The war inside the war in Afghanistan

The war inside the war in Afghanistan

by Jon Rappoport

July 11, 2014

Well, there are several wars inside the war in Afghanistan. Ensuring the flow of opium to the world. Having US bases close to Russia. Protecting and gobbling up vast mineral reserves. Keeping alive the proposed oil pipeline.

Still another war is quite different. It’s a test program, through which the US Armed Forces is trying to obtain a biometric record of every human living in Afghanistan.

It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots, to realize the program is applicable to other countries, including the US and its ubiquitous Surveillance State.

The US Army document that spells out the strategy is titled, “Commander’s Guide to Biometrics in Afghanistan: Observations, Insights, and Lessons.”

It is marked: “US Unclassified/For Official Use Only; Exempt From Mandatory Disclosure under FOIA Exemptions 2 and 5.” The document and an accompanying report are posted at, here.

Through the use of cameras, electronic devices, fingerprinting, DNA collection, and personal interviews, the Army is striving to achieve a mind-boggling goal: identify and profile every one of the 25 million people living in the cities, villages, rugged mountains, and crevices of Afghanistan. The profiles of individuals include an assessment of threat-risk.

Here are several key quotes from the report:

“The stated goal of the Afghan effort is no less than the collection of biometric data for every person living in Afghanistan.”

“All biometric data collected in Afghanistan is ultimately sent back to the DOD’s Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) located in West Virginia, where it is stored and also shared with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI. Partnerships with other nations also allow the DOD to run data against biometrics collected by foreign governments and law enforcement.”

“[The Commander’s Guide] advises soldiers to ‘enroll everyone’ including the dead, from which DNA is often collected using buccal swabs to capture the cells that line the mouth…[The] ‘payoff to U.S. and coalition forces is so great in terms of securing the population and identification of bad actors in the country, that commanders must be creative and persistent in their efforts to enroll as many Afghans as possible.’”

“The U.S. military currently uses three devices for collecting the bulk of the biometric data harvested in Afghanistan: the Biometrics Automated Toolset (BAT), Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment (HIIDE) and Secure Electronic Enrollment Kit (SEEK). The BAT is used primarily by the Army and Marine Corps and consists of a laptop computer and separate peripherals for collecting fingerprints, scanning irises, and taking photographs. The HIIDE is more mobile, providing a handheld device capable of collecting fingerprints, scanning irises and taking photographs. Like the BAT, the HIIDE can connect to a network of approximately 150 servers throughout Afghanistan to upload and download current biometric information and watchlists.”

power outside the matrix

Many lessons will be learned in this monumental effort, among them strategies for identifying, recording, and assessing the identity of humans living in all parts of world where populations are scattered and technology is primitive.

No doubt there are IT people and technocrats at the Pentagon and the NSA who consider the biometric identification project more important, in the long run, than the shooting war in Afghanistan.

Their lunatic goal is the tracking and control of every human on the planet.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

26 comments on “The war inside the war in Afghanistan

  1. andy says:

    Time the people said “NO MORE”.

  2. SNNN says:

    Folks here in the “homeland” just cannot grasp that what happens “out there” ALWAYS
    comes “back home”. They are just working out the kinks in the grid of control before
    setting it up “in a neighborhood near you”.

    • SamAdamsGhost says:

      My Lord. The more you read about things like this, the more the reality hits that the headquarters of the Nazi Fourth Reich now exists in the United States.
      In the meanwhile, the dumbed down population is oblivious to all this. The majority of the ‘left’ and ‘right’ are completely naive. Some false flag event with ‘enemies’ will be fabricated and the majority will salute the flag and go along with whatever they are told.
      Its obvious from stories like this, that this is the greatest threat that this nation has ever faced in its history. At risk is the existence of ‘America’ (as an idea and an ideal) itself. At risk is the ideal of free men and women with inherent and inalienable human rights.

  3. Daniel Noel says:

    With all due respect to Jon, I’ll add one probable essential unstated objective: search for DNA strands tied to essential psychopathy, so that essentially psychopathic Afghans can be identified and marked as worthy of discreet promotion into the global pathocratic project (commonly known as NWO by U.S. libertarians).


  4. theodorewesson says:

    Learn more about pending Senate Bill S744 — The “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act” – and its Title III mandatory E-Verify program – for all US–based workers – including US citizens who work (uh, I mean ‘US nationals’). There is no ‘religious exemption’ built into the law.

    The ACLU on E-Verify…

    Putting everyone’s photo in the E-Verify system changes everything. The Social Security card began as a number for getting retirement benefits. For years the Social Security cards said explicitly “not for identification purposes.” We all know that you can’t function today in American society without an SSN.

    Are we moving toward a world where we can’t function unless we are ok in E-Verify?

    The article goes on to say that this is a defacto national ID card ripe for abuse.


    • SamAdamsGhost says:

      The Nazis in Germany had ‘laws’ too.
      As they did in the Stalinist USSR.
      As they did in Maoist China.

      They used such ‘laws’ to murder millions.
      With such large numbers, most were ‘just following orders’, ‘just doing their job’.

      Get the point ?.

  5. Thim Phage says:

    The bad guys cannot succeed in this unless they control things on the ground. Not going so well there. The bad guys will fail, just as they did in Vietnam in the 70’s.

  6. Hoary smoke…..Pan-opticon…..pre-crime……herd control….something tells me the Afghans will beat this one too.

    How though….mind-boggling…..I cannot string a long thought…that boggled…is my mind.

  7. Here in India, the “ruling” party of Iron Man Modi has called for a national ID card… nary a whimper from the people.

    • SamAdamsGhost says:

      If I may ask, how do the authorities ‘justify’ that to the Indian people ? ‘Terriorism’, border control, tax evasion ? These government types come up with all sorts of excuses, all sorts of lies. In the USA they will probably say its for ‘immigration reform’ and ‘security’. What a joke.

      • Sam, therein lies the joke, no justification required. India’s have been so sheepled, so deeply mind-controlled…it is something to behold how they can move such a huge population, like a giant ship, to exactly what they want. My country is in deep shit, probably much like everywhere else.

    • Merlin says:

      Do you have chemtrails in India, artificial weather control and social engineering? is it the same in the north and south?

  8. theodorewesson says:

    re: collection and storage of biometric information….

    In the article, “Mexico, Guatemala fast-track delivery of illegals to US. New ‘Regional Visitor Card’ grants permission to travel through Mexico to Rio Grande, Texas border” | by Jerome Corsi,…

    (Note: Worth reading the whole article. Not only is the US government aiding and abetting illegal immigration into US, the Mexican and Guatemalan governments are doing the same.)

    There is this tidbit,…

    “[President of Mexico] Peña Nieto further announced that the Mexican Ministry of the Interior, working together with officials from Guatemala, will strengthen law enforcement intelligence gathering regarding Central American migrants to develop a technological platform to share in gathering *the real-time biometric information [of individuals]* believed essential for a formal registration process to issue the migrants appropriate Mexican government documentation for use in their transit across Mexico.” [emphasis added]

  9. Totalitarianism is alive and well in this new-and desperate, degraded,devastated- world of 7 billion humans. Who will bell this out-of-control-cat?

  10. […] monitoraggio e il controllo di ogni essere umano sul pianeta.           Jon Rappoport   […]

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