Hope in the holiday season

Hope in the holiday season

by Jon Rappoport

December 18, 2013


Untold millions (billions?) of people across the world are waking up to official lies, cover stories, and conspiracies.

These people are crossing the bridge, so to speak, to see what’s on the other side.

The question is, do they stay there once they’ve crossed over, or do they try to retreat back to their former positions as ordinary citizens with dimmed perception?

It’s quite a trick to a) maintain the status of “normal person” while b) seeing through the enormous ruse.

In fact, in the long run, it’s impossible.

Therefore, the retreat backwards involves self-induced mind control. In other words, the enlightened person un-enlightens himself. He re-educates himself to accept all the lies he saw through.

He “rejoins the church” he once quit. And he does so with a fervor.

Not long ago, I spoke with a college professor who detailed that journey:

About ten years into my career as a teacher, I became aware that I was educating my students into a whole series of official stories that were egregiously false. So I began to expose the lies in my classroom.

This led to a clash with officials at my school. I realized my neck was on the line. I had to make a choice.

I decided to survive. I went back to accepting what I knew was false. The process by which I did this was…you could call it self-administered brainwashing.

I’m certainly not proud of it. But that’s what I did…”

The teacher went on to tell me he knew a number of other professors at various colleges who’d done the same thing. They weren’t proud of it, either, but they’d made their bed.

In our society, our culture, the see-saw is swinging back and forth. People are discovering truth, and then they are denying its implications.

In some cases, these people work for companies they know are part of the problem. Others work for government agencies. Others are in the military or the police. They’re caught in the middle.

This is one reason why we live in a Surveillance State, one reason why psychiatrists have become far more important authority figures, one reason why dependence on government is being pushed as never before.

The intention is to drive people back into their lives as obedient citizens, as opposed to free people who are seeing more and more of the truth.

Television, of course, plays a central role in this effort. Aside from what is laughingly called the news, the endless proliferation of crime dramas and sports coverage fulfills the desire for well-defined outcomes:

Good triumphs over evil. The good guys arrest the bad guys. One team wins, the other team loses. It’s clear-cut. Simple. With relatively few exceptions, things resolve the way they’re supposed to.

If the fictional hero is “fighting against the establishment,” it’s revealed he’s really battling “a rogue element.”

So the television audience can rest easy. It’s all okay. The authorities are on the side of the angels.

People caught in the middle tend to see retreat as their best option. They first looked for some stable platform on which they could stand, in order to send the old order to its demise, but not finding it, they opted for safety.

However, the itch and discomfort and the moral crisis don’t dissolve. They remain.

It is in this tension that new ideas and new solutions are born.

We are brought up to believe that if something is wrong, there is a prescribed solution; if not, nothing was really wrong.

This is the big lie. This is a prominent piece of mind control. It’s successful because official bodies are full of prescribed solutions. They appoint themselves princes of solutions. They breathe and excrete solutions every day.

Promoting and bringing about a wider gulf between the rich and the poor is another official strategy designed to force people to fall in line. Those on the edge of sinking into poverty are less likely to step out and defend conspiracy researchers and citizen reporters.

So it’s all the more unusual and forceful that we are seeing this relentless building wave of anti-establishment research. It means that people all over the world are fed up with the status quo and the official scenarios put in place to protect it.

There was a time, 30 years ago, when the best way I could get information out was to give lectures, have them taped on audio cassette, and send the tapes to friends and allies.

Fortunately, that time has passed. Now, thousands and thousands of researchers are being read, seen, and heard online.

On some days, it doesn’t seem like we’re winning. But we are.

Exit From the Matrix

Keep it up. Find ways to cross that bridge from official stories to the truth and stay there. No one said it would be easy. It’s always tempting to sink back into a trance.

But we do have an inherent desire to see things through. It’s strong. It’s compelling. It’s real.

Some years ago, a painter friend sent me the following note. Its implications are universal:

I used to be a house divided. I knew the work I wanted to do wouldn’t become popular in the marketplace. I was torn in half. I knew how to please the powers-that-be. But then it occurred to me: what would happen if I catered to the dominant culture and still failed to prosper? That would be the ultimate irony. If I went my own way, to the hilt, and did the work I wanted to do, I would have freedom, and the joy of looking at what I had produced. I wouldn’t go to sleep every night wondering what the hell I was doing. I would know.”

That spirit is very hard to kill. In the long run, it’s impossible to destroy it.

It keeps resurfacing, like a dream that is more real than waking life.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

16 comments on “Hope in the holiday season

  1. RothbardianamericanHelot says:

    Good description of taking The Blue Pill (and the temptation to do so) once a person has already taken The Red Pill.

  2. Max Mizejewski says:

    A breath of fresh air.

    Thank You

  3. brad says:

    Excellent article! And I hope you’re right that “On some days, it doesn’t seem like we’re winning. But we are.” Seems to me that each of us, individually, needs to examine our own actions and determine ways to lessen our dependence on ‘the system’. What I’m finding, is that it is possible to move in that direction when you focus your energy towards doing it, albeit, how you view yourself and your relationship to society needs adjusting, which isn’t easy – it’s a process, for sure. I hope more and more start jumping onboard.

  4. OzzieThinker says:

    It is unusual that I disagree with you, Jon, but I would say the opposite of the following excerpt is true.

    “Promoting and bringing about a wider gulf between the rich and the poor is another official strategy designed to force people to fall in line. Those on the edge of sinking into poverty are less likely to step out and defend conspiracy researchers and citizen reporters.”

    In fact, those on the “edge” [with sufficient intelligence to consider things meaningfully] are the one who support our “conspiracy researchers”. I am not sure what you mean by “citizen reporters”. Most of them are tied to “corporate interests”. The galvanization has come with money. Anyone with any clout DAREN’T fight the system, lest they lose the lot. That is the issue.

    Ironically my latest post tackles this in a very different way.


    Oh & merry winter solstice.

  5. CriticalThinker says:

    Ive helped some ‘wake up’ only to have them crawl back in their hole immediately after having their ‘aha’ reaction. Theirs is an act of cowardice and I have no idea what to do about it.

  6. Mark says:

    You can never win. The big fishes eat the little ones. Goliath always beats David in the long run. The lords dominate the serfs, the rich plunder the poor.

    For the common people, resisting tyranny is an endless battle. Like fighting insects and weeds in a garden, or bailing water from a leaking boat, you can never win but you can never stop either, or all is lost.

    Put the idea of winning from your minds and concentrate on simple resistance. Constant and never-ending resistance. That is the life of the working class – the 99%. Without constant resistance there is no hope because the rich and powerful have always seen the masses as merely sheep to be shorn and cattle to be herded. So resistance is everything, to make our subjugation as difficult for the tyrants as possible.

  7. Jarrod says:

    I understand this tendency to want to turn back and fall back asleep, but I cannot relate to it. Once I got a taste of truth, it was so liberating and validating that I would rather have exited this life than turn back and live a lie, regardless of how ugly and scary the facts initially were. Because a false life pretty much IS a dead life. But what’s amazing is that once you understand and admit that the ugliness is partly a reflection of the shadow that is within you, you shine the light of your genuine, honest attention on it and this makes way for true empowerment- knowing who/what you are, knowing your true potential by willing it to be so- and then you never look back. Just do it. – Nike Just joking about that Nike part. -Me

  8. […] But for now I’m just going to link to  a blog of a writer that I deeply enjoy, and that I draw inspiration from.  It was this specific essay of his that helped move me to want to begin communicating my perspective in order to hone it.  He wrote it near Christmas and I could intimately relate to the feelings and drives contained therein.  Jon Rappoport. […]

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