NSA at work: Do you have a secret “social profile?”

NSA at work: Do you have a secret “social profile?”

By Jon Rappoport

October 2, 2013


Do you know a grape grower in France? An activist in England?

NSA may have built an extensive social profile on you.

The NY Times reports (9/28): “NSA Gathers Data on Social Connections of US Citizens.”.

It’s a long piece, and it’s pinned to the idea that the NSA can track US residents who are connected to “foreign citizens of interest.”

Presumably this means the foreign citizens are suspected terrorists. Well, not necessarily. No.

As is often the case with the NY Times, the real nuggets are buried down deep in the story. So I’ve dug them out and assembled them more cogently. In other words, I’ve re-edited the Times piece to make things clearer. You’re welcome.

Do NSA’s foreign targets have to be suspected terrorists? To get on the radar, qualifications “could include anything from ties to terrorism, weapons proliferation or international drug smuggling to…[being] foreign politicians, business figures or activists.”


Get the picture? NSA is spying on foreign politicians, business people, and activists. That’s a broad population. And of course, activists could be stumping for a wide variety of causes, including the right to privacy from snoopers.

By implication, that means NSA could shape a social profile of any American with serious or casual ties to these politicians, business people, and activists. So much for believing NSA would only target Americans with connections to foreign terror suspects. That’s a fairy tale for the masses.

Next topic: When the NSA shapes a social profile of an American, how far can they go? What can they access? How much of that person’s life can they invade?

Well, emails and phone records, right? Sure. Is that it? Not by a long shot.

…bank codes, insurance information, Facebook profile, passenger manifests, voter registration rolls and GPS location information [where you are right now], as well as proprietary records and unspecified tax data.”

The NSA states they have a profile template of “164 relationship types…using queries like ‘travelsWith, hasFather, sentForumMessage, employs.’”

Translation: NSA builds a social profile of a person by spying to obtain info on 164 categories of activity, behavior, and status of that target.

How do you like it?

You could be an acquaintance of a businessman in France. The NSA has targeted him, and they’ve come across you in the process—so they access all the data and records mentioned above, to come at you on 164 vectors.

To put the cherry on the cake, your “phone and email logs…allow [NSA] analysts to…acquire clues to religious or political affiliations…regular calls to a psychiatrist’s office, late-night messages to an extramarital partner…”

Blackmail, anyone?

The Matrix Revealed

Yes, you say, this is horrible, but NSA’s spying activity only covers a relatively few Americans. Wrong. Let’s go to another quote from the Times article:

An NSA program called Mainway “in 2011 was taking in 700 million phone records per day. In August 2011, it began receiving an additional 1.1 billion cellphone records daily from an unnamed American service provider under Section 702 of the 2008 FISA Amendments Act, which allows for the collection of the data of Americans if at least one end of the communication is believed to be foreign…”

And that’s not enough. No. “…the agency [NSA] is pouring money and manpower into creating a metadata repository capable of taking in 20 billion ‘record events’ daily and making them available to NSA analysts within 60 minutes.”

One subject the Times article didn’t cover: what happens when the NSA assembles a profile on an American who has casual ties to, say, a European businessman? Are they going to stop there? What about that American’s social connections here in the US? The American knows the cousin of a lawyer who’s speaking out against government surveillance. That cousin knows the mother of a child who was suspended from school for displaying the picture of a gun on his computer…

Obviously, NSA wants the ability to spy on everybody all the time.

But don’t worry. Keith Alexander, the head of NSA, assures us that everything the Agency is doing is legal, above-board, and necessary to keep us safe.

By “safe,” he means: NSA will spy on us 24/7 so the information can be used to create one huge system of tracking and control. Control of life. Regulated life. Algorithms that determine the shape of the dystopia we are entering.


Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

12 comments on “NSA at work: Do you have a secret “social profile?”

  1. bob klinck says:

    But surely all the people involved in this surveillance are vetted and beyond reproach–no fraudsters, thieves, blackmailers, compulsive snoops, mafiosi, etc. With angels in charge, what could there be to worry about?

  2. KP says:

    Facebook and social media is making us all into spies.

  3. sara says:

    So we are all tied to a name and a number now, and that name and number has become an appendage for all humans, well as we were born with all our rights intact and no one can take them away with words and/or paper and pen, perhaps a name and number change are in order. After all we are born naked, nameless and numberless. It is a fact that the natural law we were born into requires no name or numbers attached to our being. Therefore we must immediately enforce our rights every day in every possible way. May I suggest everyone close all their social media accounts immediately. Stop using email, stop using cell phones, stop using debit and credit cards, close all bank accounts, turn off cable etc. We need to as a free people stop the information flow until we can pull together as a people and enforce the rights and requirements of a Constitutional Republic that we were all born into!

  4. I suggest that reading NoMoreFakeNews or JonRappoport.wordpress more than once makes being on the NSA, CIA, & FBI, “watch lists” a certainty, and reading it regularly generates a pretty red flag. Put yourself in the DHS person’s shoes. Wouldn’t that nosy paranoid “you” put someone like the “you” who is reading this on a watch list? Of course!

    They probably compete with each other to see who can bag the most dissidents per hour. To stop reading Jon and whatever other alternative and foreign media we enjoy at this point would make no difference in our status with “them,” while it would definitely create a big loss for each of us. I find comparing Russian, Iranian, and Israeli propaganda (among a long list of others) with their U.S. and British counter parts quite fascinating, and Jon is a wonderful tour guide.

    That makes me wonder at Sara’s comment about disconnecting. How could we “pull together as a people” without some way of connecting? Jumping rail cars like my grandfather is a bit passe. At this point the watch lists and psychological profiles are already made up for those of us who use (or ever used) the internet, even with track blocking and encryption software. Closing the barn door after the cows have left is rather ridiculous. That part of the game was already over eight to ten years ago.

    Even if we were to shut down all that Sara suggests and only use a land line phone and snail mail, both of these are still fully monitored (they photo every piece of mail now). The license plates on our cars are tracked by camera, and I can say from personal experience that they can actually read the tiny little date tags even at night while doing 60 on the freeway. Walking is now monitored with facial and gesture recognition. There are tiny cameras everywhere now, and do you think you will notice a silent drone at 5000 feet?

    By the time you’ve found Jon’s magic mind carpet of imagination, its way too late to hide, so you might as well fully engage your soul, enjoy the ride, and learn everything you can before the “talking cartoon” game of this particular virtual reality dream collapses (a la “Inception”) into a different level of play. Just don’t forget to steer!

  5. dreammerchant says:

    I’ve been off Facebook for two years and don’t plan to return. I got out before the bottom dropped out and privacy wasn’t making front page news.

    As for the alternative news sites, i’ll just have to live with that because I am keeping a watch on what is really happening so if I have to take my preps and bug out or fortify where I am, I have a pretty good head start on the sheeple. Besides, I sent those alphabet agencies a message asking them for some bailout money so me and the wife could ride off into the sunset and we would cause no more trouble for those agencies by talking to our relatives and friends; they have not responded!


  6. wally58 says:

    Fuck the NSA cowards and Fascists.

  7. […] The NSA reveals what most know: They are watching social networks..…collecting phone locations? […]

  8. They need to stop this spying on the American people.


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