Bombshell: CDC commits new vaccine-autism crime

Bombshell: CDC commits new vaccine-autism crime

CDC won’t allow its own whistleblower to testify in vaccine-damage case

by Jon Rappoport

October 21, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Here are the bones of the story. For the first time in 30 years, a vaccine-damage case has gone before a court judge. Lawyers for a 16-year-old autistic boy are suing a medical clinic for administering vaccines that brought about the autism. The CDC, of course, denies any connection between vaccines and autism. But one of its own long-time researchers, William Thompson, has publicly confessed to fraud in that area. Thompson states that he and his colleagues concealed research data that would have shown the MMR vaccine and mercury-laden vaccines do cause autism. The lawyers for the 16-year-old boy want to bring in Thompson to testify about what he knows. The CDC has said NO. The head of the CDC, Thomas Frieden, states, “Dr. William Thompson’s deposition testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS [the Department of Health and Human Services].”

Well, he’s right, because the CDC is the PR arm of the vaccine industry. The CDC is a major purchaser of vaccines for the US federal government. If this boy won his case, other cases would follow. The potential monetary exposure in judgments? A trillion dollars or more. has the details:

“The medical malpractice case seeking Dr. Thompson’s testimony is on behalf of 16-year-old Yates Hazlehurst. The lawsuit alleges that Yates is autistic as a result of vaccine injuries, which occurred when the vaccines were improperly administered in 2001. Because of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986 (VICA), Hazlehurst v. The Jackson Clinic is the only vaccine injury case that has gone to any U.S. court in 30 years.”

“Dr. Thompson wants to reveal the scientific fraud and destruction of evidence that took place in the studies that he co-authored. However, in accordance with the Whistle Blower Protection Act and other federal regulations, Dr. Thompson can not testify under oath without the permission of the director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden.”

“The request on behalf of Hazlehurst specifically relates to the issue of causation, i.e. the issue of whether vaccines can cause autism, which the State of Tennessee Circuit Court Judge found to be both relevant and a proper basis for seeking the deposition of Dr. Thompson.”

“Judge Acree ordered on Feb. 5 that Dr. Thompson should be deposed. Following Judge’s Acree’s ruling, Smith [Bryan Smith, the boy’s attorney] filed a formal request to CDC to make Thompson available for deposition and trial testimony.”

“On Sept. 22, in a letter from CDC Director Thomas Freiden, CDC denied Smith’s request. Smith explained that ‘this denial was a disappointment but not a surprise, since the inescapable implication of Dr. Thompson’s testimony is that the agency fraudulently altered the science to undermine autism cases worth potentially $1 trillion in compensation ordered by Congress’.”

“Smith and Kennedy [Robert F Kennedy, Jr., the boy’s other attorney] plan to immediately appeal the CDC’s denial to federal court.”

William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, is the subject of the film Vaxxed (trailer). Thompson has admitted publicly that he and his CDC colleagues literally threw damning data into a garbage can, to avoid reaching the conclusion, in a 2004 study, that the MMR vaccine raises the risk of autism in children.

His testimony in court would be explosive, to say the least.

Since he is still employed by the CDC, his bosses can keep him out of court. They can muzzle him. They can threaten him. No doubt, Thompson has also signed non-disclosure agreements with the Agency.

How far would the federal government go to silence Thompson, who could open a Pandora’s box containing a trillion dollars in potential judgements? All the way is the obvious answer.

power outside the matrix

The implications of Thompson’s testimony involve much more than money: the massive destruction of lives through vaccinations. That is ultimately the crime of crimes at the bottom of the cover-up.

And the CDC would be rightly seen as a primary agent in both the crimes and the cover-up.

If the US Department of Justice had any sense of honor, or courage, scores of CDC employees would be in jail right now.

And if major media outlets had any sense of honor, or courage, they would be swarming all over the CDC, hammering on many employees and obtaining confessions from them, releasing the rank truth about vaccines from the Agency’s offices and labs of shame.

(For Part-2 of this story, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

CDC police will eventually arrest the unvaccinated as “diseased criminals”

by Jon Rappoport

October 5, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

After 30 years as an independent reporter, I understand the machinations of the CDC.

As a result, I’ve been able to read their intentions for the future. I’ve been able to see where they’re heading.

Two parallel ops are going to intersect, unless they are stopped. And if they aren’t stopped, there is going to be BIG trouble.

OP ONE: the CDC’s imminent implementation of its new rules for controlling communicable diseases. I’ve covered these rules extensively. Here I’ll sum them up:

Americans traveling between states can be stopped, detained, and even quarantined, if they seem to have indications of an illness that could impact public health.

If this sounds vague, it is. The CDC has even coined a new absurd category: “precommunicable” illness. It means that with few or no symptoms—but merely the probability of having contacted someone who had or could have had an illness—a traveler in America can be picked up and held against his will.

The CDC asserts it has police powers to do this.

During the quarantine period, the person has no right to refuse medical treatment—which can include (toxic) vaccinations. After release, the person will be tracked electronically, and this surveillance can extend to an ankle bracelet.

OP TWO: The CDC and its state allies are expanding the promotion of mandatory vaccines. The state of California now has such a law (SB277) for all public and private school children. There is a move to extend the mandate to adults.

So…suppose you are spotted and detained as a person who may have a precommunicable disease. One of the first questions you’ll be asked is: “Are you up to date on your vaccinations?”

If not, you’ll get them. Forcibly.

Now suppose the disease you’re suspected of having has a vaccine—which you never got. You’re bad. You’re delinquent. You’re essentially a criminal. “Sir, if you had been vaccinated against the disease, you wouldn’t have the disease now, and you wouldn’t be in a position to infect others with it.”

But why stop there? At some point up the road, the CDC will say:

“Those people who have not gotten the full schedule of vaccinations are AUTOMATICALLY PRECOMMUNICABLE.”

That’s how the two ops will intersect.

That’s where the CDC is heading. That’s where they intend to go:

A person who isn’t fully vaccinated is by definition a threat to “the community,” and he can be arrested.

It’s the perfect storm.

That’s all the CDC will need to know—you’re not fully vaccinated. Therefore, you’ll fit the definition of a “precommunicable” health threat, and you can be held and shot with the full complement of vaccines.

“You see, Mr. Jones, we’ve detained you because we see you haven’t had any vaccinations for a long time. This makes you a danger, because vaccines are the ONLY way to guarantee immunity from diseases. You’re very vulnerable. You will get sick and spread that sickness to others. You’re precommunicable. You’re a spreader. We’re going to cut that off at the pass. In the next two days, we’re going to give you the basic ten vaccinations..”

The CDC is ALREADY asserting that any unvaccinated human is a danger to those around him. All that remains is to put bigger legal and police teeth into the assertion.

The mask and the cover story is: “We only want to detain people who could be spreading a highly dangerous disease like Ebola. We only want to stop the spread of pandemics.” That’s a lie.

The real op is eventual forced vaccination of everyone, carried out under police powers.

Universal forced vaccination IS the epidemic.

And the single antidote is freedom.

The freedom to refuse medication or vaccination of any kind.

That freedom is inherent.

But it must be taken.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Natural health is a silver bullet to medical vampires

Natural health is a silver bullet to medical vampires

The medical vampires’ vaccine vision is unnatural and perverse

by Jon Rappoport

October 4, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

It turns out that unvaccinated children aren’t little time bombs walking around ready to blow and spread devastating disease in their wake.

That’s a myth. It’s told by the medical cartel, for their own obvious reasons.

And it turns out that children raised in a healthy way are strong, and have strong immune systems.

This was once viscerally known and understood and accepted as a truism.

Those who insist on 50 or 60 shots of germs and toxic chemicals for every child, like it or not, are participating in an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Their vision is unnatural and perverse.

It turns out that stimulating the production of antibodies—which is the purpose of vaccines—is not the be-all and end-all of existence. It isn’t the road to health. It isn’t an automatic lease on life.

Every aspect of a child’s life contributes to, or detracts from, his immune-system health and strength. This is traditional knowledge. This basic tree of knowledge has been shaken and hacked at by decades of remorseless propaganda from official medical/government/corporate mob bosses.

The vaccine establishment has become a protection racket. Take your shots or pay the social and political consequences.

Natural health is a reality. It isn’t a stunt.

When smallpox ravaged England, it wasn’t the lone work of a virus. It was sewage in the city streets, horrendous overcrowding, lack of basic nutrition, grinding poverty. It was also the smallpox vaccine:

“Smallpox, like typhus, has been dying out (in England) since 1780. Vaccination in this country has largely fallen into disuse since people began to realize how its value was discredited by the great smallpox epidemic of 1871-2 (which occurred after extensive vaccination).” (W. Scott Webb, A Century of Vaccination, Swan Sonnenschein, 1898.)

And then there is this: “The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

Improve environmental conditions and the standard of living, and you pave the way for natural health. It’s not a mystery. It never was.

—The basic purpose of promoting these dud “epidemics” that come down the pipeline every few years is: to convince the population that they can’t live in a state of natural health; there is no such thing as natural health; everyone must live their lives under the constant supervision of doctors.

This is becoming the central myth of our times.

It is becoming the primary form of surrender.

Natural health is a silver bullet to medical vampires.

Exit From the Matrix

How many studies can you find that investigate the factors of health in children who do quite well without overriding medical attention? How many studies in peer reviewed journals examine large groups of healthy unvaccinated children? None.

Health is basically a non-medical condition.

The primary medical psyop is the effort to erase that understanding.

Every healthy unvaccinated child is a refutation of the medical cartel.

If your business is sickness, and you’re unscrupulous, it stands to reason you’ll try to find more and more sickness, even, and especially, where it doesn’t exist.

You’ll never study health, because it would put you out of business.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Vaccines: “preventing every bad thing”

by Jon Rappoport

July 27, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

We begin with this: “Administration of KMV (killed measles vaccine) apparently set in motion an aberrant immunologic response that not only failed to protect children against natural measles, but resulted in heightened susceptibility.” JAMA Aug. 22, 1980, vol. 244, p. 804, Vincent Fulginiti and Ray Helfer. The authors indicate that such children can come down with “an often severe, atypical form of measles. Atypical measles is characterized by fever, headache… and a diverse rash (which)… may consist of a mixture of macules, papules, vesicles, and pustules…”

In other words, the measles vaccine can create a worse form of measles. This is not the normal form of the illness, from which children routinely recover with the bonus of lifetime immunity. No, this is a severe, atypical, dangerous, synthetic, vaccine-induced disease.

Now read this: “…the window of vulnerability of an infant may be even greater in vaccinated women than in with women with natural measles infection.” (Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 79(5), 2008, pp. 787–792).

Translation: Measles occurring in infants—which is unusual and dangerous—is more likely to occur when the mother has been vaccinated against measles. Why? Because she no longer passes down, to her child, the natural components of immunity to measles.

This stunning finding can apply across the board, for all vaccines and all childhood illnesses.

Vaccinated mothers, who would ordinarily pass down natural immune factors to their babies, often don’t.

The vaccinators are creating a synthetic world of pretended immunity. And they want the global population to live inside that bubble—and suffer the consequences.

Medical experts have spewed a great deal of nonsense promoting how serious childhood diseases are. This is an attempt to refute centuries of evidence showing children recover nicely from these illnesses and thus acquire lifetime immunity.

The “seriousness” of the diseases, when they are serious, results from two factors: vaccinated mothers, and a general weakness of children’s immune systems. And that weakness results from sub-standard nutrition and a lack of nutritious breast-feeding.

Of course, breast feeding isn’t going to be naturally nutritious if the mother has been previously loaded with vaccines. It’s a vicious circle.

And remember this: no amount of vaccines is going to solve tremendously sub-standard childhood nutrition.

Claiming that undernourished children must be vaccinated up to their eyeballs—as “substitute protection” against disease—is an egregious and despicable lie.

The vaccine establishment is fully aware of what I’m discussing here, and it has covered it up.

There is no substitute for natural immunity derived from good nutrition.

Finally, if you revisit the first quote in this article, you’ll see another factor at work. The measles vaccine that paves the way for “severe, atypical” measles in children? The vaccine could be falsely exonerated on the grounds that the symptoms which develop in children don’t add up to measles at all. What these children have doesn’t look like measles—

And therein lies one of the greatest secrets about all vaccines. They appear to wipe out diseases, because, after vaccination, the signs and symptoms ordinarily associated with those diseases often don’t occur.

Instead, the old symptoms are altered or don’t appear at all. Therefore, medical experts can claim that mumps or measles or pertussis or diphtheria have been eliminated from the population—when in fact what is happening is the emergence of vaccine-induced disease with different symptoms.

And those symptoms are given different disease-names.

Polio? Gone. Now we have meningitis. Smallpox? Gone. Now we have “lesions of unknown origin” or Kaposi’s Sarcoma.

Vaccinated children become more ill than they would have, and children die. But it doesn’t matter for the sellers and enforcers of vaccines, because they can say, “Look, vaccines are extraordinarily successful wherever they’re given; they wipe out diseases.”

No they don’t.

They just transfer the pictures of symptoms.

power outside the matrix

And they cut off the population from natural and powerful immunity, the very same immunity that, along with improved nutrition, better basic sanitation, and a higher standard of living, made many serious diseases into light illnesses.

It’s all a shell game. If the vaccinators confessed, they would say something like this:

“Okay folks, here’s what we do. We give the mother and her baby a shot against Disease A. Disease A is a set of recognizable symptoms. After vaccination, that set of symptoms will occur far less often. Instead, a new set of far more dangerous symptoms will occur. We’ll call those symptoms Disease B. And we’ll say Disease A has been wiped out…”

This shell game is played with human lives sacrificed on the altar of profits, and the creation of more debilitation and death.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

The vaccine matrix: covert birth control, female sterility

by Jon Rappoport

June 23, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

“Part of the vaccine covert op involves turning humans into social constructs who can only think, in the most shallow terms, about ‘protecting the group’. Such people would lose any semblance of individuality, as well as the ability to analyze vaccines and understand what harm they do.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

In the vaccine research community, it’s an open secret that the Rockefeller Fund, the UN, and other groups have been backing the development of vaccines that function as agents of population control. This work has been going on for decades.

We’re talking about inducing female sterility.

Through which vaccine? Tetanus, for example, which is given with the diphtheria and pertussis vaccines in a one-shot combination.

The combination has a number of names (and the contents of the vaccines may vary to some degree): DPT, DTP, DTwP, DTaP, Tdap. Tdap is the version currently recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.

Note: The recently mandated vaccine bill (SB277) passed in California lists the tetanus vaccine on its schedule of shots that must be given to every public and private school child.

Here, from BBC News (13/10/2014) is a bland denial that there is a serious problem with the tetanus vaccine. “Kenya Catholic Church tetanus fears ‘unfounded’”:

“Kenya’s government has dismissed allegations made by the country’s Catholic Church that a tetanus vaccine can cause sterility in women.”

“‘It’s a safe certified vaccine,’ Health Minister James Macharia told the BBC.”

On the other hand—“‘The [health] ministry must stop making noise and allow the Church to sample the vaccines before they are given,’ Dr Stephen Karanja, the chair of the Catholic Doctors Association in Kenya, told the BBC. He said tetanus vaccines tested earlier in the year contained an antigen – an agent that triggers antibody production by the body’s immune system – which could cause sterility in women.”

“But Mr Macharia [Health Minister] said the vaccine had been approved by the World Health Organization and Unicef.”

Let’s dig a little deeper. In fact, a lot deeper.

Here is a blockbuster article published at lifesitenews, a month after the BBC article posted above. Written by Steve Weatherbe, it reveals, among other things, that the Kenyan government and a teacher’s union were taking the Catholic Doctors Association charges very seriously. The headline reads: “Kenyan gymt [government] launches probe into claim UN is using vaccines for ‘mass sterilization’”:

“The health committee of Kenya’s National Assembly has ordered an independent inquiry into the Catholic Church’s claims that a national anti-tetanus vaccination campaign is covering for a sterilization scheme aimed at suppressing the country’s population.

“The news comes as health ministry officials have called for professional discipline against Dr. Stephen Karanja, head of Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association, who raised the alarm about the vaccine.

“At the same time, a teacher’s union has called for a boycott of the vaccination campaign until Catholic claims are disproven.

“The Health Ministry, which is conducting the five-injection, two-year vaccination project on female Kenyans aged 14-49, and the vaccine’s supplier, the World Health Organization, deny the claims of the Church, which has called all along for an independent inquiry.

“Robert Pukose, the government MP who is vice-chairman of the National Assembly’s health committee, explained, ‘We are at loss about who to believe since both sides have tabled [submitted] conflicting results. That is why we need new tests conducted jointly for us to give final and conclusive results,’ according to the Nairobi Standard.

“The inquiry will consist of submitting vaccine samples to a committee of Catholic, government, and independent medical experts. What they will be looking for are traces of HCG, a female hormone produced during pregnancy, which if injected along with traces of tetanus, will produce antibodies. And just as these antibodies will react to a real tetanus infection, so will they react to a pregnancy, causing a miscarriage.

“The Health Ministry submitted its test results on the tetanus vaccine to the committee last week, showing no trace of HCG.

“This week the Catholic bishops’ doctors presented their own test results, all of which showed traces of HCG. Karanja told the committee, ‘The hormone, Beta HCG, is neither a byproduct of, nor a component required for, the manufacture of the tetanus vaccine. It being part of the vaccine is nothing short of a scheme to forcefully render our women incapable of bearing children.’

“The Health Ministry’s Immunization Technical Group, Dr. Collins Tabu, challenged the validity of the Catholic doctors’ test results, asking, ‘Were the samples sent to the labs indeed vaccines? Were they sent in their primary containers and what was the condition of storage? What types of tests were run on them?’

“Unless the tests were done at either of two specialized government labs, they could not be valid, he added.

“But the Kenyan Catholic doctors have told LifeSiteNews via email that the government won’t let anyone get samples of the vaccine for tests—the ones used had to be obtained surreptitiously by devout Catholics. All along the doctors wanted to conduct tests jointly with the government but could not get co-operation.

“Dr. Karanja also told the committee the tests were simple and could be conducted at any lab. Dr. Pukose further undermined Tabu’s argument, noting that both the Health Ministry and the Catholics had submitted results from the Lancet Kenya lab—with contradictory findings.

“Meanwhile Akello Misori, secretary general of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education (Kuppet), advised women to avoid the tetanus shots…

“One big reason for the Church’s concern is that the vaccines are provided by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, two United Nations organizations with a documented involvement in developing a sterilization vaccine using the HCG hormone as an antigen.

“Karanja’s colleague Dr. Wahome Ngare told LifeSiteNews, ‘WHO conducted massive vaccinations campaigns using the tetanus vaccine laced with HCG in Mexico in 1993 and Nicaragua and Philippines in 1994.’ The opposition of the Catholic Church stopped those drives. [emphasis added]

“’What is downright immoral and evil,’ said Ngare, ‘is that the tetanus laced with HCG was given as a fertility-regulating vaccine without disclosing its contraceptive effect to the girls and the mothers. As far as they were concerned, they had gone for an innocent injection to prevent neonatal tetanus.’

“…The [Kenya] National Assembly’s Dr. Pukose issued a stern warning after announcing the joint investigation, saying, ‘Those found to have been misleading Kenyans, whether it is the experts advising the Catholic Church or the Ministry of Health, will be held individually accountable. Playing with the safety and health of Kenyans is a criminal matter.’”

I have made inquiries about the final disposition of the Kenyan government inquiry, and so far I’ve received no answers. It’s possible that the government has left the matter unresolved.

Here is additional background on attempts to develop a vaccine that would cause pregnant women to miscarry.

An astonishing journal paper. November, 1993. FASEB Journal, volume 7, pp.1381-1385. Authors—Stephan Dirnhofer et al. Dirnhofer was a member of the Institute for Biomedical Aging Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

A quote from the paper:

“Our study provides insights into possible modes of action of the birth control vaccine promoted by the Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines of the WHO (World Health Organization).”

A birth control vaccine?


A vaccine whose purpose is to achieve miscarriages. This particular vaccine was apparently just one of several anti-fertility vaccines the Task Force was promoting.

Yes. There is a Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines at WHO. This journal paper focuses on a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin B (hCG). There is a heading in the FASEB paper (p.1382) called “Ability of antibodies to neutralize the biological activity of hCG.” The authors are trying to discover whether a state of non-fertility can be achieved by blocking the normal activity of hCG.

Another journal paper. The British Medical Bulletin, volume 49, 1993. “Contraceptive Vaccines.” The authors—RJ Aitken et al. From the MRC Reproductive Biology Unit, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

“Three major approaches to contraceptive vaccine development are being pursued at the present time. The most advanced approach, which has already reached the stage of phase 2 clinical trials, involves the induction of immunity against human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Vaccines are being engineered … incorporating tetanus or diptheria toxoid linked to a variety of hCG-based peptides … Clinical trials have revealed that such preparations are capable of stimulating the production of anti-hCG antibodies…” [emphasis added]

The authors are talking about creating an immune response against a female hormone. Training a woman’s body to react against one of its own secreted hormones. The authors state, “The fundamental principle behind this approach to contraceptive vaccine development is to prevent the maternal recognition of pregnancy by inducing a state of immunity against hGC, the hormone that signals the presence of the embryo to the maternal endocrine system.”

Stop the female body from recognizing a state of pregnancy. Get the body to treat the natural hormone hCG as an intruder, a disease agent, and mobilize the forces of the immune system against it. Create a synthetic effect, an engineered effect, by which the mother’s “maternal endocrine system” does not swing into gear when pregnancy occurs. The result? The embryo in the mother is swept away by her next period—since hGC, which signals the existence of the pregnancy and halts menstruation cycles, is now treated as a disease entity.

The authors put it this way: “In principle, the induction of immunity against hGC should lead to a sequence of normal, or slightly extended, menstrual cycles during which any pregnancies would be terminated…”

Miscarriage would then be the “normal” state of affairs. These authors leave no doubt about who the target of this vaccine would be:

“During the next decade the world’s population is set to rise by around 500 million. Moreover, because the rates of population growth in the developing countries of Africa, South America, and Asia will be so much greater than the rest of the world, the distribution of this dramatic population growth will be uneven…”

Two other vaccine methods are described. They “aim to prevent conception by interfering with the intricate cascade of interactive events that characterize the union of male and female gametes at fertilization.”

The diphtheria and tetanus vaccines would function as a social and political mask—to hide the sterilizing intent, as millions of women in the Third World would receive vaccines they’re told would protect them against infections and disease.

A letter to a medical journal, The Lancet, p.1222, Volume 339, May 16, 1992. “Cameroon: Vaccination and politics.” Peter Ndumbe and Emmanuel Yenshu, the authors of this letter, report on their efforts to analyze widespread popular resistance to a tetanus vaccine given in the northwest province of Cameroon.

Two of the reasons women rejected the vaccine: it was given only to “females of childbearing age,” and people heard that a “sterilizing agent” was present in the vaccine.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The late well-known journalist, Alexander Cockburn, on the op ed page of the LA Times on September 8, 1994, in his piece “Real U.S. Policy in Third World: Sterilization : Disregard the ’empowerment’ shoe polish—the goal is to keep the natives from breeding,” reviewed the infamous Kissinger-commissioned 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200, “which addressed population issues.”

“… the true concern of Kissinger analysts [in Memorandum 200] was maintenance of US access to Third World resources. They worried that the ‘political consequences’ of population growth [in the Third World] could produce internal instability … With famine and food riots and the breakdown of social order in such countries, [the Kissinger memo warns that] ‘the smooth flow of needed materials will be jeopardized.’”

In other words, too many people equals disruption for the transnational corporations, who steal nations from those very people. Therefore, reduce the population.

Therefore, develop a vaccine that does that job.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA

Why is the government so maniacal about injecting vaccines?

by Jon Rappoport

May 17, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

Consider this article in light of the accelerating push to mandate and enforce vaccination across the planet.

The reference is the New York Times, 3/9/2015, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research. Here are key quotes that illustrate the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction:

“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”

“’The sky’s the limit,’ said Michael Farzan, an immunologist at Scripps and lead author of the new study.”

“The first human trial based on this strategy — called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. — is underway, and several new ones are planned.”

“I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.”

Here is the punchline: “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”

Read that again: “the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.” Alteration of the human genetic makeup. Permanent alteration.

The Times article taps Dr. David Baltimore for an opinion:

“Still, Dr. Baltimore says that he envisions that some people might be leery of a vaccination strategy that means altering their own DNA, even if it prevents a potentially fatal disease.”

Yes, some people might be leery. If they have two or three working brain cells.

Let’s take this further. Under the cover of preventing disease (and all good covert ops float a laudatory goal to conceal their true intent), vaccines are ideal carriers for all sorts of genes that would be permanently incorporated into the human structure.

The enormous tonnage of propaganda about vaccines, and the resultant mandatory laws that enforce vaccination, create a powerful channel along which re-engineering is eminently possible.

Synthetic genes injected into billions of humans would form a grand experiment to create an altered species.

This grand experiment could be compartmentalized. For example, secretly, genes 1-6 would be injected into Group A in geo-location I. Genes 7-12 would be injected into Group B in location II. And so on.

Vaccine recipients will be subjected to ongoing surveillance to gauge the results. On various pretexts, members of these groups will be brought into clinics for exams and tests, to discover markers that purportedly reveal their bodies’ responses to the genetic alterations.

Are these people stronger or weaker? Do they exhibit signs of illness? Do they report behavioral changes? Through surveillance and testing, all sorts of information can be compiled.

Of course, there is no informed consent. The human guinea pigs have no knowledge of what is being done to them.

And what would be the objectives of this lunatic research program? They would vary. On a simplified level, there would be two. Create weaker and more docile and more obedient and more dependent humans. On the other side, create stronger and healthier and more intelligent and more talented humans. Obviously, the results of the latter experiments would be applied to the “chosen few.” And clearly, some of this research will be carried on inside the military. Secrecy is easier to maintain, and the aim to produce “better soldiers” is a long-standing goal of the Pentagon and its research arm, DARPA.

A global vaccine experiment of the type I’m describing here has another bonus for the planners: those people who fall ill or die can be written off as having suffered from various diseases and disorders which “have nothing to do with vaccines.” This is already SOP for the medical cartel.

The numbers of casualties, in this grand experiment, would be of no concern to the Brave New World shapers. As I’ve documented extensively, the US medical system is already killing 2.25 million people per decade (a conservative estimate), as a result of FDA-approved drugs and mistreatment in hospitals. Major media and government leaders, aware of this fact, have done nothing about it.

Here is a quote from Princeton molecular biologist, Lee Silver, the author of Remaking Eden. It gives you a window into how important geneticists are thinking about an engineered future:

“The GenRich–who account for ten percent of the American population–[will] all carry synthetic genes. All aspects of the economy, the media, the entertainment industry, and the knowledge industry are controlled by members of the GenRich class…

“Naturals [unaltered humans] work as low-paid service providers or as laborers. [Eventually] the GenRich class and the Natural class will become entirely separate species with no ability to crossbreed, and with as much romantic interest in each other as a current human would have for a chimpanzee.

“Many think that it is inherently unfair for some people to have access to technologies that can provide advantages while others, less well-off, are forced to depend on chance alone, [but] American society adheres to the principle that personal liberty and personal fortune are the primary determinants of what individuals are allowed and able to do.

“Indeed, in a society that values individual freedom above all else, it is hard to find any legitimate basis for restricting the use of repro[grammed]-genetics. I will argue [that] the use of reprogenetic technologies is inevitable. [W]hether we like it or not, the global marketplace will reign supreme.”

Here is another gem, from Gregory Stock, former director of the program in Medicine, Technology, and Society at the UCLA School of Medicine:

“Even if half the world’s species were lost [during genetic experiments], enormous diversity would still remain. When those in the distant future look back on this period of history, they will likely see it not as the era when the natural environment was impoverished, but as the age when a plethora of new forms—some biological, some technological, some a combination of the two—burst onto the scene. We best serve ourselves, as well as future generations, by focusing on the short-term consequences of our actions rather than our vague notions about the needs of the distant future.”

Notice that these two well-known scientists are speaking about “ethics.” A significant number of such experts have their own lunatic version of what is right and wrong.

With vaccines that permanently alter human genetic makeup on the horizon, and given the corporate and government-agency penchant for secrecy, we are already inhabiting the Brave New World. It’s not a distant prospect.

Every genetic innovation is aimed at bringing us closer to a stimulus-response world, and further away from freedom.

power outside the matrix

Which is why the defense of freedom becomes ever more vital.

That struggle comes down to who controls, yes, the philosophy, not the science. Is each human merely and only a system waiting to be re-engineered, or is he something far more, inhabiting a physical form?

We already know what the vast majority of brain researchers and geneticists believe, as well as the governments and corporations and universities and foundations that make important decisions.

Of course, these days, the college faculty department considered to be the least important, the most useless, a mere appendage waiting for those with wisdom to put it out of its misery and kill it off…is the philosophy department.

That leaves us to take up the argument and the resistance.

Not Lee Silver at Princeton or Gregory Stock or Bill Gates or George Soros or David Rockefeller or the Pope or Stephen Hawking or Obama or the Clintons or Monsanto or Dow or the Bush family or PBS or FOX or socialists or Communists or liberals or conservatives or some wackadoodle at Harvard or MIT or UCLA.


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Vaccines: the new government attack on pregnant women

Vaccines: the new government attack on pregnant women

by Jon Rappoport

May 7, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Ferocious vaccine manufacturers are constantly on the move, looking for new “demographics” to shoot with vaccines. If they could stick a needle into a rock and get paid for it, they would find a reason to do it.

But in this case, we’re talking about pregnant women.

Protection, protection, protection—that’s the cover the government keeps pushing.

Meanwhile, the vaccines they’re foisting on pregnant women have a track record of damage.

Barbara Loe Fisher, head of the National Vaccine Information Center, has the story, so I’ll let her tell it. These are excerpts from her testimony before the Nov. 13, 2015 “meeting of the FDA Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on proposed changes to FDA requirements for licensure of vaccines intended for use during pregnancy”:

Fisher (“FDA Prepares to Fast Track New Vaccines Targeting Pregnant Women,” 11/17/2016):

“In 2006, CDC officials directed doctors to give all pregnant women a flu shot and, in 2011, a Tdap shot during every pregnancy, no matter how little time has elapsed between pregnancies. Prior to FDA licensure, influenza, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines [Tdap and flu shots] were not tested in or proven safe and effective for pregnant women in large clinical trials when given during every pregnancy either singly or simultaneously.”

“Categorized by FDA as Pregnancy Category B and C biologicals because it is not known whether the vaccines are genotoxic and can cause fetal harm or can affect maternal fertility and reproduction, administering influenza and Tdap vaccines to pregnant women is an off-label use of these vaccines. It is a policy that assumes maternal vaccination is necessary, safe and effective without proving it.”

“…pertussis containing vaccine [Tdap] injuries and deaths are the most compensated claim in the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) for infants and children, while influenza vaccine-related injuries and deaths are the most compensated claim for adults. And yet, in the absence of credible biological mechanism and epidemiologic evidence pre-licensure proving these vaccines are safe for all pregnant women, their fetuses and newborns, female health care workers are being fired for refusing to be injected with them while they are pregnant.”

“The National Vaccine Information Center is opposed to FDA retroactively licensing influenza and Tdap vaccines for use in pregnant women and fast tracking RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] and group strep B vaccines to licensure…”

No evidence of safety, but so what? Reports of injuries and deaths, but so what?

Pregnant women are a “lucrative market,” and that’s all that counts.

Need a terrific target for further disabling the population? Pregnant women are ideal.

The FDA and its army of allies will assure you that these untested and off-label uses for vaccines are perfectly safe, because all vaccines are safe.

The FDA speaks for the pharmaceutical industry. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

It might be tempting to say the FDA is careless, is overlooking important factors—but it’s much, much worse than that.

Here are excerpts from a 2012 piece of mine about an FDA drug reviewer, and what happened to him when he went against the grain, and opposed his bosses on judgments about what was safe medicine and what was dangerous medicine:

—In a stunning interview with Truthout’s Martha Rosenberg, former FDA drug reviewer, Ronald Kavanagh, exposes the FDA as a relentless criminal mafia protecting its client, Big Pharma, with a host of mob strategies (“Former FDA Reviewer Speaks Out About Intimidation, Retaliation and Marginalizing of Safety,” 7/29/2012).

Kavanagh: “…widespread [FDA] racketeering, including witness tampering and witness retaliation.”

“I was threatened with prison.”

“One [FDA] manager threatened my children…I was afraid that I could be killed for talking to Congress and criminal investigators.”

Kavanagh reviewed new drug applications made to the FDA by pharmaceutical companies. He was one of the holdouts at the Agency who insisted that the drugs had to be safe and effective before being released to the public.

But honest appraisal wasn’t part of the FDA culture, and Kavanagh swam against the tide, until he realized his life and the lives of his children were on the line.

What was his secret task at the FDA? “Drug reviewers were clearly told not to question drug companies and that our job was to approve drugs.” In other words, rubber stamp them. Say the drugs were safe and effective when they were not.

Kavanagh’s revelations are stunning. He recalls a meeting where a drug-company representative flat-out stated that his company had paid the FDA for a new-drug approval. Paid for it. As in bribe.

***Kavanagh remarks that the drug pyridostigmine, given to US troops to prevent the later effects of nerve gas, “actually increased the lethality” of certain nerve agents.

Kavanagh recalls being given records of safety data on a drug—and then his bosses told him which sections not to read. Obviously, they knew the drug was dangerous and they knew exactly where, in the reports, that fact would be revealed.

—end of excerpt—

power outside the matrix

Women have to know what is waiting for them, in vials of vaccines, when they become pregnant. Waiting for them and their unborn children.

Huxley’s Brave New World portrayed a nation of docile citizens. But there, at least, the drug of choice was Soma, a compound that stimulated pleasure centers.

Here, we’re talking about docility and obedience in the face of suffering, pain, neurological damage, and death.

Doctors don’t want to know about this. They don’t want to know the true story about vaccines. If they did, they’d suddenly remember the body count they’ve been responsible for.

So instead, they polish their act, designed to invoke credibility and, above all, authority.

Invent a mountaintop, stand on it, and sell, sell, sell.

That’s their vaccine motto.

What’s yours?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Two more MMR vaccine whistleblowers: they’re suing

Two more MMR vaccine whistleblowers: they’re suing

Where there’s smoke and fire—there’s more fire.

You pro-vaccine soccer moms: pay attention.

by Jon Rappoport

May 6, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

“The bigger the lie, the bigger the truth it is concealing. The truth is what people are afraid to accept.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The censored film, Vaxxed (trailer), has escaped the claws of the “protectors of all truth.” It has been showing to packed houses all over the country. It relates the specific crime of scientific fraud at the CDC. A whistleblower, William Thompson, confesses that he and his CDC colleagues lied and cheated and omitted vital data, in order to give the MMR vaccine a free pass and claim it had no connection to autism—when it did have a connection.

That’s the purpose and meaning and focus of this astonishing film.

But there is more. There are other whistleblowers shining a light on the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine. Specifically, the mumps component of the vaccine and its ineffectiveness.

Their names are Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski. They’re former virologists at Merck. They’re insiders. They’ve leveled devastating charges against the company, which manufactures the MMR vaccine and sells it to the federal government.

In 2010, the whistleblowers filed a suit against Merck. The suit drags on in court (“UNITED STATES OF AMERICA et al. v. MERCK & CO.,” Case No. 2:10-cv-04374-CDJ).

The Huffington Post reports on the charges in the suit (“Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims,” 9/24/2014, updated: 11/27/2014):

“…former Merck scientists [claim] that Merck ‘fraudulently misled the government and omitted, concealed, and adulterated material information regarding the efficacy of its mumps vaccine in violation of the FCA [False Claims Act].’”

“According to the whistleblowers’ court documents, Merck’s misconduct was far-ranging: It ‘failed to disclose that its mumps vaccine was not as effective as Merck represented, (ii) used improper testing techniques, (iii) manipulated testing methodology, (iv) abandoned undesirable test results, (v) falsified test data, (vi) failed to adequately investigate and report the diminished efficacy of its mumps vaccine, (vii) falsely verified that each manufacturing lot of mumps vaccine would be as effective as identified in the labeling, (viii) falsely certified the accuracy of applications filed with the FDA, (ix) falsely certified compliance with the terms of the CDC purchase [of the MMR vaccine] contract, (x) engaged in the fraud and concealment described herein for the purpose of illegally monopolizing the U.S. market for mumps vaccine, (xi) mislabeled, misbranded, and falsely certified its mumps vaccine, and (xii) engaged in the other acts described herein to conceal the diminished efficacy of the vaccine the government was purchasing.’”

“These fraudulent activities, say the whistleblowers, were designed to produce test results that would meet the FDA’s requirement that the mumps vaccine was 95 per cent effective. To the whistleblowers’ delight, the judge dismissed Merck’s objections to the case proceeding, finding the whistleblowers had plausible grounds on all of the claims lodged against Merck.”

The whistleblowers’ charges include detailed specifics on how Merck cheated, in order to produce the false conclusion that the mumps component of the MMR vaccine was 95% effective. For example, Merck placed rabbit antibodies into blood samples—pretending these were human antibodies signaling a high level of immune response to the vaccine.

It should be noted that this far-reaching charge of fraud covers years during which Dr. Julie Gerberding was the president of Merck vaccines.

Why does this matter? Because Gerberding, before landing her high-paying job at Merck, was the head of the US Centers for Disease Control.

And while she was the head of the CDC, in 2004, William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower revealed in Vaxxed, warned Gerberding that he had “sensitive” data about the MMR vaccine, and these data constituted a problem for the CDC.

Thompson was obviously talking about the vaccine’s link to autism. Gerberding ignored Thompson.

You could say she doubled down. After leaving the CDC, she became president of vaccines for Merck, the company that manufactures the MMR vacccine, holds a monopoly on it, and sells it to the CDC.

—So when scientists, pundits, government officials, and other “experts” ponder how, at Harvard, a recent mumps outbreak could have affected previously vaccinated students, they’re faking it.

Even within the (false) conventional view of how vaccines work and what they do, the mumps component of the MMR is a dud. It’s been an open secret for a long time.

power outside the matrix

And now two Merck whistleblowers are lowering the boom in court.

The US Justice Department wants nothing to do with this case. Neither does the US Congress. Inside the federal government, there are blind eyes everywhere.

If the government actively pursued the case, among other revelations, the public would witness Dr. Julie Gerberding, former head of the CDC, president of Merck vaccines, being raked over the coals on the witness stand.

That must never happen.

If you think, while the case drags on, there is any effort to curtail the use of the vaccine, or investigate it, think again. The judge in the case has set a timetable which places the start of courtroom proceedings in…


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Manufacturing consent in science: the diabolical twist

Manufacturing consent in science: the diabolical twist

by Jon Rappoport

April 19, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

In the famous 1988 Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman book, Manufacturing Consent, the authors explore how media distort the news and employ propaganda, in order to bring about consent/consensus in the population.

This is nothing less than the creation of reality.

I want to extend that concept here, particularly as it applies to science.

From so many directions, official science is shaping our future—that’s why it’s vital to understand the manipulations involved.

It’s one thing to say media collaborate to sell a false picture of reality, a picture which is then bought by the masses. It’s quite another thing to say media collaborate to pretend there is already a consensus of the best professional minds on a given scientific subject—when there isn’t.

I’ll start with a theoretical example. Let’s say three researchers at a university examine data based on US moon missions, and they conclude that a small set of new conclusions are true. I’ll call this set X.

The researchers publish an article in a journal, and a healthy debate ensues in professional circles. Is X correct? Are there flaws in the research?

However, a powerful public agency decides that X is dangerous. X could lead to inquiries about contractors, investigations into cost overruns, missing money, and, worst of all, flawed engineering of space-capsules.

Therefore, this powerful agency goes on an all-out propaganda campaign, tapping its press sources, culminating in a new study that concludes X is entirely false.

The press basically trumpets: “Experts agree X is false. X was the result of shoddy research. The original researchers made numerous amateur mistakes.”

Notice that, in this case, the press isn’t simply distorting the news. It’s announcing that a superior consensus already exists among the best scientific minds.

It’s lying about a consensus that doesn’t exist among scientists who, up until that moment, were having a healthy debate.

The press is presenting the false consensus as if it were real and widespread, when it isn’t.

And at this point, all relevant scientists get the message: keep quiet, don’t debate for another moment; otherwise grant monies will vanish, demotions will occur, peers will lay on heavy criticism, excommunication from The Club will follow.

So these scientists do keep quiet—and then a consensus among them comes into being overnight, by implied threat and coercion.

This is basically what happened in the arena of energy-production via cold fusion. Wikipedia adequately summarizes the surface of the situation: “The most famous cold fusion claims were made by Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann in 1989. After a brief period of interest by the wider scientific community, their reports were called into question by nuclear physicists.”

Not just called into question; defamed, derided, mocked, slammed over the head with a sledgehammer.

A superior consensus was invented, despite the fact that many scientists were intensely interested in the Pons/Fleishmann findings. They tried, in vain, to point out that the failed efforts to reproduce those findings resulted because researchers were altering Pons and Fleishman’s methods.

No dice. Cold fusion was labeled a giant error and even a fraud. The official door was closed.

In my research leading up to the publication of my first book, AIDS INC., in 1988, I reviewed the period of the early 1980s, when many researchers were coming at the question of the cause of AIDS from different angles. But then, suddenly, in the spring of 1984, the US government officially announced, at a televised press conference, that a virus called HTLV-III (HIV) was the cause.

The science was shoddy, to put it mildly. It was bad science and no science. But no matter. Overnight, all the monies that had gone into discovering what caused AIDS were diverted into the question: How does HIV cause AIDS? Any scientist who failed to see the handwriting on the wall was shoved out into the cold.

The press closed ranks. The consensus (though it was manufactured in the blink of an eye) was trumpeted around the world.

The big news headline wasn’t just false and distorted. It was false-and-distorted about a consensus that, until a few seconds ago, didn’t exist—and only existed now because researchers went silent and accepted dogma and folded up.

For years (and even now), the basic news about climate change/global warming is: there is a consensus. The science is settled. The scientists agree that the science is settled. The scientists agree that the scientists who agree are correct. This, despite the fact that you can still find impressive lists of scientists who don’t agree at all. But they are shut out of the news.

The same construction of consensus applies to the safety of vaccines.

The same construction of consensus applies to the “overwhelming success of the practice of modern medicine.”

Predatory corporations who spray poisonous pesticides all over the world and cause birth defects need special protection and cover? Invent, overnight, and broadcast, a consensus that a basically harmless virus is the cause of those tragic defects.

I can assure you there are many scientists who don’t, for a second, believe the Zika virus is the agent of destruction. But they are keeping their mouths shut now and rolling with the tide.

However, that tide is turning. In many arenas of science, journalists and researchers with no allegiance to official bodies have emerged.

A different species of handwriting is being inscribed on the wall.

What can the mainstream press do about it?

They can only deploy the crass tactics I’ve mentioned here.

A massive and stunning re-education is taking place among the population. No school is running it. No agency is sponsoring it. It’s happening from the ground up.

It turns out that living as a cipher and a unit in the sticky web of fabricated consensus isn’t nearly as attractive as it once was.

More and more, major media are using the consensus strategy to invent the news—and people are rejecting it.

Without realizing it, the press is committing professional suicide. An article that was once headlined, “Three dead horses found in a field,” has become, “Scientists agree that the three dead horses were a coincidence.” And people are laughing the press out of court.

power outside the matrix

The ongoing scandal surrounding the film, Vaxxed (trailer), is a good example. The press assures the population that pointing out a connection between a vaccine and autism is absurd, because scientific experts agree there is no such connection.

But the film features a long-time researcher at the Centers for Disease Control, who confesses that he and colleagues falsified a 2004 study in order to exonerate one such vaccine.

The film’s subject is false consensus.

And the press can do no better than repeat, over and over: the consensus is real and valid.

The CDC researcher, William Thompson, is essentially shouting, “I was part of the consensus. Don’t you get it? I was a card-carrying member of the club that invents fake consensus. And now I’m telling you that. Don’t fall for this notion that the best minds agree. The best minds conspire to concoct agreement out of thin air.”

The media are collapsing into their own swamp.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Vaccine damage, the hidden truth

by Jon Rappoport

April 17, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

Warning: Don’t read this article if you want to avoid feeling an unpleasant sensation in the pit of your stomach.

The issue here is: refusing to believe an uncomfortable fact.

An unpleasant fact.

A devastating fact.

There is a simple formula that describes how the public refuses to believe an uncomfortable fact.

It goes this way:

“Well, if that were true, then…”

It’s a statement that suggests a person is standing at the edge of a cliff. And if he accepted some particularly unpleasant fact, he’d suddenly fall off.

Another way to look at it: if he accepted this fact, it would lead, by contagion, to him admitting there were other very uncomfortable truths. And then, by extension, like branches quickly growing out of a tree, a whole host of multiplying shocks would become known.

So it is, in the area of vaccines.

The experts, like preening peacocks, assure us that the shots are amazingly safe. After all, they’ve done the studies. They’ve published the studies.

There is widespread fraud in those reports, because, for example, of the short follow-up period—as if adverse effects could only occur in a 72-hour window, or over the course of a few weeks. Who decided that? Who made that arbitrary rule?

And then, most importantly, studies are not real life. We have seen glowing assessments of medical drugs in print, but when they are (like Vioxx) released for public use, people start dropping like flies.

In the case of vaccines (in real life), the one system for reporting human damage is broken. Completely broken. It’s called VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It’s run by the CDC and the FDA. (My readers are aware of how many crimes and lies I’ve laid at the door of those two august agencies.)

Who can make a report of an adverse vaccine-reaction? A parent, a doctor, a nurse, a nurse practitioner. You can see the problems right away.

How many parents even know the VAERS system exists? How many parents have the knowledge or the will to follow through and submit a report? How many parents will dare to suspect that a vaccine has injured their children? How many doctors or nurses who administer vaccinations are eager to report cases of children who incur obvious brain damage from the shot THEY GAVE?

So…for doctors and medical experts to claim vaccines are safe in the real world? They’re pretending they know what they don’t know. They’re faking it.

But if that were true, then…

That’s right. If that were true, we would have no proof that vaccines are safe.

Therefore, when the government advises and nudges and even demands that people line up for vaccinations, the government is in the dark about safety. Completely in the dark.

But if that were true…

Then the entire population is at risk.

That’s right.

Let’s go back to those pre-marketing studies, which are done on vaccines in order to gain FDA approval. Who conducts the studies? The vaccine manufacturers. And who stands to profit from the sale of the vaccines? Ever heard of conflict of interest?

And have any studies been done to assess the risks of giving multiple vaccines? After all, the CDC schedule keeps getting longer and longer. I can find no evidence of well-formed clinical trials assessing the safety of shooting people in the arm with multiple vaccines. Does that seem like an oversight? A horrendous hole in the “science” of vaccination?

But if that’s true, then…

We would, again, have no proof that vaccination is safe.


Now, from the historical record, we do have many, many disturbing examples of what has happened to people after vaccines have been approved. Here are just a few:

What about this? “Accidents may, however, follow the use of this so-called killed (rabies) vaccine owing to inadequate processing. A very serious occurrence of this sort occurred at Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, in 1960. No fewer than 18 out of 66 persons vaccinated with Fermi’s carbolized (rabies) vaccine suffered from encephalomyelitis and every one of the eighteen died.” Sir Graham Wilson, Hazards of Immunization.

What about this? “Administration of KMV (killed measles vaccine) apparently set in motion an aberrant immunologic response that not only failed to protect children against natural measles, but resulted in heightened susceptibility.” JAMA Aug. 22, 1980, vol. 244, p. 804, Vincent Fulginiti and Ray Helfer. The authors indicate that such falsely protected children can come down with “an often severe, atypical form of measles. Atypical measles is characterized by fever, headache… and a diverse rash (which)… may consist of a mixture of macules, papules, vesicles, and pustules… ”

What about this? “… Based on the only U.S. findings on adverse DPT reactions, an FDA-financed study at the University of California, Los Angeles, one out of every 350 children will have a convulsion; one in 180 children will experience high-pitched screaming; and one in 66 will have a fever of 105 degrees or more.” Jennifer Hyman, Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, special supplement on DPT, dated April, 1987.

What about this? “A study undertaken in 1979 at the University of California, Los Angeles, under the sponsorship of the Food and Drug Administration, and which has been confirmed by other studies, indicates that in the U.S.A. approximately 1,000 infants die annually as a direct result of DPT vaccinations, and these are classified as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) deaths. These represent about 10 to 15% of the total number of SIDS deaths occurring annually in the U.S.A. (between 8,000 and 10,000 depending on which statistics are used).” Leon Chaitow, Vaccination and Immunization, CW Daniel Company Limited, Saffron Walden, Essex, England, 1987.

What about this? “Up to half of family doctors do not want to be vaccinated against swine flu. GPs will be first in the line for the jabs when they become available but many will decline, even though they will be offering the vaccine to their patients. More than two thirds of those who will turn the jab down believe it has not been tested enough. Most also believe the flu has turned out to be so mild in the vast majority of cases that the vaccine is not needed. Last night Government experts criticised GPs who decide not to have the jab, saying they will put vulnerable patients needlessly at risk. A week ago, a poll of nurses showed that a third would turn down the opportunity of being vaccinated against swine flu. News that medics are unconvinced by the need for a vaccine will cause grave concern to patients who will be invited for the jab over the next few months. A poll of doctors for Pulse magazine found that 49 per cent would reject the vaccine with 9 per cent undecided.” Daily Mail, 8/25/2009.

These few references to vaccine disasters are but a drop in the bucket, of course.

If these and other such references are true (and they are), then…

Doctors and medical bureaucrats are telling massive lies about the safety of vaccines. They aren’t just ignorant about safety.


And if that’s true, then…

How can we trust these people?

How can we trust the major media outlets that give overwhelming support to these people?

We can’t.

When mothers tell the world that their children, after a shot, are never the same again, they aren’t “providing anecdotes,” contrasted with “scientific studies.” The mothers are giving us a much more reliable account of what vaccines are doing than the fakery of the “science.”

But if the mothers are right (and they are)…

And if the experts are lying through their teeth about vaccine safety (and they are)…

Then Reality is not what we’re told it is.

It’s the opposite of what we’re told.

And this isn’t merely an intellectual glitch.

Every day, lives are on the line.

Every single day.

I’ll leave you with a fantastical piece of “science” from the government VAERS website — VAERS Data page. It centers on the use of the word “coincidence.” If this doesn’t convince you that truth has been hijacked, I don’t know what will:

“More than 10 million vaccines per year are given to children less than 1 year old, usually between 2 and 6 months of age. At this age, infants are at greatest risk for certain medical adverse events, including high fevers, seizures, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Some infants will experience these medical events shortly after a vaccination by coincidence.

“These coincidences make it difficult to know whether a particular adverse event resulted from a medical condition or from a vaccination.”

Do you see the diabolical criminal sophistry?

“Some infants will experience these medical events [seizures, death, etc.] shortly after a vaccination by coincidence.”

By coincidence.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Yes, you see, an hour after the baby was given the vaccine, he also contracted a raging case of meningitis, or his parents also, coincidently, fed him a poison, or a bio-warfare germ floated in the window and settled on his tongue, or a flash of light from a distant galaxy struck him in the eyes and blinded him. Therefore, reputable scientists are unable to determine whether the vaccine caused the damage.

This is what government scientists and bureaucrats are selling terrified grief-stricken parents whose child’s life has just been destroyed by a shot in the arm.

This is policy.

This is what you shouldn’t question, because if you do, you might experience an unpleasant sensation in the pit of your stomach.

“Yes, Your Honor, the child was standing in the middle of the street, and a car did come over the hill and strike him, but it would be a grievous mistake to assume the car caused the damage the child incurred. Something else could have happened at the same instant, something of which we’re unaware. I’m prepared to give the court a list of 50 possible other events…”

They, the scientists and the doctors and medical bureaucrats, are, indeed, prepared.

They’re fully prepared, without a shred of conscience, to explain how their attack on your child’s life had absolutely nothing to do with them.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.