxic medical drugs that kill huge numbers of citizens (106,000 a year, at a conservative estimate). He wants to enable FASTER FDA drug approval. That is a catastrophe in the making.

But, putting that aside, the defeat of Globalism, bringing back jobs to America, securing the borders against criminals, opposing that treacherous collection of self-entitled Globalist scum on the East Side of Manhattan called the United Nations—these are issues millions of Americans have come to understand, and they expect Trump to take decisive action.

They also expected him to refrain from launching attacks against foreign nations. They expected him to bring US troops home. They expected him to stop policing the world. They expected him to drain neocons from his inner circle.

But now, for the moment, the distance between Trump and the people who put him in office is increasing; and if a point is reached where those people no longer have faith that Trump can hear them, he is done.

He’ll be living the life of a president, like other presidents.

A shadow, remote.

Does he understand that?

Many months ago, I laid out and repeated my reasons, my ONLY reasons for favoring Trump: he was keeping Hillary Clinton out of the White House; he was mercilessly attacking mainstream news, which is the source of information mind control in America, the main obstructing force against people waking up to realities that are being hidden from them; he was gathering millions of citizens who want freedom and prosperity and an end to Globalism-Fascism-Collectivism-Socialism-Corporatism-political correctness.

I said: everything else is up for grabs.

It still is. But Trump has to understand what he is doing to his supporters—who exist as a movement independent of him.

Those supporters can check out of the Trump Hotel.

Like unhappy tourists, they can leave with a bad taste in their mouths.

They can move on.

Worst of all, they can wait for the next hopeful candidate and do nothing in the meantime.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Bombshell: how far did Obama spying go?

Bombshell: How far did Obama spying go?

The Sharyl Attkisson case.

by Jon Rappoport

April 6, 2017

During the transition between election and inauguration, Trump associates have phone conversations with foreign leaders. Those conversations are recorded by US intelligence agencies and turned into secret intelligence reports…

Former Obama National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, is accused of “unmasking” the names of Trump team members contained in those US intelligence reports and illegally leaking their names to the press. Bloomberg reports: “One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.”

In other words, US intelligence agencies, under Obama, were spying on Trump associates—and Rice obtained the names of those associates, which are supposed to be kept confidential.

Leaking the names to the press, in the current political atmosphere, would result in the impression that Trump associates were having improper conversations with foreign leaders, or even “colluding” with them. Lots of innuendo here.

The Susan Rice spying scandal points to what? More. Other Americans the Obama team spied on. Other Americans who were opposed to the Obama agenda. Other Americans who were critical of the Obama administration. Other Americans who were exposing the Obama administration.

For example, former CBS star investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson—who has sued members of the Obama team and several federal agencies. That lawsuit has just been referred to another venue by the judge in the case. He could have dismissed the suit, but he didn’t. He wants it to proceed. He wants Attkisson to have her day in court.

You might remember Attkisson was uncovering highly embarrassing details about the gun-walking operation, Fast & Furious, and the attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi. She was making the Obama administration extremely uncomfortable.

But let me quote Judge Emet Sullivan’s recent order transferring Attkisson’s suit:

“In 2011——at the same time that Ms. Attkisson was conducting investigations and issuing certain of her high-profile news reports——the Attkissons ‘began to notice anomalies in numerous electronic devices at their home in Virginia.’ These anomalies included Ms. Attkisson’s work-issued laptop computer and a family desktop computer ‘turning on and off at night without input from anyone in the household,’ ‘the house alarm chirping daily at different times,’ and ‘television problems, including interference.’ All of these electronic devices used ‘the Verizon FiOS line installed in [the Attkissons’] home,’ but Verizon was unable to stanch the anomalous activity despite multiple attempts. In January 2012, the Attkissons’ residential internet service ‘began constantly dropping off’.”

“In February 2012, ‘sophisticated surveillance spyware’ was installed on Ms. Attkisson’s work-issued laptop computer. A later forensic computer analysis revealed that Ms. Attkisson’s laptop and the family’s desktop computer had been the ‘targets of unauthorized surveillance efforts.’ That same forensic analysis revealed that Ms. Attkisson’s mobile phone was also targeted for surveillance when it was connected to the family’s desktop computer. The infiltration of that computer and the extraction of information from it was ‘executed via an IP address owned, controlled, and operated by the United States Postal service.’ Additionally, based on the sophisticated nature of the software used to carry out the infiltration and software fingerprints indicating the use of the federal government’s proprietary software, the infiltration and surveillance appeared to be perpetrated by persons in the federal government.”

“An independent forensic computer analyst hired by CBS subsequently reported finding evidence on both Ms. Attkisson’s work-issued laptop computer and her family’s desktop computer of ‘a coordinated, highly-skilled series of actions and attacks directed at the operation of the computers.’ Computer forensic analysis also indicated that remote actions were taken in December 2012 to remove the evidence of the electronic infiltration and surveillance from Ms. Attkisson’s computers and other home electronic equipment.”

“As Ms. Attkisson’s investigations and reporting continued, in October 2012 the Attkissons noticed ‘an escalation of electronic problems at their personal residence, including interference in home and mobile phone lines, computer interference, and television interference.’ In November of that year, Ms. Attkisson’s mobile phones ‘experienced regular interruptions and interference, making telephone communications unreliable, and, at times, virtually impossible’.”

“Additionally, in December 2012, a person with government intelligence experience conducted an inspection of the exterior of the Attkissons’ Virginia home. That investigator discovered an extra Verizon FiOS fiber optics line. Soon thereafter, after a Verizon technician was instructed by Ms. Attkisson to leave the extra cable at the home, the cable disappeared, and the Attkissons were unable to determine what happened to it. In March 2013, the Attkissons’ desktop computer malfunctioned, and in September of that year, while Ms. Attkisson was working on a story at her home, she observed that her personal laptop computer was remotely accessed and controlled, resulting in data being deleted from it. On April 3, 2013, Ms. Attkisson filed a complaint with the Inspector General of the Department of Justice. The Inspector General’s investigation was limited to an analysis of the compromised desktop computer, and the partially-released report that emerged from that investigation reported ‘no evidence of intrusion,’ although it did note ‘a great deal of advanced mode computer activity not attributable to Ms. Attkisson or anybody in her household’.”

“The Attkissons allege that the ‘cyber-attacks’ they ‘suffered in [their] home’ were perpetrated by ‘personnel working on behalf of the United States.’ Accordingly, they have asserted various claims against the United States and against former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, and unknown agents of the Department of Justice, the United States Postal Service, and the United States, all in their individual capacities. Those claims include claims against the United States under the FTCA and claims against the individual federal officers for violations of constitutional rights under Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Fed. Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971)…”

Spying, surveillance, harassment, interference, attempts at intimidation.

Are you noticing any significant mainstream news coverage of this case? Of course not.

Ordinarily, mainstream reporters protect their own colleagues, but here there is silence.

Let’s call it what it is: PARTISAN POLITICAL SILENCE.

The silence is based on a principle they don’t teach at journalism schools:

“We omit the news that contradicts our agenda. Our agenda IS the news.”

Memo to the new Attorney General, Jeff Sessions: You could launch your own investigation into the Attkisson case. Bring it front and center. Uncover all the nasty details. Expose the perpetrators.


power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Please, somebody play the race card: “like white on (Susan) Rice.”

Please, somebody play the race card: “like white on [Susan] Rice.”

And when will CNN say Susan Rice had to spy, to offset Russian spying?

by Jon Rappoport

April 4, 2017

CNN is already claiming the whole Susan Rice scandal is a tempest in a teapot, and the Trump team is exaggerating it to distract the public from…something. Fill in the blank yourself. For example: Trump isn’t actually the president, he cheated his way into the Oval Office, while acting as a secret agent for his handler, Vladimir Putin, who in turn was operating on behalf of aliens from Jupiter.

The Susan Rice scandal is out in the open. She, Obama’s national security advisor, led an effort to spy on legal phone calls the Trump team was making during the presidential campaign, in order to gain “intelligence on the enemy.”

The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) spoke with “Col. (Ret.) James Waurishuk, an NSC [National Security Council] veteran and former deputy director for intelligence at the U.S. Central Command.” Waurishuk said: “…many hands had to be involved throughout the Obama administration to launch such a political spying program…It’s unbelievable of [sic] the level and degree of the [Obama] administration to look for information on Donald Trump and his associates, his campaign team and his transition team. This is really, really serious stuff’.”

“Michael Doran, former NSC [National Security Council] senior director, told The DCNF Monday that ‘somebody blew a hole in the wall between national security secrets and partisan politics’. This ‘was a stream of information that was supposed to be hermetically sealed from politics and the Obama administration found a way to blow a hole in that wall’, he said.”

Yes, serious stuff. A felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Obama, of course, will have plausible deniability if the Susan Rice scandal blows up into a Watergate. He didn’t know. He didn’t order the spying. He was playing golf that day. Or any day.

And if a Congressional investigation of Rice and her antics reaches a fever pitch, somebody can play the race card. That’s always an option.

“If Rice were white, this never would have happened to her.”

“The Trump people are all over her like white on Rice.”

Meanwhile, CNN, in alternating segments, can say a) Rice and her people never spied on anybody, and b) everybody spies on everybody all the time, it’s not a big deal…and then some on-air goofball will add, “In fact, we here at CNN are spying—”

And the TV screen will go blank, then display colored stripes, then come back and the goofball will be gone, and an anchor will say, “We had a technical problem for a moment.”

But under no circumstances will CNN or MSNBC admit that the swaggering shoot-from-the-hip cowboy in the Oval Office was right when he lashed out and claimed the Obama administration was spying on him. Even if a few Obama people come out in the open and confess to the spying, those networks will insist Trump made a lucky guess, that’s all. It was all a coincidence.

And anyway, he’s not the real president, he’s a spy ultimately working for aliens from Jupiter; and on Jupiter, everyone is a racist.

And that will settle that.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Hacking elections: Trump vs. Bill Clinton: not even close

Hacking elections: Trump vs. Bill Clinton: not even close

by Jon Rappoport

March 30, 2017

On the one hand, we have unverified claims that Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee and passed them to WikiLeaks, who released them.

Supposedly, the contents of the emails were so embarrassing, they helped sink Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

We also have unverified claims that thousands of websites and blogs somehow operated under Russian influence, during the campaign, on behalf of Trump and against Hillary.

But imagine what major media would have done to Trump, if the following events occurred:

IMAGINARY EVENT ONE: The Russian government contributed money to Trump’s campaign.

WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: In a new article, former CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson writes: “If you’ve watched politics a little while, you may remember the scandal broken by The Washington Post in 1996. The Post reported evidence of China directing contributions to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) during the presidential contest between Bill Clinton and Republican Bob Dole—a violation of US law.”

If Trump was embroiled now in what Clinton was embroiled in then, the press would go over-the-top insane now.

IMAGINARY EVENT TWO: A foreign-born Trump fundraiser is actually convicted of illegally raising campaign money.

WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: Sharyl Attkisson writes: “Taiwan-born Maria Hsia, a fundraiser for Clinton Vice President Al Gore [in 1996], was convicted of illegal campaign fundraising.”

Substitute a Trump campaign worker for Maria Hsia, and the press would go over-the-top insane now.

IMAGINARY EVENT THREE: A Russian-born Trump supporter is convicted of trying to give major money to Trump.

WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: Attkisson writes: “Eventually, Taiwan-born Charlie Trie was convicted of improperly attempting to give large donations to the Clinton’s legal defense fund.”

IMAGINARY EVENT FOUR: A Russian national is convicted of violating election law after he gives large donations to Trump.

WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: Attkisson writes: “Taiwan-born Johnny Chung was convicted of violating election law after making large donations to the DNC (which were later returned).”

IMAGINARY EVENT FIVE: A Russian fundraiser for Trump, who actually works at the US Dept. of Commerce, is convicted of campaign finance fraud.

WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: Attkisson writes: “Chinese-born John Huang—a DNC fundraiser and Commerce Department official in the Clinton administration—was convicted of campaign finance fraud.”

If the press treated Bill Clinton then the way they’re treating Trump now, given the actual crimes committed on behalf of Clinton by Taiwanese and Chinese nationals, reporters and editors and their allies would have called for Clinton to be encased in a tube and shot off in a rocket to Mars, never to return.

But Clinton served out his term in office. There was no widespread scandal. The impeachment proceeding involved him lying about sex with Monica Lewinsky, not criminal campaign activity. In Democratic circles, and even in the press, many people still revere Clinton as a major statesman and philanthropist.

But don’t worry.

The press isn’t biased.

They have no covert agenda.

Of course not.

All is well.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.