Passamaquoddy – Jon Rappoport's Blog Mon, 12 Jul 2021 00:09:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 JFK’s dream of breakthrough energy technology: it was real; it was Passamaquoddy Fri, 12 Mar 2021 16:45:49 +0000 “Discussion of reviving the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project has surfaced every few years, with studies undertaken and debates renewed. Each time, most people agree that the engineering plan is sound: the project could be built and it would work. Other considerations, however, have kept the project from being resumed.”

by Jon Rappoport

March 12, 2021

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The article describes John F Kennedy’s dream of a new energy project of awesome dimensions: the Passamaquoddy Tidal venture, which would have used huge water turbines to produce electricity for both America and Canada.

It would also have provided a model for the rest of the world.

I publish this account in the context of the Biden administration’s plan to convert huge tracts of privately owned US land to federally controlled property. On that land, relatively feeble “clean energy” technologies would replace, oil, coal, and natural gas—an unmitigated disaster.

It’s intentional. It’s part and parcel of the technocratic program to LOWER THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF ENERGY ALL OVER THE WORLD…

Thus, “saving the planet” from global warming.

Actually, not saving anything, but instead, further destroying the lives of people from one end of the world to the other, by condemning them to far less available energy.

Meanwhile, actual alternative energy innovations are suppressed.

This article is about the use of giant turbines submerged in water tides, and the resultant production of energy. JFK was vitally interested in the breakthrough Passamaquoddy Tidal Project, from the 1950s until his assassination in 1963. His public remarks, which I include in this piece, prove that fact.

As you read the brief history of Passamaquoddy, keep in mind that federal funding for the Project would be miniscule compared with the federal subsidizing of the oil and nuclear industries in America.

From “Tide mills – submerged water wheels that run machinery – have been used in Maine at least since the 18th century.”

“But tide mills are small-scale projects. For nearly 90 years, the idea of harnessing ocean tides on a larger scale, to generate electricity, has been debated in Maine. The most prominent – and often controversial – plan has been the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project.”

“One appeal of using ocean tides, rather than river tides, is that they occur so regularly, unaffected by droughts or other such disturbances.”

“Passamaquoddy Bay was an obvious choice for the project because more than 70 billion cubic feet of water in tides flowed in and out of the bay twice each day.”

“In 1920, Dexter P. Cooper, a young engineer who had worked with hydroelectric power, came up with a tidal power plan for Washington County.”

“His initial plan was international, damming both Cobscook and Passamaquoddy bays to create the pools necessary to feed turbines. He had a powerful supporter, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who owned a home on nearby Campobello Island.”

“Roosevelt endorsed the idea in a speech he gave in 1920 in Eastport while he was a candidate for vice president.”

“Through the 1920s, Cooper worked on the project, will help from Roosevelt.”

“They went to big power companies like General Electric, Westinghouse, and Alcoa, looking for money for initial work on the project. They hoped to have $1 million in private funds for construction.”

“New Brunswick [Maine] had agreed to plans for the huge project, passing an act to stipulate that the work had to be completed by 1932. The Federal Power Commission in the U.S. also had authorized development work.”

“The stock market crash of 1929 scuttled private investment and public support. In addition, Canadian fishermen worried about hurting fish stocks and railroads about damage to the tourist industry in New Brunswick.”

“When FDR became president and initiated the New Deal, he and Cooper and others pushed for federal investment in the project, arguing that it would provide much needed economic recovery to Washington County.”

“Critics said there was no market for power generated in Eastport, a fact that would make the project too expensive. A Federal Power Commission report determined that tidal power would be more expensive than steam-generated power.”

“Maine appointed a five-person Quoddy Hydro-Electric Commission in 1934 to further study the idea. The group reported in January 1935 that the project could proceed only if federal funds were available and that it would be appropriate for Maine to get relief funds to be used for tidal power.”

“Other study groups also stressed the benefits of Quoddy Tidal Power.”

“In 1935, the Passamaquoddy Bay Tidal Power Project received $7 million from the Public Works Administration, funds Roosevelt could allocate without Congressional approval. The money was spent on two dams across Cobscook Bay, a two-way navigation lock, a gate structure, a main generating station, and permanent and temporary housing at a nearby site named Quoddy Village.”

“The project faced a variety of political challenges and opposition from various sources in Maine and in Washington.’

“Among the opponents were Central Maine Power Co., Bangor Hydro-Electric and other power generating firms in Maine that feared the federally funded project would generate electricity at a lower cost than they could, thereby hurting their businesses.”

“Republican Governor Ralph Owen Brewster agreed to support the project if he was guaranteed some Democratic support and credit, something Roosevelt-loyal Democrats did not want to do.”

“In Congress, Southern opposition defeated funded for the project.”

“Quoddy Tidal Power was not refunded. Work was stopped in August 1936.”

“…Cancellation of the project left Eastport in a difficult situation because the town had invested in efforts to attract industry to the area. Eastport declared bankruptcy in 1937.”

“Discussion of reviving the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project has surfaced every few years, with studies undertaken and debates renewed. Each time, most people agree that the engineering plan is sound: the project could be built and it would work. Other considerations, however, have kept the project from being resumed.”

Next, here are “Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Maine Democratic Party Conference Banquet, Augusta, Maine, November 15, 1959.”


Kennedy: “Let us examine the impact of this coming revolutionary decade on the State of Maine, selecting only one vital area: the demand for electrical energy. By 1970, this state alone, according to official estimates, will need 405,000 more kilowatts of capacity than all existing and planned private power sources can possibly supply. Without this added power, your industrial development, your competitive status, your business costs and home conveniences, will all lag behind other parts of the country. But there is an answer – an answer now based on a solid, factual study – and that answer is a dream 40 years old that must now become a reality: Passamaquoddy.”

“The recent report of the International Passamaquoddy Engineering Board fully justifies all the years of urging, planning and hoping. Soon after I took my oath of office as Senator, nearly 7 years ago, I urged an immediate study of the economic feasibility of harnessing these huge tides which surge and recede every day through Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays. I said then that such a study was urgently needed if we were to plan and prepare for the pressing power needs of Maine and all New England. And it is clear from this recent report that to tap this fantastic flow of 70 billion cubic feet of water each day would be a tremendous spur to the economic growth of Maine, and New England, and the entire United States.”

“I do not say that it is a simple undertaking. It will require vision and effort and leadership – more than we have been accustomed to in recent years. It will take money – more than many would like to spend. But if we have leaders who are willing to look ahead – who are willing to spend money now in order to reap vast returns in the future – then we can look forward to a new supply of 550,000 kilowatts – to some one million tourists a year coming to view one of the most spectacular products of modern technology – to the attraction of innumerable new industries with growing power needs – and to the regeneration of the whole economy of Maine and Washington County in particular.”

“I know something of Maine’s economic problems – for we see them in Massachusetts as well: the problems of the hard-hit textile and fish industries, the problems of chronically depressed areas, the problems of transportation, unfair competition and so-called “economic old age”. But I also know the advantages which Maine possesses: a highly skilled and well-educated labor force, easy access to overseas raw materials, and abundant supplies of fresh water. Combine these assets with a tremendous new supply of power at Passamaquoddy and Rankin Rapids – and new industries will flock to Maine.”

“This is not a relief measure, born of the Great Depression that we are talking about. It is not a visionary dream – or an expensive pork-barrel project. We are talking about a great national asset, like TVA, the Grand Coulee Dam or the St. Lawrence Seaway. It is, moreover, a great undertaking in peaceful international cooperation. For New Brunswick and all of Canada also need power to expand their economies. As in the case of the Seaway, their needs and their problems will also be considered along with our own in determining the precise form this project will take.”

“But even if the United States must go it alone, the combined Passamaquoddy and Rankin Rapids Projects will not meet all of Maine’s power needs by the year 1980. And if the power is to be shared with Canada, it will not even fulfill your additional needs in 1970. In short, there is no time to be wasted. The money, the labor, the plans and the contracts and the equipment – on all of these a start must be made in the near future.”

“It will be a breathless undertaking – one of the most impressive wonders of the modern world. It need not – it should not – be a partisan undertaking. Both parties have played a role. There is work enough for all – the benefits from this project will be withheld from none. But this bold undertaking will require progressive leadership, unlimited vision and tireless determination – and these are the qualities which this Maine Democratic Conference is talking about tonight.”

Speech source: Papers of John F. Kennedy. Pre-Presidential Papers. Senate Files. Series 12. Speeches and the Press. Box 905, Folder: “Maine Democratic Party Banquet, Augusta, Maine, 15 November, 1959.

On July 16, 1963, JFK, then president—and four months before his assassination—delivered further remarks on the Passamaquoddy Project, just after receiving a comprehensive report on it.

President Kennedy: “I AM pleased to meet today with Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives from New England to discuss the report on the International Passamaquoddy Tidal Project submitted by Secretary Udall. Two years ago, I asked Secretary Udall, in cooperation with the Corps of Engineers, to restudy the proposed project, and the hydroelectric potential of the St. John River in Maine to determine whether recent developments in electric power technology had enhanced the economic feasibility of these projects.”

“This report has been presented to me this morning, and its major conclusions are most encouraging. The report reveals that this unique international power complex can provide American and Canadian markets with over a million kilowatts for the daily peak period in addition to 250,000 kilowatts of firm power. Electric power rates in the New England region are among the highest in the United States, and the survey indicates that a massive block of power can be produced and delivered at a cost of about 4 mills, approximately 25 percent below the current wholesale cost of power in the region.”

“I am pleased to note also that the development plan proposed would preserve the superb recreational areas of the Allagash River from flooding, and that an area suitable for a new national park would be preserved in this scenic part of Maine.”

“Any proposed resource development project must, of course, meet the national interest test. It must strengthen the economy of the whole country and enable America to compete better in the market places of the world. I understand that, measured by the customary feasibility standards, the Passamaquoddy-St. John project now meets the national interest test.”

“During the last three decades American taxpayers, through their Federal Government, have invested vast sums of money in developing the water resources of the great rivers of this country—the Columbia, the Missouri, the Colorado, the Tennessee, and others. These investments are producing daily dividends for our country, and it is reasonable to assume that a similar investment [Passamaquoddy] in conserving the resources of New England will also benefit the Nation. It is also reasonable to assume that a New England development will stimulate more diversified industry, increase commerce, and provide more jobs.”

“Our experience in other regions and river valleys shows that private utility customers as well as public agency power users benefit from lowering the basic cost of electric energy.”

“Harnessing the energy of the tides is an exciting technological undertaking. France and the Soviet Union are already doing pioneering work in this field. Each day, over a million kilowatts of power surge in and out of the Passamaquoddy Bay. Man needs only to exercise his engineering ingenuity to convert the ocean’s surge into a great national asset. It is clear, however, that any development of this magnitude and new approach must also be considered in the context of the National Energy Study currently being undertaken by an interdepartmental committee under the chairmanship of the Director of the Office of Science and Technology, Dr. Wiesner.”

“These projects involve international waters, and equitable agreements must therefore be reached with the Canadian Government. Therefore, I am requesting the Secretary of State to initiate negotiations immediately with the Government of Canada looking toward a satisfactory arrangement for the sharing of the benefits of these two projects. Also, to insure full consideration of these proposals, I am directing that the Interior Department and the Corps of Engineers accelerate their work on the remaining studies of details.”

“The power-producing utilities of the United States are second to none in the world. The combined effort of science, private industry, and Government will surely keep this Nation in the forefront of technological progress in energy and electric power.”

“I think that this can be one of the most astonishing and beneficial joint enterprises that the people of the United States have ever undertaken and, therefore, I want to commend the Department of the Interior for its initiative in working on this matter the past 2 years, the congressional delegation from Maine which has been interested in this for many years, and the Members of Congress from New England who have supported this great effort. I think it will mean a good deal to New England and a good deal to the country.”

Apparently, the vision of Passamaquoddy died with President Kennedy, on November 22, 1963.

It should be understood that water turbines—whether they utilize the oceans or rivers—can supply enormous amounts of energy to the world. Clean energy, at affordable prices.

Passamaquoddy would have served as a stirring illustration.

We the people are engaged in an Energy War with globalist technocrats, who want to reduce overall energy production and usage on Earth, as a further means of controlling and weakening human life.

These technocrats lurk behind false science, propaganda, various government offices and agencies.

GREATER ENERGY is not a crime. It is a desired victory for all human beings.



The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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Can cars run on water? Fri, 12 Mar 2021 15:01:54 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

March 12, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Lately, I’ve been writing about the technocrats’ plan to radically lower energy production and use, worldwide. [1]

This program, hidden behind all sorts of propaganda about energy-sharing, environmental justice, and climate change, is a method for visiting destruction on humanity.

Aside from oil, gas, coal, and nuclear, alternatives exist. The technocrats’ preference for solar and wind power—two methods that are presently incapable of replacing traditional energy sources—shouldn’t make people think those are the only options.

In my previous article, I described John F Kennedy’s vision for ocean-water turbines [2] [2a] [2b]—the huge Passamaquoddy Project—which he advanced and championed up to his death in 1963.

Here, I ask the question, can cars run on water?

I present answers from various sources.

Popular Mechanics (2008): “There is energy in water. Chemically, it’s locked up in the atomic bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. When the hydrogen and oxygen combine, whether it’s in a fuel cell, internal combustion engine running on hydrogen, or a jury-rigged pickup truck with an electrolysis cell in the bed, there’s energy left over in the form of heat or electrons. That’s converted to mechanical energy by the pistons and crankshaft or electrical motors to move the vehicle.”

“Problem: It takes exactly the same amount of energy to pry those hydrogen and oxygen atoms apart inside the electrolysis cell as you get back when they recombine inside the fuel cell. The laws of thermodynamics haven’t changed, in spite of any hype you read on some blog or news aggregator. Subtract the losses to heat in the engine and alternator and electrolysis cell, and you’re losing energy, not gaining it–period.”

From (2019): “Can you make fuel from water that you can use in your car? Yes. Will the conversion increase your fuel efficiency and save you money? Maybe. If you know what you are doing, probably yes.”

MIT School of Engineering (2018): “A water molecule contains three atoms: an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, which bond together like magnets. According to Wai Cheng, a professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Sloan Automotive Lab (where he does research on engine performance and emissions, combustion science, and energy conversion), breaking those bonds will always take more energy than you get back.”

“Let’s say you wanted to build this car. It would need equipment to split a water molecule apart and separate its oxygen and hydrogen. Then it would need to isolate each of them in separate tanks. Then you would need a combustion system that could mix and ignite them, or a fuel cell that could recombine them to make electricity. The released energy could then drive a piston or run a motor and move the car.”

“Here’s the problem, Cheng says: ‘A water molecule is very stable.’ The energy needed to separate the atoms is greater than what you get back — this process actually soaks up energy instead of giving it out.”

“Plus there’s a more volatile problem: hydrogen is dangerously flammable. Without the right safety measures, a fender-bender could turn into an explosion worthy of an Avengers movie.” (2020): “[Stanley] Meyer’s invention promised a revolution in the automotive industry. It worked through an electric water fuel cell, which divided any kind of water — including salt water — into its fundamental elements of hydrogen and oxygen, by utilizing a process far simpler than the electrolysis method.”

“Despite skepticism about the legitimacy of a car that runs on water, Meyer was able to patent his invention under Section 101 of the Subject Matter Eligibility Index…”

“Meyer’s water-powered engine was the result of 20 years of research and dedication, and he claimed it was capable of converting tap water into enough hydrogen fuel to drive his car from one end of the country to the other. His invention was mind-boggling and promised a future of non-polluting vehicles that could be refueled with a garden hose.”

“On March 21, 1998, Meyer was having lunch at a Cracker Barrel with his brother and two potential Belgian investors. The four clinked their glasses to toast their commitment to uplifting the world, but after taking a sip of his cranberry juice, Meyer clutched his throat, sprang to his feet, and ran outside. Rushing after him, his brother Stephen found him down on his knees, vomiting violently. He quickly muttered his last words, ‘They poisoned me’.”

“Meyer’s death was investigated for three months, though it was eventually written on the coroner’s report that he died of a cerebral aneurysm.”

The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, July 8, 2007, “The car that ran on water,” [3] by Dean Narciso:

“After more than 20 years of research and tinkering, it was time to celebrate.”

“Stanley Allen Meyer, his brother and two Belgian investors raised glasses in the Grove City Cracker Barrel on March 20, 1998.”

“Meyer said his invention could do what physicists say is impossible — turn water into hydrogen fuel efficiently enough to drive his dune buggy cross-country on 20 gallons straight from the tap.”

“He took a sip of cranberry juice. Then he grabbed his neck, bolted out the door, dropped to his knees and vomited violently.”

“’I ran outside and asked him, ‘What’s wrong?’ his brother, Stephen Meyer, recalled. ‘He said, ‘They poisoned me.’ That was his dying declaration’.”

“Stanley Meyer’s bizarre death at age 57 ended work that, if proved valid, could have ended reliance on fossil fuels.”

“People who knew him say his work drew worldwide attention: mysterious visitors from overseas, government spying and lucrative buyout offers.”

“His death sparked a three-month investigation that consumed and fascinated Grove City police.”

“’Meyer’s death was laced with all sorts of stories of conspiracy, cloak-and-dagger stories,’ said Grove City Police Lt. Steve Robinette, lead detective on the case.”

“If Stephen Meyer was shocked at his twin brother’s collapse and death, he was equally amazed at the Belgians’ response the next day.”

“’I told them that Stan had died and they never said a word,’ he recalled, ‘absolutely nothing, no condolences, no questions’.”

“’I never, ever had a trust of those two men ever again’.”

“Today, Stanley Meyer is featured on numerous Internet sites. A significant portion of the 1995 documentary It Runs on Water, narrated by science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke and aired on the BBC, focuses on his ‘water fuel cell’ invention.” [4] [4a]

“James Robey wants a permanent place for Meyer in his Kentucky Water Fuel Museum.”

“’He was ignored, called a fraud and died without his small hometown even remembering him with so much as a plaque,’ Robey wrote in his self-published book Water Car.”

“Meyer had euphoric highs and humiliating defeats. He was kind and generous yet paranoid and suspicious. He would be hailed as a visionary and a genius. He also would be sued and declared a fraud.”

“The basis for Meyer’s research, electrolysis, is taught in middle-school science labs.”

“Electricity flows through water, cracking the molecules and filling test tubes with oxygen and hydrogen bubbles. A match is lighted. The volatile gases explode to prove that water has separated into its components.”

“Meyer said his invention did so using much less electricity than physicists say is possible. Videos show his contraptions turning water into a frothy mix within seconds.”

“’It takes so much energy to separate the H2 from the O,’ said Ohio State University professor emeritus Neville Reay, a physicist for more than 41 years. ‘That energy has pretty much not changed with time. It’s a fixed amount, and nothing changes that’.”

“Meyer’s work defies the Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.”

“’Basically, it says you can’t get something for nothing,’ Reay said.”

“’He may have had a nice way to store the hydrogen and use it to make a very effective motor, but there is no way to do something fancy and separate hydrogen with less energy’.”

“…Nevertheless, Meyer attracted believers, investors and, eventually, legal trouble.”

“’I was a sucker for some of this stuff at the time,’ William E. Brooks said from his home in Anchorage, Alaska.”

“Brooks invested more than $300,000 in Meyer’s technology. He hoped to find applications for his aviation business.”

“Today, he and his wife, Lorraine, laugh about the ordeal, made easier because their money was returned in a 1994 settlement in Franklin County Common Pleas Court.”

“Two years later, a Fayette County judge found ‘gross and egregious fraud’ in Meyer’s contract negotiation with two businessmen. Their money was returned.”

“…Belief in Meyer continues today. So does suspicion about plots to silence him.”

“Stephen Meyer recalled a phone call to his brother’s home in the 1980s.”

“’He turned to me and said, ‘They just offered me $800 million. Should I take it?’”

“I said, ‘Hell yes. How much money do you want?’”

“’He got very quiet. When he got into that thinking process, I just let him alone,’ Stephen recalled.”

“Charlie Hughes, now 36, vividly recalls the strangers who visited his parents’ home in the late 1970s.” [Stanley Meyer was living in the Hughes house at the time.]

“He had been playing outside when the driveway suddenly filled with limousines. Men in turbans stepped out. In ‘stern, thick accents,’ they asked for Meyer. ‘I remember, because I was not allowed in my own house that day’.”

“They left briskly. Charlie was about to go inside when the driveway filled again, this time with military vehicles. ‘Army brass,’ he recalled.”

“At dinner that night, Meyer told them: ‘The Arabs wanted to offer me $250 million to stop today. You and this lovely family can live in peace and prosperity the rest of your days’.”

“The Army officials, meanwhile, had questioned Meyer about what the foreigners wanted, thinking that a deal might have been struck, Charlie recalled Meyer telling the family.”

“Meyer discusses the offers in the Clarke documentary.”

“’Many times over the last decade, I have been offered enormous amounts of money simply to sell out or sit on it … The Arabs have offered me a total of a billion dollars total pay simply to sit on it and do nothing with it’.”

“The Grove City police investigation of Meyer’s death included taped interviews of more than a dozen witnesses.”

“Absent, however, were audiotapes of the two Belgians, Phillippe Vandemoortele and Marc Vancraeyenest.”

“The men had agreed to purchase 56 acres along Seeds Road in Grove City. The city had approved a research campus there two months before Meyer’s death.”

“Lt. Steve Robinette said it’s possible the men’s interviews were not taped.”

“Calls and e-mails to Vandemoortele and Vancraeyenest for this story were not returned.”

“The Franklin County coroner ruled that Meyer, who had high blood pressure, died of a brain aneurysm. Absent any proof of foul play, the police went with the coroner’s report.”

“The only detectable drugs were the pain reliever lidocaine and phenytoin, which is used to treat seizures.”

“And what became of the dune buggy that captivated a community for at least a few years?”

“A longtime friend of Meyer’s, who doesn’t want to be named because he fears that people will bother him about the invention, led a reporter to the basement of a property south of Columbus recently.”

“’I really shouldn’t be showing you this,’ he said.”

“After passing through several darkened rooms scattered with computers and electrical equipment, he opened a door. In the far corner of a garage sat the buggy, its leather seats cracked, its engine partially covered with a cloth.”

“A decal on the bright red paint declares: ‘Jesus Christ is Lord’.”

“Then the man quickly led the way out. Lights went dark. Doors clicked shut.”

“In his front yard, he sat on a lawn chair and sipped fruit punch. He watched the cars and trucks drive by on the road, burning gasoline.”









The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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The composition of human life Fri, 18 Oct 2019 13:29:14 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

October 18, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

I’m going to give you the shorthand version of this. We’re looking at three tiers:




Consciousness deploys imagination, and imagination creates, among other things, energy.

This isn’t esoteric at all. It’s only strange to people who have shut themselves off from consciousness and imagination.

The world is embroiled in the third tier: energy. That’s where the great struggles are taking place. That’s where people are trying to find enough energy.

Physical energy, enough energy to get through the day, biological energy, energy to power their homes, their cars, their devices, energy in the form called money, and of course we have the question of energy to run societies and civilizations.

For most people, at every level there is a deficit of energy. They feel it, they know it, they experience it.

It drives people into passivity and cynicism and illness and even madness.

And yet, we have potential access to enough energy to operate the nations on this planet a million times over.

I’m talking about Frank Shuman and his original solar panels and engines, and Tesla, of course, whose papers were stolen by the FBI upon his death, and so-called cold fusion which has proven to be much more promising than the fake pundits and fake scientists would have you believe.

I’m talking about the Maine Passamaquoddy tidal energy project, which JFK promoted in vain for many years. As President he commissioned a report on it, and positive findings came in shortly before he was murdered. Passamaquoddy could be replicated all over the world, wherever there are coastal inlets with rapid shifting high and low tides.

I’m talking about small turbines in rivers all over the planet.

A tireless researcher named Andrea Silverthorne has pursued a deeper understanding of Passamaquoddy, and its connection to JFK, for a long time. You can find her article at here.

I’m certainly talking about healing, too, because freedom from disease immediately restores energy to people. So this means more (suppressed) technologies: Royal Rife, for example, and his cancer-killing frequencies. And these days, the remarkable work of Dr. Stan Burzynski in Texas—surviving despite grand jury after grand jury mounted against him.

The point is, the means exist to multiply the amount of energy available to every human by extraordinary degrees.

It is precisely this state of potential abundance that the cartels and monopolies of Earth continue to repress. That is their Job One.

They live for that job.

They hire untold numbers of propagandists to smear and defame sources of energy they don’t own.

And humans, after a while, stop believing that abundance for all is possible. To cast that belief aside is a crushing blow. On a personal level, it makes people sink into a helpless state. It colors their experience, their frame of reference, their outlook, their emotions.

They give in, they surrender, they accept. They even come to believe that surrender is an advanced spiritual state.

But what’s true is true. We do, in fact, have (suppressed) technologies that would, if unleashed, revolutionize this planetary civilization.

It isn’t some deep mystery. It’s all about who controls the future.

Look around you. Consider that every human you see is working to obtain more energy, in one way or another. It’s endless.

And consider how much would change if these repressed technologies were deployed.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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5 threats Trump poses, and 6 plans to stop him Sun, 20 Mar 2016 15:12:39 +0000 Underneath all the familiar charges leveled at Trump, there is one that has the shadow government deep in thought.

Trump: the loosest cannon.

by Jon Rappoport

March 20, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

Note: When I say “GOP,” I also include “Globalist.” Both major Parties are in the pocket of Rockefeller Globalists (Bilderberg, WEF/Davos, CFR, Trilateral Commission).

—Here cometh the loose-talking cowboy and hustler, walking into the saloon; The Donald; and the customers are cheering.



What went wrong? What in the world went wrong?

The first 4 threats Trump poses:

Threat One: The way he talks. It isn’t measured sing-song generality, which is the standard form of hypnotic prose in America for both politicians and media. The rise and fall of empty words isn’t his style, and believe me, that is disturbing to the establishment.

Big-time politics and news in the US must be delivered in hypnotic cadence—otherwise they fall apart, because they have no inherent substance. But everything Trump is advocating is carried on the waves of far different rhythms—casual, direct, non-teleprompter, jump-around, zig-zag, off the cuff; as if, out of some bygone era, he’s saying: “Hey kid, here’s a dime, run down to the corner and get me a newspaper, and here’s a nickel for yourself…”

Blown dry, androidal, high-flying, empty, sentimental, super-clean, sing-song—these are qualities drilled into, or already possessed by, successful pols and media stars. Trump cuts across and buries that style. He’s a disruptor, and he violates the cardinal rule, which is:

Don’t wake the children.

I can’t emphasize too strongly what a threat that poses to the status quo, which can only sustain itself through a tacit agreement, on all sides, to engage in trance-inducing speech.

On top of all this, Trump is delivering messages that are beyond the pale, according to current standards of political correctness. Another jolt.

Trump is doing one of these:

“Listen, folks, they’re all lying to you. You know who I’m talking about. Last month I was in Cincinnati and this reporter came up to me, I could see she was all ready to do me in, you know? She had this big question she wanted to ask me, like she was going to kill me with it—I’ve known lots of people like that, you have, too. People all over the country are out of work but all she can think about is her pet question…jobs, we’ve got to bring them back…I’m calling those companies that went overseas and telling them, pack your bags and come back or you’re going to face…(pointing) he knows what I mean…I can see it on your face, what’s your name?…I’ll bet you know someone close to you who was thrown out of his job, or maybe you were…”

Trump comes across every which way. Right side up, inside out, sideways.

Threat Two: He gets in the face of media personalities and slaps them down and topples them from their pedestals. He doesn’t bow. He doesn’t play the game. On a moment’s notice, not by script, he attacks when ruffled. He doesn’t care. This amounts to a declaration of war against media hegemony and media hypnosis. This is akin to a person telling a hypnotist, “Hey, take that pendulum out of my face, you idiot. I don’t need to go to sleep. I’m awake.” Media are supposed to be the providers of every slice and tidbit of information that’s important. They’re the eyes, ears, and mouths for the public. Trump is telling them to shut up and go away. His attitude flies in the face of the Program.

Threat Three: He knows what Globalist trade treaties have done to destroy jobs in America. He knows the American economy hasn’t come back after the 2008 crash. He doesn’t care who has signed on to these treaties. He says he’s going to make new deals and change the landscape and bring back jobs.

Whether he will or not, whether he can or not, he’s exposing the Globalist agenda, as well as the politicians on both sides of the aisle who have surrendered their minds and souls to it.

This Globalist agenda is the real third rail of politics, and Trump is not only stepping on it, he’s licking his fingers and putting his hand on the electricity and living (so far) to tell the tale. Once again, he doesn’t appear to care.

Is he for real? Is he a fake? Regardless, he’s talking about what is supposed to remain hidden, and he’s clicking with people all over the country who have lost their jobs to the insane trade policy of the Rockefeller forces.

This is verboten. This can’t happen. But it is happening.

And he isn’t going into a long song and dance about the theory of Globalism. He’s keeping it tight and simple. He’s keeping it emotional. He’s actually speaking a real language real people can understand and want to understand. In other words, he’s committing a grave crime.

He’s telling people their jobs and money and prosperity have been stolen and he’s going to get them back.

Threat Four: Immigration. In a nation that already has 60 million immigrants living here, which makes it the number one “importer” of immigrants, per capita, in the world, and generous to the hilt by most standards, he’s saying: yes, but now there is a problem, a very serious problem—and he’s going to solve it. The problem is crime, drugs, potential terrorism. And since the federal government admits it has no proper screening program to spot terrorists, he’s going to put a pause on allowing Muslim immigrants to enter the US. What could the man say that is more politically incorrect?

Whether you agree or disagree with any or every item of his proposal, consider what he’s wreaking on his comfortable liberal opposition—the people who believe open borders should be endless and forever, people who would never, under any circumstances, put a ceiling on it, because they only care about being seen as tolerant and kind and generous and self-effacing and wonderful…people who would, if necessary, walk down streets naked in the rain carrying whips and flagellating themselves to prove their motives are pure.

Based on these four points (I’m saving the best for the end, for later), Trump is a clear and present danger to the political establishment—both Parties and their Globalist handlers.

He’s a “narcissist, a Hitler, a Mussolini, a Stalin, a loon.”

The GOP, his own Party, is the first line of defense. They must try to sweep him off the board. What can they do?

One: Change the nominating rules so Rubio and Kasich can easily shift their delegates to Cruz. Right now, for example, those three men have 703 delegates among them. Trump has 671. (Rolling update here.)

Two: Induce a complete deadlock at the Convention and bring in a “compromise” candidate from the closet. For instance, Mitt Romney. Creating that deadlock could involve more rule changes that would strip delegates away from Trump by declaring they aren’t bound to vote for him.

Three: Let Trump have the nomination, but then back/encourage a third-party or independent candidate to run. This would be a person who’d obviously suck votes away from Trump in the general election, giving Hillary a walk in the park to the White House.

Or alternatively: allow a straight-on Trump vs. Hillary contest, and rig enough voting machines to make sure Hillary achieves victory in key states.

Four: Covertly back more riots leading up to the Convention, casting Trump as the cause, as the “divisive one” leading the nation over a cliff. The “law of consequences”—support Trump and this is what you get; you get fear; you get looking over your shoulder as you walk down the street.

Another version of the op: stage a grisly crime and set up a “racist Trump patsy” as the perpetrator.

Another version: stage so many violent protests the message is clear: vote for Trump and this will be a nation in permanent chaos.

Five: If all else fails, the campaign to stop Trump could be taken out of the GOP’s hands, and he would be rubbed out.

Those people calculating the success of any of these five strategies would certainly be considering blowback from Trump’s supporters. The risks are many. Exposure is a virtual certainty.

“Cooler heads” would be saying: “Look, give him the nomination. Hillary’s going to win anyway.”

And if by a miracle Trump somehow gains the Presidency, the sixth option is:

“Let’s get serious.” People with deep knowledge of the political establishment and significant clout would approach him and let him know, in no uncertain terms, that his radical plans are destined to fail. Therefore, compromise is in order. What would President Trump settle for in the real world? What would he give up?

Those are questions whose answers would define his Presidency. He could just step back into his familiar role as the ordinary maker of the ordinary deal.

But before deciding whether to capitulate, Trump might, on the spur of the moment, arrange a sit-down with, say, President Putin. He might lay his cards on the table and say, “Look, this is what I’m trying to do at home, and this is the opposition I’m facing. I think we have issues in common. How can we help each other?”

If that happened, Trump would drive the American neocons out of their minds.

And so now we’ve come to the fifth and greatest threat Trump poses:

His unpredictability.

As President, he could meet with any world leader at the drop of a hat. He could consult all sorts of unconventional sources. He could find out that solutions to national problems are available outside normal channels. Who knows?

Who knows what an un-vetted President, with a large sense of curiosity, might find out, vis-a-vis a number of issues the public is also quite curious about?

This is why men who have operated in the shadows for a long time are truly worried.

Trump has no visible pattern. When he talks, one idea sparks another and then he goes off on a third. A man like that, with the clout of the Presidency, rummaging around in the halls and basements of power and secrets? Are you kidding?

Pick your issue. Chemtrails? Black-budget ops? The extent of NSA spying on US government officials and subsequent blackmail? Extant technologies far in advance of what has been shown to the people? Including suppressed energy technologies?

Might Trump be just the sort of unhinged cowboy who would wander into one of these forbidden areas and start shooting his mouth off?

What does he care about propriety or the rules of the game? He’s Donny Trump who came out the Bronx, where he was hustling commercial buildings; he parlayed his wins into bigger and bigger properties downtown, he went bankrupt three or four times, he dealt with the mafia princes of concrete in NYC, he fired everybody in sight on The Apprentice

He’s the loosest cannon.

Conspiracy researchers cite their prime reasons for the 1963 assassination of JFK, but there is one possibility they rarely, if ever, mention. It’s just the sort of project a wandering bored-in-the-middle-of-the-night Trump might come upon.


For some 90 years, it’s lain fallow, up in the state of Maine. The basis of it is quite simple. It’s a way to provide energy for the people that doesn’t involve conventional resources buried under the ground:

Off-shore turbines.

Taking advantage of the daily difference between high and low tides, ocean water literally turns the wheel and produces electricity.

For decades, utility companies and governments in the US and Canada and town councils and all sorts of other players have fought and delayed and blocked Passamaquoddy. JFK’s interest in it started when he was a Massachusetts Senator, and when he was President he ordered a report on its status. He was more than interested in it.

He saw the implications. If off-shore turbines in Maine could produce a great deal of electricity, how many other inlets off the coast of America could fit that bill? And why only in America?

Since JFK’s death, technical research has been done, in fact, on very small turbines that would sit in the flow of rivers and yield up electricity for small communities all over the world.

Bone-headed academics have declared that water-turbine energy isn’t cost effective. The truth is, with a tiny fraction of the government money and a fraction of the favors and loopholes that have been bestowed on the oil and nuclear industries, water-turbines could change a great deal of the energy picture today.

I point this out as merely one example of the sort of secret a properly vetted US President isn’t supposed to query or expose. Presidents know the rules of the game. In most cases, they behave.

But suddenly…an intruder in the Oval Office? A man who is either pretending to be, or is, a rabid populist? A man who loves to talk and talk and talk in front of his people? A man who doesn’t seem to assess consequences in the way that other groomed candidates do? A man who has no discernible pattern?

“Listen, everybody, I just found out about something JFK was working on. It’s fantastic. In fact, it’s super-fantastic. Let me tell you all about it. Those media jerks and professors will say it doesn’t work, but President Kennedy, who was a truly great guy, thought it would. Some super-educated friends of mine have been studying it and they agree. They’ve got a whole lot of degrees and credentials behind their names…It’s called Passamaquoddy…”

There are people in the shadows with a great deal of power who couldn’t care less about the morality of Trump’s stance on immigration. What they do care about, what they do guard are the boundaries of this propped-up fantasy world of scarcity we live in together. That is their first concern.

The idea of a sitting President hunting and pecking and stumbling around in secrets whose exposure would crack that system puts their teeth on edge.

What about this strange man, Trump, who, for whatever reasons, likes to stick his hand in dark places and pull rabbits out of rabbit holes?

That would be a cause for great concern.

That would be a threat that demands action.

To grasp this situation, you have to look past the op to divide America into two warring camps. You have to look past the media piling on as they try to make Trump into the destroyer of all human civilization. You have to look past the attempt to elevate his enemies into saviors of humanity. You have to look past obvious strategies to bring in agents to stir the pot, step up violence, and threaten peaceful communities.

According to the unspoken rules of political life in this country, no un-vetted President must ever move into the White House. It must not happen. Presidents have to understand their roles and their assignments.

Trump isn’t merely another puppet set up to hand the election to his opponent, Hillary Clinton. At the start, Hillary’s allies may have seen it that way, encouraged him, helped push him out on the national stage. But then things spiraled out of control.

Once in a while, that happens. A plan falls apart and the supposed dupe takes on a life of his own. He exceeds the limits. He strikes a nerve in the public. He starts listening to himself and realizes he might actually believe in his own ideas.

As of now, the men who operate the levers of this country at several upper strata see Trump as a wild card.

And they don’t like what they see.

They don’t like it at all.

power outside the matrix

In his better moments, this crazy cowboy seems to have a penchant for solutions that actually work. He isn’t mired down in standard actions designed to yield up more stagnation and more despair.

That makes him both unpredictable and dangerous, because there are real secrets that have been buried over the years—secrets that could restore prosperity and abundance for populations.

He might be crazy enough to unearth them and hold them up and talk about them, and new allies might come to his aid.

This is what is at the bottom of elite fear about the candidate who was never supposed to jump up out of nowhere.

Don’t assume such a threat could never, ever come in the form of a wise-cracking self-inflating hustler from way back. Don’t assume there is some correct archetype of the person who will blow the lid off the grave of secrets. This isn’t a spy novel in which the hero fits the reader’s fantasy. This is the American Empire, and it has been ruled, for a long time, by lunatics.

It might not be a surprise that a wild-talking cowboy exposes a few of their holy of holies.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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If this were a Presidential campaign speech Mon, 12 Oct 2015 13:54:32 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

October 12, 2015

(To join our email list, click here.)

After a round of applause on the heels of the candidate’s remarks about the hideous effects of Globalism on national economies, he took a sharp turn in the road…

“And let me tell you about energy. You know, the stuff every human in the world consumes every day. The stuff we go to war over, while claiming we’re trying to install democracies. What a lie that is. And we all know it. Major media don’t report it, don’t face up to it, because they’re part of the problem. Does anyone watch the evening network news anymore? I don’t. It emits a putrid smell. A crippling foul stench.

“Anyway, we have alternatives to oil. We have them. People know about them, and they keep them on the shelf.

“For example, how many inlets are there on our coastlines where the high tide and the low tide are at sharp extremes? In each of those places, we could put turbines, and the tides would turn the turbines and produce electricity. It’s ridiculously obvious.

“In fact, JFK was very interested, for decades, in a project like that in Maine. It was called Passamaquoddy. People stopped that from happening. People in America and Canada. It’s quite a story. Look it up.

“You can also put small turbines in many, many rivers and deliver electricity to local communities.

“On a much simpler level, you can manufacture bicycles. You sit on the bike and pedal for an hour, and you produce enough electricity for 24 hours, in a small dwelling. There is a company right now that has them. They have a campaign going called Billions in Change.

“This same company is trying to use a substance called graphene, a marvelous conductor, to build a prototype that will bring heat up from below ground, anywhere on the planet, without energy loss. Heat is energy.

“Remember hydrogen energy? For a while, that was the latest thing. Then, for some reason, it wasn’t. Why? You can split water into oxygen and hydrogen. It isn’t rocket science.

“The point is, our leaders have been paying lip service to the idea of getting off the oil addiction, but they haven’t really done it. They haven’t wanted to do it. No matter what they say, they’re in bed with the oil companies.

“People bring up the issue of ‘cost-effectiveness’. They say, ‘Well yes, there are many alternatives to oil, but right now they’re too expensive to produce. Someday, of course…’ Has anyone stopped to figure out the total amount of government subsidies—I’m talking about tax breaks, loopholes, special favors (criminal collusions), grants, and so on—the government has doled out to Big Oil and Big Nuclear Power over decades and decades? And all of a sudden, when we start talking about real alternatives, there isn’t enough money. Gee whiz, we don’t have any money. That’s a stupendous lie.

“Can you imagine—and I ask you to try, really try—what would happen to the state of mind of the American people, if we went to brilliant energy alternatives and got away from oil? Can you imagine the upsurge of excitement?

“And we’re no longer fighting wars for oil. We’re no longer kissing the asses of certain people who give us oil. We’re not hobbled.

“A Manhattan Project for new energy. Not a fake one. Not a pretense. Not lip service. Not people pretending they’re cutting-edge scientists. No more naysayers. In my administration, all those people would be pumping gas at broken down stations in the desert and selling water at Seven-Elevens. I’d get some real individuals on board. No committees sucking away tax money to turn out some gibberish task force report in six years. No more university freeloaders pontificating and wasting our time.

“Oil companies are free to bring us oil, on their own dime, until somebody can provide energy more cheaply. At which point, I would use the Army, if necessary, to keep the oil companies from trying to enforce their monopoly. How many people would like to watch that confrontation? I would.

“Guess what? New energy is going to come from the private sector, from innovators. It’s not going to come from the government. The government is in the business of protecting oil. The last time I looked, that protection racket isn’t a real business. It isn’t making anything except trouble. I’m sick of those people. Aren’t you?

“See, I’m talking about what you already know, aren’t I? We all know it. I’m now making it part of the news. Energy alternatives are here. Liars and scumbags and the criminals are protecting cartels. We don’t like that. Americans are instinctively opposed to cartels. We want to put them in the dirt, where they belong.

“For that, we would need a real Attorney General. When was the last time America had one of those? I can’t remember. But I assure you, I would appoint one. A tiger. A balls-to-the-walls, fearless, righteous son of a bitch who is on the side of the angels. He would be my guy. He would use his full Constitutional power to crack cartels like walnuts.

“And while I’m at it, what about human energy? You know, that flow that gets you through the day, the energy that’s related to a state of good health? What about that?

“Am I giving you startling news when I say the whole medical cartel, including of course the drug companies, are treating anything that moves as a disease these days? Does that news come as a shock to you? And are you surprised to learn that many of the drugs Americans consume like M&Ms are toxic? Of course not. Everybody knows that now.

“Everybody knows these drug companies and their collaborators are in the business of creating diseases out of every human behavior, so we all look like and become drugged-out eternal patients.

“In the process, what happens to human energy? It’s depleted. Toxic compounds tend to do that, right?

“So why should the whole medical cartel have a monopoly on health care? Why can’t any human make up his own mind about how to become more healthy, more alive? Why can’t he go to any practitioner he chooses? Why is that a crime?

“As President, I assure you this insanity will stop. Doctors will climb into the real world and compete with any sort of practitioner out there, on level ground.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

“Anyway, are you people getting the message? Freedom. Lots and lots of freedom. New energy. Better energy. No more robots telling us what we can and can’t do.

“You know what the problem has been? There haven’t been enough of us saying what we think. There haven’t been enough of us giving voice to what we already know. We’ve been in trance listening to a parade of idiots and venal bastards.

“We can create better days. We can do it, I assure you…”

Seconds of silence followed the candidate’s words. In many, many minds, thoughts spun and turned over and ticked, until all at once, it became obvious that, yes, there was this thing called a trance, and we had been in it, and there was another thing called freedom and power, real power, and people were yearning for it, instead of a fake grotesque Mommy and Daddy called The State.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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The composition of human life Mon, 02 Jun 2014 16:04:50 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

June 2, 2014

(To join our email list, click here.)

I’m going to give you the shorthand version of this. We’re looking at three tiers:




Consciousness deploys imagination, and imagination creates, among other things, energy.

This isn’t esoteric at all. It’s only strange to people who have shut themselves off from consciousness and imagination.

The world is embroiled in the third tier: energy. That’s where the great struggles are taking place. That’s where people are trying to find enough energy.

Physical energy, enough energy to get through the day, biological energy, energy to power their homes, their cars, their devices, energy in the form called money, and of course we have the question of energy to run societies and civilizations.

For most people, at every level there is a deficit of energy. They feel it, they know it, they experience it.

It drives people into passivity and cynicism and illness and even madness.

And yet, we have potential access to enough energy to operate the nations on this planet a million times over.

I’m talking about Frank Shuman and his original solar panels and engines, and Tesla, of course, whose papers were stolen by the FBI upon his death, and so-called cold fusion which has proven to be much more promising than the fake pundits and fake scientists would have you believe.

I’m talking about the Maine Passamaquoddy tidal energy project, which JFK promoted in vain for many years. As President he commissioned a report on it, and positive findings came in shortly before he was murdered. Passamaquoddy could be replicated all over the world, wherever there are coastal inlets with rapid shifting high and low tides.

I’m talking about small turbines in rivers all over the planet.

A tireless researcher named Andrea Silverthorne has pursued a deeper understanding of Passamaquoddy, and its connection to JFK, for a long time. You can find her article at here.


power outside the matrix

I’m certainly talking about healing, too, because freedom from disease immediately restores energy to people. So this means more (suppressed) technologies: Royal Rife, for example, and his cancer-killing frequencies. And these days, the remarkable work of Dr. Stan Burzynski in Texas—surviving despite grand jury after grand jury mounted against him.

The point is, the means exist to multiply the amount of energy available to every human by extraordinary degrees.

It is precisely this state of potential abundance that the cartels and monopolies of Earth continue to repress. That is their Job One.

They live for that job.

They hire untold numbers of propagandists to smear and defame sources of energy they don’t own.

And humans, after a while, stop believing that abundance for all is possible. To cast that belief aside is a crushing blow. On a personal level, it makes people sink into a helpless state. It colors their experience, their frame of reference, their outlook, their emotions.

They give in, they surrender, they accept. They even come to believe that surrender is an advanced spiritual state.

But what’s true is true. We do, in fact, have (suppressed) technologies that would, if unleashed, revolutionize this planetary civilization.

It isn’t some deep mystery. It’s all about who controls the future.

Look around you. Consider that every human you see is working to obtain more energy, in one way or another. It’s endless.

And consider how much would change if these repressed technologies were deployed.

More to come…

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

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Propaganda mind control: turning truth backwards Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:07:19 +0000 by Jon Rappoport

September 25, 2013

(To join our email list, click here.)

Now and then, if you take a popular advertising or PR slogan and turn it backwards, you get something more interesting.

Remember GE’s “Progress is our most important product”? Try “Product is our most important progress.”

Or “There’s no I in team” becomes “There’s no team in I.”

More esoteric? If you have a little surrealism in your blood, you can do a Zen koan with “Think outside the box,” making it, “Box outside the think.”

Propaganda mainly exists to put the truth backwards, because for some reason people like it that way.

The Vatican has some high-level propaganda pros working for it. They float the idea that in-house pedophiles are just occasional wanderers from the ethical status quo.

Whereas the priesthood is closer to an ad for men who like little boys.

You can wear an official robe and we’ll protect you. If you get caught, we’ll move you around from diocese to diocese until you disappear, and you’ll never have to serve a day in jail or pay a fine. Ask yourself if this profession is right for you…”

The government wants us to believe that alternatives to oil are extremely difficult to come by (except for nuke reactors that can destroy life on Earth).

Presidents will always pay lip service to gaining independence from foreign oil.

But this is all backwards propaganda. The truth runs more like this: “We want to fight wars and control land and kill people and blow up whatever we can. We need a reason to do that. So, when we talk to influential corporate types and insiders, we focus on energy. We say we have to keep the oil flowing, that’s why we go in there and destabilize countries and set up new puppets and kill, kill, kill.”

What? Energy isn’t the real reason?

No it isn’t. The real reason is lunatics want to kill people and control land.

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

Here’s how you make energy. You turn a wheel. Call it a turbine. Set up the wheel in conjunction with magnetic fields, and you can produce energy. Electricity.

Those huge dams? Those nuke plants? They end up turning wheels. Water, steam. They spin the wheel.

Well, there is this thing called the ocean. You may have heard of it. And then there are smaller narrower versions called rivers.

The water moves. It flows. It’s strong. Small turbines in rivers and larger ones in coastal inlets, where the ocean tide varies from quite high to low—and you can turn the wheel.

It’s not that perplexing.

If you want to get fancy, you can build plants offshore and split water into hydrogen and oxygen and use the hydrogen for energy.

Here’s where the domeheads enter the scene and exclaim this is all about “cost-effectiveness.”

No it isn’t.

If you need to, check out the history of government subsidies and loopholes that exist for people who make oil in the ground into energy and nuke factories hum.

Do you think these industries survive on pure free-market capitalism? Kidding? They’re supported. All sorts of deals shore up their back-end.

So, on a far, far lesser scale, ocean/river turbines and hydrogen from sea water might need a subsidy boost, but compared to oil and nukes, we’re talking pennies on the dollar.

Energy independence has been there for us, for a long time, but that isn’t the point. The military industrial complex doesn’t want it. They want to fight wars, and they need a reason they can give to “people in the know”: oil.

It’s all backwards.

The propaganda is enormous. It includes numerous psyops designed to make the public believe in energy shortages, as well as “necessary wars.”

These people and their allies are inventing, day by day, a reality that implies the need for war.

Read “The Dream of Passamaquoddy,” the story of the Maine tidal electricity project JFK supported for many years. It’s a prime illustration of how a feasible source of energy was stalled, deflected, wrapped in red tape, politicized, and undermined.

To understand war, start with the psychology of the men who make it happen. They may talk about geopolitics and energy, but they’re obsessed with attacking, destroying, and killing.

They’re Attila the Hun in suits and military uniforms.

In the delusion called consensus reality, whole populations admire these gangsters, who represent the generalized desire for some kind of revenge against life-as-it-is.

Okay, boys, all of us in this room here are on the same page. We can let down our guard. We know we love to kill and maim and bomb and enslave and take over land. That’s what we live for. So we need to ID some valuable thing we say is very, very scarce, without which life as we know it wouldn’t exist. Get it? And we privately tell Presidents and legislators and heavy hitters we have to go to war to safeguard this very scarce thing and make sure we can still obtain it. Ha-ha. And for our purposes, the thing is ENERGY. Right? We do whatever it takes to make everybody believe energy is scarce and hard to come by and limited and so on, and war is okay because we fight to make sure we have access to energy. It’s all backwards…but who cares?”


Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

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Fukushima in the nuclear age Tue, 10 Apr 2012 03:39:46 +0000 By Jon Rappoport

April 7, 2012

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Before I launch into this subject, I want to point out something about alternatives to nuclear, something that has been laughed off and passed off as absurd for many decades now. It’s all wrapped up in a defunct project called Passamaquoddy, in Maine, and it involves tidal power—the ability of changing tides to turn turbines for power—instead of using radioactive substances to produce steam that turns these turbines.

A tireless researcher named Andrea Silverthorne has pursued a deeper understanding of Passamaquoddy, and its connection to JFK, for a long time. You can find her article on it at:

Michael Collins at measured radiation levels in Santa Monica, CA, a few days ago and found, in mist samples, a 500% escalation above what is considered normal—as a result of the drift from Fukushima.

He also states that, at the San Onofre nuclear power plant, a few miles up the freeway from where we live in San Diego, there is a problem. The facility has been shut down for two months, after radioactive steam escaped through a leak in a tube.

According to Collins, many tubes there show signs of wear, and the officials at San Onofre have been ordered to fix them—but some of the tubes are new. They have been shaking and rubbing against each other and against other structures. No one is sure why. New equipment from Mitsubishi was recently installed at the plant—and the basic position of the officials at San Onofre was: we don’t need detailed inspection; we’re simply replacing the old with the new and there are no important changes being made. Collins states this is untrue. One change, among several, has been an alteration in the rate of water flow through the tubes.

Everything I’ve said so far in this article is nothing compared with what is going on in Japan at Fukushima. Nothing. For example, ABC News is now reporting a new leak of 12 tons of radioactive water from the nuclear plant.

What I’m hearing from Collins and others: one of the Fukushima buildings (unit #4) has a second floor where a pool of water containing many uranium rods is in danger of drying out or collapsing. And if that happens, we are looking at a global catastrophe the likes of which we’ve never seen.

This is way beyond “a sobering thought.”

Assuming this scenario is accurate, we are hearing, reading, and seeing virtually nothing about it via major media.

There are no easy fixes. To tackle the delicate job of repair on Fukushima unit 4 or the transport of its dangerous materials away from the site…I have not yet heard any straight-ahead solutions that are being touted enthusiastically. There has been some buttressing construction work on the second floor at unit 4; I don’t know how successful it will be, over the short or long term.

According to Collins, the company that runs Fukushima, TEPCO, is working their people five days a week, and they go home on the weekends, as if it’s business as usual.

He finds no evidence that a herculean effort is being made to solve the unit 4 problem.

(I’m fully aware, by the way, that environmental disasters can be used as a pretext for “clamping down tighter on the population.” I know all about this. I know about these ops.)

But if what is happening at Fukushima is as massive as I’m hearing it is, then finding the best way to fix it, if it can be fixed, is not only urgent, it’s imperative—without any gestures toward martial law or other criminal operations. There are still aftershocks from the earthquake in Japan (or some say the earthquake is really continuing), and this could be what brings down all that water and those fuel rods.

In addition to what I’ve mentioned and sketched about the situation at Fukushima, there are 4000 tons of radioactive waste stored there. This is not unusual, because where are they going to put it?

A member of the Union of Concerned Scientists has sent me the following email:

In 1997, Brookhaven [National Laboratory] released the attached report on spent fuel pool accidents at US reactors.

Tables 4.1 and 4.2 summarize the results for PWRs and BWRs, respectively. Fukushima Unit 4 is a BWR.

Table 4.2 Case 1H reported 138,000 latent cancer deaths out to 500 miles, 2,170 square miles of condemned land, and a total cost of $546 billion.

But Unit 4 [at Fukushima] did not have a full pool, as do most US BWRs.

Instead, Unit 4 essentially had only the last core in the spent fuel pool, which is Case 2H.

‘Only’ 86,400 latent cancer deaths with a total cost of ‘only’ $234 billion.

End email.


I have read estimates of death and damage that are much more severe and much less severe. Naturally, a great deal revolves around how you project numbers of future cancer cases.

Now, here is a comment emailed to me by Dr. Helen Caldicott, who has been a passionate and outspoken opponent of nuclear power for many years. Dr. Caldicott voices warnings and predictions that some have called far too extreme. For others, she is one of the central heroes in the struggle for a safer world.

Jon, yes it [unit 4 at Fukushima] has over 1000 fresh fuel rods straight out of the no 4 reactor and the building is fragile because of the earthquake, if there was another quake and the building collapsed the Japanese government is saying that Tokyo would have to be evacuated – 30 million people, and the rest of the northern hemisphere would be seriously impaired. Already Fukushima is 2.5 to 3 times worse in releases than Chernobyl and the NY Academy of Science report indicates that over one million have died in the first 25 years post Chernobyl!”

If you want a completely opposite view, you can visit Rod Adams, a pro-nuclear-power advocate, at Atomic Insights. Rod has written extensively, defending nuclear power plants, and in his view the dangers from leaks have been grossly overstated.

Again, one key lies in how you predict and project cancer as a result of radioactive emissions. In the past, I’ve interviewed people who stand on both sides of the question. Their assessments are miles apart.

Finally, here is an article from, the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, by Willi Nolan: Fatal Flaws: Unsolved Problems of Nuclear Reactors.”

December 1, 2011

Since the catastrophic accident at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant, independent investigations of safety issues are revealing more and more little-known facts about the unsolved dangers inherent to virtually all nuclear power plants in the world.

In Canada, Dr. Michel Duguay, of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering studies at Laval University, joined with public interest groups to share troubling scientific facts about problems that are intrinsic to all CANDU reactors. Duguay cites reports from staff at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) about a design flaw in CANDU nuclear reactor cooling systems, which can, with loss of pressure while in operation, cause a chain of events to commence, including explosions on the scale experienced in Japan, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.

Historical investigations have also revealed that the vast majority of nuclear reactors everywhere are operating with another fatal design flaw … the radioactive fuel is encased in a zirconium metal alloy.

Zirconium becomes explosive when in contact with air or steam. One of the potential causes of the generation of the highly explosive hydrogen gas during a nuclear power plant accident comes from the reaction of steam with the zirconium-alloy metal in reactor fuel delivery systems.

This concern was raised at least as early as 1975 by Dr. Earl A. Gulbransen ( 1909-1992), a professor in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Despite this evidence, all CANDU reactors still use fuel delivery systems that contain zirconium alloy. Fuel rods containing pellets of uranium fuel for CANDUs are assembled into “bundles” or cylinders or tubes which are inserted into the reactor’s calandria vessel. Both the fuel rods and bundles are made of “zircaloy” an alloy composed mainly of zirconium.

A “calandria tube” containing insulating CO2 gas (carbon dioxide) surrounds each fuel bundle for delivery into the reactor’s calandria vessel while a cooling system dissipates the heat to prevent hot particles from becoming overheated and causing the reactor to go critical, which could result in reactor meltdown. The CANDU is designed so that failed or leaking zirconium fuel bundles can be located and removed from the reactor core while in operation and reduce radiation fields in the primary operating systems.

However, because zirconium explodes when in contact with hydrogen (air), fuel bundles are always kept covered with water. As has already happened at Fukushima and Three Mile Island, loss of water from pools of “spent” radioactive fuel leads to spontaneous ignition of the zirconium alloy cladding. In response, explosions of hydrogen gas from the surrounding air, damage to fuel assemblies, release of radioactive materials, reactor criticality leading to a potential meltdown can follow. All CANDU installations in Canada store used fuel bundles on site.

In 1979, a list of nuclear plants around the world published the fact that almost all Light Water Reactors (LWR) are also affected by this flaw. The same source indicates that 85% of the nuclear power plants in the world are affected by this design flaw.

Earl A. Gulbransen: One of the potential causes of the generation of highly explosive hydrogen gas during a nuclear power plant accident comes from the reaction of steam with the zirconium-alloy metal cladding (or tubing) of the fuel rods that hold the uranium fuel pellets.”

Managing waste fuel bundles presents yet another set of problems. According to a November 2008 study by Gordon R. Thompson of the Institute for Resource and Security Studies, there are no published studies on the potential for an accidental release of radioactive material from spent fuel stored at a nuclear power plant employing a CANDU reactor.

In October 2011, plant operators at Point Lepreau, New Brunswick, announced the installation of a passive hydrogen capture system to prevent possible hydrogen explosions in the reactor. No such measures were announced for its waste management facility. It is noteworthy that, because operators are relying on simulations to test potential for explosions, there is no way to obtain certainty about either the safety of this measure in real life situations, or the validity of software simulations under changing conditions, such as life extension projects for aging reactors.

Until Fukushima, science has not focused adequately on worst-case nuclear accident scenarios. There is no agreement on what exactly can or has or will happen in nuclear accidents or on the plans of action needed to protect populations from harm. Many hydrogen explosions have been reported at Fukushima; there is at least some growing consensus that loss of containment of used and unused reactor fuel assemblies are the cause of at least some of these explosions.

Governments regulators on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border, although mandated to protect public health and the environment, are under fire for rubber stamping operator licenses and not paying enough attention to ensure that regulations to avoid severe accidents are enforced. Although the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has determined that there is no safe level of exposure to ionizing radiation, regulators have in fact increased allowable levels of radiation for workers and the public while minimizing actual risks to health and safety. IICPH continues to note that independent medical opinion is missing from regulatory oversight of nuclear plant licence applications.

The states of New York and Vermont have both won successful rulings in lawsuits against the Nuclear Safety Commission (NRC) and reactor operator Entergy. These historic legal precedents demonstrate that the NRC violated regulations by allowing the nuclear plants to continue to operate without requiring complete assessments for environmental protection and safety in the case of severe accidents.

It is time for nuclear operators, proponents and the industry itself to admit that, whether through “acceptable” or accidental releases and exposure to the public or measures to mitigate severe harm and widespread damage, nuclear power plants will never guarantee public safety or complete control of radioactive materials.

Perhaps it is some comfort that, at the inception of the age of nuclear power, they were only designed to last forty years. That time has passed. Humanity must now learn wise use of energy. Conservation and efficiency must replace the practice of wasting precious energy resources. Economies and industries based on dirty energy generation must be replaced.

Fortunately, this trend has already begun, with strategies that combine wise energy use with renewable resources. We hope that it is not too late to alter our individual and collective ecological footprints to ensure the survival and well being of humanity.

End article.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

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