China – Jon Rappoport's Blog Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:35:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 COVID-19 is the murder of old people Mon, 02 Aug 2021 12:40:17 +0000 In the 1973 film, Soylent Green, a NY police detective discovers that the vastly overcrowded, poverty–stricken population of the city—who are being sustained on processed government food, called Soylent—are now unknowingly eating humans who have died. That’s what Soylent Green is made of. That’s the terrible secret. What’s the secret now? It’s all there in the open-source literature…

by Jon Rappoport

August 2, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Let’s start here:

The SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist.

The supposed diagnostic tests are meaningless.

The case numbers are meaningless.

The people who have died have died for multiple reasons, none of which has anything to do with SARS-CoV-2.

I have spent the past year writing over 300 articles, providing compelling evidence for the above assertions.

There are “people who have died who are LABELED COVID deaths.” AKA “official reality.” AKA “official lies.”

Who are these people? By and large, who are they?

Here are two statements. The people DID die, but not because of SARS-CoV-2:

The Kaiser Family Foundation, July 24, 2020: “Adults 65 and older account for 16% of the US population but 80% of COVID-19 deaths in the US…”

AARP, April 1, 2021: “95 percent of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have occurred among people who were 50 or older.”

A member of Biden’s coronavirus task force, Dr. Zeke Emanuel, once stated there is no reason people should want to live beyond the age of 75. Just go gently into that good night.

Well, what is called COVID is old people.

My first clue about the elderly came from a report published by Italy’s National Institute of Health during the early days of the “pandemic.” It stated that the average age of people dying from COVID in the country was 79.5. That clue was the size of an aircraft carrier parked outside your house.

Soon after the Italian report, the Institute of Health went dark. No more research was released. No updates. They’d spoken out of school, and someone slapped them in the head.

Open-source press reports revealed the “excess mortality” of 2020 was largely the result of elderly people dying in nursing homes.

This has nothing to do with a virus.

It has to do with patients who are ALREADY on a long downward health slide. They ALREADY have multiple health conditions. For years, even decades, they’ve been pounded with toxic medical drugs, weakening their bodies and shredding their immune systems—

And THEN they’re hit with the TERROR of an arbitrary and fake COVID-19 diagnosis—

And THEN they’re isolated and shut off from family and friends—in facilities where gross neglect and indifference are all too often the “standard of care.”

Death is the direct result.

Forced premature death.

These patients just fold up and die.

The managers of pandemic information tell the big lie. They spin tales about “the virus” having a greater impact on the elderly.

No, the STORY about a virus has the impact. The terror has the deadly impact. The isolation has the deadly impact. The terror and the isolation deliver the final blow.

To an astounding extent, COVID-19 is a NURSING HOME DISASTER.

Mass murder by cruelty.

Memo to financial investigators: Calculate how much money government and private insurers are saving, because they don’t have to keep paying for the long-term care of all the old people who are dying premature deaths in nursing homes. The money number will be staggering.

Tony Fauci knows the con. He knows COVID-19 is old people. People are dying from the fear he promotes. Fauci has no shred of shame. He’s a mouthpiece turned out by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller.

Evil permeates the COVID operation. The elderly in nursing homes are the primary target. Getting them to die earlier is the tactic, in order to pump up the fake COVID mortality numbers.

Without those phony numbers, the whole “pandemic” would be exposed in an hour.

I’ve said there were two key events in the foisting of the whole vicious COVID fiction—the Chinese regime locking down 50 million citizens overnight for no good medical reason, giving the green light to the World Health Organization and the CDC to “follow the new model”; and the Bill Gates-financed computer projection of deaths, put together by Neil Ferguson, who lied through his teeth when he claimed half a million people could die in the UK and two million in the US by the summer of 2020—thus supplying the final “rationale” for the lockdowns.

The third key event was and is the sustained attack on the elderly.

Kill these people with terror and isolation, and make the death numbers escalate.

As of May 22, 2020, Forbes reported that, “…in the 43 states that currently report such figures, an astounding 42% of all COVID-19 deaths have taken place in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.”

Washington Post, May 18, 2020: “The World Health Organization said half of Europe’s covid-19 deaths occurred in such facilities.”

Headline of same Post article: “Canada’s nursing home crisis: 81 percent of coronavirus deaths [in the country] are in long-term care facilities.”

The Guardian, May 16, 2020: “About 90% of the 3,700 people who have died from coronavirus in Sweden were over 70, and half were living in care homes, according to a study from Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare at the end of April.”

“The country [Spain] was shocked at the end of March when the defence minister revealed that soldiers drafted in to disinfect residential homes had found some elderly people abandoned and dead in their beds.”

“…the regional governments of Madrid and Catalonia have been publishing their own figures on people who have died in care homes…”

“In Madrid, the total for Covid, or suspected Covid, deaths since 8 March stood at 5,886 on Thursday. In Catalonia, it was 3,375. Between them, care home deaths in the two regions account for more than a third of all the coronavirus deaths in the country.”

And there was a great deal of early warning on the subject, if anyone from public health agencies wanted to pay attention—The Guardian, 13 April, 2020: “About half of all Covid-19 deaths appear to be happening in care homes in some European countries…Snapshot data from varying official sources shows that in Italy, Spain, France, Ireland and Belgium between 42% and 57% of deaths from the virus have been happening in homes, according to the report by academics based at the London School of Economics (LSE).”

These nursing home figures only give a partial picture. Consider the HUGE NUMBER of elderly, already-ill people who are basically in the same situation AT HOME—terrified by COVID propaganda, locked down, isolated; and then die—and also those who manage to make it to a hospital, where they are put on breathing ventilators, heavily sedated, and killed.

The Hill, undated (late April 2020), reported on “data…gathered at Northwell Health, New York state’s largest hospital system. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) examines 5,700 patients hospitalized with coronavirus infections in the New York City region, with final outcomes recorded for 2,634 patients. The average patient age was 63 years old… For the next oldest age group, ages 66 years and older, patients receiving mechanical ventilation recorded a 97.2 percent mortality rate.”

And yet the ventilator death-treatment continues. As does treatment with remdesivir, a highly toxic drug.

The New York Times (June 27, 2020) reported that 43 percent of all US COVID deaths were occurring in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for the elderly. In at least 24 states, more than 50 percent of all COVID deaths were occurring in these facilities. The Times failed to mention deaths of the elderly at hospitals or, at home, cut off from family and friends. The situation is far worse than the Times made it out to be.

COVID is old people. Pushed into death.

It’s mass murder.

Behind politicians’ and public health officials’ oh so caring directives and demands and declarations and pronouncements, it’s mass murder.

Imagine YOU were 80 years old. For years you’ve been suffering from multiple serious health conditions. For years, doctors have been giving you many toxic drugs, carving up your immune system, weakening your body, affecting your judgement. Along comes a false story about a deadly virus. Every time you turn on the television set, there it is, that fearful story. You’re terrified. Maybe the virus will visit you. And then one day, your doctor gives you a test, or simply eyeballs your clinical symptoms, and says yes, you have it. The virus. You’re infected. Your terror escalates. Your worst nightmare has come true. And suddenly, you’re isolated in your home, alone, or you’re locked up in your room in a nursing home, cut off from family and friends. Day after day, week after week. What would you do?

Chances are, you would see no point in living. You would give up and die.

The operation called COVID is old people. Killing old people.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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The China lockdown, Sun Tzu, and the Art of War Mon, 07 Dec 2020 13:00:24 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

December 7, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Below you will find a piece I wrote and published in April 2020 — and re-edited in July 2020 — on the grand China deception. First, I want to provide context.

If there really were a dangerous virus on the loose in China, NOTHING could have stopped it. We would be seeing huge numbers of deaths in China to this day. Instead, the country has long been back to work, the economy is wide open, and the Chinese regime is looking, with great satisfaction, at Western nations, where its lockdown model has been laid on, wreaking havoc.

This is called a clue.

As I’ve explained in detail, in other articles, at the time when US and European agencies were first constructing their PCR tests, to detect the virus, they were unable to obtain actual virus. The obvious source would have been China, but China was unable to supply it.

The reason? China wasn’t selling a real pandemic to the world. They were selling a fake, in the form of A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS. They had no actual specimens.

That is another clue a mile high.

All right, here is the long article I wrote months ago. I would, perhaps, change a few items, in view of developments since that time, but aside from minor edits, I’ve left the piece as-is. It indicates how, with collaboration from major actors like Bill Gates, the CDC, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum, the Chinese regime could have pulled off one of the greatest cons in history.

Who actually initiated the plot, and who followed suit…these issues could be debated. But the basic pattern remains the same.

Intro from July 2020:

In retrospect, it’s obvious that Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, the UN, and other elite Globalists NEEDED a new pretext for their tyrannical operation, and…

They needed to know, YEARS BEFOREHAND, that this pretext would come into play.

That pretext was: THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT LOCKDOWN of its own citizens. 50 million of them in three cities. Rapidly expanding to 100 million.

Without the Chinese mass lockdown, COVID would have unfolded as Swine Flu and SARS and Zika had unfolded. Small disturbances in a calm lake.

I explore the Chinese regime as the major instigator pretending to fumble, bumble, and fawn before the World Health Organization and the CDC. Acceding, as it were, to those “superior” virus hunters, asking them to help figure out what was going on in Wuhan—knowing the WHO/CDC researchers would claim to find a new deadly virus—because they always do. The Chinese regime would then sit back, lock down millions of their own people, knowing the events of the fake pandemic would automatically play out, with the West following suit and locking down their own populations and causing economic havoc and destruction, subverting all basic human values.

This could have been what the Chinese regime, in fact, did. Yes. But behind that front, it’s clear a higher level of cooperative planning was alive. The Chinese lockdown was in the cards all along. In the cards for the West, for the whole world. The plan was years in the making.

Most people simply do not believe intelligence operations can involve that degree of subtlety. This is a failure which unfortunately opens the door to takeover.

With that introduction, here is my (re-edited) article published in July — of the original article published in April:

COVID: The Chinese Regime, Sun Tzu and The Art of War

This article is about the Chinese dictatorship and its agents, not the people of China

My longer-term readers know my findings on the pandemic: an unproven claim of having discovered a new virus; diagnostic tests which are worthless, but open the door to the phony escalation of case numbers; the gathering and corralling of people who have DIFFERENT traditional diseases (and perhaps a few new non-viral conditions) under the meaningless umbrella term, “COVID-19”; the plan to introduce a toxic vaccine as the “solution.”

I fully realize there are several possible roles the Chinese regime could be playing in this global crisis. And by crisis, I mean lockdowns and economic devastation.

I’m laying out one possible role here.

To begin: The Chinese regime’s model of absolute control over its population is fully in line with Rockefeller-type Globalists’ model of control for all of Earth.

But the Beijing regime prefers to extend its own formidable Empire. It will cooperate with Globalist elites on certain operations, but only because the benefits accrue to China.

In the case of this pandemic illusion, the Chinese government would be pleased to contribute to nations locking down populations and closing out economic activity. Why? Because the result would be significant weakening of those nations—whom the Chinese regime views as opponents or potential satellites.

Weakening nations is also the ambition of Globalist elites, to be sure. Flailing countries are easier to take over. Easier to convert to a New Technocracy. A Brave New World.

But the Chinese leadership is not a basic Rockefeller partner. The China bosses are for China.

If, in the process of playing along with Globalists in this pandemic forgery, the Chinese nation absorbs economic losses, the regime is more than willing to write them off as necessary sacrifices. Temporary. “We bounce back quickly. Other nations are not so fortunate. They don’t have our level of power over their citizenry. They don’t have 1.4 billion people under a moment to moment gun.”

The next Chinese-regime idea: “Suppose we could launch the illusion of a pandemic. That would serve us well. In terms of our goals, it would be a success: economic destruction visited on our enemies. As a bonus, we buy bereft governments, more foreign companies, and more foreign land at bargain basement prices.”

The next idea: “We could lay out a ‘tempting meal’ for the obsessed virus hunters at the World Health Organization and the CDC. Help them go where they already want to go…”

In that regard, let’s travel back to the beginning, where it all started: Wuhan.

To the virus hounds from the CDC and WHO, the Chinese government COULD HAVE said:

“Yes, we have a little outbreak in Wuhan. Nothing serious, nothing unusual. We have people coming to hospital with flu and pneumonia. About 300,000 people die of pneumonia every year in China, for all sorts of reasons. In Wuhan, the elderly have a major health problem owing to the air quality—pneumonia. We’ve been working very hard to fix that. At one point, we were going to build an incinerator for burning waste in Wuhan, but we discovered the technology would have created more pollution, so we abandoned the idea. We want to come up with a better facility, and we will. We’re sensitive to the needs of our people…”

Yes, the Chinese regime could have said that, but they didn’t.

Consider an alternative scenario: The Chinese regime DECIDED to tell the Globalist Rockefeller-type CDC/WHO virus hounds exactly what they wanted to hear: “PERHAPS a new virus is on the loose. Please help us figure out what’s going on. We bow before your superior skill…what?…you’ve found a dangerous new virus?…my goodness…thank you for discovering it so quickly…”

And THEN—and this was the key—the regime suddenly locked down three huge cities and quarantined 50 million people overnight.


THAT was the event that started the global ball rolling. No quarantine of such size had ever been tried before.

(In short order, the Hong Kong protests went away, the mainland protests against air pollution in major Chinese cities went away.)

The Globalist CDC and WHO drooled with joy, pushed a few buttons, and their whole epidemic PR apparatus swung into action:


Since then, the Chinese economy has taken a hit. The country has been blamed, in some quarters, for spreading a deadly virus all over the globe. To which, of course, the Chinese regime replies: “What? We Chinese have been weakened greatly by the epidemic ourselves…”

Fast forward a few months. Who’s taking a hit now? The US, Italy, and many other countries. The US has shut down anything that moves. The US stock market and trading markets all over the world are tanking. Around the world, hundreds of millions of people have been thrown out of work, and untold numbers of small business owners have been driven into bankruptcy.


By “humbly acceding” to the authority and desire of the CDC and WHO—who always say they’ve found ‘a new deadly virus’—the Chinese government has helped engineer, in the freest and craziest and most powerful nation in the world, the USA, a massive lockdown similar to the one now ending in China.

Who does all this remind you of? It reminds me of the ancient Chinese general and philosopher, Sun Tzu (6th century BC), who wrote the erudite and wildly popular treatise, The Art of War.

Here is a sprinkling of Sun Tzu observations and advices. Read carefully.

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive…”

“If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”

“Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”

“Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.”

“If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him.”

“To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”

“…move swiftly where he [the enemy] does not expect you.”

“Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy’s unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions.”

—Getting the picture? Any bells ringing?

The Chinese regime: “Yes, Dr. CDC and Dr. WHO, it does appear, as you say, that here in China we have a new virus. You’re the experts. [Thought bubble: ‘You’re always willing to fake the discovery of new viruses.’] We bow to your wisdom. Certainly, we have to contain the virus. If we’ve somehow made a misstep here, we apologize. You’re the leaders in this field. Do what you think best. If alerts to national governments are in order, issue them. We’ll help. Do you think the spread will escalate?”

Meanwhile, in typical fashion, CDC and WHO haven’t done, and will never do, the necessary procedures for proving they’ve actually found a new virus (as I’ve described in other articles).

The Chinese government watches the epidemic propaganda start to lift off—and suddenly, as I just mentioned, locks down 50 million people for no rational medical reason—thus giving the Globalist CDC and WHO the shocking precedent for a super-con job, a super-story, a super-scenario, a fairy tale about a pandemic, an excuse to enact their own lock downs, across the whole planet.

Soon, one leader, who happens to be engaged in a trade battle with China—Trump—is boxed in. Usually arrogant, of choleric temperament, as Sun Tzu characterizes certain leaders, Trump must now dial back his attitude and go along. He believes he can’t buck the medical authorities. He believes he can’t do his usual THIS IS ALL FAKE NEWS punch to the gut. He can’t turn the stock market around by citing economic victories. He can’t talk about winning a trade war against the Chinese government. He’s stifled. Deflated, he has to go on TV, and read from script the measures he’s taking to “stop the spread of the virus.” —As he signs away more trillions of dollars the government doesn’t have.

Of course, many people refuse to believe there is a thing called subtlety in strategy, in covert warfare. “The Chinese government couldn’t be so clever.” Really? How about a regime which has a few thousand years of tradition behind it, based on the arts of covert operations? The current smash-and-grab Chinese dictatorship shows one face, but it is not their only face.

The Chinese dictatorship gave the CDC and WHO what they fervently wanted: a reason to launch—laid out like a dinner on the table.

“Enjoy your meal.”

There was a little something extra in the food. Not a virus. Instead, Sun Tzu spices.

Imagine a small group of Chinese-government elite professionals looking at reports:

“With this fake pandemic operation, we will have MANY enemies we want to subdue. For a moment, let’s look at just one. Trump. We can’t let him reject the lockdowns. If he does, other nations might reject them, too. He believes he’s winning a trade war against us. He is effective along certain domestic fronts. He knows how to rally his supporters. He has great energy. He can inspire enthusiasm from his troops. He promotes a brand of nationalism, which strikes a deep note with many Americans, and which could be dangerous to us. His critics and opponents are, on the whole, ineffective. They’re annoying amateurs. Trump’s self-confidence, arrogance, his tendency to become irritated and lash out…this is what we have to focus on. These are strengths which can also be weaknesses. He will fail to see attacks coming from unexpected sources and directions. He thinks he sees the whole map of threats to his presidency. In this regard, he has limited perspective. He views his potential enemies as blunt aggressors—because he himself is blunt. He sees warfare as open clash, as direct leverage. There is where we have our opportunity. We need a subtle operation that, at first, looks like a peripheral problem or crisis. But when the vise closes quickly, it will be too late. Not only Trump, but the whole of America will be caught in the squeeze play. Of course, in the process, we’ll inflict economic damage on ourselves. ‘We’re victims, too,’ we’ll say. That will be our cover story…”

“Oh,” people reply again, “that’s impossible. The Chinese regime couldn’t be that devious. I mean, that plan has too many steps in it. Where’s the firepower? Where are the laser weapons flashing in space, you know, like we see in movies? Without that, there is no war.”

Well, when people insist the game has to look like tic-tac-toe with missiles, but the opponent is really playing chess or Go…Iron Man doesn’t come out on top.

2019. Chinese leadership: “Let’s enable our Globalist ‘friends’ to create a false pandemic and bury nations. We’ll only need to make a few moves on the board, and then they’ll do the rest. I suggest we call the operation the Sun Tzu Virus.”

Of course, the Chinese regime permits itself the right to exert an occasional PUSH and TWIST. To create torque and help events unfold. In that regard, a few key questions: What country has a huge and lopsided financial arrangement with the Chinese regime? What country has seen the Chinese pour gigantic amounts of money into its government coffers, and buy up its companies? What country is laboring under the undue influence of China? What country’s government might, therefore, take an enormous and dire action under more or less direct orders from Beijing? What country’s head of government SUDDENLY, without warning all its governors, locked down half the nation overnight? What country therefore created a new beachhead for lockdowns? If you’re looking for one country that answers EVERY question, its name is Italy. Once the center of the greatest renaissance since ancient Athens. Now masked and quarantined. And the new beachhead is Europe and the West.

One reason I’ve written this article? Given the existence of certain structures in this world—I’m imparting how easy it is to lock down a few billion people inside a reality egg.

FREEDOM involves cracking and climbing out of the egg.

CODA, June 27, 2020. Over the past few months, we’ve witnessed Western imitations of China—in the form of behavior control. Attitude control. Among these imitations:

The shuttering of houses of worship.

People in the West are told to load outrageous contact tracing apps on their cell phones, and cooperate with spying against themselves.

The infamous Chinese social credit score system (behavior control) is mirrored by the tyrannical notion of “immunity certificates,” which, if approved, would need to be presented by US citizens in order to travel, enter office buildings, schools, etc.

The forced premature deaths of the elderly, under the cover of “demise by COVID,” is a straight-out exercise in population control, a device the Chinese government has deployed on its own population.

These are not accidents.

They are purposeful Chinese-type transformations.

At the root of it is the plan to raise up armies of Western citizens who are more than glad to sacrifice what is left of their own minds to a “Higher Altruistic Ideal.” Aka, socialism.

Thomas Paine, December, 1776: “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

Governments in Beijing and Washington and London might laugh in the face of these words. But they are uneasy. Because they know there is a power in the human soul they cannot understand…

—end of China/Sun Tzu (re-edited) article—

December, 2020: So now, in the US and Europe and other places, we’re now into our second and third waves of lockdowns. The strategy of economic and associated human destruction has expanded.

What began in China—A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS—has taken on a life of its own.

Or so it appears. In reality, the wall-to-wall messaging of that story is the continuing driver of the life of this fraud. The messaging and the threat and use of force on the part of governments.

But a rebellion is against Police States is rising.

The political actors who are making demands and issuing edicts are easy to spot. They keep claiming they’re “following the science.”

I’ve spent the last nine months taking that science apart, piece by piece. There is no science.

There are blind fools with academic credentials, and active criminals with those credentials.

And there is China, where it all started. Where the regime has a passionate hatred of freedom.

It now stands as the number one genocidal outlaw government on Earth.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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The China lockdown, Sun Tzu, and the Art of War Fri, 03 Jul 2020 13:45:54 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 3, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

I wrote and published this article back in April.

In retrospect, it’s obvious that Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, the UN, and other elite Globalists NEEDED a new pretext for their tyrannical operation, and…

They needed to know, YEARS BEFOREHAND, that this pretext would come into play.

That pretext was: THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT LOCKDOWN of its own citizens. 50 million of them in three cities. Rapidly expanding to 100 million.

Without the Chinese mass lockdown, COVID would have unfolded as Swine Flu and SARS and Zika had unfolded. Small disturbances in a calm lake.

In the article below, I explore the Chinese regime as the major instigator pretending to fumble, bumble, and fawn before the World Health Organization and the CDC. Acceding, as it were, to those “superior” virus hunters, asking them to help figure out what was going on in Wuhan—knowing the WHO/CDC researchers would claim to find a new deadly virus—because they always do. The Chinese regime would then sit back, lock down millions of their own people, knowing the events of the fake pandemic would automatically play out, with the West following suit and locking down their own populations and causing economic havoc and destruction, subverting all basic human values.

This could have been what the Chinese regime, in fact, did. Yes. But behind that front, it’s clear a higher level of cooperative planning was alive. The Chinese lockdown was in the cards all along. In the cards for the West, for the whole world. The plan was years in the making.

Most people simply do not believe intelligence operations can involve that degree of subtlety. This is a failure which unfortunately opens the door to takeover.

With that introduction, here is my (re-edited) article from April:

COVID: The Chinese Regime, Sun Tzu and The Art of War

This article is about the Chinese dictatorship and its agents, not the people of China

My longer-term readers know my findings on the pandemic: an unproven claim of having discovered a new virus; diagnostic tests which are worthless, but open the door to the phony escalation of case numbers; the gathering and corralling of people who have DIFFERENT traditional diseases (and perhaps a few new non-viral conditions) under the meaningless umbrella term, “COVID-19”; the plan to introduce a toxic vaccine as the “solution.”

I fully realize there are several possible roles the Chinese regime could be playing in this global crisis. And by crisis, I mean lockdowns and economic devastation.

I’m laying out one possible role here.

To begin: The Chinese regime’s model of absolute control over its population is fully in line with Rockefeller-type Globalists’ model of control for all of Earth.

But the Beijing regime prefers to extend its own formidable Empire. It will cooperate with Globalist elites on certain operations, but only because the benefits accrue to China.

In the case of this pandemic illusion, the Chinese government would be pleased to contribute to nations locking down populations and closing out economic activity. Why? Because the result would be significant weakening of those nations—whom the Chinese regime views as opponents or potential satellites.

Weakening nations is also the ambition of Globalist elites, to be sure. Flailing countries are easier to take over. Easier to convert to a New Technocracy. A Brave New World.

But the Chinese leadership is not a basic Rockefeller partner. The China bosses are for China.

If, in the process of playing along with Globalists in this pandemic forgery, the Chinese nation absorbs economic losses and deaths of its own citizens, the regime is more than willing to write them off as necessary sacrifices. Temporary. “We bounce back quickly. Other nations are not so fortunate. They don’t have our level of power over their citizenry. They don’t have 1.4 billion people under a moment to moment gun.”

The next Chinese-regime idea: “Suppose we could launch the illusion of a pandemic. That would serve us well. In terms of our goals, it would be a success: economic destruction visited on our enemies. As a bonus, we buy bereft governments, more foreign companies, and more foreign land at bargain basement prices.”

The next idea: “We could lay out a ‘tempting meal’ for the obsessed virus hunters at the World Health Organization and the CDC. Help them go where they already want to go…”

In that regard, let’s travel back to the beginning, where it all started: Wuhan.

To the virus hounds from the CDC and WHO, the Chinese government COULD HAVE said:

“Yes, we have a little outbreak in Wuhan. Nothing serious, nothing unusual. We have people coming to hospital with flu and pneumonia. About 300,000 people die of pneumonia every year in China, for all sorts of reasons. In Wuhan, the elderly have a major health problem owing to the air quality—pneumonia. We’ve been working very hard to fix that. At one point, we were going to build an incinerator for burning waste in Wuhan, but we discovered the technology would have created more pollution, so we abandoned the idea. We want to come up with a better facility, and we will. We’re sensitive to the needs of our people…”

Yes, the Chinese regime could have said that, but they didn’t.

Consider an alternative scenario: The Chinese regime DECIDED to tell the Globalist Rockefeller-type CDC/WHO virus hounds exactly what they wanted to hear: “PERHAPS a new virus is on the loose. Please help us figure out what’s going on. We bow before your superior skill…what?…you’ve found a dangerous new virus?…my goodness…thank you for discovering it so quickly…”

And THEN—and this was the key—the regime suddenly locked down three huge cities and quarantined 50 million people overnight.


THAT was the event that started the global ball rolling. No quarantine of such size had ever been tried before.

(In short order, the Hong Kong protests went away, the mainland protests against air pollution in major Chinese cities went away.)

The Globalist CDC and WHO drooled with joy, pushed a few buttons, and their whole epidemic PR apparatus swung into action.


Since then, the Chinese economy has taken a major hit. The country has been blamed, in some quarters, for spreading a deadly virus all over the globe. To which, of course, the Chinese regime replies: “What? We Chinese have been weakened greatly by the epidemic ourselves…”

Fast forward a few months. Who’s taking a hit now? The US, Italy, and many other countries. The US has shut down anything that moves. The US stock market and trading markets all over the world are tanking. Around the world, hundreds of millions of people have been thrown out of work, and untold numbers of small business owners have been driven into bankruptcy.


By “humbly acceding” to the authority and desire of the CDC and WHO—who always say they’ve found ‘a new deadly virus’—the Chinese government has helped engineer, in the freest and craziest and most powerful nation in the world, the USA, a massive lockdown similar to the one now ending in China.

Who does all this remind you of? It reminds me of the ancient Chinese general and philosopher, Sun Tzu (6th century BC), who wrote the erudite and wildly popular treatise, The Art of War.

Here is a sprinkling of Sun Tzu observations and advices. Read carefully.

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive…”

“If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”

“Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”

“Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.”

“If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him.”

“To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”

“…move swiftly where he [the enemy] does not expect you.”

“Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy’s unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions.”

—Getting the picture? Any bells ringing?

The Chinese regime: “Yes, Dr. CDC and Dr. WHO, it does appear, as you say, that here in China we have a new virus. You’re the experts. [Thought bubble: ‘You’re always willing to fake the discovery of new viruses.’] We bow to your wisdom. Certainly, we have to contain the virus. If we’ve somehow made a misstep here, we apologize. You’re the leaders in this field. Do what you think best. If alerts to national governments are in order, issue them. We’ll help. Do you think the spread will escalate?”

Meanwhile, in typical fashion, CDC and WHO haven’t done, and will never do, the necessary procedures for proving they’ve actually found a new virus (as I’ve described in other articles).

The Chinese government watches the epidemic propaganda start to lift off—and suddenly, as I just mentioned, locks down 50 million people for no rational medical reason—thus giving the Globalist CDC and WHO the shocking precedent for a super-con job, a super-story, a super-scenario, a fairy tale about a pandemic, an excuse to enact their own lock downs, across the whole planet.

Soon, one leader, who happens to be engaged in a trade battle with China—Trump—is boxed in. Usually arrogant, of choleric temperament, as Sun Tzu characterizes certain leaders, Trump must now dial back his attitude and go along. He believes he can’t buck the medical authorities. He believes he can’t do his usual THIS IS ALL FAKE NEWS punch to the gut. He can’t turn the stock market around by citing economic victories. He can’t talk about winning a trade war against the Chinese government. He’s stifled. Deflated, he has to go on TV, and read from script the measures he’s taking to “stop the spread of the virus.” —As he signs away more trillions of dollars the government doesn’t have.

Of course, many people refuse to believe there is a thing called subtlety in strategy, in covert warfare. “The Chinese government couldn’t be so clever.” Really? How about a regime which has a few thousand years of tradition behind it, based on the arts of covert operations? The current smash-and-grab Chinese dictatorship shows one face, but it is not their only face.

The Chinese dictatorship gave the CDC and WHO what they fervently wanted: a reason to launch—laid out like a dinner on the table.

“Enjoy your meal.”

There was a little something extra in the food. Not a virus. Instead, Sun Tzu spices.

As I wrote at the beginning of this article, I’m presenting a POSSIBLE description of a path the Chinese regime could be taking.

It IS possible. Imagine a small group of Chinese-government elite professionals looking at reports:

“With this fake pandemic operation, we will have MANY enemies we want to subdue. For a moment, let’s look at just one. Trump. We can’t let him reject the lockdowns. If he does, other nations might reject them, too. He believes he’s winning a trade war against us. He is effective along certain domestic fronts. He knows how to rally his supporters. He has great energy. He can inspire enthusiasm from his troops. He promotes a brand of nationalism, which strikes a deep note with many Americans, and which could be dangerous to us. His critics and opponents are, on the whole, ineffective. They’re annoying amateurs. Trump’s self-confidence, arrogance, his tendency to become irritated and lash out…this is what we have to focus on. These are strengths which can also be weaknesses. He will fail to see attacks coming from unexpected sources and directions. He thinks he sees the whole map of threats to his presidency. In this regard, he has limited perspective. He views his potential enemies as blunt aggressors—because he himself is blunt. He sees warfare as open clash, as direct leverage. There is where we have our opportunity. We need a subtle operation that, at first, looks like a peripheral problem or crisis. But when the vise closes quickly, it will be too late. Not only Trump, but the whole of America will be caught in the squeeze play. Of course, in the process, we’ll inflict economic damage on ourselves. ‘We’re victims, too,’ we’ll say. That will be our cover story…”

“Oh,” people reply again, “that’s impossible. The Chinese regime couldn’t be that devious. I mean, that plan has too many steps in it. Where’s the firepower? Where are the laser weapons flashing in space, you know, like we see in movies? Without that, there is no war.”

Well, when people insist the game has to look like tic-tac-toe with missiles, but the opponent is really playing chess or Go…Iron Man doesn’t come out on top.

2019. Chinese leadership: “Let’s enable our Globalist ‘friends’ to create a false pandemic and bury nations. We’ll only need to make a few moves on the board, and then they’ll do the rest. I suggest we call the operation the Sun Tzu Virus.”

Of course, the Chinese regime permits itself the right to exert an occasional PUSH and TWIST. To create torque and help events unfold. In that regard, a few key questions: What country has a huge and lopsided financial arrangement with the Chinese regime? What country has seen the Chinese pour gigantic amounts of money into its government coffers, and buy up its companies? What country is laboring under the undue influence of China? What country’s government might, therefore, take an enormous and dire action under more or less direct orders from Beijing? What country’s head of government SUDDENLY, without warning all its governors, locked down half the nation overnight? What country therefore created a new beachhead for lockdowns? If you’re looking for one country that answers EVERY question, its name is Italy. Once the center of the greatest renaissance since ancient Athens. Now masked and quarantined. And the new beachhead is Europe and the West.

One reason I’ve written this article? Given the existence of certain structures in this world—I’m imparting how easy it is to lock down a few billion people inside a reality egg.

FREEDOM involves cracking and climbing out of the egg.

—end of China/Sun Tzu article—

CODA, June 27. Over the past few months, we’ve witnessed Western imitations of China—in the form of behavior control. Attitude control. Among these imitations:

The shuttering of houses of worship.

People in the West are told to load outrageous contact tracing apps on their cell phones, and cooperate with spying against themselves.

The infamous Chinese social credit score system (ironclad behavior control) is mirrored by the tyrannical notion of “immunity certificates,” which, if approved, would need to be presented by US citizens in order to travel, enter office buildings, schools, etc.

The forced premature deaths of the elderly, under the cover of “demise by COVID,” is a straight-out exercise in population control, a device the Chinese government has deployed on its own population.

These are not accidents.

They are purposeful transformations.

At the root of it is the plan to raise up armies of citizens who are more than glad to sacrifice what is left of their own minds to a “Higher Altruistic Ideal.”

Thomas Paine, December, 1776: “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

Governments in Beijing and Washington and London might laugh in the face of these words. But they are uneasy. Because they know there is a power in the human soul they cannot understand…

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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COVID: The Chinese Regime, Sun Tzu and The Art of War Wed, 15 Apr 2020 01:18:58 +0000 This article is about the Chinese dictatorship and its agents, not the people of China

by Jon Rappoport

April 14, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

My longer-term readers know my position on the pandemic: an unproven claim of having discovered a new virus; diagnostic tests which are worthless, but open the door to the phony escalation of case numbers; the gathering and corralling of people who have DIFFERENT traditional diseases (and perhaps a few new non-viral conditions) under the meaningless umbrella term, “COVID-19”; the plan to introduce a toxic vaccine as the “solution.”

I fully realize there are several possible roles the Chinese regime could be playing in this global crisis. And by crisis, I mean lockdowns and economic devastation.

I’m laying out one possible role here.

To begin: The Chinese regime’s model of absolute control over its population is fully in line with Rockefeller-type Globalists’ model of control for all of Earth.

But the Beijing regime prefers to extend its own formidable Empire. It will cooperate with Globalist elites on certain operations, but only because the benefits accrue to China.

In the case of this pandemic illusion, the Chinese government would be pleased to contribute to nations locking down populations and closing out economic activity. Why? Because the result would be significant weakening of those nations—whom the Chinese regime views as opponents or potential satellites.

Weakening nations is also the ambition of Globalist elites, to be sure. Flailing countries are easier to take over. Easier to convert to a New Technocracy. A Brave New World.

But the Chinese leadership is not a basic Rockefeller partner. The China bosses are for China.

If, in the process of playing along with Globalists in this pandemic forgery, the Chinese nation absorbs economic losses and deaths of its own citizens, the regime is more than willing to write them off as necessary sacrifices. Temporary. “We bounce back quickly. Other nations are not so fortunate. They don’t have our level of power over their citizenry. They don’t have 1.4 billion people under a moment to moment gun.”

The next Chinese-regime idea: “We could try to unleash a killer virus, altered in a lab, on the whole of Earth, but this is ridiculous for many reasons. —Among which, the rebound effect on ourselves is unpredictable, and only in science fiction movies is there a magic antidote. Worse, all viruses are unstable and mutate very quickly, so we have no idea what would happen. A hundred dead, ten thousand dead before the virus mutates into a harmless variety. This strategy lacks what we want all the time, in every situation: control.”

The next idea: “But suppose we could launch the illusion of a pandemic. That would serve us well. In terms of our goals, it would be a success: economic destruction visited on our enemies. As a bonus, we buy bereft governments, more foreign companies, and more foreign land at bargain basement prices.”

The next idea: “We could lay out a ‘tempting meal’ for the obsessed virus hunters at the World Health Organization and the CDC. Help them go where they already want to go…”

In that regard, let’s travel back to the beginning, where it all started: Wuhan.

To the virus hounds from the CDC and WHO, the Chinese government COULD HAVE said:

“Yes, we have a little outbreak in Wuhan. Nothing serious, nothing unusual. We have people coming to hospital with flu and pneumonia. About 300,000 people die of pneumonia every year in China, for all sorts of reasons. In Wuhan, the elderly have a major health problem owing to the air quality—pneumonia. We’ve been working very hard to fix that. At one point, we were going to build an incinerator for burning waste in Wuhan, but we discovered the technology would have created more pollution, so we abandoned the idea. We want to come up with a better facility, and we will. We’re sensitive to the needs of our people…”

Yes, the Chinese regime could have said that, but they didn’t.

Consider an alternative scenario: The Chinese regime DECIDED to tell the Globalist Rockefeller-type CDC/WHO virus hounds exactly what they wanted to hear: a new coronavirus that had never infected humans before was on the loose. And THEN—and this was the key—the regime suddenly locked down three huge cities and quarantined 50 million people overnight.


THAT was the event that started the global ball rolling. No quarantine of such size had ever been tried before.

(In short order, the Hong Kong protests went away, the mainland protests against air pollution in major Chinese cities went away.)

The Globalist CDC and WHO drooled with joy, pushed a few buttons, and their whole epidemic PR apparatus swung into action.


Since then, the Chinese economy has taken a major hit. The country has been blamed, in some quarters, for spreading a deadly virus all over the globe. To which, of course, the Chinese regime replies: “What? We Chinese have been weakened greatly by the epidemic ourselves…”

Fast forward a few months. Who’s taking a hit now? The US, Italy, and many other countries. The US has shut down anything that moves. The US stock market and trading markets all over the world are tanking. Around the world, hundreds of millions of people have been thrown out of work, and untold numbers of small business owners have been driven into bankruptcy.


By “humbly acceding” to the authority and desire of the CDC and WHO—who always say they’ve found ‘a new deadly virus’—the Chinese government has helped engineer, in the freest and craziest and most powerful nation in the world, the USA, a massive lockdown similar to the one now ending in China.

Who does all this remind you of? It reminds me of the ancient Chinese general and philosopher, Sun Tzu (6th century BC), who wrote the erudite and wildly popular treatise, The Art of War.

Here is a sprinkling of Sun Tzu observations and advices. Read carefully.

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive…”

“If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”

“Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”

“Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.”

“If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him.”

“To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”

“…move swiftly where he [the enemy] does not expect you.”

“Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy’s unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions.”

—Getting the picture? Any bells ringing?

The Chinese regime: “Yes, Dr. CDC and Dr. WHO, it does appear, as you say, that here in China we have a new virus. You’re the experts. [Thought bubble: ‘You’re always willing to fake the discovery of new viruses.’] We bow to your wisdom. Certainly, we have to contain the virus. If we’ve somehow made a misstep here, we apologize. You’re the leaders in this field. Do what you think best. If alerts to national governments are in order, issue them. We’ll help. Do you think the spread will escalate?”

Meanwhile, in typical fashion, CDC and WHO haven’t done, and will never do, the necessary procedures for proving they’ve actually found a new virus (as I’ve described in other articles).

The Chinese government watches the epidemic propaganda start to lift off—and suddenly, as I just mentioned, locks down 50 million people for no rational medical reason—thus giving the Globalist CDC and WHO the shocking precedent for a super-con job, a super-story, a super-scenario, a fairy tale about a pandemic, an excuse to enact their own lock downs, across the whole planet.

Soon, one leader, who happens to be engaged in a trade battle with China—Trump—is boxed in. Usually arrogant, of choleric temperament, as Sun Tzu characterizes certain leaders, Trump must now dial back his attitude and go along. He believes he can’t buck the medical authorities. He believes he can’t do his usual THIS IS ALL FAKE NEWS punch to the gut. He can’t turn the stock market around by citing economic victories. He can’t talk about winning a trade war against the Chinese government. He’s stifled. Deflated, he has to go on TV, and read from script the measures he’s taking to “stop the spread of the virus.” —As he signs away more trillions of dollars the government doesn’t have.

Of course, many people refuse to believe there is a thing called subtlety in strategy, in covert warfare. “The Chinese government couldn’t be so clever.” Really? How about a regime which has a few thousand years of tradition behind it, based on the arts of covert operations? The current smash-and-grab Chinese dictatorship shows one face, but it is not their only face.

The dictatorship gave the CDC and WHO what they fervently wanted: a reason to launch—laid out like a dinner on the table.

“Enjoy your meal.”

There was a little something extra in the food. Not a virus. Instead, Sun Tzu spices.

As I wrote at the beginning of this article, I’m presenting a POSSIBLE description of a path the Chinese regime could be taking.

It IS possible. Imagine a small group of Chinese-government elite professionals looking at reports:

“With this fake pandemic operation, we have MANY enemies we want to subdue. For a moment, let’s look at just one. Trump. We can’t let him reject the lockdowns. If he does, other nations might reject them, too. He believes he’s winning a trade war against us. He is effective along certain domestic fronts. He knows how to rally his supporters. He has great energy. He can inspire enthusiasm from his troops. He promotes a brand of nationalism, which strikes a deep note with many Americans, and which could be dangerous to us. His critics and opponents are, on the whole, ineffective. They’re annoying amateurs. Trump’s self-confidence, arrogance, his tendency to become irritated and lash out…this is what we have to focus on. These are strengths which can also be weaknesses. He will fail to see attacks coming from unexpected sources and directions. He thinks he sees the whole map of threats to his presidency. In this regard, he has limited perspective. He views his potential enemies as blunt aggressors—because he himself is blunt. He sees warfare as open clash, as direct leverage. There is where we have our opportunity. We need a subtle operation that, at first, looks like a peripheral problem or crisis. But when the vise closes quickly, it will be too late. Not only Trump, but the whole of America will be caught in the squeeze play. Of course, in the process, we’ll inflict economic damage on ourselves. ‘We’re victims, too,’ we’ll say. That will be our cover story…”

“Oh,” people reply again, “that’s impossible. The Chinese regime couldn’t be that devious. I mean, that plan has too many steps in it. Where’s the firepower? Where are the laser weapons flashing in space, you know, like we see in movies? Without that, there is no war.”

Well, when people insist the game has to look like tic-tac-toe with missiles, but the opponent is really playing chess or Go…Iron Man doesn’t come out on top.

2019. Chinese leadership: “Let’s enable our Globalist ‘friends’ to create a false pandemic and bury nations. We’ll only need to make a few moves on the board, and then they’ll do the rest. I suggest we call the operation the Sun Tzu Virus.”

Of course, the Chinese regime permits itself the right to exert an occasional PUSH and TWIST. To create torque and help events unfold. In that regard, a few key questions: What country has a huge and lopsided financial arrangement with the Chinese regime? What country has seen the Chinese pour gigantic amounts of money into its government coffers, and buy up its companies? What country is laboring under the undue influence of China? What country’s government might, therefore, take an enormous and dire action under more or less direct orders from Beijing? What country’s head of government SUDDENLY, without warning all its governors, locked down half the nation overnight? What country therefore created a new beachhead for lockdowns? If you’re looking for one country that answers EVERY question, its name is Italy. Once the center of the greatest renaissance since ancient Athens. Now masked and quarantined. And the new beachhead is Europe and the West.

One reason I’ve written this article? Given the existence of certain structures in this world—I’m imparting how easy it is to lock down a few billion people inside a reality egg.

FREEDOM involves cracking and climbing out of the egg.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Apple kneels before China Mon, 21 Oct 2019 12:42:20 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

October 21, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

“You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won’t have it! Is that clear?!…You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multi-variate, multi-national dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and sub-atomic and galactic structure of things today! And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and You Will Atone!”
(Network, the 1976 film masterpiece, screenplay by Paddy Chayefsky)

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” (Edward Bernays, the father of public relations, 1928)

Money, money, and more money.

This piece is a follow-on from my recent article about the NBA, China, and the tyranny of Globalism.

As an illustration of MONEY FIRST policy, here is a brief quote:

“Fun fact: The company more or less responsible for the Opium wars and the annexation of Hong Kong still exists, still operates in China and is now a multi-billion dollar conglomerate that manages hotels, convenience stores and shipping lines…”

The British company is Jardine (Jardine Matheson).


“’It [Jardine] is never far from the front of public memory in China today’…Indeed, up the river from Hong Kong on the mainland, portraits of William Jardine and James Matheson stare down from walls inside the Opium War Museum in the industrial city of Dongguan. Beneath them, a label reads: ‘Opium Smuggler.”

The point? Forget “public Chinese memory.” Just in case anyone thinks the Chinese regime still holds a MONEY grudge for the devastating 19th century Opium Wars, which the British, urged on by Jardine, leveled against China, in order to force them to accept ongoing shipments of opium, addicting millions of people—the “hated Jardine” is doing billion-dollar business with China today.

Principles first, until the cash arrives.

And also, currently:

“In a new letter co-penned by a bipartisan group of members of Congress, federal lawmakers say they have ‘strong concern’ related to Apple’s recent actions in China. The letter, which is addressed to CEO Tim Cook, zeroes in on Apple’s decision earlier this month to remove HKMap, an app pro-democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong used to track the location of local law enforcement.”

“The letter goes on to criticize Apple for its other app removals. Citing data from an organization called GreatFire, it says, ‘Apple has censored at least 2,200 apps in China, which include Virtual Private Network apps used to circumvent China’s Great Firewall, and apps made by and for oppressed ethnic minorities, including the Uyghur and Tibetan communities’.”

Yes, the Apple leaders are really on the cutting edge of enlightenment, aren’t they? Superior consciousness. Grasp of global evolution. We’re all in this together. Unity. Citizens of the world. Heavens to Betsy, these spiritual masters aren’t just hawking cosmic bullshit about themselves. Certainly not.

“Yes, sir, we’ll cancel that app. Any other apps we can erase for you? Do you need any other favors? We love your 1.4 billion customers like first cousins. Do you need technical assistance for any purpose?”

Bow the head and bend the knee.

Big Tech savants and nerds across the board apparently still need a Daddy. They still need a pat on the head. There just aren’t enough Daddies in America. And they need a stern Daddy in a place like China. Generals in one army sometimes long to be privates in another army.

But no matter. The money makes the adrenaline flow.

Here are a few choice quotes from Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple:

“I don’t think that you’re born with gut [instinct], a gut matures and gets better and better over time, the struggle that most people have is learning to listen to it. Figuring out how to access it in some way. What I found is that even though I’m an engineer and an analytical person at heart the most important decisions I’ve made had nothing to do with any of that. They were always based on intuition.”

—Yes, for example, the gut instinct to just give in to the brutal Chinese regime. That was a personal revelation.

“The countries that embrace openness do exceptional and the countries that don’t, don’t. It’s not a matter of carving things up between sides. I’m going to encourage that calm heads prevail.”

—Yes, calmly give in to the Chinese regime because, after all, since they don’t embrace openness, they’ll dry up and blow away on their own, and we won’t have to worry about them anymore.

“We reject the excuse that getting the most out of technology means trading away your right to privacy. So we choose a different path, collecting as little of your data as possible, being thoughtful and respectful when it’s in our care because we know it belongs to you.”

—Of course, when the Chinese government rips away every possible shred of privacy from their 1.4 billion people, choose the well-worn path—kneel down and take the cash and help erase the possibility of communication between citizens.

“The privacy thing has gotten totally out of control. I think most people are not aware of who is tracking them, how much they’re being tracked and sort of the large amounts of detailed data that are out there about them.”

—The Chinese people are aware. But a whole lot of cash is on the table, and only a fool wouldn’t grab it. If that means aiding and abetting a monster regime, all parties will understand.

“I don’t think business should only deal in commercial things. Business, to me, is nothing more than a collection of people. If people have values, then companies should.”

—On the other hand, if governments don’t have values, but they do have money, make a deal. Who wouldn’t?

Public relations is a wondrous thing. In places like Cupertino, Mountain View, Seattle, Arlington, Menlo Park, and even the Chinese city of Dongguan at the Opium War Museum, it’s become a full-fledged religion.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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China, the NBA, and the massive face of Globalism Mon, 14 Oct 2019 13:50:14 +0000 Support the Hong Kong protestors against the brutal mainland Chinese regime

by Jon Rappoport

October 14, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

Let’s get one thing straight. The Chinese people, whether they appear happy or sad, support their government because they’re controlled. After generations of being beaten down, the population bows the head and bends the knee to slave masters. Call that freedom if you want to.

And if you really believe the situation in America is no better than the system in China, even with the amount of censorship alive and well in America, even with the rigging of this economy, try an experiment. Move to China and start publishing articles relentlessly critical of the government there. See what happens. Be sure to leave a copy of your last Will and Testament at home.

When the NBA commissioner and several players talk about loving their Chinese fans, they’re referring to victims of long-term terrorism. And if you press the NBA people on that point, they say, “We just want to play basketball, we just want the games.”

And they want the money. The Nike money, the Chinese money, the television money, the other merchandise money. More Chinese people than Americans watch the NBA playoffs on TV.

When, in a momentary fit of sanity, the General Manager of the Houston Rockets, Daryl Morey, retweeted FIGHT FOR FREEDOM, STAND WITH HONG KONG, the Chinese government launched a shit storm. Blacked out pre-season games, canceled press conferences, attacked NBA Commissioner Adam Silver for (partially and weakly) defending free speech. Now, calls are going out for Daryl Morey to resign from his job, to appease the Chinese government.

The big fear? A few global NBA stars would decide to step up and defend the million Hong Kong protestors, who want to knock down a bill that would allow China to extradite “criminal suspects” from Hong Kong to the mainland, where they can be charged, imprisoned, tortured, murdered. Those number one Hong Kong suspects would be persons who oppose the mainland Chinese regime.

The NBA stars, speaking out, could ignite a worldwide conflagration of public outrage aimed at the brutal government of China.

So far, that fear is unfounded. Social justice warriors LeBron James, (coaches) Steve Kerr and Gregg Popovich are silent on the specific issue of Hong Kong vs. China. No one connected to the NBA is addressing it.

We have what George Washington warned about: an entangling foreign alliance. The US, China, money.

You have to wonder at the curious timing of all this now. The Chinese government, seizing on one little tweet, blows sky high, just when NBA players, coaches, and the commissioner happen to be in China on a good will money-pumping tour. It’s as if the Chinese government wanted an excuse to attack the US, because Trump has been stirring the pot on US-China trade relations. Obliquely, the Communist dictatorship wants to demonstrate how far they’ll go to crack down against any outside criticism, and against readjustment of trade that currently favors China. Grossly favors China. (We’ll see just how good or bad the new Trump trade deal with China is.)

Who is in charge of keeping NBA players in a state of silence and compliance with the wishes of the Chinese leadership? The NBA, yes. But more importantly, the shoe companies. Nike, Adidas. They have enormous business in China. Mustn’t disturb THAT. Every famous NBA player has a big $$ shoe deal. Mustn’t endanger THAT money, either. So shut up. Play ball. Stay ignorant of politics.

Entangling alliances.

The Chinese leadership is, in effect, daring the NBA to cut ties with China and lose billions. “If your balls are made of money, we have you by the balls.”

Why did the Rockefellers want to open up China trade with the West those many years ago? Why not, say, populous India instead? After all, India had some budding semblance of a representative government. Contrasted against China, India was Thomas Paine. The Rockefellers favored China because they LIKED China’s system. Massive top-down control. Absolute censorship. Violent repression. Mind control. Thus, a way to own and direct huge numbers of people and pacify them through fear and terror. Decade after decade. A GOOD MODEL FOR THE WORLD.

An American friend described an incident he witnessed years ago when he was sitting on a tour bus in China. He and his buddy were the only Americans on board. An argument broke out between two Chinese tour guides at the front of the bus. At that moment, all the Chinese passengers bowed their heads and stared at the floor. This was their reflex reaction to a dispute between two low-level officials.

So you can imagine their responses to leadership at the top. Total submission.

These are the NBA fans who have a love affair with US players. And vice versa.

Orwell, 1984: “But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

Orwell: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”

Or perhaps a shoe, manufactured by Nike, in China.

Suppose MANY customers of Nike stop buying their shoes.

Suppose MANY NBA fans stop going to the games.

Suppose MANY viewers stop watching the games on TV.

Suppose MANY more social media users relentlessly spread messages supporting the Hong Kong protestors and exposing the brutal Chinese regime.

Suppose independent researchers begin publishing lists of products made in China and bought in the US, so consumers can avoid them.

Suppose many more people wake up to the fact that the economic glue that holds Globalism together is insane—domestic manufacturers abandon their home country and set up shop in places (like China) where they make their products far more cheaply; where wages are very low and environmental concerns are nil; and then, export those products for sale back home, thereby putting competing domestic companies out of business. Suppose many more people come to see this as economic suicide. Suppose they see Globalism itself as planned suicide. Planned to raise up certain countries ruled by brutal dictators, and sink other countries where some semblance of freedom still exists. And suppose they see this plan as a strategy for bringing about planet-wide repression under any label you care to use, but turns out to be Rule by Giant Corporations and Banks Colluding with Governments over All of Earth. No exceptions permitted.

And suppose the 7.7 billion targets of this plan realize they’re all the real Deplorables, and consequently say NO.

With the many avenues of communication available to us, that could be a tidal wave of NO.

If you want to dig still further down, into the basics of economics, consider: relatively free markets can only function within a context where the playing field is level for competitors—the costs of manufacturing, marketing, and selling products are the same for everyone. Once you permit the massive import of goods from places where those costs are radically lower, you are rigging the game. The home country suffers. Companies shut down. Workers have no jobs. The general level of prosperity, whatever it was, keeps decaying. No matter how you slant and massage the numbers, no matter how many cockeyed theories you spawn, the outcome is unavoidable.

Compound this engineered tragedy by permitting those massive imports to come from a country where the citizens are rigidly controlled by a criminal regime; enter into a huge number of economic agreements with that regime; turn a blind eye to what that regime has been doing to its people; and you have a sacrifice of freedom on all fronts.

Then there is a chokehold. And then, on any occasion, for any reason, the brutal regime will issue a command:

Don’t dare criticize us;

We’re in this together;

We have no principles and neither do you.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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What Trump Is Missing about China Thu, 12 Sep 2019 14:07:16 +0000 Who sends more contaminated poisoned products to the US than any other country?

by Jon Rappoport

September 12, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

This article would apply to any American president from either Party. It is about more than tariffs, more than trying to bring back US corporations from foreign lands. It’s about more than politics.

It’s about a subject every American is intensely interested in: personal health. And the overt poisoning of health.

And the president would announce, on global television:

“Do you think we should permit poisons to be imported into this country? I don’t. I’m talking about poisons that make people sick and kill them. For decades we have been allowing these poisons to come here, from China, AND THIS STOPS NOW. We will amp up our level of testing for all food products, medicines, vaccines, and other imports, AND THOSE WE FIND CONTAMINATED WE WILL SEND BACK TO CHINA AND REFUSE TO PAY FOR. AND IF THEY TRY TO SLIP THOSE PRODUCTS BACK INTO THE US THROUGH ANOTHER COMPANY WITH ANOTHER NAME, WE WILL BURN THE WHOLE SHIPMENT. IF AMERICANS CARE ABOUT THEIR HEALTH AND THE HEALTH OF THEIR CHILDREN, THEY WILL BACK ME UP TO THE HILT ON THIS. SOME PEOPLE WILL SAY I’M GRANDSTANDING. CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT TO. I’M PROTECTING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE FROM POISONING.”

At Natural News, Mike Adams recently wrote: “At my laboratory (CWC Labs), we’ve used mass spectrometry instrumentation to study lead exposure for the last six years… Over the years, we’ve…found high levels of lead and other metals in rice protein from China, which is grown in heavily polluted irrigation water that’s contaminated with industrial runoff from China’s factories… Thanks to the complete lack of environmental enforcement in industrial countries like China, lead pollution is spread around the world via air currents. China’s pollution becomes America’s soils contamination, and China does nothing to reduce emissions of toxic heavy metals and other substances. China is a cesspool of filth, corruption and pollution, and the food and supplement products manufactured in China are very often heavily contaminated as a result. (Yet somehow, all the ‘environmentalists’ in America never demand China take any action whatsoever to reduce its own pollution.)”

Reuters (2/18/19): “Major Chinese frozen food producer Sanquan Food Co Ltd said on Monday it has recalled products that may be contaminated with African swine fever, following media reports that some of its dumplings tested positive for the virus.”

Quartz (7/16/18): “…infant milk tragedy…a growing national disaster that would take the lives of six infants and sicken more than 300,000 babies…the [Chinese] national standards didn’t require testing for melamine [an industrial chemical]—no one had anticipated that milk producers would doctor their supplies with the chemical…the excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers in the 1980s…which has contaminated farmland, and could be transferred to cows that eat that grass. The government has only just started to tackle the problem [2018]…”

2019—Tainted blood plasma scandal…use of expired polio vaccine…

2018—Valsartan, a blood pressure medicine manufactured in China, is recalled by the FDA in the US, because it might contain carcinogenic material…

And so forth and so on. And so on.

You could ask the question this way: why can’t the US president try to protect the health and lives of Americans and stop imports of poisons? A better statement: if US health agencies are failing in their duties, the president MUST step forward and take drastic action.

This isn’t politics. This is LIFE on the line.

Or you could take a novel approach: “Let’s all be nice and polite and passive and try to pretend there is no problem.”

Some readers will reflexively ask, “What about pollution and contamination produced right here in America?” Yes, I’ve been writing about that for the past 35 years. This piece happens to be about CHINA.

The major reason Trump is missing this vital point vis-a-via China is: for him, the business of America is business, period. That’s called a blind spot. Another name for it is willful ignorance. Trump is far from the only one. It’s the same for all US presidents before him who have entered into trade deals with China. None of them have zeroed in on the overwhelming fact that Americans have been the end-users of contaminated and poisoned products. On the scale of importance, that fact has been pushed far down on the list of concerns.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Bang: another China vaccine scandal Mon, 23 Jul 2018 12:47:23 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 23, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Reuters: “The Food and Drug Administration said in a statement on Sunday evening that its investigation had found that Changsheng fabricates [vaccine] production records and product inspection records, and arbitrarily changes process parameters and equipment, ‘serious violations’ of the law.”

Tainted products from China? Who ever heard of such a thing? Isn’t China the most quality-conscious nation on the planet? No?

Here’s a headline on this story from (7/17): “Top Chinese rabies vaccine maker ordered to stop production over forged data.” Oops.

Fiercepharma: “China’s drug regulator just pulled a manufacturing permit for the country’s second-largest maker of rabies vaccines over data falsification, marking the latest episode in China’s drug safety scandal.”

“During an inspection, China’s State Drug Administration found Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences forged production records for its Vero cell-based rabies vaccines. The agency immediately moved to revoke the company’s GMP license tied to the vaccine—just three months after its issuance—and dispatched a team to investigate the incident on site, according to a Sunday statement…”

“In its announcement filed to Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Changchun, China-based company said it has started recalling all unexpired rabies vaccines, even though the batches under question weren’t released to the market, and it hasn’t received any adverse event report related to the quality of the vaccines through years of monitoring.”

“Changsheng’s recent scandal comes eight months after a batch, or 252,600 doses, of its diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis (DTP) combo shot was found below the potency requirement. It also comes shortly after the company became one of the first two companies to get Chinese approvals for quadrivalent flu vaccines.”

“Besides rabies, DTP and flu vaccines, Changsheng also sells vaccines against chickenpox, hepatitis A and group ACYW meningococcal. A small proportion of its business comes from abroad, including India, Cambodia, Egypt and Belarus, among others. It’s not yet clear whether it sells its rabies vaccines outside of China.”

CNBC drops this bomb: “It [the current China vaccine scandal] is very much a case of deja vu. China’s pharmaceutical industry has been exposed to a slew of scandals recently. Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical, a Shanghai-listed drug maker, found a toxic impurity called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in ingredients it exports to medicines for treating hypertension in laboratory tests. The substance, a by-product of industrial processes, is toxic to the liver and classified as a carcinogen for its ability to cause cancer in humans.”

I issued an extensive warning about China pharma in 2017. Here it is:

I’ll put it to you this way. Your child is about to get vaccinated. You believe in the efficacy of vaccines. In the doctor’s office, there is a large wheel. It has two sections. One is marked: ‘this injection for your child comes from the US or Germany.’ The other section is marked: ‘this injection for your child might come from China, or if not, the raw ingredients in the shot might come from China, and, keep in mind that even if the injection and the raw ingredients don’t come from China, in a pinch, because the Chinese vaccines are cheap, the US might buy the injection or the ingredients from China—now spin the wheel…and let’s see where the arrow stops…for your child’.

In the spring of 2016, a vaccine scandal erupted in China.

Time Magazine reported:

“Furious parents and health care professionals in China are demanding to know how almost $90 million of improperly stored and potentially fatal vaccines were distributed across some two-thirds of the country over the past five years, in the latest public-health scandal to raise serious questions over the efficacy of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule.”

“According to state media, a mother and daughter from eastern China’s Shandong province have been caught peddling 25 kinds of unrefrigerated vaccines — including for polio, mumps, rabies, hepatitis B, encephalitis and meningococcal diseases — to medical facilities across 24 Chinese provinces since 2010.”

“Inflaming the public backlash, authorities had apparently known about the case since last April, though only publicized the news late Friday in a belated attempt to trace potential victims. Moreover, the elder suspect, a 47-year-old woman surnamed Pang, had apparently been convicted of the same offense in 2009 but only received a suspended sentence. State media admitted the compromised inoculations could have resulted in paralysis and even death.”

“’Twenty-four provinces, five years already, and how many children! It’s been nearly a year and then they reveal this! Isn’t this genocide? Words cannot express how angry I am!’ posted one user of China’s Twitter-like microblog Weibo, reports the BBC.”

“’This is a matter of life and death,’” one Beijing-based doctor told Radio Free Asia. ‘They should make an announcement about this as soon as possible … so we can locate these items and cut off the supply, so no more people are harmed.’”

Major media couldn’t even keep their stories straight.

The NY Times, reporting on the China scandal, and relying on the World Health Organization (a PR front for the vaccine industry) took an assuring tone:

“Despite such fears, the tainted vaccines are more likely to be ineffective than harmful…The World Health Organization has said that outdated or poorly stored vaccines rarely if ever trigger illness or toxic reactions. Chinese government investigators said last week that they had not found any cases of adverse reactions or spikes in infections linked to ineffective vaccines.”


Perhaps editors at the NY Times and the World Health Organization would like to prove their faith and confidence by taking shots in the arm of those spoiled vaccines.

Now, here are quotes from an excellent article by Marco Caceres at (4/13/16). The article points up the uncertainty about whether processed and/or raw vaccine ingredients are entering the US from China:

“The past few weeks, there have been a series of news reports coming out of China revealing that thousands of doses of improperly stored and expired vaccines for children and adults were illegally sold for millions of dollars on the black market by more than 100 people associated with Chinese companies and vaccination centers.”

“Most Americans do not understand that many pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, are not made in the United States and foreign pharmaceutical companies are not subject to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quality control regulations.”

“It is unclear what percentage of the vaccines currently used in the United States are made by Chinese pharmaceutical companies in China or by Western companies with manufacturing facilities in China. We do know that major U.S. and European vaccine makers such as Merck & Co., GlaxoSmithKline plc, and Sanofi Pasteur SA maintain vaccine manufacturing operations in China, that this activity is on the rise, and that Western vaccine makers are also establishing joint venture partnerships with Chinese vaccine companies.”

“Consequently, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish which vaccines are manufactured by American and European firms and which are produced by the Chinese. A 2012 article in USA Today, however, did report that the FDA estimates that 80% of the ingredients in pharmaceuticals [only drugs, or vaccines as well?] produced by U.S. companies and 40% of the ‘finished medications’ Americans take come from outside the U.S. and, increasingly they come from China and India.”

“The article cited a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report that found the FDA inspects drug manufacturing facilities in China and India only once every 14 years, and that FDA inspectors are not permitted to enter those facilities unannounced. USA Today noted that, according to the GAO report, ‘Up to two-thirds of foreign pharmaceutical sites have never undergone an FDA inspection’.”

So: even if you believe in the safety and efficacy of vaccines, do you want to spin the big wheel in the doctor’s office? Do you want to take a chance? Do you want to have your child injected?

Do you want to say, “Well, the news media and the government and the experts and the doctors all tell me vaccines are safe, so I’ll go along with that. I’ll believe. And I’ll risk the future and the life of my child on that belief.”

Do you?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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The current killer opioid epidemic and the great 19th century Opium Wars against China Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:07:36 +0000 Alert: Some of these drugs are not simply addicting; they cause instant death.

by Jon Rappoport

October 24, 2017

(To join our email list, click here.)

In this article, I present several pieces of information side by side. These would be starting points for further investigation.

ONE: The UK Daily Mail: “…not just heroin. It had been mixed with two lethal man-made opioids – fentanyl, a painkiller 100 times more potent than morphine; and carfentanyl, an elephant tranquilliser 10,000 times stronger than street heroin.”

“Now the drugs have arrived in Britain – and a spate of sudden deaths in Hull, the worst incident in the UK so far, shows their devastating impact. Just a few grains of carfentanyl – 0.00002g – can be fatal.”

“These lethal drugs have begun cropping up across the country – first found in Blyth, Northumberland, then suspected in deaths and drug busts from Leeds to London, St Albans to Southampton, Wakefield to Winchester, and Wales to Northern Ireland.”

TWO: In the 19th century, selling opium to China was very big business for England. Of course, addictive opium was devastating to China, who tried to stop the trade. Two Opium Wars against China (1839-42 and 1856-60) followed. The Encyclopedia Britannica states:

“In each case the foreign powers were victorious and gained commercial privileges and legal and territorial concessions in China [including the uninterrupted sale of opium]. The conflicts marked the start of the era of unequal treaties and other inroads on Qing sovereignty that helped weaken and ultimately topple the dynasty [which had ruled since 1644]…”

It would be hard to overstate the lasting fury and resentment of Chinese rulers against the foreign powers who defeated and humiliated them in the Opium Wars.

THREE: Flash forward. FOX Business, March 31, 2017. Headline: “DEA: Made in China Lethal Opioid Fueling US Drug Epidemic.”

“A homemade designer version of fentanyl, the highly addictive opioid which is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent, has been the center of drug busts across the country this month—with law enforcement pinpointing its origin from underground labs in China. The DEA says the China-U.S. supply is further fueling the country’s drug epidemic.”

“’This [Chinese] stuff is unbelievably potent. It is so powerful that even a tiny amount can kill you,’ DEA spokesman Rusty Payne tells FOX Business. ‘China is by far the most significant manufacturer of illicit designer synthetic drugs. There is so much manufacturing of new drugs, [it’s] amazing what is coming out of China. Hundreds of [versions], including synthetic fentanyl and fentanyl-based compounds’.”

“China only made the drug [fentanyl] illegal in 2015, and at that point black market Chinese labs began increasing production of their own versions, including the one turning up recently across the country [the US] called furanyl fentanyl.”

“’While heroin gets harder to buy on the street or from a dealer, fentanyl comes via FedEx,’ Brad Lamm, CEO of, tells FOX Business.”

“Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez announced this week details on a mail-order furanyl fentanyl smuggling ring bust. The operation had been bringing the drug — which has been dubbed ‘White China’ — into the U.S from Asia. NYPD Chief of Detective Bob Boyce said that this was the first time investigators have seen this type of fentanyl in New York City.”

“Also this week, Cincinnati Customs and Border Protection agents said they seized 83 shipments of illegal synthetic drugs, including 36 pounds of furanyl fentanyl, from China.”

“[DEA spokesman] Payne says China has ‘really stepped up lately,’ working hand-in-hand with the U.S. to help curb this growing problem. In January, DEA acting administrator Chuck Rosenberg was invited to China to meet with Beijing drug control officials at the invitation of the China Ministry of Public Security.”

FOUR: The Boston Globe: “An extremely powerful drug used as an elephant tranquilizer has quickly become a new killer in the nation’s opioid epidemic, and New England authorities and health workers are bracing for its arrival.”

“The drug, carfentanil, is a synthetic opioid that is 10,000 times stronger than morphine and 100 times more potent than fentanyl, another deadly synthetic opioid.”

“The Drug Enforcement Administration has issued a nationwide alert about the drug, which its acting chief called ‘crazy dangerous.’ In Massachusetts, State Police have warned their crime lab staff about how to handle carfentanil during analysis. Even inhaling the drug or absorbing it through a cut can be fatal.”

“Law enforcement and health officials believe most users do not know they are ingesting carfentanil, which apparently is often mistakenly thought to be heroin or a mixture of heroin and fentanyl, a weaker but still lethal synthetic opioid.”

“If carfentanil’s trade route is similar to that of fentanyl, the path stretches from Chinese manufacturers to Mexican processors to smugglers who supply dealers in the United States, law enforcement officials said.”

“’There’s no quality control, so when it gets here the distributors don’t know what they have and the user has no idea,’ said Timothy Desmond, a special agent with the New England division of the DEA. ‘That’s where it’s a game of Russian roulette’.”

“Hamilton County officials are baffled by the marketing strategy behind such a lethal drug. ‘It doesn’t really make sense that you would want to kill your customers’,” Fallon said.

“Law enforcement officials also are concerned that carfentanil will harm first responders. The DEA has warned police not to conduct field tests on seized drugs that might contain carfentanil. Instead, the agency urged officers to secure their samples and deliver them only to colleagues with training and equipment to handle the drug.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Ready to inject your child with “safe” vaccines from China? Sun, 05 Feb 2017 12:05:53 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

February 5, 2017

(To join our email list, click here.)

I’ll put it to you this way. Your child is about to get vaccinated. You believe in the efficacy of vaccines. In the doctor’s office, there is a large wheel. It has two sections. One is marked: “this injection for your child comes from the US or Germany.” The other section is marked: “this injection for your child might come from China, or if not, the raw ingredients in the shot might come from China, and, keep in mind that even if the injection and the raw ingredients don’t come from China, in a pinch, because the Chinese vaccines are cheap, the US might buy the injection or the ingredients from China—now spin the wheel…and let’s see where the arrow stops…for your child.”

In the spring of 2016, a vaccine scandal erupted in China.

Time Magazine reported:

“Furious parents and health care professionals in China are demanding to know how almost $90 million of improperly stored and potentially fatal vaccines were distributed across some two-thirds of the country over the past five years, in the latest public-health scandal to raise serious questions over the efficacy of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule.”

“According to state media, a mother and daughter from eastern China’s Shandong province have been caught peddling 25 kinds of unrefrigerated vaccines — including for polio, mumps, rabies, hepatitis B, encephalitis and meningococcal diseases — to medical facilities across 24 Chinese provinces since 2010.”

“Inflaming the public backlash, authorities had apparently known about the case since last April, though only publicized the news late Friday in a belated attempt to trace potential victims. Moreover, the elder suspect, a 47-year-old woman surnamed Pang, had apparently been convicted of the same offense in 2009 but only received a suspended sentence. State media admitted the compromised inoculations could have resulted in paralysis and even death.”

“’Twenty-four provinces, five years already, and how many children! It’s been nearly a year and then they reveal this! Isn’t this genocide? Words cannot express how angry I am!’ posted one user of China’s Twitter-like microblog Weibo, reports the BBC.”

“’This is a matter of life and death,’” one Beijing-based doctor told Radio Free Asia. ‘They should make an announcement about this as soon as possible … so we can locate these items and cut off the supply, so no more people are harmed.’”

Just to show how panicked the vaccine establishment is about the current wave of public awakening—sparked in part by revelations in the movie Vaxxed—major media couldn’t even keep their stories straight.

The NY Times, reporting on the China scandal, and relying on the World Health Organization (a PR front for the vaccine industry) took an assuring tone:

“Despite such fears, the tainted vaccines are more likely to be ineffective than harmful…The World Health Organization has said that outdated or poorly stored vaccines rarely if ever trigger illness or toxic reactions. Chinese government investigators said last week that they had not found any cases of adverse reactions or spikes in infections linked to ineffective vaccines.”


Perhaps editors at the NY Times and the World Health Organization would like to prove their faith and confidence by taking shots in the arm of those spoiled vaccines.

Now, here are quotes from an excellent article by Marco Caceres at (4/13/16). The article points up the uncertainty about whether processed and/or raw vaccine ingredients are entering the US from China:

“The past few weeks, there have been a series of news reports coming out of China revealing that thousands of doses of improperly stored and expired vaccines for children and adults were illegally sold for millions of dollars on the black market by more than 100 people associated with Chinese companies and vaccination centers.”

“Most Americans do not understand that many pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, are not made in the United States and foreign pharmaceutical companies are not subject to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quality control regulations.”

“It is unclear what percentage of the vaccines currently used in the United States are made by Chinese pharmaceutical companies in China or by Western companies with manufacturing facilities in China. We do know that major U.S. and European vaccine makers such as Merck & Co., GlaxoSmithKline plc, and Sanofi Pasteur SA maintain vaccine manufacturing operations in China, that this activity is on the rise, and that Western vaccine makers are also establishing joint venture partnerships with Chinese vaccine companies.”

“Consequently, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish which vaccines are manufactured by American and European firms and which are produced by the Chinese. A 2012 article in USA Today, however, did report that the FDA estimates that 80% of the ingredients in pharmaceuticals [only drugs, or vaccines as well?] produced by U.S. companies and 40% of the ‘finished medications’ Americans take come from outside the U.S. and, increasingly they come from China and India.”

“The article cited a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report that found the FDA inspects drug manufacturing facilities in China and India only once every 14 years, and that FDA inspectors are not permitted to enter those facilities unannounced. USA Today noted that, according to the GAO report, ‘Up to two-thirds of foreign pharmaceutical sites have never undergone an FDA inspection’.”

So: even if you believe in the safety and efficacy of vaccines, do you want to spin the big wheel in the doctor’s office? Do you want to take a chance? Do you want to have your child injected?

Do you want to say, “Well, the news media and the government and the experts and the doctors all tell me vaccines are safe, so I’ll go along with that. I’ll believe. And I’ll risk the future and the life of my child on that belief.”

Do you?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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