“What concerns all of us at this time”

“What concerns all of us at this time”

by Jon Rappoport

September 13, 2013


Right now, of course, it’s the war on Syria. Last month, it was something else. And next month, it’ll be something else.

We’re looking at one op after another, one crime after another, one cover-up after another, one threat, one psyop after another. It never ends.

To a significant degree, all these operations are just that, planned moves. And they do concern all of us, because the scope of the operations is vast.

However, on another level, these ops are designed for the purpose of engaging all of us so that we’ll keep thinking in terms of the group (“all of us”)…and never think about anything else.

If you can tune up the population to keep thinking about the group, the collective, you’ve got them.

Hence, the title of this piece: “What concerns all of us at this time.”

But what about: what concerns NONE of us at this time.

What about that?

What about what doesn’t even exist at this time?

What about what has yet to be imagined and created?

Who handles that?

What department do you contact to find out about THAT?

Well, you can consult DARPA or any number of think-tanks or the CIA, but again, these blueprints of the future involve all of us.

I’m talking about something else:

That discredited and stepped-on and discounted faculty of the individual called imagination which, by the way, is not a container holding shielded secrets, but is instead a capability of invention.

Everything mind control ever was, is, or will be, is ultimately aimed at producing amnesia about that capability. Therefore, when you bring up the subject of imagination, most people just shake their heads and move on. They are clueless about their own astonishing power.

Being ignorant, they are easy marks. They can be cajoled into spending their whole lives thinking about “what concerns us most at this time.”

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

When I put together my two mega-collections, The Matrix Revealed and Exit From the Matrix, I was cognizant of this. But I also knew there were people out there who were looking for something else, something beyond group concerns that could trap them forever— concerns that build a wall between them and their own creative power.

Creative power—this “little selfish preoccupation,” as it’s been called—is the difference between night and day, civilization and chaos, desire fulfilled and victimhood, life-force and walking death, deception and insight, fierce joy and a sinkhole in which the same emotions go around and around and around.

The reason behind the reason I write about fraud and crime and conspiracy in public life is: I want to expose how reality is being built for us. How perverse designers are constructing a collective mural of existence.

Understanding that, one can begin to see how he can create other realities—without end.

It’s as if we’re living in a huge room with no ceiling and yet we’re behaving as if there is a ceiling 10 feet high. The “10- feet high” is the result of amnesia about our own imaginations.

The purpose of the collective is destruction of imagination.

But imagination can never be destroyed. All individuals can do is force themselves to stay asleep about it.

Or decide to wake up.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

11 comments on ““What concerns all of us at this time”

  1. Brad says:

    I really don’t get this imagination thing. I wish somebody would explain it so I can connect the dots. How is imagination related to freedom? JR, you are saying they are one and the same? It seems to me you could have one without the other.

  2. AdamXYZ says:

    Hey, theodorewesson, how true. Social Media are exactly that. This said, however, I have noticed quite a change for the better in people around me and I attribute much of it to the various Internet social media configs, but not traditional print media, of course. Either that, or the government has secretly moved people into this rural area of Alabama to get close to me and behave as human beings are supposed to. I’m 73 and most of my life has been battering angry people off me. From the 60’s on, however, humanity has begun to be more sociable. People smile at and with me and engage me in conversation A LOT in public. I could probably run for mayor of this small town of about 5,000, and win. But this is not because I changed (although I’ve changed significantly as I lived, breathed, and learned); it’s because the public has changed.

  3. joanie says:


    You said, ” Being ignorant, they are easy marks. ”

    Those “nice” persons, that go along to get along, by definition, “nice” means “ignorant” (dictionaries state – “stupid” or “not know” or “foolish”) and unfortunately that’s most of the populace. I’d not ever want to be labeled as “nice”. I won’t be the one in the group (try to avoid them. LOL) accepting whatever, just for the sake of. I’ll have my say, whether the group wants to hear it or not.

    Those under “mind control”, propaganda of the varied kind coming from the TV, MSM, religion, guberment, formal education, where ever, these persons are one and the same as someone doing chemical drugs and/or having a handler, and doing harm to others because they most likely are – “ignorance is bliss”. Which brings to mind the word “assassin” – Defined – from medieval Latin, assassinus, from Arabic “hashshishin” ‘hashish eater.’ The Brotherhood group, Assassins conditioned murderers via hashish and their handlers, but that is not any different than people of today that go along to get along, accepting societal institutions for the common good. For ex. “I think I’ll be a doctor of medicine so I can help people”…

    Group think, when a body can talk “nice” over the fence with their neighbors about societal events; the game, weather or the political flavor of the day. Ever ask your neighbor a hard question, like what they think? I’ve gotten answers along the lines of – “I don’t like to think about that or “I can’t think, too much on my mind” or “I’ve never given it any thought” and then proceed to not think about it… As I said, people are caught up in the collective and doing their part, you know for the common good.

    Im a gine, and I’ll never run out of wishes that I make come true for myself…*grin

  4. Yes, at this point it’s difficult to discern which crises is a cover-up or distraction for which.

  5. Their ops run consecutively, concurrently, and circuitously to avoid detection, IMO. Next month, it will be something else BUT the “war op” will still be running; maybe more in the background for awhile, like it has been for millennia, right JR? Meanwhile, the “race op” and the “food op” are going strong, for example. Who knows the models a supercomputer can come up with?

  6. Personally the globalist village is a bit too large for my tastes, or my ability to decide what is best “for all of us”. No, Hilary, it doesn’t “take a village”, thank you. I prefer thinking and imagining for myself.

  7. […] “What concerns all of us at this time” (jonrappoport.wordpress.com) […]

  8. Darth Maul says:

    But what about: what concerns NONE of us at this time.

    Great line. Your’e a legend.

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