A more profound form of acceptance

A more profound form of acceptance

by Jon Rappoport

July 26, 2014


The voice spoke. No one in the room knew where it was coming from. But they had heard it many times.

“The basic purpose of mass mind control is the creation of passive minds. Educated, uneducated, it makes no difference. The objective is passivity. Another word for that is acceptance.”


The chairman said, “Let’s remember this, people, as we engage in our deliberations today. Our goal is to sell lies, yes, we all know that. But ultimately, what we are peddling is inertia. All roads lead there. All stories have that ending.”

Murmurs of agreement.

The officer in charge of the destruction of imagination rose and gave his report.

“Well, 678 museums have closed in the last year, owing to lack of funds. So we’re good there. A survey of booksellers and their inventory reveals a 26% dropoff, and what remains is mostly pap and crap. Education is heading straight for the bottom. 23% of high school graduates can read. 2% can write a page of coherent text. Explosions of one kind or another now constitute 6% of the content of all films released to the public, up from 4.7% last year.”

Nods of approval.

The chairman asked, “What about the Glob Project?”

A woman raised her hand and spoke.

“Working from detailed NSA surveillance records, our committee estimates that 37% of the population is now in Melted Cheese territory. They no longer think of themselves as individuals. They conceive of their existence solely as group members. Our goal for next year is an ambitious 50%. The Church of Government presently has 87 million people on its rolls. Of those, roughly 77 million attend Sunday services at home on their screens. Here’s an interesting statistic. Last year, 90 thousand people took part in street demonstrations and protests. 88.8 thousand belong to some group.”

“Yes,” the chairman said. “Encouraging. However, I’m concerned about…” He stopped. He struggled to recall what he was going to say next.

The others in the room looked around. They felt as if they were sinking into a swamp.

“This is pleasant,” one of them said.

Someone chuckled.

Whenever these brief events of amnesia occurred, the result was Cheese Melt.

A few minutes later, the people in the room were rolling around on the floor. They rolled together in one lump on the carpet, sighed with relief, and fell asleep.

A new voice spoke. A voice that had never been heard before.

“Who are you?” it said. “What are you? Do you think you’re so unusual, so different? You’re falling victim to your own strategy. You’re sinking deeper and deeper. What makes you believe you’ll ever wake up? Do you really think you’ll develop a group mind that’s capable of coherent thought? How passive can passivity become before it turns into base organic matter? A sludge at the bottom of the well.”

power outside the matrix

The people in the room suddenly woke up.

This time, instead of resuming their seats and shaking away their cobwebs, they were seized with fear.

They began shrieking and running around.

Finally, they stumbled out of the room, down the hallway, and out on to the street.

Empty silence.

There was no one on the street.

“We’re alone!” the chairman shouted. “Alone! We’re dead!”

They spent the rest of the day desperately searching for people. They looked in office buildings, in apartments, in parks. No one was there.

At dusk, the officer in charge of the destruction of imagination sat down on a park bench and bowed his head and wept.

He opened his eyes and saw a teardrop strike the sidewalk, and he heard a small groan.

He got down on his hands and knees and put his ear to the pavement.

This time, he heard giggling. It spread out across the concrete.

A voice whispered, “We’re all here.”

He leaped to his feet.

This is where they went. They all turned into…

A more profound form of acceptance.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

4 comments on “A more profound form of acceptance

  1. […] A more profound form of acceptance Posted on July 26, 2014, 7:27 pm By Larry Newman […]

  2. bruce cranfield says:

    I liked that “melted cheese” explanation. I do not know how many times that I have used the metaphor of asphalt that would describe my life in Christ if I should fail to follow through…. good wave length. I look forwrd to reading these blogs every day and often, with credit given to Jon Pappaport, will take small segemnts of the blog as a way of offering insight into a “day’s concern”. Thank you

  3. Yes, their own lies make them deaf, dumb and blind. They won’t even realize that there are people anymore. Because in their imagination they already aren’t.
    Looking at our EU-quacks, for instance, it is almost incredible how little they yet discern what really goes on. With every deeducational project they punch through they are getting ever stupider themselves. They don’t even want to get into their upper sink that no western Europeans in their senses want the war with Russia. That their lies could have been all too much and too many to just stay the usual course and just heap even more on top?
    And, they don’t even dare think about the fundamental problem that there are millions out there that are not (anymore) subject to their social engeinieering programs, to their effects, yes, but not mentally subdued, the opposite, even keener and more artful in their resistance. I’m fifty. They can’t put me through some elementary school where one doesn’t even learn basic correct writing and calculating anymore. The bad past is not yet gone, folks.
    And, these millions are mostly maybe not rich in money, but respected citizens, at least in their smaller circles respected in what they say, especially as they have proven to be right so many times after nobody had wanted to really weigh what they had said.
    There is a new, real, global, intellectual elite. And, bad luck suckers, it is not centrally organised. Thus you can’t infiltrate it as a whole body, turn it around or destroy it in more or less one go. Your job then, it is really tiresome. You won’t get it done by machines alone. You need massive manpower.
    Now, where is that to get at? You take university whatnots and all kinds of dropout spooks against those who already were far better in thinking and writing than them in senior high and then went on learning and working on it for decades? You think that will work?
    And all those people who may not be masters of their language but know what they are saying, engineers, scientists, physicians, you name it, how are you going to contain them with the band of shills and scumbags you keep enrolling?
    It’s not my fault that I’m not in the trouble you are. If you start to behave, I might even consider to give the soberest and most willing of You some German lessons at a reasonable price.

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