They interviewed me, then refused to publish the interview

They interviewed me, then refused to publish the interview

Zika fraud, press fraud

by Jon Rappoport

July 5, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Some months ago, out of the blue, I was contacted by a major press outlet. I’m withholding the name of the outlet to protect my contact. I was asked, would I do an interview about Zika right away? I said yes. I was emailed a list of questions. I answered them.

At length.

The interview was relayed to editors.

Then, nothing.

Then, more nothing.

And then they spiked the interview. Too hot to handle.

They didn’t tell me they weren’t going to publish the interview. I had to ask. Then they said no.

Here are my answers to the interview questions about Zika and related matters. I’m omitting the questions—again, to protect my contact.

Answer One: Let’s start here. What proof is there that the Zika virus is causing birth defects in babies? I’ll tell you: no proof. Zero. So now the world is going to be subjected to a vaccine that protects them from a virus never proven to do harm? That’s utterly ridiculous. All vaccines carry risk and danger. They contain toxic chemicals and a variety of germs. And of course, vaccines can also be seeded with extra-dangerous substances, about which the public is told nothing. We have the case in Africa where a hormone, HCG, was secretly included in a vaccine given to women. The purpose was to cause miscarriages during future pregnancies. Researchers have been working on depopulation vaccines for decades. And now we have what? Governments are telling women not to get pregnant. This is not a coincidence.

Answer Two: The World Health Organization (WHO) has become a global enforcement agency. Its major partner is the US Centers for Disease Control. These agencies dictate to governments all over the world. “You must deliver these vaccines. You must agree ‘this’ virus causes ‘that’ condition (even if it doesn’t). You must cooperate with us when we say a minor outbreak is a worldwide pandemic.” The basic program here is inducing fear and obedience in populations. I have been tracking and investigating so-called epidemics for many years, and they all turn out to be duds. But vaccines are sold and delivered. The authorities and their rabid support groups insist the vaccines are necessary, effective, and safe. That’s a demonstrable lie. They’re toxic. What people who live in poverty and desperation really need is not vaccines. They need the return of stolen land so they can grow their own nutritious food. They need basic sanitation. They need their contaminated water supplies cleaned up. They need their governments to stop giant corporations from using poisonous pesticides and flooding the environment with them. What we are looking at here is a massive operation to weaken, debilitate, sicken, and kill people—and not just poor people. Vaccines, pesticides; this is a form of chemical warfare.

Answer Three: I’ve cited studies that show a connection between microcephaly and Roundup and atrazine, two toxic pesticides in heavy use around the world. The Zika virus is a distraction from the truth. It’s what intelligence agencies would call a cover story. It diverts attention from what is really going on. It protects major corporations.

Answer Four: A January 27th Associated Press article out of Rio spelled it out. The Brazilian researchers went back and rechecked their original findings. So far, they’ve only been able to confirm 270 cases of microcephaly. And of those 270, they were only able to find the Zika virus in six cases! And the world is in a panic about an epidemic? Are you kidding me? And women are being told not to get pregnant? I call this Depopulation by Press Conference. It certainly isn’t science. How crazy can people get? “Well, we couldn’t find the virus except in six cases, but all women are at risk.” It’s a blatant operation aimed at women. [Note: since this interview, the updated Brazilian numbers are: 854 confirmed cases of microcephaly, and only 97 cases have “some relationship” to Zika.]

Answer Five: Oxitec, which has funding from Bill Gates, has released genetically-engineered mosquitoes in Brazil and a few other places. These male insects mate with females who carry dengue fever, and the next generation doesn’t develop past the larval stage. That’s the theory. No human health studies concerning the effects of engineered mosquitoes have been done—which was exactly the case when GMO crops were first introduced. Instead, we just had assurances that everything was all right. Well, it wasn’t and it isn’t. The mosquito program carries great potential health risks. And of course, who of us can say with authority what exactly those engineered mosquitoes are transporting? If you have naïve trust that all is well, I have condos for sale on the moon.

Answer Six: Behind the scenes, there will be pressure on the Brazilian researchers to change their tune and claim there are many more confirmed cases of microcephaly, all carrying the Zika virus. This will be a double lie, but it will be sold. There will be a rush to create a Zika vaccine. The campaign of fear will continue. Pesticide use will continue to be rampant, of course, especially on GMO crops. Many women will choose not to get pregnant. Governments will tell the people that all vaccines are absolutely necessary, and will use Zika as a case in point, driving home more fear. As an aside, during the Olympics, much bad publicity about Brazil will “leak” out—after all, it is one of the BRICS nations, and the Globalists must find a way to fracture and weaken that alliance in any way they can. Let me make one final statement. Everything I’m revealing in this interview would be hotly contested and criticized by representatives of the medical cartel. They, of course, speak down their noses at everyone, as they presume to carry great wisdom and authority. These representatives are professional liars. I don’t mind saying so. In the US, I have documented, from their own studies, that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans a year. That’s 2.25 million deaths per decade. I’m not making this up. It’s a fact, I can prove it, and I have proved it. My point is, how far would you trust such people?

That was the end of the interview.

The citation on the US medical system killing 225,000 Americans per year is: Journal of the American Medical System, July 26, 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health), “Is US health really the best in the world?”

power outside the matrix

It’s obvious why the interview was never published.

I received no requests to cut out certain parts or provide documented evidence for my assertions. All I got was silence.

This is why I run my own media operation.

This is why I created nomorefakenews.

This is why I don’t wait for permission to publish.

This is why I’m scornful of major media. This is why I’ve been able to continue my career as a reporter, while many mainstream reporters have gone into selling real estate or cars or shoes.

The medical cartel is routinely destroying lives, and the press is aiding and abetting those crimes. Every day.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Zika hoax: strategy of liars, house of cards

by Jon Rappoport

July 1, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The entire platform of “proof” that the Zika virus causes a birth defect called microcephaly has descended into gibberish.

I’m not going to recapitulate all my Zika-hoax articles here. Suffice to say, researchers have only established a very weak correlation between the presence of Zika and the occurrence of microcephaly.

This weak correlation is actually evidence that Zika has nothing to do with microcephaly.

But now, we’re in the “expansion” phase. Medical bureaucrats at the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO), knowing they’re standing on quicksand, knowing they’re nothing more than professional liars, are executing a familiar cover story.

They’re claiming that Zika causes a number of other conditions in babies. They’re ranging all over the map. Zika can cause smaller heads in babies with no brain damage, or brain damage without smaller heads? Or paralysis? Or who knows what else…

Later addiction to ice cream? The desire to play outdoors? Interest in cowboys and Indians? Love of Law & Order reruns?

By smearing the possible conditions Zika can cause from the North Pole to the tip of Argentina—with nothing more than very weak correlations in each instance—the plan is to give the impression that Zika is creating a great deal of damage.

But as I’ve pointed out, weak correlation A plus weak correlation B plus weak correlations C,D,E, and F equal overall Weak Correlation, not actual evidence of a causal connection.

Smoke and mirrors equals smoke and mirrors.

If researchers claimed that teenagers eating spinach caused the flu, and cited populations in France, England, Iceland, and New Zealand, where, respectively, 15%, 20%, 2%, and 10% of teens with flu had eaten spinach—and asserted that the “widespread” occurrence of flu-with-spinach was “proof” of a causal connection, you would see the fallacy and the fraud immediately.

So see the fraud here. It’s the same nonsense. The same absurdity.

And keep in mind the potential for big profits from a Zika vaccine.

“It’ll protect your baby from the effects of a virus that causes nothing.”

The birth defect called microcephaly is nothing new. Neither is the presence of the Zika virus, which was discovered in 1947 and has never been known to create more than mild transient discomfort.

The only brain problem associated with Zika occurs in those people who buy what the press is blathering about Zika.

Nothing new there, either.

power outside the matrix

Here’s a recent “oops” Zika revelation:

“New doubts on Zika as cause of microcephaly.” ScienceDaily, 24 June 2016.

Source: New England Complex Systems Institute

“Brazil’s microcephaly epidemic continues to pose a mystery — if Zika is the culprit, why are there no similar epidemics in other countries also hit hard by the virus? In Brazil, the microcephaly rate soared with more than 1,500 confirmed cases. But in Colombia, a recent study of nearly 12,000 pregnant women infected with Zika found zero microcephaly cases. If Zika is to blame for microcephaly, where are the missing cases?”


But don’t worry. The CDC and WHO will explain what’s happening in Colombia. They’ll say Zika causes other conditions there. For example, the disorder known as irrational fear of US planes spraying highly toxic pesticides to eradicate coca fields, and also resentment against multinational corporations that have been gobbling up land and resources.

You see, Zika infects the brain and causes these unwarranted hallucinations…

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Zika: message to purveyors of medical fraud

by Jon Rappoport

June 7, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The Zika-microcephaly connection is scientific nonsense. Let me run it down for you.

My analysis is beyond, “But Expert A says…” I am not dealing in appeals to authority, but instead the standards of evidence anyone can see if he opens his eyes.

First of all, the latest figures out of Brazil, the so-called epicenter of the microcephaly tragedy, reveal the following: 854 confirmed cases of microcephaly; and of those, 97 cases show the presence of the Zika virus.

Inference? Zika is not the cause of microcephaly. If it were, researchers would be able to detect it in all, or the overwhelming percentage of, microcephaly cases.

I’m not making this up. There are standards of proof and evidence. They dictate which inferences are possible, and which are not. 97 out 854 is a dud. Back to the drawing board. 757 microcephaly cases show no trace of Zika.

“But Expert A says…” Who cares what he says? He’s either right or wrong, independent of his presumed status as an expert. And here he would be wrong.

“But the Washington Post and the NY Times and the CDC and the World Health Organization say…” Doesn’t matter.

Two recent studies, if you want to call them that, have tried to make the case that Zika is the cause of microcephaly. Well, they were published because media outlets could then run headlines announcing: ZIKA SHOWN TO BE THE CAUSE; DOUBTS ABOUT ZIKA ERASED. That’s all these studies were good for.

The first study examined several different groups of babies, and in each group they found a very weak correlation between microcephaly and the presence of Zika—but they tried to pull a fast one and say that the (very weak) correlation in several groups somehow added up to a much stronger correlation overall. Absolute gibberish. Weak plus weak plus weak equals weak.

The second study tried to establish a correlation between Zika injected into mice and resultant mouse babies with microcephaly. But as every honest researcher knows, mice are a very poor analogue for humans.

There is more.

In neither of these two studies, and in none of the press reports about microcephaly, is there any suggestion that researchers have discovered, or looked into, HOW MUCH ZIKA WAS PRESENT IN THE SMALL PERCENTAGE OF CASES WHERE MICROCEPHALY WAS ALSO PRESENT.

Why is this important? Because small traces of a virus aren’t going to cause any human disease. You need huge amounts to even begin to think you’ve found a cause of disease—and as I say, there is no indication that babies with microcephaly have huge amounts of Zika in their bodies.

Apparently, some of the research on babies with microcephaly has involved the use of the PCR test. That’s a dead giveaway. You see, the PCR works with a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of human material that is suspected of being a fragment of a virus; and then the test amplifies (blows up) that fragment so it can be observed. But here’s the thing. Why would researchers need to use the PCR? Because they can’t otherwise find enough Zika in a baby’s body to even see it or ID it with certainty. As I just mentioned, you need to find huge amounts of Zika (or any other virus) to begin to say it’s causing a disease. Get it? If they had to use the PCR test, there wasn’t enough Zika in the first place (if there was any at all) to think it was causing a disease condition.

Zika science isn’t science. It’s fraud.

In this article, I’m walking ground I’ve already covered in other Zika pieces, because, from reports I’ve received, there are people out there who believe, with religious fervor, that statements from so-called medical experts and accompanying news stories must be true—and anyone who concludes otherwise is presenting a conspiracy theory.

I’m here to inform you that such notions are as weak as the correlation between microcephaly and Zika.

power outside the matrix

Here is a final analogy. Suppose, in a large metropolitan/suburban sprawl, there is an increase of days with rainfall. Politicians, bureaucrats, statisticians, and reporters heavily promote the idea that the cause of this rain-upsurge is a corresponding acute rise in the volume/mass of automobile exhaust fumes. That’s the correlation. But on further analysis, it turns out elevated levels of auto exhaust only occurred within a week of a rainy day 14% of the time. That’s called weak correlation. That’s called incorrect analysis. That’s called nonsense. That’s called back to the drawing board.

But no one in charge dares to go back to the drawing board. The lie has already been told. It must be maintained. It must be supported. New lies will be floated to bolster the first one.

The experts will tell those new lies. And people will chime in, “The experts know what they’re talking about. They must know. Those who reject exhaust fumes are conspiracy theorists.”

And the experts keep talking: they say a duck is a truck and mouse is a louse and a shoe is a stew. And people blink and say, “Well, they know what they’re talking about. They must.”

As my long-time readers know, I keep returning to the subject of logic. This is why.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Zika fraud update, Rio Olympics, the op against Brazil

by Jon Rappoport

June 2, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

For new readers, see my previous articles about the scientific fraud that is Zika. In a nutshell, there is no convincing evidence the Zika virus causes the birth defect called microcephaly.

There are only news headlines. The latest of these refer to two new studies “clinching” the Zika-microcephaly connection. However, the studies are nothing more than propaganda.

One study claims that, in several groups of mothers and babies born with the defect, the Zika virus was found. But at best, it was found in a small minority of cases studied. This weak correlation proves nothing. In fact, it is evidence against Zika as the cause. Why? Because scientific standards dictate that the virus should be found in all, or an overwhelming percentage of, cases.

The other study was done on mice. Needless to say, mice are not humans. In fact, mice are far from ideal animals to study, when inferences to human are going to be made.

The CDC and the World Health Organization are determined to weld Zika to microcephaly. Scientifically, they’ve utterly failed, but that doesn’t stop them. They can get headlines, and that’s all they care about.

Brazil, as everyone knows, has been made the target of the hysteria surrounding Zika. And the Rio Olympics are coming up shortly. Obviously, many tourists are going to stay home because they fear Zika. This could cut deeply into expected profits the Games generate. “Brazil is a terrible place to visit; Zika is rampant; run from the virus.”

More importantly, the global political scene is experiencing a ripple of disruption owing to what are called the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This alliance is establishing its own monetary fund, independent of the IMF, and conversation have been held about defecting from the US dollar as the currency of choice in all sales of oil.

From the US government’s point of view, this toppling of the dollar must never happen. It was one reason Libya was destroyed. Ghaddafi was in the process of promoting a gold-backed currency (not the dollar) to be used in oil transactions.

Therefore, Brazil, as a BRICS nation, comes under the political gun. The entirely fraudulent Zika crisis is one vector in that attack.

Unfortunately, people are inexperienced in making connections between political/economic attacks, and medical ops. So they can’t see the links. But the links are there.

Since 1988, I’ve been detailing them. Just to take one example, the manufactured 2003 crisis called SARS was used, by the World Health Organization, to show it could bring a large city to its knees. WHO issued a travel advisory against flying into a “SARS epicenter,” Toronto. The city lost billions in tourism revenue. SARS had no basis in reality. The supposed cause, a coronavirus, was found in fewer and fewer patients—until the whole op was exposed as a rank fraud, for those who were paying attention.

In the case of the Rio Olympics, WHO hasn’t come out and advised the Games organizers to cancel or move the events. It doesn’t need to. It’s already stirred up enough fear to produce a deep cut in tourism money.

And after all, the globally televised Games will create an ideal opportunity to push more Zika fear at viewers.

The CDC and WHO are the Ministry of Fear. They use that emotion to front for pharmaceutical companies, who in turn sell vaccines and drugs.

“Be afraid. But don’t worry, we can help you and save you.”

If you buy that formula, I have some wonderful and inexpensive condos for sale on the dark side of the moon.

power outside the matrix

Bottom line: Any doofus can say, “Look, here is a disease, and I’ve found a particular virus is present in a few cases, so the virus causes the disease.” Any doofus can say that, but he isn’t a real scientist, no matter how many credentials he has attached to his name. He might be a salesman, he might be a propagandist, he might be an incompetent, but he isn’t a scientist.

The most recent numbers I’ve found out of Brazil state that, in 854 confirmed cases of microcephaly, 97 were found with some trace of the Zika virus. That’s called evidence that Zika isn’t the cause. In any reasonable lab, the researchers would say, “Well, we go back to the drawing board. Far too many cases that don’t have the virus.”

But we aren’t dealing with reasonable people.

We’re dealing with an agenda.

And the agenda must be pushed, for purposes that have nothing to do with science or healing.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Zika fake science back in the news; con artists at work

Their media androids dutifully record a “breakthrough”

by Jon Rappoport

April 16, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Is it about science or money?

US health agencies want more than the $600 million they’ve allotted to the “war against Zika.” They want $1.9 billion. Why not? They always want more money.

To make their case, the CDC has pushed out a new Zika study in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM): “Zika Virus and Birth Defects — Reviewing the Evidence for Causality”. (For the CDC’s conference call with the android press, click here).

Before commenting on that study, let’s recall a devastating statement the NEJM’s former editor, Marcia Angell, issued in 2009, after she had headed up that non-science machine for 20 years:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

As criticisms of fake science go, this one, from an elite insider, ranks near the top of the list. It is a direct accusation of widespread fraud. Otherwise known as lying, cheating, massaging data, hiding data, and so on.

In other words, the NEJM has been publishing studies and reports that, regardless of their convincing language, are “cooked” to appear true when they most definitely weren’t.

Therefore, right up front, a new Zika study published in the NEJM is highly suspect, to say the very least. There is no reason to accept its data, methods, or findings. Except perhaps as an article of religious faith. But medical journals aren’t supposed to be religious publications, the last time I looked.

The new NEJM study on Zika aims to eliminate doubt that the Zika virus causes microcephaly.

Until now, that doubt was widespread. Even the World Health Organization was making careful statements: “…although no definite causal link has been established between Zika and microcephaly (babies born with smaller heads and brain damage), we believe there is a connection…” That sort of thing.

The new NEJM study is supposed to erase, once and for all, that “maybe.”

But it doesn’t. It’s not even close. Because when you wade through the rather dense language, what you see is an attempt to show a correlation between the presence of the Zika virus and the occurrence of the birth defect.

Correlation is not causation. And that’s just the beginning of the problem.

Even on the basis of correlation, nowhere in the study do we see anything approaching a high degree of association. You would expect to find evidence that in, say, 80 or 90 percent of cases, the Zika virus was found in babies who developed the defect. That evidence isn’t there. Well, how about a 90-percent correlation between microcephaly in the baby and Zika found in the mother? Not there, either. Again, not even close.

Then there is the issue, rarely if ever touched on in studies these days, of “how much Zika was found.” Why is that important? Because, in order to begin asserting that a virus causes a condition, you need to discover a very high volume of it in a person. A small amount causes nothing.

The new NEJM study doesn’t explore this vital factor.

So the study is a dud.

It claims that there is a very weak correlation between Zika and microcephaly. That’s it. That’s all.

Nor does the study consider the obvious fact that a condition can have several or even many causes. And what could be causing birth defects in Brazil may not be causing it in the US or Guatemala.

As I’ve clearly established in prior articles on Zika, only a fool or an outright liar would fail to notice the toxic pesticide drenching that takes place in Brazil, the number-one country for pesticide-use in the world. Some of those chemicals are banned in other countries, because they’re too poisonous.

Therefore, in Brazil, a virus that has never been proved to cause microcephaly can function as a cover story. Zika protects, and diverts attention away from, pesticide manufacturers and agri-corporate giants who spray, spray, spray.

And what about medical drugs ingested by pregnant mothers? Again, no recent studies on microcephaly investigate this “protected area.” Given that these medicines kill 106,000 people in the US every year, and maim at least hundreds of thousands more, any rational researcher would be highly motivated to look for a causal connection to microcephaly.

Want another correlation? Try severe malnutrition in the pregnant mother. It’s the number-one cause of immune-system collapse on the planet. Immune-system failure opens the door to many raging infections in the mother and fetus. But no, malnutrition isn’t “medical.” How can you develop a vaccine or a drug to treat it? No money in it.

There is, of course, money in research, and as I said at the top, US health agencies are trying to get more of it from Congress.

The Zika virus was discovered in 1947-8. Since then, it has never been known to cause more than mild transient illness. Suddenly, it’s being blamed for severe and tragic birth defects. On what basis? On no basis.

Who knows how long the virus has been on the planet? 5000 years? 100,000 years? It’s had ample opportunity to spread across the world and around the world many times. The notion that, now, suddenly, it’s traveling, is absurd. It’s already there. And here. And everywhere. It has been here and there and everywhere for a long time.

However, a fiction of “unchecked spread” works, if you’re trying to Invent the concept of a highly dangerous virus that is popping up unexpectedly and making pregnant women give birth to babies with brain damage.

Fear sells.

And the people who sell it control the whole operation.

What about actual science? They’ve never heard of it and don’t care about it.

If you persist in believing they do care about it, you’re doing religion, and you’re in the wrong pew.

Meanwhile, the multiple factors that can actually cause tragic birth defects are being ignored.

In this article, I haven’t tried to cover the full range of “who benefits” from the fake war on Zika; but I should mention one group: the collaboration of companies, research labs, and foundations that propose using genetically engineered mosquitoes on a global basis to cut off future generations of Zika-carrying mosquitoes. Among this collaborating group are researchers who also want to release “gene drives,” mechanisms which sterilize the bugs in the wild. In both strategies, no human safety studies have been done. That is highly significant. The same absence of studies highlighted the original release of GMO crops in the 1990s. We were (falsely) assured then, as now, that no problems would develop.

That’s another article of faith pretending to be science.

power outside the matrix

Why don’t these researchers wear long robes and ornate hats, and wave wands and scepters that emit clouds of smoke? We’d be able to recognize them more easily.

Can we get a simple bill passed to fund the installation of stained glass windows in CDC buildings, and the employment of choirs to intone Gregorian chants around the clock?

Instead of publishing fake studies in journals, CDC priests and their eunuchs could appear on high balconies, overlooking packed plazas, and, in practiced monotone, read summaries of their research from parchment scrolls.

Much better.

Much more honest.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

In 1993, Noam Chomsky delivered the Zika secret

Dear reader, I’ve been telling you the truth all along. Now we go even deeper.

More often than we suppose, a piece of forgotten history illuminates the present moment like a stroke of lightning above the landscape.

by Jon Rappoport

March 4, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

In December of 1993, Noam Chomsky published an article in Z Magazine titled, “The Clinton Vision.” Chomsky was actually discussing US foreign policy in the Western hemisphere since 1945. He focused on Brazil.

He spoke of the US takeover of that country, and how under guise of spreading democracy and the free market, the real operation was control of land, resources, and labor—ruled by a corrupt Brazilian oligarchy in turn managed by a US government-corporate nexus.

Workers in the northeastern area of Brazil were subjugated to a life of misery, the most obvious sign of which was extreme, generation-to-generation malnutrition.

Read this 1993 Chomsky quote carefully. In the midst of his analysis, a small section will jump out and grab you by the throat, given your knowledge of what has been happening in Brazil lately, during the so-called “Zika crisis”:

“Brazil is far and away the most important country in Latin America, firmly under US control since 1945, when it became a ‘testing area for modern scientific methods of industrial development’ applied by US experts…It is a country with enormous resources that should be the ‘Colossus of the South,’ ranking alongside the ‘Colossus of the North,’ as predicted early in the century. It has had no foreign enemies, and benefited not only from careful US tutelage but also from substantial investment. It therefore shows with great clarity just what the US can achieve in ‘enlarging the free community of market democracies’ under conditions that are near ideal.

“The successes are real enough. Brazil has enjoyed a very high growth rate, which conferred enormous wealth on everyone except its population — apart from the top few percent, who live at the standards of the wealthiest Westerners. It is a sharply two-tiered society. Much of the population live at a level reminiscent of Central Africa…the UN Report on Human Development ranked this rich and privileged country in 80th place, alongside of Albania and Paraguay. In the northeast, Brazilian medical researchers describe a new subspecies: ‘pygmies,’ with 40% [actually 60%] the brain capacity of humans, thanks to severe malnutrition in a region with fertile lands, owned by large plantations that produce export crops in accord with the doctrines preached by their expert advisers. Hundreds of thousands of children die of starvation every year in this success story, which also wins world prizes for child slavery and murder of street children — in some cases for export of organs for transplant, according to respected Brazilian sources.”

The source Chomsky is using for his medical assessment of children’s brain capacity is Isabel Vincent (Life a struggle for Pygmy family, Globe & Mail Toronto, December 17, 1991, p. A15.)

Vincent wrote:

“A diet consisting mainly of manioc flour, beans and rice has affected [northeastern Brazilian laborers’] mental development to the point that they have difficulty remembering or concentrating. Fully 30.7 per cent of children in the Northeast are born malnourished, according to Unicef and the Brazilian Ministry of Health. . . Brazilian medical experts have known of undernourishment in the country’s poorest region for more than two decades, but they confirmed only recently the existence of a much more startling problem — a severe lack of protein in their diet that is producing a population of Brazilian Pygmies known by some medical researchers in Brazil as homens nanicos. Their height at adulthood is far less than the average height recording by the World Health Organization and their brain capacity is 40 per cent less than average [emphasis added]. . . . In the poorest states of the Northeast, such as Alagoas and Piaui, homens nanicos comprise about 30 per cent of the population. . . Much of the Northeast comprises fertile farm land that is being taken up by large plantations for the production of cash crops such as sugar cane.” [Note: Chomsky and Vincent omit the add-on effects of a full range of toxic pesticides, some of which are banned in other countries because they are too poisonous.]

Children born with 40% less brain capacity. Does this sound like microcephaly, the “new outbreak” which has received so much publicity, and which has been attributed to the Zika virus?

Yes, it sounds very much like it. Microcephaly=children born with smaller heads and brain impairment. For decades in northeastern Brazil: children born with 40% less brain capacity who never grow to normal body size.

Are you following me? I hope so.

There is nothing new about what is happening in Brazil. Various types of brain damage in children have been endemic for a very long time.

Researchers there, and at the World Health Organization, are fully aware of this. At the moment, they’re using the cover story of “Zika virus” to obscure the truth. To obscure the causes. To obscure the criminals. It’s business as usual.

In previous articles, I’ve demonstrated that Zika has never been proved to cause microcephaly or any other kind of neurological damage. In fact, researchers so far have managed to prove (without admitting it) that Zika is not the cause.

As the literature clearly states, any insult to the developing fetal brain can cause microcephaly. Looking for one cause is non-science.

There is no recent sudden appearance of birth defects in Brazil.

Zika does not cause birth defects.

It’s a mask to conceal the truth.

This truth can be traced in many places. In parts of Africa, for example, grinding poverty, malnutrition and starvation, contaminated water supplies, lack of basic sanitation, overcrowding, toxic medical treatments, stolen land, and pesticides combine to twist and destroy human life.

The men in charge, locally and far away, have purposely maintained the population in this state—and whenever they have felt the need to divert attention from the truth, they’ve concocted a medical cover story: a virus, a sudden “outbreak”—such as Zika.

“It’s out of our control. A tragedy. The best doctors are working to find a cure…”

On and on it goes.

power outside the matrix

As I’ve written many times, the best cover story is a medical story. It appears to be neutral, scientific, apolitical, non-partisan. And the best medical cover story of all is a virus.

People salute it and tremble in its promoted presence.

The virus is the fairy-tale of the devil in the Church of Biological Mysticism.

So now you know. This piece of World Health Organization hyper-fiction about Zika, about a new outbreak of microcephaly, about something never seen before, caused by a virus (that has never done harm to humans since its discovery in 1947)…it’s all a pernicious ruse to hide the facts on the ground.

Without knowing it, of course, Chomsky, 23 years ago, shot a gaping hole in the current “Zika crisis.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

How the media promote fake research on viruses

How the media promote fake research on viruses

~The Playbook~

by Jon Rappoport

March 1, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

My readers know I’ve taken apart the ridiculous hoax called the Zika virus. This hoax isn’t limited to Zika.

So I thought I’d lay out the pattern the media use time after time, with these “epidemics.”

One: An outbreak is announced.

Two: Early on, a virus is named as the cause. H1N1. The coronavirus. Zika.

Three: The press uses statements like these: “The (virus) infection is spreading.” “New cases have been found.” “Transmission by sex is confirmed.” “Highly contagious.” “The World Health Organization has declared a state of emergency.” “A traveler from X, arriving at Y, was found to be infected.” “Carriers of the virus.”

These statements are meant to induce fear. They present a picture of motion and invasion. The virus goes from country A to country B. It’s on the march.

Four: Here is another set of statements the press promotes: “The virus is linked to (condition, disease).” “The virus is associated with (condition, disease).” “The virus is thought to cause (condition, disease).” “The virus causes (condition, disease).”

Five: Over time, the press announces that the number of cases of the disease-condition and the virus is increasing. 500 cases. A thousand cases. Twenty thousand cases. “It’s a race against time to stop the spread.”

Six: “Companies are rushing to develop a vaccine.”

Seven: “Wash your hands.” “Avoid travel to XYZ.”

Eight: “Researchers warn this could be the big one.” “We could see five million cases by the end of the year.”

Nine: “The virus is causing other conditions as well.”

Ten: “Modern travel and climate change are bringing viruses to places that have never had to deal with them before.”

Now, here are vital and real matters the fear-mongering press largely ignores.

One: Is there really an outbreak? How many confirmed cases are there, vs. suspected cases? Is the outbreak more than just a clustering of people who have similar general symptoms that can result from a number of different causes?

Two: Is the announced virus actually causing anything serious? What tests have been done to confirm that? Are the tests useful or useless?

Three: Is the virus actually spreading, or has it been present in countries for decades, centuries, millennia?

Four: Actually, has the virus ever been isolated from a human and identified? Or have tests always been indirect and misleading and insufficient?

Five: Have obvious causes of the “condition” been ignored? For example, toxic chemicals—pesticides, industrial pollutants, vaccines, medical drugs. Also: severe malnutrition, lack of basic sanitation, extreme poverty, overcrowding, contaminated water supplies, stolen farm land.

Six: Would the virus cause anything at all in the body of a person whose immune system is strong; or does it only run roughshod over people whose immune systems are severely compromised, owing to the causes listed in the previous paragraph?

I’ll now take up these last six questions as they apply to Zika, to give you an illustration of the hoax.

One: In Brazil, touted as the center of the outbreak, the original number of microcephaly cases (“the condition”) was 4180. Within a month, Brazilian researchers had reduced this number to 404 confirmed cases (so far). In other words, they had originally jumped the gun, by a few miles. There was no reason, in the first place, to declare a huge outbreak of microcephaly. But the press wasn’t deterred.

Two: As for the cause of microcephaly, Brazilian researchers admitted they had only been able to find “a relationship to the Zika virus” in 17 of the 404 cases. This is actually proof that Zika isn’t the cause. Why? Because in order to even begin saying Zika might be the cause, you must be able to find it in all, or almost all, cases of microcephaly. That’s what “finding a single cause” means. Even worse, the Brazilian Health Authority has recently stated they’re satisfied Zika is the cause—and they won’t be doing any more digging to look for Zika in cases of microcephaly. If that sounds astounding, ridiculous, and irrational, it is. It’s scientific fraud.

And I’m not even getting into the question of what tests the Brazilian researchers deployed to find Zika in the 17 cases. Elsewhere, I’ve covered the insufficiency and misleading nature of the two most frequently used tests: antibody and PCR. Neither test, at its best, reveals how much Zika is in the body of a person. And that answer is vital, because you need millions and millions of a particular virus to infer it might be causing harm—not a few stragglers.

Three: The Zika virus was discovered in 1947-8. Since then, it has never been known to cause serious illness. Who knows how long it has been on Earth? 100,000 years? 200,000? It has certainly had time to circulate the planet a few thousand times. You’re going to be able find it wherever you want to look. Therefore, all the alarms about “the spread” of Zika are an intentional fiction. It isn’t spreading. It’s there. It’s already here and there and anywhere and everywhere. “We’ve discovered grass growing in New Guinea. It may be spreading. In fact, researchers say it has just showed up in India and Michigan…”

Four: Undercutting everything we’ve looked at so far—has Zika actually ever been removed, isolated, and identified from a human being—in other words, does Zika exist…well, that’s a question you can pursue vis-à-vis any virus. It all depends on what tests have been done and how well they’ve been done. In the case of Zika, I don’t know the answer. However, I can tell you that, in the case of Ebola, I corresponded with PhD chemist David Rasnick, who spent 20 years working in the pharmaceutical industry, and was a senior scientist at Khepri Pharmaceuticals. Rasnick examined the published literature on the virus, and he found no convincing evidence that Ebola had ever been isolated from a human. Rasnick queried the CDC, and they got back to him with decidedly unsatisfactory answers.

Five: It’s clear that factors having nothing to with Zika can be causing microcephaly. The literature is clear: any insult to the developing fetal brain can cause microcephaly. A fall down stairs, a blow to the stomach, a toxic pesticide, a toxic medical or street drug, etc. Brazil is the number-one user of pesticides in the world. Some of these pesticides are banned in 22 other countries, because they’re so poisonous. The Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), which was recommended for all pregnant women in Brazil, in 2014, contains, among other toxic elements, aluminum, which crosses the blood-brain barrier and causes neurological destruction. Brazilian doctors recently discovered that a toxic larvicide had been added to some water supplies, in order to kill mosquitoes. Genetically engineered mosquitoes have been released in Brazil for the same purpose. As with GMO crops, no human or environmental health studies were done prior to approval. In the northeast of Brazil, where microcephaly has been reported, lack of basic sanitation is evident.

Six: Since Zika has never been known to cause serious illness, it’s quite obvious that a person whose immune system is strong and healthy would have no reason to believe Zika is a threat. The whole push ought to be in the direction of making people healthier. See the previous paragraph for obvious clues about how this should be done.

power outside the matrix

The press doesn’t care about any of this. The press is a machine, a PR agency representing fear-mongering and vaccine-promoting organizations like the World Health Organization and the CDC. Logic and rationality aren’t requirements for gainful employment as a reporter or editor.

I’ve spoken privately with many reporters over the years. They admit they know what lines they can cross and what lines they can’t, what stories the can write and what stories they can’t, if they want to keep their jobs. Forcefully contradicting what WHO or the CDC says about the cause of a disease is crossing the line.

Mainstream medical journalism is a walking corpse.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Leaked report: petrochemical pollution causes microcephaly

Leaked report: petrochemical pollution causes microcephaly

Not Zika

by Jon Rappoport

March 1, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Microcephaly = babies born with small heads and brain impairment.

As I’ve demonstrated in numerous articles, the purported cause of microcephaly, the Zika virus, is completely discredited. There is no science to back it up. In fact, the findings of Brazilian researchers constitute evidence that Zika has nothing to do with microcephaly.

Now we have this: Jerusalem Post (2/2/16), “All eyes on Haifa after damning study results leaked”:

“…preliminary results of a University of Haifa study indicating that exposure of pregnant women in the Haifa area to pollution from the petrochemical industry [including an ammonia factory] caused their babies to be born with heads 20 to 30 percent smaller than average.”

The five-year study is only a quarter of the way done. The preliminary results were leaked, causing an uproar among residents in the city of Haifa, where cancer rates are five times the national average in some neighborhoods.

The Post:

“Early findings of the five-year study, which has been carried out for only one year so far, were revealed on Sunday night by Channel 2. The study, sponsored by the municipality and the Haifa-area Municipal Association, was financed by the petrochemical industries and the Israel Electric Corporation.”

More from the Post article:

“The Channel 2 report claimed that the researchers working on the study had demanded to take soil samples from the area to test for possibly carcinogenic materials, but that the Haifa-area Municipal Association, which was among those paying for the research, refused.”

“Rambam Medical Center, Haifa’s largest hospital, said it was not aware of babies being born with smaller-than-average heads.”

So on one side, we have the researchers, who were funded by the petrochemical industry itself, stating that microcephaly is prevalent. On the other side, the local hospital says it’s not.

Facts need to be sorted out, but if this report is true, and the ongoing study continues to validate the early findings, we are looking at one obvious cause of microcephaly. The published literature is clear: any insult to the developing fetal brain can cause microcephaly. Heavy industrial pollution would certainly qualify.

power outside the matrix

I’ve already reported on several sources of this birth defect in Brazil. They include: toxic pesticides; the Tdap vaccine; a larvicide which was dumped in water supplies; and anti-mosquito indoor sprays.

The Zika virus functions, in fact, as a cover story to divert attention from the true causes of a wide range of birth defects and neurological impairment.

Corporate predators and their profits must be protected.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Zika: top virologist agrees with me, but he’s missing the point

(To join our email list, click here.)

by Jon Rappoport

February 18, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The Guardian has the story (Feb. 17): “Zika hysteria is way ahead of research into the virus, says expert.”

Here are key quotes:

“One of the world’s leading virologists has warned against public hysteria surrounding the Zika virus…”

Leslie Lobel say[s] the evidence is not yet conclusive. ‘It’s not clear that what’s going on in Brazil is linked to the Zika virus. There’s no definitive proof that Zika is causing microcephaly. I believe the hysteria is way ahead of the research or the facts about the pathology surrounding this virus,’ he said in a telephone interview.”

Boom. This is what I’ve been demonstrating for the last few weeks in many Zika articles.

So far, so good. Lobel is absolutely correct.

But he then states, “I don’t want to downplay this. The association is very compelling, very clear. But we need a lot more work and we need to do it fast.”

Wrong. The association of Zika with the birth defect called microcephaly is not clear or compelling. In fact, the research so far shows there is no association.

Brazilian researchers have stated that, in 404 confirmed cases of microcephaly, they’ve found some “relationship” with the Zika virus in only 17 cases. That’s called disassociation. (See “Zika: update from Brazil: towering non-evidence” and “Zika freaka: the other shoe drops: lying about case numbers”.)

That’s called proof that Zika doesn’t cause microcephaly. Top virologist Lobel should know that.

When you’re trying to prove that a particular virus causes a particular condition, the first thing you need to do is show that the virus is present in almost all, if not all, cases of the condition.

That standard hasn’t been met. The effort has been a complete failure.

“Well, we know Zika causes microcephaly because, in most cases, it’s not there at all.” That, in effect, is what the Brazilian researchers are saying.

Anyone who hasn’t been wrecked by a college or medical school education would catch on right away.

To repeat: the Brazilians could only find a trace of Zika in 17 out of 404 cases of microcephaly.

But it gets worse. Even if they’d found Zika in all 404 cases, the next question is: how much Zika is in each patient?

You see, the “presence” of the virus is not enough. You have to show there is a whole lot of the virus in each patient, because millions and millions of a particular virus are necessary to begin thinking it’s relevant, to begin thinking it’s doing harm and causing disease.

An analogy: you come across a battlefield scarred by war. The only humans present are a husband and wife repairing their old wooden cart. Ah, you say, they must have destroyed this place. You report this to your superiors, and the next day you find yourself cleaning toilets.

There is no evidence the Brazilian researchers even tried to find out how much Zika was present in the 17 microcephaly cases they claimed “had a relationship to Zika.”

The normal (wrong-headed) test in these situations is called PCR. It is prone to errors, but if we assume the test was done, and done properly, it can only reveal the presence of the virus—not how much of it is there. The test takes a tiny, tiny bit of genetic material supposedly belonging to a virus (like Zika) and blows it up, like an enlarged photo, so it can be observed. But why do technicians need to do that test in the first place? Because they can’t find a significant amount of virus in the patient to begin with. That’s called a clue. It’s a clue that there isn’t enough Zika in the patient to say it’s causing harm in any way. (For one such Zika study out of Brazil that proves nothing, see “First report of autochthonous transmission of Zika virus in Brazil [detected by RT-PCR]” and its associated news story: “Zika virus — a Brazilian perspective on a global health emergency”. For further context on the limitations of PCR tests, see “…let the [PCR] test’s inventor speak”.)

The global hysteria about Zika is engineered. I’ve explained how and why in previous articles. And now, again, I’ve shown why it is hysteria, not science.

Researchers want you to believe their work is so technical and advanced that only their colleagues can understand it. Well, wouldn’t you play that farce if you were a scientist, if your work was built on sand, and if you were hoping the sand was solid rock?

In investigating dud epidemics for almost 30 years, I’ve discovered and shown that the entire medical specialty of assessing what causes diseases is false science.

Were this scandal understood and broadly known, the whole house of cards would collapse.

The medical-drug industry would go down. The vaccine industry would go down. Medical schools would be exposed for their outrageous omissions of fact. Public health agencies like the FDA, the CDC, and the World Health Organization would face utter humiliation. Doctors in their offices and in hospitals would find their reputations destroyed. Research labs would fold up.

Public faith in the institution of medicine would crumble.

This is why the scandal is not understood or broadly known. The price to pay would travel to the sky.

In case there is any doubt, let me state this clearly: in disease after disease, researchers have falsely claimed they have discovered the cause. They haven’t. Their methods are fatally flawed. They overlook the obvious. They tap-dance around the lies. They jump to unwarranted conclusions.

They do what we see researchers doing now with Zika.

Yes, this is explosive. Yes, it’s monumental. Yes, it’s mind-boggling. That’s right.

It would be on the order of discovering we’re all living on Mars and that red planet out there is Earth.

This is why doctors and researchers who actually know what’s going on feel protected. They believe the false reality is so huge, no one will challenge it.

Consensus Reality is built, and endures, on that very basis.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Zika: the essence of the hoax: analysis

Zika: the essence of the hoax: analysis

by Jon Rappoport

February 15, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

“Matrixology 101: You’re supposed to be fixated on the fiction of One.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

I’ve written a number of articles taking apart the Zika hoax, piece by piece, lie by lie. Here, I want to present an overview.

My analysis centers on two questions.

One: Is there a true “outbreak” of microcephaly in Brazil?

Two: Has the purported cause, the Zika virus, been established scientifically?

First, is there a surge of microcephaly in Brazil, where the story started? That depends on who you ask. The Brazilian health authority, so far, has reported only 404 confirmed cases of microcephaly (babies born with small heads and brain impairment) in the whole country. Not 4,100 cases, as first claimed.

But a second new report states that, in the northeast of the country, since 2012, there has been a significant increase of microcephaly cases.

This second report was just presented by Dr. Sandra Mattos. See: “Microcephaly in northeastern Brazil: a review of 16,208 births between 2012 and 2015” and this news report: “Brazil’s Pre-Zika Microcephaly Cases”.

She and her team studied the birth records of babies born in the northeastern state of Paraiba, and found between 2,000 and 4,000 cases of microcephaly per year, since 2012. The biggest spike in cases was in 2014. The number of the most severe cases has increased since the last part of 2015.

If Dr. Mattos’ report is accurate, then there is a significant microcephaly problem in the northeast of Brazil.

Why the difference between her figures and the Brazilian health authority’s estimate, so far, of only 404 confirmed cases of microcephaly in the whole country? Answer: unknown.

Apparently, until now, Brazil hasn’t been focused on counting cases of microcephaly. Who knows what the actual numbers have been, going back 10 years, 15 years, 20 years?

As you can see, the reporting system is a mess. It turns out Brazil isn’t alone in this regard. A further search of estimates in the US reveals a huge disparity. Depending on which source you consult, you can say there are 1,000 microcephaly cases in the US every year, or you can say the number is 25,000.

Therefore, in answering my first question above, about an “outbreak” of microcephaly in Brazil, I would say the answer is unknown—but Dr. Mattos’ analysis suggests there could be an upward trend, in the northeast, of babies born with smaller heads and brain damage. I say “could be,” because she has no figures available before 2012.

It would be nice to have a definite answer, but such answers aren’t always available. However, one thing is certain here:

Brazilian health authorities and the World Health Organization jumped the gun in asserting there was an epidemic, based on 4,100 cases they later cut down to 404. That was a press release, not science.

It signaled propagandist promotion of an epidemic—particularly because the cause was announced right away: Zika virus. And here we have a definite answer to the question: has Zika been proved to be the cause of microcephaly?


Not even close.

In those 404 cases of confirmed microcephaly admitted by the Brazilian health authority, only 17 have shown “a relationship with the Zika virus.”

This is abrupt, simple, and convincing evidence AGAINST Zika as the cause. If you’re looking for one cause, you must establish, for starters, that the virus is present (and at high levels) in most, if not all, cases. That fact has been swept off the monopoly board of the medical cartel.

I’m aware of several recent small studies which purport to show evidence of Zika virus in the bodies of a few babies born with microcephaly. These studies prove nothing, since they’re limited to three or four cases. And their analysis is incapable of measuring the amount of Zika in each baby—a crucial factor. Millions and millions of a particular virus must be present in a person to even begin to say the virus is causing anything. (For one such study that proves nothing, see “First report of autochthonous transmission of Zika virus in Brazil [detected by RT-PCR]” and its associated news story: “Zika virus — a Brazilian perspective on a global health emergency”. For further context on the limitations of PCR tests, see “…let the [PCR] test’s inventor speak”.)

Furthermore, Zika has been known about since 1947. It has never been considered a health threat. It has been linked to mild transient illness with few symptoms. So, in that regard, it’s an absurd candidate for causing microcephaly and brain damage.

There was no reason to assert that Zika was the cause of microcephaly in the first place. It was all hype and no science.

Now, I’ll move along to related matters. In particular, the “one condition-one-cause” fallacy that has spread through medical research.

Surely in Brazil, microcephaly isn’t the only infant problem. In fact, in those 404 “confirmed” cases of microcephaly, Brazilian researchers admitted some cases could actually be, instead, other kinds of nervous-system impairment.

There are many arbitrary names and labels for such nervous-system destruction. These names overlap. The conditions overlap. They resist neat and separate definitions. Autism, autism spectrum, developmental delay, Fragile X syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Asperger’s Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, CDD, etc.

The artificial attempt to separate them is typical nonsense. Likewise, the attempt to ascribe different and distinct causes to each is preposterous.

So in Brazil, instead of obsessively looking for one cause of “microcephaly,” true researchers would be looking for multiple causes where, in general, brain and nervous-system damage is the result.

Causes such as? Toxic pesticides, including Roundup and atrazine. Brazil uses more pesticides than any nation in the world, and many of these chemicals are banned in other countries.

Toxic vaccines—for example, the Tdap, which was recommended to pregnant women in Brazil in 2014. The MMR vaccine. Other vaccines. Look, for example, at aluminum ingredients, which cross the blood-brain barrier and are neurotoxic.

Genetically-engineered mosquitoes, released to combat mosquitoes that carry dengue fever. No human health studies were done.

Anti-mosquito sprays.

Chemicals used to fumigate public places.

The mosquito-killing insecticide, pyroproxyfen, which has been dumped in water supplies.

And of course, those traditional immune-system destroyers, severe malnutrition, lack of basic sanitation, overcrowding, and stolen farm land.

There are other potential causes.

Narrowing the range to microcephaly and one cause is not an answer, and it isn’t a gateway into a solution for the overall long-term crisis.

Every time a new potential cause of microcephaly is exposed, people jump on that bandwagon. This is it! No, this is it! Instead, back away from the single-cause fixation and look at the overall picture.

Understanding will follow.

Even if we infer a new level of microcephaly has surged in northeastern Brazil, that doesn’t mean there has to be one cause. Thinking that way often cuts you off from the truth.

“One new effect equals one new cause”—this ironclad mandate looks like logic but it isn’t.

I’ll offer an assessment based on almost 30 years of investigating so-called outbreaks and epidemics. The specific condition or disease which is promoted in the press isn’t one condition at all. It’s the tip of an iceberg. Underneath, you’ll find all sorts of symptoms and maladies—and they have existed for a long time. As time passes, ebbs and flows, surges and declines occur—but the number of people suffering is always a high number. There is never one cause for the ongoing and largely unexplored crisis. There is a combination of factors that toxify human beings and reduce the capacity of their immune systems.

This analysis is not friendly to the medical cartel, which obsessively focuses (to their advantage) on the one-disease one-cause scenario. Their (false) cause is inevitably a virus. Making that assessment leads to vaccine and drug development, profits, and totalitarian control of the arena of human suffering.

Cleaning up contaminated water supplies, improving sanitation, eliminating overcrowding, introducing nutritious food to replace no-food or junk food—these and other non-medical measures would make people healthier and drastically reduce their need for any medical intervention at all.

That’s called a clue. What medical organization wants to take that route, thereby committing suicide?

In Brazil, an upsurge of microcephaly (if it is actually happening) is the tip of the iceberg. Other babies are being born with other severe neurological problems. Immune systems of pregnant women and mothers are compromised, which leads to numerous, serious, life-threatening infections in mothers and babies. The germs involved in the infections would never cause any harm in persons whose immune-defenses were strong.

power outside the matrix

Now you are seeing a rounded and true picture. The medical-cartel picture is a hysterical fiction, distorted and surreal. It is painted by a monopoly intent on protecting its territory, without any real concern for humans. Of course, the foot-soldiers in this conquest—the doctors—are mostly unaware of the role they are actually playing, since they’ve been indoctrinated to within an inch of their lives by false and self-serving science.

Over the years, I’ve spoken to several of these doctors. When I detail the transparently absurd “proof” that a virus is causing a particular condition, they blink. They blink a few times. There is a pause. Their proprietary mind-control engine stalls for a moment. Then they pick up as if nothing has happened.

And for them, nothing has.

High IQ and clueless, in the valley of robots.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.