The artist on trial

The artist on trial

by Jon Rappoport

January 21, 2015


Guilty! the Judge said, and it was over.

The charge? Maintaining that his work was his own, that he had done it himself, that he had made the choices and invented the words and imagined the whole thing, whatever it was, the novel, the poem, the play.

What it was, was not on trial. Nothing to do with the message. No, it was all about attribution.

Because the great spiritual merger had already taken place. The masses had undergone enlightenment, and the government had seen it—actually, seen TO it—and then declared that artists could face jail time for pretending to be what many of them said they were:

Individuals. Inventors. People who did things in their own rooms, privately, out of view, by their own means.

This was now verboten. Because it had been established that the whole human race, no one excepted, was tapping into the very same great consciousness, and whatever was in the world emanated from THAT experience.

So the judge had no need to deliberate. It was simple. This artist, whoever he was, and it didn’t matter who he was, was guilty. He claimed he had created his work. He’d insisted on it. In fact, he denied the Great Merger, said he was no part of it. He opposed it on several grounds. One, it was a fanciful delusion, and two, even if people were actually melting into one another, he didn’t have to. He could stay right where he was, in his own room, alone, and he could turn out his work.

The sin of pride. The sin of ego. Quite distasteful.

The artist was transgressing against the human race. He was by deed, word, and attitude, denying the final ascension to Unified Infinite Consciousness. He was saying no to that, over and over. He was revolting against the truth. He was spitting on the Messengers of Peace.

This needed punishment. Society had to censure him, had to deny him the right to turn out new work, unless he righteously admitted he was just a channel for it.

For example, an anonymous monk in Albania had recently published a 1000-page work titled, The Whole World Engages in Orgy. He dedicated it to the Great Spirit of Wholeness. He prostrated himself before the Akashic Warehouse From Which Information Proceeds and abluted his body with the symbolic blood of past suffering generations. He confessed openly that no word of his book came from him.

“My subconscious,” he said, “is abiding in the Oversoul, and there it asks for knowledge, and knowledge is granted.”

He made a pilgrimage to the Monument of the Eternal Smile at the Arizona Yoga Mat Hotel and Entertainment Complex and fasted for 13 days.

He titled the introduction to his opus: We’re All in This Together. He stated in no uncertain terms that we are all little dots in the sea of energy and consciousness, and art is merely an expression of that condition. Nothing more. Ever. “No one person achieves anything,” he wrote. “We must cling to that. Not only as a political fact, but as a spiritual revelation.”

He stated, “I ask nothing for my work. I abdicate ownership. I surrender. In the past, I suffered from spiritual constipation, but now I have let go.”

In his Epilog, Letting Go and Moving On, he praised Bright Day III, our new president, for his work in ushering in legislation confirming the discovery of One World Self.

“Just as government consents to new scientific discoveries,” wrote the monk, “it now affirms spiritual ones. The President is the expression of our collective thought, and therefore his election was inevitable.”

As the judge in the trial described how the monk was an example of what a real artist should be, the defendant in the case stood up and said, “Your Honor, before you pass sentence on me, I have a question. Will there be boundaries on what people, any people, can do in the privacy of their own homes? Since I’m going to jail for producing my art, I was just wondering whether other prohibitions will soon follow.”

The judge nodded.

“As a matter of fact,” he said, “there is pending legislation to outlaw certain kinds of independent research, on the grounds that it takes a person away from the Universal Body. So much of a spiritual and political nature is now settled, unfunded research amounts to meddling with Unity. Why should we allow it?”

The defendant sat down. He said, “Can I think my own thoughts?”

“You see,” the judge said, “that’s your problem. You insist on your contemplations, as if they were private possessions.”

“All due respect, Your Honor, but I just like to think.”


“It pleases me.”

“More than your freedom from imprisonment?”

“That’s a tough choice.”

“And apparently one you’ve already made.”

The artist said, “You know, there was a time when a person who used the word ‘magic’ as a term of approbation could be excommunicated, even tortured, because he was said to be on the side of the Devil.”

“Nonsense,” the judge said. “We are all magic, together.”

The artist said, “I deny the right of this court to pass sentence on me.”

“Obviously,” the judge said. “But your opinion has no effect. I could sentence you to six years’ hard labor in a camp in Alaska. Instead, I’m going to have you live in a padded cell for two years with a group of rebel artists. You’ll sort out your problems and basically do what you do. CBS is organizing it as a new reality show. It’s called When Spiritual Evolution Fails.”

“Your Honor,” the artist said, “how can you sentence me when you don’t really believe I exist as an independent person?”

The judge wagged his finger.

“Don’t try to pull that one on me,” he said. “You’re a piece of energy that has broken off from the whole. That’s all.”

“But how? Through my own choice? If so, I have freedom. And that means I am I.”

“No it doesn’t. Some force ultimately pushed you out of the hive.”

The artist shook his head.

“Review what you’ve been saying to me, Your Honor. You’ve been accusing me, an individual, of free and willful behavior, immoral choices.”

“It’s a convenient way to speak, nothing more. When we get around to changing the language, and we will, all references to individuals will be eradicated. Eventually, the kind of thing you write will come across as gibberish. No one will understand it. It will drop like dead leaves from a tree.”


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

7 comments on “The artist on trial

  1. Well done Jon me ole son…if your father could see you now…what a great tale you’ve told. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were Irish.
    I’m sorry, I know this a fairly serious piece of farce. But Jon, but everytime I say  ‘Arizona Yoga Mat Hotel’ I fall down on the floor roaring laughing…do you have a phone number for this place?
    Also… ahahhah
    “In the past, I suffered from spiritual constipation, but now I have let go.” -Jon the Rap
    You are way too funny.

    But to the real message of your wonderful piece….being a little bit Irish as you are and talker like me.
    I had just read yesterday of the possibility of the government having 600 viruses that could be used to ‘normalized human thought via the changing the chemical makeup of neural tissue in the human brain….Ar’nt they special.

    With all the latest twitter tweets from twits like Seth Rogen, or the political aggrandizing of George Clooneyless and most of the disparaging, and all out blatant propaganda at the rag mag kiosk at every news stand and checkout counter, showing the ass end of so called artists. On any given day or week or month for that fact…some Hollywood artist or ‘wanna be a playa’ is playing the court harlequin. And this is for the rest of us to throw our arms in the air and contest…”artists are fucking crazy people”. It’s the intent that concerns me Jon. And it is the intent that most miss.
    The political ground has been cleaned prepared, squared and surveyed and ready for planting for a long time now…and is being tweaked as we speak. Seeds are planted and they are watering a nice crop of superweeds.
    It’s important that this be recognized by anyone who takes seriously the creative process, of the exploration of imagination, and the living through that process as the free artist. To living there lives like a form of art.
    There is an inquisition coming….
    Specific groups are isolated politically and ridiculed into some outer edge, heading for oblivion, so that it makes it easier for the soft sell and implant of the viral thinking to the one world androidal clusterfuck.
    This seems apparent when one sees 3 million in France stand up an protest ‘Je suis charley’ …..’Je suis android’ is what I say.
    Or as you monk states… “The Whole World Engages in Orgy”.
    Why live in someone else’s art. Create your own.

    “What is now proved, was once only imagined” – Billy Blake

  2. Sora Keyblade says:

    Well lets put it this way: the sin of pride got Lucifer kicked out of heaven and once more God said what is freely given freely give. Not only that some research is better left forgotten take genetic engineering fore instance which violates the natural order of things and is already producing many unintended consequences with the health of humanity not to mention the entire planet itself. No one creates anything by themselves they haft to build upon the ideas of humanity as a whole example the guy who invented the car needed four wheels, loads of gears, pipes, hinges not to mention doors, keys, locks, levers, brakes, lanterns, and not to mention sheet metal to cover it with. Their is no way he could have done it without building upon the work of humanity and that said people should be free to improve upon the works of others.

  3. henry says:

    I remember about ten years ago that a guy wrote horrible stories of torture and sexual abuse of children. Years before the author did time in prison for abusing children but his stories were just his imagination. I don’t remember what happened to the guy or even his name. If his stories led himself or others to do evil things to children, should the stories and the story writer be protected?

  4. I believe I saw an old episode of “Outer Limits” that fit closely to this theme. There was also the television series of “The Prisoner” with Patrick McGoohan (sic?) that was based very heavily on a similar theme (“the village”-mentality).

    Thank you for sharing this!

    – Rev. Dragon’s Eye

  5. Andy says:

    Ok this one got my attention. I began reading and like the “ego”, first I think everything is about me somehow, but then rationally remember that I am not that important obviously. So then try to see if the post makes sense but instead was compelled to write a Haiku instead of referencing any link:

    Like linguists loading language
    Programming masters

  6. From Québec says:

    WOW! This article goes hand in hand with what you wrote today:
    “Brain hookup man: the Kurzweil Singularity” on your new blog site:


    “The President is the expression of our collective thought, and therefore his election was inevitable”.

    Well Jon, I have news for you:
    President Bright Day III, is already in function:

    Obama: If You’ve Got A Business, You Didn’t Build That

  7. Well done, yep, he must have a bit of Irish, we never surrender

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