Psychological trigger: what’s behind the official rage against leakers?
by Jon Rappoport
June 24, 2013
Technocrats, who are obsessed with designing the future for all of us, are Globalists in sheep’s clothing.
Their plans coincide with the intention to direct the world’s economic and political activity from a central-management locus.
“For the greatest good of the greatest number.”
However, there is a glitch. And it is permanent. It appears suddenly, here and there, and it’s the kind of variable that won’t surrender to any sort of programming.
It’s so odd, even the population at large doesn’t notice it.
It’s the “unpredictable function.”
Behavior and thought that fit no pattern.
To go even further, it’s not really a function at all, except from the point of view of the technocrats who are trying to map it.
It’s the result of imagination deployed in such a way that the user experiences “cracks” between items of consensus reality. These cracks are emotions, thoughts, and sensations that are new.
There is no way to assess what such experience might lead to.
No map of behavior or prediction about where it’s going will be accurate or complete.
All maps count on the fact that people keep thinking and feeling along the same paths.
Most people do stay in the same worn grooves. They have no idea they can leave these paths or venture down new ones.
But such people are not all people.
Down through history, artists have imagined their way into non-consensus realities. This is not a trivial circumstance. It is a case of asymmetrical “cause and effect”—which is to say, unknown cause.
Unanticipated social and political response to tyranny can develop from this asymmetry.
The response comes from the root of a person: his creative faculty.
We look back on technical innovations of the past and conclude they are smooth transitions and accretions that are only the result of step-by-step improvements in science. But this is wrong. There are always unexplained gaps that are crucial.
When Gutenberg looked at an old screw press that was used to produce wine and oil, and then realized that other technical processes could be joined to make a printing press for books, he was “in a gap.”
He was changing the world with that inexplicable insight.
Of course, from our vantage point, it’s easy to break down any innovation and place it in context, among a serial and unbroken accumulation of knowledge, but that is an illusion.
At the center, there is always a human innovator with his imagination. From his penetration between the stones of consensus reality, he brings back an idea. He brings back something new.
His insight is unrecorded, because there is nothing to record. There is only what he subsequently does with the insight. The rest is invisible.
The true account of our history, its major turning points, is rife with these leaps and gaps.
What technocrats of the modern age hope to do is translate the gaps into detectable processes, which can be described as brain activity at a micro level.
The technocrats are of a religious faith in their ability to achieve this result.
But each time they claim to make a breakthrough, they discover, much to their disappointment, that their goal recedes further into the distance. What they discover implies more ignorance, not less.
For every assertion that consciousness is basically a passive process occurring at the level of brain, more unexplained human behavior arises.
The mad prophet of technocracy, Ray Kurzweil, now the director of engineering at Google, is famous for comparing creative capacity to chess.
Pointing out that computers have defeated human chess champions, Kurzweil goes on to conclude that all human activity assumed to be creative will soon be found to be replicable by software programs and algorithms.
Everything we once ascribed to the creative faculty will surrender to computers that can do it better.
But Kurzweil and his colleagues are wrong.
The “unpredictable function” will remain.
Bringing all this down to the human response to tyranny, the implication is vivid. No one can predict how humans who are willing to deploy their imagination will innovate. No one can say how humans, self-propelled by imagination and courage and a riverboat gambler’s sense of adventure, will turn tyranny on its head.
Tyranny, at the core, is a mechanical organization of life. Imagination isn’t organization. It’s beyond that myth. It will always be beyond that myth.
Strange but true, the overwhelming numbers of humans on Earth are really in the camp of the technocrats. That is to say, they believe that everything ailing our civilization stems from a “bad program.” They believe that some kind of better program will save us all.
Which is exactly what the technocrats assert.
But the real answer to fascism is beyond programs. That is what people find so hard to swallow. They fear the absence of determinism. They want assured process and assured result.
They want pattern. They want symmetry.
However, at bottom, that is not what human life is. Life happens in the gaps, the leaps. In inexplicable creativity.
The creative act is not organized. It isn’t symmetrical or harmonious. It isn’t a mere mimicry of natural laws.
After the fact, many artists will explain their work by referring to nature. But that stems from the fact that these artists don’t understand what they are doing, or how it involves traveling beyond systems.
Imagination is as plain as the nose on your face, when that nose and that face are liberated from the matrix of pedestrian cause and effect.
The creative faculty is liberated.
That is ultimately why fascism and tyranny are ill-equipped to handle their asymmetrical nemesis.
Fascism is organization carried to an extreme. It can’t escape what it is. It tries to reduce and eradicate imaginative penetrations between the stolid pillars of consensus reality. It tries to plug the leaks.
But creative energy appears in unlikely places and with unexpected force.
Technocracy is an approach married to the premise that all human actions can be understood, patterned, placed in context, and mathematically described.
But the creative act deals with contexts as computers deal with data. It shifts them, breaks them apart, reformulates them. It goes even further. It discards them and invents new ones, as desired.
And it can operate without any context whatsoever.
That is the unspoken cardinal sin listed by the Great Church of the Information Age.
A great deal of the official rage against leakers of classified data stems from a basic frustration: the best systems in the world aren’t perfect.
This is the technocrat’s nightmare: “The system has holes. It’s incomplete. It can be picked apart. No matter how well we design it, someone wants to hack it.”
Of course someone does. Because someone doesn’t like air-tight life, which is no life at all.
Build a perfect labyrinth with hundreds of interlocking paths, and someone is going to come along with a lawnmower and cut a new path right out of the prison.
Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at
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Another excellent article Jon. Proudly re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama!
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[…] I wanted to make sure you had this reference, because I think it’s exactly what you are writing about.
The Exegesis of Phillip K. Dick, page 42:
“The morning after I had this dream I received a letter from my friend Philip Jose Farmer, in which he wrote:
… You’re among the most imaginative of men, Phil. Have you tried to use that imagination to figure a way out of the situation? … think in other categories, as Ouspensky said; use your unconventional mind as if it were the powerful tool which it indeed is. You’re in the labyrinth, but your Ariadne’s thread is your imagination.”
What is described here can be found in allegory in the novel THE FOUNDATION TRILOGY by Asimov…
It is in the person of “the Mule” who totally disrupts the predictive program of the Foundation, which is in control of a galactic empire.
Another great essay Jon, thanks.
Your comments about Pope Ray must be placed on the front page of Google. Such overconfidence is not unusual for technocrats.
[…] Jon Rappoport’s blog June 24 2013 […]
Kurzweil did make one helluva synthesizer… he should have stuck with musical instruments…as a “sociologist” his mediocrity is sub stand chill.
As I read the article, I found myself saying “Yes that’s right” that is what I have always known to be true, life moves along in an unpredictable fashion no matter how much planning a person does.
Sometimes things are better than the plan, sometimes much worse, so the old adages about the best laid plans, and life finds a way are still applicable and unlikely to change in the course of any human lifetime.
Great article! Finally I find it interesting that there are human beings who are alive today that want computers/robots to rule over us all. Why, do they hate their existence so much and their fellow man that they want what makes us human to no longer be in our being, to make us extinct in a true sense ? What has happened in the course of their life that this is the way they think? I believe that these people who want the extinction of people and/of the dominance of computers/robots over people have a glitch in their brain, a brain injury of some kind that creates in them an insidious death wish, whereby they want all humans to go down with their created boat of insanity. I often wonder if there are people walking among us that have no souls, and if no soul exists are they still human, or are they already biological robots? Is it the soul that makes us human, the fusion of the biological body and the spiritual mind?. If that is the case then are these human who have no soul, beings that carry a death wish for themselves and all of mankind creating a death culture to fulfill their dreams of the total destruction of man similar to a serial killer but on a grander and more final scale? I saw that move of technocrat Ray Kurzweil and as I watched the first thought I had was this guy hates human beings and the next thought of course was why?
I suppose being part of a gang is worth sacrificing ones humanity for some. A shortsighted view of what is important in the long run. Time and Tide go on and bury these follies in the annuals of history.
Great theoretical brushstrokes as always Jon, but I feel that you could do with editing it slightly to tie it back to the leakers. It works really well as a general piece, but it isn’t very clear exactly how it pertains to the leaker situation. You could be a bit more explicit, I think.
For an excruciatingly accurate description and prediction of why Fascism will always find a home in the minds of sheeple, we can take a short read of “The Grand Inquisition on the Nature of Man” in “The Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoyevsky. Surely, Jon, you are familiar with it……
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Those true creative radicals aren’t going to come from the big time art world as it stands. It has become it’s own restrictive box, look to the outsiders, the art world rejects.
So true. Most of the big time artists(as well as small timers) are total narcissists.
The gaps are spreading. Individual Autonomous Intuition, manifesting a facet of itself here, for example – – Incredible woman.
Once recognised in oneself, very hard to quieten and extremely easy to spot in like-minded ‘deviants’. Very exciting.
[…] They want pattern. They want symmetry. […]
The more Authority tightens its grip, the more people will slip through its cracks and expose the Truth. Namaste to All.
The foundation of this desire for symmetry and pattern is FEAR. Absolute fear of the unknown, the unpredictable. It’s mankind’s oldest fear actually. Stemming back from the times we all gathered around our campfire’s in order to hide from the darkness outside the field of light. What was happening in the darkness behind us? What creatures there lurked to be pondered and battled? Nevermind. Just look at the fire flickering before your eyes and turn your back to the darkness.
It’s that same fear which now drives some to want to create a world where they don’t have to wonder what will happen anymore. They want to KNOW WITH CERTAINTY what WILL occur. But with all of their predictive models they just can’t. Life refutes their efforts gleefully.
What they don’t realize is that in their efforts to banish the unpredictable, the unknown, they are banishing the soul of man.
Mystery is the seat of wonder. And wonder is the birthplace of desire.
If that isn’t mankind I don’t know what is.
great article and comments
some artists ascribe their inspiration to nature, many artists don’t notice when they themselves are creative, but some who look to nature for their muse are also themselves channels for creative energy, sometimes, and sometimes they are aware of this action, imagery, direction and yes, desire, coming out of the place beyond the veil of consciousness. Just to clear that up. Where i live, powerful rivers bust logs up into chips and chunks, abrade them into exquiste shapes and spit themout to sea, then they turn up on the beaches. Without such gems to keep me steady, if i had to live in a city, i know my work would be much harder, and poorer, and my working life as an inspired artist would be short. The fascists will get what they want when the Earth is just a little more urban.
Symmetry can be so comforting and seductive—and deceptive.
You might like Jaron Lanier’s book “You Are Not A Gadget” which describes how computers and software create us after they are created.
Jon, if you want to better understand all the craziness in the world, including the rage we see, please investigate Lyme Disease, it’s link to Monsanto crap and chlorine/fluorine/radiation/EMF pollution. And if you have already, let me know where to find your thoughts!
I’ve been hoping he would touch on the subject of Lyme disease, as well.