Part 2, What is The Matrix?

Part 2, What is The Matrix?


by Jon Rappoport

August 10, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Basically, the mechanical structure of the Matrix is derived from the concept that:

Everything is connected to everything.

This notion is increasingly hailed as a positive marvel. For example, in quantum entanglement, pared particles, even at great distances from each other, both react to an impact on either particle.

“Everything/connected” produces a sensation of Weave&All Inclusiveness.

It’s ultimately designed for long-term rental. The occupant is there, and there he will stay.

Feeling this Oneness is Matrix religion, and it is meant to instill a sense of the sacred. Holy, holy. The mind completes the equation: sacred=forever. It’s a ruse. “Sacred” is no more forever than listening to a Bach concerto is forever. It’s one thing to bathe in a majestic feeling. It’s quite another thing to infer it means eternal occupancy.

There are many people ready to shake your hand and embrace you and welcome you into the labyrinth, the weave, the connection of everything to everything.

People aspire to be wired into the “everything/connected” apparatus as their highest ambition—which is their primary substitute for imagination.

That they don’t realize this doesn’t make it any less true.

“I’m one atom in an infinity of atoms all connected throughout the universe, and this is what I want to feel. This is illumination and enlightenment. This is the grand essence, the final stop on the train ride.”

Well, let me put it to you in this way. Let’s say you’re an actor. You work in a repertory theater that stages 100000000000000000 plays. In each play, you have a role, a different role. You’re “connected” to each one of those roles. BUT YOU’RE AN ACTOR. That means you can inhabit a role and then take it off like a coat. It doesn’t mean you’re forever chained up to every role you play.

However, this distinction is lost on most people.

The idea of everything/connected is quite old. You can find it enunciated in ancient Egypt and China, and traces of it exist in Aristotle. It’s often arranged as a hierarchy. The “great chain of being.”

So are we talking about an architecture of the universe or a notion in the mind?


Think of everything/connected as a style of building among various possible styles.

And religion is its goal—the inducement of religious awe. That is the stage play.

People join the “everything/connected” church of the universe. They want to be in that congregation singing a song, melting down into butter.

Oh, look. There at the altar is a priest. He’s delivering a sermon. Let’s listen in:

“If you know that everything is connected to everything, could you possibly kill a whale? Of course not.”

Remember two things, though. One, you don’t need to embrace everything-is-everything to know you don’t want to kill a whale.

And two, the priest, as he’s delivering his sermon, is thinking to himself: “If I want to kill a whale, I damn well will.”

You see, when you really unpack the “everything is everything” wow, it’s not as sensational as it first seemed.. Any more than, say, the fact that every national newscast covers the same stories from the same point of view.

“I can’t believe it. ABC just did a piece on the Supreme Court, and now CBS is highlighting it, too. Let’s light a candle and kneel.”

“Everything/connected” is supposed to signal that the universe is conscious, and to boil the argument down, since universe is also so much larger than a human being walking around on a street in a city on planet Earth, he is obligated to defer to universe.

He is programmed from a young age to defer. He learns how politically incorrect it is to reject this church…


You have a choice. You can go along for the ride in Matrix, or you can imagine imagination and embark on the journey of journeys.

Artists create worlds and universes. Therefore, the idea that “The Universe” is somehow our greatest guide and mentor and gift-giver is a joke of the highest magnitude.

Most people are not up to contemplating the idea of consciously creating, much less spontaneously improvising, which involves a kind of merging with what they would create.

But for those who can grasp such an idea, the world and the universe aren’t any longer arbiters and rule makers and guides. They are inventions that are already here.

Ensuing years of research resulted in my three recent Matrix collections, of which Exit From The Matrix is most focused on practical techniques of imagination — to make your deepest desires fact in the world.

exit from the matrix

Here are the contents of my collection, Exit From The Matrix:

First, my audio presentations:















Then you will receive the following audio seminars I have previously done:

* Mind Control, Mind Freedom

* The Transformations

* Desire, Manifestation and Fulfillment

* Altered States, Consciousness, and Magic

* Beyond Structures

* The Mystery and Magic of Dialogue

* The Voyage of Merlin

* Modern Alchemy and Imagination

* Imagination and Spiritual Enlightenment

* Dissolving Stress

* The Paranormal Project

* Zen Painting for Everyone Now

* Past Lives, Archetypes, and Hidden Sources of Human Energy

* Expression of Self

* Imagination Exercises for a Lifetime

* Old Planet, New Planet, New Mind

* The Era of Magic Returns

* Your Power Revealed

* Universes Without End

* Relationships

* Building a Business for Success

I have included an additional bonus section:

* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (pdf document)

* My book, The Ownership of All Life (pdf document)

* A long excerpt from my briefly published book, Full Power (pdf document)

* My 24 articles in the series, “Coaching the Coaches” (pdf document)

And these audio seminars:

* The Role of Medical Drugs in Human Illness

* Longevity One: The Mind-Body Connection

* Longevity Two: The Nutritional Factors

(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the documents and books are pdf files. You download the files upon purchase. There is no physical ship.)

What has been called The Matrix is a series of layers. These layers compose what we call Reality. Reality is not merely the consensus people accept in their daily lives. It is also a personal and individual conception of limits. It is a perception that these limits are somehow built into existence. But this is not true.

What I’ve done here is remove the lid on those perceived limits. This isn’t an intellectual undertaking. It’s a way to open up space and step on to a new road, with new power.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

2 comments on “Part 2, What is The Matrix?

  1. marylynn80 says:

    Even though I agree that it’s easy to get trapped in the Oneness belief and then refer to new age woowoo or religion for guidance, I think it’s a spectrum of beliefs and when outright rejecting those beliefs above it’s easy to dismiss it all and go off into Nihilism. I create everyday and know imagination is real but I can’t say how, I don’t have control of it. Like Nick Newport said in Lucidology101, we create from the intent but the actual results are like a handprint in sand. We don’t know when, where or how the handprint came, but we experience the evidence of it. We experience the evidence of creating and utilizing imagination but a part of being human isn’t to see everything all at once in limited perceptual bodies, then it’s our beliefs, our subconscious, the ego that allows us to survive. Like Jon said it’s about functioning inside and outside the matrix. The goal to optimal functioning is balance, the utilizing of imagination/intuition with physically sensed primary sourced evidence.
    I think it’s dangerous to say if you believe in anything you’re limiting yourself and stuck in “Matrix” which then you could follow that train of thought to, can you even trust your own thoughts? But a line must be drawn, a personal boundary…from our physical/energy beingness to those of others and to that of the world which is interconnected to us in the form of information. There is a fine line…but we all draw a line of our boundaries in the spectrum from the Oneness dogmas to Nihilism/Satanism. This slippery slope reminds me of this very good interview about satanism and mind control from gnostic media:

  2. binra says:

    There is a misunderstanding here. The matrix is the mind that pretends to disconnect – and claims that ‘individuality’ is a power unto itself and thinks IT has and can exploit imagination at will – but becomes trapped within its own definitions in a world of separate and oppositional polarities.

    So it is not that all the separate ones or things are connected – but that they are never truly separate or disconnected from the Imagination in which they arise.
    That sense of disconnect and power over a part of the game of identifying with the character of the dream as if the dream is not Your separation experience of the Wholeness (though it hasn’t got a name because there is no one and nothing OUTSIDE to make an object of it. Or be an object to It.
    Clearly something is arising as experience and the nature of that is always an expression of what YOU are defining yourself in relation to your world. It is a dance in which the one has experience of differentiation of partial and unique perspective and Infinitely so.

    Humpty never truly fell. But the belief runs on. You don’t need to put him together again – but merely to open to the Source of your being by NOT struggling with or from a false premise and making it real for you thereby.
    There is a reintegrating movement to a fragmented sense of being and your do recognize yourself more directly, more intimately and more expansively as a result of re-alignment within who you truly are rather than struggling from a basis that is not the true of you.

    But one cannot talk this true. The experiencing of what we are as we are is part of allowing new perspective in – which indeed can be seen as a Life serving free willing creative imagination that embodies in active willingness to live from what is revealed rather than make an identity to then try to sell or validate on others. For one of the ways we do not let healing in is to run off with some of the forms of insight before we have really let them become in us.

    Nothing exists without the rest of All That Is. Give me anything that has independent existence – for there is no such thing! – yet the wish-belief to BE such a one must colour all else likewise.

    Everything – and much more than we are currently or consciously aware of is an expression or embodiment of Existence. Existence itself is dimensionless and contains infinite dimensions – which include awareness of existing – and that is where you are – whether you recognize this is what you are, or prefer to identify in your own terms. They don’t actually change what you are – but they do create a focus of experience. Your experience is not a punishment or vengeance – but such ideas have found receptivity and acceptance in your mind and so you are liable to receive or interpret in the measure you have given out.

    Show me anything you can experience that is outside your consciousness… Show me one thing you can experience that you cannot imagine… Yet you can experience an expansion of scope so as to appreciate a richer and more intimate sense of whatever it is you are accepting focus in.

    It is the ‘ego’ sense that is not connected to anything – and makes up meanings that redefine the Living into a slave or as stuff to exploit and lay to waste. This thing seeks dominion and to determine judgement and definition and control over instead of extending recognition of worth. It is a weird ‘creation’ that has no independent existence because it rides on your determination to have it your OWN way at expense of others. This is self-contradicting but seems to make sense within its own framing. But makes nonsense of who you truly are.

    It is a hopeless futility to try to create a ‘positive’ upon a negation of your self/Life and then assert that in place of who you are. But having done so – you can yield this imaged identifiction of ‘self’ to your Source and all that is true floats to the top while all that is false falls away unwanted. Why? Because you want freedom, joy, peace and the quality of love to rise freely in you because that is who you are and who you recognize yourself to be.

    What about the evil shit then?
    That which does not fall away untrue still has your allegiance and support. You are still getting something you think you want from it and even if ‘hidden in your unconscious – it remains active until you check it out and become clear instead of hiding in what used to seem to work.
    While hatred is active – love will be killed or denied – unless you move the hatred within a willingness to be healed of it . Under rage is hate and under hate is hurt. Hurt is a heart thing. It hurts in the heart. The mind attempts to displace and redistribute pain. Doesn’t work. Re vision. Look anew. Be honest with your feelings – denied feelings turn dark. It takes whatever it takes but as the silly ad says – You’re worth it… because you Exist. Not because you deserve or are unworthy in the terms you made up and believed. Because you Exist. There’s a connection that can be overlaid with narrative – but remains unchanged. And you can Feel this here and now whenever you take off you mind and be exactly this.

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