The Matt Drudge/Alex Jones interview: the future of America

The Matt Drudge/Alex Jones interview: the future of America

by Jon Rappoport

October 7, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Yesterday, Matt Drudge showed up unannounced on the Alex Jones show and provoked a stunning conversation about the future of America.

Drudge: “Make your own playground. You’ve made your own playground [Alex]. This [infowars] is a figment of your own imagination. And the Drudge report is mine.”

Drudge: “It is a very simple thesis: you are what you dream you are and become…”

Drudge: “The Internet allows you to make your own dynamic, your own universe. Why are [people] gravitating toward somebody else’s universe?”

Alex: “…If we start creating our own maps, our own world, our own vision, then there’s no way for these cultural tyrants to program us…”

I strongly suggest you listen to the whole interview at infowars.

It is a call for more authentic, independent, shove-in-all-the-chips imaginative voices in this country. Many more.

If tempted to carp at and pit one alternative voice against another, instead step out from the shadows. Find the highest, deepest, widest version of your own voice and make it heard and known.

This country has been paved over by sameness; corporate gibberish and seamless lying as massive group-think. That’s their playground.

Invent yours.

The habit of seeing sameness tends to create adding to sameness. This is destructive in the extreme.

What would your deepest vision be if you looked for it at 3am when all the noise of the day was gone, into the aether? What would you stand for, against all odds? What excuses do you need to brush aside, like dust, in order to emerge from the shadows? What makes you not the same, but different?

Sameness has been killing this country for a long time. It is planned. And then it is accepted. We are not all in this together—because what “we” is this, and what “together” is this? The salesmen of togetherness are nothing but operators, as they have been since the dawn of history.

It is not a lack of unity that is killing this country. It is a lack of difference.

It is a lack of acute, intelligent, no-holds-barred, balls-to-the-wall, wildly imaginative difference.

People can’t even recognize that an individual, standing on his own legs, would naturally have unique and drastically different ideas from the norm and the average. Sometimes a great notion.

It’s far more likely, in this day and age, that such an individual would be viewed as having a mental disorder.

Elites rule by engendering sameness. That is their sacred mission, and with good reason. If tomorrow, suddenly, five thousand new and separate individual voices showed up, each with the relentless power of a blazing nova, each different, each in its own way challenging the mirage of group-think, there would be hell to pay. And the elite corporate/government forces would pay it. In cash.

The central illusion of the great egg would crack and fall.

Do not fear it.

If anything connects us on a genuine level, it is our difference, and the ability, despite every reason not to exercise it, to see those differences and distinctions and plumb them to the bottom.

Differences? I’m not talking about variations of mindless thuggery or incoherent shouts or random attacks or the scuzzbucket sentimental slop of “tolerance and diversity.” I’m talking about individual minds and souls engaged in launching their long-buried walled-off dreams.

When you exit the devastated landscape of sameness, look around, and find those unique voices, you are receiving a signal to reestablish your own.

You can ignore the signal and flee from the new playing field and execute a re-entry into the old varnished flatland; or you can make your stand.

Exit From the Matrix

If you do make it, you’ll experience a savage joy that is precisely what the official thought-surgeons of our time want to excise—calling it disease, calling it privilege, calling it inhuman, calling it whatever they need to, in order to wipe it from the human record on this world.

Not letting this mind-surgery happen is not merely a matter of “joining together to resist it,” because what this country needs is the opposite of the automatic reflexive action of joining.

It needs what happens when the automatic reflex of the android is washed away and the individual spirit behind it makes its presence known.


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

10 comments on “The Matt Drudge/Alex Jones interview: the future of America

  1. Caroline says:

    Greatest post ever. Thank you, Jon.

  2. From Québec says:

    Yes, that was a real good interview. I knew you would like it.

    But, then again, there are so many good interviews on the Alex Jones show. But this one, was really special, two famous trailblazers having a profound conversation. Very inspiring!

    I really like Matt Drudge and Alex Jones

  3. Beth says:

    Oh, bravissimo. Thank you.

  4. I have never been a great fan of the Alex Jones show, but perhaps that’s me disconnecting from responsibility.

    So, I’ll make an exception for Matt Drudge and maybe it will change my routine.


  5. FreddyPenner says:

    Jon. I listened to this Alex Jones/Drudge interview. I’m not familiar with the Drudge website. However, looking at pictures of this guy and listening to him…not sure about this dude. It’s possible there is a calculated plan to promote the idea of the “individual” in a controlled manner to diffuse the ideas you have been promoting. The social media monitors have noticed a significant increase in the use of the word “individual” and something must be done about it. It must be contained. TPTB are concerned. They’re looking for ways to keep it under wraps. A way of getting the “individual” meme out there without having to get into the real nuts and bolts like you do. Using a gatekeeper to promote the idea. Oh good, the alternative media is talking about the individual. That’s good stuff! Yeah we need more of that! It sort of reminds me of how the word “shapeshifter” was put out there in popular media after Icke coined the term in his books.

  6. herepog2 says:

    too bad he’s in bed with such neocons (Hannity, et al)

    “You’re a romantic figure, Alex, in Americana. It’s romantic what you do here every day. It just is. This is romance. Because you’re an American standing up, tough, facing these headwinds–wow, are they blowing. But you’re there. And you’re not alone. Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, Levin. There’s a lot of people on the airwaves who are as brave. They are brave, and they are living it. I’ve met ‘em all; I’m friends with ‘em all. They are also operating against the grain in an America that needs to go back to that.”

    he rightly bemoans corporate control of the press, but he misses the whole shadow govt

  7. World conditions call for authentic, independent, shove-in-all-the-chips imaginative and peaceful action world wide. Allow me to suggest …

    The master mind controlling Earth, everyone and everything on it, ‘relies’ on fearful humans ignoring the facts, living in denial, and ‘doing nothing’ to stop ultimate wealth, power and control of all natural resources and humans by master mind selected puppets.

    Pilots spraying chemical trails day and night globally is ‘in your face’ depopulation control along with GMO food, aspartame, fluorotoxicity, and vaccines.

    “A citizenry that does not think for themselves, obeys without question, is submissive, does not challenge authority, does not think outside the box, and is content to sit back and be entertained is a citizenry that can be easily controlled.” John Whitehead

    And controlled we are. Mass surveillance and secret negotiations are just the beginning.

    In spite of millions of humans coming together, government representatives ignored our voices and secretly finalized text for the TPP trade deal Oct 2015.

    ID checks will soon to become obsolete. Security cameras will capture ‘your’ face and match it to ‘your’ name and a host of other information about you.

    ‘The next elections’ will seal the FATE of humankind because VOTING is ‘consent’ to more crime and expanded enslavement. A solution to reclaim our lives and home planet is to ‘withdraw’ consent by no longer voting in elections because the ruling master mind is empowered and sustained by ‘consent’ of the ruled.

    Without our consent the master mind is powerless. Without the master mind this tract of humans is free to go where none have gone before.

    • Arnieus says:

      Well said. I have read that even as Rome was being invaded the gladiators were as popular as ever. As long as armageddon is not on TV and March Madness is, I see little hope.

  8. From Québec says:

    Drudge Interview Top Youtube Video in US
    Paradigm shattering discussion hits viral nerve with American people

  9. dhruvseth7 says:

    Hi Jon,

    I am a big fan of your work, and really agree with your views on the Conscious dimension/Energy fields, put across in Coast to Coast AM show. I have had some measure of similar experiences.

    I don’t want to digress from your great work, but there is one thing that I would like to know.

    Based on your knowledge on The Matrix, I am sure you know about COINTELPRO, controlled opposition and disinformation campaigns, run by the Powers-that-be.

    1. So, what is your response when such allegations are made against you, due to your extensive past involvement with the Big Media, as a reporter?

    2. Also, with respect to sorting through the plethora of information present on the web, what strategy or method do you advocate, so as to not fall prey to the massive disinformation propaganda.

    Await your reply in earnest.

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