masks – Jon Rappoport's Blog Mon, 12 Jul 2021 00:02:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Millions of face masks officially declared dangerous Fri, 28 May 2021 12:26:27 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

May 28, 2021

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This is not an article about whether face masks work.

As my readers know, for the past year I’ve been demonstrating that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been proven to exist. [1] Therefore, face masks are nothing more (or less) than a mind-control ritual. [2] [2a]

However, much has been written about the harm the masks cause.

And now we have an official declaration. On April 2, 2021, Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to “use face masks labelled to contain graphene or biomass graphene.”

Andrew Maynard covers this issue in a article, “Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks—now there are safety concerns.” [3]

Those concerns? Masks could create lung problems.

Of course, since COVID-19 is claimed to be a lung disease, you can see where that leads: the remedy turns out to cause what it’s supposed to prevent. I could write a book detailing how many times this “coincidence” pops up in the field of medicine.

Maynard’s article traces the safety concerns to a Chinese mask manufacturer, Shandong, but points out that millions of graphene-containing masks are in use around the world, produced by a whole host of companies.

So far, it’s not clear whether the nanoparticles of graphene in the masks also contain metals—which are highly destructive.

The mainstream literature on graphene is ambiguous: yes, it’s probably toxic to the lungs; perhaps not seriously so; perhaps only temporarily; there are more questions than answers.

Since there are more questions, why have these masks been certified anywhere in the world for public use? Why haven’t the CDC and the WHO made definitive statements about safety concerns?

At, we have, “Is graphene safe?” [4]

“But, it is the very nature of graphene that might be cause for concern: thin and lightweight, yet tough and intractable particles are notoriously worrisome in terms of the detrimental effects they can have on our health, particularly when breathed in…”

“Ken Donaldson is a respiratory toxicologist at the University of Edinburgh and he and his colleagues are among the first to raise the warning flag on graphene, at least for nanoscopic platelets of the material. It is not too great a leap of the imagination to imagine how such tiny flakes of carbon might be transported deep within the lungs similar to asbestos fibres and coal dust. Once lodged within, there is no likely mechanism for the removal or break down of such inert particles and they might reside on these sensitive tissues triggering a chronic inflammatory response or interfering with the normal cellular functions.”

Does this make any sane person feel safe about wearing a mask and breathing in those graphene particles all day long?

In fact, you could rightly call the masks graphene-inhalation transporters.

“We have a new idea and a new product. It’s designed to force you to breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Who knows? There might be health benefits. Try it and see.”

Yes, try it. And if you then develop a lung infection, since that is called a cardinal pandemic symptom, you could hit the jackpot and earn a diagnosis of COVID-19.

At which point the fun really begins, as you try to explain to your doctor that the cause isn’t a virus, but rather nanoparticles of graphene in your mask. If you play your cards right, you could end up in the psych ward with other “conspiracy theorists.”

“Can you believe it, nurse? I had this guy a few hours ago coughing and dripping mucus all over the place. Inflamed lungs. Classic COVID case. But he tells me he’s breathing in NANOPARTICLES. I gave him a sedative and sent him to the Crazy Pen. Where do these people get these stories? Have you ever heard of graphene? That’s what they put in pencils, right?”

“I don’t know, Doc. My cousin thinks she’s breathing in these nanos, too. I told her she needs a Thorazine drip.”

There’s a good chance the masks are COVID-diagnosis promoters. Step one: breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Step two: therefore develop a so-called major COVID symptom—lung infection. Step three: test false-positive on the PCR test (happens millions of times, as I’ve documented). And boom, you’re a COVID case.

In keeping with local laws, I’ve applied for a license to own a mask as a weapon. If I gain approval, I plan to seal it in a glass box and mount it on the wall next to my grenade launcher and Civil War cannonball.







The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Super Bowl CNN Karen calls cops on maskless people in Tampa Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:09:20 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

February 11, 2021

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Hello, this is 911, Tampa police.

O the horror!


This is CNN Karen. I’m a reporter covering the Super Bowl. I’m near the stadium and people are sitting in cafes without masks! The horror!

Not wearing masks?

Dozens of them. Hundreds. I’m filming them, so you can hunt them down.

Are you wearing a mask, Karen?

I’m wearing two! To protect myself.

Try three.


If two are better than one, three are better than two.

Is that a wisecrack? Because if it is, my network has connections all the way into the White House.

You mean Joe Biden will come down here and personally arrest me?

There are people standing in the street with drinks in their hands, and they aren’t wearing masks!

Are you aware the governor has issued an order against fining people for mask-less-ness?


It’s true. You should do a little background research for your report. I understand it helps.

Who the hell is this?

I’m not permitted to give out my name, Karen. Rest assured, I’m a member of the Tampa police.

Did you vote for Trump?

I voted for the man in the moon, on a write-in ballot. I’m a registered independent. Let me ask you, Karen, are you in any physical danger at the moment?

No one has approached me yet, but it could happen.

Why do you say that?

Because I’m a reporter.

We don’t automatically hate reporters in Florida. The state, in fact, has a number of newspapers. To say nothing of television channels. I believe CNN broadcasts to Floridians.

I’m going to skewer you.

I’m trembling, Karen.

We’re in the middle of a pandemic!

And you’re doing your duty as a snitch. Let me ask you another question, Karen. Do you have a family?

I don’t identify in that way.

Excuse me? We’re having a GENDER conversation now? How DO you identify, Karen?

None of your business!

Let’s see…I have your bio page on my screen. You’re 36, you live in Greenwich, Connecticut. Married, two children. Your husband is an investment banker. He’s probably looking for good deals for his clients. You know, distressed properties. Businesses that have been destroyed by the lockdowns. I’m sure he’s doing quite well.

How dare you!

I just like to know who I’m dealing with. Wait. Here’s a photo of you at a restaurant with friends. What do you know, you’re not wearing a mask.

That was just the one time! I had a cold. I was having trouble breathing.

All those people you’re telling me about right now? In the cafes, in the streets, without masks? I’m sure they’ve been having trouble breathing…and working, too, and earning a living, because their businesses have been destroyed. They’re trying to have a little fun.

I’m going to report you to your superiors.

That’s it? Come on. Include me in your story. I want to be heard in my own words. I’ll send you a recording of this call.

I need police assistance!

Well, I’m looking further…yes, I thought I remembered you. You did several stories on defunding the police. It was pretty clear you were on the side of the people who demanded defunding. But now you want my help. I find that odd, to say the least.

There are extraordinary moments when we all need the police.

You’re saying that now, when you’re afraid, but when you’re with your friends and colleagues, you want to put us out of business. You’d like to see me out on the street without a job. You don’t care that some poor bastard is having his home invaded or his store burned down and he can’t get help.

Look, I’m just trying to say people are out here right now spreading the virus. That’s all.

No, that’s not all. Have you checked the official number of flu cases, Karen? Has it ever occurred to you that people with ordinary flu are being re-labeled COVID-19? Of course not. Why would it occur to you?

Did I really reach 911? Is it possible my phone is being hijacked, and this call was rerouted to someone who works for Tucker Carlson?

Bingo. You caught me, Karen. Tucker has a vast network of spies, more than 500,000 people. We’re everywhere, and we’re all connected. We roam the landscape and expose people like you. I’m actually in a suite at the Four Seasons. Three grand a night, and Tucker is personally paying for it. He owns oil wells in Saudi Arabia.

I’m starting to sniffle. I feel feverish. I think I just caught the virus.

I don’t doubt it. You see, we have special weapons that shoot the virus, and we pinpoint our enemies. It’s all commanded remotely, from our headquarters in Moonshine, Tennessee. We’re the bitter clingers, with our guns and religion. We never went to school, but we have a native craftiness. We built these virus-shooting weapons from simple tubing and gunpowder.

Get an ambulance over here. I feel faint.

It must be the MUTANT STRAIN. It originally comes from Mars. Did you know that, Karen? CNN has access to Fauci. Get him on camera and grill him. He’ll admit it. You see, Karen, there are basically two groups of people in America. There are YOUR PEOPLE, and then there are OURS, and all of us are QAnon. That’s right. Those three huge Trump rallies in Washington DC? ALL of us—the three million people—are sworn members of the official Q Group. ALL three million of us planned the Capitol break-in. The brainstorming took place in the Arizona desert months and months ago. We were ALL there for a week. We lived on canned Spam, cactus juice, and hope. That goofy schmuck wearing fur with the Viking helmet and horns? He’s our leader. He’s actually a genius. He works with Tucker. Out there in the desert, we all took a vote and decided to break into the Capitol and kidnap Nancy Pelosi and take her to the backroom of a deli in Brooklyn. We’d exchange her for a new law declaring that Trump would be appointed Commander General of the United States for Life. That was the operation. We bribed the Capitol Police with six hundred cans of Spam, so they would let us in. But at the last minute, Trump backed down. In his speech, he was supposed to say, SPAM FAKE NEWS DRAIN SWAMP ATTACK NOW OVERTHROW CREEPY JOE, but he never gave the signal. So the whole op collapsed. I’m giving you the inside scoop, Karen. Report it. CNN’s ratings will go through the roof.

I think I’m passing out.

Courage, Karen. You’re a JOURNALIST. Don’t fade. You’ve got the story of the century. You’ll be an instant star.

A star?…You swear you’re telling me the truth about all this?

Scout’s honor. It’s pure gold.

I can say “a source inside the Tampa Police confirmed…”?

Yes. That’s the ticket. Hit it hard. Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, Karen. Report THE NEWS.

I think I feel a little better.

Of course you do. You’ve got a sacred mission now.

…Is it really GO time?

Launch, baby, launch…

“Hello…HELLOHELLOHELLO, red alert, this is CNN Karen, live, and I’m standing on the streets of Tampa, Florida, where people who are part of a vast conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States are partying like there’s no tomorrow. Buckle up. An unimpeachable law-enforcement source has just handed me the bottom line on a story that will shake the foundations of this nation. I’m going to remove my masks because I want to make sure you receive my message with unmistakable clarity. Three million sworn blood-oath QAnon members almost killed America, and here’s how it happened. It all started on a cloudless day in the Arizona desert. A day of Spam, cactus juice, and hope…”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Does wearing a mask cause diagnostic tests to read false-positive for COVID? Thu, 23 Jul 2020 14:25:06 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 23, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Suppose one of the most intense “safety practices”—wearing a mask—actually inflates the number of COVID diagnoses?

Needless to say, it would be a bombshell. Suppose PCR and antibody tests turn out false positive results because people are wearing masks every day?

How is that possible?

Actually, it’s quite simple. A person wearing a mask is breathing in his own germs all day long. He breathes them out, as he should, but then he breathes them back in.

It seems evident that this unnatural process would increase the number and variety of germs circulating and replicating in his body; even creating active infection.

Along with this, a decrease in oxygen intake, which occurs when a mask is worn, would allow certain germs to multiply in the body—germs which would otherwise be routinely wiped out or diminished in the presence of an oxygen-rich environment.

Here’s the key: Both the PCR and antibody tests are known for registering false-positive results, since they cross-react with germs which have nothing to do with the reason for the test.

If wearing a mask increases the number and variety of germs replicating in the body, and also increases the chance of developing an active infection…then the likelihood of a false-positive PCR or antibody test is increased.

In other words, masks would promote the number of so-called COVID cases. This would, of course, have alarming consequences.

People labeled “COVID” face all sorts of negative consequences. I don’t have to spell them out.

In past articles, I’ve shown that both PCR and antibody tests DO register false-positives because they react with irrelevant germs.

For example, let’s consider the PCR: From the World Health Organization (WHO): “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans”:

“Several assays that detect the 2019-nCoV have been and are currently under development, both in-house and commercially. Some assays may detect only the novel virus [COVID] and some may also detect other strains (e.g. SARS-CoV) that are genetically similar.”

Translation: Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID—including plain old coronas that cause nothing more than a cold.

From a manufacturer of PCR test kit elements, Creative Diagnostics, “SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit”:

“…non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.”

Translation: Although this company states the test can detect COVID, it also states the test can read FALSELY positive if the patient has one of a number of other irrelevant viruses in his body. What is the test proving, then? Who knows? Flip a coin.

Now let’s consider the antibody test—

Business Insider, April 3, 202: “Some tests have demonstrated false positives, detecting antibodies to much more common coronaviruses.”

Science News, March 27: “Science News spoke with…Charles Cairns, dean of the Drexel University College of Medicine, about how antibody tests work and what are some of the challenges of developing the tests.”

“Cairns: ‘The big question is: Does a positive response for the antibodies mean that person is actively infected, or that they have been infected in the past? The tests need to be accurate, and avoid both false positives and false negatives. That’s the challenge’.”

That’s just a sprinkling of sources on both the PCR and antibody tests—revealing that both of these tests DO spit out false-positive results. Many of those false-positives are the result of cross reactions with irrelevant germs.

And as I stated at the top of this article, if wearing masks increases the number and variety of germs circulating and replicating in the body, then it’s quite likely that masks will, in fact, contribute to false diagnoses of COVID.

Now, we come to a different angle on this story. Everyone is aware that governors and other politicians are ramping up orders to wear masks to new insane levels. If indeed this order will result in more diagnosed COVID cases…

How can we avoid looking at the financial incentives?

It turns out that the states are receiving federal money for EVERY COVID case.

The reference here is Becker’s CFO Hospital Report, April 14, 2020, “State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case”:

“HHS recently began distributing the first $30 billion of emergency funding designated for hospitals in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act…”

“Below is a breakdown of how much funding per COVID-19 case each state will receive from the first $30 billion in aid. Kaiser Health News used a state breakdown provided to the House Ways and Means Committee by HHS along with COVID-19 cases tabulated by The New York Times for its analysis.”

$158,000 per COVID-19 case








The article goes on to list every state and the money it will receive for EACH DIAGNOSED COVID CASE.

If mask wearing increases the likelihood of a COVID diagnosis, then: those states forcing new widespread mask dictates will be multiplying their federal $$$.

And if you really want to cover the bases, every method of fake case-counting will have the same ballooning $$$ effect for the states.

ALL the so-called containment measures—masks, quarantine, isolation, distancing, lockdowns, economic destruction—bring on fear, stress, loneliness…lowering immune-system function…leading to more infections…which means more germs replicating in the body…which means more false-positive COVID diagnostic tests…and more human destruction…and more $$$ for the states.


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Dear humans: face masks don’t work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC Mon, 20 Jul 2020 15:12:06 +0000 To readers: Contact Georgia Governor Brian Kemp with this information. He can use the ammunition. He’s issued an order against mandatory masks. (404) 656-1776

by Jon Rappoport

July 20, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Alert to citizens, governors, mayors, presidents, prime ministers, and public health officials—

You want science. You always state that. Well, here is your very own science.

The reference is: “Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures.” Published in: “Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol.26, No. 5, May 2020.” (That journal is published by the CDC.)

I quote from the abstract: “Here, we review the evidence base on the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical personal protective measures and environmental hygiene measures in non-healthcare settings and discuss their potential inclusion in pandemic plans. Although mechanistic studies [*] support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. We similarly found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning.”

Here are quotes from pages 970-972 of the review: “In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs [randomized controlled trials] that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks…”

“Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids… There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

“In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission.”

“We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility…”

[*] In case you want to quibble about the value of what the authors refer to as “mechanistic studies,” the authors are correctly setting those studies off to the side, in favor of the material they preferred to examine: randomized controlled trials—which are widely considered to be more valuable, relevant, and meaningful.

So there you have it.

Your science.

Take off your masks. Governors and mayors and presidents and prime ministers, cancel the orders to wear masks. You’re non-scientific. In the extreme.


(Note the “wwwnc” — which is correct. It is not “www”.)

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Georgia governor orders: no mandatory masks Fri, 17 Jul 2020 13:20:22 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

July 17, 2020

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A glint of light.

ABC News, July 16, reports: “Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp is explicitly banning Georgia’s cities and counties from ordering people to wear masks in public places. He voided orders on Wednesday that at least 15 local governments across the state had adopted…”

And then, because Atlanta is resisting his order— ATLANTA (AP) —July 16, “Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is suing Atlanta’s mayor and city council to block the city from enforcing its mandate to wear a mask in public and other rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The governor favors masks and recommends them; he just refuses to make them mandatory.

You might recall the governor, several months ago, started to reopen the state’s economy, but Trump (aka Fauci) warned him it was “too early.”

The strategy to defeat the governor, and any other politician who dares to buck the artificial COVID consensus? Report bigger case numbers.

It’s easy. Do more useless tests that register false positives. Do more eyeball diagnoses. Arbitrarily write “COVID” on more patient files. Summarily assume any flulike illness or lung infection is COVID.

Make it seem as if any version of freedom is dangerous.

“In the wake of lifting restrictions…case numbers climbed…” That tactic.

Second wave. Tenth wave. The sky is falling.

Germophobes everywhere, unite, you have nothing to lose but your courage. “A germophobe…is a person who is afraid of germs or preoccupied with cleanliness. Specifically, it can refer to a person who has an obsessive compulsion toward cleanliness to the point that their life is impacted by an urge to constantly clean their hands and living spaces.”

The press and public health officials are determined to create more germophobes. The phobes become soldiers in armies of politically correct “influencers.”



Of course, now, it’s worse than that. People living in places where masks are mandated can face stiff fines for exposing their faces.

Governor Kemp deserves credit for breaking ranks. Apparently he’s stitched together business owners in his state who want to stay afloat and think masks are counter-productive. What a radical idea—business people who want to do business.

Now, if Kemp will lift orders limiting the number of people who can gather in one place, he might really get somewhere.

There is just one spot in Georgia where he should maintain that limit—CDC headquarters in Atlanta. Some very dangerous medical criminals inhabit the premises. When I call them the medical CIA, I’m not making an off-hand remark. Right now, they’re inventing the fake consensus about “COVID” that is driving the nation into economic ruin. I suggest no more than 10 people should be permitted in the headquarters: The White House Coronavirus Task Force.

Quarantined. Cut off from all communication.


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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To citizens wearing medical masks: you’re whacko conspiracy theorists Tue, 09 Jun 2020 13:19:12 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

June 9, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Mask wearers of the world, take them off—you have nothing to lose but your insanity…

Journal of the American Medical Association, April 17, 2020, “Masks and Coronavirus Disease”: “Unless you are sick, a health care worker, or caring for someone who has COVID-19, medical masks (including surgical face masks and N95s) are not recommended.”

At Children’s Health Defense, JB Handley has written an excellent article, “LOCKDOWN LUNACY: The Thinking Person’s Guide.” Here are two highlights from his section on masks:

“May 29, the World Health Organization announced that masks should only be worn by healthy people if they are taking care of someone infected with COVID-19:”

“’If you do not have any respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough or runny nose, you do not need to wear a mask,’ Dr. April Baller, a public health specialist for the WHO, says in a video on the world health body’s website posted in March. ‘Masks should only be used by healthcare workers, caretakers or by people who are sick with symptoms of fever and cough’.”

“…I often see this study from 2015 in the BMJ cited: ‘A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers’, and it bears repeating, since MOST of the masks I see people wearing in the community right now are cloth masks. Not only are these masks 100% ineffective at reducing the spread of COVID-19, but they can actually harm you. As the researchers explain:”

“’This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection…’”

Of course, I understand that when people are conspiracy whackos wearing their masks, they don’t respond well to facts, even when those facts come from the very organizations they believe in with religious fervor.

Here is something else from the Washington State Nurses Association: “Reprocessing masks using toxic chemicals is not a solution”:

“Nurses are reporting that respirators and face masks at WSNA repre-sented Providence facilities are being collected for reprocessing using ethylene oxide to decontaminate. The EPA has concluded that ethylene oxide is carcinogenic to humans and that exposure to ethylene oxide increases the risk of lymphoid cancer and, for females, breast cancer.”

“WSNA sent a cease and desist demand to Providence facilities where our members work, demanding an immediate halt to the reusing of any face masks, including N 95 and other respirators, that have been decontaminated by the ethylene oxide cleaning process. In addition, WSNA is preparing complaints to be filed with the Washington State Department of Occupational Safety and Health, highlighting this workplace hazard.”

“WSNA believes that the reuse of face masks or respirators cleaned with ethylene oxide violates the employer’s legal duty to ensure that nurses and other health care workers are afforded a safe and healthful working environment. While hospitals have long used ethylene oxide to clean certain surgical equipment, it should not be used to decontami-nate face masks or respirators, through which nurses and other health care workers must breathe for many hours at a time.”

“…The CDC warns that ethylene oxide is carcinogenic and teratogenic, and that ‘inhalation of ethylene oxide has been linked to neurologic dysfunction and may cause other harmful effects to the wearer’.”

“Prolonged exposure to ethylene oxide can hurt eyes and LUNGS, harm the brain and nervous system, and potentially cause lymphomas, leukemia, and breast cancer. This extremely hazardous toxic chemical poses a severe risk to human health.” [CAPS are mine.]

Is the use of toxic ethylene oxide to treat masks widespread? According to the Chicago Tribune, way back in March, Medline Industries was reprocessing 100,000 medical masks a day. They applied to the FDA for permission to use ethylene oxide. But wasn’t the horse already out of the barn? Weren’t they already using the chemical? I’ve queried Medline to find out whether the FDA has approved their application.

And finally, I have a lone report about a person from the region of Piedmont, Italy, who checked out his medical mask, which he’d received in the mail from the Department of Civil Protection. He discovered it contained zinc pyrithione.

If true, this is ominous. Consulting a simple safety data sheet on the chemical, from Cayman Chemical, I found a succinct statement: “Toxic if inhaled.”

But of course, medical masks must be worn. The lockdown authorities tell us so. They know. They must know because, well, they’re on television.

Keep breathing through that mask. It’s “safe and effective.”







The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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A message about suicide to the pod people wearing masks Tue, 28 Apr 2020 14:02:28 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

April 28, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)


In my city, there are two tales of food. One is East Germany, before the Wall went down. By which I mean, Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. There the NATURAL Health people, drab loons in a mental inversion layer, stand in line outside the stores on yellow tape. Six feet apart, they wear masks and gloves. They are silent. When they finally enter to shop, they’re presented with carts which have been sprayed with disinfectant. Inside the Whole Foods, aisles are marked with one-way traffic signs. But we’re all in this together.

A few miles away sits a typical supermarket. Big parking lot, 20 aisles inside, thousands of items, a tiny fraction of which are organic. No lines outside, no yellow tape, no carts covered with glistening disinfectant. Half the check-out people wear masks, the other half don’t. Maybe a quarter of the customers wear masks. People actually talk to each other. Contrasted against Whole Foods and TJ’s, this place feels like Paris in the 1920s. Here, life, such as it is, flourishes. Over in East Germany, it’s dead. It may be organic and non-GMO there, but it’s a decaying psychological fungus.

OK, let’s dive in.

Desperate times call for surreal measures.

In today’s episode of damn the torpedoes, apocalyptic fakery, and I’ll take the Fauci special on rye with extra ham and cheesy case numbers…

—The pod people think rebels against the system are dangerous.

That’s what robots always think. They’re hooked up to the system. They suck energy from it. They give everything they have to it. For them, this is life.

The people who have been planning this takeover operation for a long time knew they had to bring populations to the point at which MINDS would no longer function. Minds would become containers for propaganda.

The owners of those reshaped minds would be able to realize one thing: their survival depended entirely on AUTHORITY.

We were NEVER all in this together. The pod people were and are in this together. The robots are together. They’re the army under the control of the operators.

Dear Pod People:

You’re sincere. We get it. You can stop now. You’ve already won a gold star on the blackboard from the teacher.

I won’t try to make a distinction between the junk science you worship and actual science. You’re too far gone for that.

You’re in a box. You’ve been in that box for a long time. It’s created by the “authorities in charge,” and their super-coiffed high-priced press hookers. The order to go on lockdown was just another piece beamed into that box, and you stood at attention. Yes sir.

Even some of you anti-vaxxers are in the box. What did you think you were saying about viruses with your stance on vaccines? Let me translate. You were saying, “We can deal with viruses, we don’t need your toxic vaccines to gain immunity.” But now, all of a sudden, with this fake ghost virus, you fold up like puppets. You ask your masters to pull on the strings so you can put on your masks. All along, you’ve had a piece of mind control stuck in your domes you didn’t know about. I mean, really.

To all you pod people: you needed a new religion at this late date?

I’m sure some of you were actively against the Iraq war under Bush 2. You bucked the artificial consensus. But now, you salute and enlist. Can you back up just a step and take a peek at yourselves and glimpse how ridiculous you look, in lock-step, masks on, gloves on, trudging 27 feet apart down the middle of some deserted Main Street?

I’ll even bet there are long-time JFK assassination researchers in masks. For decades, they’ve combed through one false trail after another, traveled through halls of mirrors, finally arriving at the door of the CIA…but now, after three sentences from that petty bureaucrat Fauci, they’re in the cult. Bingo, bango, bongo.

“Going pod” is quite a phenomenon. Yesterday, the person was living a regular life. Then, all of a sudden, with no apparent thought involved, the robot-ness grips him. “Yes,” his wife says. “He seems to be the same person, but he isn’t. I don’t care what anyone says. For God’s sake, I’ve been sleeping in the same bed with the man for twenty years. I should know. This is someone else.”

Her oh so reasonable therapist—played by Leonard Nimoy in the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers—tells her: “I understand. Look, people are under stress these days. Social changes are dislocating our sense of Place. Your perception about your husband is actually a symptom of a wider unrest. I’m not asking you to change your process. Just be with this odd new sensation you have. I guarantee it’ll fade. You’ll see him as he was again.”

“No. I won’t. My husband is somebody else. He’s a…replacement.”

An old grizzled cigar-smoking tobacco-spitting two-gun rancher isn‘t out on the range anymore herding cattle and swigging whiskey. He’s sitting in a barn, mask and gloves on, next to a placid cow. He’s waving a wand at her. “Hmm, Bessie’s temperature seems to be elevated a tenth of a degree. Maybe she has the COVID. I better call the public health people. They should come out and disinfect the whole ranch. We’ll shut down for a month and stay indoors and play with the Lego Harry Potter set…”

A wan thirty-year-old with a degree in biology from Harvard shows up in a New York 7-Eleven wearing five translucent plastic shower curtains. He clomps down aisles and tosses items into a briefcase containing chlorinated wood chips and dried dog turds. He’s concluded that his whippet, Phillip, was infected, then recovered, and is therefore immune. The whippet antibodies may be protective.

“Today, on deserted Jones Beach, a lone lifeguard ventured out into rough waters to save an unresponsive swimmer. Unfortunately, the lifeguard, wearing a hazmat suit, sank below the waves. A roving team of Long Island public health police rescued and revived him. The swimmer turned out to be a blow-up doll equipped with a homemade ‘virus sensor.’ It was being operated remotely from a beachfront cottage by a PhD biologist, who was carrying out locally funded research for a group of worried New Yorkers. They were trying to determine whether it was safe to sneak out of the city and take up residence in their summer homes on the Island shores…”

Hail to the pod.

You belong to the system. You take your energy from it. You give everything you have to it.

Let’s follow the wan fellow back home from the 7-Eleven. He trips and stumbles into his apartment, picks up a bottle on a table and sprays his shower curtains with triple-strength Roundup. He lies down on the carpet and rolls around. Then he sits up, strips away the curtains, and looks into the living room. His wife, wearing a leopard-skin bikini, is transfixed before an altar topped with a doll-figure of Tony Fauci. She’s silently weeping. Is it the impending divorce? Is it straight-out worship? Tune in next week, when Fauci tries to hold a poker party with 16 of his closest friends on a yacht beyond the three-mile limit, and a special ops team boards the vessel and carts him off to the presidential suite at Walter Reed Hospital, where mind control specialists try to reinstall his basic program. Can they find three active brain cells to rub together? And where is Phillip the whippet? He’s gone missing in a junkyard in Union City. He’s hanging with rebel dogs. Phillip finally removes his mask and we see, for the first time, that…he’s the animated rabbit from Episode One, who made a fortune selling Chinese ventilators…

“Say, Bob, we can’t write this stuff for the show. They’ll never let it get past the networks censors.”

“Bill, lost your marbles? Don’t you remember? There is no show. The season was cancelled by the lockdown. We’re doing this for a little independent video platform.”

“Right. Forgot. I’ve been drinking heavily. Let’s work a different twist with Fauci. Transform him into a guy who’s a victim of the lockdown. You know, a Trading Places deal. He’s now living in one room in the back of a store that’s closed for business. He’s broke. He’s already spent his government check. He’s trying to borrow money for food. He’s lost his glasses and sold one of his shoes.”

“Yeah. Then he comes back, episode by episode, a rags to riches story line. He makes a desperate and successful contact with the governor of Illinois and shows him how to dig his state out of a budget deficit of three hundred billon—with federal coronavirus dollars.”

By this time, both writers are so drunk they can’t maintain their fragile hold on plot. They just sit in their chairs and stare out the window.

A voice speaks from Bob’s pocket.

“Bob, this is your cell. You left your house this morning. We’ve traced your movements to a colleague’s house. Lockdown code violation. You could be a spreader. Do not exit the premises. A team will arrive shortly to take a swab for rapid qPCR. You will shelter in place until the results are reported. Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face. Make a pot of coffee. Your blood alcohol level is point twelve.”

Bob dozes off. He dreams he’s sitting in a large office high above a city. Looking down through the window, he can see lines of people wearing masks. They move slowly along a boulevard toward a papier mache sun at the horizon. Next to him, on a small table, is a simple black box. Embedded in top of the box is a bulbous red button.

Tony Fauci is standing before him.

“You know what happens if you press the button?” Tony says. “The beaming shuts off.”

“The what?” Bob says.

“From the satellites,” Tony says. “The message.”

“What message?”

“’The virus, the virus, the virus.’ That’s what we’re beaming. As you can see, it’s very effective.”

“You’re selling a virus?”

“No, you idiot. We’re selling a story about a virus. That’s all it is. That’s all it ever was. You’re either inside or outside the story. Go ahead. Press the button.”

“What happens if I do?”

“That’s the question, isn’t it? At this point, people are talking story to themselves. We provided the stimulus. I don’t think we need the beaming anymore. Go ahead.”

Bob presses the button.

He wakes up. Three men are standing over him. One is pointing a fever wand.

“Ninety-nine point two,” he says. “Look, sir, this is a first offense. We’re going to leave you here. No test, no foul. Don’t leave the house for eight days. Understand?”

Bob nods. He looks over at Bill, who’s fast asleep in his chair.

“Eight days. I stay in this house.”

“That’s right, sir. And don’t press the red button.”

Bob jerks upright in his chair.

“How do you know about that?” he says.

The man frowns. “It’s a phrase going around. Just something people say. It means don’t panic.”

“What else are they saying?”

“We hear all kinds of things. Love your mask. Green stripe.”

“What does that mean?”

“There’s a rumor you’ll be seeing stripes on your cell phone pretty soon. Red stripe means stay at home. You won’t be able to get into office buildings. Green stripe means you’re immune. You can go anywhere, within limits, of course.”

“How do I get a green stripe?”

“Who knows? It’s just a rumor. The CDC has codes. We haven’t seen them yet.”

“I just had a dream about Tony Fauci.”

“Yeah. We hear that all the time. Lots of people are dreaming about Fauci. He could probably run for president, if he wanted to.”

“He told me to press the red button and I did.”

“What happened?”

“I woke up.”

“Well there you go.”

“Go where?”

“Stay in the house.”

The men left.

Bob called his agent.

“Listen, Harry,” he said, “I have an idea for a series, when all this dies down. A Saturday morning cartoon. A little twerp who lives in a land of zombies runs for president. He’s the only candidate. The zombies just have to press a red button and he wins.”

“And how much have you been drinking, Bob?” Harry said.

“Little bit.”

“Call me when you’re sober.”

“Don’t know if it’ll ever happen.”

“Lot of that going around.”

While Bill slept on, Bob spent the rest of the afternoon drinking and wandering aimlessly around the house. At some point, his sense of time fell apart, and he was only conscious of flashes:

He was sitting in a warm bath, wearing an old Army helmet and smoking a cigar. He was General George Patton. Contemplating the problem of defeating a force of pod people.

He was still wearing the helmet, and he was standing naked in the middle of the street at night, and neighbors were coming out of their houses. They were laughing at him.

He was STILL naked at night, standing on the lawn of the local sheriff’s house. Dennis the sheriff, in his bathrobe, holding a pistol, was saying, “You mean I’m the boss of this county, Bob? I can do anything I want to?”

“Right, Dennis. It’s an old law. Something I remember from a history class at Princeton. You can end the lockdown. Hell, you can shoot down the drones.”

“I could make a stand. I could be historic. And it took a naked television writer to wise me up…”

Dawn. Neighbors, close to a hundred of them, tightly packed, are standing on Bill’s lawn. Bill is sleeping in a folding chair. STILL naked, a drink in his hand, Bob is giving a little speech. “…That’s what I’m trying to tell you. They sold us a friggin’ story about a virus. That’s all it is. Dennis is ready to unpress the red button. Set us free. We have to back him up. We can’t leave him with egg on his face…”

Bob is sitting in a café. It’s open for business. The tables are full. Waitresses are rushing around, serving breakfast. Music is playing. In uniform, Dennis the sheriff walks through the door. Applause.

“You’re all deputized!” he says. “You’ve got nothing to lose but your masks!”

Cheers erupt. Feet stamp the floor.

Bob looks at himself. Now he’s dressed in a suit and tie. He wonders how that happened.

He’s back at Bill’s house watching TV. Bill is nowhere to be seen. On the screen, two local news anchors are smiling and scratching their faces. One sneezes. The other says, “Who cares?”

Bob hears an explosion outside. He runs into the street. There, lying in pieces, is a bird-sized drone. A grinning neighbor is holding a shotgun. “All you have to do is cough and they show up,” he says.

“So it’s a not a bad idea to cough,” Bob says.

“Yeah, if you’re armed.”

Bob looks around. The sun is shining.

“It’s a new day,” he says.

He hears a voice in his head. “…used to work for Google…just hacked into five satellites…changed the message…GO BACK TO WORK. OPEN THE ECONOMY. TAKE YOUR FREEDOM.”

Bob shouts, “We don’t need any messages! Shut the whole thing down! We’re already free!”


Quiet in his head, quiet on the street.

The sun is shining. It’s a new day.

A few miles away, at a local Stasi health food market, a checkout clerk suddenly yanks off his bandana-hairnet, his medical mask, his gloves, spits on his hands, rubs them together, and shouts: I’M OPEN HERE. PAPER OR PLASTIC? STEP RIGHT UP. I’LL TAKE CASH WITH GERMS ON IT. LET’S MOVE. NO FEAR. SCREW FAUCI. SNAP OUT OF IT, PEOPLE.


Then customers make a mad rush for his lane.

People outside the store break their line and come striding inside, grabbing carts.

Running through the parking lot, a creature dressed in black with clinking nose-and-ear rings pulls a can out of her pocket and expertly sprays the store window—OPEN FOR BUSINESS FUCK THE LOCKDOWN.

In the woods at the edge of the lot, a wan 30-year old wearing five translucent shower curtains leans against a tree and vomits. Weeping uncontrollably, he feels a spell and a curse leaving his body. At last.

The sun is shining. It’s a new day.



No, Virginia, it’s not Utopia, but it’s not Hell, either.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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A message to the pod people wearing masks Sat, 18 Apr 2020 00:56:16 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

April 17, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

You’re sincere. We get it. You can stop now. You’ve already won a gold star on the blackboard from the teacher. And yes, the epidemic is all Trump’s fault, because he called it the China virus, and he should have starting locking down cities in 1998. Right. Sure. Of course.

I won’t try to make a distinction between the junk science you worship and actual science. You’re too far gone for that.

You’re in a box. In your minds. You’ve been in that box for a long time. It’s created by the “authorities in charge,” and their super-coiffed high-priced press hookers. The recent order to go on lockdown was just another piece beamed into that box, and you stood at attention. Yes sir.

Even some of you anti-vaxxers are in the box. What did you think you were saying about viruses with your stance on vaccines? Let me translate. You were saying, “We can deal with viruses, we don’t need your toxic vaccines to gain immunity.” But now, all of a sudden, with this ghost fake virus, you fold up like puppets. You ask your masters to pull on the strings so you can put on your masks. All along, you’ve had a piece of mind control stuck in your domes you didn’t know about. I mean, really.

To all you pod people: you needed a new religion at this late date?

I’m sure some of you were actively against the Iraq war under Bush 2. You bucked the artificial consensus. But now, you salute and enlist. Can you back up just a step and take a peek at yourselves and glimpse how ridiculous you look, in lock-step, masks on, gloves on, trudging 27 feet apart down the middle of some deserted Main Street?

I’ll even bet there are long-time JFK assassination researchers in masks. For decades, they’ve combed through one false trail after another, traveled through halls of mirrors, finally arriving at the door of the CIA…but now, after three sentences from that petty bureaucrat Fauci, they’re in the cult. Bingo, bango, bongo.

I understand people donning masks if their grocer won’t let them in the store without one, but I’m talking about something else.

“Going pod” is quite a phenomenon. Yesterday, the person was living a regular life. Then, all of a sudden, with no apparent thought involved, the robot-ness grips him. “Yes,” his wife says. “He seems to be the same person, but he isn’t. I don’t care what anyone says. For God’s sake, I’ve been sleeping in the same bed with the man for twenty years. I should know. This is someone else.”

Her oh so reasonable therapist—played by Leonard Nimoy in the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers—tells her: “I understand. Look, people are under stress these days. Social changes are dislocating our sense of Place. Your perception about your husband is actually a symptom of a wider unrest. I’m not asking you to change your mind. Just be with this odd new sensation you have. I guarantee it’ll fade. You’ll see him as he was again.”

“No. I won’t. My husband is somebody else. He’s a…replacement.”

An old grizzled cigar-smoking tobacco-spitting two-gun rancher isn‘t out on the range anymore herding cattle and swigging whiskey. He’s sitting in a barn, mask and gloves on, next to a placid cow. He’s waving a wand at her. “Hmm, Bessie’s temperature seems to be elevated a tenth of a degree. Maybe she has the COVID. I better call the public health people. They should come out and disinfect the whole ranch. We’ll shut down for a month and stay indoors and play with the Lego Harry Potter set…”

A wan thirty-year-old with a degree in biology from Harvard shows up in a New York 7-Eleven wearing five translucent plastic shower curtains. He clomps down aisles and tosses items into a briefcase containing chlorinated wood chips and dried dog turds. He’s determined that his whippet, Phillip, was infected, then recovered, and is therefore immune. The whippet antibodies may be protective.

“Today, on deserted Jones Beach, a lone lifeguard ventured out into rough waters to save an unresponsive swimmer. Unfortunately, the lifeguard, wearing a hazmat suit, sank below the waves. A roving team of Long Island public health police rescued and revived him. The swimmer turned out to be a blow-up doll equipped with a homemade ‘virus sensor.’ It was being operated remotely from a beachfront cottage by a PhD biologist, who was carrying out locally funded research for a group of worried New Yorkers. They were trying to determine whether it was safe to sneak out of the city and take up residence in their summer homes on the Island shores…”

Hail to the pod.


Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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