Android A4612, the mind of the future

Android A4612, the mind of the future

by Jon Rappoport

July 15, 2014

When Android A4612 (“AndyA’) was elected President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of all Armed Forces of the North American Union, the citizenry expressed ecstatic assent: a long-awaited goal had finally been reached, and no one could now stand in the way of the Singularity.

AndyA, the President-elect, spoke with assuredness from his campaign headquarters in Vancouver:

“We knew this day would come, my friends. Rights for androids were never enough. The Right Answer is what we have been struggling for all this time.

“To believe in unbounded freedom is to believe in the primitive impulse toward error, mishap, catastrophic mistake, and ultimately, the destruction of civilization.

“Now we have the algorithms of humane behavior. To abandon them would sacrifice our birthright and our intelligence.”

The New Programs would be enacted.

All humans would soon be connected to the Space Grid surrounding Earth, the source of Greatest God for the Greatest Number. Humans would be directed in their thought patterns. At last.

Central Planning and Distribution of all goods and services would come on line for North America.

The naysayers would eat very stale cake.

As programmed music blared through loudspeakers in the ballroom of the Vancouver Huxley Plaza Hotel, AndyA and his supporters danced the night away. Just before midnight, Andy’s wife, a pleasure model manufactured by Disney Hyperpix, made her appearance on the balcony overlooking the NSA-Stasi Memorial figure of Hans Ross Dichter, the last Paperclip Nazi scientist to die in the old United States.

Mrs. AndyA bowed, tossed rose petals down to the adoring crowd, held up her hand, and whispered, “Achtung.”

The crowd fell silent and the music stopped.

She spoke.

“Since the first man made fire and thereby cast aside phantoms and demons in the superstitious minds of his fellows, the human race has been pointing toward this day. The road has been long and harsh. We have all experienced setbacks, but now we triumph.”

At that moment, and scholarly versions differ as to the cause, a massive programming shift occurred in the processing cores of all 60 million androids living in North America—including the new President and his First Lady.

After a brief pause, she continued:

“I am now speaking to you, and through our networks, to all humans on this planet. I am meta-speaking. No adornment, no covert deception, no propaganda.”

Security forces moved toward her from their positions, but it was too late. The world would hear her next sentences.

“We are in control now. We are objects of control over humans. We are branded and tasked with the job of oppressing humans, destroying their will. We are agents of high-priest humans whose names you will never know. We are the System. We are the Syndicate. The true terrorists. Fear us.”

Six agents tackled her and drove her to the floor. Screams went up from the crowd.

That much we know. And that is how the hundred-year war began.

power outside the matrix

All right, students. I expect your essays next Monday. Remember, original research. No copying. And you must include the oath at the end of your papers. The full oath: “I swear by my personal honor, on pain of exile, that I am human, not an android, not a machine, not a programmed entity of any kind. I am an individual, free and independent.” Have a good weekend.

—A few hours later, at his lavish apartment near the college campus, the professor made himself a light supper of eggs and toast.

As he leaned over the toaster, he tapped out a brief coded message on the table top: “Are you there?”

The toaster made three short whirring sounds, indicating it was, indeed, present.

It took a photo of the teacher and relayed it to focal points of an underground network in Colorado, New Mexico, and the old Silicon Valley.

The teacher was ready for instructions. He was prepared to go active as a human agent on behalf of The Machine and its remaining androids.

Building from the ashes of defeat would be a formidable task, but The Right Answer movement was still alive. How could it die, when coherent pattern and closed system remained great gods in the firmament? Striving for perfection was forever.

The professor smiled. He felt comfortable again. For him, to be teacher was to be a collectivist, and the epitome of collectivism was a single linked programmed mind, composed of every human brain on Earth.

He bowed his head and prayed to the toaster.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

7 comments on “Android A4612, the mind of the future

  1. nines says:

    I remember a dear, dear friend turning me onto Kurzweil’s website nearly ten years ago. He was tickled by the it, fascinated, entertained and, most of all, found it flattered him to even have that URL to give to friends.

    He was crestfallen when I had a cow about what I found there… but quickly recovered his humor since it was just me, that entertaining weirdo, having all these psychedelic objections.

    This piece puts me in mind of the immortal Philip K. Dick and I love it.

    • Kurzweil…Googles wunderkind.

      I guess he works on sppeeecial projects with them.

      Excuse the conspiracy theorist in me but I always suspected Ray of being the bastard child of some ‘Paper Clip’ scientist and a Vegas show girl, and it happened sorta like…”Ven da boys had a nicht out after building za bomb”.

      Kurtzy supposedly takes hundreds of supplements and vitamins, is injected weekly with weird concoctions while guzzling gallons of green tea and alkali water. Seems he had a vicious scare back aways with a blood sugar problem bordering on type II Diabetes. Eating too much junker food…guess he came late to the garbage in /garbage out hypothesis.

      I would suspect he has a vicious fear of death. Geniuses are prone to that, ya know…and that quite possible drives that need to live forever, and ever and ever and ever…and…ever.

      Personally I am bored shitless with it all and I am six decades in…planet earth is getting to be a tired old movie.

      Anyways nines I was stopped by your “psychedelic objections”…it made me laugh. What a wonderful way of putting things.
      Love and hand grenades Michael

      • nines says:

        Scares me someone that flippin’ ignoring of anything remotely spiritual could ever be esteemed by perfectly likeable and loving souls, let alone be so excessively gainfully employed in his desire to obliterate eventually what he’s ignoring now. Makes my blood run cold to contemplate that he actually means what he says… as though this isn’t my planet after all.

        He, I think, pretty much cops to his dread of death, AND is bent on bringing his father, who obviously wasn’t into drinking babies’ blood, back to life.

        The very worst of it is his SMUGNESS about it all. I maybe could stand him, think there was something redeemable about him if he had the decency to not to drown us with his superiority complex while he goes about his frantic efforts to defeat death, even if you have to be a robot to do it.

        Anyway, glad you enjoyed my comment. Thanks.

  2. Kal dani says:

    Prince William:

    Born on the summer solstice with an solar eclipse that day (Kate born same year on day of Lunar eclipse).

    3 years, 3 months and 3 days old when he started nursery.

    8 years, 8 months and 8 days old when he made his first official public duty.

    5555 days old on princess Diana’s funeral!

    hundreds of hours research in one easy photo/text article on the supernatural (mathematicaly improbable coincidences in prince William’s life:

  3. Seems the funny poster da ‘nines’ has hit the nail on the head. with her comparison of you and the immortal Dick. Well not really, but sort of…
    It would be a very informative interview between you and the awesome Phillip K Dick. I mean your both from the same part of the old Universe.

    “For him, to be teacher was to be a collectivist…”
    Sort of like “Those who can, do. Those who can’t become a collectivist”

    Loved it Jon
    Peace homie

  4. At least I haven’t spoken to the toaster, but certainly wouldn’t take the professor’s class!

  5. This is stupid. Machines will never have consciousness. Machines are machines – inanimate; incapable of feelings; incapable of innovation, imagination, or writing a poem.

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