Does the government want us to know it’s spying on us?

Does the government want us to know it’s spying on us?

By Jon Rappoport

March 19, 2014

The President’s own task force concluded that NSA spying in the US hadn’t prevented a single act of terrorism (e.g.,Washington Post, 12/23/13) (see also this and this).

The spying is really about gathering information on everybody. Innocent citizens.

But if citizens didn’t know the NSA was engaged in such a gargantuan program of snooping…they would, in blithe ignorance, just go about their business and live their lives.

The point is this: the most effective means of curtailing dissent and creating a cautious conforming population isn’t the spying itself. It’s letting people know the spying is happening all the time.

And since curtailing dissent and creating conformity are strategic aims of the Surveillance State, citizens need to know they’re being watched.

And now they do know. In spades.

Have you seen any major cutbacks in NSA spying? No.

The major effect, so far, of all the NSA revelations of the past year is: people everywhere know they’re being spied on. They knew it before, to a degree—but not like they know it now.

A rough analogy: Under certain circumstances, people can be forced into psych wards and held against their will. The mechanism of social control inherent in that program is really, however, about people knowing they can be detained.

Social control is really about the threat, the possibility of being caught.

The Matrix Revealed

Now (since last June) everybody knows the NSA is deploying vast resources all the time to spy, spy, spy.

In that sense, things are working out quite well for NSA.

Those technicians and executives who are merely carrying water for the Surveillance State may be out of sorts these days. They may be wondering whether an ax is going to fall on them. But the real social planners, who occupy a much higher position, are pouring champagne.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This entry was posted in Spygate.

16 comments on “Does the government want us to know it’s spying on us?

  1. John says:

    Most people don’t know they are in a state of stress brought on by fears of all kinds. That’s the illusion that keep mankind in bondage. The fear of lack of whatever, you name it. The trick is getting past that illusion. It begins with education that results in empowerment of the mind. Overcoming LIE that we are separate and different from one another and alone. Getting to know ones true self.

    • patriot9878 says:

      It only bothers certain people. Most people I would say 90% don’t give a rat’s arse. The smart people close their accounts and say screw the Internet. I don’t know why it would make any difference knowing they are watching you or not. If people knew then they would be a lot more cautious about what they do. I don’t see how this benefits the government.

  2. Dani says:

    Very good points! So we enslave ourselves… we are the ones to take away our own freedoms… makes their work MUCH easier.

    With regard to the “observer,” there is a huge difference in the benevolent “watching out for” that, for example, a mother might do for her children…. watching them out the kitchen window while they play in the yard, so they are safe but don’t feel intruded upon… for another example the monitoring a nurse might do of his or her patient who is not able to care for himself, but keeping boundaries always respecting that individual’s privacy. It is an intimacy, it is a duty, it respects boundaries and autonomy of the individual WHEREAS contrast with the observing done by a voyeur or peeping tom, or a snoop, or a busybody. These are NOT benevolent. The question always to ask is — for whose benefit is this observing being done? Answer honestly, then you will get your answer.

    There is also a deeper spiritual aspect to the observing. An artist requires a private space to create. This can be a mental space. The reason this is required is because of the requirement of the absence of judgment during the time the artist is allowing the creative energy to flow through him or her, to manifest the work of art (whatever it may be). When judgement is in place DURING the creation, it has a squelching effect.

    The book of Genesis describes the creative process. It is not described as happening all at once. Rather, gradually as elements are separated one from the other, the Creator reflects on the process, how is it going. He sees that it is going well, he likes it. So he continues. But that is the judgement of the one doing the creating — not someone standing on the sidelines telling him he’s doing it “wrong.” I can see that he’s really caught up in that creative process. Can you?

    Evil reminds me of a toddler tantrum. Good reminds me of respectfully allowing individuals to experience their unfolding, without trying to coerce or control. Good is art, and beauty, and unfolding, and creating. Evil is squelching, and bonding, and derision, and control.

  3. Reblogged this on Spartan of Truth and commented:
    It wouldn’t be in the news if they didn’t, to answer the headline. Thanks Jon.

  4. Precisely that Jon, the fear of the government spying on us, is much worse than the actual spying

    “There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They ‘re spying on me through my phone’ anymore. Eventually, it will be ‘ My phone is spying on me’.” -Philip K. Dick

  5. Exactly the same kind of reasoning that the “police” get away with their egregious crimes against humanity everyday. Most people are not fully understanding the gravity of the situation the learn of. Then, we asked what they think should be done about it, they usually turn to indifference and pathos as their answers.

    I hate to say it, folks but, I really see no solution even to be attempted by the People. This country, and this world, have been put through so much generational psychological conditioning that makes any REAL solution in the doing of such an improbable task. As much as I have opened my mouth about educating folks to what OUR responsibilities are, concerning the true state of affairs, the most common excuse has been, “I don’t have time for that”, or even “oh, that’s just politics and I’m not interested”.

    I’m sorry, but I know better than to fight a war with only myself to be counted on, on my team! Looks pretty hopeless these days, yet – I stubbornly hanging on to the idea, that just MAYBE I will find some folks who ARE serious about taking back their livelihoods. It’s a do-er’s game, not for the faint of heart, and not for the procrastinator!

  6. Jarrod says:

    Yep, this is what the Snowden affair was and still is; the surveillance state’s way of carefully introducing the extent of their spying programs into the realm of mainstream consciousness. This is why the Snowden narrative is unfolding in the way it is; an excuse to reveal these things in measured increments. Through Snowden, they incrementally release particular sets of information, and then utilize this same surveillance technology to gauge the pulse of public sentiment. Then, based on public reaction, they make particular choices on what to reveal next and release more and more, just as one slowly descends the steps in a cold swimming pool to avoid a temperature shock to the system. They want the public to know. The psychology of being watched is only one angle, however in my opinion. There are occult intentions behind this as well. The release of this information fulfills a very interesting occult concept known as “revelation of the method.” Here is a basic esoteric explanation (regardless of whether you give it any credence or not, they do, and operate accordingly) ; We have free will, and infringing upon the free will of others has negative consequences. The act of revealing what they are doing to us, paired with the fact that we still participate, partially absolves them of the negative karma incurred from directly infringing upon our free will. It took a very long time, however, to mould the public into a state of mind apathetic enough that all this would be possible.

  7. Thomas777 says:

    You nailed it Jon. I always said it was too suspicious the way the press played up the talking points surrounding the Snowden revelations. After all, we know the press is greatly controlled here in the USA, so if they wanted to keep his revelations quiet or just quieter they could have. I suspect Snowden may still be working for the very agency he claims to be revealing.

  8. John says:

    My 2 cents on it is. Yes, actually I am somewhat suspicious that this is what the whole Snowem,,,
    I mean Snowden fiasco is about. Making sure everybody knows the government is openly spying on everybody including people in other countries.
    To operate such a massive surveillance of this kind would be impossible to keep secret, out of sight. So knowing that reality they are taking the approach of put it right out there in the spotlight, complete ignore any push back to it and go full speed ahead.. The end result, We are watching everything you do, you know it and there isn’t a thing you can do about it, so accept it. It appears they are spot on.

  9. John says:

    We seem to have accepted our place as characters in a Orwell novel. Too bad the participants of this do not realize they are looked at as nothing but cattle by their masters as well. Put your head through the hole, good boy, good boy.

  10. […] Does the government want us to know it’s spying on us? […]

  11. OzzieThinker says:

    It goes back to management of slaves. With so many of them, what if rebel?

  12. BattleBlue1 says:

    Reblogged this on BattleBlue1 and commented:
    The most effective means of curtailing dissent and creating a cautious conforming population isn’t the spying itself. It’s letting people know the spying is happening all the time.

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