coercion – Jon Rappoport's Blog Fri, 27 Nov 2020 14:49:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rebellion rising; the people have had enough Fri, 27 Nov 2020 14:49:02 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

November 27, 2020

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Signs of the times—

Large anti-lockdown protests are sweeping across Europe. Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the UK, Poland. The media are trying to put a lid on coverage of these momentous events.

In Southern California, five sheriffs of populous counties (17 million people) are refusing to enforce Governor Newsom’s new curfew order. A petition to recall the governor is gaining steam.

In New York, members of the Chasidic sect held a wedding attended by several thousand people, sitting closely packed without masks.

In a more intimate setting, up close and powerfully personal, gym members and owners in Buffalo, New York, shouted down cops and a public health officer, who had entered the gym because the gathering exceeded the prescribed limit. The gym personnel drove out the cops and followed them, to make sure they left the property.

In Buffalo, protestors came to the house of Erie County Executive, Mark Poloncarz, to express their anger at new lockdown restrictions. The protest was also aimed at New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Sheriffs in Fulton and Erie Counties (New York) are refusing to enforce Thanksgiving lockdowns which limit the number of people in private homes.

In various areas of England, police have warned government officials they’re “sitting on a time bomb,” because lockdown rules make it illegal for two or more families to gather together for Christmas—and law-enforcement personnel are permitted to invade homes where violations are occurring. The time bomb is, of course, huge numbers of outraged citizens.

In Australia, Qantas airline CEO Alan Joyce announced that travelers will be able to fly only after receiving the COVID vaccine, once it is approved. Soon afterwards, Joyce stood at a podium at an event to give a speech, and a grizzled Aussie walked up to him and shoved a pie in his face.

Two women saw New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy eating dinner at a restaurant with his family. He was maskless. “You’re such a dick!” one woman told him. Murphy has just extended his state’s lockdown, the ninth time he has done so since March. At his dinner table, Murphy tried to remain calm. He put on his mask.

Andrew Kudrick, the police chief of Howell Township in New Jersey, says he won’t enforce the governor’s “draconian” limit of 10 people for Thanksgiving dinners.

The CDC has told Americans to stay home for Thanksgiving. Last weekend, two million Americans boarded flights.

In a form of silent protest, 300,000 residents of New York have left the city since pandemic restrictions began.

It should be noted that, among the several hundred thousand (or more) Trump supporters who gathered in Washington DC, at a Stop The Steal rally, few people wore masks, and no one paid attention to social distancing regulations.

Across America, without fanfare, pockets of the economy are wide open—no masks, no distancing, no one is paying attention to government regulations.

The walls of lockdown fascism are cracking, in large ways and small. Actually, there is no small. Every act inspired by the fire of freedom counts.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Immunity certificates and health-passes are a hoax Tue, 24 Nov 2020 15:02:10 +0000 What’s in your wallet? A virtue signal?

by Jon Rappoport

November 24, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

In this article, I once again enter the fictitious world of official science, where the virus is real, it is attacking people, the test is accurate, the case numbers are meaningful, the vaccine is necessary. Even within that lunatic world, the experts can’t keep their story straight. The contradictions are giant neon signs in the sky, for people who can see.

There are two forms of immunity certificates or health passes. One declares the person has recently tested negative for the virus. The other states the person has received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Untold numbers of people believe the certificates make them “safe.”

Qantus Airlines has announced an immunity certificate, showing the passenger has taken the upcoming COVID vaccine, will be required for air travel. The company’s CEO says he expects all airlines will eventually follow suit.

The Daily Mail: “Britons are set to be given Covid ‘freedom passes’ as long as they test negative for the virus twice in a week, it has been suggested.”

“The details of the scheme are still being ironed out by officials in Whitehall, who hope it will allow the country to get back to normal next year.”

Later in the article, “tested twice in one week” is changed to “tested regularly” and “tested once a month.”

So why were NBA basketball players tested EVERY DAY, throughout their whole time living inside a quarantined bubble in Orlando, Florida? Because, according to official science, the virus is everywhere and no one is safe.

The athletes don’t carry immunity certificates. Their medical staffs and the league require constant testing.

A test once a month, or two tests during a single week, mean nothing. A person can carry around an immunity certificate on his cell phone and flash it to enter an office building…but in truth, he’s infected with the virus at that very moment.

The CDC has stated that in the first 11 weeks of the pandemic, there were 30,000 cases in 99 countries. Accepting this report (because, remember, we’re visiting the world of official science), it’s obvious that testing once a week would be meaningless. The virus is an infiltrator like no other ever known in human history.

The other version of a health-pass would be issued after injection with the COVID vaccine. “You’re good, you’re immune, you’re an elite member of the citizen sheep…”

Let’s go to the official experts to see if that’s true. It turns out the two biggest public health agencies in the world are talking out of both sides of their mouths. If they were auto safety inspectors issuing reports, you’d opt for horse and carriage transport.

The World Health Organization makes a watered-down “could-be, maybe, not sure” statement: “It’s too early to know if COVID-19 vaccines will provide long-term protection. Additional research is needed to answer this question. However, it’s encouraging that available data suggest that most people who recover from COVID-19 develop an immune response that provides at least some protection against reinfection – although we’re still learning how strong this protection is, and how long it lasts.”

“It’s also not yet clear how many doses of a COVID-19 vaccine will be needed. Most COVID-19 vaccine being tested now are using two dose regimens.”

Hmm. Not very assuring.

The CDC offers its own vague statement about both natural immunity and vaccine-derived immunity: “The protection someone gains from having [a COVID-19] infection (called natural immunity) varies depending on the disease, and it varies from person to person. Since this virus is new, we don’t know how long natural immunity might last. Some early evidence—based on some people—seems to suggest that natural immunity may not last very long.”

“Regarding vaccination, we won’t know how long immunity lasts until we have a vaccine and more data on how well it works. Both natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity are important aspects of COVID-19 that experts are trying to learn more about, and CDC will keep the public informed as new evidence becomes available.”

Again, not assuring.

Some scientists have suggested the vaccine will need to be administered once every two years, or once a year, like a flu shot.

They don’t know. That’s the bottom line.

Therefore, an immunity certificate stating, “This person is immune after receiving the vaccine,” would be a presumption. Or more accurately, a guess. Better yet, a feel-good placebo and virtue signal.

“I’m following orders. I got the shot. I’m doing my part to save the world. Look at me. I’m wearing my cell phone hanging from a chain around my neck. Notice the immunity certificate on the screen? I don’t have to wear a mask while I take a shower anymore. I’m free…”

I can see the news story now: “John Q Public has been identified as a COVID-19 super-spreader. But John Q received the COVID vaccine just six weeks ago. This extraordinary turn of events has experts puzzled and alarmed. Dr. Finagle Choo-Choo, from the University of Cash and Carry, states a bad batch of vaccines could have been responsible. ‘Stuff happens,’ Choo-Choo told the Associated Press…”

To which a science blogger living in mommy’s basement will reply, “But the vaccine is better than nothing. We’re working with probabilities here…”

Indeed we are. We’re working with probabilities based on guesses and money the vaccine manufacturers are raking in, and based on lies and maybes and tap-dancing.

Furthermore, as I’ve reported several times in these pages, citing a devastating fact even the New York Times and the Washington Post felt obligated to admit, the major clinical trials of the vaccine are not designed to prevent serious cases of COVID.

Instead, they are structured to prevent minor COVID chills and fever, or a cough. So the whole vaccine program is a joke. And therefore, immunity certificates based on vaccination are useless.

Furthermore, no official scientific group is claiming the vaccine prevents transmission of the virus from person to person. It’s yet one more “we don’t know.”

The immunity certificates are a method of conditioning people to fall in line with medical dictators who want to steal their freedom. And of course, anyone who receives a certificate is entered into a database. Otherwise known as surveillance.

I say, if someone shows you an immunity certificate, shout, “SUPER-SPREADER,” fall down, mimic massive tremors, then stand up and stagger away.

It provides a nice balance to the propaganda circulating these days.

And with that, I exit from the lunatic world of official science, and return readers to my more than 200 articles on the pandemic hoax, and to the actual and true world in which no one has proved the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists, the diagnostic test is useless and deceptive, the case and death numbers are meaningless, and vaccines are dangerous and ineffective.

And remember, every fake problem breeds a multitude of fake solutions. I predict the rise of a new industry based on forging immunity certificates.

A few of these criminal groups of forgers will be sponsored by intelligence agencies. They’ll help spread media stories about “phony certificates” as opposed to “real ones”—thus cementing the notion that there ARE real and meaningful ones, when in fact ALL immunity certificates, no matter their origin, are useless frauds.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Ticketmaster fascism, Biden lockdown and population reduction, patriots, the war for freedom Wed, 18 Nov 2020 14:21:58 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

November 18, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Ticketmaster has a plan.

In order to open up venues and stage music concerts again, audience members would have to show proof of vaccination or a recent negative virus test. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to purchase a ticket.

Perfect. A stadium full of obedient, self-congratulating sheep. What will the musicians be playing? Funeral marches?

But this is only step one in the larger process. Think it through. Eventually, no one will have to show proof, because, beyond Ticketmaster’s manipulations, EVERYONE’S medical status will be accessible on a database.

That’s what these “show-proof” training exercises are conditioning people for.

This IS the new world order in action. Want to shop, get a haircut, fly, go to the office, enter a public space? You’re already tagged. AI has you in the database. You’ve been tested or vaccinated, or no dice.

So if you think rebellion is unnecessary, think again. The world locked down, up, and sideways: technocracy loves you only if you obey.

Biden’s nightmare COVID task force is taking shape, as his handlers keep propping him up and pretending the election was on the up and up. Dr. Michael Osterholm, playing the stern schoolmaster, is painting a picture of a dark winter; he wants a national lockdown in all states. EVERYBODY would go on federal welfare, to tide them over, until the experts say it’s safe to tip-toe outside.

No problem. Just stop the whole economy. We didn’t really need it anyway. Only deplorables want to work.

Another new task force member, Dr. Zeke Emanuel, who is, of course, a bioethicist, has stated in the past that 75 years of life for any individual is quite enough. After that, it’s time to die. No reason to take up space.

Does he know Biden’s age? Does he know that the overwhelming percentage of so-called COVID deaths is occurring in the elderly? Perhaps he does. He certainly should. He’s an expert.

Therefore, he’s not only a bioethicist, he’s a population reductionist. Exactly the man we need to “lead the response to the virus.” It’s easy: let the elderly die. That takes care of that. The simplest solutions are often best.

We can assume the Biden task force will push for a MANDATED COVID vaccine. After all, it’s already paid for. The leading candidates are RNA vaccines. The technology has never been approved for any prior drug or vaccine. It’s experimental.

In previous clinical trials, it caused serious problems. Excessive inflammatory responses. That’s a nice way of saying the body attacks itself.

Let’s see. A vast experiment, commanded from Control Central. A whole nation of guinea pigs, under the gun to take the shot. Does that remind you of a past precedent in, say, Germany?

If not, don’t worry. History doesn’t matter.

I’ve spent the last nine months, in over 200 articles, dismantling the lunatic fairy tale of a “pandemic,” from every significant factual angle. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been proven to exist. The PCR test spits out false-positives like coins from a rigged slot machine, thereby creating fake case numbers, which are used to justify the lockdowns and the economic devastation, which happens to be the real aim of the operation.

COVID is the latest titanic tremor in a long series of globalist shocks aimed at civilization.

One of the prominent features of the disintegration we’ve been witnessing is the cancelation of all rational debate. This nihilistic approach asserts that an idea is worthless if the person advancing the idea has a “personal flaw.”

Aside from the puerile fallacy of attacking the person and failing to examine the idea, the whole campaign is mindless, because every person can be criticized for having a flaw. Therefore, no idea under the sun is worth considering or putting into practice.

At the bottom of this rabbit hole of anarchy, we finally come to Good versus Evil.

Remember the story of St. George and the Dragon? Here is an abridged version:

This vile creature, who lives in a pond, controls a city of terrified citizens. It emits venom into the water and the earth. The people offer sacrifices as placation: their animals, and then their children. But this effort fails. Finally, the king’s daughter, the princess, is sent to be devoured by the dragon—at which point St. George arrives. The princess, in an act of astonishing sacrifice and purity, tries to send St. George away, in order to protect him. He refuses. He charges the dragon and wounds it with his lance, and then beheads it with his sword.

The triumph of Good over Evil.

But in our world, for a long period of time, many successful operations have been carried out, to transform people into the dragon.

Large numbers of citizens now view The Good as the enemy.

What is good and pure and righteous must be destroyed.

In our city, the perception becomes: “the population is being controlled by St. George, and the dragon arrives to save the day.”

This reversal of Good and Evil, of course, is invisible to the “normals,” who have been trained to believe in official authority.

Modern dragons hate freedom. They want to kill it. They hate what is pure. They want to deface it. They hate ideas. They want to cancel them.

This tyranny will fall.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end…To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” CS Lewis, 1948.

This tyranny will fall, and as it does, the kind smiling face of the leader, the blank face of the bureaucrat, the arrogant face of the scientist will show their dragon’s rictus behind their masks.

The COVID lockdown fraud; the economic devastation; the march toward socialism; the anarchy of looting and burning and assault; the technocratic slavery of surveillance; censorship of truth; the forced unification of collectivist thought; all parts of the same fascist obsession for control.

Those who know freedom are resisting, and will resist. A critical mass is drawing closer. Force from above will not deter it. Evil is overplaying its hand.

You and I are not on this Earth to give in.

The sun does not rise in the morning to shine on eight billion domesticated human animals.

The sun does not choose to shine only on the rancid scum who want to rule us.

The war of thousands of years to establish individual freedom was not fought so we could lay freedom aside like some tired possession. The freedom of each one of us is always there, waiting to be acted upon.

It never dies. In spirit, neither do we.

“The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” Thomas Paine, October 23, 1776.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Stop the vote-steal, stop the Biden plan for federal slavery Tue, 10 Nov 2020 14:54:52 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

November 10, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Thomas Paine: “…the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

The nation and the world are awash in growing chaos. Addled minds are reaching out for rescue from the very governments who have locked them down, who have destroyed businesses and jobs and the right to work.

Freedom is not “everything for free.” Freedom is not forever on the dole. Freedom is not dependence on tyrants who babble on and on about “the virus” and “case numbers” and “the need for more containment.”

Those false citations are the occasion for their real objective: humans in chains.

If you still know, in your belly and your heart and your brain, what freedom means, what freedom is…and if you WANT freedom…

Then these are times that try your soul.

This is the time that still has hope.

This is the time to join the people who want freedom.

Here is the acid test. Look around. Which group of people are more for freedom? Those who support Trump or those who support Biden?

For the past month, I’ve been explaining that Biden is worse than Trump. I’ve made that case. Trump offers glints of light, Biden wants darkness. [1] [2] [3]

Biden’s “national plan” for COVID is slavery. Masks for everyone; testing and contact tracing and lockdowns and the vaccine, commanded and organized and expanded from the federal level—brushing aside all objections from the states.

That plan is now taking shape. Biden’s handlers are reaching out to governors to sign on to one grand system for dealing with the “pandemic.” [4] It’s happening. The steamroller.

Brushing aside all objections from The People.

Can you see that? I hope to God you can.

After reading many reports of vote-fraud in the election, I’m convinced all the battleground states are up for grabs. The announced totals are not to be believed or accepted. Neither are the networks claims of a Biden victory.

STOP THE STEAL is a legitimate movement, with evidence in hand and righteous purpose [5]. Getting people to show up at all 50 state capitals is being orchestrated by Patriot Ali Alexander [6] to great success. Independent media stars Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich have jumped on board. So have other influential independent media personalities. So have truckers. So have bikers. And many more. There is a major rally/march for Trump in Washington DC this Saturday, Nov 14, 12 noon. If you can’t make it to DC, consider being at your state capitol, this Saturday, 12 noon. Click here to learn more.

I’m with the truckers and the bikers, and the millions of people who voted for Trump, not because of Trump, but because the millions who voted for him want freedom.

“National plan” and “cohesive strategy” are code for bringing down the hammer on all of us, based on a fake COVID test and fake case and death numbers.

Read this, from the Associated Press—“As cases rise, states say they’ll work with Biden on virus”: [4]

“The incoming Biden administration is promising a cohesive national strategy to combat the worsening coronavirus outbreak, something many public health officials and Democratic governors say they welcome after months of mixed messaging under the Trump administration.”

“Consistency about the need to wear a mask to reduce the virus spread is just a start. Among other things, they say they need help with testing and contact tracing, deploying an eventual vaccine and more money to shore up their budgets, including to help keep schools open.”

“Biden on Monday announced members of a coronavirus task force and his staff started reaching out to governors. In New Mexico, Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham praised Biden for ‘leading with science and de-politicizing the federal government’s pandemic response’.”

“’New Mexico is an example of the fact that even the best state-level policies are insufficient on their own,’ she said in a statement. ‘The entire country, including the people of New Mexico, deserves the full force of the federal government to address the ongoing emergency and it is encouraging to see President-elect Biden preparing to do exactly that’.”

“Another Democrat, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, praised Biden’s embrace of a national strategy to combat the virus…”

“’Conscious decisions were made in states to approach this differently, and some states had better outcomes. But here’s the deal: it was only a matter of time before we’re in this with all 50 states, and it’s bleeding over,’ he [Walz] said. ‘So I have been asking for a long time for a concerted national strategy around this. I think that starts today’.”

“Biden’s announcement of a virus task force on Monday coincided with tougher actions or statements from a number of governors, including Republicans, as COVID-19 cases soared past 10 million in the U.S. and deaths were approaching 240,000.”

“In Utah, Republican Gov. Gary Herbert ordered a statewide mask mandate for the first time late Sunday. He also is pausing extracurricular school activities, along with most sports and social gatherings with people outside the household.”

“Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, also a Republican, required masks Monday in businesses such as salons and massage parlors where customers and employees are in close contact for more than 15 minutes…”

“While the federal government under Trump set up testing centers in some places and has funded tests, public health experts have said there has not been an adequate national strategy for testing or contact-tracing, which is also carried out largely at the local level…”

This is a doomsday machine.

Life on Earth is not meant to be lived this way.

Technocrats must always have a plan, in which we are units to be fitted into slots. This is their sickness.

We are the cure.

This is the war.








The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Time magazine features The Great Reset slimeball edition for your edification Wed, 04 Nov 2020 14:13:49 +0000 And a few words about Trump, who does not happen to be the messiah

by Jon Rappoport

November 4, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

On the eve of the election, burning pots of snake powder and chanting spells, hoping for a Biden victory, Time magazine published a monster feature, called The Great Reset.

The fabrication features bloviations from “leading thinkers,” all pointing to the need for a complete revamping of our world, because…pandemic.

Well, actually, because: the economic devastation and consequent ruination of untold numbers of lives.

In other words, “We crashed the world economy and stilled the engine of the planet’s production, using the pretext of a fake pandemic; so now we must remake all economies and governments.”

That’s Time’s unspoken version of logic.

Their number-one go-to reset thinker is Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. His chunk of hot air is titled, “A Better Economy Is Possible. But We Need to Reimagine Capitalism to Do It”:

Sustainable future; more inclusive corporate hiring practices; reduce greenhouse gases. It could have been written in 1999.

But that doesn’t matter. What matters is, the whole world must be changed. This is the mantra.

The world must be changed by Globalists.

My edition of The Great Reset takes a slightly different position:

Globalism must be changed by the world.

By separate nations, all of whom reject Globalism.

All of whom reject Medical Dictatorship.

All of whom rebuild individual freedom.

As opposed to free-everything for everybody.

As opposed to cosmic cheese glob collectivism, in which the independent thoughts and desires of the individual are measured against the ruling force of every other empty and dependent thought of every individual who has surrendered to the Glob.

The Time magazine version of reality is, we need a plan, we need a plan, we need a plan. This means organizing the planet down to the last dotted i and crossed t. It’s the wet dream of technocrats.

A defined slot for every person, a person for every defined slot.

Humanity as a machine.

So you get cosmic cheese glob plus machine. That’s the future we’re supposed to enlist in.

After months of research, consultations, and preliminary reports, I believe the appropriate, measured, and technical response is: SCREW YOU

This response can be printed in various fonts, in caps, italics, or bold. It can be voiced. It can be announced through a bullhorn. It can be printed on masks, shirts, shower curtains, bedsheets, blouses, dresses, windbreakers, trench coats. It can be stamped in day-glo on the backs of pet cats and dogs…

Persons in technical fields, who believe language more agile than instructions on building computer chips must be considered “a rant,” can have their tailor stitch the response in tiny letters just below their shirt pockets.

More ambitious folk could secure the use of an eighteen-wheeler. A poster would cover one side of the truck. Two lines of text: THE GREAT RESET, and below it, the response. SCREW YOU.

Each letter would be three feet high. Roman bold caps. Going along with the current trend, white letters against a black background. Or maybe just the traditional red, white, and blue.

I’ve watched, for 50 years, “dissent on the Left” undergo transformations, until it became “centrist Marxism.”

That dissent has been swallowed up and is now the unthinking status quo for millions of people, including politicians and the mainstream press. It’s an instrument of attack against all basic freedoms, one of which is the freedom to express dissent.

That’s the way tyranny always operates. A call for freedom turns into a call against freedom.

At first, 20 years ago, I tried to make excuses for these fascists. “They don’t know what they’re doing.” I tired of that approach. It doesn’t matter whether they know or don’t know. They’re doing it. They’re out to destroy what’s left of the country.

Unalienable rights mean nothing to them. There are no rights. They only want what they want, and most of time they don’t know what that is, beyond tearing down whatever lies in their path. They’re the foot soldiers of the Elite, who are the proponents of The Great Reset.

Marxism IS a dictatorship of the Elite, in case you haven’t noticed. It’s another name for a very old con.

On the other side of the coin, we have people who have drunk the Kool-Aid and are very sure Trump is the Second Coming of the Messiah.

I’ve excoriated him a number of times for surrendering the nation to the fabrications of the medical experts and supporting the unconstitutional lockdowns and the economic devastation.

His ardent supporters gloss all that over, as if the nation is now well on its way to recovery. No harm, no foul. If only wishing would make it so.

As I write this, the outcome of the election is uncertain. If Trump is re-elected, people must be relentless in insisting he back up his campaign rhetoric and make the open US economy a FACT, not merely a proposition calculated to win a second term.

His claim of having the military take charge of deploying the COVID vaccine remains very disturbing. To strangely assume this is part of his brilliant plan to guard our freedom to refuse the vaccine is based on zero evidence.

Add to that the secrecy surrounding the federal collaboration with the Pentagon to develop a COVID vaccine, and you have a prescription for a medical nightmare.

Trump has never spoken directly to the American people and admitted the extent of the economic destruction which has occurred since the fake pandemic was declared.

He has never taken any responsibility whatsoever for permitting this horror show and tragedy in the first place.

His supporters say, “Well, he couldn’t have gone up against the medical people and rejected the lockdowns…” The job of the leader involves doing exactly that when the heat is turned up to its highest pitch. He stands firm. He takes the blows. He strikes back. He shows exceptional courage.

The truth is, when Fauci came into the White House with the absurd and insane projections of Neil Ferguson, claiming two million people could die this past summer in the US, Trump folded up in ten minutes and never questioned the source or the numbers.

Ferguson, of the Imperial College in London, bankrolled by Bill Gates, was and is a failed computer modeler, with a track record of ridiculous predictions.

For example, in 2005, he stated that 200 million people, worldwide, could die from the bird flu. The final official figure was several hundred.

But Trump never made inquiries into Ferguson. He never stopped the Fauci train in its tracks then and there and exposed him as the predatory criminal he is.

Trump climbed on board the train and rode it.

NOW he says there is too much nonsense about COVID and we are coming out of the darkness. He says this is great and that is great and everything is great.

Sorry, pal, that’s not the true story. The forces of unalloyed evil are jacking up and rigging new case numbers to extreme heights. The plan is more lockdowns.

If Trump serves a new term as president, we must apply enormous pressure to make him support, and take WHATEVER ACTION is necessary, to ensure freedom survives and the economy is OPENED ALL THE WAY. PERMANENTLY.

Forget pipe dreams and fantasies about Trump. This war is far from over.

The US, along with many other countries, has been invaded. The enemy is within the gates. Moving like locusts through a field, they’ve destroyed millions of businesses and companies and people.

If this doesn’t call for swift and decisive and remorseless executive action, nothing does.

If Biden wins the presidency, then our pushback against his “national COVID plan” must be unrelenting. His controllers are hoping to override state governments and stamp a host of repressive measures on all our heads at once. As they “adhere to the advice of the medical experts.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Criminal NY governor declares new fascist COVID rules Tue, 03 Nov 2020 23:38:06 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

November 3, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Face it, if the NY governor hadn’t been born into the family of Cuomo, if his father hadn’t been the governor of NY, he’d have emigrated to China where he’d be sweeping streets for a living. In Beijing, he’d be under 24-hour surveillance as a crazy man who might go off and do something bizarre and harmful.

Chinese security man staring at a screen: “Who’s that idiot on the corner poking people with his broom?’

Colleague: “Oh, that’s Cuomo, the American. He loves our system. He moved here a few years ago. We’ll leave him alone for now. He’s good press for us. We can say, ‘See, that’s what Americans are like.’”

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is presiding over the lockdown death of his state, and of NY City. Many of his rich citizens are bailing out of NY with their tax money and moving to Montana and other points west and south. Soon, NY, minus billions in tourist dollars, will be collecting so few taxes they wouldn’t fill a single garbage pail on a desolate boarded-up city street.

NY, another Democrat share-and-care-and-love state, is hitting new highs on boot-clicking and saluting and fascist clampdowns.

The NY Post has the story:

“Most people who visit New York will have to quarantine for three days and then prove they are negative for COVID-19 before they are ‘free to go about their business,’ Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday.”

“Now, travelers must show proof of a negative test taken within three days of arriving in the Empire State, and must also quarantine for three more days — and get a new COVID-19 test on the fourth.”

“If that’s positive, they must isolate for two weeks, the governor said at an Albany press briefing.”

“’Four days plus three days is seven days, and that’s basically, by all probability, the incubation period,’ Cuomo said, as he announced 2,049 new cases across the state and 8 deaths reported yesterday.”

“Anyone who refuses to be tested must quarantine for 14 days.”

“New Yorkers who return home within a day of leaving must take a test within four days of their arrival, Cuomo said. But if they are gone longer for 24 hours, then the new rules apply.”

“Those who commute to New York between bordering states are not required to be tested each trip, he noted.”

He noted, he declared, he announced, he ordered. Achtung!

What if my first two tests are indeterminate and the third test is negative but the fourth test is weakly positive and the fifth test is definitely negative but the sixth test is positive? Do I stay in quarantine in a fleabag hotel for three weeks or six weeks or a year? What if I start seeing cockroaches from the sixth dimension invading my baloney sandwich? Who do I call? Ghostbusters? I thought I was just taking a cheap flight to the City to see the Empire State Building and Central Park. I didn’t realize I’d be marked as a political prisoner. Do I get one call to a lawyer?

Damn, the Democrats missed their golden chance. They should have run Cuomo for president instead of old crazy Joe. Cuomo would show the country what law and order really looks like.

Within 24 hours of taking over the White House, he’d have checkpoints on every interstate highway in the land. He’d bring in Chinese and Australian and UK cops to man them.

“Sir, get out of the car and show us your proof of a negative PCR test taken within the past 48 hours. Open your trunk. Empty your pockets. Are you carrying cash? We’ll take it. We have to test it for the virus. You’ll get it back within two weeks. Where’s your cell phone? We need to transfer all the data to our center in Utah. Write down a list of your 50 closest contacts. Lying is a federal offense. Look straight at me. I’m taking your photo…”

Congratulations, New York. You elected an empty name, Cuomo, as your governor, in your Billy Joel New York State of Mind.

Wake up and smell the slavery. Suck it in through your masks.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Democrats and socialists are now one Tue, 03 Nov 2020 14:44:37 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

November 3, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

The Democrat party has become the Socialist Party.

Aided by a compliant press, academia, a vast army of bureaucrats, and various violent street groups, the takeover is complete.

What definition of socialism should we apply to the Democrat Party? The only one that counts: top-down elite power parading as justice and fairness for all. This has always been the socialist con.

Big government will be kind. Big government will be nice. Big government cares. Big government will take care of us. Big government is creating a better world.

If we needed proof this mask is false and grotesque, we have it now in the form of the COVID operation. The constraints on freedom, the lockdowns, the business closures, the economic destruction. This has been a silent coup. Trump is unwilling to see it and admit responsibility. He focuses on “the recovery.” Biden, to the degree that he can focus on anything at all, wants more constraints and lockdowns and economic devastation, in the form of a nightmare federal plan.

Socialists, like other tyrannical forces, have always created crises which then require “humanitarian solutions” that turn out to mean CONTROL.

“We help the people” becomes “we control the people.”

“Yes, your business had to close because of COVID, but we will offer you aid…”

Fostering this dependence as if it were ultimate kindness has always been part of the socialist playbook.

Life looks good and feels good until a manufactured crisis comes along: Citizens go about their business under the socialist tent, absorbing the government perks and niceties (while they pay higher taxes), until the government lights up a DANGER sign…and then all bets are off.

“Now we must enforce certain rules to protect you, the people. Now we must make you shelter in place. Now we must…”

COVID is the first time most Americans have experienced a hammer blow to the head from the government, so they don’t understand the prior years of softening-up “socialism-lite” were really the prelude to, and an integral part of, this shock.

Although many Republicans are helping to enforce the lockdown culture and the new normal, Democrats are leading the way. This is their moment. This is what they’ve been yearning for.

“Look at the skies, look at how clear they are, now that we’ve shut down so many manufacturers. It’s wonderful. We couldn’t force this with climate change, but COVID has been a miracle. The environment is safer. We’ve proved that modern life is a vast corruption that can only be cured by shutting it down. Government money, bailing out the people, will keep us going. Finally, we’re operating on a fairer footing. We’re all in this together…”

One delusion piled on another.

Unless derailed, greater delusions are to come. For example, equal opportunity will morph into equality of outcome. Every person will have exactly the same economic status. If this sounds impossible, well, that’s the definition of delusion. In truth, over time, equality would come to mean equivalent slavery and dependence for all, except for those who are running the whole freak show, who are pretending to be the socialist messiahs. They and their cronies and enforcers will own the Animal Farm and all the animals.

In no small part, the training ground for this absurd new normal has been the education system. Its premise of non-education is: you don’t need to think, you just need to feel.

If you wish and feel the world can be a better place, you’re educated. Now you must hitch that wagon to certain prescribed movements and groups and ideology that have a way to make your dreams come true. The first of these is called socialism.

And since these “students” can’t think, they buy this palliative. They believe this is honorable rebellion against the status quo.

They’re completely unaware that they’re actually joining the extreme extension and expansion of the status quo:

Top-down control of life.

Millions of naïve American Democrats (and centrist Republicans) can’t possibly imagine they’re part of this operation. They can’t imagine it because they refer to their own basic impulses and motives, and they know these impulses are sincere and good.

But aligning their simple motives with real-world politics, and seeing how that works out, isn’t an exercise they’re capable of performing.

They can’t step back and analyze the con.

They’re just feeling. And if it feels right, it must be right.

They’re crawling on their hands and knees up the hundreds of stone steps to a vast cathedral, where they know their wishes can come true.

The high priests have made sure the stained glass windows are washed. The grand organ is in tune, and the organist is playing a slow solemn fugue. Minions are passing out alms to one and all, while at the same time, collectors are raking in donations far in excess of the charitable bailouts…

—Just as, once upon a time, John D Rockefeller handed out shiny dimes to poor children.

The Rockefellers: godfathers of socialism.

One of the ten thousand facts they don’t teach in school.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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CDC plans COVID concentration camps Mon, 02 Nov 2020 14:30:15 +0000 A call to sheriffs, police officers, military, attorneys, and any honest politicians in America: WILL YOU DEFEND FREEDOM IN THIS COUNTRY?

(Thanks to journalists Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree for exposing this nightmare.)

by Jon Rappoport

November 2, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

The CDC document is titled: “Interim operational considerations for implementing the shielding approach to prevent COVID-19 infections in humanitarian settings,” updated July 26, 2020. Here are key quotes.

As you read them, and realize the horrific plan, keep in mind that this system can be manipulated to order ANYONE into these camps.

This is America??

“The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (‘high-risk’) and the general population (‘low-risk’). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or ‘green zones’ established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting. They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.”

“…the shielding approach suggests physically separating high-risk individuals from the general population to prioritize the use of the limited available resources and avoid implementing long-term containment measures among the general population.”

“A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk individuals per single green zone) where high-risk individuals are physically isolated together. One entry point is used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.”

“Consideration: Plan for an extended duration of implementation time, at least 6 months. Explanation: The shielding approach proposes that green zones be maintained until one of the following circumstances arises: (i) sufficient hospitalization capacity is established; (ii) effective vaccine or therapeutic options become widely available; or (iii) the COVID-19 epidemic affecting the population subsides.”

How would you like to be imprisoned in one of these camps?


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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