by Jon Rappoport
February 28, 2014
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In the entirely justified blow-up over the poisonous effects of Monsanto’s Roundup, recent history has been pushed to the side.
There are, of course, other companies and other poisons (herbicides, pesticides).
For example, read this from “Transport and Trade,” published by the Pesticide Action Network: “…US [companies] shipped nearly 1.7 billion pounds of pesticide products to other countries from 2001-2003…
“more than 32 tons per hour…
“Nearly 28 million pounds of these pesticides are banned for use in the US.”
Consider this broad 1997 indictment: “…large international corporations are able to sell pesticides abroad that cannot be sold in the U.S. These corporations sell pesticides that are classified as so harmful to human health and the environment, that their use cannot be justified for any purpose.” (Jefferson D Reynolds, Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law, “International Pesticide Trade”)
A case in point: Propargite. Writing in the Albion Monitor (May 5, 1996, “US Firm Exports Hazardous Pesticide”), Haider Rizvi describes the chemical as “a widely used pesticide for control of mites on a range of fruit, grain, vegetable, nut and fiber crops.”
Here are quotes from the Monitor article:
“The US-based Uniroyal Corp. will continue selling a hazardous pesticide to farmers overseas even though the product has been withdrawn from domestic markets for ‘health and safety reasons.’”
“In a recent agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the company canceled nearly a dozen uses of the pesticide Propargite in the United States. But, the accord does not affect sales of the suspected carcinogen in other countries.”
“Its recent agreement with EPA prohibits Uniroyal from selling propargite for use on nearly a dozen [US] crops — including apricots, apples, peaches, pears, plums, figs, strawberries, and green beans — because of its cancer-causing potential.”
“Both independent and EPA scientists say infants and children are especially vulnerable to the potential dangers of exposure to Propargite-treated food products, which include damage to the nervous system, as well as cancer.”
Here’s the capper:
“Despite banning a dozen uses, the EPA-Uniroyal agreement still allows the company to continue production and distribution of Propargite for use on nearly 30 other [US] crops, including grapes, cotton, grapes, watermelon, and potatoes.”
And remember, along with destruction wreaked on people in countries to which the US exports these chemicals, the food grown and sprayed in those countries is shipped back to the US for sale. This route was called “the circle of poison.” That phrase has dropped out of popular usage.
Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, Bayer, and other mega-corporations don’t let up. They continue in the tradition of the infamous IG Farben—chemicals for destruction.
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)
In 2009, I researched the problem of pesticides in the Ukraine. Use is not the only issue; so is storage. And the scope and danger are huge.
Tamara Gurzhiy, “Expired and prohibited pesticides problem in Ukraine,” Independent Agency for Ecological Information, Kharkiv, Ukraine (English translation):
“Twenty thousand to 25,000 t [tons] of expired or prohibited pesticides are stored on 4,000 Ukrainian depots. This is a serious threat for people and environment. Arsenic compounds are highly toxic for cattle. Death comes within several hours…Majority of pesticide depots were not designed for long-term usage. Chemicals are stolen and illegally sold to people. Depots’ roofs collapsed over the time, pesticides’ wrapping gets [out of] of order, pesticides of different nature may become [a] catalyst of spontaneous chemical reactions with unpredictable results. Spontaneous fire may spread toxins on a wide area. Utilization of expired and prohibited pesticides is Ukrainian national problem.”
Indeed, there was a fire in 2009.
Simferopol, October 17 (Interfax-Ukraine): “A storehouse with pesticide in Dzhankoi (Crimea) is on fire…around 200 tonnes of pesticide and magnesium chloride…around 40 tonnes of pesticide was taken from the storehouse…” How extensive were the toxic clouds? Is this the real reason for 2009 reports of a million people ill in the Ukraine with Swine Flu?
“BRNO, Czech Republic, Sept. 23 /CNW/ – According to Milieukontakts Partner IHPA (the International HCH and Pesticides Association) the health of at least 7 million inhabitants in Moldavia and Ukraine is seriously threatened by a stock of old pesticides. IHPA calls for fast EU action to disarm this ‘biggest chemical time bomb of Europe’.
“…[in] the former Kalush factory in the west of Ukraine there is a stock of no less than 10,000 tonnes of superfluous Hexachlorobenzene (HCB). It’s particularly the positioning along the Dniester river that makes the situation extremely hazardous: a single flood and the high concentrations of poison would pollute the natural habitat of some 7 million people in the west of Ukraine and Moldavia.
“In total, tens of millions of inhabitants in Europe, Central Asia and the former Soviet Union are being threatened by pesticides. In Ukraine alone there are 4,500 storage locations with more than 30,000 tonnes of old pesticides, a legacy from the Soviet era. The substances have been prohibited since 2001. As a rule the packaging only lasts five to ten years. If nothing happens in that time, then the substances could simply end up in the soil or in the water…”
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
What a plan, destroy the the health of the masses with pesticides and other toxins, then finish them off with poisonous, toxic drugs. A Godless, greedy, mindset indeed!
couldn’t agree with you more-
and then at the end of the day after a bloody revolution that killed off the few the pesticides/toxins didn’t yet get to, leave them with an even more nefarious puppet gov’t than the previous puppet gov’t (the ones responsible for allowing the import of pesticides/toxins to begin with)-
and then consider: the Ukraine is the bread basket of Europe
BTW, the term “organic” should be done away with and replaced with….
Grown with…
* (1) pesticides = Yes ; GMO = Yes; soil toxicity index = [x]; water toxicity index = [y]
* (2) pesticides = Yes ; GMO = No; soil toxicity index = [x]; water toxicity index = [y]
* (3) pesticides = No ; GMO = No; soil toxicity index = [x]; water toxicity index = [y]
For the “grown with pesticides (1 and 2)”, what is the percentage breakdown between 1 and 2 in the US over the last 35-years — for all the commercial farming acerage in the US?
Based on our research
these products are GMO-Free.
Bronze Chief Wheat and Flour, Orga
nic Bronze Chief Wheat and Flour
Prairie Gold Wheat and Flour, Orga
nic Prairie Gold Wheat and Flour
Hard Red Winter Wheat
Natural White Flour
Spelt Grain and Flour, Or
ganic Spelt and Flour
Soft White Wheat and Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
Rolled Oats, Steel Cut Oats, and Oat Groats
Whole 7-Grain Mix, 7-Grain Flakes/Cereal an
d 7-Grain Flakes/Cereal with Flax Seed
Cracked Bronze Chief Wheat
and Cracked Wheat Cereal
Cracked 9-Grain Mix
Kamut® khorasan wheat
Whole Brown Flax Seed, Milled Brown Flax Seed
In addition, Wheat Montana is
not aware of any genetically
modified seeds approved for
commercial production in the United
States that could be grown to
produce the above referenced
list of [wheat] products. All of the commercial varietie
s of these products produ
ced in the United States
have been bred using traditional plant breeding techniques and are not genetically modified at the
molecular level.
_Soft Milling Wheat Ukraine non GMO, origin, Crop 2013_
FOB Price: US $315 / Metric Ton
Port: Kherson/Illychevsk/Nikolav
Minimum Order Quantity: 1000 Metric Ton/Metric Tons
Supply Ability: 25000 Metric Ton/Metric Tons per Month
Payment Terms: L/C
Sales contact: Mr. Mohammed Boutayeb
_Quick Details_
Type: Wheat
Style: Dried
Cultivation Type: Organic
Place of Origin: Ukraine
_Packaging & Delivery_
Packaging Detail: Bulk either by container or vessel
Delivery Detail: 21
Soft Milling Wheat non GMO, crop 2013, Ukraine origin
Our Seller offers highest quality products of Ukrainian origin, which meet world standards of quality.
Products don’t contain GMO, pesticides, preservatives or remains of any agrochemicals.
Wheat flour – Soft Milling Wheat – Feed wheat – Yellow corn Feed
Soft milling wheat, crop 2013
Country of origin: Ukraine
Specification: NON GMO
Test weight: 780 kg/hl min
Moisture: 13.5 max
Grain admixture: 5% max
Foreign Matters: 2% max
Gluten: 23 % min
Aflatoxin: 20 ppb max
Protein: 12.5%
FN:250 min
Current January Price: USD 315 MT (metric ton)
Feed wheat, crop 2013
Country of origin: Ukraine
Packing: in bulk
Specification: NON GMO
Moisture:14 max
Grain admixture: 5% max
Foreign Matters: 2% max
Aflatoxin: 20 ppb max
Current Price: USD295 MT .
Yellow corn, crop 2013
Country of origin: Ukraine
Packing: in bulk
Specification: NON GMO
Test weight: 680 kg/hl min
Moisture: 13 max
Grain admixture: 5% max
Foreign Matters: 3% max
Protein: 9% min
Aflatoxin: 20 ppb max
Current Price: USD 225 MT
Other commodities: Wheat flour feed and food, both bagged 50Kg, MOQ: 88MT
1) Prices: are FOB port Kherson/Illychevsk/Nikolav (Ukraine) may change without
prior notice, blokked only after signed contract.
We not invest time negociate sea freight any port without serious LOI should states
target price CFR your destination. If TP not reflect current market, will not waste time.
You also could negociate sea freight from FOB Ukrain ports to your port by contact: or or or your own forwarder.
If you are the buyer, since you have FOB price, you could negociate good sea freight
based on our Min/Max quantities and pakking is bulk.
2) Payment: irrevocable, transferable LC at sigh, issued or confirmed by first class bank.
3) Quality/weight and condition is final at loading as per SGS certificates.
4) MOQ: Bulk vessel 3.000MT, Bulk container 1.000MT NO less
5) Packing: Either container or vessel, both are bulk except wheat flour bagged
6) Max. 25.000MT monthly each product
As seller’s Mandate we are not allowed introduce intermediaries, please only end buyer contact with LOI should state realistic target price CFR your. destination
Day by day, bit by bit, we and our children are being poisoned incrementally by these so-called elite. You can bet your toxic sweet potato that these elite don’t consume the same crap that they feed us.
“And remember, along with destruction wreaked on people in countries to which the US exports these chemicals, the food grown and sprayed in those countries is shipped back to the US for sale. This route was called ‘the circle of poison.’ That phrase has dropped out of popular usage.
“Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, Bayer, and other mega-corporations don’t let up. They continue in the tradition of the infamous IG Farben—chemicals for destruction.” ~~ Jon Rappoport
[…] READ MORE […]
It’s a soft kill; we have all been confined to computer filter bubbles. Believing intensely that we are informed and on top of it all. Mean while we are beening spoon feed a personalized propoganda. Individualized to each little iObject.
I am almost positive that this is not the first time this cull has happened. One can become overwhelmed with how quickly it is happening and how oh so quietly it moves in the cold winter night.
Strange how we fight over such paltry shit… but if one was to look above their head, and only realize there 5.6 kilometers between life and suffocation. Another kind of bubble.
peace and love michael
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That thing about storing them near the river really hits home for me. I was visiting my mom and dad in West Virginia, near Charleston, this January when the chemical spill happened. Fortunately, it did not affect the company that supplies my parents’ water, but we were in the same area as all the other people who couldn’t drink the water. There was an old chemical storage facility that hadn’t been inspected for, like, decades, and the chemical somehow leaked into the river. I can imagine buildings in Ukraine rusting and falling apart while stuff gradually leaks out, washes away, or gets flooded by high water from the river.
Excellent article. One thing we need to change is referring to and blaming ‘corporations’ for what’s being done. Individuals have been and are currently doing these damaging acts to humanity. They hide behind their made up ‘legal’ fictions. Everytime we talk about the evils done by ‘Monsanto’, ‘DuPont’, etc, etc we fall into that little trap. We should place responsibility where it belongs, starting with the CEOs and the bought off politicians.
Good point. The CEO and the politicians, and, the CEO’s board buddies. BTW, where are the various state Attorney Generals?
So the geeky little lab coat splitting genes….
[…] Covert chemical warfare/a time bomb in the Ukraine. […]
[…] the fact that pesticide companies are notorious for shipping banned toxic pesticides to Africa. One effect of the chemicals? […]
[…] new beta-lactam antibiotics”) Forget the fact that pesticide companies are notorious for shipping banned toxic pesticides to Africa. One effect of the chemicals? Bleeding. Forget that. It’s all about the germ and […]
[…] the fact that pesticide companies are notorious for shipping banned toxic pesticides to Africa. One effect of the chemicals? […]
[…] the fact that pesticide companies are notorious for shipping banned toxic pesticides to Africa. One effect of the chemicals? […]