Part 5, What is The Matrix?

Part 5, What is The Matrix?

by Jon Rappoport

July 6, 2011

From one point of view, the Matrix is a central block of energy that is fed by millions of loops and tubes of energy—and those loops are all human actions that follow a script called:


“The human condition” is a fake image of the limitations of human life, plus all the implications and melodramas that follow from it.

You can imagine it as one vast bureaucracy, in which the workers are grossly unhappy with what is going on and yet love every misstep, mistake, postponement, crisis, and grinding routine.

It’s a culture. To one degree or another, it pervades every area of life.

As long as limitation is the overriding principle, the human-condition drama is going to play over and over again. The faces and names will change, but the production will go on.

Limitation has to do with: obscuring the existence, range, and power of imagination. Limitation is ultimately based on the PRETENSE THAT IMAGINATION IS AN UNIMPORTANT FACULTY.

Once you accept that pretense, life as we know it and the “human condition” follow as night follows day.

The “human condition” and its implications are really coming into their own now—they are being promoted as the reason we must have “share-and-care”global governance that continues to advance its agenda. Which includes cradle to grave medical status as a patient with constant need for treatment.

Global governance resonates closely with the Matrix.

The US Constitution was written for an agrarian society of about six million people who were living in a relatively small area along the east coast of the continent.

Thomas Jefferson’s view was that each generation, every 20 years or so, should write their own Constitution. This is a rather staggering point, ignored by most so-called conservatives.

Jefferson also believed a Republic would succeed only if the population was rather small.

So, for example, we might now have 50 or 60 separate Republics on this continent—each one writing a new Constitution every 20 years.

If that were the case, the present national government in Washington DC would be a thing of the past. Gone.

The 50 or 60 Republics would hopefully maintain good relations with one another, and one assumes Bill of Rights provisions would be part of each Republic’s basic law.

Decentralized government.

I would favor at least 200 Republics on this continent.

That way, citizen participation in government would actually mean something.

One Republic, so-called, with a population of 330,000,000 people, trying to fulfill The General Good of All, is going to fail progressively and spectacularly. The taxation rate alone is a disaster. Further, the attitude of the central government is going to be shaped by people who think in terms of 330 million people—planners, problem solvers, bureaucrats and administrators. And this tendency is going to slant action in the direction of attending to the masses, as units or groupings, rather than as individuals. It’s a self-defeating proposition.

I believe a man like Alexander Hamilton, however, saw this future and did not flinch from it, because in his eyes “the people” were doomed from the beginning by their nature and character. They had to be ruled from above.

It was Jefferson who was more optimistic about the potential of the individual.

In our world today, we are seeing big governments getting bigger—as a strategy for solving their unsolvable problems. The venality and greed and duplicity of political leaders are all about extending top-down control. It’s not just a plan, it’s what happens when the nation is so large, because the people who naturally gravitate to “serve” have this predilection for power/control.

The weave of the reality-Matrix and big government harmonize. They both exist to make people passive receptors.

“I’m basically John Jones living in the Untied States in 2011. I’m trying to get ahead. I’m encountering problems and trying to solve them. I’m looking out on the world from this point of view. I have no reservoir of inherent power. I’m striving. I’m doing the best I can…”

This is the shrunken attitude of a member of Matrix reality.

It is fostered by a minimized and restricted sense of possibility.

And THAT naturally seeps in when imagination is not the prime piece of the equation.

Imagination not only conceives of extended possibility, it projects it into space and time AND BEYOND.

When imagination swings into operation, physical reality is more an occasion for creating new realities, rather than a definer of reality.

The difference is crucial.

In 1932, Henri Bergson wrote, “The universe is a machine for creating gods.”

The Matrix plus John Jones is a collaboration that brings gods into being, the result of which is passivity.

As I’ve written before, the universe (Matrix) is one work of art among a potentially infinite number of works of art. The idea of exploring one work of art to the point of obsession, to the point of forgetting all the other potential works of art and the “means of their production” (imagination) is the sine qua non of the Matrix.

Imagination exceeds the space-time continuum.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

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