Psychology and the creative force

Psychology and the creative force

by Jon Rappoport

February 18, 2014

The whole thrust of psychology, during its history, has been “resolution of the negative.”

I fully realize that psychology covers a wide territory, and there are exceptions to the rule. But all in all, the modern field of therapy is focused on “solving issues.”

Remedying problems whose roots are thought to be in the past.

Psychological “research” is fashioned to resemble the conventional practice of medicine, in which “negative elements are removed.”

Psychology’s public relations fronts and political connections have enabled it to gain an astonishing position in society. And this helps make people believe its central premise is true.

But is it? People, particularly patients, are malleable. Tell them that negative factors, traumas or conflicts out of the past are the reason they’re unhappy in the present, and they may well sign on the dotted line.

Well, that makes sense. For instance, my father and I…and then there was my grandmother…she lived with us for a while…she was a martinet…always hounding me…”

Psychology maintains that “resolving” these past relationships will bring a greater sense of peace and normalcy to life.

But suppose there is a much larger unexplored territory in consciousness where the concerns are quite different, and far more profound?

I’m talking about everything that involves living a truly creative life. Imagination, invention, vision, and vast untapped energy.

Most of what’s called psychology doesn’t tread in these deep waters.

And that is evidence of massive ignorance. Massive distraction.

It is futile to try to convince a conventional psychologist that the creative life should be his central focus.

If it were, it wouldn’t be psychology.

In the end, the overall effect of therapy, even at its best, is relatively superficial.

The creative life exceeds the norms of society. A life lived through and by imagination breaks through the ceiling of the universal fixation on problems.

James Hillman, psychologist and director of studies at the Jung Institute in Zurich, co-authored the book, We’ve Had a Hundred Years of Therapy & the World’s Getting Worse. Here are two Hillman quotes about psychology:

Where a case history presents a sequence of facts leading to diagnosis, soul history shows rather a concentric helter-skelter pointing always beyond itself … We cannot get a soul history through a case history.”

Our lives are determined less by our childhood than by the traumatic way we have learned to remember our childhoods.”

People learn how to “think about life” through the lens of psychology. People who should be keeping their heads down or, God forbid, reading a novel, are suddenly experts on human behavior.

As a result, a putrid kind of brain-addled pop psychology floats like a foam over the crest of society.

And when, in its own defense, advocates claim psychology is a science, they may as well be saying that an anthropologist, sitting in the jungle making notes on monkeys, is discovering vital facts about humans. The monkeys, if they knew what was happening, would, I’m sure, treat the whole enterprise as a fantastic joke. Just as we should, when shiny new psychology PhDs emerge from universities to treat the mind.

If all of psychology, its fatuous notions, and our memory of them disappeared from the earth tomorrow, much of society would come face to face with an interesting void. And then real exploration would begin. Again.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

7 comments on “Psychology and the creative force

  1. ask? says:

    “I have always considered that choosing a companion for life was a very important affair
    and that my happiness or misery in this life depended on the choice…”
    – Ezra Cornell

  2. paschn says:

    The denizens of this confused and befuddles country consume +/- 50% of the pharmaceutical poisons made in the world. With tribal “shills” such as the one in the article below, is it any wonder we’re so easily led around by the nose?

  3. I suppose psychology is inside the same materialist paradigm as everything else which means creativity is very low down on anyone’s list since most of the global population hasn’t a clue what it is. Hard to be concerned when your trying to survive. And if we do happen upon a methodology for accessing true creativity and living a truly spiritual life there is no conceivable way this can become the dominant reality since we are living under systems which thrive for those who operate on the very opposite – entropy. Factor in institutional psychopathy and narcissism which now defines contemporary life, it’s no mystery that the Creative is relegated to weekend painting courses and artists’ “self expression”.

    Oh woe!

    But I don’t think we need to jettison psychology but reinvent it along with most of our other cherished ideas of how societies should work. And I’m afraid that if you offer a void, that will quickly be filled with the next serving of pathology and mediocrity. Perhaps we need to be ready hone and polish the alternatives waiting in the wings so that when our Western societies do collapse – and they will – they’ll be more than just a germ of creative endeavours ready to take over.

    Without psychological awareness of the correct kind we’ll continue to adopt the same diminishing returns…which means we need to be cognizant of how our psychology is “infected” by those who have everything to gain from keeping humanity firmly in a cast iron box.

    • Michael says:

      “But I don’t think we need to jettison psychology but reinvent it along with most of our other cherished ideas of how societies should work. And I’m afraid that if you offer a void, that will quickly be filled with the next serving of pathology and mediocrity.” – MKS

      You have a clear and distinct bias here…. You believe mental illness exists. Therefore we need a new an improved model…that’s even scarier than system we have.
      There is no scientific evidence of mental illness existing. Except in the obvious, brain injury.

      What you see, only on the surface, is just the tip of an iceberg. The greater of which incorporates mind control,government propaganda, marketing, logistics, the modern school, and it the very structure that society is laid on.
      The whole idea of psychoanalysis is wrong, as wrong as eugenics, and Darwinism. The modern study of consciousness is both cynical and elitist in its origin and practice. It is about justifying cruelty. It gives a reason to what is misunderstood.
      We need to start looking at this in the light of what it is, modern psychiatry is pseudoscience. It is the religion of this totalitarian system we live under.
      Listening to the ramblings of psychiatrists and psychologists will only diminish what makes a person unique; it is the propagandizing to a soul. There is, I would say, no difference between a psychiatrist and a priest.

      This is one baby we can throw out with the bathwater.

      • paschn says:

        Great example;

        When that pervert Freud landed in America, “We are bringing them the plague,” he reportedly told colleagues when disembarking in New York. “And they don’t even know it.”

        For an in depth look at what “plague” the shill was referring to, visit the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights and see the insanity.
        As with the class three clerk in the patent office, Einstein, they were “show pieces”. Below average hucksters glorified in a controlled media….over and over and over again until the worker bees obediently put them on a pedestal and dubbed them “experts”.
        You’ve seen their “tricks” before;
        Evolution was a theory until “experts” shoved it down our throats using the same owned media.
        Result? suddenly and w/o real proof or debate POOF! it’s now “fact”.

        Again w/ homosexuality, I believe in the mid ’70’s a small panel of “experts”, the American Psychiatric Association” decided it wasn’t a perversion, just a “preference”. Now it’s shoved down our children’s throats in school, Christian churches are sued into bankruptcy by the ACLU and it’s fellow “benevolent” organizations for refusing, (don’t forget our religious “freedom”), to embrace what is described as a perversion by our creator in His Bible.

        So,…what’s next? Incest? Pedophilia? Bible burnings and the Talmud being installed as the new “holy book” for the “Christian” West?

      • I agree with almost everything you say in your post. I have written about the evils of psychiatry, psychoanalysis, the fallacies of Darwinism and many other belief-based “models.” However, what I do recognise is that we live in a culture that is suffering. I do think that much of what we label mental illness is indeed just a product of collusion between Big Pharma and psychiatry. There are many more examples. But I don’t agree that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. That is always dangerous. You take the gems from the obvious dross and you move forward.

        I value the insights in Andrew Lobaczewski’s Political Ponerology greatly. I think he is on to something huge. Does it mean it’ll solve the problems of the world? Nope. But it may just contribute something to the mix so that we can learn to avoid those people who are dangerous – and most of all happen to find themselves in positions of power and proceed to wreak havoc on our societies. Ponerology is a valuable contribution in this context but I do not for one minute think that it has all the answers. He also believed that humanity’s problem is ultimately a spiritual one and I agree.

        But language is all we have right now. So, bearing in mind that people suffer and are suffering we can offer help or hindrance. I don’t think it is wrong to call someone “ill” if they cannot function.

        But I am of the mind that our cultures are indeed under attack from the very same processes that gave rise to the distortions and lies in psychoanalysis, feminism, the medical establishment, the banking cartel and our governments. There are certain people who thrive on misery. And certainly, they are not ill. They are acting from the true nature. And that is what Lobaczewski alerts us to.

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