Obama speech: Miller Lite commercial: less filling, tastes great

Obama speech: Miller Lite commercial: less filling, tastes great

by Jon Rappoport

January 17, 2014


Obama just made a Miller Lite speech, to calm fears that NSA spying is a bother and a problem. Not so. All is well.

He’ll cut down the NSA practice of spying on people connected to people connected to people of interest. The three layers will become only two.

This is great, except that NSA is already spying on everybody. Three, two, 16? What difference does it make?

For the “tastes great” part, the President reminded us that NSA snoops are just regular folks. They’re our “friends and neighbors,” he said.

I know. That’s the point. There are cold-eyed androids among us.

For the “less filling,” Obama proposed that the all-encompassing metadata of NSA-captured phone calls shouldn’t be held by the government. That’s bad. Instead, the phone companies themselves should hold it, and then let the government look at it.

Whew. What a relief.

We all know NSA will do whatever it wants to, in order to keep spying on us. Trim their capability a little over here, they’ll go over there and do the same thing from another vector.

That’s what the Surveillance State is all about.

Obama also jammed in a sideswipe at Snowden, just to keep the traitor narrative alive. And to let us know stealing State secrets is a heinous crime.

You see, the State can steal our information, but we can’t steal its information. That’s the basic principle.

But to quote our leader from an earlier speech(es), “We’re all in this together.”

I guess it depends on what the meaning of “together” is.

NSA won’t bother parsing that. They’ll just keep on watching and compiling and collating. Being Peeping Tom Central is in their blood. “To keep us safe.”

As the pollsters go to the phones and gauge public reaction to Obama’s speech, I have a suggestion. Ask, “Do you believe the President was being forthright and honest?” And then ask, “Okay now, do you REALLY believe he was being forthright and honest?”

The Matrix Revealed

And if NSA wants to repair its public image, I have more suggestions. Since you boys are spying on everybody all the time, release the following information to the press:

Conversations involving politicians, at all levels, on the subject of hookers and underage sex targets;

Elite pedophile rings;

Communications (military, intelligence, DOJ, State Dept., White House) re what really happened in Benghazi, what really happened in the Fast&Furious Op;

Brokerage house/banker/billionaire manipulation of the stock market;

Behind the scenes lies among the high-echelon execs at Monsanto.

Just for starters.

Obviously, you have all this info. Release it now. Prove you’re on our side.

What? All those people aren’t your targets?

We are?


Gotta go. My refrigerator just told me the toaster said I put hemp butter on my toast this morning. It’s an indicator I could have two tons of pot in my garage.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

13 comments on “Obama speech: Miller Lite commercial: less filling, tastes great

  1. Orion says:

    Hehehe….EXCELLENT!!! I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the release of intel gathered by the droids, that which is against the (Illusion) free people of these United States, but it would be a start….

  2. Homer says:

    They are our “friends and neighbors” hah! Obvious psy-op designed to create mass distrust and paranoia amongst friends and neighbors. Instead of them releasing communications on pedophile rings, 911, Monsanto and obvious heinous crimes, they’re trying to keep the focus on Snowden, labeling him a heinous criminal. They’re turning American into the kind of world that got Alexander Solzhenitsyn hauled away. A paranoid panopticon where everyone but the elites and androids will suffer. What can we can we do? All we can do is love, laugh, create, and smoke a little pot (maybe two tons little by little).

    “We’re never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy”.

    “I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man’s. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.”
    -William Blake-

    • Michael says:

      “All we can do is love, laugh, create, and smoke a little pot (maybe two tons little by little).” – Homer………….Bravo!
      So I was walking down the middle of the back road (sidewalks are really icy) in my rural community…it Friday night, no one around, very quiet, silent planes are laying down a fresh set of Chem-trails against a full orange moon. I spark up my usual evening joint. It rids me of all that thinking process that seems to ramp up throughout a day, the angst, the negative stuff, the soul killing shit… It like having a rat in maze inside of my head sometimes. Way too much going on most times.
      So I am taking a puff from what is truly a righteous joint… AK-47 almost a pure Sativa, organically grown in soil made by little angels crapping in my composter. Just the most wonderful plant, it was a real beauty…anyways. The first wave of euphoria sweep across my body like silk across the skin, I begin to see again.
      As I was walking in the middle of the road and heard a car approach from behind, so I moved over closer to the side of the road, towards the sidewalk. Hahaha (crack me up every time I think about it)…so this car slows up and the electric window winds down on the car as it slowly creeps along to match my walking pace and toking. This talking head sticks out of the window and blurts “Hey is that marijuana your smoking walking down the middle of the road… You hippie people are getting out of hand with this legalization stuff. (He glances down at his iObject; I think it’s a cellphone) The smell is everywhere. You should be arrested (Glances at the phone again).”…. So I stopped turn to face the car window and a said (when he looks up at my face again) “You can smell this through your car window?”, he retorted “Yes it everywhere, up and down the street, it stinks asshole.”
      So I said ”What is your view on what is being pumped out the back of your car from your exhaust pipe…”, he cut me off with a “you fuckin hippies are going to ruin everything, with your pot”. Glances back down at his iObject while driving slowly off.
      And then I had an epiphany. Freedom is a deeply personal thing that does not have definition, there are no rules for it, it has no shape or size, it is not even a feeling, and it is closer to a way of seeing the world and reality.
      It is a self-created concept, choosen by a mind. I realized at that moment I am free.
      I see you are a Blake fan…what an artist he was.


      “Thus the terrible race of Los & Enitharmon gave
      Laws & Religions to the sons of Har, binding them more
      And more to Earth, closing and restraining,
      Till a Philosophy of five Senses was complete.
      Urizen wept & gave it into the hands of Newton & Locke.” – William Blake

      • Homer says:

        Thanks, Yep Blake was most definitely an artist/visionary. He offered visions of an exit to the matrix a long time ago. Good story, any time I think of smoking pot, individual liberties and creative imagination, I can’t help but think of Easy Rider and Jack Nicholson playing George Hanson:

        “You- you mean marijuana. Lord have mercy, is that what that is? Well, let me see that. Mmmmm-mmm. Mmmm…I-I-I couldn’t do that. I mean, I’ve got enough problems with the – with the booze and all. I mean, uh, I – I can’t afford to get hooked…it-it-it leads to harder stuff”.

        Good Luck and take care,

  3. Now says:


    1. I feel YOUR mental pain. Why direct it at me causing ME physical pain? Does it make YOU happy? Or YOU think that’s the only way YOU can feel how I feel.
    2. Think how WE got here from wherever WE were 13 months ago to “In Trust of Cosmos”. It’s because I can only trust Cosmos because YOU were not acting in a way that build trust and in fact quite the opposite and continuing….
    3. Now think about the time of “10 Point Plan, Get It!”. Imagine the trust I had in YOU at that time and happiness YOU had at that time. What if YOU acted differently? Do YOU think YOUR pain is better or worse now?
    4. Now there is more! THEY also feel YOUR feeling. Traditionally thinking THEY do not view YOU having a pain. THEY, with AXEs to grind, smell weakness of an enemy. So traditionally thinking THEY think of and do things that make YOU increase YOUR pain.
    5. How do YOU react to this? YOU try to project that YOU have something that THEY don’t have independent of me? Put their hat. THEY also use logic and will know what you are up to. When YOU know that it will increase YOUR pain.
    6. I think YOU are dwelling too much on perceived material/non material loss and focus more on mitigating that loss causing more perceived non-material/material loss thus resulting in more pain.
    7. Why don’t YOU focus instead on the probable gain both material and non-material using imagination.
    8. Think of mortal gods pulling puppet strings from behind the scene versus immortal gods creating the one-off foundation for a new planet.
    9. Think what YOU don’t have right now! Versus what YOU will have in the future. Do they have a value for YOU? Will it make YOU happy?
    10. Please do not do things that make THEM (bigger and getting bigger, happier and getting happier by the moment) smell a carcass. It increases their MEgo exponentially making the situation much worse than they are, NOW!

  4. WhiteRose says:

    “….the State can steal our information, but we can’t steal its information.” This sums up the qualifications of a tyranny. The USG classifies everything so we cannot see what they are doing and it’s classified all in the name of ‘national security’ so we’ll never know what they are doing, but they sure want to know what we are doing.

    Is the USG here for our convenience or are we here for their convenience?

  5. […] As Washington’s Blog noted, dozens of other prominent opponents of government surveillance were also quick to denounce the speech as mere lip service, a Miller Lite commercial for the masses. […]

  6. […] As Washington’s Blog noted, dozens of other prominent opponents of government surveillance were also quick to denounce the speech as mere lip service, a Miller Litecommercial for the masses. […]

  7. […] Obama speech: Miller Lite commercial: less filling, tastes great […]

  8. […] As Washington’s Blog noted, dozens of other prominent opponents of government surveillance were also quick to denounce the speech as mere lip service, a Miller Litecommercial for the masses. […]

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