Which A-list celebrity will step up and ask, “Who used chemical weapons?”

Which A-list celebrity will step up and ask, “Who used chemical weapons?”

by Jon Rappoport

September 1, 2013


Thought so. Nobody.

These A-list celebs are touchy, nervous. Go up against Obama? Are you kidding? A career killer. Suddenly the dude or dudette is back doing dinner theater in Florida, summer stock in Provincetown.

Sorry, I can’t comment on Sarin. I’m just an actor. It’s a matter for the CIA. They’re the professionals. I’m sure Congress will take a long hard look at the Agency’s evidence.”

And that’s the intelligent brand of statement.

Mostly, you get: “Sarin? Didn’t she do a picture over at Disney? Oh, Sarin! The Latin singer!”

Celebs work off of generalities. “I’m saving Africa.” “I’m for helping the children.” “Education, yes. Definitely.”

Then you have this unvoiced subtext: “I’m Obama’s man in Hollywood. Whatever he does is okay because it forwards his agenda and his agenda is good so if he has to kill a few thousand or more people in Syria with missile strikes it’s all right because if it weren’t all right then other parts of his agenda might suffer and we can’t let that happen.”

Exit From the Matrix

Going deeper into other subtext: “I’m a movie star, which means I impinge on consensus reality and actually reinforces it with glitz and adrenaline and sparkle. I stand for consensus reality. It’s my job. I uphold things as they are and as they are manufactured. How do I do it? Through portraying cheesy archetypes that stand in for what is unknown, what is yet to be created. In a sense, I help derail what individuals might create for themselves. I do cartoons. I especially do cartoons of cartoons because, you see, that’s what reality is. It’s a version of a version. Lowest common denominator. I do movies about the movie called reality. So the very idea that I might step forward and ask who really used Sarin in Syria is impossible, because that would cut a hole in the movie called reality. It would start a disruptive ripple, a moment of surrealism. That is definitely not in my job description. I can save Africa, I can support education, I can help Bill Gates send 200 million doses of a (toxic) vaccine to the Third World and everything is fine. But if I ask who really used chemical weapons in Syria, I’m breaking the contract. My contract with my bosses. They’re in the profitable business of trance induction. So that’s my life, too. It’s a form of slavery, but I’m a well-paid slave. Every day I wake up and tell myself I’m doing what I want to do. I keep saying that, and eventually it sinks in further and further, and my friends and supporters and partners assure me I’m on the right track. When I have dreams about holding a press conference, with hundreds of reporter present, and the world watching, during which I expose everything I know about fake consensus reality and I feel a fantastic surge of fierce joy in my blood, I wake up and take a sleeping pill. So don’t get in my face about chemical weapons in Syria. I’d have to take more pills, and it could endanger my health. You see? I’m ingesting my own chemical weapons.”


Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

2 comments on “Which A-list celebrity will step up and ask, “Who used chemical weapons?”

  1. Bernie Doyle says:

    Fu@&ing Brilliant!

  2. Greg O. says:

    Of course Angelina’s not a tool of the Global Elite, she’s only a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Special Envoy to the United Nations and, probably worst of all, mixed up with The Clinton Global Initiative; former Crime Boss Of The United States, Slick Willy’s latest money making scheme. It’s too bad, she seems reasonably bright and sincere in her intentions (and she does put her [serious] money where her mouth is, from what I hear).

    And then you have the rest of the Hollywood rabble, who like to appear “brave” to their peers and equally fawning corporate media, whenever they adopt and pay lip service to the latest industry-sanctioned fashionable cause. Show up at a well-covered public charity event, throw a few bucks around, try not to sound too stupid (that’s where those acting workshops REALLY pay off!) and let the publicist take it from there.

    On the other hand, what they relish even more than this bought and paid for “respectability”, is the appearance of “rebellion”. It’s extremely important to the more shallow and egocentric of Hollywood’s reptiles, that they be looked upon as “edgy”, even slightly dangerous – a Rebel in The Grand Hollywood Tradition. This faux rebel act is what’s known in the real world as “a douche bag”.

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