Designing the mind: a fable

Designing the mind: a fable

by Jon Rappoport

August 2, 2013

Before I launch into the fable, I want to discuss briefly a related matter. The submerging of the individual into the collective, group-think, the consensus.

To many people, this submerging seems like a good idea. Why? Because they don’t perceive the actual creative potential of the individual. Therefore, they don’t see the submerging as a sacrifice.

There isn’t a significant distinction between the individual and the group in the first place.”

And therein lies the problem and the tragedy.

What’s the big deal? On one side you have the individual with his ideas and his agendas, and on the other side you have the group with its ideas and agendas. So what? It’s more pleasant and reassuring to dive into the group. So do it.”

THAT’S why it’s important to understand the individual and his imagination and power. That’s why it isn’t just a little choice between A and A plus .0001.

When the education system is rigged to delete all major references to the individual as an independent being and force and entity, and when, through electronic technology, the planet is drawing closer and closer together, and when more and more people consider freedom a vague slogan, it’s very, very easy to slide into some form of “group-ness” as the answer to all problems.

It’s easy to believe the mind is little more than a series of programs that can switched and replaced with no damage done.

Whereas the true image should look something like this: the individual is standing on top of a mountain with the open and endless sky of possibility above…and far, far below, barely visible, there is a murky and stagnant pond where the group lives, sharing impulses that meld and fizz their consciousness into a single clot of fairy tale.

I know this comparative image is shocking to some people. But they need to understand that the individual isn’t deserting other people. He’s deserting the clotted reality other people invent in order to drown themselves in endless compromise.

Okay. Here is the fable:

In their lab, Sam and Sally had just finished inscribing a huge amount of code on a two-dimensional sheet of plastic, in order to produce a hologram that would, when sprung, blossom into the continuum called The Physical Universe.

With glasses of good champagne in their hands, sitting on stools in the lab, they speculated on their next project.

To me,” Sally said, “it’s obvious. People are going to live and proliferate in the Universe. So we have to design their minds to sync up with Universe. Otherwise, we’ll have a mess on our hands.”

Chaos,” Sam said. “Not our objective here. But first we have to get a handle on what ‘people’ means.”

Yes,” Sally said. “We do. We know they’re immortal souls. We know we don’t have anything to do with that mystery. It’s outside our control. But they will have bodies, physical forms. And minds. Inside the Universe.”

And freedom,” Sam said.

Right. But we can design a section of their minds to our liking. That section will sync up with Universe. It’ll mesh. It’ll accept the structure of the hologram.”

Well,” Sam said, “let’s look at how we built Universe. Although it has action and energy and change, it also has a major amount of harmony, symmetry, balance, equilibrium, and repeating pattern. You know, the simple stuff. The stuff even a child can grasp. It’s not the most complicated universe we’ve ever made.”

So,” Sally said, “suppose we design one segment of mind so it loves and attaches itself to symmetry and harmony and pattern. That’ll produce the sync-effect, won’t it?”

Sam said, “Yeah, but another part of the mind, the part we can’t design, will be free. And given that freedom, it can reject these childish qualities…”

Solution,” Sally said. “Design a piece of every mind to hunger after and accept symbols of all kinds, especially mystical symbols that just lead them into mazes and labyrinths and dead-ends.”

What good will that do?” Sam said.

Well, it’ll make them think that the Universe we put together over breakfast is very strange and unfathomable and fascinating. Then they won’t be so quick to reject the symmetry and harmony and go out of sync with Universe…”

Great idea!” Sam said. “In fact, if we tie together all those weird mystical symbols with the harmony and symmetry, we’ll really have something. The people will keep going around and around…”

Yes,” Sally said, “and they’ll never explore their own consciousness where all the immortal stuff and the real mystery are.”

And that’s how Sally and Sam finished the job. They called this new second phase The Good Citizen Project.

Exit From the Matrix

Some time later, much later, they watched with amusement as “researchers” living in Universe pointed out that snail shells and certain flowers and spiral galaxies all expressed very similar configurations.

Wow,” Sam said, “it worked. “They really go for Pattern, don’t they? They eat it up.”

I know,” Sally said. “And they’re talking about simple configurations as if they’re symbols of something very ‘deep.’ They’ll be delving into this stuff for a million years. They’ve synced up to Universe beyond anything I thought possible.”

A few million years passed.

Sam and Sally got together, to peek in and see what was happening in Universe. They were surprised again.

Do you see it?” Sally said.

Of course I see it,” Sam said. “They’re sculpting their own THOUGHTS into simple shapes. They’re making their thoughts mimic the symmetry and the geometry and the balance. They must be in a trance.”

Do you think we should issue a wake-up call?”

No,” Sam said. “Who knows what that would do to them? They’d probably think the wake-up call was coming through one of their elite priest classes and, as a result, they’d dig themselves in even deeper. Leave them alone. They’ll have to wake themselves up…”

When do you think that will happen?” Sally said.

A good question,” Sam said. “I say we let a billion more years pass, and then we look in again.”

I can’t remember how they entered Universe in the first place,” Sally said.

That would be Department 4-AR’s job. Let me look it up.”

Sam typed a password on his computer and read the note.

It was a vacation special,” he said. “Tickets went on sale and were scooped up. It was a big seller at the time.”

Long vacation,” Sally said.

That’s the way it’s turning out,” Sam said.

Sally said, “We have to remember what we did, for future reference. Design a universe with a significant amount of symmetry, balance, harmony, geometry, and repeating pattern. The puerile stuff. Then introduce a whole host of weird symbols that go nowhere. The inhabitants will connect those symbols to the childish symmetry and enter a trance, a long lasting trance…”

It works,” Sam said. “Like a charm.”

We need to make up a name for what we’ve done,” Sally said. “A label, a title. It’s a major accomplishment. It needs a name.”

Sam thought about it for a minute. “Let’s try something a little weird,” he said. “You know, with initials, so it sounds official.”

Right,” Sally said. “Well…see how you like this. It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but it’s got a bit of comic-book flair.”

Hit me with it,” Sam said.


Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

11 comments on “Designing the mind: a fable

  1. rathbonez says:

    Its always quite the puzzle seeing how people accept this world they are born into without question, as though hard work, self reflection and logical thought never existed, as if this world just appeared.
    “Solution,” Sally said. “Design a piece of every mind to hunger after and accept symbols of all kinds, especially mystical symbols that just lead them into mazes and labyrinths and dead-ends.” This ties importantly into how are people supposed to find their own individual meanings, when they merely follow and accept what their roles are supposed to be why they are here and “alive.” Their minds are not their own, and I emphasize this so much, because the manner which it acts, what it is filled with is not of their own discoveries and choosing.
    Jon, your insight is intense and right on, I think we see the world in many similar ways…
    Check out sensitivity training, and tell me what you think:

  2. Tony form Vancouver says:

    love the focus on unwinding from the matrix the human condition is well known to the ruling manipulators. ironically there is me in team, as well as meat, mate, tam, meta etc i do like Catherine Austin Fitts’s focus on local government as a way to effect change and homes schooling as a way of restarting from the beginning, but Jon I do love the way you’ve simply but powerfully exposed the format of control, i.e. the overlay of the matrix

  3. DescendedfromApex says:

    “lead them into mazes and labyrinths and dead-ends”

    And this is where your assertions fall over… because that is not where they lead.

    Are you saying ALL is symbol here? Is everything in a hallucinogenic experience symbols? Is all in mediation but symbols? There are certainly symbolic componenents. What about ketamine. Are emotions symbolic? Is time a symbol? Do you have any experience of OBE’s? NDE’s? Lucid Dreams? Telepathy type comms? If ALL in life and lives is symbol… what do you say is real exactly?

    Have YOU actually studied and learnt about symbols and their meanings to know your stance is correct? Or just can’t manage it or can’t be bothered? If you have that would be very very interesting to hear.

  4. Brian says:

    Out of what I thought was a move of self defense, I unplugged somewhere in my thirties. I’ve just recently been reading your emails and I printed out the one on Imagination so I could have it handy to re-read. I also forwarded that email to my children that are now in their mid-twenties and struggling with their slice of life daily. All were home-schooled, when it was not popular to say the least. All have a view of the world with an eye beyond their years. It’s only recently that they look at me like I’m not bat-shit-crazy. It appears I’m not alone and I’m grateful to have found your writings.

  5. “But the world does move, and its motive power under God is the fearless thought and speech of those who dare to be in advance of their time – who are sneered at and shunned through their days of struggle as lunatics, dreamers, impracticables and visionaries; men of crochets, vagaries and isms.” – Horace Greeley (1811-1872)

  6. Adam says:

    I can easily see that you enjoy Cosmic Mentality. I could tell you several things that would thrill you. Indeed, if one had a vision of what my whole life has been on earth, one could easily rule that that life confirms all Jon Rappaport writes about. How much more real could anybody get than “words becoming flesh?”

    I’m wondering what to do regarding you. And do with you I must. You just might be the Warden of this joint. Ha, ha, ha. Just kidding. However, it is a mad house. When I personally met the Warden of San Quentin, I really was in a mad house that I had simply allowed demons and such to push me into. One does not have to be guilty of anything to be imprisoned in this hellish place. One can be imprisoned just for existing, and that in a place that reveres the United States Constitution. Some “reverence,” eh? Ultimately, nothing can push me if I decide it won’t, however, and I do assume full responsibility for pushing myself in. But I had to get in there to rescue a guy and fulfill my own mission. After I had met SQ’s Warden several times, I told him that I wanted him to open the gates for me, which he did as soon as he could, which was almost immediately. The way he opened them and the manner in which I proceeded through was so ritually complex that it is a miracle human beings can accomplish such realities.

    You are one of the few I’ve met that are able to perceive many layers of reality at the same time. It is a potent ability. Anything less can’t communicate with reality. So, what do we do now? What kind of game(s) do we play? I’ve been reflecting A LOT and I’m ready to absorb for a while. However, that “absorption” would work best if it mimics the semi-permeability of the cellular plasma membrane, where everything is graded to its finest fit and only the purest meshing gets through. It is so like a lock and key, it IS lock and key, a whole universe of them. Reflection opens all locks as a Master Key.

  7. avi says:

    excellent !

    Although the individual is the basis, there is a basical need of unity to reach a common goal and the root of unity can be found nowhere else than in morality. But morality comes far away behind Allah, Buddha, Bestiality, Barbecue, Barbie, Bitcoin and so on. I’ve grown fundamentally pessimistic and I do believe we just deserve what we get, and maybe this is still a good part.

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