A little girl, mistletoe, and destroying capitalism

A little girl, mistletoe, and destroying capitalism

by Jon Rappoport

December 5, 2013


The psyop works this way: label all criminal machinations designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer “capitalism.”

The objective? Increase the power of government and its allied corporations to control the means of production and the distribution of goods and services.

Well, freedom and the free market didn’t work. It was always corrupt to the core. So let’s kill capitalism and install a fair and equitable and humane system…”

Yes, and let’s have a rainbow every day, with fairies and elves dancing in the sky and parachuting food and money down to the masses. If you want something now, you can have it now. No charge. You didn’t like the vegetables that came from the sky with your package? We’ll send a drone to your home and deliver candy and ice cream and hot dogs.

Fairy tales aside, capitalism actually means: you produce something and you charge money for it. People who want it pay for it.

All by itself, that system doesn’t make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Hijacking that system creates the problem. Illegal coercive monopolies create the problem. Covert government favoritism creates the problem. The failure to prosecute these crimes creates the problem. Inventing so much money out of thin air decreases the value of the money you have, and that’s a problem. Saddling small businesses with so many regulations saps their money and energy and creates a problem.

Fascists telling an 11-year-old girl named Madison Root she can’t sell mistletoe in Portland, Oregon, but can beg for money in the park illustrates the problem. She can “ask for donations,” but she can’t sell.

The federal government can offer hundred of billions and even trillions of dollars to big banks, but a little girl can’t sell mistletoe.

On behalf of Monsanto and other biotech ag giants, the US government can send advance men around the world to promote GMO food, can try to drown Africa in toxic GMOs, but a little girl can’t sell mistletoe without a business license.

What’s next? SWAT teams invading garage sales and shutting them down? Oh, wait. Was Madison Root selling mistletoe on public property? Was that the crime? Public property means “government-controlled” and has nothing to do with the public, the people? Then why not call it government-owned land.

Our top story tonight…Karl Marx walked into a park in Portland, Oregon, and explained to an 11-year-old girl why she couldn’t sell mistletoe. He said the dictatorship of the proletariat controlled the means of production, and since there was no government mistletoe factory, she was a criminal. Afterward, Mr. Marx chatted with a local student group carrying a banner emblazoned with the directive, Everything Should Be Free. He was overheard saying, ‘You people are very useful idiots. Keep on keeping on.’”

The Matrix Revealed

Giant pharmaceutical companies can sell government-approved toxic drugs that kill 106,000 people a year, like clockwork, in the US, without fear of criminal prosecution, but a little girl can’t sell mistletoe. (See Starfield, Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000, “Is US health really the best in the world?”)

Pharma doesn’t operate according to the rules of capitalism; it operates on the basis of government protection in the service of poisoning the population, while racking up billions in profits.

Defense corporations can win taxpayer-funded government contracts to produce enough munitions to destroy the planet ten times over, but a little girl can’t sell mistletoe.

The defense corporations don’t operate according to the rules of capitalism; they operate on the basis of government-mandated imperial empire.

Producing and selling goods which are non-harmful isn’t the problem. Cronyism and hijacking and pirating that system are the problem.

Unionizing and striking and collectively bargaining to earn a livable wage aren’t the problem. Signing illegal globalist treaties that encourage the export of jobs overseas where labor is cheap is the problem. Relocating those jobs under the false rubric of free trade is the problem.

But a little girl can’t sell mistletoe during the Christmas season in Portland.

The US government can create a trillion-dollar sector of the economy, by letting out contracts to companies to build a wall-to-wall Surveillance State, spying 24/7 on the American people…

But a little girl can’t sell mistletoe.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

44 comments on “A little girl, mistletoe, and destroying capitalism

  1. Kay Shergold says:

    Brilliant piece! Too true.

  2. The problem with ANY money system is that it will ALWAYS be hijacked by the psychopaths that such systems inherently promote. It is an emergent phenomenon, in that such systems are based in scarcity (of energy), and the psychopaths WILL try to gain (and keep) the money and the power over Others it affords by ANY means.

    They WILL use it for such things as creating a New World Order with Them at the top of the hierarchical order.

    They WILL poison for profit, They WILL strip away choices from the non-psychopathic.

    The ONLY solution is to eliminate the need to exchange to survive.

    • GJH says:

      Can you give a brief statement of how you propose to eliminate the need to exchange to survive?

      If you can find a group of like-minded people who want to do the same, that sounds fine to me.

      But on the face of it, your proposal sounds un-natural to me. All of survival, human, animal, plant, etc. is exchange. We exchange air, food, waste, etc. constantly.

      The natural order, it seems to me, is that if you want to receive something of value, you need to offer something of value. And I see nothing wrong with that.

      It’s when a few people scheme to dominate the means of creating value that there is a problem.

      • Yes. Add free energy and robots for necessary work no One wants to do. And before You say there is no such thing as free energy, I know personally that We have it in black projects.

        I left the links with the details below in My reply to Don immediately below.

      • One other thought: Humans are the ONLY animal that require exchange (trade, barter, money, etc,) to survive. Such a system is UNnatural, I would say.

  3. Don says:

    We see that capitalism, left unchecked by popular action, can lead to the soul-crippling, planet-destroying fascism under which we suffer. I would suggest that there is a solution which lies outside of the capitalism/socialism dynamic: Namely, embrace a form of distributism, an economic theory that advocates both widespread property ownership and diffuse means of production, within an anarchistic (anti-authoritarian, not bomb-throwing) framework. In other words, encourage each person to be his or her own master, someone who more greatly resembles a medieval artisan than today’s corporate drone. For my part, I am a member of an anarchist community in the upper Midwest, and our ongoing efforts to both operate according to consensus and to live self-sufficiently are proving quite successful. Good luck, though, in getting the typical Cheetos-eating, NASCAR-loving ‘Murican to buy into such a philosophy!

  4. vuelvancaras says:


    karl was never against a local market economy. he was against the exploitation that is the nature of industrial and now financial capitalism. they are different. the dictatorship of the proletariat means that the 99% control the means of production. it thereby returns all the profit of the 1% to the 99%. currently we have the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. all institutions (military, police, courts, schools, medicine, law) serve them, not us.

    no one will be arrested for selling mistletoe in cuba.

    do you use the karl marx story to gather support from the right wing fringe? do stir up long held propaganda notions among us?

    otherwise love your work.


    • dawnatilla says:

      If you love his work..them why would you claim he is shit disturbing?? Have you witnessed anything even REMOTELY like that from him?????? Nope. atty least not the kinds of shit disturbing you are referring to.

    • Jarkko Voutilainen says:

      communist manifesto also decrees end to marriage institutions and family. Having read the manifesto, it has become clear to me that Marx advocated a totalitarian police state.

      Even if Cubans can sell the mistletoe, wait till she grows her business to be highly productive and employs thousands of people, see then how good idea is it to sell those mistletoe’s in Cuba.

      Marx Didn’t seem to think far enough, because 99% can’t own all the production if they aren’t part of the production themselves. In principle, it is criminal to allow some one to own part of your production if he has not put anything there himself first. We have seen how this Theory of Marx has ended up everywhere it has been tested; it has always resulted in violence, murder and confiscation/robbery of those who have skills, by those who have no skills. Don’t give me any nonsense about them not trying what Marx meant, they did, but people never willingly give the fruit of their labor to those who do not labor, so naturally it lead to the natural consequence. Even if Marx didn’t foresee that consequence, and didn’t advocate it, that is the reality of this world, his philosophy leads there naturally thus violence, murder, robbery and police state are the fruits of Marxism, even if he wouldn’t want that.

      • vuelvancaras says:

        i must disagree. all systems include dispossessions, errors in judgement, corruption and elitism. all systems can be found wanting. marx and marxists generally believe in people before profits. the nordic countries (iceland, sweden, finland, denmark and norway) are examples of wise use of marxist thought. currently venezuela, bolivia, nicaragua and ecuador are developing along these lines. in all of these countries people are before profits. in usa and europe and japan the marxist themes (the new deal) that prevented capitalism from becoming all about profit with no regard for the society at large have gradually been deleted.

      • For some reason, I cannot reply to vuelvancaras… (S)He said that “all systems include dispossessions, errors in judgement, corruption and elitism.” This is incorrect.

        All MONEY systems, yes, but We just now have what it takes to go a very different path, without accounting for meaningful energy expended (exchange – trade, barter, money, etc.).

    • GJH says:

      The problem is for the 99% to hold it *collectively*. Which really just means a small handful of people making decisions ‘for the greater good’.

      Seems to me the point Jon made in the first few paragraphs is this:

      It’s a hegelian psy-op. Create the problem of crony capitalism (fascism), propose the solution of socialism/communism.

      The rub is that both the problem and solution are collectivism and they play into the hands of the same oligarchs.

      • vuelvancaras says:

        in a sense you are right. the work of change is happening at places like thelivingmoon.com and the communes in venezuela. i do find jon’s attack on marx false. marx and marxist thought are important tools for the work of understanding the present and devising a future. marx himself is just the type of man jon recommends that we become.

  5. roberta4949 says:

    crazy demonic world we live in huh?

  6. Steve says:

    I was wondering, if you propose that it has all become this way since the election of Barrack Obama?

  7. icetrout says:

    sell your mistletoe any way little girl… & if a drown fly’s by… shoot the damn thing out of the sky & kill […]…

  8. dawnatilla says:

    It’s really quite simple…it’s slavery. All we need to do us stop supporting the beast. (no banks..no voting.no insurance payments..stop watching news. Grow food if you have land..don’t rely on Them for ANYTHING. we will see this end

  9. joanie says:

    We’re here on earth to experience and know evil.
    Those not “getting it” are in their own little worlds and yet to wake up.

    Get with it people, evil doers do not get punished because they’re the storyline and without evil acts we’d not learn.
    All the world is a stage …

    • 51 centuries ago our ancestors did their best to alert this tract of humans to an era of powerful transition. As debris is unveiled to purify the past, and make way for renewal naturally, what matters most is ‘how’ each of us responds.

      To transcend the fate of earlier humans who killed one another over food and water shortages, rising sea levels, magnetic field changes during world age shifts, requires us to step into mastery. The Universe is a hologram in which every part is inseparable from the whole. Primordial Conscious Power gives each of us breath, awareness, freewill, and reveals ItSelf as eyes that see, ears that hear, hands that touch, and hearts that feel, every man, woman, child. In other words freewill is Power of Consciousness unbounded in form.

      The more cells in a battery the more Power, the more humans willing to cooperate, the more Power to reach into the realm of all possibilities, and ‘choose’ the kind of future that will arise from chaos of the present.

      The platform to intentionally pull back now, for Consciousness, God, Spirit Element, Creator, Quantum Field, or Other Name to respond in kind is http://newworldagreement.com

  10. Ellen Kurek says:

    Please sir, may I have some more stifling rules & regulations, oppressive policing, and intrusive spying! I didn’t get enough the first go-round.

  11. princekhanna says:

    So touchy story and covering all the facts according to the present day condition. Well, besides this while talking about pharmaceuticals labels, there are so many pharmaceuticals companies who follow pharmaceuticals inserts and pharmaceuticals labels to make the medicines secure and cured.

  12. theodorewesson says:

    No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus.

    Now, be a good little girl and stop having thoughts of your own, and, take your fluoridated water, drink your genetically modified food and eat your vaccines.

  13. john s says:

    As of this fri morning Madison has sold over $30,000. Worth on Glen Becks website.

  14. Thank you for shining your brilliance, and sharing, Jon!

    SLAVERY BY CONSENT http://youtu.be/lKXspt459LE

  15. martin says:

    First of all, the girl isn’t “little”. We aren’t talking about some 5 year old trying to set up a lemonade stand. She’s 11 and seems very articulate for her age. Second, the girl’s father is the one who called it into the news as a story. Third, why should she be allowed to do something that anyone else isn’t allowed to? If the rules don’t allow sales in a designated park area, why should an exception be made for her? If the city made an exception for her and other kids, what’s to stop adults from using kids as a front to sell their own goods? Fourth, there is an active weekend outdoor market in the immediate area where people pay fees to participate. Again, if she wants to be part of the capitalist system, let her pay the fees to participate the same as the others.

    • Michael says:

      The lobster pot analogy…”Why can’t she get in the pot, and boil like the rest of us…bah humbug”
      That’s it, toe the line. Rationalize it….you know what rules are, rules are someone else imposing their will on you. Control!
      I think you miss the point completely.
      Its about the dichotomy.

    • GJH says:

      You’ve got a point, Martin. I live in a country where people have appropriated many public spaces for markets, to the point that it causes traffic problems for the whole population. So yes to reasonable rules.

      On the other hand, in rule-bound places like the US, big and established business uses rules to eliminate competition and turn the vast majority of the populace into employees in their hierarchy.

  16. OzzieThinker says:

    The problem with the capitalist system, Jon, is deeper and more complex than you reveal. In fact it boils down to the basis of everything.

    My latest post, which I can also e-mailed Jeff Rense about, tries to briefly conjure the imagination of the reader:


  17. kj says:

    “Fairy tales aside, capitalism actually means: you produce something and you charge money for it. People who want it pay for it.

    All by itself, that system doesn’t make the rich richer and the poor poorer.”

    Capitalism is not somebody producing something and charging a price to people who want it. That is just a description of the monetization of exchange.

    Capitalism is the system where the price for a good or service is required to include a degree of exploitation – surplus (profit) which can then be converted to “capital” belonging to the owner(s) of the means of production. The means of production include all of the following:

    Nature’s capital (raw materials)
    Human capital (labor)
    Financial capital (assets, debt and equity)
    Intellectual capital (ideas)

    In a capitalist system, the owner of the enterprise “owns” the labor of all involved in the production of the enterprise and is the only one entitled to the conversion of surplus to capital. That is how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    Check out the history of the game of monopoly, not the faux Parker Bros history, but the real history. The woman invented it to teach that capitalism always moves to monopoly capitalism no matter how the rules of the game are tweaked. I can’t remember her name but I do remember that Scott Nearing was one of the friends who helped play the game and tweak the rules. The goal of capitalism is not livelihood, but the accumulation of more and more capital, which is exactly how its being played out. It cannot be separated from greed, avarice, domination, acquisition and exploitation. All of those qualities are absolutely essential for the capitalist economic system to work.

    A girl in a park selling mistletoe for a few pence is not capitalism. Making a decent (or not) living from an entrepreneurial endeavor is not in and of itself capitalism. It only becomes so when you decide you want to get rich and raise your prices or when you hire laborers and don’t share the profits with them.

    The Associative Economists have a notion (from Steiner) of “true price” which is the idea that the true price of something is the amount needed to pay the producer for them to complete the next production cycle. Its an interesting concept.

    Our thinking is so so so limited about economy. We think of only a few systems and have little imagination. Occupy Wall Street had a recognition of this, that we need to create empty space for our imaginations to work and invent a new economy. We are so deeply, deeply, deeply conditioned, perhaps the deepest of all our conditioning is that of economic conditioning.

  18. David Wilson says:

    Capital is Control

  19. […] allow any uncontrolled market activity. Control and tax everything. Jon Rappoport wrote a stunning piece on the plight of the girl in light of the overall problem we are facing vis-a-vis economic freedom […]

  20. […] A little girl, mistletoe, and destroying capitalism « Jon Rappoport’s Blog. […]

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