NoMoreFakeNews expands: big news

NoMoreFakeNews expands: big news


by Jon Rappoport

March 30, 2016

Get ready for a blast-off, folks.

In addition to everything I’m doing here, I’ll be going live on Jimmy Church’s very popular radio show, Fade to Black, every Thursday night at 7:30PM Pacific Time (California time) — starting this Thursday, March 31. I’ll be doing a half-hour report every week.

It’s called the NoMoreFakeNEWSROOM.

Here is the link to the NoMoreFakeNEWSROOM page (you can listen live from this page).


* Archives to all Fade To Black shows here on youtube (KJCRFadeToBlack).

* Follow Jon Rappoport on twitter: @jonrappoport

* Follow Jimmy Church on twitter: @jchurchradio

* Twitter hastags: #f2b, #NoMoreFakeNEWSROOM

I’m excited—that’s an understatement.

For years, I’ve been looking for a way to do radio on a regular basis, while continuing to write. Nothing seemed quite right. Now, here we are. I would say the sky’s the limit.

I’ll give it everything I’ve got. The news behind the news behind the news. And more…

Hope to have you there. Feel free to let your friends know.

Turns out Jimmy and I are both long-time fans of late-night radio. I grew up with a few of the greats in New York: Al “Jazzbeaux” Collins, Jean Shepherd, and Long John Nebel. There’s something about the radio space at night. Wide open and brimming with possibility. It’s inspiring.

I’ll catch you in the NoMoreFakeNEWSROOM at Fade to Black!

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

15 comments on “NoMoreFakeNews expands: big news

  1. From Québec says:

    WOW! This is exciting!

    With you, Alex Jones, Trump, and others, there is no way the good guys will lose.

  2. ebolainfo says:

    Looking forward to it.

  3. Josh says:

    Congrats! Will definitely tune in!

  4. fat elvis says:

    Congrats bro! A cool pairing and thanks for the links!

  5. wulfgarwarlord says:

    Great news jon, i will give a listen.

  6. StandingUp says:

    Fantastic, Jon!!! Congrats, and I’ll be tuning in as I’ve been for years..only to hear your thoughts live!!

  7. Ultrawoman says:

    This is excellent!!!

  8. Well done, Jon. If only all the “shock jocks” were of your calibre, the world might get fixed (instead of the other F word).

    I keep giving out the non-specific plugs:


  9. Diane Campbell says:

    Thank you Jon. Blessings to you and your work in bringing the TRUTH into the light.

  10. waldbaer says:

    So just to get it right:
    “Thursday night at 7:30PM Pacific Time” – by my calculation, PST is UTC-8, germany is at UTC+2, so I get the show live at friday, 03:30?
    Please correct me if I am wrong. Timezones are kind of confusing :o)
    I think, I will have to stick with the archive.. *sigh*

  11. That is absolutely AWESOME. Congrats man! Keep up that hard work, its making a difference. Cheers!

  12. Jeanne says:

    Jon, what great news, especially given your integrity & courage in getting the truth out to so many. Jimmy Church is a very wise man to welcome you aboard. Sincere thanks to both of you! Wishing you the best!

  13. From Québec says:

    WOW! You did a very good job on your first appearance on the Jimmy Church’s radio show.

    It was so interesting, but, sadly, it was too short. I would have liked it to be much much longer.

    Speaking about Astronauts getting some paranormal experiences, Jimmy asked you if these people had some similar experiences before going to space. You answered that you didn’t think so. But, I think they did. Why? Because we have these experiences in our dreams when we sleep.

    When we sleep, it’s like, we also get out of the real world we live in. And we get so many answers and new ways of seeing things.

    I don’t know how to explain this to you, but I’m quite sure I’m right.

  14. Reblogged this on Angel 4 Light and commented:
    Kudos Jon Rappoport, for those of us who enjoy your writings, this is great news.

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