New study: are we all living in the future now?

New study: are we all living in the future now?

By Jon Rappoport

February 14, 2013

A recent Bonn University study suggests we may all be living in a virtual simulation. If a pixel-lattice that forms the background of this universe is presenting us with an all-encompassing “television picture” of reality, then the whole space-time continuum could be a rigorously designed artifact.

But another study, this one using a small number of meditators, pushes our understanding even further.

Dean Radin, the author of two groundbreaking books on controlled paranormal experiments, The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds, spoke at a January conference, Electric Universe, in New Mexico. He described his recent pilot study on time and precognition.

A small group of advanced meditators who use the “non-dual” technique, were tested. While meditating, they were subjected to random interruptions: a flash of light and a beeping sound. Measuring their brain activity, Radin found that significant brain changes occurred BEFORE the light flashes or the beeps.

A control group of non-meditators were tested in exactly the same way, but their brain measurements revealed NO such changes.

In other words, the brains of the meditators anticipated the timing of the unpredictable interruptions.

The future was registering now. This, of course, opens up another way of thinking about time.

Serial time, the idea that, in this continuum, we experience a smooth progression of moments, with the present becoming, so to speak, the future, is the conventional view. But suppose that is a grossly limiting and sketchy premise?

Suppose that, for those who can be aware of it, the future is bleeding into the present? It is making an impact “before it happens.”

The non-dual method of meditation seeks to eliminate walls between “now and then, you and I, here and there.” It has also been studied by Zoran Josipovic (New York University). In 2012, Josipovic and colleagues found that, for non-dual meditators, two areas of the cerebral cortex, loosely labeled “external” and “intrinsic,” shifted their operating basis.

These two areas of the brain, long known for their independence from each other (if one is switched on, the other is switched off), both began operating with significantly less “antagonism.”

If time is deeply rooted in perception, Dean Radin’s study indicates that this even extends to the future. If people can register the impact of the future now, then our notions of time are up for grabs.

So are conventional concepts of cause and effect, which rely on chains of events moving like trains from the past to the present. We need to consider that causes can sit in the future and produce their effects in the present.

In which case, what is the future? It certainly is an expanded territory that extends beyond our normal view of it.

In correspondence with me, Dean Radin offered further information about his study:

All participants knew that they would receive a light flash, an audio tone [beep], both, or none. In one condition they didn’t know when these would occur or what type of stimulus. In another condition they knew when it would occur but not what. In all cases no one, including experiment[ers], knew what the next stimulus would be because we used a true random number generator to select it on the fly.

The conclusion of the study was that the reported subjective experience of exceptional spaciousness, or timelessness, reported by some advanced meditators, appears to be objectively correct. That is, their subjective sense of ‘now’ appears to expand substantially, and our experiment indicates that this was not an illusion.”

I then asked Dr. Radin how closely correlated the light flashes and audio tones were to the brain changes in the meditators. His answer was stunning. The brain changes occurred 1.5 seconds before these interruptions. And the changes obviously occurred even though the meditators didn’t know when the interruptions were coming.

Radin’s remarks offer us a major point: these meditators were expanding their consciousness of the present moment, so that it included the future.

Therefore, we would be interacting with far more than this continuum is supposed to represent.

Such a framework of understanding travels far beyond modern ideas about the makeup and laws of the physical universe. It implies more than merely a holographic or pixel-based cosmos. It speaks to titanic capabilities on our part.

Of course, having sunk to a state in which we navigate in an amnesia about ourselves, we look at these ideas with skepticism. We pretend we are trapped in a container-continuum of space and time, as Einstein and others have fleshed it out.

What if this is not the case at all? What if we are trying to resolve our problems within a highly narrow context, when in fact the ultimate solution—the only one that will finally satisfy us—depends on us waking up to what we are?

Like recovering our political freedom, the journey to re-establish our greatest hidden capacities is a magnificent enterprise. We no longer need to consign ourselves to dreams of comic-book heroes. We would be the heroes.

When I first read Dean Radin’s breakthrough book, The Conscious Universe, I was floored. Far from merely recounting anecdotes of paranormal phenomena, Radin was proving that decades of well-formed and well-conducted published laboratory studies, in the areas of telepathy and psychokinesis, revealed that these human capabilities exist.

He had performed a staggering feat. He had shown the science was valid.

It remains for other branches of the scientific community to catch up, to admit their consensus about reality is provincial, distorted, and pathetically behind the times. They are now the Roman Church of old, denying Galileo and Bruno. They are the flat-earthers, fearing that to sail in a straight line too far will drop them off the edge of a giant dinner plate into emptiness.

Consider what could be the most astonishing extension of Dean Radin’s work: suppose that for those elements of the future that aren’t yet planned or on the drawing boards at all, people can still register their presence in advance. Then we would be talking about the human capacity to reach out into a vacuum, a nothing, and still “bring back” what is going to happen.

If we all added up those moments in our lives when we suddenly and inexplicably knew what was about to occur, and then it did, we would have a significant number. What if we were foreseeing events not scripted on any possible chart? What if we were going beyond time altogether and correctly discovering “something in nothing?”

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

15 comments on “New study: are we all living in the future now?

  1. merlinsilk says:

    I have always made a distinction between the laws we learn about in Physics and the other laws, let’s call them Meta-physical laws. An example is the law of physics that you have two smaller parts after you divide a bigger one in contrast to the meta-physical phenomenon of love which increases when you divide it.
    The experiments you report on first seem to belong more into the meta-physical realm but we have an observable fact showing very similar behavior in the purely physical realm which I described in an article a while ago – The effect is much shorter than the 1.5 seconds observed in the experiment with the advanced meditators, but it definitely shows that causality is broken.

  2. Rusty Mason says:

    So we create the future and the future helps shape us as we move into the future. It’s a reinforcing mechanism like genetics and culture. A specific culture is created by people with certain genetic tendencies and the culture helps shape those same people. Are we then, as we do in creating a culture, creating a shared and mutually reinforcing future for others as well as ourselves?

  3. UltraSapien says:

    Ha. It’s just that time does not exist the way we think it does and our true being is a multidimensional one that has access points or embodiments in universes such as this one to have a nice experience.

    Think of all of creation as basically entertainment for a quantum waveform consciousness which has no limit and no end.


  4. John Donne ( I thimk that’s the correct spelling ) — “An Experiment With Time” — dream content is ~ 30% past/present/future.

    I have dreamed ~ 12 hours in advance several times, once w/ 100% accuracy / clarity — plus Choice ( in the awake version of the event, I changed it at the last second)

    See also Kozyrev’s Experimental Study of the Properties of Time … time can be generated, absorbed, reflected, is thin @ cause, thick @ effect, rotates right/past, left/future, and is retained for various lengths of time by different elements…

    See also Leo Sprink’s “Activator” — accelerates time, e.g., a 24-hour chemical reaction is completed in 3 hours, w/ only half the calories. Accomplished with electrostatic fields and geometric forms.

  5. Kathy says:

    Well then, I will no longer fear my dejavu moments! Every once in awhile, it feels like I’m driving in stealth mode and no one can see me and sure enough a vehicle that I had dreamt of is there doing something stupid that was expected. My heightened awareness avoids several reckless drivers on these days! Have met people who it seems we have known each other for a long time, some have become good friends, others instinct told me to stay away from and history proves that to be errily correct!

  6. Elliot says:

    Fascinating. It brings into mind the question of why we are in such a sleepy state? Seems we are not tapping much of our potential apparently. I wonder if it has more of an organic cause such as a reduced natural Earth magnetic field, excessive RF pollution etc etc or more of a ‘genetic’ problem, i.e more ingrained. Hmmm.

  7. amicusbriefs says:

    We are conditioned to view time in a lateral or linear fashion. Picture a straight, horizontal line with points A, B and C indicated by dots on the line. With point B as your reference, it is difficult to see either points A or C because of the vantage point. Now picture point B as being above the linear reference, where the connection of the three points form an equilateral triangle. Now you can easily see not only points A and C but far beyond, in both directions. Through study of the difference between matter and spirit, or self, one can gain the aforementioned overview. One can manually count that which is not self, or Superself, a time-exhausting process, or one can humbly accept descending knowledge from self-realized persons who authentically represent an unbroken line of masters(sampradaya) traceable back to the beginning of creation. Trying to ascertain the Absolute Truth through the medium of congenitally imperfect senses will invariably lead to imperfect results.

  8. Mike says:

    Many physicists today are thinking that time is not real. It is just a metric used to define motion through space. I’ve thought this for many years now because there is no empirical evidence whatsoever for it’s existence. It makes a lot of since to me that we are able to send our conscience a bit further forward of our current position in the universe or even a bit backwards of it when time is removed from the idea. I’ve astrally projected many times so I know the lucid mind can decouple itself from the physical state. Or else I’m insane I suppose.. lol

  9. abzu2 says:

    John-Dylan Haynes – Neuroscience and Free Will
    In this clip, Marcus Du Sautoy (Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and the Simonyi Professorship for the Public Understanding of Science) participates in an experiment conducted by John-Dylan Haynes (Professor at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin) that attempts to find the neurological basis for decision making.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The passing of time is a causality issue. The irreversibility of time is a thermodynamic one. The first law of thermodynamics says that any type of energy transformation happens always with a part of the initial energy transforming to radiation, or you may call it heat. Radiation is the energy form with the lowest possible level of complexity, structure or organization. Therefore at every energy transfer the radiation part represents the amount of information lost from the initial state. The second law of thermodynamics says that the amount of radiation or the amount of lost information in a system is growing in time – this is the entropy issue. So thermodynamics forbids practically knowing the future by living in the present, yes? Well, not quite. There are two more issues. The first is the negative entropy issue which proves that life and the reproductions of it follow a negative entropic mechanism where energy is structured in a more organized level. This seems to violate causality.
    The other is the dirty little secret of the Maxwellian EM theory. These equations have two types of wave solutions – the retarded wave and the advanced wave. The retarded wave starts from the emission point and travels in space to the absorption point in normal time. The advanced wave travels from the absorption point to the emission source which means these ones travel from the future to the present as some weird physical and human brain experiments show. So obviously there is a flow somewhere and may be an incomplete definition/usage of the causality concept based on our generic observations that symmetry is broken in our universe which results in more matter than antimatter.

  11. Maynard says:

    If you can imagine that time is round and has a shape and whole, not an arrow or a y-axis shooting into eternity, this is not that hard to comprehend

  12. timwebb2012 says:

    What is reported here is not a breakthrough in understanding, but simply the latest recreation of the Galileo-Bruno mythologizing of old. Please be aware that what G and B promoted, ie that the earth orbits the sun, has no proof whatsoever to recommend it. It is based entirely upon nine separate but interdependent assumptions, not one of which has a shred of proof to validate it. Having accepted these assumptions, the model is self-validating, but that does not unfortunately make it true.This simple fact was recognized in recent times by Sir Fred Hoyle, but his insights have been swept under the carpet of universal ignorance which suffocates the science of modern times, driven as it is by hubris and the Kabbalah, not by logic or wisdom.
    The Bible is the source of all true wisdom. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning ( not the end ) of wisdom”. The Bible states “The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose”; ( ie the sun is moving, not the earth ) and from the opposite perspective, “The world also is firmly established, it shall not be moved”. You may not like to hear this, as it will unsettle what you thought you knew, but rest assured, it is the simple truth. If you persist in believing that the earth spins daily upon an axis, perhaps you would like to explain how, in resisting the universally-recognised forces of inertia, the seas manage to remain quietly in their basins despite being spun round at 1000 mph at the equator.
    God states that He declares the things which are to be from the things which were before, ie that time is visible in its entirety to Him. This is the basis of Biblical prophecy, which has been shown to be an exact science on innumerable occasions. Satan also knows what is to be. As such, he enters into the minds of those who open themselves up to him via what they describe as “meditation”, and places into their minds precognition of things, whether beeps or flashes, which lead them to imagine that they have supranatural powers. Consider how similar this is to his words to Adam and Eve, viz. “Eat this fruit, which God has forbidden to you, and you will become as gods”.
    Realise that there is nothing new under the sun, simply variations on an ageless theme.
    Realise also, that as Paul stated, “The natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”.

  13. bleak says:

    While reading this, I was reminded of a quote by Einstein…

    “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”

    Seems like time is an illusion just like everything else, I guess.

    BTW, anyone else try to share this on FB? Jon is being blocked by them…

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  14. […] be ready to strike big time.. American Idol reveals the top 40. But does anyone care anymore? A recent University study suggests we may be living in a virtual reality simulation.. But another st… According to the report on the study, “A small group of advanced meditators who use the […]

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