Selling the psychiatric paradigm

by Jon Rappoport

August 4, 2012

The culture of psychiatry goes beyond the brain-scrambling effects of the drugs.

It begins with the idea that there are distinct and definable mental disorders shared by many people. This is a false premise the most hinky grifter and con man would never dare to peddle.

It’s technical voodoo made to appear like science: the science of The Mental Disorder.

For every disorder, a drug. For every diagnosis, a prescription. For every false claim to scientific legitimacy, a denial of the uniqueness of the patient.

Psychiatry is covert collectivism: “we all have mental disorders of one kind or another and we need to acknowledge that and help each other limp down the road of life.”

The notion that you can “cure a mental condition” and thereby set a person free is an illusion. There are no mental conditions. The 297 disorders listed in the current bible of the psychiatric profession are merely pharmaceutical marketing ploys and guidelines for insurance billing.

As I stated in a recent article, the history of the human race is the record of the struggle to bring, from WE, the idea of I, the individual. From many cultures based on the collective WE, a tremendous revolution overthrew the manufactured consensus, and the singular I emerged out of the swamp. Now we are witnessing a reversal, a falling back into the primitive WE, and this absurd journey is festooned with slogans and assurances that some sort of paradise awaits us if we will only give in and melt down.

The goo is All!

That is the true underlying slogan, and it should be engraved across the front facade of the White House and the headquarters of the American Psychiatric Association.

The psychiatric adhesive that promotes collectivism is “mental disorders that are shared by millions of people.”

But who owns your mind? Who is the expert? Who is the court of last resort? Who ultimately can take those energies and direct them toward the discovery and fulfillment of a vision? Who decides what the vision is? Who has that freedom and that choice?

A group? A collective? A professional who makes diagnoses and dispenses drugs?

Who finally makes meaning out of your existence and charts a course?

Are you prepared to give that away?

Read the words of a man who was once the most widely praised psychiatrist in the world, the president of Canadian Psychiatric Association, the president of the American Psychiatric Association, the president of the World Psychiatric Association, the president of the American Psychopathological Association, the president of the Society of Biological Psychiatry:

In the electro-shock procedure, we have means of producing graduated amnesia, and it is of interest to note that there is a proportional relationship between the number of electroshocks given within a period of time and the extent of the amnesias. It is quite possible, for instance, to produce a long-lasting, probably permanent, amnesia by setting the number of electroshock treatments to be given within a predetermined period.”

(1963, “The Processes of Remembering,” British Journal of Psychology, 109: 325-340)

Donald Ewen Cameron, once the king of psychiatry, wrote those words and administered many, many high-intensity shock treatments to patients, with the goal of erasing their memories and installing, in the second phase of his monstrous treatment-torture, entirely new personalities of his own choosing.

That was his view of the inviolable nature of the Individual.

If you think electroshock is the only psychiatric treatment capable of rendering such great harm, read Dr. Peter Breggin’s landmark book, Toxic Psychiatry. For example, how does, at minimum, 400,000 cases of motor brain damage from just one class of psychiatric drug strike you?

And read Dr. Gary Kohls’ excellent article on the role of psychiatric drugs in homicides:

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.


  1. misterioso says:

    Are you aware of the works of Julian Jaynes?

  2. “Se ci si riflette, il mandato della psichiatria non è lo stesso delle altre branche della medicina; la psichiatria si distingue infatti per la sua rivendicazione di un mandato che la autorizzi a privare della libertà persone che non hanno commesso crimini.”
    Tristano Ajmone

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