by Jon Rappoport

October 19, 2012


Crowley, the presidential debate moderator on Tuesday night, has just been given a coat of Teflon by her CNN boss.


In an extraordinary move, CNN managing editor Mark Whitaker sent an email to all his staff with an unequivocal message: don’t mess with our Candy.


Whitaker’s statement effectively squelched the possibility that any CNN reporter would take Crowley to task for siding with Obama on the Libya situation, during the second presidential debate.


Let’s start with a big round of applause for Candy Crowley for her superb job under the most difficult circumstances imaginable,” Whitaker wrote.


End of controversy at CNN.


You can read Whitaker’s full email here:


I contacted a well-known national news reporter at another network, who stated he’d never encountered such a blatant piece of in-house censorship in his years of work.


Whitaker has circled the wagons at CNN, and from this moment forward, it’s “Candy is the greatest” or shut up.


Obviously, Whitaker makes no distinction between Crowley’s job as a CNN reporter and her work as presidential debate moderator. The CNN corporation must be protected.


Perhaps Whitaker should have passed his reporters some cash with a curt “loose lips sink ships” and have done with it.


Back in 2008, when he was NBC’s Washington bureau chief, Whitaker exercised the same “objectivity” during an interview with Andrea Mitchell. He commented on the McCain campaign: “Obviously, it’s true that they don’t want to talk about the state of the economy…”


In a 2009 piece for the Washington Post, Whitaker engaged in a sophomoric examination of Obama’s first year in the White House, explaining the president’s problems as the result of a dislocated childhood. Obama’s decision to impose rigid order on his life was a defense against the chaos of his upbringing, but wasn’t effective as a strategy in the rough-and-tumble world of Washington politics. Really. Yawn. Sob.


It would make things a lot more interesting and easy if Whitaker just came out and said, “Vote for Obama.”


But people like Whitaker get their jobs in the news business in part because they know how to carve the news up delicately and serve it selectively. They’re adept at weaseling, in other words.


That’s why it’s surprising that Whitaker just emailed that heavy bomb to his staff. Nothing subtle there. In fact, in an example of prime buffoonery, Whitaker claimed that Crowley gave Obama more air time than Romney in the debate because Obama talks more slowly.


I see. So now we’re measuring out fair and balanced minutes on the basis of…the…candidates’….cadence. What happens in 2016 if one of the parties runs a candidate who utters six words a minute? Does he get a full 90 minutes to enunciate his positions? What happens if a candidate takes a question and just stares blankly at the audience for a minute or two while trying to come up with a suitable lie? Is that subtracted from or added to his allotted time?


CNN is a sinking ship because people are waking up to the fact that its veneer of objectivity is simply a cover for ugly liberalism; just as FOX’s brass-band front is a cover for “all big corporations are good corporations.”


As they say about an athlete, “He’s juicing.” Both networks (all major networks) are on a steroid roll, claiming to handle news with meticulous concern for facts, while on a massive hustle to get over on the public with their covert political preferences.


Turns out, in this case, Candy Crowley and Whitaker are operatives for the Left. Their moves are those of rank amateurs. I know pool rooms and card rooms where their act would be laughed out of existence in about two minutes.


With these two bumblers, the word transparency takes on new meaning.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at


  1. Is Candy a descendant of the infamous Aleister Crowley by any chance? If so, one could take a wild guess at who’s running things, considering his esoteric “connections”. I couldn’t even finish watching this farce. What a set-up! I’m no Romney fan either, but I think he wound up being the underdog on this one.

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