Afghanistan Mission accomplished: more heroin for the world

Afghan Mission accomplished: more heroin for the world

Not the war Against drugs; the war For drugs

by Jon Rappoport

April 6, 2015

The Guardian reports statistics on opium agriculture in Afghanistan (“Former Blackwater gets rich as Afghan drug production hits record high”):

“…the US counternarcotics mission in Afghanistan stands out: opiate production has climbed steadily over recent years to reach record-high levels last year.”

“Far from eradicating the deep-rooted opiate trade, US counternarcotics efforts have proven useless, according to a series of recent official inquiries. Other aspects of the billions that the US has poured into Afghanistan over the last 13 years of war have even contributed to the opium boom.”

“In December, the United Nations reported a 60% growth in Afghan land used for opium poppy cultivation since 2011, up to 209,000 hectares…”

“…the [UN] inspector general also noted that US reconstruction projects, particularly those devoted to ‘improved irrigation, roads, and agricultural assistance’ were probably leading to the explosion in opium cultivation.

“'[A]ffordable deep-well technology turned 200,000 hectares of desert in southwestern Afghanistan into arable land over the past decade,’ the inspector general found, concluding that ‘much of this newly arable land is dedicated to opium cultivation.’”

Who’s kidding who?

In Colombia, the US government proved it could eradicate coca and opium-poppy growing fields. One of the solutions was an herbicide called Roundup. You may have heard of it.

But in Afghanistan, the US just didn’t remember that. It skipped their mind. Oops.

Suddenly, the Afghanistan mission became one of good will. Mustn’t upset the farmers. In Colombia, upsetting the farmers was perfectly all right.

When you can lessen a problem but choose not to, you want the problem to persist. It’s simple.

And at that point, the problem becomes an opportunity—it always was.

More opium poppy; therefore, more heroin. More trafficking, more profits.

Since the US government has been consciously facilitating the growth of opium farming in Afghanistan, it stands to reason that government players have been taking their cut of the action.

If the US government, which has been fighting a full-scale war in Afghanistan, wanted to destroy the opium-heroin business in that country, it had the ideal opportunity.

The mission would have been far easier than waging “the war against drugs” in Mexico, where US military intervention has been limited.

In Afghanistan, there were US troops on the ground. There were air attacks. What else would you need?

Pentagon planners spend their lives working out multiple scenarios for possible wars in various regions of the planet. They take into account all aspects and contingencies.

In planning for a war in Afghanistan, what to do about the opium-poppy growing fields would have been high on the list of options.

So opium-poppy farmers were no “delicate problem” the US invading force encountered after entering the country. There were no surprises.

Since the US invaded Afghanistan, the Army knowingly undertook operations that would definitely expand opium-poppy agriculture.

power outside the matrix

Of course, the CIA’s connections to the drug trade in Afghanistan go back a long way, so it’s no surprise that the US war in Afghanistan has facilitated and expanded opium-poppy production.

Peter Dale Scott, in his essay, “Drugs, Contras, and the CIA,” writes:

“[Circa 1980], the CIA was arming and advising heroin-trafficking guerrillas in Afghanistan. Its preferred leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, became for a period one of the leading heroin suppliers in the world.”

“In 1979, when the U.S. first established contact with heroin-trafficking guerrillas in Afghanistan, no heroin from the so-called Golden Crescent on the Afghan-Pakistan border was known to reach the United States. By 1984, according to the Reagan Administration, 54 percent of the heroin reaching this country came from the Afghan-Pakistan border.”

“[CIA officer] John Millis had served for thirteen years as a case officer supplying covert CIA aid to the heroin-trafficking guerrillas in Afghanistan…At least one of the airlines involved in the Afghan support operation, Global International Airways, was also named in connection with the [US] Iran-Contra scandal…”

The war against drugs? A towering joke.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

13 comments on “Afghanistan Mission accomplished: more heroin for the world

  1. johnmarkmcguire says:

    Remember Pat Tillman, executed by the Bush Administration a week before he was due to return to the US from Afghanistan.

    • Vigithunor says:

      Yes I do remember Pat Tillman, hero, volunteer, quit his million dollar football contract because he wanted to “serve” his country, wrote his mother letters saying something’s wrong, they got us guarding poppy fields and escorting terrorists onto planes and giving them weapons and gold, murderered by m60 shot to the forehead from the front within 10 feet, and later an elaborate show and lie about him dying heroically while charging enemy fire. He had done what Patton did and wrote his family that he was going to come home and blow the whistle, and of course, the military was reading his letters and wouldn’t allow that.

      George S Patton Jr (Scottish Zara descent)
      Pat Tillman
      Chris Kyle (Scottish Zara descent)

      Just a few more Battle axe and weapons of war misdirected and used by the very fallen angels they were cloned and inserted into the earth to eradicate.

      “I love the valiant; but it is not enough to wield a broadsword, one must also know against whom.”
      ―Friedrich Nietzsche

  2. From Québec says:


  3. Heroin is a secondary concern for the Yankee, Jon…the number one issue with Afghanistan is the raw materials needed in the making of new iGadgets.
    As of the 2010 planetary survey of minerals, metals and rare earth’s… Afghanistan stands head and shoulders above any other nation.
    Afghanistan has no need at present for such New World Order resources, used in the production of new electronics…especially Lithium.
    The largest deposits of lithium, and I must add, readily available at minimum depths and extraordinary concentrations and purity. Exist in the Ghazni Province, of Afghanistan.
    Some basic information in this wiki articles.

    You cell phone battery is lithium ion. Quick charging to say the least. And that is a specific grade of lithium. Grade A, number 1.
    Rare earths, minerals and metals; some of these sell in the tens of thousands of dollars per gram…are also found in Afghanistan.
    The is a world shortage of rare earths..strangely, the second largest deposits of rare earth’s on the planet are in the militarized North Korea.
    What were talking about here is just chipping a couple pieces of ice of the top of the berg for your highball Jon… Personally I drink my whiskey straight. And it has to be at room temperature…and made in Ireland by virgin, eunuch catholic monks as a penance for what the bastards did to old Ireland…oh the evil they commit.
    And good whiskey has to be sipped easy Jon with a guitar in your hands, and your dog there to sing along on the high notes…no gulping allowed…its sacrilege. To gulp is to experience the little people.
    And occasionally, otherwise it’s addiction. And a waste of good whiskey.

  4. Bruce says:

    Great article on a subject no one talks about. I found a report on the IMF website (of all places?) three or four years ago discussing this very subject. The report stated that in 2001 the Taliban had reduced opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan to a historic low of about 6,500 hectares. In 2010, opium poppy cultivation was up to 165,000 hectares and the per hectare yield had increased by about 500%. Now you’re saying it’s up to 205,000 hectares in 2015. Wow! The IMF report also stated that Afghanistan was producing around 92% of the world’s opium poppies and that the big banks were taking in approximately $1 trillion annually in under-the-table money laundering operations, of which roughly 75% derived from narcotics trade. The world’s Elite including our East Coast establishment families have been running the global narco trade since the 1600’s and still do today. This is one reason the U.S. southern border will never be closed. It would appear Ollie North is never too far away from government sanctioned narco business, even if it’s just spinning B.S. on Fox’s War Stories.

    • theodorewesson says:

      just to add…

      The First Opium War (1839–42), also known as the Opium War and as the Anglo-Chinese War, was fought between Britain and China over their conflicting viewpoints on diplomatic relations, trade, and the administration of justice for foreign nationals.

      The Second Opium War, the Second Anglo-Chinese War, the Second China War, the Arrow War, or the Anglo-French expedition to China, was a war pitting the British Empire and the Second French Empire against the Qing dynasty of China, lasting from 1856 to 1860. It was fought over similar issues as the First Opium War.

      • Vigithunor says:

        Hong Kong still has roads named after the Sassoon family, jews from India importing the opium to China on behalf of the Rothschilds.

    • Saiful Rimkeit says:

      Jon is doing very great work. We remember that the poppy in Afghanistan is a continuation of the heroin shenanigans the CIA was pulling in Vietnam. You are correct. If the CIA were operating during the Chinese Opium Wars, they would be steeped in that as well.
      I cannot give a link to it because I lost a computer drive that stored the following information. In one website I read a very credible set of documents showing diagrams and figures of the cash profit flowing through the United States stemming from the “drug wars” around the World. It stated in one of the documents that there was so much floating cash in the U.S. that if it was withdrawn, the U.S. economy would seriously suffer. I read those documents online in 1996, when we were operating with 56k modems.

      BTW, I also read some very fascinating Pentagon papers on opinions on how to handle Slobodan Milosevic and why the Navy think tanks thought it a bad idea to use spent uranium in ammunition of all types. Their assessments were correct, but the munitions were manufactured anyway. I could not believe that these opinions were so accessible online, then. The U.S drug cash flow charts may have been put up online by a whistle blower, but that’s only an opinion.

      And don’t forget that those metals from Afghanistan may also be used in batteries to power the Tesla car, produced in Silicon Valley. Then, Tesla wants to produce batteries and sell them to businesses who will use them for power backup when solar panels do not produce sufficient energy. So, really, what do the Stone Age Afghanis need all those rare earth metals for, right?

  5. All those young Canadian/American soldiers guarding poppy fields for Uncle Sam and Anti Canucks poppy fields.
    Brings a whole new meaning to the John McCrae’ s poem “In Flanders Fields”.
    And since we are in a mood for poems…I like poetry days.


    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.

  6. ozziethinker says:

    Jon, you appear to be out-of-step on this one.

    I thought it was well known that the US are in Afghanistan for three reasons:

    1) Secure the oil pipeline network against attacks from indigenous environmentalists

    2) To cash in on (black money) and improve the seamless flow of heroin and other opiates into the First World

    3) Plunder esoteric treasures and ancient hidden information


  7. David Marino says:

    [Go to and search for] “troops in Afghanistan opium fields” The images (which are public domain) speak for themselves.

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