Welcome to “telemedicine”: spying on you at home

Welcome to “telemedicine”: spying on you at home

by Jon Rappoport

March 21, 2014


In 1988, when I writing my first book, AIDS INC., I pointed out that medical ops would become superb population control enterprises. They claim to be politically neutral and, of course, humane.

Since then, many chickens have come home to roost in line with my prediction.

We now have “telemedicine,” and the health insurer Humana is in the lead.

Here is a major development. FOX 13 Tampa Bay reports:

Ernestine Marshall can’t even go to the bathroom without someone knowing.”

“’I didn’t know how closely they were watching me until I received a phone call, and I was like, whoa! Ok!’ she said.”

The diabetic and MS patient’s home is outfitted by insurer, Humana, with sensors that keep track of when she opens her medicine cabinet, her fridge, sleeps, walks, and uses the bathroom.”

A break in routine is an early sign of trouble.”

‘If it becomes unusual, I will get a phone call,’ she said. ‘(They say), Ms. Marshall, are you alright? Do we need to call your sister?’”

“‘It makes me feel wonderful, to know I’m being monitored, especially living alone,’ Marshall said.”

She feels wonderful.

A lot of people would. A lot of people wouldn’t care one bit that they’re under surveillance in their homes 24/7. It’s a beautiful thing. And then there are a whole lot of other people who wouldn’t opt for the surveillance themselves, but feel wonderful that people like Ernestine Marshall feel wonderful.

Ms. Marshall, we notice you didn’t sit outside for an hour and half today, like you usually do. You didn’t go out at all. Is everything okay?”

We notice you didn’t flush the toilet today. Are you all right?”

We didn’t hear you cooking. Did you order in? We didn’t hear a knock on your door.”

If NSA wants to be beloved by many Americans, they can offer this service for nothing.

Bob at the NSA is my friend. I really like him. He calls every day to see if I peed. I think he already knows, but I don’t mind. He has a nice voice.”

The second half of this story is that “remote doctors” are being touted in conjunction with at-home spying on patients. People won’t need to make a trip to an office or clinic very often. An online doc will handle their case.

Well, since when does knowing how often you flushed the toilet or went outside or cooked or how long you slept add to up to a refined medical diagnosis?

No, much more data will need to be collected on patients/targets of surveillance. Real-time blood pressure counts, immune-cell numbers, body temp, pain indicators, organ-function readouts, and so on.

So this will be the next “breakthrough.” Those digital internal- tracking pills you’ve heard about, for example, will be deployed and connected to the network that monitors patients. And there will be new devices to wear.

Medical insurers, including all the Obamacare carriers, will offer to monitor patients’ activity in their homes and inside their bodies. And when they leave the house, things will be wonderful then as well, because why bother spying on people where they live unless you can do it at the mall, too?

We want to be able to oversee you all the time, so we can do everything to keep you healthy.”

Thank you so much.”

The Matrix Revealed

As a side bonus, the US national health insurance plan requires a medical ID package for every patient in the system. This becomes a de facto national ID card.

Please show me your medical ID…excuse me, what? It’s not in your wallet? It’s not under your skin? You aren’t in the health system? Officer needs assistance. We have an outlier. I repeat, we have an outlier.”

Obviously, such a person must be questioned. He’s a hold-out. He could be dangerous. Does he have political literature in his house? Does he own a gun? Are his children up to date on their 55 vaccinations? Has he ever seen a psychiatrist? Does he possess any energy devices that place him off the grid? Does he grow his own food?

Eventually, the medical tracking sensors in a person’s home will be able to answer all those questions without the need for a police stop.

And it’ll be wonderful.

And finally, when the spy sensors show that a patient is having a very serious toxic reaction to a medical drug, that fact will automatically be shunted out of the system, and instead, a diagnosis of a new disease or disorder will be entered, to falsely account for the patient’s reaction—and a new (toxic) drug will be automatically delivered to the patient’s door, to treat the new non-existent disorder.

Mr. Smith, did you receive the latest medication at 2:13pm today?”

Yes I did.”

But we see you didn’t take it yet.”

Well, I was thinking I didn’t need it. I don’t believe my new problem is a disease. I was having a bad reaction to the old drug I was taking.”

Really. You’re a doctor now? Mr. Smith, all your verbal responses in our conversations are recorded in the system. I’m sure you know resistance and non-compliance and self-diagnosis are red flags. They can provoke a serious investigation. Wouldn’t you rather just take the new drug?”


Okay, yes, I guess so. Sorry about that. I was feeling out of sorts. My wife left this morning to stay with her sister. We’re having problems.”

Yes, we know that. But what happens in your life is separate from your medical problems. Just take the new drug.”

I’m opening the bottle now.”

“Yes you are. Swallow the pills. There’s a glass of water on the counter to your left. We care.”

I know you do. Thank you.”

Swallow it, Mr. Smith. Swallow the whole deal.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

16 comments on “Welcome to “telemedicine”: spying on you at home

  1. Dani says:

    Oh come on, now don’t you think the medicines will be dispensed in vapor form through these sensors? Now we have or are on the edge of a breakthrough of being able to concoct smells through combinations of chemicals, so wouldn’t toxic medicines be the logical next step? Don’t rely on a person to take the pill. Patient compliance is the name of the game, and now that medical conspiracy theorists are in the crosshairs for the purpose of increasing compliance, eventually workarounds will be found. Like the fluoride in the water. The drugs will be dispensed in such a way that we cannot easily avoid them. Air, or water, or as a part of the foods we eat.

    It is unfortunate that so many people are being fooled into thinking we are mere chemically imbalanced machines to be tinkered with, and cannot possibly function in our God-given bodies without man’s intervention. So long as there is profit to be had one way or another, through the mandatory consumption of medical services or through our compliant enslavement, this tinkering will continue.

  2. Jarrod says:

    “Google, empty my bowels.”

  3. judgingjudi says:

    Great blog! Then if we are not trusting of the system , we a paranoid and then that requires another psychiatric diagnosis and another toxic pill. If it were not so serious, I could just laugh. Keep up the writing. And I will also. I just escaped their entrapment three months ago, but I will still keep writing.. author of Judging Judi.

  4. Barbara says:

    It’s called “farming”. We farm each other. Doctors have become very good at it with the help of the AMA. Modern medicine is not about healing, it’s about dollars to buy that second home or new luxury car.

    Your post reminded me of Orwell’s “1984”. But, even he didn’t imagine how bad big brother would get. And, mostly it is because of greed and being taken care of rather than being self-sufficient that is being regulated out of existence. Take family farms in favor of corporate agriculture for one example.

    I’d like to see an expose on The American Community Survey from the Census Bureau that now rotates to 250,000 citizens every month to make taking a census every 5 years rather than ten. AND, the intrusive questions are up to 78 for each person in the home, even children. Whether or not one owns a gun is not yet on it, but it will be. The questions make it very easy for rogue bureaucrats to steal citizens’ identities. E.g., exactly what times they come and go from work. It seems to be all for data-mining people for commercial purposes rather than the original intentions of the fading Constitution. The pre-literature announcing its arrival threatens citizens with imprisonment or fines up to $5,000 if it is not answered. The ACS says so far that hasn’t been implemented. So, best advice is to ignore them even when they come to the door. I gave the gentleman a 2-hour lecture on how he is undermining America with the only job he could find.

  5. theodorewesson says:

    monitoring you in the home — for your safety.

    and, monitoring you outside your home — for your safety. (license plate readers. sensors on the road (of course, the ‘officials’ are exempt))


    And, here is the ‘official’ clearing-house database/exchange:

    Navy database tracks civilians’ parking tickets, fender-benders, raising fears of domestic spying

    LinX = Law Enforcement Information Exchange

    By Mark Flatten | MARCH 21, 2014 AT 5:18 AM


    Wasn’t that the mandate after 9/11? Better coordination of all levels of law enforcement? Well, we got it. In spades.


    And the statutory-law makers and judges and juries are unable to put a stop this?

    Sweet-heart deals? Fear? Bribes? Extortion? Ignorance?

    “The crime of 9/11 and double-crime of not treating the crime scene like a crime scene” is such a STRONG frequency. It’s magical.


    I feel like i am living in a dystopian sic-fi novel

  6. Not only of Orwell’s “1984”, but some of Aldus Huxley’s “Brave New World” thrown in for good measure.

    I thought that was where the by-vaccine-implantable “bio-chip” came in? _ Yet, it is still in the works.

  7. OzzieThinker says:

    I haven’t read your first book, Jon. However AIDS is an interesting one. I understand, though this has never been formally corroborated (now will it?), that AIDS was a bi-product of a polio vaccine distributed [mostly] around the Africa in the 1960’s when science was going to ‘conquer the world’. The problem with African distribution networks is the majority of the vials never made source until 1980’s. Once again, I am relying on hearsay, but this states the vaccine was grown in the kidneys of live chimpanzees and green monkeys, who have an HIV strain in their arsenal of anti-gens (I hope I have terminology right). These were transferred and mutated in the human hosts to produce the AIDS symptoms of HIV.

    My wife is Thai and until fairly recently, all doctors faced with a death by “unknown causes” put it down to AIDS because there was a GOVERNMENT FUNDING INCENTIVE (one of the international ones – WHO?). A Greek doctor informed me AIDS “WAS ALMOST IMPOSIBLE TO TRANSMIT” by normal sexual activity and transmission was usually blood to blood. One theory is homosexuals are promiscuous and ‘Bohemian’ availing a much higher than normal percentage inclined to share needles in recreational drug use, though I think splits in the anus and transmission by semen more likely.

    A final mystery linked to the starchild or ‘indigo child’ syndrome is some African kids are being produced “HIV free” by infected parents……..’splain that science……….;-)

  8. theodorewesson says:

    “Yes you are. Swallow the pills. There’s a glass of water (with fluoride, glysophate, and chlorine in it) on the counter to your left. We care.”

  9. roberta4949 says:

    I guess government employees and polticians wouldn’t mind me putting sensors in their home and on their streets it is for my safety you know, since they are so concerned, that way I can see when they are going to implement another law or rule to harm my life liberty and property and I can call them on it, not that they would listen, but hey worth a try you think? boy I am so glad people in government are concerned about my welfare, nice to know my protection money (taxes) are so well spent.

  10. Tim Page says:

    Interesting read, but I think the general trend is not in this direction. The general trend is for America to become a poor backward country, similar to Mexico or Brazil. Anyway, as Carroll Quiqley wrote in 1964, the existence of chemical and biological weapons will be the end of all these large imperial countries, as soon as oppressed peoples within them begin to understand how to use them. Consider that when *Israhell hyperventilates over Iranian nukes, we know that isn’t the case. But what is? I believe the real issue is Iranian weapons of mass destruction more of the kind Professor Quiqley spoke of. But the issue is so sensitive, they dare not mention it publicly. And this could hold true in almost any place, from Ukraine to Texas, from Alberta to Alaska, from Alabama to Scotland, from A to Z. This also is dystopia, but it breaks the Matrix, permanently

  11. TeleMeNot! says:

    That was hilariously written! Thanks for the laugh. And for expanding the “real picture” of TeleMed’s purpose (which I first began hearing inklings of TeleMed 15+ years ago but was not NWO-saavy back then. Now it makes perfect sense!) The danger, as always, is in the Mindset of people first & foremost, of whether they will fall for these “loving govt intrusions.” Understanding the Big Picture is the only cure for avoiding that!

    Funny this, too, as it sounds exactly like what is said re Smart Meters: “…knowing how often you flushed the toilet or went outside or cooked or how long you slept…” (via sewer, water, electric/lights/appliance usage profiled via Smart Meters!)

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