Facebook, CIA, Hillary: off the books and into the Oval

Facebook, CIA, Hillary: off the books and into the Oval

by Jon Rappoport

May 12, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Facebook is censoring pro-Trump posts.

Facebook, since its inception, has had CIA money-connections.

Once before, the CIA illegally supported a Clinton for President. Bill Clinton, in 1992. He was their man.

Now, another Clinton is running. She is the same kind of deep Globalist her husband is.

Are we seeing a repeat of history?

As with any probe where the players and their actions are purposely hidden, we’re dealing with degrees of probability—and in this case, the degree of probability is significant.

Let’s start at the top: Facebook is censoring pro-Trump posts.

Paul Watson, writing at Infowars:

“After it was revealed that Facebook is deliberately blocking conservative news sites from appearing in the social media giant’s ‘trending’ section, it now appears as though the company is also censoring pro-Donald Trump posts.”

“..one [Facebook] post was removed simply because it expressed support for Trump’s policy of a temporary halt on Muslim immigration due to concerns over ISIS attacks… Another user asserted that he had been slapped with a 30 day Facebook ban simply for posting the hashtag ‘#Trump2016’.”

“Last month it was also revealed that Facebook employees appear to believe that they should not remain impartial, but should instead take action to prevent Trump from becoming president.”

Let’s move on to the Facebook/CIA connection.

The big infusion of cash that sent Mark Zuckerberg and his fledgling college enterprise on their way came from Accel Partners, in 2004.

Jim Breyer, head of Accel, attached a $13 million rocket to Facebook, and nothing has ever been the same.

Earlier that same year, a man named Gilman Louie joined the board of the National Venture Capital Association of America (NVCA). The chairman of NVCA? Jim Breyer. Gilman Louie happened to be the first CEO of the important CIA start-up, In-Q-Tel.

In-Q-Tel was founded in 1999, with the express purpose of funding companies that could develop technology the CIA would use to “gather data.”

That’s not the only connection between Jim Breyer and the CIA’s man, Gilman Louie. In 2004, Louie went to work for BBN Technologies, headed up by Breyer. Dr. Anita Jones also joined BBN at that time. Jones had worked for In-Q-Tel and was an adviser to DARPA, the Pentagon’s technology department that helped develop the Internet.

With these CIA/DARPA connections, it’s no surprise that Jim Breyer’s jackpot investment in Facebook is not part of the popular mythology of Mark Zuckerberg. Better to omit it. Who could fail to realize that Facebook, with its endless stream of personal data, and its tracking capability, is an ideal CIA asset?

From the time Mark Zuckerberg was a child and attended the summer camp for “exceptional children,” CTY (Center for Talented Youth), run by Johns Hopkins University, he, like other CTY students, Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google), and Lady Gaga, have been easy to track.

CTY and similar camps filter applications and pick the best and brightest for their accelerated learning programs. Tracing the later progress of these children in school and life would be a standard operation for agencies like the CIA.

When Zuckerberg founded an interesting little social network at Harvard, and then sought to turn it into a business, the data-mining possibilities were obvious to CIA personnel. Through their cutouts, as described above, they stepped in and lent a helping hand.

Now, with Facebook/CIA presenting an anti-Trump stance, which means a pro-Hillary stance, let’s look at a fascinating piece of history involving the CIA and the other Clinton: Bill.

The source here is the explosive 1995 book, Compromised, by Terry Reed and John Cummings.

According to the authors, Bill Clinton was involved with the CIA in some very dirty dealings in Arkansas—and I’m not just talking about the cocaine flights landing at the Mena airport.

It seems Bill had agreed to set up CIA weapons-making factories in his home state, under the radar. But because Arkansas, when it comes to money, is all cronies all the time, everybody and his brother found out about the operation and wanted in. Also, Bill was looking for a bigger cut of the action.

This security breach infuriated the CIA, and a meeting was held to dress down Bill and make him see the error of his ways. His CIA handlers told him they were going to shut down the whole weapons operation, because Bill had screwed up royally. A screaming match ensued—but the CIA people backed off a bit and told Bill he was still “their man” for the upcoming 1992 run for the Presidency.

Of course, there are people who think Reed and Cumming’s book contains fiction, but John Cummings was a top-notch reporter for Newsday. He co-authored the 1990 book, Goombata, about the rise and fall of John Gotti. He exposed US operations to destroy Cuban agriculture with bio-weapons. It’s highly doubtful he would have put his name on Compromised without a deep conviction he was correctly adding up the facts.

the matrix revealed

Here, from Compromised, is an account of the extraordinary meeting, in Arkansas, between Bill Clinton and his CIA handlers, in March of 1986, six years before Clinton would run for the Presidency. Author Terry Reed, himself a CIA asset at the time, was there. So was Oliver North, and a man named “Robert Johnson,” who was representing CIA head Bill Casey.

Johnson said to Bill Clinton:

“Calm down and listen….We are all in this together. We all have our personal agendas…but let’s not forget, both the Vice President and Mr. Casey want this operation to be a success. We need to get these assets and resources in place and get them self-sustaining and prospering on their own while we have the chance. This is a golden opportunity. The timing is right. We have communists taking over a country in this hemisphere. We must all pull together and play as a team. This is no time for lone wolves…

“I’m not here to threaten you. But there have been mistakes. The Mena operation survived undetected and unexposed only because Mr. [Barry] Seal carried with him a falsely created, high-level profile of a drug runner. All the cops in the country were trying to investigate a drug operation. That put the police in a position where we could control them. We fed them what we wanted to feed them, when we wanted to feed them; it was our restaurant and our menu…now we have to shut it down….

“Bill, you are Mr. Casey’s fair-haired boy. But you do have competition for the job you seek. We would never put all eggs in one basket. You and your state have been our greatest asset. The beauty of this, as you know, is that you’re a Democrat, and with our ability to influence both parties, this country can get beyond partisan gridlock. Mr. Casey wanted me to pass on to you that unless you fuck up and do something stupid, you’re No. 1 on the short list for a shot at the job you’ve always wanted.

“That’s pretty heady stuff, Bill. So why don’t you help us keep a lid on this and we’ll all be promoted together. You and guys like us are the fathers of the new government. Hell, we are the new covenant.”

By this account, Bill Clinton was the CIA’s boy back in 1986, long before he launched himself into his first Presidential campaign.

That speaks of major planning.

Does the same CIA plan apply now to Hillary Clinton?

Is one among many threads of the project the use of Facebook?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

19 comments on “Facebook, CIA, Hillary: off the books and into the Oval

  1. n3angus says:

    According to former American Medical Association President Donald Palmisano, the basis for her plot poses an “immediate danger” to senior citizens…

    It goes against EVERYTHING our great Nation was founded on: Freedom. Liberty. The pursuit of happiness.

    It could rob you of your life-savings.

    Wreck your health.

    Even put you in an early grave.

    While Bernie Sanders…and everyone else…is focused on Hillary’s “friendship” with Wall Street…

    She’s in bed with another industry that puts me, you and everyone you love at extreme risk.

    I’m sure you remember “HillaryCare,” Mrs. Clinton’s attempt to nationalize healthcare back when her husband Bill Clinton was president.

    It was disastrous! An utter failure. And her latest scheme is 10 times worse…
    In fact, if you’re over 55, Hillary’s plot is a virtual death sentence. And it’s already being carried out.

    According to the U.S. Government’s own records, it claims an American life every 5 minutes of every day, all year long.

    Here’s the short of it…

    Hillary plans to expand and expedite a process that puts you at risk. In fact, we already know that the results of this process are dangerous… even deadly.

    And if you think anyone’s going to stop her, think again. You’ve seen her dodge and weave before Congress, time and again.

    The best you can do – the ONLY THING YOU CAN DO – is take steps now to protect yourself and your loved ones.

    In the next few minutes, I’ll reveal a corrupt political machine the likes of which this country has never seen.

    When you see the collusion, the corruption, the heartache and ruined dreams… it will make you sick to your stomach.

    But please don’t turn away, because this information could SAVE YOUR LIFE.

    In fact, I’m going to give you a specific 7-point plan to protect yourself from Hillary’s insatiable lust for power… and her unholy alliance with Big Pharma.
    This powerful 7-point plan will help take money out of Hillary’s hands and help stop her bid for the White House.

    More importantly, it could save you and your loved ones from financial ruin and even a grisly death.

    PLEASE UNDERSTAND: This is extremely time-sensitive.

    Powerful forces funded by at least three Clinton Super PACs – including “Priorities USA Action” – would love to get this information banned.

    So please listen now before it’s too late.

    Here are the FACTS:

    As you know, Hillary Clinton’s shady deals go back decades. I don’t have to remind you about Vince Foster or the travesty at Benghazi…

    But her new scheme is more dangerous than anything she has ever orchestrated.

    Her lies and hypocrisy are off-the-charts. And for innocent Americans, the results will be devastating…

    Just consider the first 2015 Democrat Presidential Campaign Debate hosted by the liberally-biased CNN.

    When asked which enemy she was most proud of, Clinton said the “health insurance companies” and the “drug companies” were her biggest enemies.


    This is classic Clinton.

    She says one thing… and does whatever SERVES HER BEST.

    While Clinton promises to protect Americans against Big Pharma and the Health Insurance companies… the truth is:

    Hillary is in Big Pharma’s back pocket!

    According to Stat News – a Boston-based political and healthcare watchdog – of ALL the candidates in the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign, including Republicans and Democrats – all 15 or so…
    Hillary Clinton is #1 on the Big Pharma hit parade!

    She’s taken MORE MONEY from Big Pharma than any other candidate, accepting donations connected to some of the most powerful drug companies on the planet, including Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson!

    And that’s just her presidential campaign…

    The Clinton Foundation has received massive donations – up to $5 million each – from Pfizer, Blue Cross, and Humana.

    To take it a step farther, Hillary is PERSONALLY in bed with Big Pharma…

    In fact, Hillary has collected a fortune from drug and insurance companies in the form of “honorariums” and speaker fees.

    For example, in June 2014, Hillary made a jaunt to sunny San Diego, where she made speech to the Biotech Industry Organization (or BIO).

    Her compensation: $335,000 for one speech.


    BIO is the world’s biggest biotech organization. They are LOBBYISTS representing Big Pharma!

    And Hillary collected nearly half a million dollars – $335,000 – for one speech!

    (That’s $335,000… for one speech!? And she claims to be “broke”? It’s outrageous!)

    Hillary wants you to believe that Big Pharma is her “enemy.” She wants you to believe that she will protect you from them.

    She wants you to believe that she’ll protect you from deadly drugs that make Big Pharma rich while killing innocent Americans.

    But there she is, lounging by the pool, rubbing sun screen on Big Pharma’s back, and pocketing more money than most folks see in a lifetime.
    All the while, innocent Americans fall victim to Big Pharma poison. One death every 5 minutes…

    Talk about conflict of interest. Talk about a scam. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    On March 13th, 2014, Hillary traveled to Orlando, Florida to make a speech to the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association.

    She was paid $225,000…

    Also in March 2014, Hillary jetted to Manhattan, where she received $250,000 to talk with Drug Chemical & Associated Technologies.

    In October 2014, Hillary collected a quick $265,000 for a speech to the Advanced Medical Technology Association (or AdvaMed).

    In February 2014, Hillary made a speech to Novo Nordisk, the $130 billion Big Pharma mammoth.

    It’s bad enough that Novo Nordisk sells Victoza, a blockbuster diabetes drug that has been linked to 300 deaths.

    But the kicker is, Novo Nordisk paid Hillary $125,000 to make a brief speech via remote satellite.

    In other words, she didn’t even have to show up! And yet, she collected $125,000 from a drug company that has killed people.

    All told, that’s $1.2 million from the world’s biggest known killers… for a measly 5 hours of “work.”
    Talk about blood money!

    It’s disgusting. Criminal! And it gets worse…

    You see, Hillary is not the only one on Big Pharma’s payroll…

    The FDA is on the take, as well. Listen to this:
    During the last four years alone, the FDA has collected $2.5 billion in payments from major drug companies, including Bristol Myers, Merck, Eli Lilly, and Pfizer.

    That’s right! The same goons that are feathering the Clinton nest.

    In exchange for these payments, the FDA pushes drugs through the approval process… flooding the market with poisons that were known to have dangerous — and even deadly — side effects.

    According to the FDA’s very own records from the past five years, over 106,000 people die each year from FDA-approved drugs.

    That’s one death every 5 minutes!

    No wonder former American Medical Association President Donald Palmisano says the Clinton Machine poses an “immediate danger” to senior citizens…

    It’s like a Cash Carousel. Round and round it goes. And everybody’s happy.

    The FDA gets rich.

    Big Pharma gets rich.

    Of course, the ultimate destination of these obscene drug profits: Hillary Clinton’s back pocket…

    And all the while, an innocent American dies from an FDA-approved drug every 5 minutes, every day, all year long.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking. And you’re right.
    This is CRIMINAL! Hillary must be stopped!

    Well, don’t count on it…

    The Clintons are very powerful. They know all the right people, in all the right places: The FDA. Wall Street. The liberal mainstream media. Radical judges who legislate from the bench.

    Of course, Clinton is only the tip of the iceberg.

    The deadly corruption runs deep, and is built on DECADES of collusion, greed, and special interest blood money.

    It will take years to undo the damage. In the meantime, a whole lot of people are going to die from FDA-approved drugs that make Big Pharma rich.
    Remember: Every 5 minutes, an innocent American dies from an FDA-approved drug.

    Beware. These drugs don’t have “poison labels” on them. They’re backed by the U.S. Government! Consequently, they appear safe, and are used by more than 30 million Americans EVERY SINGLE DAY!

    In fact, chances are good that at least one of these killers is in your medicine cabinet right now… put there by the very authorities paid to protect you.

    And here’s the worst part…

    While the FDA pushes Big Pharma’s deadly profit pills…

    A veil of secrecy is thrown over REAL CURES that could relieve your pain, ease your suffering, even save your life.
    That’s right. At this moment, incredible cures – bona-fide miracles – are being hidden in an effort that keeps the Big Pharma-FDA-Clinton Machine rolling.

  2. IMNAHA says:

    When speaking of intelligence agencies of any ilk it’s easy to forget that these entities work for SOMEONE. Certainly there are factions and factions within factions, but historically intelligence has worked for the interests of financiers and industrialists, NOT “government” as it appears; not unlike the military which appears to work for the “government”, but this perception is another illusion. It was intelligence that Rothschild used to takeover the British economy. It was intelligence that created the so called Arab Spring. As far as FACEBOOK is concerned, one must always ask “cui bono” and “quod”? (Who benefits and why).

    • a800lbgrila says:

      This is realized by whom you’re allowed to criticize. Obviously not the clintons. FB shutting down positive comments about Trump is a badge of honor.

  3. a800lbgrila says:

    For the disinformation trolls … I gave enough facts in my comment to make your superiors nervous. I also have the site drawings that were supposed to be turned in as ‘ AS BUILTS’ but weren’t. B&R TX supervisor was a drunk and very non concerned with company rules. I knew the day would come … proof. So far … I’m still alive. But then again I take massive precautions.

    • a800lbgrila says:

      This is addendum to previous comment … Sir … on your soviet tube UG base map from 73. The extension out into the pacific to sub base is just that. A sub base under island. But u think its catalina…it’s not. It’s san Nicolas island. Pretext is nature habitat n preserve. I’m the elec contractor worked for B&R n installed power upgrade running vertical in ground on west side of island 1990. U take janet flight out to island from pt. Mugu USNAS n materials for project come on barge you preloaded out of port huneme USNB. Searched for dope n recording devices prior to departure. Got to see the SR 71 on runway. Also worked at airport some. They even dropped displaying island on new maps. Their’s your evidence. My avatar is my biz card. The WM worker letter sounds correct in every detail. This is halliburton, DARPA, Rand corp, Holmes n Narver, Brown n Root, assholes. These are the big boys with nasty habits. Like sailors on liberty … LOL. Don’t fuk with them … vindictive pricks from TX.

  4. a800lbgrila says:

    a800lbgrila on this article… comments of mine are how far down the rabbit hole they’ve traveled on your dime. What a coincidence that yesterday they announce plans for an overland above ground pressurized tube that transports folks at 800 MPH in Cali. They already do this UG. Conspiracy theory gone fact. Dumb idea in earthquake country.

    • silverpen123 says:

      I ve read your comments. Your answers make little sense. I ve had to re read and muddle through trying to analyze what your points are. But I expect that with the Internet combined with poor education and sloppy thinking skills running rampant in this world these days. Maybe you can summarize what your getting at. I’m not the Grammer police but if your trying to share, it helps to use proper Grammer and sense with writing.

  5. Interesting..
    Now with CrackBook (seems more like an addiction to me than a choice, with all those visual triggers liking and disliking, gifting and notifying and schmoozing and stroking for you, bathing your brain with the right amount of approved EMF. Suck in that air, the brain needs more smart dust.) censoring the bad cadidate, and I would imagine, since I don’t use Facebook that there is a slew, possibly an ocean full of “Yeah Hillary is our man” pages, and “Yuckeeee… your gonna vote for Trump…Loseee..er!” pages.
    That would constitute a vote…hm. I mean really, Facebook has a vote, or is that many votes.

    Facebook constantly performs psychological experiments on it’s inmates. Sells the information it gathers from the little facebookers. Screwing them sideways every chance it gets.

    There are individuals in China…it’s always fucking China.. who are paid to go to Facebook pages and hit the like button. You can buy likes, individually or in packs of ten or an hundred or a thousand. Ramp up those “Likes” , so people see you in a different light. As a success or, look! All these people like me, my little Facebook page must be good. Soon it will become a crime to critisize Facebook.
    You can make a lot of money in China this way…hitting the like button.

    And also I find, Google our friendly Globalist search engine of choice has an astounding 25% of the next vote of the POTUS. Fascinating…Google owns one in four votes for President. Google is now all grown up. Marsh mallows and Rainbows …yeah for our fucking team.

    It does’nt seem like its a democracy if the game is rigged. Maybe democracy has always worked this way…oh well…were all in this together kids. Everybody drink up now…drink your rainbow KoolAid.

    These little smart gadgets are getting so fucking good, they are making those tough-little-choices-for-us-now. Progress, it’s wonderful. Bravo, what next…smart dust in the cornflakes…can’t wait!


    “Why did Google, for example, recently decide to offer free 411 service? I haven’t talked to people at Google, but it’s pretty clear to me why. It’s because of speech recognition. It has nothing to do with 411 service: it has to do with getting a database of voices, so they don’t have to license speech technology from Nuance or someone else.” – Tim O’Reilly

    …or maybe, it for another reason.

    • a800lbgrila says:

      Everybody drink up now…drink your rainbow KoolAid
      Interesting thought … when you combine all the colors you get just one … BLACK. Black is the presence of all colors indistinguishable. Black koolaid next?
      Don’t fret Barrigan finally died and now Ratner. Libtards are aging. Who’s number three … bill or hillary? You can’t bribe or extort death. You have to love the idiocy of liberals who decry war and revolutionary deaths and preach human rights that are based on the bloodiest, guillotine, revolution in world history. By denying the 800 word document of mans basic rights … human rights … the French descended into bloody chaos and Louis n Marie lost their heads. The start of the human rights versus personal rights idiocy. History repeats itself … not fast enough sometimes. Actually Louis had more funds in his coffers than the US currently does. LOL FB better watch all that intell gathering … the other side of that coin is misdirection by misinfo. Not all of us went to best n brightest summer camp … jesuits were picky and liked jocks also … we sat it out knowing the nerds wouldn’t get ahead by IQ but by cheating and employing snitches.

    • silverpen123 says:

      I agree with your assessments on facebook. (I like your words “crackbook”). I watched that and more. People getting offended because I turn down all the idiotic invites for games and kisses, etc. Then they confused being hurt with being offended. And we build a society upon being “nice” and “polite” so we don’t offend. To me, that’s a big fat balloon and I have a needle ready to pop it.
      Imagine how much marketing and propaganda is used on this concept alone, how much social engineering has free reigns because of it. I hope I offend all of them. Im the one in your face! Or go away. I’m ok either way and ready for both.

  6. Kevin Scott King says:

    Social Media is a far more powerful tool of Social Engineering than the TV. It provides manipulation of the masses at the Individual level. It allows instantaneous feedback for the controllers. It creates a map of how information spreads. And a database of who has been exposed to what propaganda. And with the information users provide to FB it allows strangers to know you better than your ‘real’ best friend. Which just makes it easier to manipulate you.

    Even though I think Google and Facebook’s stocks are over priced, nonetheless there is a reason why they are valuable. Very valuable.

  7. Ken Upal says:

    @Kevin Scott King: Talking about ‘social engineering’, how about the 2016 Zika Olympics in Rio? https://kenupal.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/the-2016-zika-summer-olympics/

    • a800lbgrila says:

      By the ending they should have a real designer virus disseminated to and in the audience to spread worldwide. See if the NWO elite attend n which events. Of course … they can afford the slow kill vaccination. Public … not so many. LOL

  8. silverpen123 says:

    It just goes to show you, high IQ markers are totally meaningless. Gaga (Wtf kind of name is that?), Mark Z and others going to specialness camp only means they are perfect drones for “specialness” as rated by a rigged and poorly developed IQ standard and CIA. I laugh at this. The IQ tests or SAT do not measure whole brain. It’s a marker for just smart enough to be dangerous and too pre occupied and blind in their arrogance to realize they can be used and then rewarded with lots of green paper. Meaningless, really.
    I laugh at the words CIA-Intelligence. Rhetoric. It’s like calling mobile phones Smart phones. Actually they are quite the opposite. Watch for marketing hidden in words. It’s quite telling.
    Smart people don’t contribute to poor thinking by being on Facebook and call it socializing or “learning” half cocked drivel.
    I’m a computer geek for 25 yrs. I try it all out. I got off Facebook when i realized it’s laden with ads, then keep changing the look and feel, forcing me to relearn the layout, as well as thst alone is indicative of monitoring more than software usability. The whole set up and social atmosphere has the look and feel of 7th graders, including the CIA, who plays 17 yr old babysitter to all the 13 yr old players.
    Google search parameters aren’t much better. It’s got it down that I’m asking shallow questions and throws out yahoo answers for unrelated search words. And just keeps at it. I have to use alt search sites with no tracking to get my answers. Smart? Laughable. I still think library reference desks are better.
    Anyway, I’m not voting. It’s never mattered before. I vote for living out of the insanity and doing what I can to make my life as peaceful as possible. GO TRUMP

    • a800lbgrila says:

      Was involved at debrief as a AW2 in 74 to 76 with national big board in almost real time SSBN mapping. Was web forerunner. But Gore wasn’t around then. LOL Also heritage customer of compuserve and used net’s cape as search engine. Back then had a 386 / 486 DX2 Tower PC. AOL was censoring zundelsite. You’ll know who your rulers are by those you aren’t allowed to criticize. Or question their motives. All zundel said was that the holocaust math and chemistry analysis didn’t add up … not even close. Those that perpetrated the myth never envisioned chemical spectrum analysis or DNA advances. Chosen .. but not for foresight or math/physics skills obviously. This also applies to FB n zukerberg. LOL

  9. henry says:

    I had an uncle (who is now dead) who was a green beret in Vietnam in 1963. He moved around the planet thru the years and ended up helping Saddam Hussein fight the Iran/Iraq war. First he would give good information to help Iraq then bad. He told me the goal was to keep the war going as long as possible to get as many people as possible to die on both sides. After about one million deaths, both sides figured the scam out and ended the war. My uncle took a certain pride that so many of the enemy died and not only did it not cost any money, the US actually made money selling weapons to both sides.

    The US intelligence services makes money off of these ‘social networks’ while getting detailed data on most of the people in America. When will the American people catch on to the scam?

  10. Deanna Clark says:

    When will the data people learn that most people change their minds, read eclectically, fib, brag, and just tease the “man”? How can the CIA or anyone else believe what’s on FB? It’s mostly ego baloney and bragging anyway.
    Henry, I’m sure your uncle believed he was a patriot. The separation between the US government and the American people wasn’t as obvious until this gadget made it crystal clear.
    A relative of mine was a chaplain in Vietnam. He brought back photos of Rockefeller gas stations to show us what we were fighting for. Of course, later he realized the truth..but.even my cynical mother thought it was about offshore oil contracts. We were so ignorant…

    • henry says:

      It is difficult for many to think any thoughts that have not been approved by the TV. We are told that the experts are so much smarter than we are that it would be a waste of time to even attempt to think for our self. Anyone who dares to try is labeled, not only stupid but, crazy and hateful. This cows the general population into submission.

      Those who join the brain washing machine often don’t know that they are repeating lies. They see the benefit of promotions and positive mentions in the media. My uncle never doubted (at least not to me) that he was doing a good thing in destroying the enemies to the United States.

      I know a number of doctors that think they are doing good by dispensing pharmaceuticals to everyone who visits them. They cannot even think that they are doing harm. That is why the vaccine truth movement is so dangerous. If the doctors even entertain the possibility that they are doing harm then the whole house of cards falls.

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